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February 08, 1947 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-08

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Here's How You Looked at the J-

THEY ORGANIZED THE HOP-Pictured above is the 1948 J-Hop Committee. Standing, left to right,
are Camille Ayo, Delta Delta Delta; A. Rebel DerDerian; Nancy Neumann, Kappa Kappa Gamma;
Preston R. Tisch, Sigma Alpha Mu; Nancy Holt, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Chuck Lewis, Sigma Alpha
Mu. Seated, left to right, Pat Chaffee, Delta Gamma; Jane Quail, Delta Delta Delta; Dennis Young-
blood, chairman, Sigma Chi; Sarah Stephenson, Delta Gamma.
Daily Photos by Wake and Lmanian

HELLO, HELLO, HELLO-Those gals are still here-the
selected at random from Mosher-Jordan., They're still wel
ing veterans all over the place but right now they're urging
boys to back the March of Dimes.

Two Top Bands Performed for the 1948 J-Hop

Now with Elman
Ziggy Elman and his orchestra,
which includes about half the
members of Tommy Dorsey's old
band, will share the J-Hop spot-
light with Jimmie Lunceford.
Although acclaimed as a trump-
eter, Elman can play every other
instrument of the band with equal
facility. Tommy Dorsey has named
Elman as the "greatest modern
band musician."
As a featured instrumentalist
with Benny Goodman, Elman first
gained the nation's attention.
Playing trumpet, clarinet and
trombone alternately, Elman con-
tinued with Goodman until the or-
chestra was disbanded.

Elman then joined the Tommy Lunceford Noted
Dorsey orchestra as the featured
trumpeter. Because of his sense As Blues Stylist
of "perfect pitch," he was assigned
direction of the orchestra's radio Jimmie Lunceford, and his or-
broadcasts and recording sessions.
During the war, Elman was in chestra, which has held first place
command of the Sixth Ferry in Orchestra World's Official Poll
Group band. He rejoined Dorsey for seven years, wlil play for half
after his discharge and remained the dances, both nights of the 1948
with him until the breakup of the J-Hop, in a return to the pre-
band, war custom of having two name-
Elman's band, which includes bands.
many of the former members of Noted as a blues stylist, Lunce-
the Dorsey aggregation, played its ford hit the big time in 1934, when
first engagement the first of the he filled in for Cab Calloway,
year. Virginia Maxey, Bob Man- while Calloway was on tour. Suc-
ning and Clint Garvin are vocal- cess in this engagement placed
ists with the band. Lunceford'd orchestra in the
name-band class.
Buy and Sell Texts at Since that time, Lunceford has
played at many college dances, in-
Student Book Exchange cluding the 1942 J-Hop. The or-

chestra has toured Europe and
was planning another trip when
the war broke out.
Although today he has given up
playing for conducting, Lunce-
ford began his musical career as a
saxaphonist. Following his grad-
uation from Fisk University
where he played football, basket-
ball and baseball, Lundeford
taught English at Manassa High
School in Memphis, Tenn. where
he organized a nine-piece band.
In order to keep the band in-
tact, all the members enrolled in
Fisk together where they 'contin-
ued to play dance engagements.
Five of the original nine members
are still with the band.
Lunceford's last appearance
here in 1942 just preceded a mass
exodus of men students to the
armed forces.

VA To Record
Vet Students'
Smoke Habits
The Veterans Administratic
announced today that ex-GI's w
be asked to file the number
packages.of.cigarettes they smol
per month.
"It will help us to keep our re
ords straight,"-according to Hall
let Falstaff, an independent e:
Falstaff warned veterans th
if these reports were not proml
their subsistence might be df
"We independent experts ha'
found a close correlation betwee
the brand of cigarettes studen
veterans use and their scholast
standing," Falstaff said.
Buy and Sell Texts at
Student Book Exchans

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