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March 18, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-18

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1 ES A M ARCH 1$,1947


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Undeclared War

IT HASN'T been so long ago that the peo-
ple of the United States have forgotten
how they, as a mass, felt about war in the
years 1939, 1940 and 1941 up to Dec. 7th.
They feared it then, even as they fear it
now. Anxiety and restlessness were wide-
spread because, despite the earnest hope
that the country could remain a "neutral",
the people deep down inside knew that be-
coming a belligerent was inevitable.
And yet the few people who early advo-
cated arming and -ilitarizing, who realized
the inevitability and had the strength to
voice their belief, were given that old
smear-name, "war mongers". But war came
to the United States, and our waiting cost
us thousands of American lives.
Now, two years after the end of that
war, we find ourselves with the same feel-
ing; it is directed toward Russia this time
instead of Germany or Japan. As a country
we are subscribed to a strong hope for
lasting peace, but simultaneously we have
that uneasy feeling which is a sure symp-
tom of a subconscious realization of the
inevitability of war with Russia.
And why do we have that feeling? It is
Editorials published in The Michigan'Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

because our world peace has been based on
one all-important trust . . . trust that Rus-
sia will not go as far as to provoke war eith-
er indirectly by going too far underground
or directly by overt attack. And who is the
critical person in this trust, the person who
can at will throw the world into war by
breaking the trust? It is Joseph Stalin, the
man who has broken some thirty treaties
It is too late to alter the course of
event which will lead the United States
into the third World War. All that is
humnanly possible now is to delay that
course of events by artificially throwing
up barriers in the paths of the Russian in-
filtrators and by matching her step by
step on the road she is paving to world
Aid to Greece and Turkey is only a logi-
cal step in postponing war, and it is to be
hoped that such aid gets to its destination
before it is too late. The very Russian act
of condemning Truman's proposal speech as
"big noise about a totalitarian state to cover
up the United States' own expansionist
plan" is evidence enough, if such additional
evidence be needed, of the two-faced nature
of the Soviet. It shows that' .ie Russian
government can never be trusted to do its
part in upholding peace. It strengthens the
fact that undeclared war was started long
before Truman ever asked Congress for aid
to two nations on the verge of falling into
the Russian maw.
-John F. Nehmian Jr.

W ords and Money

NOW THAT WE ARE committed to a pol-
icy of intervention in Greece, we must
decide how we can aid the recovery of a
country which has been in a state of dis-
.ruption since it was hit by the war in 1940.
Two powers exist in Greece today, the
Maximos government and the guerilla
troops. The former, headed by Demetrios
Maximos, a follower of King George II, in-
cludes six of the seven parties now represent-
ed in the Parliament. Not represented are
seven minor parties, which refused to par-
ticipate in last year's election, and three
of these, the Socialists, - the EAM and the
Communists have openly supported the
Although the guerrilla troops are com-
posed of only 20,000 men as compared to
a Greek army of 100,000, their real
strength is greater because they have the
support of countless discontented country-
men who assist them whenever possible.
These troops and their followers carry
on constant warfare against government
sympathizers and ordinary citizens who
obey the demands of the officials.
On the one hand are the conservatives:
the old war profiteers, monarchists, and
merchants; on the other, are the Commun-
ists, the Macedonian terrorists and leftist
Even if the Greek people really dislike the
terrorism of the guerrillas, they cannot sup-
pcrt a government which has failed to pro-
vide them with food, which has allowed the
food price index to soar to 600,000,000 as
compared with 100 in 1939, according to
World Report.
The Greek government with which we
will deal is notoriously corrupt. Although
it claims to have a balanced budget, it has
managed this appearance only by selling
to the people smae $360,0,OO of UNkRA
food and supplies.
The Greek merchant marine iL practical-
ly non-existent, prices are so high that the

people are unable to buy any of the little
goods which are produced.
What Greece needs is economic planning,
assistance in rebuilding industry, trade and
agriculture. Pouring money into guns and
equipment for an improved Greek army may
strengthen the attack on the guerrillas, but
it cannot save the country until the unrest
which has supported the extremist is re-
The Greek people want enough to eat and
an end to the civil war. They need only
glance to Yugoslavia to see that the Com-
munist rule has provided the Yugoslavs
with more food and more order. Unless we
can offer Greece something better than
conflict and starvation, we may find that
words and money are not enough to prevent
a Communist government in Greece.
-Ilariett Friedman
At The State.

