THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. 11 is BILL MAULDIN 'rice Level Increase IiOMINIE SJ'cp: time of the emasculation of the rol Act by the last Congress, Sen. ndenberg suggested that it would idea to remove price controls on dustry in an "experiment" to see. ther OPA regulations could be v approximately four months since Truman removed all OPA controls ose on rent and rice, and a bit t meat controls have been relaxed. s period, the nation's economy has eted to an experiment on an even ale than that proposed by Senator -g. eek's news brings reports of stag- creases in wholesale hog prices r hundredweight, or a level 75% e former OPA ceiling. One pork pecialist for the Department of re commented that the jump in and wholesale pork prices may pork chops at one dollar a pound r shops. published in The Michigan Daily n by members of The Daily staff sent the views of the writers only. EDITOR: STUART FINLAYSON More serious than this is the general rock- eting of prices throughout the nation's com- modity markets according to daily reports in the financial columns of the press. In recent weeks, Congress has been con- sidering a number of bills, supported by the real estate lobby, which propose general in- creases in rent levels or complete abolition of controls. Our experience so far should warrant no further "experimentation" for by this time it is evident that only because of control has the rent level stayed as it is. The ten percent increase approved by the Senate sub-committee would be only the forerunner of future demands by the landlord interests accentuating the already dangerous inflationary trend. Coupled with widespread consumer inability to pay the prices in the offing for durable com- modities, a relaxation of rent controls now would increase the squeeze on the individuals in the lower and middle income groups and destroy any hope of their being able to maintain financial stability. With savings and earnings now drastically reduced from the levels of the flush days of the war period, another dip into the public's pocket could only lead to a curtail- ment of demand and production with pos- sible collapse of our national economy. -Walter Dean +ART + present exhibition at the Rackham , sponsored by the College of Archi- and Design, is one of the outstanding f the season. It would be extremely to find two artists whose work is ially so different and fundamentally y akin. es Farr, who studied with George the Art Students' League in New d in Paris, caine home full of un- ies and with a leaning toward ab- iism in art. He was restless and led. He likes paintings "that are >" and he found his solution in the paintings he now has on exhibit. e the result of seven years of effort ow a keen appreciation of the Les and craftsmanship which good involves. toes not imitate nature, rather he nds its superficial appearance, as, ROSS RUFFS By Saul Grossman for example, in New York Tenament. In a mood which is more poetic than bitter he gives us a moving visual symbol of ten- ament life. The despair and desolation of the couple at the window contrasts beau- tifully with the freer man and the birds on the roof; they are backed with a luminous blue sky. The Portrait of Nicholas Sam shows sure draughtsmanship and a fine interpretation of individual character. Water Front, Key West is rich in color, excellent in composi- tion, and is especially effective in the hand- ling of the grasses in the foreground. Gerome Kamrowski, on the other hand, shows us a different aspect of this world in which we live. He studied under Cameron Booth in St. Paul, at the New Bauhaus in Chicago and at the Art Students' League in New York. "Different motives inevitably require different methods of expression. If a sub- ject I have wanted to express has suggested different ways of expression I have never hesitated to adopt them.-' This quotation from Picasso applies fully to Kamrowski. He has found what most of us have thought but have been unable to express. He has expressed himself. Now, if you must, reduce it to words. But I sincerely doubt that you can. But you can experi- ence his art and that is the only way you can understand it. Every object in nature has more than one aspect and certainly our inner life and phy- sical being have more than is apparent to the naked eye. Kamrowski is only too keenly aware of this. What may appear new and unfamiliar in his work is merely his more lucid statement of that for which we only grope. Penetration of the visible world leads to penetration of the invisible and te artist does it with singing color, brilliant composition and a magical ability to go far deeper into being than most of, us vepture. He is painting what he knows to exist and what he knows is tremendously exciting. Schubert Jonas Can religion be taught or is it only caught? That question has been debated ever since Aristotle pointed out that man's soul is con- scious of sensation and can coordinate the impressions which come in from the five senses. The problems which cluster about this ancient observation engaged us last week in the International Council of Re- ligious Education in Grand Rapids, Michi- gan. With the aid of travelled observers, chaplains, and commentators immersed in clusters of professors, pastors; and super- visors, we were making our effort to under- stand this strange world. Our mood might be read in "Not So Wild A Dream" by Eric Sevareid, page 231: "Day and night I lived with youngsters who flew the world for the transport com- mand. They measured the far horizons and calculated the heavens with their stubby schoolroom pencils. Their young eyes looked into the depths of mysterious seas and regarded the unfolding of the vast continents while showed on their faces the laboring of God's time and the hands of men, while they munched a wad of Wrigley's Spearmint. Watching these boys, listening to their talk, I felt old; I felt myself a foreigner upon a new planet. We were separated by no more than ten years in time, but in those few years something fundamental, something dis- turbing and strange, had occurred. Either they were living life in a vital new dimen- sion from which I was forever barred, or I alone among them was alive and they were stillborn and dead." Taking tneir deflection into new directions of practice from the listed findings about persons under the strains and fears of war, these delegates from every state in the Un- ion arrived set on a trigger, as it were, and ready to "go-off." Here is going on the