PAGE SIX THE'. MIt" HICI InA iri *'Y' ', C Tl A "fit it:. sar '. FUTURE.______ArPAaT.:.A DLSPLJiMALTI: F'UTURE I)IPLOMA TS: (d WEDNESDAY, MARM 12, 19,17 Political Initerest Spurs R I1 &. Q4 U I L 41 I~ tDd~~ h " ~ -~'I.. t , By IHOWARD) ORRL Interest in Russian scientific studies and the American diplo- matic service account in large part, for the increase in the num- ber of students studying the Rus- sian language, Professor Lila Parg- ment of the Russian department said yesterday. A poll of students taking Rus- sian has been taken at various schools in the United States and the results indicate why students are studying the language. Research in medicine and chem- istry by Russian scientists havj interested many students, Prof. Pargment said. Other students feeling that America's commercial relations with Russia will prob- Church_ News Student religious groups ar planning a variety of events to- day, including Lenten services and social gatherings. The LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Tea and Coffee Hour will be held from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Center. *k*: There will be Lenten Services at 7:30 p.m. in the ZION LU- THERAN and TRINITY LU- THERAN CHURCHES. Members of the WESLEYAN GUILD will hold open house from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Guild House. Reservations for the potluck supper to be held at 6 p.m. may be made at the Student Office or by calling 6881 from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. The Special Activities Cell Groups will meet. Fireside Vespers will be held at 8:15 p.m. 'e * * Refreshments will be served at the mid-week chat to be held by die ROGER WILLIAMS GUILD' from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Guild House, 502 East Huron. Lenten devotions, including Benediction and a sermon by Rev. Fr. Kearns, will be held at 7:30, p.m. at ST. MARY'S CHAPEL. After the devotions, there will be a discussion of Catholic Faith in the club rooms. Last Concert In Series Will1 i Be Presented, Opening his program with the Overture to "Marriage of Figar3" by Mozart, Desire Defauw willi conduct the Chicago Symphony, Orchestra in the last of the 1947 Choral Union concerts at 7 p.m. t Sunday in Hill Auditorium. | Defauw, who is concluding his final season with the orchestra, came to Chicago in 1943 from t Montreal where he directed the "Concerts Symphoniques." H e made his American debut with the NBC Orchestra in 1939, and has1 guest-conducted the Boston and Detroit Symphonies. In Europe, Defauw appeared, with leading orchestras, includ- ing the Berlin Philharmonic, the Augusteo of Rome, and the sym- phonies of Vienna, Moscow, Len- ingrad, Madrid and Budapest. With the "Concerts Defauw," which Defauw founded in 1922 in Brussels, he gave the first Belgian hearing to works by Richardl Stauss, Debussy, Stravinsky, Pro- kofieff, Honegger, Respighi, Vaughn Williams and others. The Orchestre National de Bel- lique, the first permanent national Belgian orchestra, was founded byt Defauw in 1937. Defauw took over the leadership of the Chicago Symphony fromt the late Frederick Stock and has acted as musical director and con-1 ductor for four seasons. Other works which Defauw will present in the program are Haydn's "Symphony in E-flat major"; Franck's "Chorale," Rav- v el's "Alborada del Gracioso" and v Dvorak's "Symphony No. 5 in E e minor." Lynon To Speakb On Jewish World a "A World I Never Made" is the title of the second lecture in a series on "Jewish Values in the Age Hof the Atom" to be given by r Rabbi Herschel Lymon at 8:15 p.m. today at the B'nai P'rith Hil- lel Foundation. The lecture will be a critique on r how successful is the modern so- ciefy in which the Jewish people a comprhe one-half of one per cent F of the population. The entire series deals with an examination and analysis of the values that [uage muuY ably increasee U etaking te ang uage in the hope that it will help them in business, Prof. Pargment said. A smaller group of students, she added, are interested solely in reading Russian literature in its original form. For Foreign Correspondents Discussing Russian as an aid to foreign