PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1947 e _ ___. .. _ _.. .._ _.. __ i -- . Legislators' Platforms B EFORE EVERY ELECTION The Daily, in cooperation with the Student Legis- lature, prints qualification statements for the candidates. As a service to the student body we are reprinting the platforms on which 24 new Legislators were elected this week. Representative Party .,.. Representative Party members who were elected include James Risk, Anthony Spada, Penny Klausner, Edward McKinlay, Chuck Lewis, Stuart Rankin, Barbara Newman and Miriam Levy. We are a Representative Party of affiliat- ed and independent students with the goal of stimulating the Student Legislature and with the purpose of achieving action. We have decided to run as a party to insure representation of the campus as a whole and responsibility as a group to the platform that we have formulated. In order to insure this responsibility, the Representative Party will initiate a plan to publicize the individual voting and atten- dance records. To further inform the stu- dent of legislative activities we intend to have published an informative record in- cluding committee reports and minutes of the meetings. In addition, the Representative Party plans the publication of a comprehensive report of the function, structure and powers of the Student Legislature. The Representative Party advocates great- er student participation in legislative af- fairs by campus-wide initiation of legislation and by publicizing the open-meeting policy of the governing group and its associated committees. Finally, the Representative Par- ty also believes in an enlarged student Book Exchange and an expansion of social fa- cilities. Non partisans ... Dave Dutcher .. . Opportunity and necessity for work in two fields induced me to run for this office. We need a stronger student voice in student affairs. I would also seek simplification and the centralization of the numerous student governing bodies. Previous council experi- ence and two years on Michigan's Debate Team are my qualifications. Elmer Weber .. . My qualifications include membership Lloyd House Council, '46, General J-Hop Committee '47, and at present social chair- man Lloyd House and general chairman of West Quad dances. If elected, I, as a veteran shall endeavor to activate the Student Leg- islature as the "voice of the student body" to accomplish self-government. Bob Silver... Revolution!-Overthrow of the existing system-Sweeping new reforms - These are not things I promise. Rather it seems that Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by nenbers ofThe Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: EUNICE MINTZ E -- 1 intelligent action on arising problems and a constant keeping in mind of policies which the student body as a whole wants carried out are the things that we can expect from our Legislature. Jeanne Metels ki-.. I believe that the Student Congress is an intrinsic part of the University. Therefore, I will devote my time and interest to help it gain and maintain prestige and at the same time, acquaint every student with its functions and accomplishments. jean Gringle .. . Qualifications: Junior, literary college; president Jordan Hall, '44; general chair- man Soph Cabaret, '45; president Lutheran Student Association; vice-president Inter- Guild; president Alph Delta Pi; Pan hellen- ic, financial secretary WSSF, Wyvern. Plat- form: Broaden scope of student activity through positive cooperation with student groups, faculty, administration; investigate student needs, foster expansion. Gay Larsen... Through work as a night editor on The Daily and experience with the Legislature's Varsity Committed, I feel qualified to ascer- tain and represent prevailing student opin- ion on problems which arise, free of the pressure of party membership. Connie Converse . .. I am associated with no party in this elec- tion because I believe that the Student Leg- islature should be able to represent the en- tire campus without undue influence from partisan groups. To promote and execute energetic action in carrying out all policies and demands of the student body is my aim. David Baldwin * . . I maintain an ardent desire to help the Student Legislature continue to become a coordinated voice of the student body as a whole, free from the small but powerful rad- ical factions prevalent on our campus. Vet- eran originally enrolled in 1941, ATO, well acquainted with many existing problems. Rae King.. .. The basic platform I have to offer is that I am a student as you are, and I will con- sider our interests and wants in the work of the Legislature. I understand the workings of student government thoroughly and be- lieve this makes me capable of representing you. * * * George Gordon,.. . Strong student interest is the prime re- quisite for strong student government. The Student Legislature should promote such interest through