OUR. THE MICHIGAN DAILY FZ1 DAY, lMARCHUU14, 1947 . _ _ . 0 Abandoning Unity MR. TRUMAN'S foreign policy speech marks the unveiling of an American line which has been quietly in effect since Byrnes' "Get Tough" speech in Germany last year. This line is a repudiation of Franklin Roose- velt's semi-successful attempts to solve world problems on a joint effort basis. Policy of the United States as it now stands appears to be open competition with the USSR. It is a policy of competing im- perialisms having among its premises belief in the inevitability of a world war between these states. As set up by Mr. Truman, and as debated by Congressmen, the alternatives are to leave Greece (and consequently Europe) to Russian influence or to maintain European outposts of American arms and economic control in order to offset Russian "infiltra- tion." In either case, Soviet influence is as- sumed to equal use of European resources in preparation for a war with the United States. American policy is to counter this assumed preparation. Consequent upon Mr. Truman's and the Congress' acceptance of this policy is a new set of terms of justification. While Mr. Tru- man makes a half-hearted try at talk about supporting a "democratic" Greek Govern- ment, it is obvious that we are not expected to take this seriously. The crux of the con- sequences of American support of a British- instituted Greek leadership. so little respon- sive to the citizenry that our armies must maintain it, is indicated in the new catch-. words, "free nation" and "national integ- rity." Use of these terms makes possible in- clusion in the speech of a plea for loans to Turkey, a nation Mr. Truman at no time has the effrontery to link with the adjective "democratic." And he writes: "The United States contributed $341,- 000,000,000 toward winning World War II. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: STUART FINLAYSON This is an investment in world freedom and world peace. "The assistance that I am recommend- ing for Greece and Turkey amounts to little more than one-tenth of one per cent of this investment. It is only common sense that we should safeguard this in- vestment and make sure that it was not in vain." To "safeguard" these dollars. we will es- tablish an American imperial army and ad- ministration. We will coerce in order "to work out a way of life free from coercion" (Truman). The future tax rolls of the Uni- ted States will be mortgaged to support our imperialism, through increasing the debt. This is the course Britain followed, a course which, with its consequent wars, has broken Britain. A SIGNIFICANT SIDELIGHT on current American policy is evident in Mr. Tru- man's passing reference to the UN. "We have considered how the United Nations might assist in this crisis. But the situation is an urgent one requiring immediate action, and the United Nations and its related or- ganizations are not in a position to extend help of the kind that is required." The dip- lomatic conference at Lake Success is suffer- ing a first major exploitation of the im- potence which was carefully built in at San Francisco. Reference is made above to Franklin Roosevelt. Expediency was often the ex- cuse for Roosevelt decisions. But expedi- ency was subordinated to a long-range aim at world unity, customarily in the very announcement of a new move. There was no talk of unity in Mr. Truman's speech. The American policy was formed without attempting to secure (even by 4ressure) Russian participation in a joint announcement of world policy. A bulletin informs us 24 hours after the speech that Secretary Marshall "will take the first possible opportunity to explain the new American foreign policy against com- munism to Premier Stalin." -Mi t Freudenheim Bypassing the UN PRESIDENT TRUMAN made no bones about it. The United Nations for all practical purposes died Wednesday. The U,N. will linger on, no doubt. The. United States and Britain will let it squabble over such' weighty issues as a boundary dispute between two Pigmy tribes on an island in the southwest Pa- cific. But to let the U.N. decide anything big, anything which vitally affects the United States and Great Britain ... why, the U.N. is an infant organization and we can't give it anything vital. Let it stick to Pigmy boundary disputes. The purpose of the United Nations was to provide a form of world government with the ultimate ideal of preventing wars. Na- tions of the world were to present their problems to the U.N. for settlement. It was the beginning of the realization that to have a peaceful world, all nations must sacrifice a share of their external sovereignty to an international government. In other words, if Greece needed protec- tion and money, her plea should be turned over to the U.N. If Turkey wanted to keep the Russians away from the Dardenelles, the U.N. would decide the issue. But President Truman feels that the U.N. is not able to tangle with the prob- lem. The United States alone will have to handle Greece's internal affairs. Bri- tain is too broke to do it. And we must maintain that bulwark against the So- viets, even if it means propping up a semi- fascistic government to do it. This has a familiar, and dangerous, ring. We overheard a veteran private first class say yesterday that he wondered how long it would be before he became a corporal. The