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March 22, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-22

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TIM, imicificAi ; r.

* '% ATYAMAV, f '

Ir. Henry To Ask Officials
Fe-ort'AYD ('riiiesinl

~1~T MT HU~A TLTTX- ,.aaa ~ A.. ,raU-1. AAA11.A iiR. I


Dr. David D H-enry, president
of Wayne University, said yester -
day that lie will go to the justice
department and to thne State Sen-
ate investigating committee for
further information on the Amer-
iean Youth for Democracy.
"Because of confusion on this
issue, we are seeking information
to determine whether or not we
...... would be justified in asking the
local chapter of AYD to disasso-
ciate itself from affiliation with
Taytor Gives
Explantation of
Votin si
Confusion over a report that 10
per cent of the valid ballots in
the Student Legislature election
were discarded because of "in-
sufficient preference" was cleared
up yesterday by Bob Taylor, Chiief
Teller in the vote count.
The election committee did not
invalidate any ballots at the be-
ginning of the counting because of
insufficient choices, Taylor said.
Yet a ballot indicating as many
as 15 choices may have been "dis-
carded" after many redistributions
"because all of the candidates
voted for had already been either
elected or eliminated,"
Misinterprettion or [lire ph rase
"insufficient preerence' had led~
student Malcolm Mac Gregor and
others to demand a statement ex-
plaining the phrase in letters to
The Daly.
Taylor explained that "every
properly stamped ballot, regard-
less of how many choices are in-
dicated" is counted for its first
choice on the first tally. "When a
candidate receives the necesary
quota of ballots (inl this case 108,
exactly ti nt ri, rn be' o ballt
coming to that candidate acre e
distributed accordinp to their niex
A ballot for a winning candi-
date will stay in his pile perma-
nently if it happens to be one of
those 108 needed to elect him. But
if none of the voter's choices have
the necessary 108, or if by chance
ail of his choices receive enough
votes to win without his ballot, it
will be discarded, Taylor said.
The Legislature employs the
Hare "PR" system of Proportional
Representation, wv h i c h, it is
claimed, gives fuller repesenrta-
tion 'to large minority groups
'which under the ordinary "a-
jority rule'' procedure hrave little
voice in government.
Slog artContest
Is Open zLo AllI
SAny student or Ann Arbor resi-
ent may enter the Michigras
~logan contest, Jack Harlan, of the
M1!ichigras committee, said yester -
AA prize will be awarded to the
person submitting the best slogan
"by April 4, Harlan said. Etries
will be judged by the Michigras
,central committee and the slo-
gan chosen is to be used in pub-
' Acizing the carnival.
'"We want a short, cath y slo-
gan to remind peoplel of our car-
"Xival," Harlan declared. Th e'4 7
Michigras will be presented Ap~il
25 and 26 in Yost Field house.f
Entries in the contest may fea-
ture any aspect of the "Michigan

the state and national organiza-
tions," lhedeclared.
State Funds Necessary
President Henry said that his
university was "on guard" against
having freedom of learning and
inquiry and of civil rights of stu-
dents as individuals and in groups
used for political purposes.
He said also that an effort to
block state expenditures on build-
ings projected for Wayne Univer-
sity until the American Youth for
Democracy is banned would be
at astrophic.''
"Approximately 3000 additional
wl udents, the majority of them
veterans, have been admitted to
the Unriversity on the basis of tie
Stat e's commitment to build a
,lassroorn ial ascience 1bui lding
hee' ie said.
No IsvidencecPresented
"The educational welfare of
over 15,000 students, as well as
the future of students now seeking
admission. would be .jeopardized."
He added that it was dificult
or him to believe tha t the invest-
;ating committee arrived at con-
jlusions about. Wayne University
withlonut.takinig the testimony of
(-eprisetat ive tuldents 4 and(taff
"Up to this point," he said,
neither the Senate committee nor
local and state police authorities
?nave furnished evidence that the
io(a cihapter' of AYD or aty other
tudtent group hnns been subversive
ii even i violtt in of tJ mmiversi ty
V'U Arrantges
Onistate Talks
The number of outstate le-
tures arranged by the University
:tensiumi service may reach 500
ade ore the current (demand for
sijakders dros off in ju e, it. was
alltti iurcd Yesterdtay by Miss
Boessy I mci rein, di rector of the
lecture service.
These lectures arc delivered by
University faculty members and
are scheduled by the extension
service in response to requests for
speakers from various civic and so-
-ial clubs throughout the state.
'The lecture service was the first
department of the extension serv-
ice to be established, and has been
in operation over twenty-five
l eqtuests for speakers usually
I miror the current events of the
liay, Miss Hiochrein said, pointing
)l. that right now history and po-
litic'al science lectures are in great
demand. Other popular topics are
rli~d guidance, travel, dramatic
Criticism, art, and speech co-
The lecture service also sched-
uIles lcctures by international stu-
dents at the University, as well as
mnusic recitals by faculty mem-
bers of the music school and the
University glee clubs.
111 Stook Mectinty
Interest shown in the "simulat-
ed stockhclders" meeting to be
held Thursday in the Union Ball-
room has made it necessary to
print admission tickets.
''ickets will be issued free on re-
quest to business students and
then to others within the limit of
thie 500 seating capacity of the
James Ford Bell, chairman of
the board at General Mills, will,

