SWVINGING P'ENDULUM ~e Page 4 Ci r lAitest Dieadlhne in the State Daii4 FAIR VOL. LVII, No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1947 9 - PRICE FIVE CENTS State o War Is Declared In Paraguay Civil Strife Rages Within Country sy '1the Associ.ted Press ASCUNSION Paraguay, March 18-The Paraguayan Government declared today that all of this re- volt-torn South American nation was in a state of war, thus giving the military forces of President Higinio Morinigo the power to suspend any laws and draft men, property and money. The declaration constituted an official recognition that Paraguay was in the grip of civil war. Under it Moringio's regime has the same right it would have if Paraguay were engaged in a war with a for- eign power except that in this case the enemy is the insurgent force which holds the northeastern part of the country. Enemies of Order An official of the Paraguayan embassy in Buenos Aires said that under the state of war the rebels still are not recognized as enemies of the country but as "enemies of order." Col. Federico Smith came out of retirement to take command of all the government's armed forces. The same decree which named Smith announced that all officers participated in the insurrection were being dropped from the army list. Insurgent Desertions The announcement of the state of war after government sources claimed that a number of soldiers had deserted the insurgent forces and surrendered to government troops operating between Asun- cion, the capital, and Concepcion, the rebel stronghold. Merger Plan Draws Fire Senators it Armed Forces Unification WASHINGTON, March 18-(P) -President Truman's plan for un- ification of the nation's armed forces came under hot senatorial fire today, while Navy Secretary Forrestal staunchily defended it as a "working co-partnership" for national defense. Forrestal said the proposed bill "should prevent us from ever again coming face to face with a war for which we are unwarned or militarily unprepared. "It provides for the coordina- tion of the three armed services," le said, "but what is to me even more important than that, it pro- vides for the integration of for- eign policy with national policy." Senators Bridges (Rep., N.H.) and Byrd (Dem., Va.) bombarded Forrestal with critical questions, demanding to know "why you have changed your position" since a year ago. Recalling Forrestal's role in leading a solid opposition of Navy chiefs to a merger plan last year, both Bridges and Byrd told him bluntly they were certain he "was right then." Negro Press Sits in Senate WASHINGTON, March 18--UP) -The Senate rules committee to- day overrode the standing com- mittee of newspaper correspond- ents and voted that Louis R. Lau- tier, correspondent of a Negro daily newspaper and Negro week- lies, be admitted to the Senate press gallery. Another Negro, Percival L. Prat- tis, correspondent for "Our World," a Negro magazine pub- lished in New York, was disclosed to have been admitted last week by the executive committee of the periodical press gallery corres- pondents. The congressional press galleries are divided into three groups-daily newspapers, maga- zines and radio. Lautier and Prattis are the first Negroes to win admission. Karl Marx Society Marshall Turns Down Russian $10 Billion ReparationClaim; Navy Ordered to Greek Waters -DangeTnn COED SONGSTRESS - Sonny Drews, who will take the vocal spotlight at initermission time of "Spring Thaw" Friday night, strikes a pose popularized by Helen Morgan and Laureit Bacall. Man at the keyboard is Bob Wagner, general chairman of the AVC-sponsored dance. Warships Will Operate Under 'Toaining Plan' Navy Refuses To Link Cruise To Greek Aid By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 18 - The Navy today disclosed orders for a U. S. task force to visit Greek and Turkish waters-in- eluding the strategic Dardanelles -while the State Department called for speed on the Truman program to halt the spread of Communism. A Navy announcement, which spoke of "training purposes," said the 27,000-ton air craft Leyte would depart from Quonset Point, R. I., early next month. An official amplified this to say the Leyte would be the flagship of a group of warships including three light cruisers and six de- stroyers. A preliminary report from London named the cruisers as the Providence, Portsmouth and Dayton. Two destroyers will escort the Leyte across the Atlan- tic. No Word from Navy There was not a word from the Navy to link the cruise with Presi- dent Truman's request for aid to Greece and Turkey in resisting Communism. There were plenty of words elsewhere, however, with these major developments: 1. Dean Acheson, Undersecre- tary of State, said that Congres- sional speed is of very great im- portance, that disaster may result in Greece if there is a substantial gap between the end of British and the start of American aid. Political Dictates 2. Rep. Eaton (Rep., N.J.), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, introduced the bill to provide $400,000,000 for Greek and Turkish aid. It carries a strict stipulation that American military missions sent to help must be limited in number and serve only as advisers. 