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March 18, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-18

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Supreme Court,
In Effect, Blocks
UMW Strike Plan
Rulino Comnmands Lewis To Cancel
Notice Ending Government Contract
By Thec Associated P'ress
WASHINGTON, March 17-The Supreme Court in effect told
John L. Lewis today that no March 31 strike will be tolerated.
Speeding up its procedure, it ordered its mandate in his case to
go out officially on March 20, instead of March 31 as it would have
Cancel Notice
The ruling commands Lewis to cancel his notice terminating his
soft coal miners' contract with the Government, and notify the mines
he has done so, under pain of a $2,700,000 fine against the United
Mine Workers. Lewis has five days after the issuance of the mandate


Legislaturee ort
Balloting Will I fp
Begin TodayRussia
60 Candidates 1
Seek Positions I

US .,







in which to comply.
In ordering the striking miner,
back to work Dec. 7, Lewis told
them to carry on until March 31
but did not call off lhis contract
termination notice--equivalent to
a strike call, for the miners tra-
ditionally do not work without a
Convictions Upheld
The Supreme Court's ruling was
issued March 6 and under the nor-
mal course it would not have op-
erated in time to avert a March 31
walkout. The decision upheld con-
tempt convictions against Lewis
and the union for the previous
strike but reduced Judge T. Alan
Goldsborough's $3,500,000 fine
against the union to $700,000, con-
ditional upon compliance with the
The Government then moved to
have the mandate issued "forth-
with" to safeguard "the public in-
terest." However the 11-day
speed-up meets its purpose just as
well. Counsel for Lewis had op-
posed any speed-up on the ground
it would jeopardize his interests.
The Supreme Court acted today
through a brief order. No opinions
in the case were issued and if the
nine justices were divided, the
fact was not recorded.
Three other xnajor court rulings
today also came on orders, with-
out formal opinions.
The court refused to review
protests by Morton Friedman,
ousted from a job with the War
Manpower Commission by order
of the Civil Service Commission
on the group he was a communist
The Civil Service Commission
said it based its dismissal order
on Friedman's association with
the American Peace Mobilization.
It declared there was "reasonable
ground" for belief that that or-
ganization was formed under
Communist auspices. It cited a.
change in the group's attitude to-
ward World War II beginning
shortly after the German invasion
of Russia.
Speedy Peace
Action Uro'ed
By MacArthur
TOKYO, Ma4rcli 17 -(A')- Gen-
eral MacArthur declared today
that a peace treaty with Japan
should be made quickly, abolish-
ing the occupation and leaving
future guidance of this country
to the United Nations.
"If the United Nations ever is
to succeed, this is the most favor-
able opportunity it ever had," the
occupation commander told Amn-
cican correspondents at a lunch-
"If the United Nations cannot
provide mild controls it cannot
meet anything . . .The Japanese
would accept it , . . It would be
considered protective rather than
repressive. It could continue as
long as it was beneficent.
"I would not envision any mili-
tary formations of any sort after
a peace treaty. Bayonet control
would be a mockery."
Pressed for an opinion on when
a treaty should be made, MacAr-
thur replied., "For the record I'll
say as soon as possible."
He indicated his belief that it
should be conicluded in a matter
of months at most. and at an-
other point said, "It would be ad-
visable for the world to initiate
at this time peace talks with
Group Plans FEPC

U Deficit Bill
Of Governor
S House Votes Funds
For State Agencies
A $11,300,000 deficiency bill
including $1,250,000 for the
University of Michigan, was passed
unanimously by the State House
of Representatives last night and
today awaits the Governor's sig-
The bill, designed to meet the
operating expenses of state agen-
cies until the end of the fiscal
year, was approved by the Senate
on February 20 and sent to the
House for a vote. Yesterday's
House action came after an hour's
bitter' debate, the Associated Press
The bill includes amounts of
$2,526,290 for Michigan State Col-
lege, $2,300,000 for direct relief,
$2,800,000 for aid to dependent
children and $1,250,000 for vet-
eran's homestead exemptions.
In the Senate debate on the bill
last montp, several senators had
voted against the bill, contending
that the colleges had been guilty
of bad management in incurring
these extra expenses.
15 Dead As
Floods Ravage
South England
Amphibious Tanks
Rescue Marooned
LONDON, March 17-()-
Britain counted 15 dead tonight
in the wake of a roaring hurri-
cane and the worst flood in more
than half a century, which spread
destruction over vast areap of
southern England.
New gale warnings went up on
all coasts, and the battered island
kingdom, beset by the aftermath
of one of the most severe winters
in its history, braced itself for
another blow.
Families Marooned
Troops with amphibious tanks
and jeeps came to the rescue of
thousands of families marooned
in the upper stories of their
homes. Factories were flooded
and thousands of head of live-
stock perished.
Historic Runnymede was seven
feet ynder water. At Windsor.
professional divers descended to
close valves in the flooded gas-
Transportation Snarled
Lingering snows combined with
hurricane-felled trees and inun-
dated roads to leave transporta-
tion, communications and indus-
trial produc4on thoroughly
Two Yorkshire rivers-the Hull
and the Don-burst their banks
and farmers estimated 15,000
acres of land flooded in that area.

