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March 16, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-16

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IAIIs!I udii e n iw S Al





FPHA Plans
Willow Run
Power Talks
Study of Problem
Set for Next Week
Long-pending plans for a meet
ing of Willow Village tenantl
with FPHA electrical and safet
engineers to discuss tenant-pro
posed remedies for pressing electri
cal power difficulties will be co-
summated "some time next weed ;
when the meeting will take plac;
it was announced yesterday.
The disclosure came from Wil
low Run's housing director Charles
P. Annala, who added that invita
tions to this closed meeting had
already been dispatched to th
representatives of interested
groups who put forth the sugges
tions in question. He added tha
after the difficulties have bee
thrashed out, it's quite possible
that revised policies will come into
effect regarding electrical usag
at the village.
In reference to the University'
announcement Friday, that rec
ommendations will be presente(
to the FPHA for the alleviation o
electrical difficulties, Annala said
that all such proposals would cer
tainly be welcome. The University
has been studying the situation
with a view toward determining
what may be done to add to the
village residents' comforts along
these lines. Electrical experts
have been employed and methods
sought to increase the power load
at the village.
These developments spring
from recent alleged abuses of vil-
lage electrical circuits resulting
in overloading of the lines anc
excessive burning of fuses.
FEPC Bill Is .
'Defective' .r
State representative Louis G
Christman told the Ann Arboi
FEPC Council yesterday that he
could not support the fair em-
ployment practices act before the
legislature as it now stands.
Meeting with him were represen-
tatives of various civic and church
groups including George N. An-
tonofsky, graduate student at the
University and chairman of the
Ann Arbor FEPC ouncil, and Mrs.
William Clark Trow, who repre-
sented the American Association
of University Women.
Representative Christman in-
dicated that he supports the prin-
ciple of fair employment practices,
but that he believes that the bill
as it now stands is defective. "It
doesn't contain enough protec-
tion for small business, and its
provisions, including a state-wide
educational campaign, would prove
too costly for the state at this
time," he said.
While he 'maintained that the,
bill in its present form would
prove cntrary to state judicial
practices, Christman acknowl-
edged that if the FEPC issue were
placed upon the ballot immediate-
ly, it would pass. "People let their
natural sense of fairness get the
best of them, and they don' realize
what the bill really means," he

Chmia Needs
Lack of popular support for lib-
erals in the Chinese government
stands in the way of rebuilding
China, Paul T. K. Lin, '43, told
the local chapter of the Chinese
Student Christian Association yes-
Executive Secretary of the Na-
tional Chinese Students Christ-
ian Association, Lin is now work-
ing for his doctorate at Harvard
"Only those who have rejected
the false gods of individualism
and totalitarianism in their ex-
treme form can be close to the
people of China," he said.
"The division of the world into
two camps on the basis of oppes-
ing philosophies is reflected in the
two groups of people which exist
in every country," Lin pointed

Taft Asks Appraisal of Russi
War Aims if U.S. Aids Greei
- German PopulationCut r
"AI n


PERCY PRAYS FOR HER PUPS - Percy, the dog who does all her up and down travel in a bushel
basket, is shown indulging in her daily prayer, per haps that her pups will someday get to use an es-
calator. The pups, from left to right, are Aspasia, Bismarck, Buffie and Duffer.

