FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1947 x Red Cross Drive IN VIEW OF THE limitation on the number of campus charity drives imposed by the recently created Campus Chest, it will re- main for the individual student to decide the extent of his aid in the current American Red Cross Drive. Stated briefly, the Student Legislature, in its creation of the Campus Chest, con- cluded that all charity drives suffered as a result of the large number that have existed on campus in past years. Student antagonism ran high as a result of the continual dunning for contributions, and even the most worthy campaigns suffer- ed from the general campus indifference that resulted. The Legislature, attempting to reduce the number of drives, eliminated those which did not largely depend upon student sup- port, and to which Americans everywhere Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: MILT FREUDENHEIM contributed. After this cut, five drives re- mained: the World Student Service Fund, the Galens Christmas Drive, the Goodfellows sale, the University Fresh Air Camp and Famine Relief. These were all grouped un- der the Campus Chest and, for the time be- ing at least, will be the only campaigns to receive legislative approval and support. In future years, it is hoped, the Campus Chest may be expanded to include other charity drives. More specifically, there will be no organ- ized drive on campus to enlist student sup- port of the Red Cross. A number of stu- dent residences and the Willow Village dorms have been canvassed, but contribu- tions by most students must be made on an individual basis. There can be no doubt of the worthi- ness of this great humanitarian service organization. Its functions in war and peace are too well recognized to need re- counting. It deserves the greatest possible support. Student contributions will be accepted by Mr. C. M. Thatcher in the Office of Student Affairs. --Robert C. White Karl Marx Controversy THE FACT that three of the five officers of the newly-formed Karl Marx Society are students in the business administration school is to be hailed rather than decried by capitalists and Communists alike, pro- viding, of course, that these officers and the people who elected them were seriously in- terested in studying Marxism and were not prankishly railroading the election. If the latter is the case, the action of the business administration students who at- tended the organizational meeting Wednes- day night is reprehensible, but the effect will be scarcely permanent, for officers and members not seriously interested in study- ing Marxism will soon drop out of the group. The fact remains that Marxism, as one of the two great political and economic forces in the world today, merits the grave attention of college students-business ad- ministration students included-who, as the leaders of tomorrow, should have a know- ledge of Communism bounded Uy more than hearsay, press reports, and often-superficial study in the classroom. - The problems of capitalism versus Communism must still be solved by a working knowledge of both rath- er than by prejudice and mass hysteria. -Arthur Higbee Filpeino Concession AMERICAN imperialism took another big step forward in the Philippines last week. Dependent upon tariff-free trade with the United States to provide a favorable balance of trade to make possible the reconstruction of their war-torn nation, the Filipino people have been forced to grant special concessions to American businessmen which make a mockery of their recently granted indepen- dence. Before the war 80 per cent of all Philip- pine exports went to the United States tar- iff free. To aid our former protege to re- build a destitute land and establish a sound ITSO HAPPENS ... 0 Das Capitalists Reactionary Backspacers WE NOTE by the Detroit papers that business administration school mem- bers of the newly-organized Karl Marx So- ciety speak of studying "the conservative side of Marxism". Perhaps it was this statement, interpreted in terms of Trotsky, Lenin, ad infinitum that drove an unknown hero to leave this gem in a Publications Building. typewriter: "Typewriters of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your backspacers ..." Form 16-51211-1, USOPO 0UR MOST RECENT encounter with the fabled Washington red tape came with the mail this morning. It was a Govern- ment publication we'd ordered, replete with a note from the Superintendent of Docu- ments listing seven symbols as reference to the code employed in filling the order. Just because that's the kind of guy we're, we checked our letter. It was marked in red pencil, ordinary pencil, rubber stamp, and cash register notation (one of those little purple "0.35" affairs