_ _A_ _ __ 20, 19417____ THE MICHIGAN1DAILY YA & a Bob lowm ., Strong S Orchestra To Provide Music at Slide Dance Will Be Held at Waterman Gym; Preference To Be Given to Engineers Bob Strong and his orchestra Tickets will be sold Monday and ranged with the University for will provide the music at the an- Tuesday in the Engineering Arch, late bus runs to Willow Village. nual Slide Rule Ball to be held East Engineering Lobby and the The committee has also an- from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April north end of West Engineering nounced that it will supply 18 in Waterman Gymnasium Building. After Tuesday the tic- names and addresses of baby- Featured with Bob Strong, who kets will be sold in the Union, on sitters who will be available that moved recently into the college the Diagonal and in the Engineer- eveningv for families in Willow circuit after establishing a repu- ing Arch. Village and Ann Arbor. tation in radio, will be Jo Ann Tal- ley and Don Bailey, vocalists, and Although traditionally a for Women will receive 1:30 a.m. Johnny Carroll, trumpeter. Mal dance, the Slide Rule Ball is permission to attend the dance. Tickets for the traditional being billed this year as "for- In announcing the band for theE spring formal, sponsored by the mal-optional" because of the dance, the committee said that lichigan Technic,; will go on shortage of men's formal attire. Bob Strong had been selected be- sale next week. Sales will be The decorations theme for the cause of "an excellent reputation limited to Engineers Monday dance will be based on seven mam- for smooth, yet distinctive, dancej and Tuesday, in order that all moth slide rules, a tremendous music throughout the Midwestern engineers desiring to attend the blueprint and revolving gears. The college circuit." dance will be abe to secure tic- committee has reported that the Bob Strong reversed the usual kets. The ticket sale will be "favorite" slide-rule is undergoing procedure for new dance hands by opened to the whole campus reconditioning as a result of dam- prIng fo n a cnc b n Wednesday. age suffered during three years of taming as a radio conductor on -- - --- - - capiviy."commercial broadeasks and then ScpI dty.jtaking his band out on the Mid- In order to accommodate resi- western and Eastern ballroom cir- dents of Willow Village the com-1 cuits. mittee reported that it had ar- fo S RI G < .>e c Walter's Doghouse" for three for SPR ING aE oE ""r " years. During that time he al-$ GABARDINES HAND-MA DF so appeared on several NBC $39.50 to $55.00 programs, including "Avalon - BLOUS E forTime" with Red Skelton, "Show- 1I00J, SHETLAND WOOL boat" and "College Humor." Lat- in Pastel Shades er lie switched to the CBS net- $23.00 EASTER work on "Treat Time." He hasI - made guest appearances on "Co- BLOUSES Beautifully Fashioned ca Cola Spotlight Bands" andI $2.00 to $6.95 w the "Fitch Bandwagon." BERKSHIRE -NY _ *) SPECIAL IMPORT Since taking the road Strong lips $1E 40 toIE Y70 froL N appeared at outstanding night1 $inturc$.7orto Ric. : spots throughout the country. rJcNearby appearances have included ^ 'the Eastwood Gardens in Detroit, and the Hotel Sherman, AragonI K E P PE 'SBallroom, Trianon Ballroom, the Edgewater Beach Hotel, and the1 handcraft mart Blackhawk Restaurant in Chicago,. 1121 South University V .Phone 2-2371 v802 S. State Iel. 4720- -- ihon 2-371W AA NoticesI 7-1 Orig i na Desig ns in Suitsand Gowns , The WAA Camp Counselors Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in; B Mar r9 the WAB Lounge.- This meeting will be a demon- stration and discussion of camp (Fabrics--woolens, silks and cottons craft. The rolling, tying, and car- d are lovely this spring.) 9rying of blanket rolls will be em- - phasized. Everyone interested in F 1352 Wilmot St. I counselor work is invited to at- Hours 9:00 to 5:00 9 tend and first semester freshmen Tel. 20906 9 are eligible. Jr1JULfiJf1J~1JLJ U-LE U-~1.JiJJL~ The WAA Rifle Club will shoot --- - - in a- match with the University of New Hampshire at 3 p.m. today at the ROTC Range. S E N IO R The five highest scores will count in this meet. This meeting will also include the regular Informal Tea Will Be Held Junior Coeds Affiliated Coeds May Petition To Hrold Pla- Nownui frn Prvn~ilhelr Pr-bw y7 i for Pledges "Spring Premier," an informal tea honoring all new sorority pledges, will be given by Panhel- lenic Association from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday in the League Ballroom. A coed from each pledge class will be elected to serve as hostess at the tea and another represen- tative will take part in the style show which will be presented on the entertainment program. The rushing chairman will pour. The pledge tea. will enable the pledges from all campus sororities to get acquainted. A single tea will eliminate the presentation of sep- arate teas by each of the eighteen campus sororities. Three people in four (74 per- cent) buy at least one gift be- BOB SThONG . . . tween Christmases. League, Assembly Petitions Due- Executive Posts Open 1 - [- i u ,iO 1r YI AY ~V VV Jlt 1 ./ IL c, Seniors Will Be Honored Senir Wl e HPetitioning is open to all affili- At Opening Performance ated women for six Panhelleme Th B"s"Board positions, according to Mar- The Best Years," Junior Girls garet Gage, president of Panhel- Play, will be presented a 8:30 p.m. lenic Association. thursday, Friday and Saturday, Petitions are due no later than March 27. 