question is not humorous. -Eunice Mintz The City Editor's SCRATCH PAD WHEN AN AUDIENCE fails to show up for a scheduled panel discussion, the panel members can either go home or talk among themselves. Following the latter procedure at one of the residence halls the other night, four forsaken speakers bandied about the idea that this campus is still in the grip of the 1920's philosophy of how students should spend their time outside the classroom. Although the raccoon coat, the hipper and the long touring sedan are no longer with us, it is perhaps true that Big Football, Big Social Life and a sort of "oh yeah and so what" attitude toward the outside world are still too prevalent. One of the four suggested that where poli- tics are concerned, students in foreign coun- tries have it all over us. It's a fact that while the average American freshman is deciding what social club or extracurricular activity he'll tie himself to, his counterpart in another land is choosing his political par- ty. Most Americans have the touch-me-not atttitude toward politics. You don't get serious about political issues until you're old enough to vote, if then, and holding politi- cal office and taking an active part in party activities are shunned by people who are at once the best-educated and the best-fitted to play a leading role in government. There aredozens of extracurricularactiv- ities around here that are devoted to useful purposes. All well and good .But we ought to have local chapters of the Young Repub- licans, the Young Democrats, the Young Socialists, the Young Populists, et al. The recently-reactivated Karl Marx So- ciety was sworn on pain of dissolution to lay off political activity. The fact that the backers of the society had, in their proposed constitution, already agreed to abstain means only that they were prepared before- hand for the "attitude" - as colored by re- cent investigating committees - to assert itself. If we had all the political parties organ- ized here, the idea of the Karl Marx society as a political action group might occasion no alarm. There is no known regulation on the Uni- versity books which prohibits students from banding together in local affiliates of na- tional parties. A good many years ago there was a young Republican or Democratic club on campus that died of inertia. In 1947, there are half a dozen political action groups, but their undesirable aspect is that they have no di- rect tie-in with the national political par- ties which actually shape and influence pub- lic policy. With a preponderance of the student body now of voting age, the time would seem to be ripe to render the 1920's philosophy as obsolete as the raccoon coat which was once a part of it. Greece ... IN HIS ADDRESS to Congress, the Presi- dent called for a $400,000,000 bulwark against the spread of Communism in the form of aid to Greece and Turkey. Great Britain, gracefully bowing out of the muddle, to which she has contributed in no small measure, is handing over the imperialistic reins to a man who is not as experienced in the gentle art of protecting British interests as are the British. He may find the Middle East picture a studyin the muddy brown shades rather than the black and white picture that he seemingly has been led to expect. One might well ask oneself at this point why the United Nations organiza- tion has not been called upon for aid. Perhaps Great Britain has greater faith in the naivete of President Truman than in the innocence of an organization created to attempt solutions for problems of just this kind. Some such naivete can be detected in Mr. Truman's statement that "The peoples of a number of countries of the world have recently had totalitarian regimes forced up- on them against their will." To the red- fearing world this statement points the hand of guilt toward Soviet Russia. But any Greek citizen remembers the pre-war, Bri- tish-backed Metaxas regime, a dictatorship just as rotten and ugly as Hitlerian or Mus- solinian successors. He also remembers the British "aid" to Greece during the war in the form of battling the Greek Communists in the interests of unity, culminating in re- treat and more heartbreak for the Greeks. When Greece finally was "freed" from the Nazi yoke, the more refined silken cord was wrapped around her neck and it is of small wonder we find "Several thou- sands of armed men led by Communists, who defy the government's authority." Particularly when the government has the armed sanction of the British. It's quite possible that the United Nations organization would not swallow the same line. The only hope is that Mr. Truman learns the Greek facts of life before it is too late. --Lida Dailes (Cuntiuued from Page 3) 4121 ext. 489. for further infor- mation. Mr. J. B. Green of the Naval Research Laboratory will be in our office on March 17 and 18 to re- cruit personnel for the Potomac River Naval Command. Any, chemists, physicists, or engineers who would like to talk to him may make an appointment by calling the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Heinz Hopf, of the Federal Insti- tute of Technology of Zurich, Switzerland, will lecture on the subject, "Ends of spaces and groups and their relation to alge- braic topology," at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Mar. 14, Rm. 3017, Angell