ryaiL yn ic Aid! Non-intervention SOR THE FIRST TIME in a century an American President is welcome in Mexico. he reported enthusiasm of the Mexican overnment over Mr. Truman's trip stands . sharp contrast to the state of Mexican- merican relations in the past 100 years- 'infield Scott's landings at Vera Cruz, the immernan note, and the oil squabbles of ze '30's. Now all the old issues are dead. Mexico day looks for financial aid from the United ates to strengthen President Aleman's impaign for industrialization and economic juvenation. Aleman makes it clear that e expects material aid in addition to good ill from the United States, and he will get Secretary of the Treasury Snyder has ready told the Mexicans that they are on e "friendly list" of the American Export- nport Bank. No wonder they are happy to e Mr. Truman. The President, who had a lot of problems lved for him before he took over, will have i easy time of it in Mexico. The oil issue, hich for years was the most troublesome, longer upsets Mexicans. American oil- en and the Government, presumably, have arned their lessons about exploiting Mexi- m oil property. Then too, all American oil bts arising out of the exploitation have en paid. In the future it is even probable at Mexico will invite American oilmen >wn-this time to explore the supposedly I-rich continental shelf. On the surface, anyway, and among the fficials of Aleman's government, the old itterness no longer exists. Mexice's inter- al economy needs attention. Bnt among he Mexican people, where Mr. Truman's ame is not exactly a by-word, the ques- ion is-do they really want to see him? 'he Good Neighbor policy, in spite of its ltruistic front, seldom impresses the av-- rage Latin American, who still clings to he idea that the U.S. is Mr. Big. --Fred Schott 1ditorials published in The Michigan Daily re writlen by members of The Daily staff nd represeit the views of the writers only. IGHT EDITOR: STUART FINLAYSON SPEAKING in the National Palace at Mex- ico City after a colorful welcome cere- mony and a drive through streets lined with excited, cheering mobs, President Truman declared Monday that the United States stands squarely behind its committments to protect weaker countries the world over from oppression. He warned that the United States cannot be indifferent to "what goes on beyond our own border," and defined the doctrine of non-intervention to mean that "a strong nation does not have the right to impose its will, by reason of its stength, on a weaker nation." The Latin-American countries, looking at past history, might perhaps be inclined to feel that President Truman's re-definition of the terms of the Monroe Doctrine was just empty talk. When the Monroe doctrine, which has proved to be so important in American policy, was formulated, it stated that the Latin-American countries were no" longer open to colonization by European powers and that there was to be no inter- vention by the European states in the Amer- icas. It assumed the right of the United States to protect the smaller countries, and in a sense claimed hegemony for this country. The other Latin American republics, who had at first looked to the United States as a model nation, resented this claim and came to regard the doctrine as a mask for impe- rialistic ambitions. The course of the Unit- ed States in the past, particularly the inter- vention in Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua and the relations with Mexico, has at times sup- ported this feeling. The words of the President's speech would seem to assure the Latin American countries that the United States, although it will not withdraw into a shell of isola- tionism and will take such interest in its sister American republics as is consistent with the principles of world unity and cooperation, will make a definite attempt to avoid any such charges of imperialistic intervention. We may hope that the spirit and the actions of this country will be in line with the words of its chief executive. --Frances Paine ITO HAPPENS... * Philharmonic?? Contributions to this column are by all mem- bers of The Daily staff, and are the 'resposi- bility of the editorial director. Items from sub- scribers are invited; address them to "it So Happens," The Michigan Daily. Number Please ONE of our more acid acquaintances came bounding up to us with a sneer and a copy of The Daily editorial page the other day. "At last," he said, "I've been waiting for a chance at those telephone company drones." We attempted unsuccessfully to read an editorial bemoaning lack of opportunity to- day for young men to become telephone company presidents, while our acquaintance bedevilled us. "Take J. P. Fuzzle of the Wisconsin com- pany,". (we can't remember his exact refer- ence). "After 52 years with the corporation, at the age of 70, he is rewarded with a job paying what a smart insurance' salesman gets to in 10. Those "presidents" are what's left of thousands who started as clerks and operators; they're the one man in a thousand who'll do busy work for thirty years in order to become top busy man." We protested that we had busy work of our own to do, and guided him carefully to the door. 9' We GGuess Six N A Philosophy 33 (Logic) class the other day, the innocent question "How many sides has a cube?" brought forth a whole battery of replies ranging