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March 02, 1947 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-02

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J. ,li J./ l/.L 1 lJ J.1; V..;

LI' ~tFI( IUiJW1/f:
loing Isaac Newton Listed
ork's Accomplishments

James M. Cork, of the
s department, is a very con-
speaks only in octosyllabic
who has a background in
s might be able to under-
Prof. Cork. Your reporter,
unately, is an illiterate in
i result of Prof. Cork's pa-
and ability to explain his
fic terms in simple English,
r, this profile does not end
second sentence.
. Cork first became inter-
in science when he was in
school. His older brother
a engineering student, and
eft a manual of experiments
around. Prof. Cork came
his manual and, "in a small
set up a laboratory where
formed experiments. This
fore he became acquainted
he word "physics."
e that time, Prof. Cork has
a long way-all the way to
L.g on the atomic bomb.
the war Prof. Cork worked
e atomic bomb project in
.fferent capacities and was
* member of the National
e Research Committee,
had charge of the develop-
of all scientific equipment
. by the armed forces.
se two jobs necessitated fre-=
trips away from the cam-
nd Prof. Cork reports that
s' away "half of the time."
11 is a consultant for the
idge laboratory, where re-
on atomic energy is carried
it Here
. Cork is a graduate of the
sity, '16, and also did his
te work here. He received
A. in 1917, and his doctorate
2, after returning from duty
lieutenant with the Army
corps. After. getting his
Prof. Cork became an in-
>r in the physics depart-
and was advanced until he
e a full professor in 1935.
'. Cork lists as his greatest
n his work the time he and
Ernest Lawrence, of the
sity of California, made
or the first time, thereby
what alchemists, including
sac Newton, for centuries
ied to do.
Cork at that time (1934-
,s working with Prof. Law-

gold by bombarding platinum in
a cyclotron. The discovery would
have been small solace to the al-
chemists, Prof. Cork said, as plat-
inum is a more expensive meta:
than gold. The experiment led
the way, however, to making other
elements not found in nature in
the cyclotron. Prof. Cork said.
Built Cyclotron
After working with Prof. Law-
rence, who invented and built the
first cyclotron, Prof. Cork directed
the building of the cyclotron in
the physics department here. A
cyclotron is a machine which
smashes the atom, producing
atomic disintegrations which of-
ten make new radioactive forms
of old elements. Of the approx-
imately 500 radioactive isotopes
now* known, more than 80 were
produced and identified in the
laboratory here for. the first time.
Among them is a form of radio-
active iodine which has been suc-
cessfully used recently in the
treatment of certain forms of
cancer in Memorial Hospital in
New York City.
Prof. Cork said his main inter-
est now is in nuclear spectroscopy,
the study of radiations emitted
by radioactive bodies. He is di-
recting the work on the four spec-
trometers the physics department
has now. Prof. Cork said the in-
formation to be gained from this
study "will lead, presumably, to a
model of the nucleus which is the
basis of all matter."
He explained that radioactive
radiations, which the spectro-
meter studies, come from the nu-
cleus. When the necessary in-
formation is secured from the
studies, it will be passed on to
the theorists, who will then be
able to tell more about the ulti-
mate nature of matter, Prof. Cork
Michigan Debate
Finalists Named.
Winners of the quarter-finals
in the Michigan High School For-
ensic Association debate tourna-
ment, an organization of the Uni-
versity Extension Service, were an-
nounced by Lawrence Grosser,
The four contestants who will
enter the semi-final round are
Flint Central High, Ann Arbor
IHigh, Lansing Eastern High and

EMINENT PHYSICIST-Prof. James Cork, of the physics depart-
ment, did research on atomic energy during the war a-nd is now
working in the field of spectroscopy. He is pictured here operating
a small cyclotron in a physics lab on campus.

Requests for
500 Teachers
On File at 'U'
Great Variety of Jobs
Offered by Colleges
Over 500 openings for college
teaching and administrative posi-
tions are now on file at the Bur-
eau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, a Daily sur-
very disclosed yesterday.
Examination of letters received
at the Bureau from colleges lo-
cated throughout the United
States, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii
revealed that they are desperate-
ly in need of teaching personnel
possessing Ph.D., M.A., or M.S.,
and B.A., or B.S. degrees.
Approximately two-fifths of the
letters requested doctoral degrees,'
another two-fifths masters, and
the remaining one-fifth bachelors
diplomas. In general, those col-
leges without graduate schools in-
dicated the need for applicants to
fill instructor's positions requiring
only a bachelor's degree, while
state universities and other larger
schools demanded more advanced
Salaries varied widely according
to the responsibilities involved,
and the size of the school. The
average of salaries offered to in-
structors was approximately $2,-
400, while positions as assistant
professors, professors, department
heads, and deanships stipulated
incomes upward of $4,000.
The types of positions available
covered the entire range of college
activities, academic and social. Al-
together, there were opportunities
in 52 fields, including listings for
two social directors, one teachers
of remedial reading, and one or-
ganist. There were more open-
ings listed for teachers of English
composition - particularly fresh-
men composition - than any
other single position, while math-
ematics teachers followed as a
close second in demand.
Pledging Tomorrow
raternity pledging will take
place at 6 p.m. tomorrow, accord-
ing to Bill Krebs, secretary-trea-
surer of IFC.
Men who have received invita-
tions are to be at their respective
houses at that time, Krebs said.