3. Sen. Van denberr g (Rep., Mich.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told the Senate that "bipartisan for- eign policy would die" if Demo- cratic or Republican lawmakers working in this field should follow TU' Gives Fie Engine to City Plans Construction Of New Fire Station University Regents this week officially turned over an $8,559 fire engine to the Ann Arbor fire department. Title to the fire truck will re- main with the University, but the equipment will be operated and maintained by the city.' In a let- ter to Ann Arbor Common Counel, the Regents said that the fire fighting equipment had been turned over to the city in recog- nition of the extra fire protection required by University property. The letter emphasized that the equipment could be used in any way the city saw f it. The University has agreed, as a part of its settlement with the city for municipal services, to provide a fire station somewhere east of State St. in which to house the new engine. The University has included a request for funds with which to build and equip this sta- tion in its budget message to the Legislature. Until this station has been con- structed however, the new fire truck will be housed at the down- town fire station. IFC Ball Date Is Approved May 2 has been approved by the Student Affairs Committee as the date of the annual Inter- Fraternity Council Ball. Ticket sales for the ball will be limited to affiliated men, and the dance will follow a Greek theme. Plans for an entire fraternity weekend are being made, with ap- proved parties to be held May 3. The building and the band for the dance will be announced lat- er. Mac Barnum, Delta Kappa.Ep- silon, is general chairman for the 1947 IFC Ball. Committee heads are Jim McCobb, Alpha Delta Phi, tickets; Chuck Lewis, Sigma Al- pha Mu, publicity; Fred Prince, Psi Upsilon, Building; Bill Ober- felder, Zeta Beta Tau, programs and patrons; and Henry Meyer, Delta Kappa Epsilon, decorations. TRUMAN POLICY: Reece Rejects Joint Support Of Greek-Turkish Proposal Onec Ballot Box Is Added For Fital Day of Election Voting Described as 'Comparatively Light' rTahulations Will Begin at 3 p.m. in Union By MARY RUTH LEVY Complaints about the small number of Student Legislature polls resulted yesterday in an additional ballot box and an election com- mittee statement that no more polling places could be set up "without endangering the honesty of the election." Reporting that voting was "comparatively light" in the first day of the Legislature election, lairvev Weisberg, election committee chair- man, said Luat' olls would be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today in the lobby of Angell Hall, in the Enpineering Arch and in front of Alumni Hall. The Alumni Hall poll was not used yesterday. ----------"The primary consideration in WASHINGTON, March 18-(AP) -Carroll Reece, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, today termed "highly improper" a suggestion that he join Democratic party officials in a statement backing the Truman Greek-Turk- ish policy. His rejection of this idea, ad- vanced by Gael Sullivan, Execu- tive Director of the Democratic National Committee, capped earlier criticism of it by G.O.P. Senators Vandenberg of Michi- gan and Dworshak of Idaho. Vandenberg told the Senate that bi-partisan foreign policy will "die in revolt" if "party managers" at- tempt to dictate it. Dworshak, talking with reporters, called Sul- livan's move a "cheap political trick." Slogan Contest Will Be Held ByMiciorras A Michigras slogan contest, opening today, will be held dur- ing the next two weeks, Jack Har- lan, Michigras publicity-co-chair- man, announced yesterday. "We want a concise, catchy slo- gan for the '47 Michigras car- nival," Harlan said in announcing the contest. Winners will be given prizes, he added. The purpose of the contest, ac- cording to Harlan, is to find a slogan which can be used in pub- licizing the all-campus carnival, which will be held this year for the first time since 1939. The competition is open to Uni- versity students, high school stu- dents, faculty, and Ann Arbor residents. Entries may be sent to Harlan at 648 S. State St. or may be placed in the WAA box in the Un- dergraduate Office of the League for the Michigras publicity com- mittee. There is no limit on the number of slogans one person may submit. Sullivan made his proposal last night in a public letter to Reece and the Republican chairman re- plied in the same way. Reece told Sullivan that if lie signed such a statement "I would be in a position of promising to de- liver the votes of Republican mem- bers of the Senate and House for the purposes indicated. He added: "Any suggestion that the na- tional organization of a political party has authority to order sena- tors of representatives to vote in a particular manner must, in my opinion, be based upon a machine concept of politics such as was discredited and repudiated by the votes in recent months." Reece said he was not passing on the merits of Mr. Truman's proposal but believed "it would be highly improper, if not indeed reprehensible, for the chairman