Elevator Dog Cuts Clkisses;
Returns With Good Excuse
Percy, the elevator dog who almost caused Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Johnson, her owners, to be evicted from their apartment last fall, is
back attending classes at the University after a brief fling at
Four pups, Bismarck, Aspasia, Buffie and Duffer began arriving
at noon Thursday, Jan. 30. To avoid any further complications, the
pups were soon de-elevated and sent to "room" at a nearby apart-
ment, that of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Edlund, who incidentally are keep-.
ing one of their "roomers."]} Cs
Still Rides in an 'Elevator'
Percy, who still has to use her T ee r t
unrestaTo Celebrate
kept the Johnsons busy at the
controls as she constantly wanted Foundmn of'U'
to visit her offspring. The Ed- o"i
hundsndescribed Percy as "an
excellent mother." foireigni Groups Will
An oldtimer in the grind of col- Mark 110th Birthday
lege life, Percy has numerous
scholastic achievements to her The University's 110th birthday
credit and is still striving for more.will be celebrated by 92 alumni
She is already the recipient of onewilbcebrtd y92aun
degree, a BA, which she obtained clubs all over the world beginning
along with Mrs. Johnson, from tomorrow and continuing through-
Scripps College. With the help of out the week.
the Johnsons, who are anxious to Alumni clubs in such far-flung
aid Percy in her search for knowl-
edge, she is now pursuing a "com- places as Tokyo, San Francisco,
bined curriculum" by attending Washington, Manila, Caracas,
classes with Mr. Johnson, who is Venezuela, and Seattle will hold
working for his MBA, and with celebrations.
Mrs. Johnson, whose goal is an March 18, 1837, has always been
MA in Philosophy. labelled as the date of the found-
Wide Curriculum ing of the University in Ann Ar-
The curriculum of this "edu- bor. It was on this date that the
cated" canine includes Contempo- act was passed which created the
rary Metaphysics, Hume, Philoso- Board of Regents.
phy of Religion, Statistics, Ac- President Alexander G. Ruth-
counting and Marketing. ven will be the guest of honor at
Johnson, who, besides working gatherings of the University of
for his MBA, is an instructor in Michigan Clubs of Washington
Statistics, says that "Percy is an and Bay City. Clubs in Lansing,
excellent student. She goes to Niles, and Aurora will have vice-
sleep upon entering the classroom president Robert P. Briggs as guest
and sleeps quietly until it is time at their celebrations.
to leave, which is more than can Provost James P. Adams will
be said for sonye people." speak before the Kalamazoo
Percy, whose real name is Per- alumni club. The Midland cele-
sephone, was named after hte god-b n l.t
dessof te ifernl rgion inbration will have vice-president
dess of the infernal regions in Mri ihs ssekr
Greek mythology. This goddess Marvin L. Niehuss as speaker.
was abducted by Hades, but was Dean Alice Lloyd will be guest
allowed to spend two-thirds of the of honor at the gathering of the
year with her mother, an arrange- University of Michigan Club of
ment which required a great deal Dearborn. Regent Roscoe O. Bon-
of up and down travel, although isteel, former president of the Ann
undoubtedly not in a bushel bas- Arbor Alumni Club, will be hon-
ket. ored at its celebration.
Faculty Members Compiling
Dictionary of Middle English,

Defauw Will
Conduct Ls
Series Concert
Dvorak's "New World" Sym-
phony will be included in the pro-
gram to be presented by Desire De-
fauw and the Chicago Symphony
Orchestra in the last of the 1947
Choral Union Concerts at 7 pm.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Defauw, who is completing his
final season with the orchestra,
was appointed conductor at the
beginning of the 1943-44 season.
He had appeared as guest conduc-
tor with leading European orches-
tras, and 'for four years was direc-
tor of the New Symphony Orches-
tra of London. He also founded
'the "Concerts Defauw" in Brus-
sels- and established in Belgium
a paramount national orchestra,
making Brussels one of the most
advanced musical centers on the
The 100 member Chicago Sym-
phony annually tours mid-western
cities, this year giving 14 concerts.
The following program will be
=resented by the orchestra:
Mozart: Overture to 'Marriage
of Figaro"; Haydn: Symphony in
E-flat major: Franck: Chorale;
Ravel: "Alborada del Gracioso";
Dvorak: Symphony No. 5 in E mi-
nor "From the New World."

Would Lessen
War Potential
Ministers Told
Bidault Says France
Would Absorb Exiles
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, ,March 15-France
proposed tonight a startling mod-
ern day exodus of Germans from
their defeated fatherland in order
to lower the German war poten-
tial, and Secretary Marshall said
the plan struck at the heart of
the German problem.
Foreign minister Georges Bi-
dault told the Foreign Ministers
Council that the allies should un-
dertake an organized reduction
of the population through emigra-
tion from a thickly-settled Reich
and said France was prepared to
take the revolutionary step of ab-
sorbing Germans into her own
War Potential
He said that France considered
the German population, which is
much deiser than her neighboring
states, a war potential that could
be linked with the German in-
dustrial potential.
The day's developments found
Marshall summoning Lt. Gen. Lu-
cius D. Clay from Germany to con-
sult on the German question,
while the Chinese announced out-
right rejection of Soviet Foreign
Minister Molotov's plea for infor-
mal Big Three discussions on
Veteran Moscow observers ex-
pected that Marshall and the
ether Foreign Ministerswould be
called to the Kremlin shortly to
see Prime Minister Stalin. These
reports coincided with word that
Republican senators in the United
States were urging that Marshall
explain America's policies in the
Mediterranean to the soviet leader.
Russia struck the first blow
against plans of the western allies
for a 'federalized" Germany with
criticism of western land reor-
ganization policies which the Rus-
sians viewed as paving the way
for federalization.
At the opening of today's meet-
ing, the longest of the confer-
ence, British Foreign Secretary
Bevin reprimanded Deputy Soviet
Minister Andrei Vishinsky for his
insistence that Albania be per-
mitted to participate in drawing
up the German peace pact.

