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March 20, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-20

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1llRJOA1. JAAJU Z0, 1947


Greece Loan Comment

RACTIONS TO President T r u m a n's
Greek relief speech last week may be
classified, in general, like this: the Russians
were outraged; the British and Greeks were
overjoyed; and the U.S. was shocked, but
firmly behind the President.
The Russian newspapers Izvestia and
Pravda, in self-righteous anger, led the at-
tack upon the U.S. Izvestia: "Hitler also
referred to Bolsheviks when he wanted to
open the road to conquests for himself."
Pravda, in two bitter attacks, said Truman's
policy "rendered valueless" U.S. participa-
tion in the UN and that "the long suffer-
ing Greeks face the prospect of having one
"master", Britain, replaced by another, the
The Polish press referred to Greece and
Turkey as "U.S. colonies" and said that
much of the speech was caused by the Pres-
ident's being misinformed about Poland".
Henry Wallace took the view that the
policy advocated by Truman "will spread
communism in Europe and Asia." To au-
thorize loans to Greece and Turkey, Wal-
lace said, "will bring the world nearer
to war."
Also unhappy about the speech, British
Laborite Francis Noel-Baker said that un-
less Greece is committed to the UN, one of
two tragic alternativeq face us: either Rus-
sia will absorb Greece, or Greece will be
"taken over, lock, stock, and barrel by the
But Winston Churchill lauded Truman's
unprecedented move. "No step taken late-
ly has more increased the chlAnces of main-
tanence of world peace and world freedom,"
he said. "Ifsuch a step had been taken by
the United States -before the last war, it
would have stopped it. If it had been taken
before 1914, peace might have been pre-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by neinbers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

served and we should all be living in a far
happier world,"
Turkey and Greece, as might be expected,
wasted no time in expressing deep thanks
for the proposed assistance. Premier Max-
imos of Greece described the action as "en-
couragement for the Greek people in their
just and noble struggle for the principles
of freedom and democracy." Greece's King
George said, "I feel sure your generous as-
sistance today in restoring free democratic
institutions and expediting economic recov-
ery and restoration in Greece will make a
decisive milestone in strengthening world
In the U.S., 24 pastors and representatives
of peace organizations said that the support
of "dubious regimes" in Europe would only
serve to multiply those grievances which
make people "a prey to Communism", and
would "drain American resources".
But former Governor Arnall of Georgia
said Sunday that the President's recom-
mendations represent the first "positive'
course the U.S. had taken since the sur-
render of Germany". He said the U.S. could
"get along" with Russia.
In Washington Tuesday, Democratic
Committee chairman Sullivan was jolted
into proposing a kind of union with the
Republicans. He said a "divided America"
cannot stop Communism.
Senator Taft was bewildered. "I want to
know what our top military people think
of the possibility that Russia will go to
war if we carry out this program."
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt agreed whole-
heartedly with President Truman on the
"Absolute need to help both Greece and
Turkey with relief and rehabilitation," but
added, "I grieve to see this country do any-
thing which harms the strength of the UN.
We seem to have decided not to let Greece
make her own decisions, but to make them
for her. In other words, we seem to have
accepted Great Britain's policy without very
much investigation."
-Bob White
-Fred Schott