or other responsible official of a na- tional political party to sign any statement of that general nature." He went on to say sentiment in the Republican party was against Communist aggression not only in Greece and Turkey but also in Po- land, the Baltic and Balkan coun- tries.. And he said the United States government must bear a part of the responsibility for the situation in the latter countries "because of the appeasement pol- icy followed by American repre- sentatives at Yalta, Potsdam and elsewhere." Will Distribute Borus Blanks LANSING, March 18-(")-Dis- tribution of the application forms for Michigan's World War II vet- erans' bonus, which were approved today by the state administrative board, may begin by the end of the week, the Adjutant General's Department reported. Brig. Gen. Leroy Pearson, Ad- jutant General, said printers were ready to begin printing more than 1,000,000 copies. The board approved separate application forms for Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard and for four different types of dependencies. Pearson warned that if the de- lay were long, the bonus applica- tions could not be distributed on schedule. Six MSC Students Draw Suspension EAST LANSING, March 18-(AP) -4 Cit Enieer Sees No Early OHousing Relief Home Builders Wait For Plumbing Units City Engineer George Sande;- burgh sees no immediate solution to Ann Arbor's acute housing shortage. Sandenburgh, through whose office all requests for building permits must pass, said yesterday that there has been no upswing in the number of applications for dwelling unit construction. Only 15 applications for housing con- struction have been granted since the first of the year, he revealed yesterday, adding that this num- ber is almost identical with the number of applications granted during the same period last year. Materials Bottleneck "Home builders can't seem to break the materials bottleneck" according to the city engineer. "Lumber is now available but ne- cessary plumbing fixtures cannot be secured by contractors," San- denburgh explained. . Very few dwelling units were actually completed last year in Ann Arbor according to city en- gineers' records. Although per- mits for 110 homes were granted last year, only 26 houses were ac- tually finished during that per- iod. No Apartment Houses Sandenburgh said that he knew of no multiple dwelling projects planned for Ann Arbor." Con- tractors don't want to build apart- ment houses because they are forced to charge low rents for the completed units," he said. The only bright spot in the lo- cal housing picture seems to be in the number of alterations com- pleted last year. Alterations to existing structures provided 162 new apartments and 40 rooms in Ann Arbor last year, according to engineers' records. arranging for an election is the prevention of fraud," the commit- tee statement said. "Because over- decentralization tends to invite dishonesty, students can prove their interest in student govern- ment by taking a few extra steps to vote at supervised ballot boxes." No Poll on Diagonal Pointing out that many students had asked why a polling pace had not been set up on the diagonal, Weisberg said that the University would not permit the use 'of this space for voting. Original Legis- lature plans had called for a sin- gle centralized polling place on the diagonal. Weisberg said that 24 Legisla- tors will be elected instead of 23, as originally announced, because of the resignation of Bill Scafe. Voting is also being conducted for a student member of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athlet- ics. Ballot Counting Ballots will be counted from 3 to 11 p.m. today and tomorrow in the Union Ballroom by Legisla- tors; members of Alpha Phi Ome- ga, national service fraternity, and women secured through t h e League Undergraduate Council. The counting will be open to the public. .Batman Hunt Missing, o n e unidentified bat-tamer. Wanted by the zoo- logy department for distin- guished service. Prof. Frederick H. Test has initiated a search for the un- known individual who turned in a live bat last semester after the nocturnal nammal was de- termined to be the second of its kind ever found in Michi- gan. If the place and date of capture can be established, the specimen will be placed in the University Museum. The bat was presented last September to teaching fellow J. S. Hunt by an unknown per- son.. Without the required in- formation, the bat is doomed to ignominy. Bevin Asserts Soviet Charges 'Are Not True' Molotov Is Rebuked By Both Secretaries By The Associated Press MOSCOW, March 18-Secre- tary of State Marshall coldly re- jected today Russia's bid for $10,- 000,000,000 reparations from Ger- many and rebuked the Soviet Union for charges that included a declaration that $10,000,000,000 in reparations have been removed from the western zones. British Foreign Secretary Bevin joined Marshall in rebuking Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov at a session of the Foreign Minis- ters Council and said flatly that the Russian diplomat's declara- tions "are not true." Molotov Policy In outlining the U. S. position on