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March 14, 1947 - Image 1

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VOL. GVII, No. 113 _AY,_A, 4
_______________ANN ARBOR, MIHIGAN, F'RIDA, MARC I 14, 1947


Taxes Under
Fire in House
Snvde'r 'lequests
One., Year Itlay
By The Associated Press
Secretary of the Treasury Snydr
appealed to the House Ways an
Means Committee today to dela
any income tax cut to next yeas
but Chairman Knutson (Rep:
Minn. expressed determination t
go ahead.
"If the inflationary pressure:
are off, I would favor tax reduc
tion next year," Snyder said.
"That's election year," inter
posed Knutson.
"I'm thinking of the economi
conditions of this country," Sny
der replied.
Proper Time
"I am in favor of these thing
at the proper time, but if we ac
prematurely on tax cuts we coul
easily contribute to still highez
prices and to economic instability
the greatest enemy of business in
centives and full-scale produc-
Snyder also objected to the plan
for a flat 20 per cent cut for every
one. He put into the record a table
intended to show that unde
Knutson's "across the board" bill
a man with a wife and two chil
dren earning $2,500 would get
tax cut of $19 while a man wit.
a $100,000 income would have hi
tax cut $12,460.
Too Little Reduction
"The bill would give too little
reduction to lower incomes," Sny
der said.
While Republicans are bent ci
cutting taxes, there is disagree-
ment as to how it should be done
Rep. Engel (Rep., Mich.) is leading
a faction in opposition to Knut-
son's bill,. contending it gives
greatest benefits to the rich.
Tempers flared as the commit-
tee opened consideration of Knut-
son's bill. Democrats charged Re-
publicans with "steamroller" tac-
Committee Democrats appar-
ently aligned themselves solidly
behind President Truman in op-
position to tax cutting until Con-
Sgress gets a clearer idea of the in-
come of the government and what
it must spend. Republicans out-
number Democrats on the com-
mittee 15 to 10.
Labo Merger
Asked Again
C10 Sends Fresh,
Note to AFL Chief
WASHINGTON, March 13--o)
-The CIO Executive Board sent
a fresh note to AFL President
William Green today renewing an
invitation to discuss unity of ac-
tion and eventually merger of the
two big labor organizations.
Cio President Philip Murray, in
a letter to Green made public
after an hour and a half discus-
sion by the 51 members of his ex-
ecutive board, said.
"It is inconceivable that once
we meet we would not, in the face
of the stark, pressing danger con-
fronting American labor, deter-
mine upon immediate protective
measures in addition to engaging
in a discussion of the achievement

of organic unity."
It was the first time the CIO
used the term "organic unity"-in-
troduced by Green in the exchange
of letters on labor union solidar-
Post Office Tells
The Ann Arbor post office will
continue its policy of following
forwarding directions on the en-
velopes of veterans' subsistence
checks, Postmaster 0. S. Koch
said yesterday.
Commenting on a report that
new directions on check envelopes
make it possible for the post of-
fice to track down the recipient,
Koch said that his office has not
observed new instructions on vet-
erans' checks. The post office is
obliged to return checks to the
Finance Department unless offi-
cial change of address has been
filed, he said.
However, Koch said that the
nost offien did forward cheks


60 Students Registered
For Legislature Election
23 Posts can Expanded Body To Be Filled
By All-C A-inpiis olling Monday, lTuesday

On Proposal

To Seek Speedy Decision





Sixty students, including 14 or-
ganized in the "Representative
Party," have registered their can-
didacy for the Student Legislature
These 60 will compete Tuesday
and Wednesday in a campus-wide
election for the 23 positions to be
filled because of the expiration of
the terms of the 12 original mem-
bers and the equalization amend-
ment ratified last semester. This
amendment provides that one Leg-
islator shall be elected for every
800 students and guards against
See Big Three
Agreement On
Chinese Talks