Electon Day
rFHE 23 Student Legislators who will be
elected today and tomorrow will con-
stitute almost half of the new Legislature
-enough to start a vigorous series of
campus projects; enough to discredit the
Legislature in the eyes of students and
If the election follows the usual stu-
dent voting pattern, these 23, who can
so largely determine Legislature policies
for the next semester, will be chosen by
a small fraction of the student body. Vote
trading under these conditions becomes
comparatively simple.
Yet the 60 candidates competing for
the positions represent large and small
dormitories. Willow Village, fraternities
and sorcrities. Most of them have par-
ticipated in activities touching almost
every phase of campus life. Most stu-
dents could inform themselves about the
candidates if they wished to.
Election officials have urged students
to keep numbering candidates on the
ballot as long as they have any basis for
preference. But if you know only one
candidate, you should, in order to be rep-
resented in your government, vote for
only that one.
This election is one of people, not is-
sues. It's up to you to pick them.
-Mary Ruth Levy
T HE BATTLE around the President's pro-
posal for America to protect freedom
wherever it is menaced may well become the
most bitter congressional free-for-all since
The House Foreign Affairs Committee has
heard Secretaries Patterson, Forrestal and
Acheson. The hearings were secret and the
Representatives are not spilling the beans.
Certainly, the three secretariees rather un-
der, than over, stated their case.
What they heard left the Congressmen de-
pressed, dazed and divided. The situation
is roughly, the same in the Senate. The
division cuts across the parties.
Among the favorable voices in both
Houses are two sorts of people-the parti-
sans of world law and the champions of
American power. Both accept the Presi-
dential recommendations. The former-ably
represented by Senator Hatch of New Mex-
ico-think that reliance upon American
armed force can by its nature be only tem-
porary. For the time being-they believe-
it may properly be used to check Soviet
imperialism. But ultimately any clash of
armed powers leads to war. Therefore, they
see the President's plan as a stop-gap. Amer-
ica's real task is to persuade the govern-
ment to transform the United Nations into
a body capable of preventing any and all
The champions of American power are
skeptical of international organization. They
believe that the United States, with the aid
of allies, can successfully maintain our sort
of world order. They believe life is a power
game which we have the strength to win
without war.
The opposition also comprises groups -
the continentalists, the economizers and the
The first are of many degrees and colors.
There are the few remaining American-
Firsters who honestly imagine that the U.S.
can, if necessary, stand off a hostile world
The continentalists would refuse to imple-
ment the President's policy altogether.
The "economizers" shudder whenever
they look at the American balance sheet

and see the debts dripping from a thousand
gaping wounds and taxes slashing holes in
honest incomes. Knowing more of book-
keeping than of world affairs, they stub-
bornly feel it to be their task to balance the
budget, reduce taxes and repay the national
The "Moscow-trusters" are deeply incens-
ed by the President's open attack on their
favorite foreign nation. Since to them Yu-
goslavia, Poland, Bulgaria are people's
states, they see no reason why the present
Greek government should not be "expand-
ed" to include a few communists. And cer-
tainly, Turkey could only benefit by a little
Soviet "democracy." In their eyes, a weak
fascist state is more of a public enemy than
a powerful communist empire ever could be.
Of such, roughly, is the Congressional op-
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
AMERICAN leadership in strengthening
the U.N. is more than an opportunity;
it is an obligation. If that obligation was
not born with Lend-Lease it was born the
precise second that we released the atomic
bomb on Hiroshima. The atrocity of Hiro-
shima and Nagasaki was not only one of
Ihistory's grossest violation of morality, after
our stand on poison gas, but also a political
and strategic blunder of such dimensions as
to threaten the foundations of the world.
--Saturday Review of Literature