Campus polls will be open from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and from
9 a.m. to 3 p.m tomorrow for the
election of 23 members of the
Student Legislature and a student
member of the 'Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics.
The polls, which will be set up
in the lobby of Angell Hall and
at the Quonset hut near Water-
man Gymnasium, will be roped-ofT
and ballots must be marked with-
in the enclosed area. Identifica-
tion cards will be punched and
ballots stamped with a special
Legislature stamp at the exits of
the enclosures.
Legislaturc Positions
Sixty candidates are competing
for the Legislature positions. Dom-
inic Tomasi and Pete Elliott are
the candidates for Board mem-
bcrsh ip.
Students from all schools may
vote in the election but will be
required to present identification
Because the voting for the Leg-
islators will be conducted accord-
ing to the Hare system of propor-
tional representation, voters must
number their choices in order of
preference, although they may!
vote for as many candidates as
they please.
Number Choices
Harvey Weisburg, election com-
mittee chairman, warned students
yesterday that it is to their ad-
vantage to keep numbering choices
as long as they have any basis
Rules governing the Legisla-
ture election appehr on page 2.


nified Mand Soght on Greece

GOP Suppsort
tIs Asked For
Truman Plan

Soviets Seek
20 Year Plan
Of Collections

for preferring one candidate over
another. adding that voters should
choose at least 12 candidates ir,
order for their choice to be effec-
Under the Hare plan the quota
of ballots necessary to elect a
candidate is approximately the
total number of ballots cast di-
vided by the number of posts tc
be filled.
Ballots Redistributed.
If a candidate receives more
than the necessary quota of bal-
lots, after they are distributed in-
to piles for each candidate ac-
cording to the first choice of each
voter, the excess ballots are re-
distributed to the candidates in-
dicated next in order of prefer-
ence. Candidates receiving the
fewest first place votes are elim-
inated and all of their ballots are
This process is continued until
the full number of candidates
have been elected.
Two Bills On
Riet iControl
Divide Senate
WASHINGTON, March 17-- t/P
-- -The Senate, badly split on the
question of permitting a general
rent increase, got two new rent
controls bills today, neither call-
ing for a general' rise.
1. Senators Taft (Rep., Ohio)
and McCarty (Rep., Wis.) intro-
duced one to continue rent con-
trols until March 1, 1948. They
propose to set up a rent adjust-
ment and decontrol board which
could authorize decontrol or rent
increases on an area basis.
2. Senator Cain (Rep., Wash.)
offered one to continue controls
until Feb. 19, 1948. He contem-
plates continuation of OPA to
handle rent control but abolition
of OPA's other functions.
Both bills would abolish ceil-
ings on new constructions and ho-

'Democrats Seek Joint
Foreign Policy Action
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 17-The
Democratic National Committee
made the unprecedented proposal
to the Republican National Com-i
mittee tonight that they issue a
joint statement affirming both
parties' support of President Tru-
man's plan for action in Greece
and Turkey.
The suggested statement would
serve notice "to all peoples of the
world" that the two major par-
ties are agreed "on the purpose
and method of withstanding the
spread of totalitarian aggression
and enslavement wherever it may
Joint Statement
The joint statement was sug-
gested to Carroll Reece, GOP na-
tional chairman, by Gael Sullivan,
new Democratic executive direc-
tor, in the name of the Democratic
National Committee.
Reece said he will answer Sul-
livan's letter tomorrow, without
.ndicating what his answer will be.
Cheek Communist Tide
Sullivan said in a statement
that the United States "can and
must check the tide of Commu-
nism" but that 'a divided Amer-
ica" cannot succeed in the tas
and neither can "one political
He added that the world knows
this and is waiting "desperately"
for word of "America's whole heart
and whole vision."
Mobilize Opinion
"If the great party majorities
in America are standing as one,
behind the Truman doctrine,"
Sullivan continued, "the world will
know that America means busi-
ness. And the effect will be to
mobilize a tremendous world pub-
lic opinion in its favor-the only
force that can stop the persua-
sion-by-bayonet of Communism.
"There is no better time than
now for the political parties of
America to tell the world--in so
many words--that they are pre-
pared to back the Truman doc-
trine to t heilt .
Sullivan submitted a suggested
dr'aft of the proposed joint state-
ment to Reece and invited him to
propose and changes "the phras-
ing" if he sees fit.
Hits County