Strikers vs. Public

THE RIGHT TO strike is so important
that it should be prohibited only if it
presents a strong, direct and immediate
threat to public health or security. Yet
there is a national trend today to prohibit
strikes of all public employes, including
teachers. Is this action justifiable? We
think not.
The nature of the employer, i.e., public
or private, should not, in our view, be the
criterion in judging whether strikes can be
tolerated; rather the degree of urgency with
which the public depends on the services
provided by the particular line of work, re-
gardless of who does the employing.
Police, fire-fighting, water supply, and
sanitation personnel are usually all local
government employes; all are critically es-
sential to community life. Electric power
workers, gas supply workers, coal miners,
railroad employes, and food handlers are all
privately employed. But their activities are
just as critically essential to the public as
the former ones.
In all of these fields just mentioned, pub-
lie interest considerations demand that
strikes not be allowed, for, were any one
of these services to be shut off, grave and
widespread hardship woud result almost at
once. However, even here, token strikes by
limited numbers of a given group for a lim-
ited time might be permitted in extreme cir-
cumstances, providing no serious impair-
ment of vital services resulted.
Teachers are also employed by local or
state goveirnments, as are many librar-
ians and office clerks. Yet their ser-
vices, while essential, are not as critical
as those of employes in the service indus-
tries listed above. Prohibitions against
strikes of such employes are not defen-
, sible, because of this fact.'
Strikes are often vital to employes be-
cause they serve to expose and dramatize
intolerable situations, often they are the
only way to force action badly needed to
offset hardships. Especially is this true in
public employment, where wages and sal-
aries are fixed by law. This principle ap-
plies with special force on the local level,
where such rates are usually lowest, and ad-
hered to tenaciously by parsimonious pro-
vincial officials.
It is argued in favor of a blanket pro-
hibition on all strikes by public employes,
that to permit such action would be tanta-
mount to sanctioning rebellion, and would
contribute to the undermining of the au-
thority of the estate. The answer to this
assertion is that if a state allows intoler-
able conditions to exist, forcing its workers
to resort to strikes, the state deserves the
consequences. Lincoln once said that if a
government becomes tyrannical the people
have the revolutionary right to overthrow
it. A teachers' strike such as the recent one
at Buffalo is only a very nild practice of
this right.

sense of social obligation. They are not
the sort to abuse their strike privilege
except in extreme cases. They have suf-
fered long at low pay rates without com-
plaint. In many places they receive less
than garbage collectors, janitors or night
School officials, who have power to rem-
edy these conditions, are human-they don't
like to force taxes up if they can help it
when this might tend to antagonize their
constituents. If teachers, by the restrained
use of the strike, can goad these officals
into long-delayed remedial action to benefit
themselves-action which will in the long
run raise teaching standards, and, so, con-
tribute to the better Sducation of our child-
ren-we say more power to them.
We have said that certain classes of em-
employes should not be permitted to strike
except in a token manner. What compen-
sations should they receive for this handi-
cap? A recept New York Times editorial
recommends that special boards be set up
with full authority to enforce their decisions,
for the purpose of constantly reviewing the
adequacy of the pay and the decency of the
working conditions of such workers with the
view to making such employment more at-
Arthur S. Meyer, chairman of the New
York State Mediation Board, and one of
the country's foremost authorities on meth-
ods of maintaining peaceful management-
labor relations, recently advocated creation
of compulsory arbitration machinery,
whose officials would have mandatory power
over city, state and federal expenditures
for wages and salaries, or whose decisions
would be binding on budget-making offi-
cials. Some such compensatory mechanism
will have to be developed in order to make
up for loss of the right to strike by those
in jobs critical to the public welfare.
Frank Harmon
c J