sponsored forum discus- sions of student affairs. By airing pertin- ent problems, definite mandates from the student body may be gained. Such man- dates will democratically chart the course of legislature action. Bill Short .,. I am remaining independent in this elec- tion because I believe that no single group should dominate the policies of the Student Legislature. I will endeavor to promote coordinated and unified programs that will represent the wishes of the student body. Past experience: chairman 1946 Feather Merchants Ball. Ruth Sights . I promise to do my utmost to back camp- us activities encouraging both men and women participation. Also, I would like to see investigations held concerning excessive food and book prices, and I would like to see more cooperation between affiliated and independent- students. Dick K~elly --- Member of the Union staff, treasurer of Theta Xi fraternity. I believe that the stu- dents of this university are capable of far more self-government, both individually and in their affiliated groups, than they are now permitted. And I feel that the Student Leg- islature should be the active voice of this sentiment and the leader in this self-gov- ernment. Janet Osgood . ,. I will back all proposals for the centrali- zation of all student activities. I am also in favor of continuing a cooperative restaur- ant, the establishment of an improved sys- tem for the academic counseling of upper classmen and projects for better facilities for social functions including a new building for formal dances. Peg Herold ... As your representative on the Student Leg- islature, I will endeavor to make the organi- zation more responsive to student opinion and1 to integrate the various: comoua ctivi- The City Editor's SCRATCH PAD THERE'S A DANCE HALL in Ann Arbor "where light and dark folks meet" in the ratio of about five to one in favor of the latter. An apparently anomalous situation, it makes no difference to the patrons of ei- ther race. They go there to dance and listen to good jazz. The management of the place is all-white. As you enter, a 10-year-old boy sells you a ticket. Upstairs, a girl about the same age checks your coat. The manager is a pleasant man in his forties, and when he asks you to "come again," it sounds like a personal invitation. The dance floor is about as drab as a grain elevator. There are no tricky spot and flood lights designed to lend romantic at- mosphere. The band sits on a two by four stage, with the piano right down on the floor. The band, like the crowd, is a mixed outfit, largely made up of students in the University's music school. While the bands at the Union and League are dashing off their stereotyped versions of old and new ballads, these boys are making it up as they go along, with resultant fresh and spon- taneous rhythms. You go over and lean on the piano and take a look at the crowd. Tension?-about as much as there is in a glass of water. You wander upstairs where there's a sort of mez- zanine overlooking the dance floor. It has two sections of wooden benches, and you sit down and relax. Everybody relaxes, and there's no painted line separating one group of benches from the other. I once sat in a New Orleans night cluband heard a white emcee tell the all-white cus- tomers they could watch a couple of colored kids riff through an impromptu dance rou- tine between floor shows and toss them some coins if they wanted to. "The law won't let us pay them for this sort of thing," he said, and he wasn't very sad about it. Down at the Ann Arbor dance palace de- scribed above, however, they do things ac- cording to strictly business methods. Musi- cal talent is judged on a strictly professional basis, and anybody can be a customer who has the price of admission. The policy def- initely pays off, both in profits and in brotherhood. Militarism COMMENTING on Marshall's appointment in January, we said "It remains to be seen whether the appointment of a military leader to Secretary of State will be regarded as a 'slap in the face' by nations which are trying to rid the world of militarism and militaristic diplomacy." Strangely enough the first such public re- action seems to have come from citizens of Russia, certainly the most militaristic nation in the world today. According to an Associated Press corre- spondent in Moscow, the military character of the American delegation to the Big Four Foreign Ministers' Conference, coupled with Truman's aid-to-Greece-and-Turkey speech, have given many Russians the idea that the military is in the saddle in the United States. Commenting on the make-up of the dele- gation, one Russian said, "It's headed by a man, who, no matter how high his qualities as a humanitarian statesman, is a general at heart." The group also brought up the names of Ambassador (General) Smith, General Mark Clark, Lieutenant General Lucius Clay, and Major General William Draper, Jr. According