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, March 15-Pravda, Communist Party organ, made a
second bitter Soviet attack on President Truman's Greek-Turkish pol-
icy today, declaring it did not serve the cause of Peace and security and
"renders valueless" United States declarations of faithfulness to the
United Nations.
Echoing the same arguments as those advanced yesterday in Iz-
vestia, the government newspaper, but even sharper in some of its
conclusions, Pravda declared the proposed economic and military aid
to Greece and Turkey was "imperialist expansion under the guise of
PARIS, March 15-France severed, commercial relations with
Bulgaria today in the most serious breach with another power
since the liberation and gave two Bulgarian newspapermen 48
hours notice to leave the country.
JERUSALEM, March 15-The cordon of troops around Tel Aviv's
martial law zone was reinforced tonight and reports from that all-
Jewish city indicated that the British Army was preparing to meet an
underground Jewish threat to break through.
* **
LAHORE, India, March 15-Twelve days of communal rioting
in Punjab Province has killed 1,036 persons and seriously injured
1,110 others, a government communique said tonight.
New outbreaks were reported in the vicinity of Rawalpindi,
Khushab, Jhelum and Campbellpore, but "quiet or nearly qiute"
was restored in most places, the communique added.
* * *
NANKING, March 15-Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek charged
the Chinese Communists today with armed rebellion which he said the
government must quell by force.
'U' Officials Bury an 'Oscar'
By Hogging Garg Film Rights

lWorld News at a Glancei

Senator Seeks
Statements By
Military Men

While west-coast movie mag-
notes dickered today over the
screen rights to the March Gar-
goyle, University of Michigan cam-
pus humor magazine, University
officials looked grave and shook
their heads. "Dangerous to the
foundations of American educa-
tion," was their view.
The Board of Regents and the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications made no comment. How-
ever, an unidentified member of
the History Department issued an
unsigned statement which read:
"Inasmuch as the students of this
campus are unable to distinguish
between humor and actual serious
fact, it would pose a serious prob-
lem if the Gargoyle's Handy Dan-

dy Guide to Education were per-
mitted to go on sale. University
facilities are not equipped to han-
dle such a problem."
The Handy Dandy Guide to
Education referred to in the state-
ment is Gargoyle's feature of the
month, a sixteen page syllabus
guaranteeing a complete educa-
tion for only 25c.
Because of the avalanche of
telephone calls into the Garg of-
fice to reserve copies of the March
issue, the Garg editors regret to
inform their anxious readers that
no more such reservations may
be accepted. "We cannot disap-
point those students who have
counted on buying their copy
through the regular rchannels
from campus salesmen tomorrow,"
McKinlay pointed out.

