FRiWAY, MARCH 14, 1947 THE MICHIGAN D A TIN Ipg rIlm lit l7 _ _ 1 etz ig Elected To Lead Mat Squad in '48 Michigan's wrestling squad has elected Bob Bet'zig to captain the 1948 team, succeeding Bill "Corky" Courtright, team leader for tho last two seasons. The announcement of Betzig's captaincy was made at the annual wrestling team banquet, held at the Union, last night. The two squad members who will not be back next season, Courtright, and Ward Peterson, joined Athletic Director "Fritz" Crisler, and Coach Cliff Keen as the banquet speakers. Betzig, Courtright, and heavy- weight Dan Dworsky will compete in the NCAA wrestling tournament at Champaign, March 28-29. Courtright is the Big Nine 155- pound champion, while Dworsky was a runner-up in his division, and Betzig a fourth place winner. The following names were omitted from the list of this season's wrestling letter win- ners published in yesterday's edition of The Daily: Bob Johnston--121 pounds Hugh Mack--175-pounds Ward Peterson-175 and heavyweight All three received major awards. 7 1 I Mechigfan To Enter 15 Men in Illini Tech Track Meet, Chane t or i ea championship Lessened As (,,)oeIler, li ores4eITo Ileniatit Here aH IT~2NTAT ya--iaait Vil tMt HE -~ - .~ .' - - 4 ~~a ~ .. a A.' z~P~ a Z4.3.rn~i~~ ~ iI4~S c i -- --.._ _ ..... . ,. f .. r J , s ti, e ' ' Netlters (2olleoe i ixhibition Match To Face Kalamazoo Coach Ken Doherty announced yesterday that a 15-man track team will represent Michigan to- tmorrow at the annual runinug of1 1,h1z Illinois Tech Itchy" tat Cl'ri- T he Wolverine coach hadi oririi- nally intended to take a much larger squad and shoot definitely for the team championship. Ill- ness, however, struck in a vital spot when Don Queller, ace mid- die distance runner, was hospital- ized last Monday by the bronchi- tis that has been plaguing him for the past month. Team Title Hopes Fade The vacancies created by Quel- ler's absence just about preclude :my chance Michigan may have lead to take the Relays title. Coach Doherty was counting on him for important roles in the two-mile and distance medley relays and probably the sprint medley. There is a strong possibility also that quarter-miler Dick Forres- tel may not make the Chicago trip. The press of his work in law school makes any absence from 'Ann Arbor difficult to manage. Relay Teams Hit To fill Forrestel's spot in the _..-........-. _..-._..... .....i i { "'itle, JiiiuioxI'l IudPonhi ii lc" mile ielay Coach Doherty is con- sidering Val Johnson, who ran on last year's quartet, Joe Hayden, or lerlaps John Witherspoon. The other three lees should be handled capably by Bob Mann, George Shepherd, and Herb Barten. Shephtrd May Double The two '220' legs in the sprint medley will be run by two of three men: Mann, Johnson, and With- erspoon. Shepherd will probably double back for the opening quar- ter, while either Barten or Hay- den could finish it off with the lhalf-mile. Captain Charlie Birdsall will be the back-bone of the dcstance medley outfit. He is slated for the anchor mile leg, which, in this grueling event, is the leg that really counts. Chuck Low, who ran the best miie of his career last Saturday at Champaign, may take the 34-mile role, Shepherd the quarter, and either Hayden or Barten the initial half-mile. In addition to the relays, Michi- gan will have Big Nine Champion Charlie Fonville and Pete Den- drinos in the shot put, Bob Har- ris and Bob Gardner in the high jump, Ed Ulvestad and Gene Moody in the pole vault, and Jack Martin in the low hurdles. t .r _ .......... ...i SLACK SEASON OPERATORS . . . Wolverine captains Charlie Birdsall (left) of the track team and Bill Mikulich of the tennis squad, who will lead their teams in the only Michigan sports activ- ities of the weekend when the thinelads travel to C hicago for the annual Illinois Tech Relays, tomorrow and the netmen face Kal- amazoo College in a pre-season match at ::00 p.m. today in the Sports Building. DIVIDED LOYALTY: GI Tenina To Face Old Pals As Nine Opposes Cap iLee Byv IRWIN Z7UCK R _ WVOOL SWEATIIRS LONG SLEEVE SLIP OVER 7.504 100% WOOL ALL COLORS SLEEVELESS SLIP OVER 5.00 PLA I N COLORS x.9.5 ENGLISH ARGYLES 54t?11t&n&mL State Street on Cainpus I-M NEWS The Misfits encountered little difficulty fitting the round ball into the round basket as they out- classed the Rangers, 51-26, last night to enter the final round of the Independent League tourna- ment slated for the I-M Open House, March 26. After the first few minutes of uneventful play, the Misfits began to click with Bob Revis giving them a commanding lead which was never seriously threatened. Revis paced the attack accounting for 22 points, while Hy Warshaw- sky controlled both backboards for the winners. The Phys. Ed quintet took un- disputed title of the second Inde- pendent League by edging the Goosers, 47-40, and next face the Rebels. The winner of this tilt will advance to the finals against the Misfits. Phys. Ed Bob Holloway's thir- teen tallies was the highest indi- vidual count for both squads, but guard Lou proctor's steadiness kept the Phys. Eds coordinated. 