28 and 29 in Lydia Men- noon Saturday, March 22. Petition delssohn Theatre. blanks may be obtained through The opening performance on the sorority houses or in the Un- Senior Night traditionally honors dergraduate Office of the League senior women. Following Senior and when filled out must be re LILUI LC , 1 Ul)t LVI tJ Supper, to be held at 6 p.m. Thurs- day in the League Ballroom, com- munity singing will open the pro- gram in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. Senior Parade Will Be on Stage Senior Parade, in which married women light candles, engaged women suck lemons, pinned women wear straight pins, and unattach- ed women throw pennies into the wishing well, will be held on the stage. Tickets for the supper and "The Best Years" are to be on sale from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow, 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, 3 to 5 p.m. Mon- day and 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday in the Social Director's Office in the Lea- gue. turned to the Panhellenic Office on the third floor of the League. Coeds are required to sign for interviews in the Undergraduate Office when they turn in peti- tions. Interviewing will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday. 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, 2 to 5 p.m. Wed- nesday, 3 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday and 2 to 5:30 p.m. Friday in the Panhellenic Office. The six positions to be filled are president, first vice-president, sec- ond vice-president, secretary, trea- surer, and rushing chairman. The president conducts all reg- ular meetings and board meet- ings and represents the Associ- ation in all campus affairs. The first vice-president serves as substitute in case of the presi- Coeds To Apply For Senior Jobs Coeds who will be seniors next year are eligible to petition for 1947-48 senior positions in League activities, according to Jean Louise Hole, chairman of the League In- terviewing Committee. The petitions are due at noon Saturday in the Undergraduate Office of the League, and inter- viewing will be held from Tues- day through Thursday, April 3. Eligibility cards signed by the Merit-Tutorial Committee must be presented at the time of the inter- view. Names of a faculty member. housemother and upperclassman must also be submitted for refer- ence. The senior positions on the League Undergraduate Council which are open are president, vice-president, secretary, trea- surer, one member of the Judic- iary Council, chairman of the social committee, chairman of the publicity committee, chair- man of the benefit drives com- mittee, chairman of the fresh- man and transfer orientation. committee and chairman of the merit-tutorial committee. Other senior posts available are League representative for the Student Book Exchange, chair- man of the personnel committee, chairman of the dance class com- mittee and chairman of the ball- room committee, which has charge of the Casbah. Also needed is a finance chair- man to work with the chairman of the dance class committee, and she may be from either the .junior or senior class. There are openings for six dance captains from any ('lass. Under the chairman of the ball- room committee are openings for a floorshow chairman, publicity chairman, and a decorations chairman, all from either the jun- ior or senior class. The requirements for those in- terested in obtaining senior posi- ions are a thorough knowledge of he Michigan League Constitution ad one year in League activities. Caps, Gowns Must Be Worn { Women To Sign All senior women attending the Senior Night program must wear For Inte rv iews caps and gowns. These may be1 rented from a local sports ohop All eligible independent women Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.j who will be juniors or seniors next The gowns will be fitted thero and year, are qualified to petition for will cost $6.50 of which $3.00 will Executive positions on Assembly be refunded when they are re- Association, before 5 p.m. Monday. turned in June. Seniors graduat- Petitions must be turned in at ing in June should keep their caps that time in the Undergraduate and gowns until this time Office of the League, and coeds will Any woman receiving more than be required to sign for interviews, which will be held for two weeks, beginning Monday. Positions which will be avail- able for those who will be sen- iors next year include president, vice-president in charge of dor- mitories, and vice-president in charge of league houses, prefer- ably a resident or former resi- dent of a league house. Those women who will be jun- iors or seniors next year may pe- tition for the posts of secretary- treasurer, project chairman, social chairman and personnel chairman. For further information con- cerning the duties of these offi- cers, coeds may consult the Lea- gue Presidents' Report, the out- line of duties posted in the Un- dergraduate Office, or they can a Bachelor's degree must place a special order for her gown. Spec- ial prices will be arranged for san- ioi's who are not graduating in June, but who wish to rent caps and gowns for Senior Night only. Senior women desiring to attend the play but not the supper must also wear caps and gowns. Ticket sales for the Friday and Saturday performances of the play will open Tuesday at the Lydia; Mendelssohn box office. The exact times of the sales will be announ- ced at a later date. DIAPERS! Good Quality Flannel Size 15 x 35 Price $3.95 per dozen Mail orders will be shipped post paid anywhere in the United States. Satisfaction guaranteed. MILLIS STORE 847 W. ST. JOSEPH LANSING, MICA. STATIONERY SALE ! 