from four to 14. When a feminine gagster yelled "Bingo," one of our football stellars is reported to have lept from his seat with a raucous "Hold on to your cards, ladies and gentlemen. The little lady may have made a mistake." We've always suspected this great institu- tion of higher learning produces more side- show barkers than anything else. Century of the Hottentot One of Henry Wallace's least substantial contributions to Amercan thinking made it- self felt this week. Wallace's famous rhetori- cal promise of "Milk for the Hottentots" is still having reverberations. No less than four references to that other- wise obscure clan penetrated our Angell Hall coma between 10 and 12 just the other morning. Irate Subscriber MOTIVE unexplained, a law student known only to us as "torts," threw a blunt object at the Managing Editor yes- terday with near-fatal results. The mis- sile smashed a chandelier just above the editor's head, spraying the office with a fine shrapnel of cut glass. The editor, who has by now become quite nimble, dodged just in time. He reports there will be no change in policy. ~ti ' wr .rrr i rpuuoiuM wnun uini irnnrnair nn rr BILL MAULDIN Letters to the Edil EDITORS NOTE: Because The Daily prints JdVEnY letter to the editor (which is signed, '30 words or less SIn; nth, andi n good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words ire shortened, printed or Omitted A the discretion of the edi- torial diaretor. Palestine OR -A "hveweme bfoe?.. Bchnwhi... acau. . h "Have we met before? . .. Buchenwald.. . Dachau . .. the Belgian Underground . . DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN (Continued from Page'2) Mathematics Seminar: The Rel- tivity seminar, 3 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 6, 3001 A.H. Prof. Rainich will speak. Wildlife Management Seminar: 4:30 p.m., Min. March 10, Rm. 2039, Natural Science Bldg. Dr. C. T. Black of the Game Division, Conservation Department, will dis- cuss water legislation and prob- lems pertinent to Michigan. All students in the field of Wildlife Management are expected to at- tend. Anyone else interested is cordially invited. cotton for Relief Concerts HE NEW YORK Herald Tribune report of a Chinese request to the United Na- tions Relief and Rehabilitation Administra- tion to buy raw cotton for Chinese delivery with the $19,000,000 or $20,000,000 of un- committed funds remaining for the UNRRA program, casts light on that government's fforts to provide "relief" for its stricken citizens. If the request goes through the cotton will be sold by the Chinese National Relief and Rehabilitation Administration which ;istributes UNRRA supplies in China. The proceeds of the sales will theoretically go o finance CNRRA's activities. However, those who have followed the dis- >osal of UNRRA goods in China think that he government's desire for cotton is based less on its relief value than on its useful- ness in other respects. Cotton is an import- ant instrument of Chinese policy, so valu- able that the government is said to have et aside $200,000,000 of badly needed for- ign exchange for the purchase of raw cot- on abroad in 1947. According to the Tribune report, raw cot- >n which gets into government hands eith- r through direct purchase, or through JNRRA grants is allotted or sold to the ountry's textile mills. About 40 per cent f it goes to the government-owned China textile Corporation. The remainder goes o private concerns under agreements by om'ination which 50 per cent of the cloth made from it is sold back to the government at fixed prices. 'T'hus the government can make various uses of the nearly monopolistic dominance which it gains over China's cotton market. it could slow down price rises in cotton cloth which is one of China's basic commo- dities and one in which there would be un- bridled speculation and hoarding. Partial stabilization of the cotton market is there- fore a help in checking China's serious in- flation. Of more importance than this possibility is the government's ability to make money out of the deal. By pumping cotton into the China Textile Corporation the govern- ment enables it to run at full capacity. Un- der the 1947 budget it is supposed to bring in 400 billion Chinese dollars. Thirdly, cotton is also vitally necessary for the uniforms of tle Chinese Army. A shortage of cotton would be a serious hind- rance to the government's civil war effort. In addition, China hopes before long to be able to export cotton piece goods, to countries of southeast Asia where there is now a heavy demand. In this way the Chi- nese foreign exchange reserve could be greatly increased. It is for all these purposes, domination of the cotton domestic market, a possible check on inflation, aid in waging civil war and increasing China's foreign exchange reserves, that the government is so con- cerned in importing as much raw cotton: into the country as it can. Twenty million dollars from UNRRA at no cost whatever in foreign exchange would help the Chi- nese government's program considerably. Whatever one thinks about the sound- ness of these policies, it is evident that they would not come under headings of Relief and Rehabilitation. Whether or not tapping UNRRA sources is in line with UNRRA prin- ciples seems to be a secondary consideration with Chinese officials. Therefore, the