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March 23, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-23

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Heifers for Europe
ILLIONS of Europeans are trying to live The animals are inocu
on less than half the food Americans ment-inspected and shipp
. The crisis in Poland threatens to reduce table relief agency to any
average daily consumption to 1,100 cal- person designated by thet
es. Anything below 1,800 calories is a resentative of the nationa
rvation or semi-starvation diet, and the sonally delivers the heife
grage American consumes 3,500 calories a that they are received by]
V. This is a constructive
Vot only is the diet in many countries on cause it helps the hungry
tarvation level, but it is also poorly bal- it helps restore their pri
ced. Since thousands of dairy cattle were restocked with the cows a
r victims, protein food is almost entirely The farmers must promis

lated and govern-
ed through a repu-
European area or
donor. A field rep-
il organization per-
rs, making certain
really needy people.
plan of relief be-
to help themselves,
de. Farms can be
and their offspring.
e to give any extra
ly milk, to starving

There are undernourished children who
have never known the taste of fresh milk.
UNRRA was discontinued at the end of last
year, leaving these people to depend on
smaller organizations which might never get
around to the relief of their suffering.
Your chance to do something to alleviate
this situation is the "Heifers for Europe"
drive, which will officially begin on campus
tomorrow. The University Famine Commit-
tee, sponsor of the drive, is asking all houses
and other organizations for contributions to
purchase heifers which will be sent to
European farmers.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

dairy products, particular
children in the neighborh

A project like this can do more to es-
tablish brotherhood between nations than
any amount of talking done at a council
of foreign ministers. It is all very well to
preach democracy to Europe, but there
can be no receptive minds where there are
empty stomachs. We can prove to them
that what we say is not just so much
idle chatter and empty words.
The next time you go through the cafe-
teria line and try to figure out some way
of getting an extra glass of milk without
the dietitian's seeing you, remember those
children who don't know what milk tastes
like. When the time comes for your house
or group to make its donation, give all you
can and rest assured that your gift will be
appreciated by many grateful people and
that you will have helped to establish a
firmer world brotherhood.
-Ellen Mulvihill


The chances of a finesse succeeding are
fifty-fifty, unless you can place the missing
card through clues revealed by the bidding
and the fall of the cards during the play of
the hand.

A 9 8
Q 7 6 5 2
J 8 3

K 10 7 2

J 4
A. 10 3
A K 7

K Q 10 6 2
A 6
Q 10 9 5 4

S Q J 9 8 3
H 7 5 3
D K J 9 4
C 6
E-W Vulnerable, North Dealer. The bidding:
1 C 1 H 1S Pass
3 S Pass 4 S Pass
Pass Pass
No COURT ACTION for the last quarter
of a century has so dramatically divided
public school leaders and so "alerted" the
Christian world as the recent decision of the
United States Supreme Court, five to four,
approving public transportation for private
church children.
The majority focused attention not on
public expense versus private education, but
upon the social right to ride being the right
of all, not some. Here is a major difference.
The social worker, parents of the poor, the
teachers across the tracks, first generation
immigrants, the politicians who drum up
votes over the ward, and drivers who travel
the alleys before most of us are up, with the
Catholic sisters who teach the kiddies third
floor back-all such can see the justice of
this decision.
But the white collar man for whom bus
fare is insignificant, the avenue dweller
who has one child not six, the family
whose investment is in bonds not babies,
and every champion of universal demo-
cratic public education see in the decision
eventually, if not now, a division of the
educational dollar between public and pri-
vate agencies-these cannot find justice
in the inclusion of church patrons.
Inasmuch as fully 80% of all private sec-
ondary schools in the United States are sus-
tained by Catholic citizens, the debate in
editorials, lectures, and sermons, is about the
Catholic church and our public schools. Here
is a Good Friday theme just because the
Cross, a symbol of voluntary sacrifice among
Christians, gives us the perpendicular plane
cutting the horizontal one. If we will always
remember that our American democracy
thrives on the separation of church and
state, the private perpendicular love of the
human soul for God being crossed by the
public horizontal affinity of man for man,
we will understand our nation. Also, if we
will recall that the two planes divide the
functions and also the week, we will save
ourselves much emotional strain. First, pub-
lic schools using five sevenths (Monday
through Friday) of every week for education
in "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy
self." And secondly, the private church, sup-
posedly using two sevenths (Saturday and
Sunday) of every week to learn the first
commandment "Thou shalt love God with
all thy soul, might, mind, and strength." Of
course, this theory of education presupposes
that families loyally take public week day
education and on weekends engage in pri-
vate church discipline.
The major decision of the court kept its
ftatment free from motivation and relig-