you get from grocery stores). Closer examination indicated that ac- cording to the code the publications enclosed included "University of Michigan . . .Stu- dent Publications Building . . . Ann Arbor Michigan" and "Milton Freudenheim Edi- torial Director" as well as the directory we'd ordered. What's more, our letter was clear- ly marked "C"' which means they were "un- able to identify the publication from the information furnished". Our reaction is spiteful. We've got the pamphlet, and we don't care whether they know it or not. The Little Atom Laughed WE ARE DEEPLY grateful for two jokes placed on our desk, unsigned, with the legend, "Freshman Chemistry Textbook Competes with Gargoyle, Publishes Humor Besides Minding Its Hydrates and Ion Con- economy, Congress, with a noble gesture, passed the Bell Bill which extended tariff- free trade for eight years and provided a five per cent application of duties for the following 20 years. Then somebody threw in the joker. Con- gress, in the same bill, injected a "parity" clause which insisted that American bus- inessmen be granted extra-territorial rights in the Islands. To secure the vitally need- ed free tariff provision, the Filipinos had to amend their constitution to permit Amer- icans equal rights in the development, utili- zation and exploitation of all natural re- sources and public utilities. The Philippine constitution, which was amended by the plebiscite, provided that 60 per cent Filipino capital must be invested in corporations ex- ploiting natural resources or operating pub- lic utilities to insure Filipino control over its economy. This velvet-gloved threat provides that the U.S. can suspend any part of the Bell Bill, namely the tariff free imports clause, if any American is discriminated against. Thus by legislative action we are dictating policy to another "'sovereign" nation. In practice this can very well meanathat the Filipinos will have practicaly nothing to say about the uses to which their resources are put by their "former" masters. Far from gaining prestige for America, this subtle type of imperialism serves both to alienate the people of the Philippines and Asia was well as being a forceful repudiation of our support of the United Nations Char- tel'. While newspapers of the caliber of the New York Times editorially exclaim that the "overwhelming affirmation for the so-called 'parity amendment'" is an "evidence of po-±' litical maturity," they conveniently fail to explain that only a minority of the Philip- pine electorate actually voted on the amend- ment. The vast bulk of them, lead by form- er President Sergio Osmena, abstained as a silent protest against what Osmena has called a "curtailment of Philippine sover- eignty" and a "virtual nullification of in- dependence." Our action has left the Philippines in a ticklish situation. Now that Americans have procured extra-territorial rights the way is open for any nation to demand the same rights for its nationals. Let any nation do so and our whole position in the Islands will be totally undefensible. Yes, American capital call now enter the Philippines on its own terms. The cost of our action will be measured only in the fil- ture, in terms of its derogatory effect on American prestige, the success of the UN, and the future of world peace. -Ton Walsh KOREA IS seething with unrest. United States army intelligence officers are frankly worried and have warned the Amer- ican command of possible violent demonstra- tions in the near future. Numerous factors are contributing to this explosive situation. People are beginning to feel the pangs of hunger as the food crisis forces prices sky- Ptes TURKISH gentleman, born on the Eu- phrates River, came up to the office the other afternoon to express concern over what he called throwing American billions into the Asia Minor "furnace". A graduate of the University in 1920, he said he believes that the campus is unaware of the historical ,implications of the pro- posed U.S. loan to Turkey. A rally on camp- us at which professors would supply the missing information was his solution. Among the points which, he feels, we should remember before taking over for "the Britishers" in the' middle eastern hot- spot are these: Seven imperially-minded nations before us which were "burnt" when they pushed their ambitions in the fertile crescent were the ancient Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, "and even the Germans". Of these, the first two disappeared in the course of the attempt. Of the twelve peoples in Asia Minor at the time of Christ, only the Greeks, Armen- ians and Jews survive, he says. Our visitor added that after World War I when American investors considered Asia Minor, the elder