Informal DiscussiOn
Asked by Russia
MOSCOW, March 14-(A)-
Russia sent notes to the American
1and British foreign secretarie
last night asking for a discussion
of the Chinese situation, and au-
thoritative sources said early to-
day that the United States would
engage in such informal discus-
sions if the Chinese government
likewise participates.
It was believed that British For-
eign Secretary Ernest Bevin also
would agree to Soviet Minister V.
M. Molotov's note. Official word
from the British was lacking,
Not Yet Replied
According to informants, U.S.
Secretary of State George C.
Marshall had not yet formally re-
plied to Molotov's note up to an
early hour today.
The somewhat vague wording
of the Russian note left in some
doubt exactly when the meeting
would be held, and it was not clear
whether the Chinese government
had yet been invited.
The Chinese Embassy said that
no invitation had been received
by China.
China Question
Molotov's insistence on the con-
troversial China question after he
was rebuffed on the same issue
on Monday was interpreted by
conference observers as another
gun in the Soviet propaganda
campaign against the foreign pol-
icy of the United States.
The development on the Chi-
nese situation came as Tass, the
official Soviet news agency, cir-
culated to the Russian press the
first account of President Tru-
man's speech on Greece and Tur-
key. Mr. Truman's message to
Congress, Tass declared, "Frank-
ly is directed against democratic
elements in Greece."
Plan To Keep
Draft Records
Committee Alarmed
By World Situation
WASHINGTON, March 13-(/P)
-Because of the critical world
situation, the Senate armed serv-
ices committee decided today
against removal of Selective Serv-
ice records from local draft boards
at the end of this month.
Chairman Gurney (Rep., S. D.)
said the committee is of the opin-
ion that draft boards should re-
tain their records and equipment
until June 30.
The Selective Service Law ex-
pires March 31 and President Tru-
man had recommended that all
local records be consolidated at
state capitals then.
The committee's decision that
the consolidation should be de-
layed is simply a recommendation
to the Senate which, together with
the House, must pass on it.

sharp changes in the number o
None of the originalmembers
are running for re-election.
Polls will be open from 8:30 a
m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and from
8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday
closing early on the second day
because of the involved method of
counting votes when the Hare
system of proportional represen-
tation is used.
Under this system each voter
must number his choices in order
of preference, although he may
vote for as many candidates as he
pleases. The quota of ballots nec-
essary to elect a candidate is ap-
proximately the total number of
ballots cast divided by the num-
ber of posts to be filled.
Ballots will be counted by pres-
ent Legislators with the assistance
of Alpha Phi Omega, service fra-
ternity, from 3 to 11 p.m. Wednes-
day and Thursday in the Union
Ballroom. The counting will be
open to all students who wish to
watch the procedure.
Candidates' campaigns are lim-
ited by Legislature rules providing
that no campaign literature may
be distributed on the campus, de-
fined as the area bounded by N.
University, S. University, E. Uni-
versity and S. State. No slander-
ous or libelous literature may be
distributed and campaign expen-
ditures are limited to $5 per can-
didate. The penalty for infraction
of election rules is disqualification.
Ask Perjury
Indctments of
Union Officials
WASHINGTON, March 13-(P)
-Demands for perjury indict-
ments against two union officials
and for the unmasking of a mys-
terious "Comrade Juniper" today
enlivened a House Labor Commit-
tee inquiry into communism in
The committee held a closed
session to consider the demands.
Rep. Landis (Rep., Ind.), acting
chairman in the absence of Rep.
Hartley (Rep., N.J.) announced
afterwards that nothing can be
said until Hartley can be consult-
ed but that an announcement of
the committee's plans may be
made tomorrow.
'Out of Order'
Rep. John F. Kennedy (Dem.,
Mass.), 29-year-old son of Joseph
P. Kennedy, former Ambassador
to Britain, asked the committee
to recommend perjury indictments
against Robert Buse, President of
Local 248 of the CIO United Auto
Workers at Milwaukee, and Har-
old Christoffel, Honorary Presi-
dent of the local. Several col-
leagues seconded the motion but
acting Chairman Landis (Rep.,
Ind.) ruled it "out of order at this