prob- lem is put squarely in the laps of UNRRA administrators to decide how "good" use (the condition under which such funds are granted) is defined. -Lida Dailes The ordinary citizen finds himself fre- quently bewildered by the Age of Science. A New York pliumber wrote the US Bu- reau of Standards his discovery that a dose of hydrocloric acid would quickly open a clogged drainage pipe and asked if it was a good thing to do. A Bureau scientist replied, "The efficacy of hydrocloric acid is indis- putable, but the corrosive residue is incom- patible with metallic permanence." The plumber wrote back thanking the Bureau for telling him the method was fine. The scientist, a little disturbed about the misunderstanding, showed the correspond- ence to his boss (another scientist). The latter wrote the plumber, "We cannot as- sume responsibility for the production of toxic and noxious residue with hydrocloric nar~r an 1* A cv. ,rarnct v All 1nr an r, a 'Inavan4. SENATOR Kenneth McKellar, who devotes most of his time rotating between two committees of which he is not a member public works and the atomic committee) ays he is "delighted" over the former com- rittee's rejection of the nomination of Gor- lon R. Clapp to head the TVA. President Truman has commended Clapp as a "career public servant and a good one." 'he President said that Clapp has contri- )uted greatly to the development of the Y'VA, and is perfectly suited for the post. Clapp has also received the recommenda- ion of David Lilienthal, former TVA direct- r whom Senator McKellar has also been ;Tilling lately. Senator McKellar claims both men are Communists", a convenient way of dodg- ng the real issue. His dislike for Lilienthal End his associates stems from Lilienthal's efusal to distribute patronage at Senator JcKellar's dictation when directing the PVA. It must be remembered that Senator dcKellar is from Tennessee, 'and the larg- st federal employer in that state is the PVA. Senator McKellar fears, correctly, hat Gordon Clapp will be no more of a tooge than Lilienthal. And that's enough eason for Senator McKellar to get on the marpath. Senator Hill of Alabama has announced hat he will carry the fight to the Senate loor, and will make every possible effort to et Clapp confirmed. Senators Revercomb, Vatkins, Cooper, Chavez, and Downey, all D RAMA THEDRAMATIC Guild of Detroit's pre- sentation of A. A. Milne's The Perfect Alibi should make an amusing evening for those who are interested in little theatre productions. The company, although hastily rehearsed and obviously not professional, has nevertheless put on a bright play with an adequate cast. The delightful villain, the man with the unbreakable alibi, is handled by Fritz Hyde with the understatement that Milne's Briticisms demand, while his ad- versary, a cool amateur detective, is played by blonde and decisive Rande Sanford. The rest of the cast has been assembled to bal- ance or to complement these two. Robert Dale, who overplays a small town American cop in a bobby suit and Suffolk accent, is an old hand at scene stealing, and Edward Ferguson, who plays his Scotland Yard- trained son, is conventionally businesslike and incompetent. It is the play itself, however, that deserves the credit for making the production amus- ing. Milne has built up a tight crime that takes place before the audience and then furnishes his killer with an alibi that really seems perfect. Although the unravelling is done in a painfully exhausting scene by the victim's clever ward and blundering nephew, the battle of wits in the last scene between the murderer and his "average" discoverer is cleanly put together. A good amount of social criticism is thrown in at the "perfect" British gentleman and his standards of hos- pitality. The murder addict will enjoy the crime and the not too Broadway-conscious audience the comedy. -J. M. Culbert A SWEEPING majority of the nation seemed to agree on the cardinal issue of U.S. policy toward Russia. A Gallup poll reported last week that 19% of the peo- ple approved a continuation of Jimmy Byrnes's firmness-with-patience approach to Russia. -Time Faculty Recital: Charles Vogan, lnstructor in Organ, will play the fourth in a series of organ programs at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., March, 6, Hill Auditorium. He will be assisted by the University String Orchestra under the direc- tion of Gilbert Ross, in Three Sonatas for Organ and Strings by Mozart. Other compositions by Purcell, Willan, Franck, Boellman, and Jongen, will be heard on the program. The general public, with the exception of small children, will be admitted without charge. Student Recital: Ruth Wolkow- sky, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Mas- ter of Music at 8:30 p.m., Sat., March 8, Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Wolkowsky has planned a program of compositions by Beethoven, Haines, Rachmaninoff, and Cho- pin. The public is cordially in- vited. Lxhibitiow Drawings of the human figure. March 7 through March 27, Main floor, Architecture Bldg. The Museum of Art presents an exhibition of drawings and water colors by George Grosz through March 14. Alumni Memorial Hall, weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12 and 2-4; Wednesday evenings 7-9 and Sundays 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Events Today University Radio Programs: 1:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050 Kc. Great Lakes Series, "Anna Jame- son Visits Lake Huron." 