TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1947 THF" -M I Hffl' A N 11 d I V TsI..,I? MTC I(Vi Y\ 11 ~ lA i _. . ,... ._ ...._. . Students To Sponsor Tea Sunday. In League Honoring Dean Bursley .. _. _ - ASSOCIATED PRESS Entire Campus Will Be Invited To Social Event Dean Emeritus Joseph A. Bur s- ley will be honored at a tea to be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday in the Michigan League, in appre- clation of the work and guidance he has given to University stu- dents during his 26 years as Dean of Students. The tea, open to all students, is being sponsored by members of the Executive Councils of the Ticket Sale Michigan Union, Michidan League, Panhellenic Association, Assem W AA bly Association, and the 1nter fraternity Council.tn D ue .here will ft no Uc line, ifut twenty hosts and host- Petit ons >turdazy OCTURE NEWS esses will introduce the guests to Dean Bursley informally.The second floor of the League wifll he open for the :ocial event, in- eluding the Coneour(e, Grand Rapids Room and 1i stiey Room. Special guests for the tea are President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven. Dean and Mrs. Erich A.- Walter, Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea, Dean Alice Lloyd, Assistant Dean Mary C. Broiage, Prof. Ar- thur W. Bromage, Assistant Dean Elsie R. Fuller and Miss Ethel A. McCormick. Interviewing Will Be Held Next Week for All Offices Petitions for positions on the WAA Board ,re due at noon Saturday in the WAA petition box in the League Undergrad- u.ate Office. WAA petitions are available at the WAB and in the Undergrad- unate Office, and should be filled out in full. Coeds should sign for interviewing times when turning in their petitions. Open To Ba I I In response to requests from numerous people attending the first Spike Jones show on the same evening, "Spring Thaw," the AVC sponsored dance to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Friday, will be informal. Tickets are on sale to all stu- dents on campus from 9 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. in the League and University Hall, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the League and Union and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the diagonal through Friday. Tickets To Be Awarded Beginning today flowers will ap- pear in conspicuous spots on cam- pus. Four of the five, if presented at any sales table, may be redeem- ed for a complimentary ticket to the dance. The finder of the fifth flower will be the receiver of a complimentary ticket as well as the door prize to be awarded at the dance Friday night. Frank Tinker's orchestra will provide the music for dancing in a winter to spring background. A twenty minute intermission program has been planned starring Sdnny Drews, vocalist and calyp- so specialist who has been the star of many war-time service. shows; Nafe Alley, impersonator and Dick Chenoweth, monologist' and master of ceremonies. Programs Included Women guests will receive attractive souvenir programs. "Spring Thaw" is planned by the AVC social committee as the first of an annual series of spring dances. The central committee for the dance is composed of Bob Wag- ner, general chairman; Barbara Strunsky, decorations; Bob Sch- neiderman, publicity; Renee Lich- tenstein, programs and enter- tainment; and Wally Heilbranner, tickets. Coeds Announce Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wilk of Detroit recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Joan, to Selig Herbert Estroff, of Lakeland, Fla., son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Estroff of Lakeland, Fla. and Birmingham, Ala. Miss Wilk is a graduating sen- ior and is afffliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority and Scroll and Wyvern honor societies. The bride-elect is treasurer of the sen- ior class and a member of Wom- en's League Council. Mr. Estroff attended the Cita- del, Charleston, S.C., and gradu- ated from the University in 1944. He Is a member of Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. Mr. Estroff later at- tended Harvard Business School. u The couple is planning a fall V wedding. * * * Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Larsen of I Tecumseh have announced the en- to Mr. Peter McGee, son of Mr. gagement of their daughter, Gay and Mrs. H. G. McGee of Hudson, Ohio. Miss Larsen is a junior in L. S. & A. and is affiliated with Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. Mr. McGee is a junior in Medical School and i a is a member of Phi Chi fraternity , Henry Meyer, social chairman Interviews Scheduled of I.F.C., will act as chairman of Interviewing is scheduled to be the tea. Richard Rader, Un- ecnducted next week by senior ion president, Ellen hill, League members of the WAA Board, and president, Margarei Gage, Pan- coeds may sign for interviews at hellenic president, and Jeanne the following times: 3 to 4:30 p.m. Clare, Assembly president, will Monday, from 2 to 5 p.m. Tues- assist him. These organiza- day, 3:30 to 5 p.m. Wednesday and tions are presenting the event in Friday, and 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday. the name of all students. Interviews will be held in the WAA Dean Bursley is a graduate of offices in the Women's Athletic the University of '99E, ahad return- Building. ed here to teach engineering in Coeds may petition for a total 1904. The Board of Regents ap- of three offices, not more than pointed him Dean of Students, two of which are to be executive giving him the duty of ben' l-Board positions. Executive board "friend, counselor and guide to members are the president, vice- the student body with general ov- president,' secretary, treasurer, ersight of its welfare 'nId its ac- AFCW representative, publicity tivities.' He retired froim his pot. manager, itramnural manager, as Dean of Students Feb. l . and dormitory, sorority, and lea- - -- - - - .gue house m anagers. Coeds To S ign Duties To Be Known Duties for all board members For Informal' are included in the WAA consti- tution, copies of which