Hall; auspices of the Department of Mathematics. University Lecture: Mr. John DeFrancis, United States Depart- ment of State, will lecture on the subject, "The Political Contro- versy over Language Reform in China," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., March 18, Rackham Amphitheatre; aus- pices of the Department of Orien- tal Languages and Literatures. Graduate students in Business Administration and Economics: Mr. Paul Hollos, Director of the Hungarian Commercial Bank, will lecture on the subject, "The Bank- ing Situation in Hungary under Hitler," Monday. March 17, 4:30 p.m., East Lecture Room, Rack- ham Bldg. Faculty members and graduate students in Business Ad- ministration and Economics are invited to attend. Professor Al K. Snelgrove, De- partment of Geology, Michigan College of Mining and Technology, Houghton, Michigan, will speak on Geological Exploration in New- foundland" at 11 a.m., March 15, Rm. 2054, Natural Science Bldg. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar, Rm. 319, W. Medical Bldg., 10 a.m., Sat., March 15. Subject: "Vita- inin A-- Chemistry -Function-Dis- t1bution." All interested are in- vited. mathmtiatics Seminar on Com- vlex Variables: Sat.. March 15 'Choral Union Series, Sun.. March 116, 7 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Pro- gram: Mozart's Overture to "Mar- riage of Figaro"; Haydn Sympho- ny in E-flat; Frank Chorale; and Ravel's "Alborada." The public is respectfully re- quested to be seated on time, since doors will be closed during num- bers. Faculty Recital: Hardin Van Deursen, Assistant Professor of Voice in the School of Music, has planned a recital for Tuesday, March 18, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8:30 p.m. Program: com- positions by Handel, Sarti, Caris- simi, Schumann, Massenet, and Easthope Martin. The general pub- lic is invited. Student Recital: Joanne John- son Baker, a student of piano un- der Mabel Ross Rhead, will be heard in a recital in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music, at 8:30 p.m., Mon.. March 17, Lyd- ia Mendelssohn Theatre. Her pro- gram will consist of compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Ravel, and "Fantastique Suite," written by Mrs. Baker. The public is cordial- ly invited. Exhibitions The Museum of Art presents an exhibition of drawings and water colors by George Grosz through March 16. Alumni Memorial Hall, weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12 and 2-5, Wednesday evenings, 7-9 and Sundays 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Paintings by Charles Farr and Gerome Kamrowski of the faculty of the College of Architecture and Design, Rackham Galleries, cur- rent through March 14. Gallery will be open from 10-12 a.m., 2-5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Drawings of the human figure. March 7 through March 27, Main floor, Architecture Bldg. Conservation of Michigan Wild- flowers, an exhibit of 46 colored plates with emphasis on those pro- tected by law. Rotunda Museum Building. 8-5 Monday through Sat- urday. 2-5 Sunday. Current through March. Events Today I I I, ~& fiCcteip Reg 47by U;Id ctreS di ft,' Tm ~.U .Pat. Off. AiI r.iht: r serve~ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Dailyf prints EVERY letter tothe editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in Iciters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than1 300 words are shortened, printed or omittedAt the discretion of the edi- torial director. Re: Karpin3si To the Editor: N YOUR. ISSUE of 1 March Mr. Karpinski writes that because of the seven million Russian war dead. Great Britain and the United States were spared ines- timable losses and that in all ne- gotiations with the Soviet Union this should be remembered. By all means let us render homage where homage is due; but does Mr. Karpinski mean to imply that Russian losses should influence our diplomacy? If so. I should like to remind him of certain points relevant to his position. (1) Pain is not quantitative. You do not increase the total amount of pain by multiplying the number of those who suffer. Hence, to speak of a nation of several mil- lion souls as suffering more pain than Mr. Smith of 52 Main Street is good journalism but bad ontol- ogy. (2) A nation is not respected for what it does from necessity but from intention. A deed is mor- ally judged by the motive that prompted it. not by the mere event of the deed. It was Russia who was attacked; I see no special vir- tue in the mere fact that she fought back, for beasts do the same. Indeed but a short time be- fore she had shown through the most cynical policy in all history her unwillingness to sacrifice all Christendom if she herself might be spared. (3) A nation's ideology is not more palatable because of those who die for it. If it were so, we should all have been good Nazis long since. The martyrs to false gods are myriad, though it is true, as Cardinal Newman wrote, that we may "look for a blessing through obedience to an erroneous system, and a guidance even by means of it out of it." But that is no honor to an evil system nor to any one who, knowing it to be evil, serves it though with the best of will. (4) "Though I give my body to be burned and have not charity (love) it profits me nothing." Thus St. Paul. It may profit another, but