West opened the Ace of Hearts and con-
tinued with the nine. East took this trick,
laid down the Ace of Spades, and exited with
his last trump. When I saw this hand played
at the East Quad the Declarer led the Ace
and Kiig of Clubs, discarding a Diamond
from his hand, and then played the Ace of
Diamonds. East showed out on the next
diamond lead and South was automatically
down one.
Declarer did not give himself a chance on
this hand. After playing the Ace and King
of Clubs he should have ruffed a Club, led
his last Heart and trumped it in Dummy,
and then ruffed the last Club in his hand.
At this point East's hand is an open book.
He has shown up with two Spades, five Clubs,
and should have five Hearts for his vulner-
able overcall, which leaves him with at most
one Diamond. The King of Diamonds should
have been played, in case East held the sin-
gleton Queen, and then the finesse could
have been taken against West with every
assurance of success.
M. R., of Stockwell, requests an explana-
tion of the San Francisco slam convention.
I found this convention used on the Pacific
coast in preference to Blackwood. Briefly,
over a 4 No Trump bid, responder shows his
Aces and Kings in one bid. If he has no Aces
he bids 5 Clubs; one Ace, 5 Diamonds; one
Ace and one King, 5 Hearts; one Ace and
two Kings, 5 Spades; one Ace and three
Kings or two Aces, 5NT two Aces and one
King; 6 Clubs, etc.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Questions and comments are
welcomed and willbe answered in this column.
Palestine Plans
JERUSALEM, March 22-A struggle which
has for some months wracked the Zionist
movement is now quietly but tensely in pro-
gress here. For the Jewish Agency Executive
now in session is attempting to plot. the
strategy to be adopted in presenting the
Jewish case before the United Nations. Two
factions within the executive are battling for
their programs.
One faction, led by the American Rabbi
Abba Hillel Silver, wants to stand pat on the
so-called "Biltmore program." This calls for
unlimited Jewish immigration into Palestine
and the elimination of all restriction on land
sales to the end that the Jews, at present
outnumbered 2 to 1 by the Arabs, should
eventually become a majority and a Jewish
state throughout Palestine should be estab-
The opposing faction, whose leader is Dr.
Nahum Goldman, close friend of the great
Zionist statesman, Chaim Weizmann, wants
to plump for the partition of Palestine into
Jewish and Arab states.
One of these programs will be chosen to
be presented to the United Nations. By the
time this is read, the issue may be resolved.
At present the betting is on Rabbi Silver.
Whichever is chosen, it will be opposed by
the Arab plan for a "democratic state"
backed by all the Arab countries.
If the Jewish state were to be more than
a travesty, it would necessarily have a large
and disaffected Arab minority. Both trun-
cated states would be so small as to be
virtually invisible. Most important, there
would be an angry reaction throughout the
Arab world, and the already sinking reser-
voir of Arab good will toward the United
States would be further drained.
Yet it is necessary to consider the alter-
native. For those who have argued against
partition have always assumed that in the
course of time, Jews and Arabs could learn
to live together. With every day of added
violence and hatred in this country, it is
becoming clear that that premise is utterly
false. No state can long survive with two

