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March 16, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-16

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Unlikely that Reds Will Be
Barred from Ballot -- Dorr




Federal action removing the
Communist Party from the ballot
was called "unlikely" by Prof.
Harold M. Dorr, of the political
science department in an inter-
Commenting on Secretary of
Labor Schwellenbach's demand
that Communists be barred from
the ballot, Prof. Dorr said that
restriction of party access to the
ballot will more probably come
from the states, which are per-
mitted under the constitution to
determine voting qualifications.
Typical of action which may be
taken by the states to bar Com-
munist Party candidates is a pro-
posal recently introduced in the
Michigan legislature. At present
in this state a party desiring to
place candidates on the ballot
must obtain the signatures of a
minimum of 100 residents in at
least 10 counties with not more
Former OSS
Chief To Give
Talk on China
The connection between lan-
guage reform and the nationalist
movement in China will be dis-
cussed by John De Francis, form-
er chief of the China Political
Section in the Office of Strategic
Services, in a lecture at 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday in Rackham Amphithea-
The talk, entitled "The Politi-
cal Controversy Over Language
Reform in China", is being spon-
sored by the Department of Or-
iental Languages and Literature.
Francis lived and traveled in
China, Korea and Japan from
1933 to 1936. At the beginning
of the war he taught classes in
Chinese and Japanese at Colum-
bia and Yale, and then held var-
ious positions with the China Po-
litical Section of OSS. Now en-
gaged in graduate work at Colum-
bia University, Francis formerly
taught summer school classes at
the University.
A manufacturer has evolved a
single tool which can be used as
a glass cutter, magnet, file, nut
wrench, screw driver, staple pull-
er, wire stripper, bottle opener,
rule, and knife sharpener.

than 35 per cent of the total com-
ing from one county.
The proposed change, by requir-
ing that signatures be spread over
a greater number of counties, in-
cluding strictly rural areas where
Communist membership is un-
likely, would make listing of th
Communist Party on the ballot
more difficult, Prof. Dorr said.
Although the powers of the fed-
eral government are not wide
enough to warrant ballot restric-
tions, he said, "the influence of
Communists in labor unions may
be greatly reduced through gov-
ernment use of 'indirect sanc-
Explaining "indirect sanction"G
procedure, Prof. Dorr cited the
practice of the Secc'rities Ex-
change Commission which may
threaten to call public attention
to "off-color" security practices,
thus avoiding approval of legal,
but questionable acts.
"The National Labor Relations
Board might find similar methods
for taking action against red-
tinged unions," Prof. Dorr said.
adding that privileges mlight bc
curtailed to such unions as prior-
ities were refused during the war
to firms suspected of misuse of re-
"Thus the national government
could influence union policies to
the detriment of the red fringe
without the need of Congressional
If the national government in-
tends to bar the Communist Party
from the ballot, it will have to
overcome Constitutional barriers,
Prof. Dorr concluded, adding, "It
will be interesting to see what
Schwellenbach can cook up."
Banking Talk
Paul Hollas, director of the
Hungarian Commercial Bank, will
address graduate students in bus-
iness administration and econom-
ics tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. in the
East Lecture Room of the Rack-
ham Building on the subject,
"Banking in Hungary Under Hit-
Hollas, who has been in the
United States for the past two
months to discuss loans floated by
the Hungarian government, will
arrive here from Washington,
where he has been conferring with
Federal authorities.

BEST SCREEN PERFORMERS 0V 1946-Looking aver sae "Oscars" Presented at Hollywood,
Calf., (arcb 13) are (left to right) Olivia de Havilland, named best actress of the year; Harold
Rr.scll, a handless veteran named best supporting acter; Cathy O'Donnell, who accepted the best
aQ r's award for the absent Frederic March. and Anne Baxter, best supporting actress.