3EFORE THE WAR, a member of the
Cabinet could not use an airplane, even
on official business, without the specific
consent of President Roosevelt. This rule,
of course, did not apply to heads of depart-
ments that possessed and used airplanes of
their own-Army, Navy, Treasury and Com-
merce. But since the war, Government-
owned airplanes have become a familiar
sight in all parts of the world. The expense
to the taxpayers is considerable and the sur-
prising thing is that Senator Byrd of Vir-
ginia who has been bent on economizing
to the last cent has not attempted to plug
a leak that has developed into a steady
stream. Not only is the initial cost of the
airplanes high, it costs money to man and
maintain them, and to pay for the large
quantities of high-octane gasoline that are
used .
The Navy flew a large number of airplanes
loaded with guests to the Bikini atom bomb
tests and then Secretary Forrestal, with a
select party, proceeded on around the world.
Postmaster General Hannegan also circum-
navigated the globe "inspecting" post of-
fices. He probably got a lot of useful in-
formation in the Alps and from the vast
expanses of the Pacific Ocean, the Sahara
Desert, and the arid Middle East. Among
others with him on this trip were Assistant
Postmaster General Gael Sullivan and Sen-
ator Tydings of Maryland.
It is regarded as a clever technique for
our peripatetic statesmen to take along
members of Congress as "guests" of the
Government. It is convenient to have some-
one to rise on the floor of the House or the
Senate to explain how vitally important was
the particular junket in which he participat-
But the real junketeer of the Cabinet
seems to be Secretary of the Interior Krug.
In addition to his Director of Information,
he customarily takes with him several high
departmental executives to keep him com-
pany in the air. Secretary Krug and his
party, including his father, last fall went
to Alaska, which was perhaps justified so
far as he personally was concerned, because
his Department has jurisdiction over that
territory. He has also traveled hither,
thither, and yon in this country and with
varying members of his staff has gone to
Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and else-
where. Last fall in an Army plane he spent
several weeks on an "inspection" trip in
the far West. Who could blame him if he
took the occasion while on this "inspection"
tour to do a little campaigning for Demo-
cratic candidates for Congress?
Last winter when Assistant Secretary of
War for Air, Mr. Symington, yearned for
a bit of sunshine, he gathered up Secretary
Krug and one or two other friends and flew
to Miami, where Postmaster General Hann-
egan happened to be at the time. Subse-
quently, Mr. Symington took another
breather in Bermuda.
Not to be outdone, Secretary Krug con-
ceived the idea of "inspecting" Hawaii, as
well as Guam and some of the other Far
Pacific Islands, enroute to Tokyo to ask
General MacArthur what views he had
about the administration of the Far Pacific
Islands, now owned or coveted by the United
States. Of course, Secretary Krug might
have conferred with General MacArthur's
superior, the Secretary of War, but then
he would have had no excuse for joy-riding
with his party to far-away Japan. It was a
new procedure for a Cabinet officer to ig-
nore his Cabinet opposite, and confer with
an official down the line, even if that offi-
cial is as important a personage as is Gen-
eral MacArthur.
On this trip Secretary Krug followed the
usual technique of having, among others,
as his guests, Congressmen Engle and Paul-
son, both of Califoilnia, and Delegate Far-

rington of Hawaii.
It is a tough proposition to put up to the
Congress, but if it really is interested in
discovering a source of real waste, it might
inquire into how many occasions the Army
or the Navy, vieing with each other for Con-
gressional favor, has detailed airplanes for
Congressional convenience. Even during
the war, when people were being rationed
on gasoline and house-heating oil, certain
Congressmen regularly flew to Florida for
the weekend in service planes. Public offi-
cials of certain rank, or at least with the
necessary pull, had no difficulty in having
assignedto them airplanes that burned up
precious 100-octane gasoline.
It is time that Uncle Sam desist from
running "Cook's tours" at the expense of
the Treasury. Joy-riders should pay for
their own fun.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)
IN THE continuing controversy between the
British Socialists and Communists the lat-
ter may try to minimize what Labor has
done. Apparently Stalin does not share
their view, for when a delegation headed by
Harold Laski visited Russia last summer,
he told them that the accomplishments of
the Labor government confirmed his opin-
ion that there are other paths than the Rus-
sian to socialism.
-J. Alvarez Del Vayo in The Nation,
March, 1947

tion to the quotas designated for
students, a considerable numberI
of these apartments to faculty
members who are Veterans of
World War II.
Married students of World War
II who have filed applications for
the Terrace Apartments prior to
March 20, 1947 should not apply
again since the applications are
being processed in terms of the
above qualifications.
A representative from Proctor &
Gamble from Detroit will be at,
the Bureau of Appointm-ents on
Monday,. March 24. to interview
June graduates for sales depart-
ment. For further information
and appointments, call the Bu-
reau of Appointments, extension
The U. S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces an examination
for probation appointments to the
position of Student Dietitian. Ap-
plications must be submitted prior
to April 10. For further informa-
tion, call Mr. Jones at the Bureau
of Appointments, extension 371.
The UT. S. Civil Service Commis-
sion, Washington, D. C., is accept-
ing applications for student
nurses. Applications must be re-
'ceived in the U. S. Civil Service
Commission, Washington, D.C. not
later than April 29. For further
information, call Mr. Jones, Bu-
reau of Appointments, extension