3 boxes of stationery for only $1.21 11 'Spring Thaw' See the assorted sizes and colors. Informal Dance Plans Program RAMSAY-CANFIELD Inc. PRINTERS - ENGRAVERS STATIONERY 119 E. Liberty Phone 7900 Your 1947 official University of Michigan ring is in stock for immediate delivery. At present, we have a complete range of sizes and styles. . Why not stop in and try one in your size and preferred style? There is no obligation, of course. Your name engraved by hand on your ring with our com- pliments. L. G. BALFOUR CO. Thursday practice until 5 p.m.I Results of the Rifle Match ofI March 7 and 8 are Knox College, 473; Ripon College, 486; South Dakota College, 486; Beaver Col-E lege, 496; Pennsylvania State Col-I lege, 500; and Michigan, 479. High scores for club members were Gloria Miller, 98; Lydia Creed, 97; Dorothy Hall, 97; Barbara Crosby, 94; and Josephine Irwin, 93. If your suit has a collar, a new way to wear is it to turn it up with your scarf on the outside andI looped in front way up to your chin, like an eighteenth century beau in an old print. II n c t 1319 South University Phone 9533 I I """"" - -- - - _ - _ _ 'i IIII - - 111 i ' l t conultnrsen ofi " o"jAs A twenty-minute intermission sembly from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the Assembly Office, Room D, on program has been planned for the third floor of the League. Spring Thaw," the AVG sponsor- ed informal dance which will be Interviewees will be required to J presented from 9 p.m. to midnight bring with them their eligibility tomorrow.. cards and their Assembly Member- Trog ship Cards. They will also be re- TDepogr a lysorspecy quested to list on their petitions rews, vocalist and calypso spec- the names of their housemother, a ialist who has been the star of faculty member and an upper- numerous war-time service shows. classman, to be used as references. Nafe Alley, impersonator, and Dick Chenoweth, monologist and mas- ter of ceremonies will also be on JGP Rehea rsals the program. The rehearsal schedule for Jun- Tickets are now on sale to all ior Girls Play this weekend will be students on campus from 9 to 11 as follows: a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. in the League Saturday - Re'gent scene (Act and University Hall, and from 5 Saturdayp m.Regente scenee(Act to II, Scene I, 1 to 2 p.m.; Act I, Scene 6:30 p.m. in the League and Un- 1, 2 to 3 p.m.; Act I. scene 2, 3 to ion through Friday. 4 p.m.; Act III, scene 1, 4 to 5 Flowers have been scattered p.m. All rehearsals will be in the around campus in conspicuous Grand Rapids Room of the Lea- places, and four of the five, if pre- gue. sented at any sales table, may be Sunday - The entire cast will redeemed for a complimentary tic- rehearse at 2:30 p.m. in the Leagpe ket to the dance. The finder of the Ballroom, fifth flower will be the receiver of a complimentary ticket as well as -~=_-=- the door prize to be awarded at the dance. Frank Tinker and his orchestra will provide music for dancing in a winter to spring background. At- tractive souvenir programs will be given to all women guests. T$ IS YOUR BEST TRAVEL BUY -FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE 'f't& MILES PER TRAVEL DOLLAR 1. Greyhound carries you farther fo: less, and shows you more of the country all the way. a U k*.; 6 .... steal [i% re C7 ing the show and no wonder. ------------ Ii For there's a 4 Look-at-me air about The 1947 Spring suits from COLLINS 100% novelty wools and gaber- dines in black, brown, navy, light green, melon, powder blue, doff- odil yellow, tulip red. ID \Q \ d 4hIr k This beautifully tailored skirt of super-soft wool is just the thing for all sports. +(1t ! ri 4(i t' Wear with blouse or swe Brooks origina your favorite ater. A Bobbie zl, it has three b~y MICH AL LP -( TBg oent "1 don't care if you can't jitterbug-1 always go for men who use Brylcreem!" Men--watch the gals go for you when you use Brylcreem-the sensational new hair grooming ldiscovery! Gives you + that smart, well-'groomed look! It's the cream-oil that's not sIekv or greasy. aL 41 , all college stores and druggists. tR NEW HAIR flRflflhINl fi~gnFRY ID /'R FREQUENTS 2. Greyhound's round-t partures let you com you please. E tot SCENIC VARI 4. Greyhound routes foll ' highways of America,. the heart of vacation w SCHEDULES he-clock de- e and go as lk t4tE DIRECT ROUTES 3. You can go one scenic route; return another . . at round trip savings. ETY ow the main .odthrough onderlands. ') "'"; r;.. o Epp j I $35 to $99.50 jill grand box pleats in front. Comes in a number of lovely, gay colors. Sizes 9-17. 100% wool. Q A-q Compare these typical one-way Greyhound fares and save.And don't foriet von s 1av0. % fdditinnalnnlI ,n r n L tifn rle- 1111 I iI I I m 1