Program Would Train 100,000 Greeks

A1 sksMilitary
Ill Dardanelles
Program Includes
Economic Boosters
By The Associated Press
13 - President Truman's progran
to hold the line on Communisn
in the Eastern Mediterranean, a
outlined by American experts to
day, would provide American mil
itary training and equipment fo
100,000 Greek soldiers to comba
roving Leftist bands officially es
tinated at more than 9,000 in te
mountains of northern Greece.
The plan would also bolster a
much more able Turkish military
establishment to a point where
in the event Turkey's position o
the Dardanelles should become
fatefully jeopardized, the country
would not fall overnight, these in-
formants said.
Economic Roosters
Furthermore, economic booster<
would be applied to both Greec
and Turkey under close Americar
supervision of expenditures on a
scale which would amount to sub-
stantial aid to Greece for an in-
definite time and a graduated
diminishing program of help for
These bold outlines for proced-
ure were given by American of-
ficials at a conference called to
provide newsmen with the back-
ground of the long step taken by
Mr. Truman yesterday
Official American Thought
Only one phase of official Am-
erican thought on the Greek and
Turkish crises was authorized at
the conference as a statement
that could be attributed to the
State Department.
A spokesman said in effect that
most of the $400,000,000 asked of
Congress by Mr. Truman became
necessary because Greece could
not go to the International Bank
for reconstruction and develop-
ment in her present state of eco-
nomic chaos and offer any sub-
stantial collateral for a loan.
Turkey Mor. Sound
Turkey, on the other hand, was
on a sounder basis economically
but still needed an economic boost
from the only nation deemed ca-
pable of giving it at this time, and
anyway could not wait for the
bank to begin functioning, he said.
Greek Border
Probed by UN
ATHENS, March 13 - (IP) -
Yugoslav authorities were reported
to have relented today and permit-
ted a United Nations inquiry
commission team to enter Yugo-
slavia in pursuit of its investiga-
tion of conditions on Greece's
northern frontiers.
Another team was reported en-
countering difficulty, however, in
keeping a secret rendezvous with
"Gen. Markos," reputed guerrilla
chieftain, in the mountains of
Northern Greece.
Dispatches from the North said
Greek troop movements were pre-
venting contact and expressed
doubt the team would be able to
meet the Guerrilla leader to get his
side of the story. Markos is want-
ed on murder charges by Greek
Yugoslav border officials yes-
terday refused to permit the Yu-
goslav-bound team to cross the
border despite the heated protests
of team officials.

Taft Sets March 31 as Date
For Final Action by Congress
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 13-Senate Republican chiefs signalled
today for a speedy decision on President Truman's proposal to bolster
Greece and Turkey against' communism.
They will seek action by March 31, when the British plan to re-
Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio), chairman of the GOP policy com-
mittee, told reporters March 31 is "a firm date" by which the ad-
ministration wants Congress to complete action, although the
President mentioned no deadline yesterday in his message. That
date is the end of the British fiscal year.
S e n a t o r Vandenberg (Rep.,, * *

BEDLAM ON THE BANDSTAND . . . Spike Jones and his City
Slickers, who will play Friday, March 21, at Hill Auditorium, dem-
onstrate the meaning of "160 minutes of musical madness."
Micihiras Spokesman Says
Majority Favor Royalty Plan

Charging that statements made
by student leaders against campus
r royalty in yesterday's Daily were
"quite biased and do not represent
a cross-section of campus opin-
ion," Jack Harlan, Michigras pub-
licity manager, claimed last night
that 2,000 students have signed
petitions urging a king and queen
for the affair.
"The petitions prove that a ma-
jority of the campus want a Michi-
gras king and queen," Harlan
"We are sorry that most people
Wallace Says
Loans Bring
War Nearer
NEW YORK, March 13 --IP~-~
Henry Wallace said tonight Presi-
dent Truman's proposed loans to
Greece and Turkey "will bring the
world nearer to war."
Insisting in a radio (NBC) ad-
dress that, "it is not a Greek crisis
that we [ace, it, is an American
crisis," the former vice-president
and eabinet, officer asserted:
"As one 'American citizen I say:
No loan to undemocratic and well-
fed Turkey. No loan to Greece
until a representative Greek gov-
ernment is formed and can assure
America that our funds will be
used for the welfare of the Greekj
Wallace said he believed the
program outlined yesterday by the
President would worsen seriously
American relations with the Soviet
Union, and he declared both the
present Greek and Turkish gov-
ernments were undemocratic.
"How can we wage a war of
nerves against Russia and expect
her to take in good faith our pro-
proposals to the United Nations
on atomic energy?" he asked.
Umon Explains
Check Policy
Because of its policy on cashing
small out-of-town and personal
checks for members, the Union is
unable to honor government and
University checks which can be
cashed at the bank, according to
F. C. Kienzel, manager of the
If the great number of veterans
seeking to have theii' monthly gov-
ernment checks cashed at 'the
Union desk were accommodated,
it would be impossible to cash the
numerous personal checks that are
not honored at the bank, Kuenzel
The desk will continue to cash
for its members personal and out
of town cheeks that do not exceed
$20, as it has been doing since the