Mia ny Campuis
.ivGropjs A u/ 1,1
Ileifer Drive
Needy Europeans
To Receive Livestock
Several campus organizations,
including Collegiate Sorosis, Helen
Newberry Residence, Canterbury
Club and the Congregational-Dis-
ciples Guild, have already sent in
their pledges for the "Heifers for
Europe" drive which will off i-
cially begin Monday, Seymour
Goldstein, chairman, announced
The money collected during the
drive, which is part of a national
movement sponsored by the Breth-
ren Service Committee, will be
ised to purchase two-year-old
heifers and send them to needy
farmers in Europe. The heifers,
which cost approximately $160,
are inoculated and government in -
spectedI anrd shi pped tro g a
reputable relief agency to any des-
ignated area or individual. Field
representatives assure thec donors
that the( animals will be received
by really needy farmers.
These farmers promise t, give
any extra milk to children and
tihe new calves to other farmers in
the community. This provides
thein with the opportunity for re-
stocking their farms.
The government has become
aware of the conditions prevalent
in Europe following the discon-
tinuance of UNRRA and there is
a $3,000,000,000 oan bill for relief
before Congress now, Seymour S
Goldstein, president of the Univer-
sity Famine Com mvtte, said. How-
ever, until this bill is massed, these
suffering people must rely on such
things as the heifer project to re-
lieve their condition, he said.
TIhe recent food crisis in Poland
threatened to reduce average
daily consumption to 1,100 calories
per day, any anything belof 1,800
calories is a starvation or sem-
starvation ie(li, and Poland is not.
an isolated ase, Goldstein said.
Trumpet Trio
Will Give Solo
The Michigan Concert Band
will feature the Trumpet Trio,
playing "Triplets of the Finest"
by Henneberg, in a program at
8:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Au-
Dorothy and Margaret Bossca-
wen and Mary Kelly, all wind in-
strument maj ors, comprise the
trio. The Boscawens met Miss
Kelly soon after entering the Uni-
.'er ity, and the three have since
~ppeared in band concerts to-
zetlier both on campus and on
tours. They were included in this
year's Varsity Night program.
The Bosscawen sisters, who live
in Mishawaka, Ind., have done a
variety of radio and professional
work as a cornet duo, Miss Kelly,
who comes from MCook, Neb.,
won national championships in
1940 and '41 for her cornet play-
Compositions which the trump-
Aers have offered in concerts in-
°dude "Bolero," "Three Jlacks,"
'Three Trumpeters" and "Fl irta -
Percy Jones Veis
To Hear lBroadleasi
Wounded veterans at Percy
Jones Hospital will hear a special
broadcast of the concert to beI
given by the full Michiga Con-
cert Band Tuesday in the Ann J.

Kellogg Auditorium, Battle Creek.j
'The First Movement of Cesar
Franck's "Symphony in D Minor"
has been arranged by Vernon Ma-
lone especially for the University
musicians. Malone is conductor
of public school and municipal
bands in Virginia, Minn.
He has also arranged the Third
Movement, "Grape Festival," of
Italian Sketches" by Gallois. The
University Concert Band will be
the first university group to play
Colors of the commercial
sponge, when alive, range from
yellowish gray to coal black.

P UOR ESfiwmi




PIPE S C UL PTU R E - Robert L~. Marxman (right)
watches Sculptor Jo D~avidson put finishing touches on a clay
model for a uniqjue pipe design. It's a self-portrait.

75 MILES ON GAIJON OF (GASOLINE-Thie"Scoot-maobile" whicl, s l 'jxaj tilt uiiaygs
o l eti i t a u k t f a n i A r m c y b o m b e r , i s d i - , p l a y e d a t ( ' r m i n m a , m i i . . ! i1 ( I . t o t i uta ; v t ft~ ( V ~ , i 1 " r i l l r , t n l L s e l o ' ' p o 1 i ~ ~ ~ : 1 lw., , i a im A n e r o n , i n v e n t o
marvket, tlt' vehic'le'fm- $350, Main]t tine'three-wheel er is ew tahle of' 75 uci~idsrn:) lttmof g.tIiic.at
40 Ymiles pemrrhou r on its airplane wheels. Autonm:ut iv Shift, Ikilcre a c tiil-re' t-r baksiicca e
t1 cal' eRimS'Siafli( al Iighlilihs.

I N H OG A N ' SALLY.i'j..,aMn tx'lb
m, Many Stropt, peers ai'oid a (Exs r ,;E o ?hga's l- "to
sir(!upinhis i.- chnceis m a Lo s An.le; ct 'io

L 0 0 K W [1 0' S L 0 5S7 T A sad-eyed, 90-pound St. Bernard is registered by Jacqueline
Vail At the C hi(;:;;o Animal Welfare League after police found the giant lost in a park. :l~ppi gigs
On the collar led to an express company which located the owner.


Miarui U..ras" wncliwill inclueaprsdovrtem tigawhc
parade through Ann Arbor andprstudetsovrtbe mperittedttohask
the campus, a ferris wheel and stdnswl epritdt s
other carnival concessions, and! questions and to enter into discus-
game, side-show, and refreshment 1sionis.
booths sponsored by campus resi-I
~ Those entering the contest may ,(
mail their slogans to Harlan at 1{f ore Teachers' Croup
548 S. State St. or put thenm in' Dr. Edward T. Calver, of the
the WAA box in the League Uan- English department, will speak
dergraduate Office for' the Michi- today before the Macomb County'
,gras Committee. Teachers' Association in Mt.
Clemens, Michigan, on "Prepara-
Evaporation from the surface of! tion for College English," the Eng-
the Great Lakes varies from 201lish department announced yes-
to 30 inches a year.i terday.

CITIR US PRINCESS -- Mary Anne Smoot, Well-known I (oliywood
starlet, adds to the reader interest of a batch of 'I'exas orang-es
during recent health F~rom Fruit juice Week festivities at Which
Miss Smoot wvas elected tueen.

'VI EN N E SE S C RA1tMBL E F OR CO0A L ...Womnen and young k ys .arble for bits
of coal oni a street in Vienna, seeking relief from thme severe weatlier twhtich caused r tafri.


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S The New. ALL New ,.
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