Henry Morgenthau advised against it. Today, he says, the lure of our money is so great that he believes "Turkey would fall into the American lap" without any loan. Historically, he says, the only successful alternative to war over the strategic middle east has been the "sphere of influence" solu- tion. He believes that some such division of the middle east into Russian and Ameri- can spheres is inevitable. Why waste these billions now and risk a third world war? he asks. We noted the gentleman's name as pre- caution against any charges of having in- vented him, and thanked him. He left us deep in the exotic connotations of Babylon and wondering where the mean comes be- tween isolationism and imperialism. -Milt Freudenheim MATTER OF FACT: Palestine Policy By STEWART ALSOP BAGHDAD, March 20, There is one issue on which both the William Z. Fosters and Colonel Robert R. McCormicks of Iraq agree. That is the Palestine issue. Arabs of every shade of political opinion, from con- servative pro-British Foreign Minister Jam- ali to Aziz Sharif, leader of the Leftist pro- Soviet Peoples' Party, unite in expressing violent, bitter and apparently deeply felt opposition to the creation of a Jewish controlled state in Palestine. According to those who ought to know, this in- transigent opposition is duplicated in ev- ery one of the Arab states. Whatever one's private sympathy for the Zionist ideal, that is an element in the Middle Eastern situa- tion which it would be plainly foolish to disregard. It is becoming increasingly clear that American policy in this vital area can not be conducted by means of slogans, however pleasing to the American ear. What is need- ed is a clear-headed, unemotional assess- ment of the real American interest in terms of the actual situation. For six weeks, this reporter has been asking the most exper- ienced American observers for such assess- ments. What follows is an attempt briefly to synchronize their replies. First, it is flatly impossible to isregard the fact that a world-wide contest, of which the United States and the Soviet Union are the chief protagonists, is now in progress. The obvious ambition of the Soviet Union to expand south makes this whole area one of the focal points of this contest. Second, despite the loud cries of the Bri- tish pro-Soviet left, the inescapable econo- mic and geographical facts make the British an American ally in this contest, and since they are a valuable ally, it is evidently to the American interest that they remain a strong ally. Yet both political and economic pressures in England are forcing the British drastically to reduce their commitments in this area. Unless the Americans fill the re- sulting power vacuum, the Soviets will sure- ly do so. What is needed is a firm Anglo-Ameri- can agreement for an over-all political and economic program for this entire re- gion. The objective of this program should be to raise the living standards of the people, rather than to perpetuate western influence through the medium of a small ruling class. Finally, the problem of Palestine must be considered as part of the whole Middle East- ern situation, and must be settled in that context. Moreover, the United States must forego the luxury of yelling advice from the side lines and must be prepared to take its share of responsibility. The United States, to put it crudely, must put up or shut up. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) (CoA' j'1 ed from Page 3 i who have filed applications for the Terrace Apartments prior to; March 20, 1947 should not apply again since the applications are being processed in terms of the above qualifications. Mathematics Seminar on Com- plex Variables: Sat.. March 22, 10 a.m.. Rm. 3011, Angell Hall. Mr. Hansen will speak on the Schwarz- Christoffel mappings. Wildlife Management Seminar: 4:30 p.m., Mon., March 24, Rm. 2039, Natural Science Bldg. Mr. H. D. Ruhl, Chief of the Game Di- vision, Ccnservation Department, will speak on Techniques and Problems of Administrating Gamne Work in Michigan. All students in the field of Wildlife Manage- ment are expected to attend and anyone else interested is cordially invited. ('Oncerts University of Michigan Concert Band, William D. Revelli, Conduc- tor, will present its annual Spring Concert at 8:30 p.m.. Wed., March 26, Hill Auditorium. Program: Compositions by Darcy, Franck, Henneberg, Wagner, DeFalla, Rimsky - Korsakov, G a 1 ltis, Strauss, Gould, Grofe, and Steiner. The general public is invited. Organ Recital: David Craighead organist of t h e Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, California, will appear as guest organist at 4:15 p.m., Tues., March 25, Hill Auditorium. Program: Composi- tions by