NO MORE WITH ME, by Russell Ladue
Doubleday & Co., $2.50
HERE is a young book by a young author,
and as such it has pace, dash and ex-
citement. The story, however, which con-
cerns itself with the happenings of a dis-
charged Marine during the first five days of
civilian life on his way home, is not without
ideas. The book speaks for youth-liberal
youth, but it does not preach.
Mr. Ladue creates a mood and masterfully
sustains it right down to the last paragraph.
This in itself is an accomplishment not
achieved by a good many of our so-called
leading novelists.
No More with Me won a major award in
the Hopwood contest in 1946. But unlike
many previous Hopwood novelists Mr. Ladue
has written a first book-not an only book.
-Don Thornbury
* * * *
Haien, Doubleday & Co.
ette Haien's narrative poem Rip Van
Winkle's Dream, represents a trend in the
book-sellers trade which we had thought
would have ended with the successful cul-
mination of the war. The books, which glor-
ify the American past, in the unrestrained
terms of absolute ignorance, seem to be a
menace to the evaluation of any nation by
its own people, as well as a definite stay
against the wider world view so necessary,
especially to this country today. The re-
working of the myth demands constructive
criticism, as well as eulogistic primitivism.
Even the casual reader of Crevecoeur will
unearth the division of thought that trou-
bled the colonial thinker. Yet Miss Haien
says, ". . . visions of a Free America were
In one ascent to unity
With freedom's symbol as everyman.
and implies in every word of her poem that
this is true.
Although there is at times a freshness of
language in Rip Van Winkle's Dream, which
is truly dreamlike, the cautious reader will
be distressed with the frequent use of poetic
cliches instead of original expression. We
note with horror the well-worked "soft-eyed
doe," and "rock-bound coast of New
More serious than the use of an occa-
sional trite expression is Miss Haien's con-
sistently fizzy images. The most imperative
mandate of all imagist poetry is that its
images be clear, no matter how dreamlike
they may need be. The appeal to the im-
agination must be successful. The senses,
the eye, the ear or the hand, must see, must
hear, must feel. We defy the reader to pic-
ture in any way such lines as,
The lily-punctuated monotone
Of the frog's song-
Spring in Boston and arrival fair-
Flowers abroad in the sea-swept square;
Miss Haien's verse descends often into
prose. The breaking of lines, the juxtapo-
sition of nouns, adjectives or even clauses
has never made a prose rhythm that of
poetry. The sentence I quote is ample
Housed obscurely, those frenzied
Who worked to change a settled destiny.
as is,
Thus Rip would while the early after-
noon away,
Later to wander to King George's Inn,
There to join the company of men
Who understood him best.
for this is prose, and nothing more.
The reader is apt to notice that at the end
of the poem Miss Haien has claimed of Rip
that "He had achieved a final wisdom:-"

but then neglects to give this to the reader
in word or image that can be understood.
If this wisdom were present, and the poem
contained a sincere and adequate message
there would be little reason to condemn it.
The poem needs the clearness that Miss
Haien obviously did not believe necessary.
-J. M. Culbert
by Josephine Eckert, The Dial Press, $2.75
THIS is a 1946 Major Hopwood Award win-
ner and certainly one of the better ones.
Miss Eckert, presently an instructor in Eng-
lish at the University of Missouri, has per-
formed the almost impossible feat of pre-
senting a nine-year-old boy as a human
being and not as the sentimental memory
of an'adult.
Christopher, the nine-year-old, is the son
of an author-father and a musician-mother,
a most unholy predicament at best. Christo-
pher has his problems, with his parents, with
Binkie, his poet-friend, and with himself.
The story concerns the solving of these
Never does Miss Eckert become obvious or
sentimental. The story is told with finely
modulated humor and pathos. Generally, I
dislike children, but I would like to have
known Christopher.
-Don Curto