Mr. E. B. Breithaupt of the
YMCA will be at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, on
Wednesday, Mar. 19, to interview
men who are interested in posi-
tions with the YMCA. Call exten-
sion 371 for an appointment.
Summer Camp Counselling:
Those interested in camp counsel-
ling positions in Michigan and the
Midwest are asked to see Mrs.
Mantle in Rm. 306, Mason Hall.
Wed., Mar. 19, 9-12 a.m. and 2-4
p.m. A later announcement will
be made for those interested in
summer camp counselling in other
sections of the country. This does
not refer to any summer work ex-
cept camp counselling. The Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
The Cooperative School for
Teachers in New York City is of-
fering scholarships for the regu-
lar program of teacher training for
the academic year of 1947-48. For
further information, call Mr. Jones
at the Bureau of Appointments.
extension 371.
The University of Buffalo, New
York, is offering teaching fellow-
ships in Economics and Business.
Seniors in Economics and Business
Administration who are interested
should call Mr. Jones at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, extension
371, for further information.
University Community Center,
1045 Midway, Willow Run Villige.
Tues.. March 18, 8 p.m., Wives of
Student Veterans Club; 8 p.m.,
Creative Writers' Group.
Thurs., March 20, 8 p.m.. Art-
Craft Workshop; 8 p.m., Exten-
sion Class in Psychology.
Fri., March 21, 8 p.m., Dupli-
cate Bridge, Party Bridge, Dan-
West Lodge:
Tues., March 18, 7 p.m., Fencing
Club (Auditorium Stage): 7 p.m.,
Bridge; 7:30 p.m., Social Directors
Meeting; 7:30-8:30 p.m., Volley
Ball; 8:30 p.m.. Badminton; 8:00
p.m., Little Theatre Group Re-
Wed., March 19, 7 p.m., Dupli-
cate Bridge Tournament: 3:30-
10 p.m., Basketball Tournament.
Thurs., March 20, 7-8:30 p.m..
Volley Ball; 8:30-10 p.m., Badmin-
Fri., March 21, The Little The-
atre will present "Ten Nights in
a Barroom," Auditorium.
Sat., March 22. "Ten Nights in a
Barroom," Little Theatre Group

Inorganic - Physical Chemistry
Seminar. Tues.. March 18, 4:15
p.m., Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg.
Prof. E. F. Westrxim, Jr.. "Forces
between complex molecules." Mr.
Bond, "High Vacuum Technique."
Special Functions Seminar Wed.,
Mar. 19, 1 p.m.. Rm. 340 W. Engi-
neering Bldg. Mr Arena will con-
tinue his report on Bateman's K-
A Water Safety Instructor's
Course will be conducted by the
Red Cross on the following dates:
April 15. 17, 19, 21, and 23, in the
evening. The course will be held
at the Intramural Pool and is open
to both men and women. Anyone
interested must sign up in Barbour
Gymnasium immediately.
A preliminary training course
wil11 be given at the Central High
School in Ypsilanti on March 18,
19, 20, 25, and 26. This is a pre-
requisite for the Water Safety
Course. Transportation to the
Central High School will be furn-
ished by the Red Cross.
Veterans' Tutorial Program: The
Spanish I tutorial section is now
being given at 4 p.m., Tuesdays
and Thursdays, Rm. 203 Romance
Languages Bldg., by Mr. Earl W.
Zoology Seminar. Thurs., Mar.
20, 7:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Mr. James M. Edney will
speak on "The biology of Clinos-
tomum marginatum (Tremato-
Faculty Recital: Hardin Van
Deursen. baritone, will sing The
Liederkreis, Op. 39, by Schumann,
songs by Handel, Sarti, Carissimi,
Massenet, and Martin, during his
recital at 8:30 Tuesday evening,
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Mr. Van Deursen is Assistant Pro-
fessor of Voice in the School of
Music. and conductor of the Uni-
versity Musical Society. The pro-
gram will be open to the general
Faculty Recital: Marian Struble
Freeman, guest violinist, and John
Kollen, pianist, will be heard in a
program at 8:30 p.m., Wed.. March
$ 19, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Open to the public, it will consist
of Brahms' Sonata in D minor,
i Op. 118, Faure's Sonata in A ma-
jor, Op. 13, and Sonata in E-flat
major, Op. 18, by Strauss.