Academic Notices
Anthropology 152, The Mind of
Primitive Man. There will be a
quiz on Friday, March 21,
Biological Chemistry Seminar,
Rm. 319, W. Medical Bldg., 10
a.m., Sat., March 22. Subject:
"Some Phases of Purine."
Mathematics Seminar on Coin-
plex Variables: Sat., March 15, 10
a.m., Rm. 3011. Angell Hall. Mr.
Hansen will speak on the Seh warz-
Christoffel mappings.
Metropolitan Community Semi-
nar will not meet Thursday, Mar.
20. Next regular meeting will be
March 27.
Zoology Seminar. Thurs., Mar.
20, 7:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Mr. James M. Edney will
speak on "The biology of Clinos-
tornum marginatum (Tremato-
d a ) ".
Physical Education-Women Stu
Mid-semester registration for
all freshman and upperclass wom-
en taking required physical edu-
cation will be held on Fri., March
21, 8 to 4:30 and Sat., March 22, 8
to 12:30 in Barbour Gymnasium.
If a semester's credit is to be ob-
tained. each student must re-regis
ter at this time.
Registration for upperclass and
graduate women students wishing
to take an elective course in physi-


U. S. P et. Off .--A ig s w
"It says Comrade Gromyko's New York residence is in an overcrowded
slum known as the Park Avenue district."
Page 3) 'Hogarth's Rake's Progress: a
Point of View." at 4:15 p.m., Tues.,
ing relative proportions: Mar. 25, Rackham Amphitheatre;
60% undergraduates auspices of the Department of
23% non-professional graduates English.
17% professional graduates Professor Foster will speak be-
These proportions being used sole- fore the English Journal Club on
ly upon married veteran enroll- the subject, "William Blake: Ar-
ment. tist and Poet," at 8 p.m., Tues.,
It should be understood that the Mar. 25, East Conference Room,
University has assigned, in addi- iRackham Bldg.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Becatse The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(w ich is sined, 300 words or less
in length. and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
30 uords are shortened, printed or
omitted A, the dscretion of the edi-
torial director.
To the Editor:
yESTERDAY'S editorial page
contained a double-barreled
blast at President Truman's latest
announcement of foreign policy,
namely that the United States
should take over a weakened Brit-
ain's commitments in Greece and
Turkey. The buckshot was deliv-
ered by the editorial director, Mil-
ton Freudenheim, and Eunice
Mintz in separate editorials.
Freudenheim's chief criticism is
that we are implementing Byrne's
"get tough with Russia" policy
without taking long-range world
unity in the same breath - as if
either announcement stuck to-
h inthe same declaration
would makze much sense to the
Russians.We may be able to "soft
soap" the Russians a. little bit, but
not in the same breath we tell
them off.
The art of plain talk -- not:
double talk - is important when
dealing with the Russian leaders.
They have taken too much double
talk in the past from Western dip-
lomats, either intentional double
talk or just the polite kind. The
Russians are the :world's greatest,
despite the theoretical Hegelian-
Marxism mist that hangs over
Moscow. The Russian leaders are
plain rough men with rough back-
grounds. When someone calls
them a S.O.B. in public, they do
not immediately roll up their fists
to fight, but understand that some-
urdasy. 2-5 Sunday. Current
through March.
Willow Run Village Art Show
University Community Center
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village
Crafts and paintings by Village
residents on exhibit at the Uni-
versity Center, Assembly Room,
through March 30. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
University Radio Program:
1:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Ke. Great Lakes Series-"LaSalle,
Dreamer of Empire."
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc. World Masterpieces.
Michigan Chapter AAUP: 6:15
p.m., Michigan Union Cafeteria.
The Chapter's Committee on Per-
sonnel will present Dr. Robert L.
Howard, President, Personnel En-
gineering, Detroit, who will speak
on "Personnel Problems Common
to Larger Institutions."
Geology and Mineralogy Journal
Club, 4 p.m., Rm. 2082, Natural
Science Bldg. Dr. E. Wm. Hein-
rich of the Department of Geology
and' Mineralogy, Montana, will
speak on "The Structure of Pega-
Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert sponsored by the
Graduate School will include
Bach's Concerto for two violins,t
Beethoven's Quartet No. 9 in Ct
Major, and Mozart's Piano Con-t
certo No. 24 in C Minor. The con-t
cert is for graduate students onlyl
and silence is requested.
Scroll: Meeting, 5 p.m., League.
The room will be posted.
La P'tite Causetts: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.

Alpha Phi Alpha Epsilon Chap-
ter: 7 p.m., Union.
Inter-Racial Association: Meet-
ing scheduled for today postponed
until Mon., March 31.
BAHA'I Student Group: 8 p.m.,
1400 Granger St.
Art Cinema League presents
Fritz Lang's LAST WILL OF DR.
MABUSE. English titles; French
dialogue, etc. Also: "Out of Dark-
ness." Short film on 'Belgian un-
derground newspaper during Nazi
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club: Hike,
2:30 p.m., Sun., March 23. Meet at3
Northeast Entrance, Rackham
Bldg. Sign up at check desk,
Rackham Bldg.. before noon Sat-
illel News Staff: meeting at
4:15 p.m. Fri., at Foundation. All
those interested in writing for the
paper are invited.

Letters to the Editor..

one big enough has called their
bluff. The Russian leaders respect
strength as well as resent it, a
point that a lot of parlor diplo-
mats who never saw the streets of
life don't seem to understand. I
am thinking particularly of the
type of diplomat which school-tie
Anthony Eden exemplified.
After fifteen years of taking
double talk from the West, the
Russians are understandably jit-
tery. Up till now they didn't know
what and who we were. Since re-
cognizing them with a pat on the
back in 1938. we have been large-
ly confusing them with a lot of
verbal anagrams. It must come
as a welcome cathartic to them to
know exactly what we stand for,
for once.
As every man on the street
comes to respect a man for being
a "man," regardless of differences,
so the Russians will and must re-
spect us. We have told them to
lay off our buddies, have told them
precisely where we think their and
our spheres of influence meet.
Those who don't want to admit
there are such nasty things in the
world as spheres of influence may
abolish the word from the lang-
uage. It doesn't make a bit of
What does this do to the Unit-
ed Nations, Miss Mintz? Those
who understand that the U.N. will
never be a Sunday school will wel-
come the expected dismissal of
some excess baggage - the white-
gloved practicioners of protocol.
The United Nations will carry on
in a healthier atmosphere. If that
atmosphere smells somewhat like
McGinty's gymnasium, it is be-
cause the U.N. is a men's club, not,
the Ladies Aid Society.
-Robert Speckhard
Voting System
To the Editor:
In another letter to the editor
I gave my objections to the Hare4
System of Proportional Represen-
tation, and today I will offer my
substitute proposal - Plural Pref-t
erential Voting.
It is as follows: Each voter de-
signates on his ballot from 1 tod
10 candidates for whom he wishes
to vote by placing before the
names of his candidates the order
in which he prefers them. If John
Doe is his first choice he puts a1
"1" before his name, if Richard
Roe is his second choice a "2" is
placed before his name, and so on<
down the line till he has voted for
his favorite ten candidates in or-
der of preference. However, the
voter is not obliged to vote for
more than one candidate, and sim-
ilarly he is permitted to vote for
anw number of candidates up to
ten. If he happens to vote for
more than 10 his ballot is not in-
validatee-- his choices after the
first ten are simply not counted.
In tabulating the ballots the
procedure is this: Each first place
vote is counted as 10 votes, each
second place vote as 9 votes, each
third place vote as 8, and so on
down to the tenth place vote which'
counts as one vote. The tabulation
then consists only of simple addi-
tion and one canvass of the bal-
lots is sufficient to arrive at the
final results.
The number of candidates equiv-
alent to the number of positions
to be filled who have received th
largest total of votes are elected.
This system of Plural Preferen-
tial Voting eliminates the chance
element in counting, insures that
every vote, properly weighted, is
counted in, and makes the mathe-
matics of tabulation far simpler.
-Robert Carneiro


The U.S. Civil Service Commis- j cal education will be held on Mon.,
sion has announced examinations March 24, and Tues., March 25, in
for Chemists, Physicists, and Engi_ Barbour Gymnasium, 8 to 12, and
neers, with the Office of Naval Re- 1:30 to 4:30.
search. For further information, All new classes begin the week
call Mr. Jones, Bureau of Appoint- of April 14.
ments. extension 371. --


0 Blrooks attd Rividets

We have an opening for a dieti-
tian or home economics major for
employment in the Ann Arbor
area. A veteran's wife who is going
to be here for a year or more would
be especially desirable. For further
information, call at the Bureau of;
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall,
ext. 371.
University Community Center,
1045 Midway, Willow Run Village.
Thurs., March 20, 8 p.m., Art-
Craft Workshop; 8 p.m., Exten-
sion Class in Psychology.I
Fri., March 21, 8 p.m., Dupli-
cate Bridge, Party Bridge. Dan-1
West Lodge:f
Thurs., March 20, 7-8:30 p.m.,j
Volley Ball; 8:30-10 p.m., Badmin-
Fri., March 21, The Little The-
atre will present "Ten Nights in
a Barroom," Auditorium.
Sat., March 22. "Ten Nights in a
Barroom," Little Theatre Group.,

Student Recital. Roberta Booth,
pianist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar.
20, Rackham Assembly Hall. A
1 pupil of Maud Okkelberg, Miss
Booth has planned a program of
compositions by Bach, Couperin,
Loeillet, Griffes, Scriabine, and
Beethoven. The general public is
The Museum of Art presents
I paintings by Ben-Zion through
April 3. Alumni Memorial Hall,
weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12
land 2-5. Wednesday evenings 7-9
and Sundays 2-5. The public is
cordially invited.
Drawings of the human figure.
Current through March 27, Main
floor, Architecture Bldg.


Shy or Vindictive
ONE CANDIDATE for "18th in a series of
weekly articles on faculty personalities"
came up with a novel excuse for refusing to
be interviewed.
He claims he was "busted off" The Daily
in his undergraduate days, and he's not go-
ing to forgive us now.
We Got Everything
TWO POSTERS side by side on the Angell
Hall basement bulletin board advertise
an Easter play and "Ten Nights in a Bar-
* * *,*


Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students o
the University of Michigan under th
authority of the Board in Control o
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha ......... Managing Edito
Clayton Dickey...........,City Edito
Milton Freudenheim..Editorlal Directo
Mary Brush .......... Associate Edito
Ann Kutz ....... Associate Edito
Clyde Recht .......... Associate Edito
Jack Martin.............Sports Edito
Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Edito
Joan Wilk........... Women's Edito
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Egito
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manage
Janet Cork.........Business Manage
Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manage

Lecu eConservation of Michigan wild-
I ~ ..ectu~e Iflowers, an exhibit of 46 colored
Professor Finley Foster, of Adel- lates with emphasis on those pro-
bert College, Western Reserve Uni- tected by law. Rotunda Museum
versity, will lecture on the subject, Building. 8-5 Monday through Sat-


Teachers, moreover, are not an irre-
cnniht P rni,.mmThev ar e hiehly in telli-

K 1'


_ _

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