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March 20, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-20

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Students Pick 231

In L




Weber, Dutcher Tie for First Place;
Elliott Gets Student Athletic Post
Tabulation of the lightest vote yet cast in a Student Legislature
election was completed last night as eight members of the Represen-
tative Party and 16 non-partisan candidates became new Legislators.
Because of the "unusually even" distribution of the first place
voting, the election of Elmer Weber and Dave Dutcher, the first can-
didates to be elected, was not determined until the third official'
count. ,
Elliott Wins Board Position
Pete Elliott won the student position on the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics by a 2,055 to 911 votes over Dominic Tomasi
on a. separate ballot.

Vets' Absence
Reports Vital
Waldrop Says
Need for Cooperation
Is Emphaszed by VA
The necessity for veterans'
weekly absence reports was
stressed to the leaders of campus
veterans' groups by Robert S
Waldrop, director of the Veterans
Service Bureau, at the regular
meeting of the University Veterans
Council yesterday.
Veterans Administration in-
structions state that a veteran's
"continuance in training is con-
tingent upon maintenance of sat-
isfactory conduct with respect to
attendance, personal deportment
and progress according to regu-
larly prescribed standards of the
educational institution."
The University is obligated to
report to the VA whenever a vet-
eran has missed more than five
"days" of class. Since it is possi-
ble for a veteran to miss five
"days" of class in one week, the
University has set up the present'
system of weekly reports, Wald'op
The need for cooperation on the
part of the veterans was empha-
sized by Waldrop, who said, "High
school pranks and incorrect re-
ports only cost the University
money and add to the work of
making the reports."
The proper withdrawal proce-
dure for veterans was outlined to
the Council by Gordon B. Jory,
University cashier, who said a
veteran quitting school must take
the following steps:
1. Contact his dean or advisor.
2. Go to the Veterans Service
Bureau and have his records ad-
3. Go to the cashier's office to
turn in his I.D. card and athletic
ticket and have his books and sup-
plies account adjusted.
Common Cold
Hits Campus
Respiratory Patients
Swell Infirmary List
Although upper respiratory in-
fections of a mild form have al-
most doubled among students at
the University in the past week,
"luck" still seems to be keeping
the cases from reaching unusual
numbers, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
director of Health Service, said
With upper respiratory patients
occupying about half of the 55
beds, the infirmary is now filled
for the first time this semester,
Dr. Forsythe revealed. Health
Service reports show that outpa-
tients with upper respiratory in-
fections have ranged from 50 to 60
a day, in comparison with 25 to
30, previously this year.
The virus research unit, at the
Public Health School, which is
following the outbreak 'closely,
has not been able to identify any
positive cases of influenza. It is
too early as yet to determine the
effect of the influenza immuniza-
tion shots given on campus last
fall, according to one of the re-
search doctors.f
Abduction CIire
Hearing Planned