correspondents in Russia,1 she stated, that to her knowledge. there were only three American representatives of the press in1 Russia who could speak Russian at all, and two of these were of1 Russian origin. Several of her students, she said, served as translators during the, war, one in the OSS. Another stu- dent is teaching Russian in a navy school in Washington.T 200 Students Enrolled About 200 students are enrolled in the department's course in Rus- sian literature and the theatre, which is given in English. The course in Russian literature, which covers two semesters, begins with the early writers and ends with contemporary authors. The social t conditions which have affectedt literature in Russia are discussedf by Prof. Pargment with her class- es. Next year an advanced coursef in Russian poetry and the* theatre will be given in the Russian lang-_ cage.r "It is amazing to discover how i well Americans can pronouncer Russian," Prof. Pargment added.t "I think that can be partly ex- plained by the fact that both lang- r uages are rich in sound."k Other Instructors There are three other instruc- d tors in the Russian department n besides Prof. Pargment. They are, Leonid Ignatieff, Mrs. Edith Na- i gil, and Mrs. Wiima Miron. Prof. Pargment was born in Rus- g sia and attended the University of St. Petersburg before going to France with her husband. She has visited the Soviet Union four times since 1927, the last time in 1936, when she remained there for seven months when she studied Soviet literature, the theatre, and the school system. Air Navigation Subject of Talk Prof. Harry C. Carver of the w math department, wartime navi- g tion expert with the air forces, spoke last night before the Air Forces Association on naviga- tional problems which facedc bomber men in Europe.I Prof. Carver, who went through navigator's cadet training before t going to England, made first hand t observations of bombing results 0 for a statistical analysis of bomb- g ing error probability for the 8th Air Force. C a Speaking of present naviga-a tional problems, Prof. Carver said c that the advent of supersonic R speeds in aircraft makes it neces- f sary for navigators to re-learn f their science. Prof. Carver also discussed navi- gation problems in polar regions in connection with the current Byrd expedition. Stter To Talk On Chemistry "Recent Progress in Sulfur d Chemistry" will be the subject of b a talk to be given by Dr. C. M. 1 Suter at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in 'e Pim. 151 Chemistry building at a d mneeting at the University section c of the American Chemical Society. is Dr. Suter is known for his work on the organic chemistry of sulfur compounds and for his book on n this subject. He is at present em- p ployed as Director of Chemical p Research at the Sterling-Win- N throp Research Institute. F I 11A To Sp)onor E d4 talk Iy Newcomub 8 The Inter-Racial Association B will sponsor a talk on "Prejudice T vs. Discrimination" by Prof. The- s odore M. Newcomb at 7:15 p.m. C oday (Wednesday) in the Union. Prof. Newcomb will distinguish between discrimination, which, he ti says, can be fought by legislation. 8 nd prejudice, which cannot be, v explaijing the part IRA can play ir in fighting both. w Architects' Dont's' ir To Be Disciussed # " it "What the Architect Should jn Not Know" will be discussed by Ernest Kump, a San Francisco rchitect, at 4:15 p.m. today in t Room 102, Arch. Bldg. S Kump is especially interested in o lesigning school buildings hnd t 'as worked principally along this u Angry Horde Protests Ban Oin Gargoyle (kdolege Paralyzed By Education Issue Shouting vile epithets into the ears of apathetic passers-by, an angry horde of students yesterday crowded into the crystal rotunda of the Student Publications Building, protesting the recent ban of the March Gargoyle, which was to have gone on sale Friday. William Schmetz, janitor of the building, addressed the as- sembled crowd. "Let's get off the lawn, eh?" he stated. Several students, after joining in the preliminary demonstra- tions, expressed regret. "I thought this was the line for the Willow Village bus," one freshman com- mented. "In