certainly not the sufferer. In the light of past events, vituper- ative attacks upon the West in Pravda, expulsion of great masses of people from their homelands, appropriation of absolute author- ity over the Church, the family and the very lives of the so-called "liberated" states by the power in the Kremlin are we not permitted to doubt the relevance to us of that "charity" which certain of her votives may wish to ascribe to Russia? I repeat, let us honor the dead, all the dead. If their motives were good, then honor is due their per- sons; but if evil, then shall we honor them only as they are the inheritors of the common heritage of every man. -Richard Bennet Coffee Crisis To the Editor: ICERTAINLY FEEL in syn- pathy with Mr. George Georg- iou concerning the prevailing cof- fee crisis. I shudder to think one of my fellow students at this University is becoming irritale and snappy because he is forced to cut his consumption of that so necessary brew by 2/5. But, there is always a bright side to each of life's little dilerr' mas. I hereby extend a personal invitation to Mr. Georgiou to at- tend the Union Coffee Hours hetl every Wednesday afternoon in the Terrace Room at which time we will serve him all the coffee, with or without, that he is able to drink, free of charge. -Bob Holland Fraternity Question To the Editor: WISH TO congratulate the writer of Scratch Pad for taking what I consider a large and dis- interested view of the qlestion of fraternities and sororities in col- lege" life. While we are becoming more ,aware- daily of the various types of discrimination that have been practiced and are being practiced today in America we I should not overlook an institu- tion which is the antithesis to the democracy we profess. What ac- tually do we have in fraternities- and sororities? We have a group of individuals sitting in judgement on their equals and deciding whe- ther or not these people are good BILL MAULDIN enough to associate with them. The very basis of the system is anti-democratic and repungant to an individual who has any degree of self-respect. It is an institu- tion that smacks of the snobbery and pseudo-aristocracy of the Old World. "But really, Jeeves, old man, should we let this bounder into the Miffing-On-The-Thames Club. His father made his money as a greengrocer, you know." The fraternity and sorority are based on the laws of the wolf- pack. We set up some arbitrary standards and accept only those who measure up to them. It makes up little tin gods, doesn't it. I wonder how high scholar- liness rates with the ruling group in fraternities and sororities. I don't mean high marks, because I do not believe them to be true criterion of intelligence, and I imagine even faculty members would agree with me there. But regardless of what the criterion are - scholarliness, personality, appearance, extra-curricular ac- tivity or what have you, I think that the system is based on false values. If it is merely a question of a place to live why not put it on a first come first served basis. I belong to that great fraternity, the Mystic Brothers of Willow Village. I didn't select my room- mate or the fellows that live in my dorm. But, for the most part they are fine fellows. Oane of them talks too loud; another one imitateshCassidy from the Fred Allen show. But I' myself have little eccentricities. I try td drown out Perry Como on the radio. A motley crew, I hear some frat member say, who has picked his associates from a long list of ul- tra-ultra people. Motley, indeed but democratic. I am familiar with the system used at Notre Dame, where there are no fraternities, and, of course, no sororities. We all admit that the "Notre Dame spirit", is pro- verbial, both on and off the foot- ball field. I feel that such a spir- it issues to a great extent from the democratic basis of "no-fra- ternity, f i r s t-come-first-served- rule". I do not hold forth against the frat system because of per- sonal pique. I just wish to take a stand against something which was introduced by the sons and daughters of the idle rich and is now infecting us, the great- un- washed. -James S. Irwin Small Children To the Editor: THINK it is contemptible and perverse for Mr. Vogan to charge for "small children." I just wonder what Mr. Vogan's own 'small child' thinks of his father for this mean and inconsiderate extortion. I dare not write further on the subject. Having been a "small child" myself once, I feel this too deeply for dignified expression. -Hugh Z. Norton * * * G.I. Bill To the Editor: I AM IN hearty agreement wit Messers Young, 'Tonipkins, et al i.e. increased allotments for veterans under the G.I. Bill. My only reservation is that if the bill is to be equitable it should make some provision for more than one dependent on a marrid vet. I should like to see some such amendment made. With this one exception I would say amen. -Dustin P. Ordway 1U11t~3U LILJ 4 +I < q} Letters to the Editor.. 