Co ;"1 from Page 2 ni M m IIl asl, an p c of La
SOcied HiIspanie.o
the following topics for the Con---
1. Iistory of Military Medal Academic Noic s
Unit. Graduate Students who took the
2. Medical-Aid Man. Graduate Record makeup examin-
3. Medicine in Industry. auon in Di.Dcember may receive
4. Tropical Medicine. scores by calling at the Graduate
5. Any other topic accepted by School office.
the Committee. -_-
Prospective contestants may Botanical Seminar. Open meet-
consult committee members by ap- ing, 4 p.m., Wed., Mar. 19, Rm.
pointment. 1139 Natural Science Bldg. Paper:
(1) A first prize of $75 and a "The Appearance of a Balanced
second prize of $50 are being of- Lethal Situation in an Oenothera
fered. Heterozygote following a Severe
(2) Manuscripts should be 3,- Heat Treatment of Seeds." by
000 to 5,000 words in length. Bradley M. Davis.
(3) The manuscripts should be -
typed, double spaced, on one side Seminar in Engineering Mech-
of the paper only. anies: The Engineering Mechanics
(4) Contestants must submit Department is sponsoring a series
two copies of their manuscripts. of discussions on the Plasticity of
(5) All manuscripts should be Engineering Materials. The dis-
handed in at Rm. 1220, Angell cussion of this series will be at
Hall by May 1. 7:03 p.m.. Tues., March 18, Rm.
402. W. Engineering Bldg.

EDTOfR'S NOTE: ecanse The daily
printsEVERYv letter to te editor
(which i ssigned, 300 words or less
in lengti and in good taste) we re-
mind onr readers that tie views e-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Leaderslip ...,
To the Editor:
THE BEST PART of the second-
page spread of a recent issue
of the Daily was used to print let-
ters by those opposed to the in-
crease in veterans subsistence. I
am not so concerned with the
merits or demerits of the Rogers
Bill here as I am with the think-
ing behind the conclusions drawn
in these letters.
Too many people, including vet-
erans, view the educational bene-
fits of Public Law 346 and 16 as
something s in ister, something
closely connected in meaning with
such words or phrases as: "char-
ity," "dole," "rocking-chair mon-
ey," 'political chicanery," "some-
thing for nothing," etc.
If educational benefits were
nothing more than this, a grate-
ful public and a political-wise
Congress would not have permit-
ted these provisions to become
law, for as cited in the letters
mentioned above, they do benefit
but a minority of the more than
eleven million veterans.
Congress and the people must
have been aware of the lost-lead-
ership potential caused by the
war. Federal statisticians esti-
mate that 1,400,000 man-years of
collegiate undergraduate and 250,-
000 man-years of graduate study
wvere lost through those war years,
and mostly by service men and
women. Considering that the
leadership in all fields of endeav-
or comes from the colleges, the
seriousness of this loss to our
Country can be appreciated.
Our Government was justified,
therefore, in passing the educa-
tional benefits of the GI Bill if,
for no other reason, than to re-
coup this serious shortage of "top-
men." The benefits to the Coun-
try will be far greater than the
cost, be it $65 to $90 per man per
month or $100 to $125 per man
per month.
Viewed in this light, many of
us veterans feel that in our go-
ing to school under the GI Bill,
we are not receiving a gratuity
for past services rendered, but
rather our Government is invest-
ing in us for future leadership-
the intelligent leadership which
may very easily be the deciding
factor in preserving our Demo-
cratic way of life against the
forces that would destroy it.
-Frank W. Lanham
Crafts and paintings by Village
residents on exhibit at the Uni-
versity Center, Assembly Room,
through March 30. The public is
cordially invited.
Michigan Takes Shape-a dis-
play of maps, Michigan Historical
Collection, 160 Rackham. Hours:
8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday through
Friday, 8-12 Saturday.
Events Today
University Radio Program:
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
KC. Education for Unity, "Im-
proving Employer-Employee Re-
lations," Prof. R. C. Angell, Chair-
man of Department of Sociology
and Dr. L. J. Carr, Professor of
3:40 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
KC.hAsia Supplement, Mr. John
Choral Union Members Rehear-
sal of the full chorus, 7 p.m.
Haven Hall.

Modern Dance Club. 7:30 p.m.
Barbour Gym.
La P'tite Causette. 3:30 p.m.
Grill Room, Michigan League.
Polonia Club. 7:30 p.m., Interna-
tional Center. Members are urged
to attend. Program: formulating
plans for Polish Night.
s Executive Committee. 7:30 p.m.
Lane Hall.
Christian Science Organization
7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hal:

Hare Systn . .
To the Editor:

WITH STUDENT elections com-
ingup the Student Legisla-
ture should look to a defficiency
which it has countenanced since
the inception of student govern-
ment-I refer to the use of the
Hare System of Proportional Rep-
resentation for campus elections.
Even the name "Proportional
Representation" is somewhat mis-
leading. A more accurate desig-
nation for the Hare System of
PR is the "single-transferable-
vote system", which simply means
that regardless of the number of
choices indicated on the ballot,
only one vote will ultimately be
counted. This vote might or might
not be transferred from one can-
didate to another.
The obscure technical possibil-
ities of PR are numberless and
alarming. In fact, chance plays
such a large part in determining
who gets elected that it's better
politics to possess a reliable rab-
bit's foot than a goodly number
of votes. To illustrate the great
flaw in PR it is only necessary to
note tha~t all the votes could be
tabulated and members elected,
then the ballots could be mixed up
again, re-tabulated, AND AN EN-
ELECTED, This occurrence of
course is unlikely, but it is cer-
tainly possible as any political sci-
ence professor could inform you.
The tremendous amount of
work required to tabulate the re-
sults of a PR election is another
criticism of it. Besides this, the
technicalities of the system per-
plex many voters and cause num-
erous ballots to be invalidated.
But there is a more basic ob-
jection the Haie System of PR
than mechanical difficulties. It
is that PR as we employ it does
not give each student as great a
voice in electing his legislature as
he is entitled to. A university af-
ter all is a fairly unified entity,
and the students voting in a
campus election deserve to have
a share in electing a substantial
number of their representatives
and not just one. Each student
should be made to feel that as
large a part of the legislature as
possible is directly responsible to
him, and not just the individual to
whom his single vote went. Still,
many students have the mistaken
idea that their votes, though un-
equally weighted, will count for as
many candidates as they enum-
erated. One ballot I saw, for ex-
ample, had 52 choices indicated
upon it.
The great subterfuge of PR is
obscuring from the voter the fact
that he is actually voting for one
candidate only. Whether it's his
first or second or third vote that
gets counted is almost entirely a
matter of chance.
In a letter to appear shortly in
the Daily I will propose an alter-
nate system which I consider far
superiorsto the present one.
-Robert Carneiro
Re: Kelso. .
To the Editor:
RE Miss Kelso's column RE
Speaking of being hit in the
face . . . please forgive me if the
next time I see you floating across
campus . . . According to Nostra-
damus . . . Those who wish to
f continue living the Gay Life
should carry mouth protectors.
-Harold W. Goodman

Letters to the Editor...



The Razor's Edge (20th
rone Power, Gene Tierney.

Century), Ty-



DESIRE DEFAUW conducted the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra in the final concert
of the regular Choral Union series at Hill
Auditorium last night with varied results.
The concert opened with Mozart's Over-
ture to "The Marriage of Figaro" and Hay-
dn's Symphony No. 99 in E-flat Major, both
of which were given robust, incisive treat-
ment by Mr. Defauw, who wisely avoided
the over-stylized interpretations that many
latter-day .patrons of these composers em-
ploy, without getting sidetracked into a leth-
argic formalization. In the Haydn sym-
phony Mr. Defauw demonstrated his ability
to maintain a high standard of precision
and still not lose sight of the lyric qualities
inherent in the music.
With his own transcription of Franck's
"Chorale and Variations in B minor" Mr.
Defauw was not so fortunate. For one thing,
he chose a piece of music which at best is
dill and in lesser moments appears ludic-
rous. For Franck, who was never overly en-
dowed with melodic invention, seems to have
drummed up this little chorale with left-
overs from his "Symphonic Variations,"
"Prelude, Chorale and Fugue" and the Sym-
phony in D minor. Blown up into a full scale
orchestration, the chorale becomes preten-
tious and at times preposterous - certain-
ly more affected than the modest little chor-
ale the old boy ever intended.
Because Mssrs. Franck and Defauw both
took the matter entirely too seriously, the
Chorale was not even effective as an or-
chestral showpiece. In Ravel's "Albora-
da del gracioso' this aim was achieved
more happily and to the audiences's great