3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050 Kc. World Masterpieces. Interesting Sound Film showing scenes of radio proximity fuse in action will be shown at 4:30 p.m., Rm. 348 W. Engineering Building; auspices of the Physics section of the Department of Engineering Research. Students and faculty are invited. Radio Club: 7:30 p.m., Rm. 220, W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. J. F. Cline, W80SP, of Electrical Engi- neering staff, will speak on "How Harmful Are Standing Waves?" Everyone interested cordially in- vited. Phi Delta Kappa, professional fraternity in Education: meeting and coffee hour, 4:10 p.m., Smok- ing Lounge, Rm. 2432, University Elementary School. Alpha Phi Omega: Short special meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union, to make arrangements for the Legislature election. Those who cannot at- tend are requested to call Sidney Zilber, 2-4401 before the end of the week. Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Special meeting 12:15 p.m. Gargoyle Circulation Staff and Salesmen Meeting: 5 p.m., Gar- goyle office, first floor of Student Publications Bldg. Tryouts in- vited. International Center: Foreign students, their friends, and inter- ested persons are cordially invit- ed to the informal, weekly Tea, International Center. Tea starts promptly at 4:30 p.m. University Spanish Club, Socie- dad Hispanica: 8 p.m., Interna- tional Center. Program: Movies of Mexico and a castanet dancer. Committee on Cooperation: 8 p.m., Lane Hall. Lithuanian Club: Meeting, 7:15 p.m., League. All those interested are urged to attend. Inter-Racial Association: Exe- cutive committee, 7:15 p.m., Un- ion. Plans will be discussed for next week's meeting. Bahai Student Group: 8 p.m. 1400 Granger Avenue. Coming Events Dr. Karl F. Meyer, Professor of Epidemiology at the University of California and the Hooper Insti- tute, and a member of the faculty of the School of Public Health of the University of California, will address the students of the Michigan School of Public Health on Saturday morning from 9:30 to 11:30 in the Auditorium on the subject "Relationship of Diseases of Animals to the Diseases of Man." All those interested may attend. The Geology and Mineralogy Journal Club: 12 noon, Fri., Mar. 7, Rm. 3055, Natural Science Bldg. V. Brown Monnett will speak on the subject, "Geologic Exploration on the Canol Project, Northwest Territories, Canada." American Institute of Archi- tects: Student Branch, 4:15 p.m., Fri., March 7, Rm. 101, Architec- ture Bldg. Graduate Outing Club: Winter Sports, 2:30 p.m., Sun., March 9, northwest entrance of the Rack- ham Bldg. Sign up before noon on Saturday at the Check Desk in the Rackham Bldg. Le Cercle Francais: 8 p.m., Mon. March 10, Rm. 305 Union. Pro-: fessor Marc Denkinger, Romance Language Department, will speak1 informally on "Les theatres de 1'- Ancien Regime et leurs coulisses." Social Hour. Association Coffee Hour: 4:30- 6 p.m., Fri,, Mar. 7, Lane Hall Lib- rary. To the Editor: THE appearance of a new col- umn, The City Editor's Scratch Pad, on the editorial page of the Michigan Daily, Friday, Feb. 27, was marred by its somewhat naive content. To reply to some of the views expressed: the handful of Arabs in America and in England have suf- ficient influence 'n the foreign of- fices to make up for any lack of knowledge in the masses. When the foreign offices decide a coUrse of action-whether it be pro-Jew or pro-Arab-the people will be supplied with whatever facts will call forth the correct reaction. The argument that Palestine be- longed to Arab ancestors in 1200 11C. and therefore should belong to today's descendants is equal to an argument that England really belongs to the Welsh and America to the Indians-very idealistic ar- guments, but scarcely practical ones. As to the over-immigration of Jews into Palestine, as I under- stand the system, the Jews take care of their own people. Land is purchased in a perfectly legal man- ner from the Arabs and settled in an orderly and organized fashion by the Jews. The means of liveli- hood in Palestine have lain fallow under the Arab semi-feudal sys- tem for years. The . Jews have made a barren land blossom, a feat the Arabs never accomplished. If they have done this much, I am content to trust them to do more. In general, those people advo- cating a Jewish "homeland" are those also advocating the lower- ing of US immigrationkbars. Those people who want to keep Jewish immigrants out of this country us- ually feel a heartfelt sympathy for the Arabs and their problem. No one is keeping the Arabs from holding rallies, giving lec- tures, or writing protests. The fact that part of their side was pre- sented in this new column is evi- dence of their ability to make themselves heard by one means or another. The arguments presented were pretty thin, but they were presentedJ --Joan Fiske Investigation To the Editor: FOR the sake of Miss Goodman's pun I wish that my name were spelled more like an adjec- tive and less like the proper noun that it is. However, there is a more serious point at hand, and I should prefer not to joke about it. I must say, though, that I found Miss Goodman's letter