'Whiz Kid' Gene Vance Joins Western All-Stars Cpl. Wally Teninga will be hoping for a Wolverine setback when Coach Ray Fisher's lads in- vade the Camp Lee (Va.) diamond on April 6 in the course of their first southern expedition since the war. And Wallopiri' Wally will per- sonally be "up front" to inflict the desired punishment in the role of the starting second- sacker for Camp Lee. Teninga, better known at Ann% Arbor for his sensational grid- iron exploits on Michigan's 1945 football machine as a first-stringI freshman wingback, picks up that "permanent furlough" this sum- mer upon the completion of an 18- month Army enlistment. Although he may oc wearing a Maize and Blue baseball uni- form next year, Wally appears to be more concerned with the present. "We open our season against Michigan, and naturally we'd like to celebrate the occasion with a' big victory," related the 19-year- old GI ballplayer. "Call this treas- on-but I like to play o the win- ning side." Wally has been playing chain- pionship ball ever since his school days at Chicago's Morgan Park High. A natural athlete, he belted a gaudy .460 in his final season with the baseball club to lead his teammates, but three years of brilliant play on the gridiron highlighted his scholastic career. The Windy City athlete ar- rived at Ann Arbor in the fall of 1945, and put in a season of dazzling football for Fritz Cris- ler before volunteering for Army service in February, 1946. Striving to keep in condition, the zealous youngster played Army football at Camp Lee last year with an array of ex-college stars, including George Talia- ferro; Indiana's gallopin sensc- tion of 945. A fractured ankle halted Wally late in the season, but his accur- ate passing and break-away jaunts on the gridiron figured promient- ly in Camp Lee's 10-2 record and the Middle Atlantic Service Championship. "My ankle hasn't been bother- ing me since the cast was re- moved last Christmas," he said. "I've been doing quite a bit of running with the baseball team, and my wind is in better shape than I thought." Wally is anxious to resume his Michigan pigskin career this fall, although he was almost tempted to transfer to the Naval Academy at Annapolis via the college cer- tificate method. "Early this month I visited the Academy where I had a good talk with Capt. Tom 11am- ilton, the Middie football coach," said Teninga. "I came pretty close to switching colleges, but I thought it over more carefully. There was only one answer-- Michigan and Coach Crisler for me." Coach Bob Dixon's tennis squad gets its shakedown cruise prior to the southern tour when the Wol- verine netters meet Kalamazoo College in a pre-season exhibition match at the Sports Building at 3:00 p.m. today. The two teams, which are scheduled to meet officially at Kalamazoo on May 20, are both preparing for vacation trips to Dixie, and today's match will be their only competition before beginning their tours. Strong Opponent Kalamazoo, coached by Allen Stowe, are perenially one of the strongest college tennis powers in the nation. Last season the Hor- nets stung Michigan 5-4 in a dual Illinti Phiy Host To Gym Meet Michigan Gymnastic Club To Give Show This coming Saturday at 2:30 p.m. in the University of Illinois gym the conference gymnastic ti- tle will be at stake. Minnesota, In- diana and Illinois are the only contesting teams in this abreviat- ed meet which is being resumed after a foulr year lapse dtue to the war. Michigan is not represented be- cause there is no gymnastic team sanctioned by the university to- date. The members of the Gym- nastic Club however, are going to make the trip down to Champaign,. to see what this sort of comnpeti- tion looks like. Tr'iampoline Exhibition 'rhey have been invited by the University of Illinois to put on a trampoline exhibition for the crowd of spectators. Thus, if Michigan should get a formal team for next year's competition, the boys would know just what it takes to win a championship in this sport. Now that they are through with their between half exhibitions at the local basketball games, the club has been actively touring the area putting orf'shows for numer- ous groups. Six More Engagements Their recent excursions include Flint, Lansing, and the Ann Ar- bor IHigh School. The gmynasts now have six more engagements ,o fill in the next two months and (heir activity for this season will be finished. The fellows who have been fill- ing these engagements and who are making the trip down to Champaign include, Glenn Neff, Tom Tillman, Bob Schoendube, Dave Lake, Bob Willoughby, and the coach Newt Loken. meet. Alex lhetzkl:, N.i iojn cii Junior Indoor Champion, will probably play at number one for tlhI br - nets,. opposing Andy Pawon. Complete Lineup Unannounced The rest of the