'Great Books' Course THE LATEST move of the University re- garding general education for under- graduate students was revealed recently in the plan to offer next year an optional course for freshmen in the "Great Books". Conducted on an experimental basis for Securiy. MID ALL the conflicting sides of our eco- nomic issues today, it comes as some- what of a relief to hear such tempered analy- sis of our economy as was given by Prof. John Maurice Clark in his talk 'Competition and Security." Strictly a middle of the road economist, Prof. Clark warns against the dangers of falling victim to stereotyped economic ideas which come to be accepted without question. Economic situations are dynamic and stand- ards which have applied to them in the past may not do so now. Yet we develop dogmas in our attitude toward what is right and what is wrong in an economy. A good illustration of this propensity is common in our beliefs concerning competi- tion and monopoly. Often it is said, "compe- tition is good and monopoly bad for free enterprise." This assumption is quite far from being entirely true and certainly is sometimes stretched too far. In the final analysis the goal of every American worker is security and it's grossly unrealistic to as- sume that competition left alone always provides this margin of security. It is not to be suggested that some alter- native to a competitive system should be found but rather to ask the question,, how far can competition go? A brief look at agriculture's plight will evince the evils of too much competition. The goal is to strike a healthy comprom- ise between the two extreme alternatives. The mainspring of free enterprise is still the incentive of profits. If the efficiencies two years, this course will be directed by Prof. Clark Hopkins of the classical studies department. Placing the emphasis on the books themselves rather than on background material, he hopes to offer to first year stu- dents for the first time in the University's history a synthesis of Western cultuie. Lectures for this course in the "Great Books" will be given by instructors from seven departments of the literary college., history, geography, Romance languages, I English, German, classical departments and philosophy. Due to the limited num- ber of instructors available, only fresh- men will be admitted to the course. This proposed course has a pattern simi- lar to the course in Latin American Studies, which is being offered open to seniors and under the direction of Prof. Irving A. Leon- ard, chairman of the Spanish department. Students in this course are gaining a multi- lateral, and yet linked, picture of Latin American patterns of life from lectures giv- en by professors in various departments, such as: anthropology, geography, econom- ics, history and fine arts. Courses of this nature have already been placed on the curricula of several other leading educational institutions, including Columbia, Harvard and Chicago. It seems highly desirable to have more of them here, especially when we realize that such a great number of students spend most of their col- lege years pursuing courses in a limited field, their "field of concentration", and thereby learn little or practically nothing of the contents and influence of the "great books". Moreover, Prof. Hopkins is an especially fortunate choice to direct this course. He is Assistant Director of the Veterans Service Bureau, and'Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology. Highly characteristic is his coordination of all phases of life, whether it be the study of the Roman, Greek or Persian civilization. A firm believer in the 10 a.m., Rm. 3011, Angell Hall. University Radio Program: Mr. Hansen will speak on the 2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Schwarz-Christoffel mappings. Kc. Tales from Poe, "The Prema- ~~~-~~ ture Burial." A Water Safety Instructor's 2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Course will be conducted by the Kc. Botany Series, "Edible Wild Red Cross on the following dates: Plants of Michigan," W. C. Steere. April 15. 17, 19, 21, and 23, in the Professor of Botany. evening. The course will be held 3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050 at the Intramural Pool and is open Kc. George Cox, Baritone. to bot h men and women. Anyone interested must sign up in Barbour Mixer for graduate students: Gymnasium immediately. 8:30 p.m., Rackham Bldg. Cards, A preliminary training ourse dancing, and refreshments. Small will be given at the Central High admission fee. Sponsored by the School in Ypsilanti on March 18, Graduate Student Council. 19, 20. 25, and 26. This is a pre-- requisite for the Water Safety German Coffee Hour. 3-5 p.m., Course. Transportation to the League Coke Bar. Central High School will be furn- ished by the Red Cross. The Congregational Disciples /' _Guild and the Wesleyan Guild will Co certs present Hayloft Ho-Down at 8:30 p.m., MVethodist- Church. Square The Chicago Symphony Orches- dancing. social dancing, and .other tra, Desire Defauw, conductor, will entertainment. present the tenth program- in the (Continued on Page 5) Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha..........Managing Editor Clayton Dickey............City Editor Milton Freucienhelm, .Ecditorial Director Mary Brush..........Associate Editor Ann Kutz ............ Associate Editor Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor Jack Martin.............Sports Editor Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter..... General Manager Janet Cork.........Business Manager Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager Member of The Associated Press I. BA RNABY I~. . . If' .1 . _. , it f wt t -------- ( __. __ _ - - C