(Continued from Page 2)
Prof. R. C. Angell, Chairman, De-
partment of Sociology. "College
and University Education for One
World," Provost James P. Adams.
Monday, 3:30 p.m., Station WP-
AG, 1050 RC. "The News and
You," Mr. Preston W. Slosson, Pro-
cessor of History.
The Modern Poetry Club. 7:30
p.m., Mon., Mar. 24, Rehearsal
Room, League. Discussion: "The
Poet's Belief."
Phi Beta Kappa. Annual2Meet-
ing, 4:15 p.m., Wed., Mar. 26, Rm.
1035, Angell Hall. Members are
urged to attend.
Open house, 7:30-10 p.m., Wed.,
March 26, Sports Building. Pro-
gram of 20 different sports.
College of Architecture & De-
sign: Seniors meet at 5 p.m.,
Wed., March 26, Rm. 101, to dis-
cuss plans for a Beaux Arts Ball.
Association of University of
Michigan Scientists: 8 p.m., Mon.,
March 24, East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Prof. Lawrence
Preuss will speak on "Voting and
other procedural questions in the
United Nations, and their impli-
cations for international control
of atomic energy." Business meet-
ing will follow.
Graduate Student Council:
7:30 pm., Mon., March 24, East
Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg.
"Plan for Peace," the Army's
new film on Universal Military
Training will be shown at Rack-
ham Amphitheatre on Thurs.,
March 27, 3:15 p.m.; sponsorship
of the Department of Visual Edu-
cation and the ROTC.


Income TaxC aut
To the Editor
[HAT incomes are cut by the
Republican Knutson reduction
$3.84 billions out of $16 billions,
1947 personal income tax:
First of all, 65 thousand men get
780.5 millions rebate.
Every man of these has a net in-
come of over $60 per working day
(not per week). Everyone gets a
rebate of $12,000, $40 for 300 work-
ing days.
Then 144 thousand men get $160
millions rebate.
Every man of this group has left
after taxes $30 per working day.
Everyone has a gift of over $900
up to $2,600 - average $1,100.
These 209 thousand above get
940 millions gift; 25 million people
under $60 per week ($3,000 per
year) get 850 millions rebate; 9
million - no income tax; 12 mil-
lion under $1500 per year net in-
These 25 millions, 120 men for'
every one that gets about $1,000
gift the 25 million get a gift of $34
on the average including 9 million
who get nothing. Knutson always
counts these as receiving 37% ben-
efit. They receive nothing and
37% of nothing is still 0, buys no
3.4 million people receive 274
millions of rebate. This group
have net incomes before taxes be-
tween $3,000 to $5,000.
1 million (950 thousand) people
receive 284 millions of rebate. This
group has between $5,000 and $15,-
000 annual net income before tax-
es. Everyone receives $284.00 gift.
The figures above are taken
from the Statistics of Income for
1942, published November 16, 1945;
but apparently not distributed be-
fore 1946.
The infamous Ruml, that min-
ion of the wealthy, talked about
the workmen. In the rebate of 7
to 8 billions the working man
whom Ruml continually mentioned
got about 1 billion but the wealthy
-above $5,000 net income - re-
ceived 6 to 7 billions.
The ten billions given largely to
the wealthy would give every fam-
ily in America 2 quarts of milk
every day for two years. The pre-
sent reduction would furnish milk
not only to all the Hottentots for
many months, but to all the in-
habitants of Africa.
A cut of all taxes on incomes
below $2,000 would have cut off
half the income tax payers sav-
ing millions of dollars of expense
of collection.
-Louis C. Karpinski
Deplores Stand
To the Editor:
Open Letter to
Senator Arthur Vandenberg:
YOUR name and the UN have
been almost synonymous since
the inception of the organization.
On the basis of this, I was both
shocked and dismayed to read your
comment supporting President
Truman's deplorable stand on the
Greece-Turkey situa ion. Your
November election slogan pro-
claimed "The world listens to the
man from Michigan." I do not
think the world has been pleased
with what it has heard the past
few days. I see no possible justi-
fication for the President's speech,