Kalamazoo line- up has not been announced, but Bob Stowe, son of the Hornet coach, is back from last years squad and will probably see ac- tion. The rest of Dixon's singles line- up will see Fred Otto at number two, Bill Mikulich, at three, Dean McCluskey, four, Fred Zieman, five, and Hal Cook, in the number six spot. Third Pair Undecided Paton and Otto are Michigan's number one doubles duo, with Mikulich and McCluskey, the number two unit. Dixon has not decided on his third pair as yet, either the combination of Zieman and Mickey Dayton, or the Dick Lincoln-Butch Skgu pair will get the call. Big Nine Holds First Post-war Fentc" ig Me et The Big Nine Confemence fenc- ing (.hanipionshlips are coming back after a foum' year war-time lapse, with lllinois, Noi-thwestern, OUlio State and Wisconsin slated to OPlie Com)l Ptitiill H in teepe, sabre, and foil at, tie University of Illinois's Buff Gymnasium tlls coining Saturday morning. Michigan, whose fencing team was abolished during the de- pression, will not be represent- ed this Saturday. The local fencers however, are keeping their hands in with comn- petition in tournaments in the Detroit area. This Sunday the lads are going to compete in the Amatuer Fencers League of Amer- ica State Intermediate Foil Tourn- ament. Among the students making the trip are Norm Barnett, Min- 4 or Vandermade, IHarry Esbenj- ian, Karl Detzer, Johnny Dre- her, and Ray Chambers. Most of the better than aver- age fencers are rated in this in- termediate group but to the win- ners Sunday go the honor of be- ing moved up to senior rating. MADE INL TIE U.S.A. by J. I. SMITl Sl(E CO. Chicago STYLE RIGHTNESS in more than shape and form. *Synchro-.Flexstability makes it so by adding inmatched ease to great artistry. Alake walking a1 pleasnre *Synchro-Flexstability is de- rived only from patented, Synchro-Flex construction -the advanced method of building exclusive to these shoes. "StyIes of Tomorrow T oday" #1! CORRECT FIT is our Key Plank ini our Service Platform. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i rules, but no petition will he re- ceived by the committee after March 15, 1947." All student who were not en- rolled during the Fall Semester and who did not have a picture taken at Spring Registration, Feb- ruary 5-8, should come to Rm. 2, University Hall on Friday or Sat- urday, March 14 or 15 if they de- sire an identification card this se- mester. No pictures will be taken after March 15. A graduate student interested in working on a research project in fluid dynamics who can work ap- proximately thirty hours a week, please see Prof. R. A. Dodge, Rm. 411-A, W. Engineering Bldg. L S & A Freshman Five-Week Progress Reports will be given out in the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, in the following order: March 19, Wednesday, R thru Z. March 20, Thursday, K thru Q. March 21, Friday, I3 thru J. March 22. Saturday, A thru C. Assembly Ball Pictures: Now displayed at the Student Book Ex- change in the Women's League starting 12:30 until 5:30 p.m. each day until further notice. All women students attending ~ sidGOOD bi 'es t~eobhigh price/ Sophomore Prom on Friday, Mar. 14, will be granted 1::30 a.m. per- mission. Calling hours will not be extended. Visitors' Nights, Angell Hall: All of these nights are given with the telescopes in our Students' Obser- vatory, which is located on the fifth floor of Angell Hall, Children must be accompanied by adults. If the evening is cloudy or nearly cloudy, the Observatory will not be open on these visitors' nights. Friday, April 18, 8 p.m., Saturn. Friday. April 25, 8 p.m., Moon and Saturn. Friday, May 2, 8 p.m., Moon and Saturn. Friday, May 9, 8 p.m., Saturn and double stars. Mid-Pacific Institute in Honolu- lu has the following vacancies for the school year 1947-1948: half- time librarian and Latin, English, typing and bookkeeping, history and English, American Problems and History. Corrective speech, Public speaking and dramatics, Dean of Boys, and Dean of Girls. Call the Bureau of Appointments, (Conlnued on Page 4) (Just off Washtenaw Avenue Phone 2-3807 V, RECENTLY ARRIVED - Numerous styles in Scotch Grains and Cordovans. TOW 7 NfND CFIMPUS SHOES 1 317 South University Avenue IN I I ADAMS HATS Newest Shades and Styles for Spring. Genuine Fur Felt Hats 4.95 $6.00 and $7.50 For Spring Fever r by Ole Doc Arrow Pick out colorful yarns. Mix 8 parts rayon and 2 parts aralac. Weave into wonderful patterns, cut skillfully and add wrinkle- resistant lining. Stitch. The result;is our fiised nrerntinnr: m. ng fve---an, 1 -yWhen Yor Sping, Fever's Chronic.. A h nR oW SPRING TON IC And your fancy lightly turns to thoughts a little le . than 100% platonic . And you cut your favorite classes and take sulphu and molasses . Again Ann Arbor Cut Rate leads the field with first showing of. fur felt hats at less than $6.00. Nationally Advertiser Adams Hats to go as low as $4.95. JUST ARRIVED! SII I I 11