to another Russian, "the United States has enough brass present at this con- ference table to make a brass statue of a general." Does anyone know the Russian word for brass? -John Campbell I I BILL MAULDIN 111 /1 \ i ... Letters to the Editor... I EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints MA IV letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less, in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in lciters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Re: White Letter To the Editor: ORDINARILY I do not allow the illogical musings of im- mature intellectuals to disturb my customarily peaceful state of mind, but the naive reasoning which Warren C. White engaged in and attempted to disguise by using multisyllable words was just too much. The way he blandly skipped from one false assump- tion to another in attempting to prove his contention (utterly fail- ing to prove it). and then reach- ed back into the mouldy past for the confirmation of his mouldy ideas was clearly a disgusting dis- play of superficial argumentation. Negation of his first point: I am personally acquainted with a large number of "typical"student veterans, none of whom are unap- preciative of the assistance they are eligible for and are receiving under P.L. 346. "My dears, socialism is passe. In my circle it went out with gin rummy." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ART (Continued from Page 3)tration-George L. Schmutz of North Hollywood, California, lec- position of Student Dietitian. Ap- turer and author, will speak on plications must be submitted prior the subject "Appraisal Problems to April 10. For further informa- in Today's Market" at 8 p.m., tion, call Mr. Jones at the Bureau Mon., March 24, in the large lec- of Appointments, extension 371. ture room, Rackham Bldg. A --- question and answer period will The U. S. Civil Service Commis- follow the lecture. The public is sion, Washington, D. C., is accept- cordially invited. ing applications for student nurses. Applications must be re- Academic Notices ceived in the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington, D.C. not Mathematics Seminar on Corn- later than April 29. For further plex Variables: Sat., March 15, 10 information, call Mr. Jones, Bu- a.m., Rm. 3011, Angell Hall. Mr. reau of Appointments, extension Hansen will speak on the Schwarz- 371. Christoffel mappings. A representative from Proctor & Physical Education-Women Stu Gamble from Detroit will be at dents: the Bureau of Appointments on Mid-semester registration for Monday, March 24, to interview all freshman and upperlass wom- June graduates for sales depart- en taking required physical edu- ment. For further information cation will be held on Fri., March and appointments, call the Bu- 21, 8 to 4:30 and Sat., March 22, 8 reau of Appointments, extension to 12:30 in Barbour Gymnasium. 371. If a semester's credit is to be ob- tained, each student must re-regis University Community Center, ter at this time. 1045 Midway, Willow Run Village. Registration for upperclass and Fri., March 21, 8 p.m., Dupli- graduate women students wishing cate Bridge, Party Bridge, Dan- to take an elective course in physi- cing. cal education will be held on Mon., West Lodge: March 24, and Tues., Marcb25, in Fri., March 21, The Little The- Barbour Gymnasium, 8 to 12, and atre will present "Ten Nights in 1:30 to 4:3. a Barroom," Auditorium.gAll newclasses begin the week Sat., March 22. "Ten Nights in a of April 14. Barroom," Little Theatre Group. Lecture Concert University of Michigan Concert The Thomas M. Cooley Lectures: Band, William D. Revelli, Conduc- Professor Henry Rottschaefer, of tor, will present its annual Spring the University of Minnesota, will Concert at 8:30 p.m., Wed., March deliver the first series of Thomas 26, Hill Auditorium. Program: M. Cooley Lectures, under the aus- Compositions by Darcy, Franck, pices of the Law School and the Henneberg, Wagner, DeFalla, Research, on the general subject, Rimsky - Korsakov, G a I 1 o i s, "The Constitution and Socio-Eco- Strauss, Gould, Grofe, and Steiner. nomic Change," as follows : Lec- The general public is invited. ture 1, "The Development of Fed- eral Power prior to 1933," 4 p.m. Student Recital: Emil Raab, Mon., March 24. Lecture 2, "The student of violin under Gilbert Expansion of Federal Powers after Ross, and concertmaster of the 1933," 4 p.m., Tues., March 25; University Symphony Orchestra, Lecture 3, "The Development and will be heard in a recital at 8:30 Expansion of State Powers," 4 p.m., March 23, Lydia Mendelssohn p.m., Wed., March 26; Lecture 4, Theatre. Mr. Raab will be accom- "The Trend in Protection of Per- paied at the piano by John sonal and Property Rights," 4 Wheeler, in a program of compo- p.m., Thurs., March 27; Lecture sitions by Mozart, Glazounow, 5,"Implications of Recent Trends," Schubert, Dohnanyi, Boulanger, 3 p.m., Fri., March 