THE MICHIGAN DAILY candidates' Statements' The following qualification state- ients have been submitted by1 on-partisan candidates for the tudent Legislature election Tues- ay and Wednesday: *ean Gringle * Qualifications: Junior. literary ollege; president Jordan Hall, 4; general chairman Soph Cab- ret, '45; president Lutheran Stu- eent Association; vice-president tter-Guild; president Alpha Del- t Pi; Panhellenic, financial secre- ry WSSF; Wyvern. Platform: roaden scope of student activity trough positive cooperation with ;dent groups, faculty, adminis- ation; investigate student needs, )ster expansion. * * * vorton Hartz.. . I advocate intelligent legisla- on to benefit the entire student dy and the promotion of closer ,lationship between student opin- n and legislative enactment. The egislature should benefit the ma- rity and not special interest oups on campus. Full informa- on about Legislature activities ould be .brought before the stu- Peg Herod... As your representative on the S udent Legislature, I will en- deavor to make the Eorganization More responsive to student opinion gnd to integrate the various cam- u activities under one coordina- ting body. I have been active in League activities, Newman Club, 3port Clubs, Student Publications and Chi Omega. *I * * Philip Jacson.. Previous experience in student government. The legislature should Work for the benefit of all stu- dents and therefore keep the stu- Cent body informed about its spe- ci.fc actions. I would inform stu- 4Unts about behind the scenes ac- tlvi ies and encourage student ex- 1pression of opinion to create bet- er unity on campus. Lloyd Jewell-..-. I am interested in student af- airs and believe that it takes en- rgetic, interested people to make the Legislature serve the purposes ior which it was designed. My views on social matters are liberal, ,umanistic and tolerant. I repre- Sent no special interests, and will endeavor to make the Legislature rn effective organization. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewltten form to the of ffice of the Assistantto the President, Room 1021 Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- rzzays). SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1947 VOL. LVH, No. 115 Notices one Campus flag is at half staff because of the death of Frank $unze, a member of the staff at he Plant Department. .Herbert G. Watkins. Secretary Five-week grades for all Fresh- ap= Engineers are due in Dean Crawford's Office on Saturday, Marchi 22. Report blanks wVill be furnished through department secretaries, or by campus mail direct to instructors. L S & A Freshman Five-Week Progress Reports will be given out in the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, in the following order: March 19, Wednesday, R thru March 20, Thursday, K thru Q. March 21, Friday, D thru J. March 22. Saturday, A thru C. - Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Except un- der extraordinary circumstances, courses dropped after Saturday, March 22, by students other than freshmnen will be recorded with toe grade of "E". Choral Union Ushers.: Report at 6:15 p.m., Sunday for the Chicago Symphony Concert. College of Engineering: Senior Engineers who expect to graduate' in June 1947, should fil out the blank for diploma applications in the Secretary's Office, Rm. 263, W. Engineering Bldg., at once. Mr. J. B. Green of the Naval Re- (Continued on Page 3) Donald judsen ... Any student government has as its duty the betterment and pro- tection of the student. If elected I would try to fulfill those duties' by providing 1) more recreational facilities for the students, 2) a closer liaison between the faculty and the student body, 3) more stu- dent representation in matters] concerning the students. Dick Kelly ... Member of the Union staff, trea- surer of Theta Xi fraternity. I be-I lieve that the students of this uni- versity are capable of far more self-government, both individual- ly and in their affiliated groups,1 than they are now permitted. And I feel that the Student Legislaturej should be the active voice of this sentiment and the leader in this self-government. Rae King ... . The basic platform I have to offer is that I am a student as you are, and I will consider our in- terests and wants in the work of the Legislature. I understand the workings of student government thoroughly and believe this makes me capable of representing you. * * / Gay Larsen ... Through work as a night editorI on The Daily and experience with the Legislature's Varsity Commit- tee, I feel qualified to ascertain and represent prevailing student opinion on problems which arise, free of the pressure of party mem- bership. * * * Roz Long ... Qualifications: former house; president; chairman League HouseS dances; central committee Willow Run Dances; Junior Girls' Play; chairman Assembly Coke Bar; AVC News staff; chairman Phil-. ippine Book Fund Dance; secre- tary Gripes Comittee of Student Legislature. * * * Melvin Marcus ... The Student Legislature should effectively demonstrate its ability and desire to accept greater re- sponsibilities in making student government a more vital and con-.. structive force in the life of the student. The University should be intelligently encouraged to in- crease the degree of responsible self-rule alloted to the student body.I Jeanne Metelski.,.. I believe that the Student Con- gress is an intrinsic part of the University. Therefore, I will de- vote my time and interest to help it gain and maintain prestige and at the same time, acquaint every student with its functions and c- complishments. x * * Janet Osgood ... I will back all proposals for the centralization of all student activi- ties. I am also in favor of contin- uing a cooperative restaurant, the establishment of an improved .sys- tem for the academic counselingI of upper classmen and projects for better facilities for soil func-. tions including a new uilding for formal dances.k Richard Schultz ... The organization of class offi- cers and more class activities along with a place to hold them would do much to further school spirit in a college of this size. There- fore I am advocating two things: more class activities and organiza- tion and lower fees for the use of University btildings for student activities. Robert Shaeffer... I am a junior in the literary college and a psychology maaj or. I entered the University in 194 . served three years in the army and returned to school last fall. I believe the Student Legislature should be the campus voice in Un- iversity administration. Let's all help make it that! Bill Short .. . I am remaining independent in this election because I believe that no single group should dominate the policies of the Student Legis- lature. I will endeavor to promote coordinated and unified programs that will represent the wishes .of the student body. Past experience: chairman 1946 Feather Merchants Ball. i0 Ruth Sights ...