IIELP OUT VILLAGERS - Mrs. Terry Finch of the firm of Casey, Casey, Finch and Finch--com-
pletes asale with William Frye, '50, at the Willo w Village P.X. The store keeps a supply of much-
needed indisvensables handy for village residents.


Two Vet Fanilies Operate
-apidly Growing Village PX
1 or a couule of vel erans to beat rising living costs, and at the same
time, to aid fellow students to conquer the ever exorbitant cost of time
is no mean accomplishment.
Perhaps that's why the firm of Casey, Casey, Finch and Finch is
so proud of its little establishment, the West Lodge P.X. Perhaps, too,
that's why Willow Run students show such admiration for these fellow
village folk and their enterprising concern. For. the P.X. specializes
in those easy-to-forget, hard-to-do-without items and brings them to

the village dweller at just about
members he has forgotten them.
The P.X. business hours are

the time he returns home and re-


World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 17-- A
plan to give 20 percent incoexre
tax cuts to most taxpayers and
25 to 30 percent reductions to the
smallest taxpayers was considered
today by the House Republican
.e;c rindg con-mcnitte

imed to meet the after-class buses
*'from Arn Arbor, which, in turn,
seem to leave Ann Arbor just in
time to render necessary shopping
Such a frustration, without a
P.X. to check it, was the plight of
Bob Casey and his wife and Terry
Finch and his wife last fall and
such was the difficulty encounter-
ed, too, by the 3,500-odd students
at Willow Village.
This first--hand awareness of
the plight was coupled with a good
deal of mental and physical exer-
;ion on the part of the Caseys
and Finches and out of it arose
the P.X. with its stocks of tooth
paste and ping pong balls, cigar-
ettes and candy bars, pocket dic-
tionaries and cans of pineapple
juice, and occasionally even alarm
Last November the Finches and
Caseys drew up a partnership, got
fheld of some wood, hammers and
nails and set to work building
themselves a small, rather com-I
pact store which today houses
something like 10,000 individual
pieces of merchandise. Their
mode of determining just what

City Concludes
With University
One Year Agre emient
Pays City $135,100
Ann Arbor ;Common Council
last night formally approved a
one year contract with the Uni-
versity providing that the city
shall be paid a sum of $135,100 by
the University for utility and po-
lice services.
The unprecedented agreement,
first of its type ever concluded
between a city in the United
States and a state-owned educa-
tional institution, came after a
protracted series of negotiations
between the city and the Univer-
sity. The one year contract is
expected to be supplemented by
further agreements between the
city and the University regarding
city services, according to:Mayor
William E. Brown Jr.
Specifically, last night's con-
tract provides for a payment of
$97,000 in return for utility ser-
vices to the University, and $30,-
000, or one-seventh of the city
police budget, for police protec-
tion to University property. An
amount of $7,500 also included in
this agreement will release the
University from the obligation of
providing free hospital beds for
city employees.
Future yearly contracts will
provide for an annual payment
of approximately $100,000 to the
city for police, fire and utility ser-
vices, according to Mayor Brown.
It is expected that the University
will also defray the cost of a new
fire station which is to be built
in Ann Arbor.