and I see even less justification for
your support of this action.
You have been emphatic in
your statements that spheres of in-
fluence, power blocs, and cordon
sanitaires are and have in the past
been impracticable. Our unilateral
action, or proposed action in
Greece can be called nothing else
than power politics, if not clear-
cut imperialism. The by-passing
of the World Bank and the UN
Security Council in this matter'
was rationalized away in President
Truman's speech. If we are sin-
cere in our professed aim of mak-
ing the UN an effective sovereign-
ty, let us now take a concrete step
toward that goal by referring the
problem to the appropriate agen-
cies of the UN, and by following
up this action with the acceptance
and full support of the decision of
the UN.
A great number of my student
friends are deeply perturbed over
the proposed action. They re-
member the pre-war, British-pup-
pet Metaxas regime, they remem-
ber theabrutal cruelty of the Brit-
ish toward the EAM, and they are
fully aware that the present gov-
ernment of Greece is far from
democratic. That Turkey is much
closer to being fascistic than dem-
ocratic, there is no doubt. In view
of all these factors, I should like
to register a vehement protest
against both the recent speech
and the proposed action.
Communism will not be checked
by reaction: reaction is its mother.
Our blundering support of the vi-
cious Chiang; our undemocratic
treatment of the Hukbalahaps in
the Phillipines; our outright usur-
pation of the Pacific Islands:
our vacillating on the Franco
problem; our questionable de-nazi-
fication of the U. S. German zone;
our witch-hunting in the states;
and now our stand regarding
Greece-all these things are not
in effective program for the pro-
motion of democarcy.
Let us, instead of negativism,
nut forth a vital, progressive posi-
tive program based on solid dem-
ocratic principles. Let us disso-
ciate ourselves from all traces of
cooperation with fascist cliques
and governments. There is dan-
ger, much danger from the Right,
too. This is not the time for con-
servatism, not the time for the
preservation of balances of power
and the status quo-now is the
time for progressive, cooperative
We citizens of Michigan and of
the world look to you for just such
a program.
-William L. O'Neill
Hare Plan Theory
To the Editor:
WISH to disclaim entirely the
incredibly garbled "explanation"
of the Hare plan which appeared
under my name on the back page
of yesterday's Daily. A reading
of that supposed "clarification"
could only add to the confusion
which seems to exist on this sub-
The Daily's space limitations
prevent me from including a cor-
rect explanation in this letter; but
in a subsequent letter or letters
I shall try to dispel some of the
Probably someone will write a
letter complaining that a system
which requires more than 300
words to explain can't be much

Members interested

in thel

good. I would be the first to de-
clare that the theory of the Hare
plan is complicated. The real test
of a system, however, is not the
ease with which it can be explain-
ed but the effectiveness with'
which it operates. Judged by its
results, the Hare plan is a marked
advance over previous systems be-
cause it is more sensitive to the
exact wishes of the electorate, and
because it is the only system yet
proposed which gives fair repre-
sentation to all groups, organized
and unorganized, large and small,
in proportion to their numbers.
The Hare plan was hailed by John
Stuart Mill as "among the very
greatest improvements yet made
in the theory and practice of gov-
ernment". The principal obstac-
cle to its more widespread adop-
tion has been the refusal of the
electorate to take the trouble to
understand it. We incorporated it
into the Student Legislature Con-
stitution because we felt that col-
lege students would be willing to
do a little arithmetic in ordet' to
benefit by the advantages of fair
representation in the Legislature.
--Bob Taylor
Chief Teller
Student Legislature
Worth a Thousand'
To the Editor:
IN RE: the front page picture
of Miss Sonia Drews (3/19/47).
Thank you for a most inspiring
sight. As Confucius said. . one pic-
turd is worth a thousand words.
-Edward Tumin.
Sense of Guilt
PERHAPS you can help us in
the :following problem: What
is the procedure-what forms are
used-to what office does one for-
ward cash payments to the Vet-
erans' Administration?
Maybe we had better clarify
this question. We have been fol-
lowing closely the Letters to the
Editor section of The Daily, in
particular, those articles pertain-
ing to the increase in the subsis-
tence allowance. After perusal we
are left with such a feeling of
guilt that it is only with the great-
est reluctance that we open the
brown windowed envelopes which
arrive (more or less) regularly
around the first (more or less) of
the month from the Federal Re-
serve Bank in Cleveland.
As a result of these articles we
no longer have the impertinance
to cash these checks for fear of
rebuke from the bank teller-we
have been sending our wives.
Therefore, if you could tell us
where, we feel we should return
a certain percentage of the month-
ly subsistence to the V.A., so that
we may arise in the morning here
in Soot Hollow without the deep
sense of guilt that has surrounded
us since reading the current con-
tributions to the Editor's Page.
-H. V. Naley Jr.
-J. W. Rigoni