Dupre, Pecters, Franck, Loeillet, Mozart, Bach, Vierne, Beach, Reger and Willan. The gen- eral public, with the exception of small children, will be admitted. Student Recital: Emil Raab, student of violin under Gilbert Ross, and concertmaster of the University Symphony Orchestra, will be heard in a recital at 8:30 p.m., March 23, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mr. Raab will be accom- panied at the piano by John Wheeler, in a program of compo- sitions by Mozart, Glazounow, Schubert, Dohnanyi, Boulanger, and Saint-Saens. The public is cordially invited. Chemists and Chemical Engi- neers: Mr. E. D. Wilby and Mr. J. M. Mcllvain of the Atlantic Refining Company, Philadelphia Division, will be at our office Tues- day and Wednesday, March 25 and 26, to interview chemists and chemical engineers. Call the Bu- reau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371 for an appointment. Attention Engineers--Mechani- cal, metallurgical, chemical, elec- tricl, civil, and industrial: Any men graduating in June who are interested in the Bethlehem Steel Company, Inc. are asked to call immediately at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall for further information. Lectures Dr. Julius Held, professor of Fine Arts at Barnard College, will give an illustrated lecture on "So- cial Aspects of Early Flemish Art," at 4:15 p.m., Friday, March 28, Rackham Amphitheatre. The pub- lic is cordially invited. Auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. School of Business Adminis- tration-George L. Schmutz of North Hollywood, California,lec- turer and author, will speak on the subject "Appraisal Problems in Today's Market" at 8 p.m., Mon., March 24, in the large lee- ture room. Rackham Bldg. A question and answer period will follow the lecture. The public is cordially invited. A Cademic NotiCes English 32, Section 2, 2039 N. S., will not meet Mon., March 24. -C. H. Peake Biological Chemistry Seminar, Rm. 319, W. Medical Bldg., 10 a.m., Sat., March 22. Subject: "Some Phases of Purine." Student Recital: John Wolaver. pupil of Joscph Brinkman, will be beard in a piano recital given i partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m. Mon., March 24. Rackham Assembly Hall. Pro- gram: Sonata in A major by Schubert, and Sonata in B-flat major, Op. 106 by Beethoven. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Merrie June Heetland, soprano, will present a, recital at 8:30 p.m., Tues., March{ 125, Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Andrew White, Miss Heet-, land will sing groups of Italian, German. French, Spanish, and. English songs. The general public is invited. Events Today I University Radio Program: 2:30 p.m., Station WJR, 860 Kc. "Stump the Prfessor." 10:45 p.m., Station WJR 760 Kc. The Medical Series-"High Blood Pressure." by Dr. S. W. Hoobler. Assistant Professor, In- ternal Medicine. Margaret Webster, distinguished actress, director and author, will lecture on the subject "The Ad- venture of Acting," at 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Tickets are on sale today from 10-1, 2-8:30 at the box office, Hill Auditorium. University of Michigan Sailing Club: Students who have applied for membership, meet at the side door of the Union at 1:00 p.m. Sat., or 10:00 a.m. Sun., before leaving for Whitmore Lake for a work party. Military Ball Cimmittee: 1 p.m., Rm. 100, Military Headquar- ters. Saturday Luncheon Discussion: 12:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Reserva- tions may be made by calling 4121 Ext. 2148 before 10 a.m. Satur- day. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation cordially invites you to the opening of its "Corned Beef Corner," 10:45 p.m. to midnight. Coining Events Association of University of Michigan Scientists: 8 p.m., Mon.. March 24, East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Prof. Lawrence Preuss will speak on "Voting and other procedural questions in the United Nations, and their impli- cations for international control of atomic energy." Business meet- ing will follow. College of Architecture & De- sign: Seniors will meet at 5 p.m., Wed., March 26, Rm. 101, to dis- cuss plans for a Beaux Arts Ball. "Plan for Peace," the Army's new film on Universal Military Training will be shown at Rack- ham Amphitheatre on Thurs., March 27, 3:15 p.m.; sponsorship of the Department of Visual Edu- cation and the ROTC. Graduate Student Council: Meeting 7:30 p.m., Mon., March 24, East Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. Members interested in t h e American Society of Mechanical Engineers Field Trip to the United States rRubber Company in De- troit, Wednesday afternoon, March 26, please sign ride list on ASME bulletin board near Rm. 231, W. Eng. Bldg., before Tuesday noon, March 25. All Veteran Women: Bowling Sun., Michigan Recreation Bowl- ing Alleys, Liberty St., 2:30-3 p.m. Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity: Meeting 7:15 p.m., Mon., March 24, Union, preceded by dinner at 6:30. There will be two Alumni from Detroit and a number of rushees. The rushees' meals are on the house. If you know of a prospect, bring him along. All members are urged to attend. Conversation Group, Sociedad Hispanica, Mon., March 24, 3:30- 5 p.m., International Center. Inter-faith Workshop, Student Religious Association, cordially in- vites all students to attend a meet- ing to study and visit the Roman Orthodox church, 7:30 p.m., March 25, Lane Hall. The U. of M. Hot Record Socie- ty, Jam Sesion, Sun., March 23, League. Hostess Committee, League house Dances, 5 p.m., Tues., League. Any girls interested in serving on this committee as well as members should attend. Every- one bring eligibility card. Room number will be posted. Anyone who (cannot possibly attesnd call 2-1146. U. of M. Chapter, Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of America: Short business meeting followed by discussion of the philosophers of Herzl and Achad Ha'am on Tues., March 24, Hillel Founda- tion. Scalp and Blade: Initiation for the new pledges, 2:30 p.m., Sun., Union. All members be present for this ceremony. Dinner 7 p.m., Smith's Catering. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN prints EVsEdY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- iind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Great Tourwrent To The Editor: ALL ABOARD for the great 1 tournament! John F. Nehman Jr. has just thrown down the gauntlet to Josef Stalin and we're off to a joust with the Red Army. It's sure a day of rejoicing when one can read a Daily editorial (Tuesday) that says: "It is too late to alter the course of events which will lead the United States into the third World War. All that is humanly possible is to delay that course of events . . . by matching her (Russia) step by step on the road she is paving to world holocaust." Well now, that's fine and dandy. Russia just cut her military bud- get down to 18% of the national while ours is up around 30%. But it wouldn't do to match that step because that's a sinister move away from world holocaust. Per- haps we can find something in the realm of the United Nations where we can start to mate' the great enigma. But here aga the Russians have us stuck. They've been making concession after con- cession to us in the UN of late, almost kissing the ground beneath our feet. Just recently, they agreed to U.S. trusteeship of the Pacific islands, to international atom. inspection, and to letting us know how many of Hitler's super- men they still have helping to re- pair the damage in Russia. We could always trip them up by mak- ing counter concessions, but that's no way to start a war. Don't give up hope yet. There are still ways we could follow Mr. Nehman's suggestion and get a good, healthy holocaust started up. There must be! Aha!! Got it! Russia has just made a very overt move. She ask- ed Turkey to let her share in the defense of her own life line in the Dardanelles. That's a very easy step toward war to match. Let's refuse to give the defense of the Panama Canal back to the Pan- amanians and let's hold tight to the Panama Canal and encourage Great Britain to do the same with Gibralter. That's all we have to do! Match Russia and we'll get the nicest holocaust. And we'll get it faster than you can say "Franklin De- lano Roosevelt's turning over in his grave". -Robert Silk Marx Clarification To the Editor: THE Daily article published Fri- day, March 21, on the first meeting of the Karl Marx Society misquoted my statements. I feel it is important to clarify my posi- tion. I did not accuse anyone of "packing the meeting." Nor did I question the integrity of any in- dividual attending the meeting My only comment was that there was a discrepancy of approxi- mately fifty between the number of people who voted and the num- ber who actually expressed a de- sire to join by signing a sheet of paper. The people present had de- cided that those who voted were honor-bound to sign up. The remarks attributed to me in The Daily were either quoted out of context or were the results o the reporter's misunderstanding of what I said. I think that the most significant point about our first meeting is that so many students expressed a sincere interest in our study pro- gram. -Betty Goodman x * * Rogers Hill To The Editor: F OR THE LAST several days I have read letters in this column regarding the Rogers Bil: on increased Veterans' subsistence And I have yet to read