# I promise to do my utmot Ho back campus activities encourag- ing both men and wmen parti- cipation. Also, I would like to see investigations held concerning ex- cessive food and book prices, and I would like to see more coopera- tion between affiliated and inde- pendent students. Bob Silver . .. Revolution!-Overthrow of the existing system-Sweeping new re- forms - These are not things I promise. Rather it seems that in telligent action on arising prob- lems and a constant keeping in mind of policies which the student body as a whole wants carried out are the things that we can expect from. our Legislature. Philitus Spear . . I am a navy veteran and have been on campus four semesters. This has given me time to become acquainted with the problems of all students. If elected to the Stu- dent Legislature I will work dili- gently to help the student body as a whole. Mickey Spencer .. . Committee to draft present con- stitution, IRA vice-president, SO- IC. Platform: student interest, participation in meetings, schedule meetings of campus groups to pre- vent conflicts, publish agenda, support academic freedom, im- prove Willow Village facilities, es- tablish co-op restaurants, improve academic counseling, regulate heat in libraries and classrooms. Bobbie Strunsky ... My desire is to see established an effective Student Legislature, independent of the administration, as a controlling body on campus. I shall work for any project the students themselves consider vital, as indicated by YOU through the Gripes Committee, e.g., establish- ment of Fresh Air Camp as a rec- reation center under student con- trol. William Sturtz,. I wish to personally contribute, through membership, to further organization of the Legislature and to assist in modernizing the cam- pus policies. I have been on cam- pus intermittently since 1942, at present a prelaw political science major. I am a member of Sigma Nu, also associated with student publications and Baptist Student Guild. Elmer Weber .. . My qualifications include mem- bership Lloyd House Council, '46, General J-Hop Committee '47, and at present social chairman Lloyd House and general chairman of West Quad dances. If elected, L as a veteran, shall endeavor to activate the Student Legislature as the "voice of the student body" to accomplish self-government. William Young.. .. I have had no previous experi- ence worthy of mention in student affairs on campus. I did have ex- perience in high school as presi- dent and vice-president of my classes. I am a junior, due to army credits, 21 years of age and a mem- ber of Alpha Tau Omega. Kurath Edits Dictionary of Middle English, Co lin h irsI Work ofthis Tpe (Continued from Page 1) - writings in medicine, alchemy, an- imal and plant lore and the en- cyclopedia of the Middle Ages which was translated from Latin into English shortly before 1400. "We are therefore concerned with all phases of life and thought in medieval England," Prof. Ku- rath explained. Only English words will be in- cluded in the Dictionary. Prof. Kurath said but the fact that many of the scientific textsas well as many of the -literary works are translations or "free renderings" of original Latin or French makes the task more difficult. Much Checking Required Because the English writers of this time often incorporated the' Latin or French words into their own language, or coined new words to fit the meaning of the original foreign text, the original must be checked quite frequently. The Dictionary will include def- initions in Modern English illus- trated with quotations from the original texts arranged chrono- logically and giving the date used, author, work, page and line. "A dictionary of this type is fundamental to all types of re- search in the Middle Ages," Prof. Kurath said, adding that it will be indispensable to anyone inter- ested in the literature, historical lore or social history of medieval England. The Dictionary will therefore be "a key to the source material of medieval civilization for scholars in all fields," Prof. Kurath commented. No Good One Now Although there is at present no good dictionary of Middle English, according to Prof. Kurath, there is "half a one" which he is now studying. Published in 1888, in two volumes, it was written in German by Eduard Matzner, who got as far as the letter "M" before he died. The size of the new dictionary has not yet been definitely decided upon, but Prof. Kurath estimated that it will be at least three times as large as Matzners work would have been if completed. Prof. Ku- rath bases his prediction partly on the fact that there are now many more edited manuscripts available for study than there were in Matz- ner's time. Moore First Editor The first editor of the Diction- ary was the late Prof. Samuel Moore, who organized the collec- tion of materials, after whose death the late Prof. Thomas Knott planned and directed the editing of the dictionary. Slowed down during the war, the project was again resumed "full speed" when Prof. Kurath took over the job just a year ago. Prof. Kurath came to Michigan from Brown University, where he was chairman of the division of modern languages and director of the Linguistic Atlas of the United States. He has retained the direc- torship of this project, which is now located in the Rackham building. He received his doctorate in the comparative grammar of the Indo- European languages from the Uni- versity of Chicago. He speaks Ger- man fluently and can "move around with compartive ease" in Latin, Greek, French, Italian, San- skrit and Old Norse. Read and Use Daily Class ified fids ",1 / /m i , . _