TfHIS FILM, like the book it was taken
from, is difficult to evaluate. It is my
own personal opinion that as the majority of
the reading public failed to grasp the spirit-
ual significance of the book, so the majority
of movie-goers who see the picture will fail
to grasp what spiritual significance is left
in it. Needless to say, Hollywood has once
again placed sex at the top of the agenda
and given it first place in this tale of a
modern young man in search of a soul.
The cast, is lavish, registering little else
but their expensive exteriors. Anne Baxter
and Clifton Webb, most especially the lat-
ter, seem to be the only ones with some con-
ception of the inner workings of the char-
acters they portray. Tyrone Power does his
best. but never quite gets away with it; he's
just too handsomely sure of himself for
the part.
At The Michigan ..
California (Paramount), Ray Milland,
Barbara Stanwyck.
CALIFORNIA is photographed in what is
usually referred to as "breathtaking"
technicolor. This and the rest of the pro-
duction is evidence that Hollywood is reap-
proaching its pre-war normalcy. This is the
kind of western Errol Flynn used to ride
through. This time Ray Milland does the
ridin' and the shootin' and the lovin', with
Barbara Stanwyck thrown is as a gambling
woman. The story is half-heartedly out to
teach present day lessons. This is perhaps
a substitute for Indians, which are entirely
-Joan Fiske
THE RUSSIAN attitude is not unakin to
that of a man who suddenly attains
high status and is fearful that he may be
overlooked; in order to make himself heard
he indulges in an overemphasis that is often
arrogant and theatrical. Americans were
like that under the stress of criticism from
other nations until quite recently. For many
years Europe was compelled to hear how ev-
erything in America was bigger and better
than anything in that poor benighted con-
tinent. Belief in the "manifest destiny" was
so excitedly sensitive that even men like

Lectures Student Recital. Roberta Booth,
University Lecture: Mr. John I pianist, will present a recital in
DeFrancis, United States Depart-I partial fulfillment of the require-
mient of State, will lecture on the ments for the degree of Master of
subject, "The Political Contro- Music at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar.
versy over Language Reform in u20, Rackhark Assembly Hall. A
China," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., March pupilh Maud Okkelbcrg, Miss
18, Rackham Amphitheatre; aus- Booth has planned a program of
pcsof the Department of Orien- compositions by Bach, Couperin.
picesanguhgesardmLiterature - Loeillet, Griffes, Scriabine, and
tal Languages and Le s. Beethoven. The general public is
Furniture Industry Lecture: Mr. invited.
W. R. Smith, of Seidman & Seid-
man, Grand Rapids, will speak on Exhibitions
cost problems in the furniture in-
lustry on Tues., March 18, 10 a.m., The Museum of Art present
East Lecture Room, Rackham paintings by Ben-Zion through
Bldg. April 3. Alumni Memorial Hall
All students in the Wood Tech-1\weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12
nology Program, in the School of and 2-5. Wednesday evenings 7-9
Forestry and Conservation are ex- and Sundays 2-5. The public is
pected to attend and any others cordially invited.
interested are cordially invited.
OrDrawings of the human figure
Ordnance Lecture: Professor J. Current through March 27, Main
C. Brier of the Chemical Engineer- floor, Architecture Bldg.
ing Department will lecture on thej
subject "Proving Ground Opera- Conservation of Michigan Wild-
tions" at 7 p.m., Tuesday. March flowers, an exhibit of 46 colored
18, Room 303, W. Engineering An- plates with emphasis on those pro-
nex; auspices of the University tected bylav. Rotunda Museum
ROTC ordnance unit. All persons Building. 8-5 Monday through Sat
interested are cordially invited. urday. 2-5 Sunday. Current

, Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
: authority of the Board in Control of
Sl Student Publications.


i ~Editorial Staf
MYDA: Executive committee, 7 d
p.m., Union. Interested persons are Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
invited. Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor
Milton Freudenheim...Editorial Director
Mary Brush..........Associate Editor

Publicity committee,

Hillelza- I

Prof. Frederico Sanchez of the
Spanish Department will lecture
on Wed. Mar. 19 on "Fuenteove-
juna, fuente de inspiracion revolu-
cionaria," at 8 p.m., Rm. D. Alum-'

through March.
Willow Run Village Art Show
University Community Center
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village

poppin. 4:15 p.m., Hillel Founda-'
tion. Please bring eligibility cards.
Palestine Information Please,'
sponsored by IZSA. 8 p.m., Hillel
Foundation. Bring questions toj
Palestine question box at Hillel.
All are invited.
(Contlnued on Page 5)

nnK tz . ... Associate Editor
Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor
Jack Martin............ Sports Editor
Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk...........Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork ......... Business Manager
Nancy Helmick . ..Advertising Manager
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication


PNaturally there were many family scenes.
You have wings, I was told. You're well

It was then I confessed that I
lacked the brass to ccnftuse



It helps, mr'boy. But usually a fragment
will do. See! An heirloom.. ..When I set



i i

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