Redistributing 3,065 Legislature
ballots according to the Hare sys-
tem of proportional representa-
tion, the election committee an-
nounced the election of James
Risk, Bob Silver, Jeanne Metel-
ski, Miriam Levy, Anthony Spada,
Jean Gringle, Gay Larsen, Con-
nie Converse, Penny Klausner,
Chuck Lewis, Edward McKinlay
David Baldwin, Rae King, George
Gordon, Barbara Newman, Stu-
art Rankin, Bill Short, Ruth
Sights, Dick Kelly, Janet Osgood,
Peg Herold and Warren Bovee in
that order.
Risk, Spada, Klausner, McKin -
lay, Lewis, Rankin, Newman and
Levy were Representative Party
48 Ballots Invalidated
Forty-eight of the original
3,113 ballots were declared in-
valid because of improper mark-
ing and over 10 per cent of the
valid ballots were discarded be-
cause of "insufficient preference."
Fifteen of the 60 candidates
were eliminated because of low
first place totals before any were
elected. The original quota needed
for election was 123, but this was
lowered "several times during the
counting as ballots were placed in
the discard pile.
Truman fiPlea
Causes S)it
ln Republicans
WASHINGTON, March 19-(l)
- The Greek - Turkish - Russian
problem split the Republican ma-
jority in Congress three ways to-
night on the eve of the first pub-
lic hearings on President Tru-
man's appeal to bulwark Greece
and Turkey against Communism.
New demands arose for turning
the ,problem over to the United
Nations, some GOP members sug-
gested a hands-off attitude to
let the problem find its own an-
swer and others strung ),long, at
least tentatively, with Senator
Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) who
supports Mr. Truman on the mat-
The House Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee got set to begin hearings
tomorrow on the President's re-
gttivt to step in with $400,O00,000l
in id for Turkey and Grce, now
that Great Britain is pulling out,
Hawaii Approved
WASHINGTON, March 19 --(/P
Tme House Public Lands Com-
inittee approved statehood for
Hawaii today.
Without dissent, the committee
agreed by a voice vote to recom-
mend to the house the passage
of enabling legislation introduced
by Delegate Joseph R. Farrington
(Rep., Hawaii).

May Reach
German Problem
May Be Settled
MOSCOW, March 19 -(/P)-The
first inkling that the Moscow con-
ference might reach a compromise
on Germany came tonight when
Secretary of State George C. Mar-
shall and Soviet Foreign Minister
V. M. Molotov agreed that the
four powers possibly could recon-
cie their positions.
Atthe sametime, British For-
eign Secretary Ernest Bevin grave-
ly warned the conference that the
success of negotiations on Ger-
many will have a definite effect on1
big power collaboration in all of
Skeleton in Closet
Molotov, who shook the repara-
tions skeleton out of the Yalta
closet, found Bevin and Marshall
producing similar references to
previously secret discussions at
Pots.dam and in the Allied Con-
trol Concil for Germany.
Marshall revealed that the Rus-
sians, who yesterday came out for
a 10,000,000 to 12,000,000-ton steel
production in Germany, fought
desperately in the Allied Control
Council a year ago to limit Ger-
man steel production to 3,500,000
tons yearly because "a higher steel
outputs constitutes a war poten-
Bevin in turn revealed that it
was Prime Minister Stalin himself
who insisted at Potsdam on, cap-
ital goods reparations from the
western zones and not the current
production which the Soviets now
Little Agreement Reached
Despite conciliatory speeches,
little agreement was reached at
today's meeting on basic issues,
and new differences came to light
in the economic discussions.
Bevin rejected setting a dollar
value on reparations such as the
Soviet $10,000,000 demand, reject-
ed the Soviet demand to dissolve
the4 Anglo-American zone fusion,
demanded a balanced economy for
Germany before reparations and
rejected the French demand for
definite coal deliveries to other
European states.
Molotov rejected economic unity
for Germany without reparations,
rejected Marshall's and Bevin's
contention that the Potsdam
agreement superseded Yalta on
reparations, but supported the
French coal demand.
Siger Signs
State Bonuis
Payment Bill
LANSING, March 19 -(/P--
Governor Sigler signed into law
today a bill creating machinery
for the payment of the $270,000,-
000 veterans' bonus and setting
up qualifications for recipients.
His action was almost the last
official step necessary before the
Ad jutant General Department can
begin distribution of application
blanks for the bonus and the pay-
ment of the claims.
The application forms. approved
by the state administrative board
yesterday, have gone to the printer
and Brig. Gen. LeRoy Pearson,
adjutant general, said he hoped

to start distributing them by the
end of this week. They will be
made available through veterans'
counseling services, veterans' or-
ganizations, banks and city halls.