any liberal democracy free- dom of speech is essential to pre- serve the rights of the minority against the overwhelming voice of the majority," Markham B. Mu- chado, who issued the official prolamation of the ban yesterday, declared, "but by Jingoes, this is too much !" "The Gargoyle has no regard for ethics," Beauregard J. Nore- gard, Gargoylist party candidate for a seat in the Student Legisla- ture, said in explaining to the mob why the educational March ssue was banned. "The Garg staff s offering a complete 10-year ed- ucation in 16 pages for only 25c o all students, whether Michigan residents or outstate. Everyone knows that since it is twice as hai'd to educate an outstate stu- dent, his tuition fee should be nore than twice as much." The mob dispcrsed quietly when t was announced that the Ann Arbor rainy season would not be- gin until next week. Glee Club To Sing at Villoge Concert Scheduled For 8 p.m. Today The Varsity Glee Club will pre- ent a special concert program at :00 p.m. today in West Lodge ar Willow Run Village. The first part of the program will include religious music, selec- ions by Brahms, a musical adap- ation of Rupert Brookes' "Vic- ;oy," selections from Mozarts The Magic Flutte" ad eter lassical, semi-classical and lign' nusic. The program will also incude lartet numbers by members of he club and Glee Club versions f favorite and traditional Michi- an sengs. The Varsity Glee Club has re- ently accalimed for appearances t Milan and Royal Oak. The lub has scheduled several other ocal appearances in preparation or its annual spring tour, which ill be revived this year for the irst time since the war. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Co_ Uluecdlfrom Pago 4) uction and refining of sulfur, will e shown at 5 p.m., Thurs., March .3, Rm. 165, Chemistry Bldg., un- r the sponsorship of Phi Lamb- a Upsilon, national honorary Lhemical fraternity. The public cordially invited. Scalp and Blade: Short business uecting and pledge meeting, 7 .m., Sunday, March 16, Union. ictures of the 1942 Michigan- otre Dame game will be shown. ormal initiation has been post- oned until March 23. Any mem- ers desiring to bring guests may to so. Mixer for graduate students: :30 p.m., Fri., Mar. 14, Rackham ldg. Cards, lancing, and refresh- ents. Small admission fee. Spon- ored by the Graduate Student ouncil. Hiawatha Club, social organiza- on for Upper Peninsula students, p.m., Thurs., Union, instead of Wednesday night. All Upper Pen- nsula students are invited. Room ill be posted. International Center: Weekly aformal Thursday 'ea, 4:30-6 .m., International Center. All reign students, their friends, and nterested persons are cordially vited. International Center: Due to he Concert, the Sunday Evening upper will start at 6 p.m., instead 4 7 p.m. Tickets are available in he International Center. The reg- lar time will be resumed Sunday. PUCTURE NEWS ASSOCIATED PRESS L U N C H E O N C U E S T...-Vilfred Pelletier, (left) Metropolitan Opera conductor, and Charles Muench, French conductor, lunch with Au Lutin, a pet in a Montreal restaurant. K I DS TRY LEGS- Born a few hours before to a goat owned by the Walter Mothes family in Glen Ellyn, Ill., quadruplet kids try out their legs. The cute newcomers were named (left to right) A, B, C and D. 1 4 SPR I N G T U L I PS-Patricia Reid holds an armful of spring tulips, grown from bulbs sent from Holland for cultivation in Southern California, to be placed on exhibition in the annual spring flower show at Pasadena. 4 H U_ S K Y P U P P 1 E S- Six bright-eyed Siberian husky puppies, five almost identically marked, fill a basket in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nagle of Washington, D. C. Q U i C K CHANGE A C T- No, it's not twin brother and sister. At left is Herbert Peter Matta of Brockton, Mass., as he looked at the start of his third birthday party. At right, shorn of his long golden brown tresses, Peter blows out the candles on his birthday cake. S C E N I C T 0 U R - Near Worcester, in South Africa, a pilot train moves through mountainous terrain, leading the way for the train of the British royal family on tour. illig 11