are posted Rushing Today in the WAB, Barbour Gym, and the Undergraduate Office. Co ds may still refis5 fIS r t in- Al coeds petitioning should formal rushing from 9 am. to 5 bring their eligibility cards to the p.m. in the Panhellenic Office on interview, when they will discuss the third floor of the League. their plans for the posts for which Informal rushing starts this they are applying. week. The names of coeds who -- -- registered for formal rushing will Women To Apply automatically be transferred to the informal rushing list. Coeds For Senior Posts who are registering fcr the first On Le I time this semester must be eligi- {eague ounCi ble and will be charged a 75c Petitions for senior positions in fee. League activities for next year are Each sorority participtming in due at noon Saturday in the Un- informal rushing will hold onedOffice of the League. party each week and invitationsdc to the parties will be by telephone Ihe senior positions open on the only. Sororities rushing informal-I League Undergraduate Council I P O R T R A i1-A gown with unusual neckline is modeled by Marguerite Chapman, film ac-. tress, in this portrait. W I N N E R - Gil Dodds, noted distance runner shown winning the two-mile at the, Knights of Columbus games in. New York City, also won the mile event the same night in 4:07.1: B A C K S T A C E C R E E T I N C - Back on Broadway for the first time since before the war, Maurie Chevalier (left) of France is greeted backstage by Ingrid Bergman and Charles B yer.- i ly are Alpha Chi Omega, Zeta arjeitell. vicVIpJesiL, sec- Tau Alpha and Alpha Eta. retary, treasurer, one member of Alpha Eta is a local group col- the Judiciary Council, chairman onizing on campus. They are en- of the social committee, chairman deavoring to become a national of the publicity committee, chair- chapter oftheirsorority. man of the benefit drives commit- tee, chairman of the freshman and transfer orientation commit- tee, and chairman of the merit- To Be Announced ' I tutorial committee. Other positions available are This Week by Mail League representative for the Stu- dent Book Exchange, chairman of Notices of acceptances of appli- the personnel committe, chairman cations for booths at Michigras of the ballroom committee, which will be mailed out some time this is in charge of the Casbah, and week, according to Keith Jordan chairman of the dance class com- and Jerry Galney, co-chairmen. mittee. Post cards will be mailed to! Under the chairman of the representatives of each residence dance class committee are open- or group applying, stating whether ings for a finance chairman, from the applicants' idea has been ac- either the junior or senior class, cepted or rejected. and six captains from any class. A mass meeting for booti rep- A floorshow chairman, public- resentatives for all groups spon- ity chairman, and decorations soring booths will be held next chairman, all from either the jun- week. ior or senior class, are also need- - - -ed to work with the chairman of -n 110+ (r11k , ~ r I the ballroom committee. P O T A T O P R O C R A M Sister Serafina, dietician and cook at St. Joseph's Catholic parochial school on New York City's lower east side, uses some of uncle Sams surplus potatoes for pupils' noon lunch. Potatoes from stocks acquired under the gov- ernment's price support program have been distributer! to many parochial schools throughout the country. P _o RT R E B U I L T-The Polish port of Gdynia, one of Hitler's first targets, now has been rebuilt (above) and put in shape for resumption of trans-Atlantic service, To Membership Prospective members are still urged to attend meetings of the WAA Ballet Club, which are held Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. for Beginners and 8 p.m. for Inter- mediates. The opportunity to do ballet work with this group is open to ny coed, whether she has had ary experience or not. Interest is the only prerequisite for admittance. All coeds should bring shorts, and ntermediates may bring toe shoes f they have them although they are not necessary. Women To Meet The League Publicity Commit-' ee will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the League. All members must be present, and eligibility cards should be brought to the meeting. League Assistant Dance Instructors To Report Today Coeds wishing to become assist- ant teachers for the beginning section of the League Dancing Classes are requested to report at 7:30 p.m. today at the League Ballroom. 'rhe beginning section, under the instruction of John Guin, will learn basic foxtrot and waltz steps. Variations toward the end of the course will be worked out. The course will last seven weeks. Coeds participating will receive activity credit. The pageant of a formal dance offers one of the best opportun- ities to break from casual tailored clothes. Black takes the spotlight for the favored color in any sea- son. B 1 N C O S U R V E Y S S C E N E - Bingo, 180-pound St. Bernard mascot, relaxes at the Roundhouse, 8,000 feet up on Mount Baldy, Sun Valley, after Friedl Pfeifer (right) had carried him up the ski lift on his lap. Others in the party at the Idaho resort are (left to right) Mrs. Parsons, Vanderbilt of New York, Rony Balcom of Palm Beach and Mrs. GaryCooper.fj B I R T H D A Y P A R T Y- Three Campfire Girls from the New York area-Diana Taylor, Mina Cory and Carol Frish- man (left to right)-get some help from a friend, Kate Smith, in extinguishing the candles on the official birthday cake Cn memorating the 35th anniversary of the organization, Tickets for the Spike Jones Show to be given Friday are on sale from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily in Hill Auditorium and at the League. There are still a number of $1.20 seats avail- able. t ie a b ii _____ DIELY OFFICIRL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Coming Events Michigan Chapter AAUP?. 6:15 p.m., Mar. 20, Michigan Union Cafeteria. The Chapter's Commit- tee on Personnel will present Dr. Robert L. Howard, President, Per- son'nel Engineering, Detroit, who N ,ill noni- n'. *