28. All lectures and Saint-Saens. The public is will be held in Rm. 150, Hutchins cordially invited. Hall. The public is cordially in- vited. Student Recital: John Wolaver, --- pupil of Joseph Brinkman, will be Professor Finley Foster, of Adel- heard in a piano recital given in bert College, Western Reserve Uni- partial fulfillment of the require- versity, will lecture on the subject, ments for the degree of Master of "Hogarth's Rake's Progress: a Music at 8:30 p.m. Mon., March Point of View." at 4:15 p.m., Tues., 24, Rackham Assembly Hall. Pro- Mar. 25, Rackham Amphitheatre; gram: Sonata in A major by auspices of the Department of Schubert, and Sonata in B-flat English. major, Op. 106 by Beethoven. The Professor Foster will speak be- general public is invited. fore the English Journal Club on -t tesbjet, "ilam Bke: A- Exhibitions. tist and Poet," at 8 p.m., Ties.,I Mar. 25, East Conference Room. Michigan Takes Shape--a dis- Rackham Bldg. play of maps, Michigan -Histori- cal Collection, 160 Rackham. French Lecture: Dr. James Hours: 8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday O'Neill, of the Romance Language through Friday, 8-12 Saturday. Department, will lecture- on the subject: "Antoine de St.-Exupery" Events TOddWY at 4:10 p.m., Tues., Mai'ch 25, Rm. D. Alumni Memorial Hall; aus- University Radio Program: pices of Le Cercle Francais. 2:30 p.m., Station WKAR. 870 ___Kc. Tales from Poe-"The Tell- School of Business Adminis- tale Heart." 2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Kc. The Botany Series - "The Story of Hybrid Corn," Dr. Wil- liam Hovanitz, Assistant Profes- sor of Botany. 3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050 Kc. A talk by President Alexan- der G. Ruthven in commemora- tion of the 110th Anniversary of the University of Michigan. German Coffee Hour, 3-5 p.m. League Coke Bar. Association Coffee Hour, 4:30- 6 p.m., Lane Hall Library. Class inReligion, 7:30 p.m., Russel Parlor, Presbyterian Church. Topic is "Life after Life," by Dr. Lemon. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Meeting of the Hillel News -Staff, 4:15 pm; at the Foundation. All those interested in working on the paper are urged to attend. Art Cinema League presents Fritz Lang's LAST WILL OF DR. MABUSE. English titles; French dialogue, etc. Also: "Out of Dark- ness." Short film on Belgian un- derground newspaper during Nazi occupation. Friday and Saturday, 8:30 p.m. Box office opens 2 p.m. daily. Reservations phone 6300, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Coming Events Ompen House, 7:30-10 p.m., Wed., March 26, Sports Building. Pro- gram of 20 different sports. Margaret Webster, d i s t i n - guished actress and director, will be presented tomorrow evening at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium as the closing number of 'the 1946-47 Lecture Course. Miss Webster's lecture, "The AdventureofrAct- ing," will cover a brief history of the theatre and will include some sketches from outstanding theatri- cal productions of the past 300 years. Tickets are on sale today and tomorrow at the Auditorium box office, which will be open to- day from 10-1, 2-5 and tomorrow from 10-1, 2-8:30. Graduate History Club, 8 p.m., Clements Library, March 26. Pro- fessor Lobanov will speak on "Problems in the Study of Russian History." Refreshments. All graduate History students are in- vited to attend. Graduate Outing Club: Hike, 2:30 p.m., Sun., March 23. Meet at Northeast Entrance, Rackham Bldg. Sign up at check desk,' Rackham Bldg., before noon Sat- urday. Military Ball Committee: Sat., March 22, 1 p.m., Rm. 100, Mili- tary Headquarters. Saturday Luncheon Discussion: 12:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Reserva- tions may be made by calling 4121 Ext. 2148 before 10 a.m. Satur- day. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation cordially invites you to the opening lof its "Corned Beef Corner," Sat., March 22, 10:45 p.m. to midnight. Negation of his second point: Savings are not taxed. If the aspirant lawyer White is afraid he is contributing to the welfare of student veterans by being rob- bed of his savings, this fear may now be dispelled. Negation of his third point: Schools have expanded or will expand their facilities sufficient- ly to allow all students who desire an education the opportunity to receive an education. With the tremendous problem which was placed at the door of higher edu-; cation due to the expansion of the student body witnessed in this country following the war, I think the colleges and universities have accomplished wonders. Or does Mr. White think that "men who normally would not have contin- ued so long in college" should niot be allowed the advantage of a better education? Does Mr. White mean to say that the colleges ex- ist merely for those who ordinar- ily are able to afford a higher education - quite an un-Ameri- can idea. Negation of his