one letter in favor of increased subsistence which bases its reasoning on un- self ish grounds. As a matter of fact it seems that the vast major- ity of letters have been in strong disfavor of increased subsistence. I, too, as a married student veter- an, am very much against any in- creased subsistence. The reasons for my disfavor are no different from the reasons ex- pressed by other writers, but : want to add my voice to the strug. gle to stem the demands of a fewi unresourceful, unthinking and un- grateful veterans. In their mac rush for more money these indi- viduals have forgotten the origin- al purpose of the G.I. Bill. They do not look upon the G.I. Bill as a gift (as it most surely is), bu as an obligation owed by the peo- Letters to the Editor... EDITOR'S NOTE.: Because The Daily j PlC of the United States to one class of veterans. To these veteians I want to say these things: If you believe the government owes you anything think for a minute of the thou- sands of civilians who also had a part in the winning of the war. and whose actual contribution to victory may well have been jui t as important as yours, but who now are receiving nothing from their government but tax receipts. If that example does not set very well with you, try this one: Think of the men who really fought the war, but who in the process were unlucky enough to leave behind a leg or an arm or an eye for both). Are these individuals be- ing given a wonderful education with expense money thrown in? Of course they are not. But we are, so let's be fair about this thing and have consideration for other groups of people who have as much right to consideration as we have. There is another point I would like to bring up. It seems that we student veterans were repre- sented in Washington last week by members of the various veter- an organizations on campus. How do these agencies have the right to speak for all student veterans? Does their membership include a majority of the 11,000 odd veter- an* on this campus? I doubt it. It seems high time that those of us who are against increased subsistence should organize too and send a petition or a delega- tion to Washington to combat the dangerous flood of selfish, de- mands on the U.S. Treasury. Perhaps what is needed on this campus is more factual informa- tion as to exactly how many vet- erans actually believe in increas- ed subsistence. Judging from the letters to the Daily the great ma- jority are against it. Why don't the various veteran organizations contact each veteran and find out what all 11,000 are thinking. It should be a lot cheaper than a trip to Washington and back, too. John A. Clark How High Grades To The Editor: IN HIS anti-fraternity harangue in Friday's Daily, James S. Irwin says, "I wonder how high scholar- liness rates with the ruling group . I don't mean high marks, be- cause I do not believe them to be the true criteria of intelligence." I have heard this utterly groundless rationilization on all sides ever since I came to Michi- gan, and strangely enough it has been mostly from people who have to work pretty hard to get C's and B's, and can justify a D now and then. In the first place, grades are not supposed to be criteria of intelligence; they were instituted as a basis for evaluating how well a student carries out the assign- ments given him. And the func- tion of the University or any oth- er institute of learning is to assign regular portions of work to the student that he may increase his store of knowledge little by little. The grade represents the percent- age of these assignments that he >gets error-free. So, although grades are not meant to be a measure of intelli- gence, they are in every sense of the word a true and reliable mea- sure of the growth of the student's store of knowledge, and, perforce the improvement of his intelli- gence. It's so easy to look at a transcript full of B's and C's and D's and say, "Ah, grades aren't t important so long as I learn some- f thing." Could anything be more inconsistent than that statement? -Sherman Poteet t - ~ .. I I {I 4 1 Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and "'I"""gdr y tudents o tMe University of Miclhian un1der the authority of t(ie, l3,)r(_tin uControi of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha..........Managin Editor Clayton Dickey............City Editor Milton Freudenhelm..Editorial Director Mary Brush...........Associate Editor Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor Jack Martin.............Sports Editor Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk ............ Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manager Janet Cork........Business Manager Nancy Hinilek ...Advertising Manager BARNABY