reparations, Marshall said: "We will not follow the retreat of Mr. Molotov from Berlin (Pots- dam) to Yalta." The American secretary was re- 'erring to Molotov's claim yester- day that the United States had agreed at Yalta to $10,000,000,00 reparations to the Soviet Union No reparations figures were in- cluded in the subsequent Potts- dam agreement. There was a noticeable cooling off in the atmosphere surround- ing the council today. The coolness among the "Big Four" representatives developed after French Foreign Minister Bidault made a statement on France's position on economic unity. French Demand Bidault, renewing France's de- mand for separation of the Ruhr, Rhineland and Saar from Ger- many, told the Council that Allied controls must be retained over Germany long after the peace set- tlement is concluded and the pres- ent occupation ends. Moltov declared that the United States and Britain had taken all the gold and German assets in the west as well as pat- ents and scientific information as reparations. He also charged that France, Britain and America had taken eparations from current produc- tion in the form of lumber and coal, and that all these, "accord- ing to newspaper reports," amounted to over $10,000,000,000. The British foreign secretary ldded that, while he agreed with Marshall that recriminations should be avoided, he had to an- swer Molotov's charges because 'they are not true." Tax Cut Bill Revision Seen Low Income Relief Forecast by Knutson WASHINGTON, March 18-(R) -Rep. Knutson (Rep., Minn.), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, announced to- day his 20 percent across the 'board tax-cutting bill may be re- vised to give greater relief for taxpayers in the smaller income brackets. Some Republicans and Demo- crats have criticized Knutson's bill as not reducing the "little fellow's" burden enough. Knutson told reporters that net incomes up to $2,000 (gross income lessupersonal exemptions) might be cut by 23 to 26 percent, instead of 20 percent, if the government would not lose too much revenue by such a step. A House showdown on tax cut- ting, originally set for next Mon- day, will probably be postponed to Wedneseday, while a decision is pending on whether the changes can be made. "the political dictates of any managers." part Ike Reveals 'Top Secret' Cooking Is Hobby Of Chief of Staff WASHINGTON, March 18-(P) -General Dwight D. Eisenhower's "top secret" is out. He likes to cook. Last summer he put up jars of sauerkraut from cabbages grown in his garden at Fort Myer, Va. But his "piece de resistance" is vegetable soup. Uncle Sam's tall chief of staff is very modest about his achieve- ments in leading the Allies to vic- tory in Europe in the last war, but when it comes to vegetable soup, he admits he's good. Tops, no less! He declines to give out his recipe. He believes he has kept it a secret even from Mrs. Eisen- hower. She just smiles. Some gum-shoeing, undertaken to locate somebody who has sam- pled Eisenhower vegetable soup, disclosed that after hostilities ended in Europe, the supreme Allied commander decided to cele- brate by inviting some military friends to dinner. The host would prepare his specialty-vegetable soup. This reporter interviewed a per- son who was a guest at that din- ner. After stipulating that his identity couldn't be revealed- "cross your heart and hope to die"-he agreed to answer a few questions. "Was the soup good?" Answer: "Damn good " World News at a Glance By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 18-Senator Tydings (Dem., MD.) urged today that President Truman call a world disarmament conference to prevent a third world war which, he said, might destroy "this planet itself." Tydings set a goal for universal disarmament "on land, on sea and in the air" by Jan. 1, 1950, and "maintained thereafter by all the countries of the earth." * * * WASHINGTON, March 18-Breaking a three weeks deadlock the Ilouse Foreign Affairs Committee finished drafting today a bill authorizing expenditure of $350,000,000 on foreign relief. Chairman Eaton (Rep., N.J.) said it would be approved tomorrow. The money is intended to continue relief work after the United National Relief and Rehabilitation Administration closes up this spring. It is distinct from the $400,000,000 of aid proposed for Greece and Turkey. The Nations listed for relief are Italy, Austria, Greece, Po- land, Hungary and China. WASHINGTON, March 18-Sen. Taft (O.), chairman of the Re- publican policy committee, announced today that the Senate will meet tomorrow night in the hope of reaching a vote on legislation to outlaw nearly $6,000,000,000 in portal pay suits. NEW YORK, March 18-William C. Durant, 85-year old pio- neer in the automobile industry, died today in New York City. HIS WIFE'S COOKING: Plant Life Is Very Nourishinig, But Steere Still Prefers Steal Don't get Prof. William C. Steere wrong. The University botanist who said skunk cabbage, fireweed, and beech leaves would add variety to He said the armed forces, dur- ing the war, had compiled a, list of wild plants which could sus- tain fliers' lives in the event that they were shot down in unfamil- Flooded Rivers