"Good heavens! I'd swear I heard one of the pieces groan!"
Letters to the Editor...

American Society of Mechanical
Engineers Field Trip to the United
States Rubber Company in De-
troit, Wednesday afternoon, March
26, please sign ride list on ASME
bulletin board near Rm. 231, W.
Eng. Bldg., before Tuesday noon,
March 25.
Phi Kappa Tau: Meeting 7:15
p.m., Mon., March 24, Union, pre-
ceded by dinner at 6:30. There
will be two Alumni from Detroit
and a number of rushees. The
rushees' meals are on the house.
If you know of a prospect, bring
him along. All members are urged
to attend.,
T.A.S. invites the A.S.M.E.,
S.A.E., A.S.C.E. and anyone in-
terested to a film and lecture on
the development, design, construc-
tion,nand flightatesting of the
Phantom, new Navy jet fighter,
built by McDonnell Aircraft Co.,
at 7:30 p.m., Tues., Mar. 25, Mich.
Square Dancing Class. Spon-
sored by the Graduate Outing
Club, 7:45 p.m., Tues., Mar. 25,
Lounge, Women's Athletic Bldg.
Everyone welcome. A small fee
will be charged.
Conversation Group, Sociedad
Hispanica, Mon., March 24, 3:30-
5 p.m., International Center.
Inter-faith Workshop, Student
Religious Association, cordially in-
vites all students to attend a meet-
ing to study and visit the Roman
Orthodox church, 7:30 p.m., March
25, Lane Hall.
Ball and Chain Club. Russian
Tea Room, Michigan League.
First Presbyterian Church. 10:45
a.m., Morning Worship. Lenten
Sermon by Dr. Lemon, "Blessed
Reversals." 4 p.m., Chancel Choir
will present' Haydn's "Creation"
Following this Westminster Guild
meets in the Russel Parlor for the
program - "Seeds of Destiny."
Supper follows.
University Lutheran Chapel
Services, 9:45 and 11 a.m. Sermon
by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Per-
severing with Pious Patience."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club. Supper meeting, 5:1
p.m., at the Student Center.
Lutheran Student Associatioit.
5:30 p.m., Sunday, Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. Supper, 6 p.m. Pro-
gram will follow. The Rev. Henry
0. Yoder, student pastor, will
speak on "The Christian Home."
Bible hour, 9:15 a.m. at the Cen-
ter. Worship services, 10:30 a.m.,
both Zion and Trinity Lutheran
First Unitarian Church. 10 a.m.,
Adult Study Group and Church
School. 11 a.m., Service of Wor-
ship. Sermon by Edward H. Red-
man, "Which is Niemoeller-Saint
or Sinner?" 5:30 p.m., Vesper Ser-
vice. Sermon: "What About Pray-
er?" 6:30 p.m., Student Group
Supper and Discussion. A. K.
Stevens on "Labor's Community
First Church of Christ, Scien-
tist, 409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:-
30. Subject: "Matter."
Sunday School at 11:45.
Wednesday evening service at
8 p.m.
Friends. 4 p.m., 3rd floor, First
Presbyterian Church. All friends
and visitors are invited to come.



Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editoral Staff
Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
'Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Mary Brush...........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor
Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor
kJack;; Martin ............ Sports Editor
Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork.........Business Manager
Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively


Pop. I've got something to

He has no place to stay. Would
it be all right if he slept in


We'd be delighted

i I . . I

How hospitable- How gracious of
him to extend such a heartfelt



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