PAGE FOU THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1947 I ,. Swinging Pendulum THE labor-management, pendulum is once more swinging, and with its swing, it is carrying away all the legislation and ideals of the past decade-good as well as bad. Back in 1935, the Wagner Act was passed guaranteeing labor the right to organize, and implementing that right with legisla- tion designed to prevent employers from breaking up unions. This right is now being challenged, and the next few weeks may very well decide whether or not historians will be able to record that this same right of men to form themselves into organiza- tions as a protection against employers was finally abridged by act of Congress, and the great labor unions discarded. In the legislatures of about 40 states at the present time, restrictive labor legis- lation is in committee or up for consider- ation, and many of these bills for the closed shop. More important, there are four violently anti-labor bills sponsored by Sen. Joseph H. Ball of Minnesota now being considered by the Senate Labor Committee. One of these bills outlaws the closed shop. On the surface, most of these bills appear to be designed only to prevent some of the recent abuses by unions of their powers. In fact, many of these measures dealing with jurisdictional disputes, secondary boycotts, and equal responsibility of management and unions before the law are attempting, with various degrees of fairness, to control conditions which everyone but the most crass union man will admit are glaring inequali- ties or abuses under the present Wagner Act. Therefore, under cover of these really necessary measures, it is understandable that such a small number of the people of the country as a whole have taken note of the efforts by certain reactionary groups in management to insert the provision for the abolition of the closed shop into these bills. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN CAMPBELL The cardinal principle to remember in this regard is that unions cannot exisit in any effective form without the closed shop. Laws prohibiting jurisdictimnal strikes, etc., are merely attempts to restrict unions in activities detrimental to the general public; abolition of the closed shop is an attempt to eliminate the unions them- selves as effective instruments in promot- ing the interests of the worker in the la- bor-management struggle. No one sug- gests that the membership of the NAM or the U. S. Chamber of Commerce be ar- bitrarily broken up into hostile factions- the advantages of unity of action are well recognized by management. Yet these same men would divide labor into the union men and the so-called "scabs." They well know that the old axiom of "united we stand, divided we fall" applies here, and by their actions they show that they have no real interest in the freedom of the employee to determine whether he shall belong to a union or not, but only their own selfish motives of lower wages and therefore high profits for themselves. It is true that a certain degree of inde- pendent action is lost by the individual worker under a closed shop arrangement --the same loss of freedom which is in- volved when we submit to the control of our government for the mutual benefit of all. Yet no one suggests that we revert back to anarchy so that each individual, for instance, would have the right to steal another man's property. Instead of trying to destroy labor unions as an effective force, Congress should en- deavor to pass measures' to guarantee more democratic procedures within the unions themselves. It is only too true that many unions are run by a small clique of dictato- rial leaders for their own benefit, and not that of their members. If Congress would pass, and enforce, laws requiring really free election of union officers, and report by these leaders of union finances, they would not only make the unions responsible to their members and eliminate the need for outlawing the closed shop, but also reaffirm the American belief in democratic processes --in labor relations as well as government. -Russell B. Clanahan MATTER OF FACT. Familiar Language By JOSEPH ALSOP WASHINGTON, March 18-The first real repercussion of the first meeting be- tween Secretary of State George C. Mar- shall and Generalissimo Stalin is probably the most important thing to watch for from Moscow. Marshall left this country with the intention of speaking to the Soviet dic- tator in a language which he has long been unaccustomed to hear. This intention was both approved by President Truman, and strongly encouraged by Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg. Marshall will not be speaking for the administration only, but for the United States. It was agreed here that Marshall should tell Stalin, without equivocation that the United States regarded Soviet postwar policy as tantamount to political and eco- nomic warfare. It was agreed further that he should inform the Generalissimo, in unvarnished words, that this country did not propose to dodge, duck or avoid the Soviet challenge. He was in fact to offer Stalin a clear choice, between a radical revision of Soviet policy or a continuous, open contest in which the power and re- sources of the United States would be mobilized against the Soviet Union. It was in this context, without any effort to glaze over or explain away the American purpose, that the American policy to- wards Greece and Turkey was to be dis- cussed. new boldness of American policy. Anyone familiar wtih the Soviet press must have noticed that the official 'Izvestia" attack on Truman was a mere squeak or bleat, compared to the average of Soviet thunders against trifling inconveniences. Moreover, both the character of Marshall himself, and the Soviet Union's own internal troubles, will give special force to what Marshall has to say. A few optimists venture to hope that a showdown may lead the Kremlin to con- sider a genuine world settlement. The dif- ficulty will of course remain that Soviet political and economic warfare is largely conducted by underground methods. No one has yet solved this problem. And until the problem is solved, any Soviet signa- ture on a world settlement must remain as valueless as Stalin's wartime promise to Winston Churchill to admit British in- fluence in Yugoslavia and leave Greece wholly within the British sphere. Meanwhile, one thing is plain. Whatever happens, the hand of the Administration will be powerfully strengthened. If Stalin proves eager to discuss a world settlement, the value of a positive American policy will be proven, for the blindest isolationist will not be able to maintain that this novel Soviet reaction is unconnected with the American show of firmness. Equally, if Stalin takes the opposite tack, there will be no course left open but to develop further the positive policy for which the foundation was laid by the President's message on Greece and Turkey. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) Election Day rTHE 23 Student Legislators who will be elected today will constitute almost half of the new Legislature-enough to start a vigorous series of campus pro- jects; enough to discredit the Legislature in the eyes of students and administra- tion. If the election follows the usual stu- dent voting pattern, these 23, who can so largely determine Legislature policies for the next semester, will be chosen by a small fraction of the student body. Vote trading under these conditions becomes comparatively simple. Yet the 60 candidates competing for the positions represent large and small dormitories, Willow Village, fraternities and sororities. Most of them have par- ticipated in activities touching almost every phase of campus life. Most stu- dents could inform themselves about the candidates if they wished to. Election officials have urged students to keep numbering candidates on the ballot as long as they have any basis for preference. But if you know only one candidate, you should, in order to be rep- resented in your government, vote for only that one. This election is one of people, not is- sues. It's up to you to pick them. -Mary Ruth Levy The City Editor's SCRATCH PAD EDITORS NOTE: Paul Harsha, The Daily's man- aging editor, takes this space today to tell the story of a revival that's being planned for the campus in the near future. THROUGH 33 YEARS before the war. the Union and a group of energetic singers, dancers and organizers known as Mimes used to put on an all-male student opera. The operas were good. In their full glory during the late 20's, they toured the country with a hefty chorus of football-playing "cut- ies" and bright student-written songs and lyrics, They played to capacity crowds in big cities, making money and bringing credit to the University. Mimes-Union operas flourished at the Un- iversity from 1908 until World War II. The last production, "Full House," was staged just two days after Pearl Harbor. Ray Ing. ham wrote the two-act opera involving a southern gentleman named Fenno Hedge. It included original music by Gordon Hardy. a can-can chorus of "Heave, Grunt and Grin Girls," a "Dream Ballet." and a song by Fred Lawton, author of "Varsity," called "When Hurry-Up Said Hurry-Up," dedi- cated to Fielding H. Yost. Director was Bob Adams, a 1930 graduate. who came back from ten years of successful stage work to shape the Hopwood winning story into an opera. With an enrollment at a record high and war for the moment off our minds, students and University officials are talk- ing seriously of a Mimes revival. There's no reason, they think, why we can't re- cruit enough talent from our big campus to do the job. Although production ma- terials may be scarce, other colleges have managed to scrape together enough cos- tumes, drapes and scenery to carry on their local operas. Revival of the show here Heeds only a group of men with push and talent - and they shouldn't be lacking. The idea already has organized support. Last week, the Union Executive Council traditional backers, declared that it was "very much interested." Dick Roeder, Union president, and Dick Cortright of the Union staff, will be available in the student offices between 3 and 5 p.m. each week day. They're waiting for men with a vim to get Mimes back on its feet to stop around. PThisihy Namte' T HE SUBJECT of Mr. Gromyko's remarks was the principle of unanimity, which is the heart of the (UN) Charter. This prin- ple means that when nations are like-mind- ed, the league can function; when nations are ultimately unable to agree, the jig is up and the people can start looking for the exits. The principle of unanimity is simply a plushy name for the principle of national sovereignty. The reason it conflicts with the scheme for atom control is that the Bar- uch plan assumes that an atomic authority can and must operate freely inside the bord- ers of sovereign states and that the author- ity cannot be held answerable to any one state. In short, the atom plan would elevate the world community, in this one respect, to the position of top dog and demote the big power to second place. This is some- thing new. Mr. Gromyko's word for it is "peculiar" . -The New Yorker "There is . :. less caste feeling, less snob- bery in human relations in America than in any other great nation, not excluding some of those with more radical economic creeds." --Norman Thomas in Harpers, March 1947 i i iSE l- 4- 244 s - V) I II '7r,147 6y nf tFea..t Syd. aa J T-, Rey. VU . -Pat. Off,-All rihts resored "I ain't goin' near ol' McKellar's office. If he didn't call me red on accounta my hair, he'd say I'm left-wing 'cause I'm a southpaw." DAILY Off ICIAL' BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) nomic Change," as follows: Lec- ture 1, "The Development of Fed- eral Power prior to 1933," 4 p.m , Mon., March 24. Lecture 2, "The Expansion of Federal Powers after 1933," 4 p.m., Tues., March 25; Lecture 3, "The Development and Expansion of State Powers," 4 p.m., Wed., March 26; Lecture 4, "The Trend in Protection of Per- sonal and Property Rights," 4 p.m., Thurs., March 27; Lecture 5, "Implications of Recent Trends," 3 p.m., Fri., March 28. All lectures will be held in Rm. 150, Hutchins Hall. The public is cordially in- vited. Professor Finley Foster, of Adel- bert College, Western Reserve Uni- versity, will lecture on the subject, "Hogarth's Rake's Progress: a Point of View." at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Mar. 25, Rackhanm Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of English. Professor Foster will speak be- fore the English Journal Club on the subject, "William Blake: Ar- tist and Poet," at 8 p.m., Tues., Mar. 25, East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. French Lecture: Dr. James O'Neill, of the Romance Language Department. will lecture on the subject: "Antoine de St.-Exupery" at 4:10 p.m., Tues., Mar. 25, Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall; auspices of Le Cerele Francais Prof. Frederico Sanchez of the Spanish Department will lecture on Wed. Mar. 19 on "Fuenteove- juna, fuente de inspiracion revolu- cionaria," at 8 p.m., Rm. D, Alum- ni Memorial Hall, auspices of La Sociedad Hispanica. A cademic Notices Veterans' Tutorial Program: The Spanish I tutorial section is now being given at 4 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, Rm. 203 Romance Languages Bldg., by Mr. Earl W. Thomas. Botanical Seminar. Open meet- ing, 4 p.m., Wed., Mar. 19, Rm. 1139 Natural Science Bldg. Paper: "The Appearance of a Balanced I Lethal Situation in an Oenothera Heterozygote following a Severe Heat Treatment of Seeds." by Bradley M. Davis. Special Functions Seminar Wed., Mar. 19, 1 p.m.. Rm. 340 W. Engi- neering Bldg. Mr Arena will con- tinue his report on Bateman's K- function. theatre. Mr. James M. speak on "The biology tomum marginatum da)." Edney will of Clinos- (Tremato- Concerts Faculty Recital: Marian Struble Freeman. Guest Violinist, and John Kollen, Associate Professor of Piano in the School of Music. will present a joint recital at 8:30 p.m., Wed. , Mar. 19, Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Program: Son- atas for violin and piano by Brahms, Faure, and Strauss. Open to the general public without charge. Student Recital. Roberta Booth, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 20, Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Maud Okkelberg, Miss Booth has planned a program of compositions by Bach, Couperin, Loeillet, Griffes, -Scriabine, and Beethoven. The general public is1 invited. Research Club: 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Papers by Prof. W. R. Taylor, "Biological Survey of the Bikini Atom Bomb Expedi- tion"; and by Prof. O. M. Pearl, "A Nilometric payprus." Admission limited to members and guests. Association of University of Michigan Scientists. Discussion group on atomic energy, 7:30 p.m., East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Lester Cousins, Architect and Technical Director of the Detroit Housing Commission, will speak on "Housing Studies for Detroit. (illustrated by models and pic- tures), at 4:15 p.m., Architecture Auditorium; auspices of A.I.A. U. of M. Journalism Society. In- formal coffee hour, 4 p.m., Editor- ial Room, Haven Hall. All journal- ism students invited. Karl Marx Society. Organiza- tional meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union. Delta Sigma Pi, professional Business Administration fraterni- ty. 7:30 p.m. Rm. 316, Union. Michigan Dames Bridge Group: 8 p.m., Michigan League. ' Open House. 