more pro- vocative than dull, and I' think several paragraphs of discussion are in order. I wish first of all to make my- self clearly understood on the point that I have looked around and seen in what direction the country is going. And I don't be- lieve that we are heading toward Communism. Now Communism, Miss Goodman, is the equivalent of totalitarianism, and that is not synonymous with liberalism. I be- lieve that we are in a dynamic stage of liberalism,.and I'm pretty sure that you do too. I think that we, as a nation, are opposed to excessive governmental control of any sort. Trade unions and man- agement are currently working al- most side by side to defeat legis- lation which would make arbitra- tion of labor disputes compulsory. There are other examples to sup- port my contention, too. And there was November, 1946. Now then, Miss Goodman, I'm not sure just why you have taken issue with me concerning my sup- port of the Sigler-proposed in- vestigation of MYDA, AYD /and the others. It may be that you are in a position to know that these organizations are in reality tools of the Communist party. You may be a member of one of these or- ganizations, or of the Commu- nist party itself. If this is true, then it is=not difficult to under- stand your objections. You seem almost automatically to assume that an investigation would un- cover what Governor Sigler sus- pects, and that this in turn would necessarily imply some sort of punishment which would serve to check the activity of these cancer- ous growths in our community. Then again you may only be one of the host of self-styled "liber- als" who I am constantly encoun- tering on the diagonal, who thrust an "Oust Bilbo" or "Anti.-lynch Bill" petition at me for signature, and who sees something healthy in this alphabetical Potpourri of pressure groups which have ln-- vaded our campus. Whatever your motives might be, Miss Goodman, I ask you to think this matter through a little more carefully yourself, and discover along with me that your civil lib- erties and mine are in far less danger in a society like ours whe Sigler-investigations are invoked occasionally to protect us from the vicious undermining influence of foreign undemocratic ideologies, -Richard P. Sharpe What's a Commie? To the Editor: Perhaps you heard or read of the Communist charges at Olivet College involving the Dean Bob Ramsay and three professors. I don't know the professors but I do know Ramsay and if he is a Communist so was Prexy Angell and Mr. Lincoln and G. Wash- ington. Years and years ago in England, so I've read, they charged men with sex crimes when they had no real charges, and now we charge them with being Commies, because nobody knows just what a Commie is and it sounds bad. So when someone dislikes someone, the first one calls the other a Communist. How to cure it? You know me, Al-I can suggest a cure for any- thing. Let's get Joe Stalin to send us one A No. 1, dyed-in-the-wood, 100% Communist teacher and set up a chair of Communism in every school licensed to grant degrees and require everybody who is a candidate for a degree to have two hours of Communism 38B and as an examination to write a defini- tion of what Communism is any- how-and give the Congressional Medal of Honor each year to the gent whose definition gets the nod from Uncle Joe Stalin. Maybe then we can get some sense into this business of who is and who isn't a Commie. You might take it up with the University and see whether there is a better method. Universals in- structio'n seems to be .favored against venereal diseases-maybe it would work against ComMu- nism. The only awoved Commie I ever met I picked up, enroute home by car from Ford's, took him to Jackson where he was to hold a meeting that night. efore we'd got to Ann Arbor, I found he was personally a capitalist, working for money and saving against a rainy day-the Commie business paid better than what he'd been. doing before. So I let him pay for the lunch we got at Jackson. That was years ago. If Ann Arbor sets up a chair, I'll come down to a lecture-I'd like to brush up on the subject and ask the professor a question or two. -Forest H. Sweet U. of M. 1918 Eng. P.S.: You can put me down as a conservative, stand-pat Republi- can, one for Taft for President in 1948. The most serious "budget un. balance" is men not at work. I the Republican Congress wil think effectively in these terms, we need not fear a depression ox any real danger tp the capital- istic system, whether in the Unit- ed States, Latin America or West- ern Europe. -New Republic t ' il Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff" Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor Milton Freudenheim. .Editorial Director Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor Jack Martin.............Sports Editor Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk .......... Women's Editor Lynne Ford . .Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter .... General Janet Cork......... Business Nancy Helmick ... Advertising7 Manager Manager Manager BARNABY II Then you must be J. J. O'Malley's dog- What Never cared much for terriers ... Stop growling, Gorgon- You'll score him. Besides, you've got It's too late .. He hung up. But I don't care. No one can make remarks Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication