PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUISDAY, MARCh 11, 1947 p Legislature Parties RATHER BEGRUDGINGLY the Student Legislature voted last week to permit students to form parties in the coming election to fill 23 Legislature vacancies. Opponents of the party system appear to have overlooked the chief argument for a party system: the introduction of a sense of responsibility to the student body on the part of the Legislature. Instead, they see only the potentialities of a fraternity-in- dependent split. Permitting students to form parties in these elections and to perpetuate them is both an aid to the individual student vot- 'er and in the long run to the campus as a whole. Platforms of individual candidates in the coming election can have relatively little significance since under the present sys- tem anyone can promise anything and af- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: MARY RUTH LEVY ter he is once elected, evade responsibility. Only a permanent party system can cor- rect this weakness. The Legislature's bas- ic function is to serve the students and the greatest problem of the student body is to select those individuals who are most capable and willing to really work to make the Legislature a strong student voice on the campus. A permanent party system will require the parties to select those students who will function most satisfactorily on the Legislature and thus reflect to the cred- it of the party. If its members play a leading role in the constructive activi- ties of the Legislature, an appreciative student body can be expected to support that party's candidates in future semes- ters. Knowing that their parties face extinction if their representatives prove to be duds, the party will strive to put forth the best possible slate. On this campus, where the individual is submerged in the mass of 18,000 odd stu- dents, the party system is a valuable aid to the selection of an effective Student Legis- lature and should be encouraged. -Tom Walsh Matter of Motivation MAN TO MAN: Lewis Opinioni By HAROLD L. ICKES 'UTTING THROUGH the lush legal verbiage of the majority. the dissent- ing, the concurring and the partly con- curring and partly dissenting opinions of the Supreme Court in the John L. Lewis case, which was handed down last Thurs- day, we discover: First, that under supposed "federal op- eration" the coal miners of the country (and this must have surprised them great- ly) are Government employees. Second, that as Government employees they are not protected by the Norris-La- Guardia Act, passed in 1930 (ante New Deal) which forbids the granting of an injunction by a federal court on the ap- plication of an employer against strikers. (At the time that this act was passed, there was no power in the Government to take over an industry to keep it running for war purposes, and such a possibility was undoubtedly beyond the range of the imagination. The Norris-LaGuardia Act could scarcely have been intended to ocv- er such an unheard-of and unimaginable situation. And, third, that it does not make any difference, whether the Norris-LaGuardia Act applies anyhow. In sum, the country is back to the malodorous days of "government by in- junction." Or, at least we have one foot across the line and the other on a ban- ana peel. With all of the respect that is due to the Supreme Court, I may be so bold as to say that this decision does no credit either to the legal learning or the states- manship of that high tribunal. One might pass over the flamboyant and extrava- gant language and behavior of Mr. Jus- tice Goldsborough in the District Court, but that the Supreme Court should have been infected by his hysteria is an alarm- ing indication of the degree to which the Court will permit itself to heed public clamor. The Government does not own the mines nor does it lease them; it has invested no public funds in them; no profits accrue to the public treasury from their operation; there has been no change in mine manage- ment; the miners work under customary conditions, subject to their usual super- visory employees, for those who continue to own and operate the mines. It is not a great strain upon a keen le- gal mind, after determining what results it wants, to discover reasons to suttain that result. When this cannot be done by fact, it can be done by fiction, as it often has been throughout the history of the law. So, in this case, the Court relied up- on the fiction that the miners were Gov- ernment employees plus the further fiction that, therefore, they did not come within the Norris-LaGuardia Act. Here is an in- stance where two fictions begot a fantasy. (Copyright, 1947, New York Post Corp.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I: .1 O DENY fraternities and sororities is to deny the right to select friends and to deny the small groups found in every phase of life, from a small office force to large dormotories to cliques in a body of factory hands. Facing the superficial facts of social life, almost every activity, job, party or what-have-you is based on a process of selection or rejection. Each person is subjected to it and, in return, subjects everyone he meets to scrutiny of one sort or another. On this basis, small groups of students selecting people to live with- fraternity brothers, room-mates-are not such an insult to society and democracy, but merely the wide-open performance of one of its natural processes. Students agree to subject themselves to rushing selection or rejection because small- er groups in a homelike atmosphere seem to make for more congeniality than is found in the numerous tight, conflicting cliques in dormitories. Perhaps, the ans- wer then to the inevitable disappointments for those who want to join Greek socie- ties, but just can't be accommodated, is for the University to provide the smaller living units which seem to be wanted. More League houses will not provide the answer. The owners are professional land- lords in the majority of cases and their in- terest in the University extends little far- ther than their tenants official relation- ship with it. In addition to providing a desirable form of housing, the Greeks are a strong, organ- ized, force on campus. It takes push to get things done, and an organized push is usu- ally strongest. n Each house has a little- publicized philanthropic project, which they strongly support and on the whole manage very well. S, THEY DO serve a useful function on this campus and throughout the coun- try. What is the chief complaint then? Emphasis should fall on motives here, rather than methods or functions. The focal point within too many of the hous- es tend1s to fall not on what service they can do, but rather on what service they have to do to increase or maintain pres- tige on campus. The tendency is present, and increasing- ly so, for the Greeks to completely legis- late the extra-curricular and social lives of their members. No social event should ever be made so important that it would be worth threatened fines and penalties to miss it. And certainly, no service is going to be really well done if it is carried out purely in the spirit of selfish gain. Rather than abolishing a system which provides excellent housing and good social life, it seems that the changes should be made within the houses themselves. The motivation, both in rushing and out, should rise from their function as purely social and philanthropic groups rather than a desire to become "one of the top houses on campus." -Gay Larsen Publication in The Daily Official( Bullet in is construct ienotice to all members of the University. Notices" for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the offtice of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021t Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). TUESI)AI, MARCH 11, 197 VOL. LVIL No. 110 Notices Student Tea: President andI Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students on Wednesday afternoon, March 12, from 4 to 6 p.m. Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The fresh- men five-week progress reports will1 be due Saturday, March 15, in the1 office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Hopwood Contests: Attention of prospective contestants is called to the following provision: "In particular or irregular cases the committee may, upon petition,. waive particular parts of the1 rules, but no petition will be re- ceived by the committee after March 15, 1947." All student who were not en- rolled during the Fall Semester and who did not have a picture taken a Spring Registration, Feb- ruary 5-8, should come to Rm. 2, University Hall on Thursday, Fri- day, or Saturday. March 13, 14, or 15 if they desire an identification card this semester. No pictures will be taken after March 15. Student identification cards will be distributed on Tuesday - and Wednesday, March 11 and 12, Rm. 2, University Hall, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Those students who were not enrolled during the Fall Se- mester and had pictures taken at registration should call for their cards on these days. After receiv- ing identification cards, students must sign them promptly in order to make them official. Students who have lost their Fall Semester cards and have ord- ered duplicate identification cards, may call for them Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday, March 10, 11, or 12. Students in Business Adminis- tration and Economics: Through a gift of a friend of the Univer- sity, prizes for essays are offered to students who are candidates for the bachelor's or master's de- grees in Business Administration or Economics in the following amounts: first prize, $250; second prize, $150; and third prize, $100. The subject of the essays is "How Can Real Wages for Work- ers of the United States Be In- creased?" The essay or paper should be addressed to a mass, non - professional, non - academic, audience such as the general run of readers of American newspap- ers, and its purpose is to clarify fundamental economic relation- ships or principles as theybear upon the subject. The papers should not be over 10 double- spaced, typewritten pages in length and they may be shorter. The contest will be supervised by, and the papers will be judged by a committee consisting of Pro- fessors William Palmer, Charles N. Davisson and C. E. Griffin, chairman. The selection of papers for prizes will be onl the basis of the Commnittee's judgment of suc- cess in attaining the stated ob- jectives. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced, and submitted before May 1, 1947, to Mrs. Hile, Assistant to the Dean, 108 Tappan Hall. The author's name should not appear on the manuscript itself, but should be placed on a sepa-rate sheet that will be detached before the paper is read by te Committee. Awards will be announced on or before Junie 1, 1947. The Committee reserves the right to award no prizes or fewer than three if in its judgment the number of quality of papers is inadequate: Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical History Prize: Established in 1939j by bequest of Prof. Alfred O. Lee, a member of the faculty of the Christman, and Assistant Profes- sor F. H. Test. The committee has announced the following topics for the con- test: 1. History of a Military Medical Unit. 2. Medical-Aid Man. 3. Medicine in Industry. 4. Tropical Medicine. 5. Any other topic accepted by the Committee. Prospective contestants may consult committee members by ap- pointmnt. (1) A first prize of $75 and a second prize of $50 are being of- fered. (2) Manuscripts should be 3,- 000 to 5.000 words in length. (3) The manuscripts should be typed, double spaced, on one side of the paper only. (4) Contestants must submit two copies of their manuscripts. (5) All manuscripts should be handed in at Rm. 1220, Angell Hall by May 1. International Business Machine will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments on Wednesday, March 12, to interview electrical and me- chanical engineers. For appoint- ments call Bureau of Appoint- ments, extension 371, 201 Mason Hall.T Mr. Bruce Miller, Superintend- ent of Schools, Ontario, Californ- ia, will be at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, Wed., March 12, to interview candidates for element- ary teaching positions. Call 4121 Ext. 489 for appointments. Studebaker Corporation repre- sentative will be here Thursday afternoon, March 13, and Friday, March 14, to interview mechanical, electrical, and industrial engineers, and business administration and liberal arts graduates. For ap- pointments, call Bureau of Ap- pointments, extension 371, 201 Ma- son Hall. A Representative of the YWCA will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments Thursday afternoon, March 13 and Friday, March 14, to inter- view women interested in profes- sional work in the YWCA. For fur- ther information and appoint- ments, call the Bureau of Appoint- ments, extension 371, 201 Mason Hall., A Representative of Filene's De- partment Store, Boston, Mass., will be at the Bureau of Appointments, Friday morning, March 14, to in- terview men and women interested in department store work. For ap- pointments, call the Bureau of Appointments, extension 371, 201 Mason Hall. Schools in the Canal Zone are interested in receiving applications from teachers in the fields of jun- ior high school mathematics, gen- eral sciences, and social studies; senior high school English, social studies, mathematics, biological science, physical science, commer- cial work, household arts, and metal shop; also a supervisory teacher of metal shop. Call the Bureau of Appointments, 4121, ext. 489, for further information. University Community Center, 1045 Midway, Willow Run Village. Tuesday, March 11: 8 p.m., Cre- ative Writing Group. Wednesday, March 12: 8 p.m.. University of Michigan Glee Club Concert at West Lodge on Peabody Road. Thursday, March 13: 8 p.m., Art-Craft Workshop - Textile painting; 8 p.m., University Ex- tension Class in Psychology; 8 p.m., Choir Practice. Friday, March 14: 1-5 p.m., and 6-8 p.m., Registration for voting; 8 p.m., Duplicate Bridge, Party Bridge, Dancing. West Lodge. Tuesday, March 11: 7 p.m., Fencing Club, Auditorium stage; 7 p.m., Bridge; 7:30 p.m., Volley Ball; 8 p.m., Little Theatre Group rehearsal; 8:30 p.m., Badminton. Wednesday, March 12: 7 p.m., Duplicate Bridge tournament; 8 p.m., University of Michigan Glee Club Concert. Thursday, March 13: 7 p.m., Volleyball; 8:30 p.m., Badminton. Friday, March 14: 8:30 p.m. posed to be no reserved seats.I However, four full rows were re-t served for members of the Studentt Legislature and townspeople whot were unable to come to Hill Audi- t torium and stand in line for theirt seats. Nevertheless, many of the students left work early so as to1 obtain good seats.t Moreover, the rows were thet choicest part of the Auditorium, rows 1-12 in the center section. Let's enlarge the Legislature sot more of us can have better seats instead of better student govern-E ment. Considering the way tho election was held, is this fair play1 to the rest of the 18,000 students on campus.t -Peggy Detlor Scottie Fo stet Bob Bareham 1 EDITOR'S NOTE: A check with thet chairman of the Student Legisla- ture Varsity Committee, sponsor of thenconcert, revealed that the sec- tion was reserved for holders of1 complimentary tickets who had worked either on or for the com- mittee. Tickets were issued to com- mittee members, record store own-E ers, The Daily, walter B. Rea, As- sistant Director of the Office of Student Affairs and Dean Emeri-I tus Joseph A. Bursley. Subsistence Pay, To the Editor: s MR LaRUE'S LETTER in the; March 4 Daily, made me thinkE of an old song that begins. "O,1 the world owes me a living." For1 a brief moment I hesitated in writ- ing this, for most of his letter ap-, peared to be a beautiful satire on increased subsistence. But I believe he means it. My two brothers and I are vet- erans too, so I appreciate all Mr. LaRue went through during the war.uLike mostheveryone else my meager savings haven't held up' well, and I'm working on those precious weekends to make up the difference between expenses and Uncle Sam's handout. Sure it's tough sometimes, but unless there are veterans who have to drop out of school because of financial troubles, I can't see a real rea- son for bleeding the country much further. If a man is sincerely de- sirous of continuing his studies, I think he'll find some way to stay with it. And there's the old bogey of all hk Lcving to be 1,id tac, some day according to the eco- nomic situation it helps bring about, so why make it hard on yourself ? What is this college training for? If, as I believe, it is to teach us skills, to teach us to think bet- ter, and to help us to become self- reliant, contributing members of our society; letting the govern- ment assume the whole burden is certainly a poor accompaniment. When your education time expires, suddenly having the entire support removed will be quite a jolt. Don't misunderstand me; I'm in. favor of and thankful for the G.I. Bill. Butan increased burden on our government, and the absolute lack of self-reliance in a man don't justify the ease a few more golden eggs might bring. There are some unfortunates in other countries who wish their governments could give them a slice of bread. -Paul Converso ger System of Musical Composi- tion at 4:15 p.m., Wed., March 12, Rackham Assembly Hall. Open to the general public. Ernest J. Kump, Architect, San Francisco, California, "What an Architect Shouldn't Know," 4:15 p.m., March 12, Rm. 102, Ar- chitecture Bldg. Professor Al K. Snelgrove, De- partment of Geology, Michigan College of Mining and Technology, Houghton, Michigan, will speak on "GeologiclExlrtini New- foundland" at 11 a.m., March 15, Rm. 2054, Natural Science Bldg. Academic Notices The Graduate Record Examin- ation will be offered for graduate students who have paid the fee and applied for the examination on Tuesday and Wednesday, Mar. 11 ands12, at 6:30 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Students taking the examination must attend both sessions. (Continued on Page 5) EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in lciters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted At the discretion of the edi- torial director. R -eserve Seats To the Editor: T THE JAZZ Tuesday night, CONCERT last there were sup- Letters to the Editor... Scratch Past, To the Editor: N REGARD to your column, ..The City Editor's Scratch Pad," of March 5 'cncerning sor- orities and fraternities: The Daily has taken the usual attitude of the so-caled "liberals" to anything which they feel is social injustice, that is "If John Doe can have it and I can't, then let s take it away from John Doe." Have you ever considered the alternative view- point of "Why can't I have it, too." For example, existing facili- ties both in size, and in number of organizations, are too small for the greatly enlarged enrollment of the University, yet no fratern- ity dares expand or organize un- less they have some assurance that they can continue in the face of the dorms the University is build- ing, and which it will probably try to fill with fraternity men when the room shortage eases up. On the other hand, Northwest- ern University has, within the last year. invited four new fraternities to organize because, in the words of the school itself, with the in- creased enrollment the university administration feels that fratern- ities and sororities are inadequate- ly represented in the student body. At Purdue University. before the war, there were 36 national fra- ternities and 8 sororities for an enrollment of 6,500, a sufficiently high proportion that any man or woman who wished to belong, and who possessed the qualifications of cleanliness, politeness, and a re- cognizable degree of intelligence, (the sole basis in which I and a majority of other men judge rush- ees), could join a fraternity. To elaborate on the latter state- ment, I have lived in fraternities both prewar and postwar, and I have never yet heard the questions asked concerning a rushee "What does his father do?" or "Is his family wealthy?" It is expected that a man entering a fraternity will be able to assume the neces- sary expenses, which have been, in my own case, equal to, or slightly less than they were when I lived in the dorm or i a rooming house. I have known, for example, two men who were fraternity brothers in the same class, and were the best of friends. One man's father owned the factory in which the other man's father was janitor. By actual count about one-third of my present fraternity brothers state that they could not afford to go to college without the GI. Bill, and approximately one-fifth are working at least part time. So much for "social discrimination." S * Last but not least, The Daily's penchant for distorting the facts does no good whatsoever. To wit, The Daily's report of the accept- ance of Alpha Phi Alpha, the Ne- gro fraternity, by the I.F.C. was worded to give the impression that it was only accepted after The Daily articles on discrimina- tion by the I.F.C. had appeared. My impression was that the fra- ternity first petitioned the I.F.C. during the war, when many fra- ternities were inactive, and that they were asked to withhold their petition until after the war. A check with the I.F.C. will show that their second petition was immediately accepted when pre- sented after the war and before The Daily articlesappeared. Other examples are numerous. How about presenting and pub- lishing this one letter in defence of fraternities, just for a change? -R~obert S. Straith 1J*1CL43Z14fUT~ r x I i Group Living CURRENT MOVIES THE "EXPERIMENT in group living" as carried out at the Chi Phi Lodge and described in the City Editor's Scratch Pad of last Friday, is not an isolated example of a successful non-Greek, small house set-up at the University. The large number of independent women who moved into fraternity houses during the war had proved earlier that they could make a go of small scale group living. The women, living twenty to forty in a house, enjoyed all the advantages of an intimate, friendly atmosphere without the further embellish- ments of secret symbols and special selection procedures. The only drawbacks to the University- converted fraternity houses were the tem- porary nature of the set-up, the loss of dormitory room priorities, and the fact that the University was still very much in control. However, two groups of women even managed to overcome this latter difficulty. With permission from the Dean's office, the groups rented fraternity houses on their own. One was supervised by a young gradu- ate student with help from a committee of women living in the house, the other by a housemother hired by the women. The orig- inal members of both groups were the wo- MATTER OF FACT: men who had gotten together and formu- lated the idea. Subsequent members, who filled the places of graduates, had either visited the houses informally or heard about them from others and applied by letter. Their names were placed on a waiting list until' openings occurred, with time of appli- cation the only preference. That both houses managed to succeed without reverting to sorority methods of selection is not as re- markable as that they cost less than most sororities, coming close to dormitory rates. There is no question that a home-like atmosphere is preferable to dormitory ex- istence. But the sororities and fraternities have taken a basically good thing and rigged it into a center of social discrimi- nation. By building themselves up to gain campus prestige and the "right kind of members" they have put themselves on a pedestal of superiority and destroyed the sisterly and brotherly atmosphere they were created to disseminate. It is hoped that before another war the independents will be given their second chance to show that plain, non-discrimina- tory friendship may be a real basis for harmonious group living. -Joan Katz At The State , It's A Wonderful Life (Liberty-RKO), James Stewart, Donna Reed FRANK CAPRA and Jimmy Stewart re- turn to the public in a Capra-Stewart picture that is just a trifle bigger than the old ones used to be. It's nice to have them back. Capra has the unique faculty in Hollywood of filling his movies with human beings instead of actors and extras. Be- ing faced with their own kind so stuns audiences that .they climb aboard his emo- tional roller-coaster and enjoy every sec- ond of it. From the minute the camera centers on "Bedford Falls" it's a Capra pic- ture all the way. The guardian angel fan- tasy angle is introduced smoothly enough and Capra's great faith in the goodness of the common man in evident throughout. Donna Reed is one of the prettiest girls in movies and James Stewart the easiest-go- ing leading man. Both cast and director obviously enjoy and believe in their work. Unless it makes you uncomfortable to be bounced between laughter and tears, you'll think "It's a Wonderful Life" a wonderful picture. At The Michigan Till The Clouds Roll By (MGM), Rob- ert Walker et al. TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY starts with a flash-back, catches up with itself and keeps on rolling for two hours and fif- teen minutes. In that time the Mississippi could provide more entertainment, but probably not as good music. This time the composer in question (Jerome Kern) does not even encounter the usual pitfalls of every glamorized musician. Since nothing is substituted for the pitfalls, the so-called action of the show is rather dull. Van Heflin is good as usual, but his worth seems rather pointless in an otherwise uninspir- ed cast. Kern's music is elaborately stag- ed and always good to listen to. -Joan Fiske Somebody13 luntdered By STEWART ALSOP EHRAN, March 9-If the Russian at- tempt to capture Iran during the last year is any criterion, the Russians are high- ly incompeteit imperialists. For Iran has been a sort of laboratory experiment in the new Soviet technique of expansion. And according to competent observers here who watched the whole performance from be- ginning to end, the Russians bungled the job. They bungled it in a number of ways. Their worst mistake was their first, when they failed to withdraw their troops by the treaty date. This perfectly overt viola- tion of a treatv tinned the Russian hand. According to first-hand evidence, there was not a really able man in the whole lot, with the possible exception of Jafar Pishevari, the puppet-Premier, and Daneshyan, the army commander. Yet not the cleverest pro- paganda could well have offset the basic Soviet blunder. They were playing for big stakes. Yet they failed to back their in- vestment. They supplied Pishevari and his fellow stooges with arms, but only in ex- change for wheat, sugar and other goods paid for at fixed low prices with printing press money. There was misery in Azer- baijan, and real discontent. Tffh ~cin innan to nl- -- - aint University from 1908 untilrhis Record dance.v death in 1938. The income from the bequest is to be awarded an- ectures nually to a junior or senior pre- medical student in the College of i University Lecture: D. Nichol Literature, Science and the Arts Smith, Merton Professor of En- for writing the best essay on some lish Literature, University of Ox- topic concerning the history of ford, will lecture on the subject, medicine. Freshmen in the Medi- "Shakespeare Criticism, Old and cal School who are on the Coin- New," at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., March bined Curriculum in Letters and 13, Kellogg Auditorium, Dental Medicine are eligible to compete Building; auspices of the Depart- in the contest. ment of English. The following committee has been appointed to judge the con- Special Lecture: Merle Mont- test: Assistant Professor John I gomery, specialist in music theory, Arthos, Chairman, Prof. A. A. 1will give a lecture on the Schillin- Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha..........Managing Editor Clayton Dickey............City Editor Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director Mary Brush ..........Asociate Editor Ann Kutz ...........Associate Editor Clyde Recht..........Associate Editor Jack Martin ............ Spoits Editor Archie Parsons. .Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk ............ Women's Editor Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Janet Cork .........vBusiness Nancy Helmick ... Advertising Manager Manager " A '-*M T A1 .-T ' ' It n A HO101 A RV Y