7:30-10 p.m., Wed., Mar. 26, Sports Building. Program of 20 different sports. Michigan Chapter AAUP. 6:15 lm., Mar. 20, Michigan Union Cafeteria. The Chapter's Commit- tee on Personnel will present Dr. Robert L. Howard, President, Per- sonnel Engineering, Detroit, who will speak on "Personnel Prob- lems Common to Larger Institu- tions." Geology and Mineralogy Journal a Club. 4 p.m. Thurs., Mar. 20, Rm. 2082, Natural Science Bldg. Dr. E. Wm. Heinrich of the De- partinent of Geology and Mineral- ogy, Montana S&noo of Ivimes Butte, Montana, will speak on "The Structure of Pegamites." Radio Club. 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 20, Rm. 229, W. Engineer- ing Bldg. Mr. Richard K. Brown, WtGSZ, will speak on Radar Re- (Cotinued on Page 5) EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in lciters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted A th ie discretion of the edi- torial director. Soph Prom To the Editor: W E, the members of the central W committee for the revival of the Sophomore Prom, hereby want to thank all those members of the class who contributed their time and energy to working on ticket sales, publicity, and decorations which helped to make the dance such a success. Because of the successful re- vival of this year's prom, we hope that the members of the present freshman class will also contrib- ute to the tradition by running for the chairmanship and commit- tees for next year's prom. Thank you all very much. -Duke Dosier for the Soph Central Committee Karl Marx To the Editor: THE IDEAS of Karl Marx and his followers have become very important in the world today. States are run according to the tenets of Marxism. Poetry, art, and drama are interpreted from the Marxist point of view in most of the countries of the world. Leading American and European artists and scientists, such as Ho- ward Fast, Pablo Picasso, and the head of the French atomic energy commission, Joliet-Curie, are Mar- xists. J. B. S. Haldane, Fellow of the British Royal Society, who re- cently came to this country to lec- ture at the invitation of Prince- ton University, is a Marxist. More- over, Haldane, Joliot-Curie and the other Marxist scientists be- lieve that the theoretical princi- ples of Marxism are of great help in solving scientific problems. The whole world is concerned today with understanding the theories and actions of the Marxists. It is for these reasons that I believe that the reactivation of the Karl Marx Society at the Univer- sity is so important. The KM Society will fulfill an intellectual need of the students. At its meet- ings, students of all political, aes- thetic, and scientific opinions will have a chance to read and dis- cuss the works of Marx, and to hear well-known men in various academic and cultural fields dis- cuss the relationship between Marxism and their particular in- terests. We also hope to have for sale at these meetings the basic pam- phlets of Marx and Engels, as well as a series of pamphlets put out by the British Marxists and schol- ars on Marxism and Poetry, Marx- ism and Modern Art, Marx as an Economist, apd others. These pamphlets will enable the stu- dents to learn about the theories of Marx in its various aspects, and to have a basis for discussion at the meetings of the society. I would like to take this op- portunity to invite all students in the theories of Marx to attend our first meeting on Wednesday, Mar. 19, at 7:30 in the Union. I am sure that out of our discussions and reading, during the coming weeks we will acquire a better under- standing both of Marxism and of the world in which we live. -Leonard Cohen Acting President of the Karl Marx Society Red Paie To the Editor: THERE IS A movement in this country today frighteningly reminiscent of the anti-red panic that followed the Communist rev- olution in Russia, when there was a perhaps justifiable fear that what would happen in one coun- try might happen in another, re- gardless of the difference in con- ditions. Until now, I had attributed the current scare to those who found the Communists a convenient red herring. These people are wide- ly known, as are their motives; and I think few who gave the matter any thought were deceived as to their intentions or as to the validity of their fulminations. But the Governor of Michigan- a man notably honest and non- political-has proposed the now famous investigation of AYD and any Communist found in the stu- dent body would be expelled. Now, truly, this is a serious mat- ter. To be sure, the faculty of an educational institution must have the right to expel students for unseemly conduct. But is a political belief, or even a political activity, unseemly in an American citizen? It seems there are those who believe so, if such belief or activity runs counter to their own, If this is indeed a valid test of student conduct, Republicans are going to have to go to school in the North-and outside of the big cities, at that. And now, the Secretary of La- bor of the United States has ask- ed, "Why should we recognize the Communist Party in the United States? Why should it be able to elect people to public office, and theoretically to the Congress of the United States?" In answer, Rep. Hartley of New Jersey has said that he will propose a bill outlawing the Communist Party; and that if a constitutional amendment be necessary, he will propose that. This is frightening. That an officer of the government, sworn to uphold the Constitution should question the most basic guarantees of the Bill of Rights, without