Raises Question Amid
Fresh 'Developments
By The Associated Press
Sen. Taft (Rep., Ohio) called to-
day for an official size-up on
whether Russia may declare wa
if the United States gives finan-
cial and mlitary aid to Greece
and Turkey.
"I want to know what our top
military people think of the pos-
'ibility that Russia will go to war
if we carry out this program," he
said, "just as we might be prompt-
ed to go to war if Russia tried to
force a Communist government on
New Developments
He raised the . question amid
these fresh developments:
1. President Truman made pub-
lic messages of thanks from
spokesmen for all Greek parties
except the Communists. The'
President said they show that all
will "cooperate unreservedly with
the United States government in
its desire to assist Greece" and
that they pledge the aid will b6
devoted to "constructive rehabili-
tation and the cause of peace and
Others May Ask Aid
2. Key congressmen predicted
that Hungary and four Middle
East states-Iran, Syria, Lebanon
and Palestine-may seek Ameri-
can aid under the administration
program of curbing the advance
of Communism. These legislators
estimated the. ultimate cost of the
program may top $1,000,000,000.
Mr. Truman has asked $4,-
000,000 for Greece and Turkey tis
year. In reaching the $1,000,000,-
000 estimates, the congressmen
counted in $350,000,000 already
requested for relief in liberated
countries and the sums budgeted
for relief in occupied lands, as well
as an undetermined amount of ex-
pected new requests.
New Plan Will
Guard Against
Election Fraud
Reporting that only two polls
will be used in the Student Leg-
islature election T u e s d a y and
Wednesday to provide "complete
supervision of voting," Harvey
Weisberg, election chairman,
romised yesterday that "every ef-
fort will be made to guard against
election fraud."
The polls, which will be open
from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday
and from 8:30 to 3 p.m. Wednes-
day. will be set up in the lobby
of Angell Hall and at the Quonset
huts near Waterman Gymnasium.
Nine polling places were used in
last semester's election.
Sixty students are competing
for the 23 positions which will be
filled in the election. The 27 Leg-
islators chosen last semester will
keep their positions until next
fall. According to the Legisla-
ture's constitution, a new Cabinet
will be elected by its members
during the first week in May.
Under the Hare plan the quota
of ballots necessary to elect a can-
didate is approximately the total
number of ballots cast divided by
the number of posts to be filled,
Fire Damages Buckeye
Club, Dormitory at OSU
COLUMBUS, O., March 15-('JP
-Fire fighters brought under con-
trol a roaring fire in the first floor
of Ohio State University's big
football stadium today after un-
estimated damage to the Buckeye
Club and a dormitory.
Preliminarysurveys indicated
the damage was confined to the

first fioprs of the club and the ad-
joining dormitory.
No one was injured. Spring va-
cations had left only 25 students

Techni c Will
Try Batning
Garg in Arch
The Michigan Technic an-
nounced yesterday that it will seek
to oust the Gargoyle sales staff
from the Engineering Arch tomor-
row morning when both the Tech-
nic and the Gargoyle go on campus
In announcing the decision after
a two-hour conference with staff
members. Milt David, editor,
said "there just isn't room for
both of us around the Arch."
David said that the Gargoyle staff
members would be asked to leave
the Arch, but that the Technic
would not attempt to interfere
with their sales elsewhere on cam-
"In the event the Gargoyle in-
sists upon its usual post, the
Technic is prepared to use force-
ful measures," he said. David
would not comment upon the pos-
sibility of a University ruling on
the use of the Engineering Arch,
believed imminent by some ob-
Featured in the March issue of
See TECHNIC, Page 6
Sure, 'Tis Cnift'
Tomorrow belongs to the Ir-
Not only in Dublin, but in
cities throughout the United
States parades, dinners, and
other special festivities will be
held in tribute to St. Patrick,
patron saint oftIreland, who,

.,+ . ..-,,- - - -

Daily Special Writer
Ever try to write a dictionary?
You could get some good point-
ers on how to go about it from
Prof. Hans Kurath, who has un-
dertaken the job of compiling a
dictionary of Middle English which
will be unique in that there is no
really adequate work of this kind
available at present.
Office with a View
The 10 members of the Middle
English Dictionary staff pursue
their monumental task on the top
floor of Angell Hall, where they

England. Prof. Kurath seems to
minimize the job, however, when
he states simply, "our job is to
edit this material and make a
dictionary." Just like that.
Covers Four Centuries
The Dictionary will include all
the words used by writers between
the years 1100 and 1500, obtained
from study of all the manuscripts
available from that period.
"Our study takes us up to the
beginning of printing," Prof. Ku-
rath explained, adding that in this
period many dialects were used,
with no standardized spelling, thus
inereasing th ennfusion.

STUDENT RESORT ... Plans for the use of proceeds from the Spike Jones benefit
the installation of weekend facilities at the Fresh Air Camp Lodge for student use.

show include

Review To Benefit 'U' Fresh Air Camp


Behind "160 minutes of musical
madness" lies a plan to make win-
ter and spring weekend facilities
at the University of Michigan
Fresh Air Camp available to stu-
den; ;.

the camp may become a year-
round student recreation spot.
The camp borders on two lakes
which may be used for swimming
and fishing in the summer, ice
skating and ice boating in the

a stage, which could be used for
dances by groups of students. Do-
nations are needed to equip the
lodge with insulation, interior
walls and a heating system so that
it may be used in the winter.
Tentative plans for the camp

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