Germany Would Pay
Ten Billion Dollars
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Tuesday, March 18
-Soviet Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov demanded last night
that. Germany psy the Soviet
Union $10,000,000,000 in repara-
tions over a 20-year period, but au-
thoritative sources said the United
States would oppose spreading any
German war payments over so long
a period,
In a savage attack on the
Western Powers, Moltov said
he wished the Four Power For-
eign Ministers to devise a 20-
year reparations plan for the
benefit of the Soviet Union and,
in addition, demanded the im-
mediate nullification of the
merger of the British and Amer-
ican occupation zones in Ger-
many and a Soviet hand in the
German state control of all
cartels and trusts.
Molotov's long tirade against the
Western Powers-the United
States, Great Britain and France
-brought a cold, blunt rebuke
from U. S. Secretary of State
George C. Marshall, who main-
tained an icy mien throughout the
four hour and 15 minute session,
the longest to date.
Authoritative sources said the
American position in regard to
Molotov's reparations plan
would be that two decades would
be too long a time to impose
such a financial burden on Ger-
many and that such a continu-
ing' debt would hinder Ger-
many's recovery for years to
come. Attempts will be made,
the sources said, to have the
Russians agree to cut down the
payment period considerably.
It was understood that Great
Britain probably would adopt a
similar attitude to the 20-year
Meanwhile, French Foreign
Minister Georges Bidault con-
ferred with Prime Minister Stalin
for an hour and a half last night,
French sources said. No informa-
tion was available immediately as
to the nature of their discussion.
Bidault was the first of the
visiting ministers to see Stalin
and it was expected that Mar-
shall and British Foreign Sec-
retary Bevin would follow suit
Moloto's demands, which ex-
ceeded by far the expectations of
even the most pessimistic western
observers, included a proposal
that reparations be paid from
current German production,
House Delays
T4ruman Plan
To Consider Curbs
On Greek-Turk Aid
WASHINGTON, March 17-(M)
-An effort to satisfy Congression-
al demands for some restrictions
on Greek-Turkish assistance was
reported today to be delaying a
bill to carry out President Tu-
man's ,$400,000,000 program.
Rep, Eaton (Rep., N.J.) told re-
porters the House Foreign Affairs
Committee which he heads will
meet tomorrow with the hope of
having the bill before it. It would
then be introduced immediately
and hearings would be set, They
will bring top officials before Con-
gress to explain all phases of this
country's move to stop commnu-
nism short of the strategic Dar-
There was speculation in Con
gress that the $400,000,000 author-
ization bill might include a provi-

Safe-crackers got away with P I()GOTA, Colombia, March
least$1,000 in a county-wide 17 Taca Airlines said tonight
wave of thefts over the weekend, that one of its passenger liners
according to police reports, had crashed into a mountain
The burglars obtained $700 25 miles northwest of Medellin
from safes at the Texas Bulk Co., today and that five passengers
1777 S. State St.; $300 from food and three crew members, in
lockers in the Whitmore Lake including two United States cit-
area; and an undetermined izens, probably had perished.
amount from a local lumber com-
pany located at 1340 N. Main St. ."w USALEM, March 17-Tens
Apparently the work of an or- of thousands of cheering, smiling
ganized gang, all the thefts were Jews streamed out of the martial
committed in the same manner. law areas of Palestine today mom-
In each case, intruders gained en- ents fter the British lowered
trance by forcing a door, then barbed wire barriers which had
knocked the combination from isolated two sections of the Holy
safes in the establishments. Land for the last 15 days.
HONOLULU, March 17-A
'seven-imlan Navy crew maneu-


l fit ch LnI-tlcIc ~~Iid L lll ridtt l ii~ 'l E It 3W i7 l-m'" u-u 11 A

%rred a lifeboat through heavy
seas today and rescued 2 men

Technic One Cent Sale Slips

luLIu u011""Iv
Do you hate spinach, cabbage
and beans? Would you like more
variety in your daily diet? Then
try skunk cabbage, wild onion or
a-ot f' h nr h .i e i-u' S ho tsri f

L3 ( 3jFIII (W1I J UI1}3LI(~ wrecked tanker Fort Iearborn.
'_-~~.-- - - - - - ---- -- --'--he haggard survivors had
in a recent interview. With spring Tubers or stem bases are more tri-d for five days to sail the
close at hand, they will soon be valuable as solid, nourishing foods stern section 14) jiort under its
available, he pointed out. because they contain carbohy- own POwer:
Dahdelion greens, probably best drates, fats and proteins, he said.t
1 known, are not the most delect- Especially good are these parts LAKE" UCCE S,.N.Y., March
able, according to the University of the common cat-tail or of the 17- -Action was delayed on the
f a -m "i-+ _, y--nr --nm r..nt-,..nr ..11 .tnt it - n~ e- -- ..-f , n.... Uniftprit, it,? i se l ;hi -n o r l

There were puzzled frowns in
the Gargoyle office last night as
staff members workedfeverishly
to balance the books against re-
ports that one hundred copies of
the magazine were sold for a
pnenny apiece by Technic staff

offering the two magazines for
sale together yesterday morning
on the basis of a "one-cent sale."
One spokesman for the Tech-
nic claimed that the Gargoyles
had been presented to the Technic


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