Fellowship Meeting ...
Charles Troutman, secretary of
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship,c
will be the guest of the Michigan
Christian Fellowship at a break- n
fast at 9 a.m. today at the League.
Troutman will speak at the Fel-
lowship meeting at 4:30 p.m. todayt
at Lane Hall.
Center Supper ... .
Supper will be served to for-
eign students and friends at 6
p.m. today in the International;
Center. There will be no pro-
gram following supper because
of the Choral Union Concert. ,
State Vet Bonus
Plan Awaits
Board Action
LANSING, March 15-(AP)-Ac-
tion by the state Administrative
Board is all that is needed to send
1,000,000 veterans' bonus appli-
cation formsto the printers and
start the bonus machinery, Brig.
Gen. Le Roy Pearson, Adjutant
General of Michigan disclosed to-
Gen. Pearson said his staff is
ready to act swiftly to process and
certify applications as soon as ad-
ministrative funds and personnel
have been authorized by the ad-
ministrative board.
Eight different application
forms have been drawn to comply
with the requirements of the
bonus law and the advice of the
attorney general, the announce-
ment said. Separate forms must
be filed by former members of
the Army, Navy, Marines and
Coast Guard, while four benefi-
ciary forms have been ordered for
guardians, husbands or wives,
children over 21 and other de-
pendents of deceased veterans.
Gen. Pearson reported the most
critical problem of the state bonus
organization was lack of office
space in which to process more
than 500,000 claims expected to be
filed in the first six months of the
operation. Temporary quarters are
being established in the 46th di-
vision headquarters armory in
Winner of 'Mrs. Hush'
Contest Identifies Voice
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., March 15
-(P)-Mrs. William H. McCor-
mick, Lockhaven, Pa., housewife,
tonight won $17,590 in a radio
contest after she answered a
broadcast telephone call and iden-
tified "Mrs. Hush" as Clara Bow,
onetime screen "it"girl.
Contestants in the ight-week
competition had to first write on
the subject, "We should all sup-
port the March of Dimes be-
cause.. . ." and three winners then
received telephone calls giving
them the opportunity to identify
"Mrs. Hush."

Metallurgy Movies ...
Three films showing metallurgi-
cal processes, "Heat Treatment of
Steel," "Heat Treatment of Alumi-
num," and "Powder Metallurgy,"
will be shown at 4:10 p.m. tomor-
row in the Rackham Amphi-
This is the sixth in a series of
movie programs presented by the
bureau of visual education of the
University extension service.
Russky Kruzhok ...
The Russian Circle, Russky
Kruzhok, will meet at 8:00 p.m.
tomorrow in the International
Following a short business
session, students will present
skits, and group singing will be
held. Refreshments will be

Faculty of fee H our .
Faculty members in the forestry
department will be special guests
at the weekly Coffee Hour at 4
p.m. Wednesday in the Terrace
Room of the Union.
These gatheiings are open to all
tudents, and provide the oppor-
unity for informal chats with fac-
ulty members from the various
departments. Coffee and other re-
freshments will be served.
llir Meeting ...
The Ullr ski club will hold its
regular meeting at 7:15 p.m. Mon-
day in the Union. Two movies,
"Ski Chase" and "Sun Valley Hol-
iday" will be shown. All those in-
terested are invited to attend.
Eleven states have smaller pou-
lations than the District of Co-
lumbia's 900,000.


_.. _.._


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1_ .

with firm



WORKS TO BE PUBLISHED-Hopwood contest winners who will have their works published this
week are, left to right, Jeanette Michael Haien, R ussell M. LaDue, Jr., and Josephine Eckert.


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Works of Hopv
To Be Publishe
Three recent winners of Hop-
wood contest major awards in fic-
tion and poetry will have their
prize-winning works published this
"The Practicing of Christopher,"
a novel by Josephine Eckert, '46,
will be published tomorrow. Miss
Eckert, who shared top honors in
the fiction division of last year's
contest with Clara M. Laidlaw, '46,
is now a member of the English
department staff at the University
of Missouri.
Russell M. LaDue. Jr.'s, "No

wood Winners Technic.. .
d This W eek (Continued froi Page
the Technic, to be sold tomorrow
More with Me," another winner in and Tuesday, is the case for a six-
the 1946 novel-writing competi-
tion, will be published Thursday. year engineering course as present-
A 1946 literary college graduate, ed by Karl Henion, '48E. Henion
LaDue is now a teaching fellow in points out that only in a six-year
the English department. course can the student obtain suf-
"Rip Van Winkle's Dream," a ficient cultural background and
long narrative poem by Jeannette technical training to be a credit
Michael Haien, '45, will also be tech trining tobessit
published Thursday. The poem to the engineering profession.
won a first-place award in the Also featured are "The Great
1945 Hopwood contest. Miss Haien Lakes Cargo Carrier: Design and
is now enrolled in the graduate Power" by Prof. Louis A. Baier
school. chairman of the naval architec-
ture and marine engineering de-
Rcital To Feature partment, and "The Magnetron'
by Gerard H. Giczewski, '50E.
IJeethoven Sonata Prof. Baier outlines in his arti-
cle the general considerations in
A Beethoven sonata will high- regard to design, length, beam,
light the piano recital to be pre- draft, strength, speed and forrr
sented by Joanne Johnson Baker, and power of lake freighters with
music school student, at 8:30 p.m. reference to research carried on ir
tomorrow in Lydia Mendelssohn the University's Naval Tank.
Theatre. After reviewing the peculiaritiet
The program, which is open encountered in dealing with ultra-
to the public, will also include high frequency circuits, Giczew-
compositions by Bach, Ravel and ski describes the construction de-
a suite for piano composed by tails, operation and application,
Miss Baker. of the magnetron.

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