Music, Speech
To Give Opera
The combined talents of stu-
dents in the School of Music and
the speech department's Play Pro-
duction classes will present Mo-
zart's colorful opera "The Mar-
riage of Figaro" March 11-15 at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The opera, widely recognized as
one of Mozart's leading works was
based on the second of a trilogy of
Figaro comedies by Beaumarchais
and may be considered a sequel to
Rossini's opera "The Barber of
Set in Spain, the plot deals with
the antics and confused love life
of Figaro, barber to the Count Al-
maviva, the Count himself and
numerous others, all lending to
the generally high spirit of the
The music, considered Mozart's
best by some critics, is light but
shows throughout the opera a keen
wit on the part of its composer.
Virginia Persens and Rose Der-
Derian will alternate in the role
of the Countess Rosina, Dalisay
Aldaba will sing the part of Su-
sana, Rosina's maid and the object
of Figaro's confused affections.
Paul Austin will sing the leading
male role.
The performance will be staged
under the direction of Prof. Valen-
tine Windt of the speech depart-
ment, and Prof. Wayne Dunlap of
the music school.
Union To Act As Center
For Tutorial Service
Men wishing to tutor or be tu-
tored in any subject may call at
the- Union Student Offices be-
tween 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday to register with
the Union Tutorial Service.
The Union will act as clearing
house and will refer applicants for
tutoring to qualified students. A
tutor must have received a grade
of A in the course he is to teach, or
B if it is in his field of concentra-
The rate is one dollar per hour,
and the student receiving instruc-
tion pays his tutor. directly.'

l-.--1 -.i *%F J V 5r _ 5
Strife, Petitions and Calori
Invade Nation's Universitie

A campus political party at the
University of Minnesota has been
branded as "fascistic" by the
county sheriff, the Minnesota
Daily reports. The party, dubbed
Research club
To Hear Talk
The Women's Research .Club
will hear a talk by Ruth Stine, re-
search assistant in the biological
chemistry department, on "La-
phyrism in Humans and Animals"
at its meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow,
in West Lecture Room of the
Rackham Building.
Miss Stine, working under the
direction of Dr. Howard B. Lewis
of the biological chemistry depart-
ment, has been studying physio-
logical effects of laphyrism, a dis-
ease which affects both humans
and animals who eat an excess of
peas of the genus Laphyrus.
The disease has been frequent
among peoples of India, Spain
and Italy where the peas consti-
tute a large part of the diet. Ani-
mals were also shown to be sus-
ceptible when the Agriculture De-
partment suggested the peas as
fodder for farm animals, Miss
Stine said.

the Democratic Nationalistic Pa
ty, has alledgedly been distribu
ing anti- semitic literature on t
Minnesota campus.
An undetermined number
Kappa Alpha fraternity men
the University of California ha
allegedly been "pledgenapped"
pledges to the fraternity who gr
tired of the initiation procedu
According to the Daily Trojan, t
pledges dumped the actives in t
"wilds of Santa Catalina islan<
The Ohio State Lantern repo:
that there is no ban on cc
cheerleaders. A petition beari
approximately 500 signatures v
presented to the Student Sen
requesting permission for I
women to lead cheers at coll
athletic functions.
At the University of Wiscons
the student cafeteria has inaugi
atel a system of lunch serving c
signed to aid calorie counters, v
cording to the Daily Cardir
Model meals for students desiri
to get their vitamins but not
the expense of their weight f
prepared by the cafeteria.
At the Universihy of Arizot
the most "eligible bachelor" v
"tophatted" at the "Blue Mc
Ball," the Arizona Wildcat repot
Pictures of the men competing
the award decorated the frc
page of the paper recently.

Several student religious groups
are planning to have meetings, dis-
cussions and services today.
John Steding will talk on "The
Character of Paul" at the Fellow-
ship supper and worship service
to be held by the ROGER WIL-
LIAMS GUILD from 6 to 8 p.m.
at 502 East Huron.
There will be a ROGER WIL-
LIAMS GUILD choir practice at
5 p.m. under the direction of
Robert John.
* * *
The Rev. John Burt, Episco-
palian students' chaplain, will ad-
dress the Student Class of the
Church School on "The Basic Be-
liefs of the Episcopalian" at, 10
a.mn. at the ROGER WILLIAMS
GUILD House.
The regular meeting of the
held at 5 p.m.
Robert S. Waldrop, who was a
Navy chaplain during the war, will
discuss "The Marks of a Christian
A series of three Sunday eve-
ning discussions of the Bible will
be initiated by the WESLEYAN
GUILD at 5:30 p.m.

The Guild will be divided into
small groups and each group will
be led by two students.
* * *
The Rev. Charles H. Cadigan,
chairman of the Church Society
for College Work and former chap-
lain of Amherst College, will ad-
at 6 p.m. on the subject of the
Christian ministry.
He will also speak at the 8 p.m.
choral evening prayer service.
"The Biblical Bases of Unitar-
ianism" will be the topic of a ser-
mon by Rev. Redman at 5:30 p.m.
1917 Washtenaw.
GROUP will hold their Winter
Social at 6:30 p.m.
* * *
Rev. Fr. Raymond Clancy will
discuss "The Catholic Church and
Labor" at '7:30 p.m. in the club-
rooms of ST. MARY'S CHAPEL.
Chemistry Job
Forum Offered
Phi Lambda Upsilon, national
chemical honorary society, will
sponsor an occupational forum
at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Speakers will be Prof. Raymond
N. Keller of the chemistry depart-
ment and Prof. Donald L. Katz, of
the chemical engineering depart.
The purpose of the meeting is to
provide information to prospective
chemistry majors which will help
them to decide whether to enter
the field and what branch would
be the best one in each individual
case, Prof. Keller said.
Statistics prepared by the Amer-
ican Chemical Society concerning
salaries in the different branches
of research and industry, the de-
grees of education needed for par-
ticula'r fields, and the numbers of
men at present engaged in these
occupations will be presented by
use of slides.
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