have a misunderstanding of our
object and method for selecting a
king and queen," he said, adding:
Selection on Honorary Basis
"We have no desire to exploit
anyone but rather are hoping to
make this selection on an honor-
ary basis."
Harlan said the Michigras com-
mittee does not intend to hold a
campus-wide election to choose
royalty but has devised a plan to
have the selections made by "out-
siders"-possibly businessmen of
the Detroit area. This will elim-
inate "dirty politics,"'-he said.
Replies to Charges
Replying to charges of discrimi-
nation which he says have been
brought against the plan, Harlan
"Our answer is that every ma-
jor organization on campus elects,
at various times during the year,
either a president or captain or
some other form of leader on the
basis, shall we say, of intelligence
and leadership.
"We assume that king and queen
nominees would be chosen on the
basis, of looks and personality. It
is difficult for me to see why
choosing a leader for a campus or-
ganization is less discriminatory
than choosing a person for charm
and personality."
Michigras will be presented
April 25 and 26-the first time
since 1939-at Yost Field House.
Stodents Fined By
MotiilPad JIIge
Three University students
pleaded guilty yesterday before
Municipal Judge Jay H. Payne to
charges of disorderly conduct for
stealing lanterns from a road con-
struction project and each paid
$10.70 fine and costs.
The students, Warren E. Tal-
cott, George W. Auch and James
B. Finegan were carrying four lan-
terns when they were apprehend-
ed in front of the League by
Ann Arbor police at 12:10 a.m.

Mich.), chairman of the Foreign
Relations Committee, also set
March 31 for a deadline in an-
nouncing plans for his group to
hold public hearings. He suggest-
ed that the house Foreign Af-
fairs Committee hold hearings as
The plan is for the House to
act first, however, on the pro-
posals - providing $400,000,000
cash and authorizing indirect
military help.
What the House does, therefore,
will largely determine whether the
deadline is met, despite the plans
laid by the Senate leaders.
* * *
U.S. Army In
Germany Can't
lHe1p Greeks
FRANKFURT, March 13-(/)-
American armed forces in Ger-
many are spread too thin to per-
mit any diversion to Greece if
U.S. soldiers are ordered there as
a result of President Truman's
plea to Congress for aid to Greece
and Turkey, Gen. Joseph T. Mc-
Narney said today.
In response to a query as to
whether he could supply troops
for the Balkan kingdom, the re-
tiring American commander in
Germany told a news conference:
"We can furnish none. Our au-
thorized troop strength is only
what is considered essential."
McNarney, who will turn over
command of his troops Saturday
to Lt. Gen. Lucius D. Clay, declar-
ed also that he "completely re-
jects the accusation" of Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
that the United States was main-
taining German military forma-
tions in its occupation zone.
* 4 *
'No A id to Facism'
A plea that President Truman
and Secretary of State Marshall
"indicate clearly" that United
States loans will not be used to
support the "fascistic principles of
the Greek and Turkish govern-
ments" was issued last night by
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the
mathematics department.
"Wherever our arms and our
money go, they should be accom-
panied by clear statements con-
cerning democratic participation
by the people in their govern-
ments," Prof. Karpinski said.
He warned that United States
loans must "particularly not be
used to support the fascistic
schemes of Winston Churchill and
Ernest Bevin, whose idea is that
America is to do the dirty work
which England has been doing."

