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February 08, 1947 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-08

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Daily Official Bull

(Continued from Page 4 Academic Notices
ave "University of Michigan" Doctoral Examination for Fer-
ainly lettered on the sides. ris Udine Triss, English Gram-
mar; thesis: "Causes and Effects
5. The Gargoyle shall not be en- of Dotting the 'i'," at 1:30 p.m. to-
tted to anything in the Engs- day in the Rackham Amphithea-
wering Arch. tre.
Correction: The A.I.Ch.E. has Physiology Seminar: Dr. Joshua
vited the members of the Obrien of the anthropology de-
.I.lTA.E., A.S.M.E., A.S.C.E., partment will deliver a seminar on
.I.E.E., I.A.S. and A.C.S. to par- the subject "What Makes Red-
cipate in its discussion of the Heads Red-Headed" at 4 p.m. to-
.P.A., W.M.C. and C.E.D. instead day in Rm. 346 Angell Hall.
the members of the A.C.C. of
0e A.S.P., the A.Y.D., N.L.R.B. Students of Engineering Me-
ad R.S.V.P., as was previously chanics 1, 3 and 6 will be required
sounced in the D.O.B. to attend a special demonstration
of static and dynamic forces at 7
Applications are now being tak- p.m. tomorrow at Rackham Am-
in Rm. 2, University Hall for phitheatre. Prof. A. D Moore,
ct for .,Uis semstyr'sHar head mentor of the engineering
zikets for this semester's mar- college, will juggle Sunkist oranges.
age lecture series. If your ap- Orange juice will e served.
ication is accepted, your tickets
ill be mailed to you in a plain,
nmarked envelope. Lectures

of the Twentieth Century with Re-
gard to Pastimes and Hobbies In-
dulged in by the Typical Detec-
tive of the Modern Mystery Novel
in Its Various Aspects," at 8:30
p.m. today in Rm. 4 City Hall
under the sponsorship of the Eng-
lish Department. Those attend-
ing are requested to bring their
own sleeping pills.
Attention, Married Ves: The
University and Willow Run chap-
ters of the American Veterans
Committee will sponsor Dr. Mar-
tha Maria Moscoglona of Stevens
College in a lecture on "The Care
and Feeding of Infants" at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. A
free nursery will be held during
the lectures for all infants up to
three years of age. Check your
coats and babies at the door.

Garg Reaps Corn from Mail,
Peering through John's other ferring to a technical newspaper
door (the Gargoyle Office to the term, not members of the staff).
misinformed) yesterday, we made Ah well, we thought, and to
a discovery of great import to the comfort ourselves we- repeated the
numberless masses of Garg fans. favorite saying of our English 31
The staff was busily engaged in prof., "Material from a single
a fit of group hysteria-a brain- source is plagiarism; material
storm of one of the mighty wits, from many sources is research."
no doubt. But as we focused our We tactfully stepped aside as a
bifocals we noticed a stack of col- postman, laden with several dozen
lege "esquires" that weren't the new exchange magazines entered
Gargoyle. And what is more, the into the busy office. "This issue
Gargoyle staff, armed with scis- will be the best ever," we heard as
sors and paste were avidly clip- the door softly closed.
ping and pasting excerpts from
these humor rags that weren't the
Gargoyle onto Garg dummies (re- Patronize Your SBE

The Office of Student Affairs,
t the request of a committee of
orority, league house and wom-
n's- dormitory presidents and a
epresentative of the Dean of
gomen's Office, has ruled that all
:arried veterans must wear a
redding ring. Failure to comply
ith this regulation will result in
xpulsion of the guilty party and
rasted time for a large number of
vomen students.

University Lecture: Dr. Saram- Student Recital: Miss Mabel R.
phanilia L. Whodunit of the City Sinfonietta, of the University High
University of London will discuss School, will present a recital in
"The Influence of the Later Writ- partial fulfillment of the require-
ings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ments foy passing Elementary
Pertaining to the Prevention and Music 4a, at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in
Detection of Secondary Crimes of Practice Room No. 3 i of the high
Omission and Commission in the school. Miss Sinfonietta's pro-
City of London from the Year 1856 gram will include numbers by
to 1879 on the Earlier Writings of Schezorafinski, Macabraskovitch,
Agatha Christie, Erle Stanley O'Dugan and Elman, and will fea-
Gardner and Rex Stout in the ture her own arrangement of
Early Part of the Fourth Decade "Open the Door, Richard."



Prettiness is the theme of our en-
chanting Spring Dress Collection.
Charming, feminine styles that are
soft and becoming.
New and different, with peplum,
tunic, draped or bolero styles - in
gay prints-pastel crepes or wools.
Sizes 9-15 and 1044, 16'Y to 24'f.
Priced from $16.95

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Accent your new dress
with a sparkling patent
Handbag . . .
Priced from 5.00
Hansuede fabric gloves
with patent cuff to
match at 2.50.

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Th'le Rppliii4 Peplum Suit for juniors
An exciting cutaway front with
Spring's new look ... in jacket and
skirt. Crestmoor tailored 100% wool
worsted crepe. For Juniors 9 to 15.

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*Round the Corner on Stat,

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