which that instrument would never have been adopted, and our country never have exist- ed in its present form; and that a duly elected representative of the people, similarly sworn, should so lightly offer to destroy these guarantees, and with them much that is basic not only to our form of government, but to our way of life and to that liberty that we propose should eventually be shar- ed by all the people of the world; seems to me a far more present danger, and a more vicious one, than Communism offers at this time or at any foreseeable time in the future. If it is Russia we fear, that is something else. But in case of a real danger of war, there will be time enough-not to repeal the First Amendment, but to arrest and confine those citizens not loy- al to the United States. -John S. Hogg ,;. Defender To the Editor: DR. David D. Henry, President of Wayne University, presents a refreshing spectacle in these confusing times. Head of a tax- supported university, he is still willing to defend the freedom of students to think and act accord ing to their convictions, against the judgment of a legislative com- mittee. Not a Communist him. self, he is still able to distinguish between "subversive activities", "political activity on behalf of the Communist Party", and the pro- gram of the AYD. It is to be hoped that when the Callahan Committee extends its investiga- tion to this campus, the U of 1( administration will prove equally courageous and clear-sighted. -David F. Ross Demon Piotogs To the Editor: RE the University's refusal to permit coeds to be photograph- ed in bathing suits for Life mag- azine: What difference is it what a coed wears? Those demon pho- togs on the loose today somehow manage to secure seductive poses of cuties, anyhow. Even in an evening gown. -Irwin Zucker ! r T i BILL MAULDIN Letters to the Editor.. If, I I No one can predict the outcome. So far, the Kremlin seems to be even more com- pletely stunned than the Congress by the G1uinea Pig' Armty HAVING found that the possibilities of Congress renewing the draft in any ef- fective form were rather slim, Army author- ities suddenly changed their tactics and de- cided instead to throw their full support behind Universal Mi1i t ar y Training (U.M.T.). In an apparent attempt to influence vote- conscious Congressmen, a "guinea pig" battalion was formed composed of the Army's youngest recruits. In an intensive training course at Fort Knox, these "one- shave-a-month" boys have completed eight weeks of basic and 16 weeks of advanced training. This is ,to be followed by six months of further duty in the regular army, in the organized reserve, or in more ad- vanced training. The distinction drawn between this group and previous groups of Army trainees is that these men are being treated as human beings. According to an article in a recent Time Magazine, "the old idea of breaking the rookie's spirit and then trying to nold the debris into an automaton is out." To prove this point, they've even taken a picture during teaches the individual hate and violence as well as subordination to a military hierarchy. This is the very antithesis of the good citizenship programs conducted by the schools.a Rather than an expenditure of time and money on training of infantrymen in the atomic age, why not a program of Federal aid to education as well as national health and nutritional programs? Selective Service by any name is not only abhorrent to American traditions of liberty of the individual in peace-time, but also is economically unsound. Its program is one of destruction rather than one of construc- tion. Only by improving the mental and physical standards of the people and fur- thering scientific research and advance- ment in all fields, can we effectively strengthen the nation. -Walter Dean "ANY ATTEMPT to quarantine the United States if the "wrong" party comes to power will do more to destroy international good will than anything the "wrong" party Mathematics Seminar in tivity. 3p.m. Thurs., Rm. Ang-ell lMall. Rela- 3011, Seminar in Applied MvLkthemat- ics (Math. 348). 5 p.m., Wed.. Mar. 19, Rm. 317, W. Engineering. Pro- fessor Opatowski will speak on "A Theorem of Jacobi and Its Appli- cation to Compressible and Rota- tional Flows;" and also on "Bi- Dimensional Rotational Flows of Compressible Fluids in Space." Metropolitan Community Semi- nar will not meet Thursday, Mar. 20. Next regular meeting will be March 27. Zoology Seminar. Thurs., Mar. 20, 7:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi- Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey............City Editor Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz ............ Associate Editor Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor Jack Martin.............Sports Editor of Communist activities on Mich- Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports igan campuses. Why? I do not Joan WIk...........Women's know, but it must have been for Lois Kelso .., Associate Women's some sufficientreason that he Business Staff proposed the investigation. And on the heels of his proposal, the Robert E. Potter .... General M faculty at State announced that Janet Cork.........Business M Editor Editor sEditor Tanager Ianager iNancy tiennzcK . , naverusing manager t _ RARN~ARV