Officials Hail
Truman Talk
Soviet News Agency
Hits President's Move
LONDON, March 13 - K) -
While Greek and Turkish spokes-
men voiced gratitude for Presi-
dent Truman's proposal to throw
APmerican economic aid behind
these countries, Tass, official
Soviet news agency, declared that
Truman's move was frankly "di-
rected against democratic ele-
ments" in Greece.
Shortly after an official British
spokesman said the Truman pol-
icy was "very much in accord with
Britain's views," the Tass report
of the President's message to Con-
gress circulated in Russia, giving
the first inkling of Soviet reac-
tion, said:
Democratic Elements in Greece
"Mr. Truman's message . was
frankly directed against the demo-
cratic elements in Greece, which
are defending democratic insti-
tutions in that country and which
were described in the message as
'a military minority,'
At another point Tass said:
"Mr. Truman let Congress un-
derstand that assistance offered
the Greek government would be
followed by establishment of
American control over Greece."
Full Russian editorial reaction
was expected to accompany or
follow publication of the Tass ac-
count in tomorrow morning's pa-
'Encouragemeng for Greek People
Premier Maximos of Greece
messaged Mr. Truman that his
statements to Congress were, for
the Greek people, "encouragement
in their just and noble struggle for
the principles of freedom and de-
King George of Greece sent a
message to Mr. Truman, also, ex-
pressing "sincere thanks" and
"I feel sure your generous as-
sistance today in restoring free
democratic institutions and ex-
pediting economic recovery and
restoration of order in Greece will
mark a decisive milestone in
strengthening world peace."
Final Concert
To Be Sunday
Defauw Will Conduct
Chicago Symphony
Desire Defauw and the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra will present
the final Choral Union Concert of
the season at 7 p.m. Sunday in
Hill Auditorium.
The Chicago Symphony, third
oldest organization of its kind in
the United States, has had only
three directors in its fifty-five
year history. Theodore Thomas
founded the group in 1891 and
continued as leader until his death
in 1905 when Frederick A. Stock
became director.
Defauw, who is concluding his
final season with the orchestra,
came to Chicago in 1943 follow-
ing Stock's death.
The orchestra, which has 100
members, annually tours mid-
western cities, this season visitin

Dating Will
Be Studied
Dating, a subject which has
been extensively studied by stu-
dents for a long time, but which
has up to now received little scien-
tific scrutiny, is now being offered
as a credit course to students at
Ohio's Bowling Green State Uni-
versity, the Associated Collegiate
Press reported yesterday.
Dr. Samuel Harman Lowrie,
chairman of the sociology depart-
ment there, has called dating a
normal element in wholesome so-
cial development which should be
encouraged in college and com-
munity life. He believes that this
is the first time a course on the
subject has been offered.



Present Wave of War Jitters
Called Premature by Slosson

Garg Foes Postpone Sale Until Monday
< ->

Special to The Daily
NOME, March 13-(AYD)-Ef-
forts of the Garg staff to rescind
the ban on the March Gargoyle
met an unexpected obstacle late
toriav when the Dean of Affairs



campus today, as originally
scheduled. Garg editors are now
using every means in their power
to have the proscribing order lift-
ed before Monday. "Garg will go
on sale for sure Monday," E. H.
McKinlay, managing editor, reas-
Qiurp OfnVinnsc c iirhnt "WX hnv-

magazine is too pure for this ma-
ture campus." ".I should say puer-
ile was a better term," his col-
league Prof. Shocking D. Schia-
parelli observed, munching a can-
died apple.
"This is the first time in the
hi"4,1mvo f n+ p1+ C r n f.} n t ic .ll

The present wave of war jitters4
was branded "premature" by Pi'of.
Preston W. Slosson, of the history
department, in an interview yes-
Commenting on President Tru-
man's speech before Congress
Wednesday, Prof. Slosson asserted
that "there will probably be no
fighting out of this-Russia can't
undertake it at the present time."
Prof. Slosson said, however, that
the "situation is seriou.necasen

losson declared. With an impor-
tant world conference meeting in
Moscow and the Russians as hosts,
to have diplomatic relations break
down all along the line would be
immeasurably harmful to Rus-
sia's prestige."
Prof. Slosson said that he be-
lieved the Greek and Turkish is-
sues-and the Chinese-ought to
be turned over to the United Na-
tions, but that at the present time
this is not possible. "The UN

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