Calls Off Threat of Coal Strike;









Gives Office
Tahitadge Takes
Case to People
By The Associated Press
ATLANTA, Ga., March 19-The
State Supreme Court rejected
claims of Herman Talmadge to-
day as governor of Georgia, and
the ousted champion of white su-
premacy yielded to Lieut.-Gov. M.
E. Thompson with a vow to take
his case to the people.
The high court, in an historic,
5-to-2 decision, voided the legisla-
ture's election of young Talmadge
in place of his late father, Eugene
Talmadge, who died 23 days be-
fore inauguration.
The court held that when
Talmadge died, there was no
legal successor to Gov. Ellis Ar-
nall, and declared Arnall held
over. When he resigned vi-.,-
tarily Jan. 18, 1947, the court
continued, executive authority
passed to the lieutenant-gover-
The decision came nine weeks to
the day after Talmadge teized
physical control of the executive
offices and goveinor's mia sion
with state troopers and National
Guard officers.
Talmadge stumped out of the
capitol, followed by his chief po-
litical lieutenant, tubby, talka-
tive Roy V. Harris, who had helped
engineer his abortive election by
the legislature. Before leaving,
Talmadge telephoned his pretty
young wife at the mansion.
"Honey, it was five to two
against us," he said. "Get our
stuff together now and we'll
move out this afternoon."
Talmadge then told reporters:
"In all political questions the court
of last resort is the people of
Georgia. This question will be
carried to the court of last resort."
The Supreme Court's decision
was made public at 11:25 a.m.
By 12:15 p.m., Talmadge and his
staff had cleaned out their desks,
removed all private papers, and
locked the doors.
Jubilant Lieut-Gov. Thompson,
pump-handling well-wishers in al
suite of a downtown hotel, de-
clared: "All along I have believed
it was wrong for the General As-
sembly to elect a governor."
FEPC Council
Aids in Lobby

BARROOM MELODRAMA - With dim lights and demon rum for backdrops and props, the W
Village Little Theatre group will present "Ten Nights in a Barroom" tomorrow, Saturday andS
day. Standing left to right the cast includes Sid O wsowitz, Grace Schofield, Edmund Johnston,(
aldine Meyer, Laird Schmidt, Fred De Turk, Martin e Biesc and Ed Marheine. Reclining left to r
are Mar,, Crane, Marion Emerson and Ivan Jirak.



No Bitterness
Expressed in
Work Agreement
Remains Valid
By 'he Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 19 -
John L. Lewis, yielding "uncon-
ditionally" to a Supreme Court
mandate, told his 400,000 soft
,oal miners today to keep on work-
ng after March 31.
With no outward hint of bitter-
ness, Lewis thus called off the
breat of a new nation-wide coal
strike next month and agreed to
;cave it to the courts for "final
determination" of his long and
costly battle with the government,
In terminating the strike last
fall, Lewis had instructed his mi-
er's to continue operations until
illow the end of March.
Sun- The United Mine Workers'
Ger- chief signalled his surrender to-
ight day in a 20-word letter to Secre-
tary of Interior Krug-a mes-
- sage wholly lacking his usual
blunt defiance-declaring sit-
I e The notice of November 15,
I1946, terminating the Krug-Lewis
tt agreement as of November 20,
1946, is hereby unconditionally
[d aedparate letter to the mine
workers, Lewis told union mem-
prob- bers they "are hereby instructed
o final that said Krug-Lewis agreement
FPHA is in full force and effect until
w Vil- final determination of the basic is-
es to sues arising under the agreement.
mmen- "These actions," his letter to
enants * UMW workers continued, "have
g lcc- been taken in full conLrmance
um of with the orders and directions of
the district court of the United
Village States for the District of Co-
m the lumbia as affirmed by the Su-
imittee preme Court of the United
to ants States on March 6th, 1947."'
taken Interior Department officials
where indicated that Krug planned no
-mined.immediate steps to bring mine
nclude leaders and operators together for
resen- negotiations, looking toward a re-
d with turn of the government-seiged
placing mines to private ownership. Krug
excess- took over the strike-bound pits
ctrical last May 22 to end a paralyzing
59-day walkout by the miners and
cir ar- the Krug-Lewis agreement went
Vnnala, into effect as a work contract.
safety Mlitar Race
r r, pro er
ie For Posts on
Mars Forecast

Willow Villagers Ask Grant
ยง'o Organize Nursery School

Moves for a state grant of $3,000
to establish a day nursery school
at Willow Village will be initiated
today at a special meeting of com-
munity leaders who will select a
delegation to meet with State Vet-
erans' Administrator Colonel Phil-
ip Pack, sponsor of the legisla-
tion, at Lansing.
Representatives of FPHA, the
local school board, the Public
Health Department, churches and
community organizations have
been invited to the meeting which
will establish an administrative
committee to direct campaigning
and pressure in behalf of the state
Mrs. Margaret Mutlnick, chair-
man of the Day Nursery Commit-
tee of the Willow Run Citizens
group, said that a general meet-
ing open to the entire village will
First Cooley
Leetire To Be
. j
Givei llMonday
TIc newly established 'holnas
SCooley lectures wil be inaugu trat -
edl Monday when Professor Henrv
Roltschaefer of theu University of
Minnresota law school delivers the
first, il a five lectore series enti-
tIed "The Constitution and Soeo-
Economnic Reform ."
Prof. Rottschaefer's initial sub-
ject will be "Development of Fed-
eral Power prior to 1933" followed
by the co-ordinate "Expansion of
Federal Fower after 1933" on
Tuesday. "The Development and
Expansion of State Powers" will be
taken up Wednesday and "The
Trend in Protection of Personal
and Property Rights" on Thurs-
day. Prof. Rottschaefer xw ill con-
clude the series on Friday with a
discussion of" The rimplxi tions}
of Recent Trends."
All lectures will be given in
Room 150, (iutchlins jfall, with the
first four scheduled for 4 p.m.,
and the last one on Friday. at 3
Author of "A Handbook of
American Constitutional Law,"
regarded by legal scholars as the
standard one-volume work on the
subject, Prof. Rottscl laefer has
served as the editor of the Min-
nesota Law Review since 1942.
Prof. Rottschaefer has also edit-
ed two casebooks for law students,

be held Monday, March 31, at the
Village Community Center, to out-
line the means by which village
residents may help in the matter.
"The grant will subsidize a full-
time day nursery for 25 children
for one year," Mrs. Mutnick said.
"And future nursery needs are al-
reaay being looked into. We con.-
tinue to support and urge others
to support the amendment to
the Veterans' Trust Act which
would make ten percent of the
interest on this $50,000,000 Trust
Fund available for such projects."
Sales Continue
For .FreshAir
Camp Concert
Remaining tickets for thae Spike
Jones "Musical1 Depreciation Re-
view" will be sold from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. today and tomorrow at Hill
Auditorium and the League, ac-
cording to Louise Patrick, general
The City Slickers will present
their show at 7 and 9:45 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium. The
review, which will include 14
vaudeville acts as well as Spike
Jones, most popular recordings,
was recently a sell-out at Illinois
and Purdue.
Panhellenic Association is sponl-
soring the "160 Minutes of Musi-
cal. Madness."
aurgStill on Sale
Remaining copies of the
March issue of Gargoyle will
be on sale from 2 to 5 p.m. to-
day at the Gargoyle office in
the Student Publications Build-

Willow Villa
Meetng He]
Willow Run's electrical
lems came a step closer t
resolution Tuesday when
engineers met with WilloN
lage tenant representativ
thrash out the various recon
dations put forth by the t
relating to means of avoidin
trical abuses with a minim
inconvenience to residents.
Delegates from theI
chapter of AVC, and fro
Willow Run Citizens Coma
as well as independent t
presented their proposalst
officials who, in turn, have
them to their home offices
final polico will be deterr
These recommendations i
election of tenant area rep
tatives who will be charged
the responsibility of rep
burnt fuses and reportinge
ive violations of the ele
The tenants presented tb(
guments to Charles H. A
Village housing director, W
Everett, regional fire and
engineer, Elston R. Wagner
ject services adviser, Willia
hart, management adviser
regional office and Frank 1
area fire and safety engieeh
Seager Wiw
Writi g Pri