last point: The student veterans are not making irresponsible demands, they are not even making demands. Under P.L. 346 a student is entitled to tuition and fees up to $500 a year, and monthly subsistence. With the rising cost of living it has been found that the standard Con- gress established once and later increased for the same reason is again found to be inadequate. The student veterans are merely pointing out this fact to their duly elected representatives who will act according to their opin- ion of what is right for the people they were elected to represent. Since Mr. White's conclusion whs based on the arguments which I have negated, I feel it an utter waste of time to point out its en- tire fallacy because a conclusion drawn from false assumptions is invalid, -James M. Harding * 4' * Red Stripes To the Editor: IN KEEPING the Holy Crusade spirit of Governor Sigler, we think the students of the Uni- versity should take the lead in demanding that those sevenddis- graceful RED stripes be forever banished from the American flag. -Stanford Abramovitz -Harold W. Goodman Radical Faction To the Editor: APROPOS this morning's (Mar. 17) statements by Kenneth Armstrong and David Baldwin, Student Legislature candidates: What is a radical faction? -Bob Wagner * * *' Reasoning To the Editor: CORRECT ME if I'm wrong: 1)You can't oppose an idea with an army. 2) You can oppose it with a better idea. 3) Bypassing the United Na- tions to make this loan to Greece is serving notice on the world that the United Nations like the Lea- gue of Nations is a puppet suit- able for minor functions. 4) Turkey is a no-good which fattened on the blood of American soldiers by selling buckram to Ger- many in World War II. 5) World War III is five years TIHE CURRENT SHOW at the Museum of Art is an exhibition of oils and water- colors by one of the country's contemporary functioning "expressionists" - Ben-Zion. Here is a painter presenting the resolutions to strong inner feelings with a profound simplicity seldom seen. Ben-Zion is primarily a mystic, as seen in works as "The Cabalist," "Rejected Prophet," and "Prometheus." He uses an intense symbolism influenced by his early rabbinical training, and has no use for the superficial or gaudy. His deep poetical imagination and love of Nature are best in "Rider in the Woods" and "Midsummer Night" which have a strong luminosity and very warm appeal. In "Chrysanthemums" and "Sunflowers" there is also a strong vital- ity coupled with a delicate balance of com- position. It is interesting to note that Ben- Zion employs a very heavy impasto on his still lifes, but that he switches to a scumbling technique in his strong nationalistic can- vases, leaving at times large areas of almost bare canvas. Ben-Zion's results are moving and star- tling; striking with a childlike impact. He is not concerned with' the painting problems of geometrical relationships, or the relation- ship of color and shape, as are the present- day abstractionists. Neither does Ben-Zion seem affected by the very current topic of many painters, the problem of space-time and its revolutionary concepts. Ben-Zion is not interested in pictorially representing the environment in which he moves, but rather in forcefully displaying his own solutions to it in terms of a fundamental approach. The intenseness of his strong allegorical can- vases is developed by a linear composition of heavy black lines and a dramatic use of off. 6, five The safest place in the world years from now is H ---Mona Harris CINEMA Siijgzn L'P L t.C~~~~iL l t At the Lydia Mendelssohn THE LAST WILL OF DR. MABUSE. French dialogue with English sub-titles. Produced and directed by Fritz Lang. THIS IS a French version of a German film made in 1933 which attempts to allegorize the up-and-coming Nazi philos- ophy. One is much more likely to enjoy the film if one forgets the allegory, the theme of which has since become out-dated if not hackneyed. Utilizing to the utmost the possibilities of uncanny sound effects and lighting, the director-producer whose name has come to be almost revered by cinema, addicts has created a motion picture which might best be described as "a good old-fashioned mys- tery melodrama." Somewhat marred by rather jerky move- ment from one scene to another, the movie sustains its dramatic suspense through the admirable acting of the principal characters, including those of the Inspector and the mad Prof. Baum. -Natalie Bagrow Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Ifarsha..........Managing Editor Clayton Dickey............City Editor Milton Freudncilim. .Edlitoriai Director Mary Brush ..........As1socia te Editor Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor Jack Martin.............Sports Editor Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Manager Janet Cork..........Business Manager Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager IRARA1TA k ly