Arbor Delegates
on Sigler, Downs


establish military outposts on
Mars has been forecast by Maj.
James R. Randolph, a mathemati-

Foreign Student Enrollnent
HereF Ibaol

'11 lUn iversity ralnks turth
among 895 institutions in tl'
country in number of foreign stu-
dents enrolled, according to a
survey by the Committee on
Friendly Relations Among For-
eign Students, New York City.
There are 457 foreign students
enrolled at the University out of
a total of 15,071 enrolled in all
institutions in the United States.
Columbia Ranks First,
Columbia University ranks first;
with approximately 1,400, the Uni-

lents. New York ranks first with
3,264, and California is second
with 1,510 students from other
countries. Next in order are Mas-
sachusetts and Pennsylvania.
The total for the United States
represents an increase of 4,426
over last year, and includes stu-
dents from 105 ethnic groups.
Middle, Near East
The greatest rate of increase is
found in countries of the Near
and Middle East. These countries,
including India., have 1,797 stu-

A delegation of three carloads
of people 'epresenting the Ann
Arbor FEPC Council took part
yesterday in a People's Lobby at
Lansing which asked Gov. Kim
Sigler's support in getting the
Fair' Employment Practices bill
out of committee.
The Ann Arbor delegates called
.on Sen. Downs, representing Oak-
land and Washtenaw counties,
and Representatives Christman
and Warner of Washtenaw County,
as well as taking part in the state-
wide delegation which called on
Gov. Sigler.
Gov. Sigler told the mnembers of
the delegation that the legislature
probably will not enact an FEPC
bill until it is convinced Com-
munists are not active in its be-
half, according to an Associated
Press report.
Rev. Charles Hill of Detroit,
chairman of the state FEPC coun-
cil, said that there is still an ur-
gent need for letters to senators
anl representatives asking the
passage of an FEPC bill.
I) -- --- - - - - -

Even a $5,000 fir
didn't encourage nev
in a national mag
for college faculty
writers, according t
Seager of the Englilt
who won the prize.
All of the award
to writers who ha
published stories. '
Prof. Seager, Mary I
Smith College, and7
of Brown Universit

st m'ic oferclan and engineer.
wst prize ofin "Rockets capable of going 40,-
w competition 000,000 miles to Mars may come
y shont-story more quickly than we now think
"o y Pof, Alla n poss'ible. And when they came,
there will be a race to get there
7h department first with an adequate expedi-
tion", lie wrote in the Army Ord-
[s were given nance Association Journal.
ad previously Citing American occupation of
They included World War Two bases in remote
Elen Chase of places such as the Aleutians and
I J. Kapstein the lonely reaches of the Pacific,
'y Randolph declared," in World
War III we cannot limit such oc-
cupation to the earth alone. We
must extend it out into space as
1far as rockets can go and to our
V rutsneighbor worlds i space."
An attack from ars, he said,
would afford "vastly greater op-
el) portunities for secrecy and sur-
prise" than a sudden assault from
Ich to do with earth against an enemy country.
'acter and the
f the individ- F1 aust Elected Head

Circulating Library of
Establisled for U)' Stud
Students will be able to make ,nvironment has mu

their rooms decorative as well as
useful next year, through a gift
from the J. L. Hudson Company
of Detroit.
A collection of over 400 repro-
d.,.ic~rnn - f .iinf-, has h.Pni

the molding of char
social orientation of

ual, President Ruthven explained.
"In our residence halls we are not Of Marxian Group
only giving a student comfort-

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