progress of American Christianity. A sur- face observation would have brought one away feeling that at least there is deep interest. The reports, committee work, lec- tures and debates showed conviction and determination. The three major inquiries which came under our observation were (1) In Theology, for the present generation, which all-out emphasis is most certain to succeed? Tran- scendence, that is, God the "wholly other," or should religious teachers move in the opposite direction to Immanence of God or Christian Humanism? Or should we main- tain that balance which American Christ- ianity, both Catholic and Protestant, his- torically, has always insisted upon? (2) In Organization-must a super-organization such as the United Church of Canada or the Federal Council of Churches be brought to every precinct before the Christian mes- sage can adequately arrest the distemper and evil leading to a third World War? Or is it properly a phase of the democratic pro- cess to allow full reign to denominational individualisi across the nation so no social cohesion can issue from faith and works? (3) As to Education-dare religious teachers and parents continue o follow reverently the methods of the public educators and so rely more and more upon teaching techniques of the age, but less and less upon "the Divine Intent"? Or has God deliberately entrusted His patterns of life and completely delegated His specific spiritual potential for men to the Church, in which case laisse faire, dedi- cation, prayer, and revelation should and must take precedence? -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education Whatxs o llax.W.00 "What is it, dolling--an oak leaf cluster for your Motherhood medal" Letters to the Edtor... . Iv'r that it is one big waste of time, money, and good intentions was written by none other than the head of the beverages committee, naturally our senior member. His decision is based upon the futility of a similar investigation which, as he recollects it, hap- pened long, long ago: It seems that way back. when everything was satisfaction- about the time Theodore Bilbo re- turned from studying at the U. of Michigan without being accused of having absorbed any of these here pink theories of human equality-that some students at the local University were accused of harboring alien idealogies. The powers that be appointed an in- vestigatiing committee with the necessary quorum of subcommit- tees. And four students were not only found guilty but were actually accused of voicing Party propo- ganda. But nothing ever became of it except that one indignant went to a rally and had his pocket picked that one speaker got lar- yngitis and one elected to Con- gress. It was ruled that the cul- prits could not be expelled and that it was their right to speak freely even though one of these here Republicans practically ad- mitted he was one .. . Therefore the ILMVAPUT re- solved unanimously not in approv- al of any party line but merely to save a lot of energy that it be this week's recommendation that any and all investigators ask themselves at once just what they will do about it if they find a communist. If they don't know they should go home and do their, work. -T. S. Lichtenberger Corresponding Secretary Freedom of Others munist co-operation is that "they belong to a dictatorial party and a dictatorial movement." So says Leo Cherne. Executive Secretary of the Research Institute of America. On the basis of this and other similar statements do you think that the kind of govern- ment proposed by the Commun- ists would prevent regression "in- to our pre-war state of smugness, to allow free speech and discus- sion, the very life blood of demo- cratic precedure, to be destroyed?" Are you so ill informed as to be- believe that the Communistic movement would give us even more freedom, that there would be freedom of religion, press, speech, and the freedom of free elections . . . etc? Lady, you are in a sad fix. Are we to disregard the advice of Hearst and the Me- Cormick press in favor of the for- eign philosophy of Marx and En- gels, who have probably never en- joyed the liberties offered by what you called a so-called democracy. Alvin Leake Fn Co French Conditions EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printedor omitted At the discretion of the edi- torial director. * * * Le Cercle Francais To the editor: I HAVE BEEN on the campus a relatively long time. During this period I have always meant to join Le Cercle Francais, but some- how I never did get arouid to do- ing so. This semester, I promised myself, I would take the fatal plunge and become a full-time member. Malheureusement, I have dis-' covered that Gov. Kim Sigler has now started an investigation into subversive activities on this cam- pus. This fact has alarmed me to no small degree. Now, I keep looking behind me whenever I walk on the campus, looking for those Lansing representatives. Now I am really frightened. I don't know what I can safely do. Should I join Le Cercle Francais and run the risk of a personal in- quisition? Oh, quelle quandry! I really don't know which is the wisest course to follow. I do wish you would advise me, or at least tell me if La Petite Causette is safe! -Morris Marvin Winer Congress Criticized To the Editor: THOUGH the present Congress S H D C K J 3 9 5 6 3 A 4'2 KQJ 4 42 73 N S 7 2 H AJ107 E DQ108 C 9872 W S H D C S A Q 10 9 5 8 K 6 5 A 10 5 3 cil (ICC) is a non-partisan, non-r profit organization formed for the purpose of providing low-cost housing and board and to extend cooperative principles, which, stat- ed briefly, are: (1) Every member involved to achieve low-cost living participates in the necessary work '-cleaning, cooking, maintenance, purchasing and the like. Each member is assigned to his job by a democratically-elected house manager. No member is paid for; his services and no member has more than one vote in our cor- poration. (2) Members are selected on the basis of their willingness and ability to work and live ac- cording to the Rochdale principles, these principles being the most democratic form of constitution by which to abide: no discrimination because of race, creed, color, na- tional origin or political affiliation. MYDA, the affiliate organiza- tion of AYD, is well known and can easily be proved to be the+ outgrowth of the erstwhile Young Communist League (YCL) and thus might well be classed as a left-handed organization. The ICC is a social-economic unit, banded together only for the purposes stated above. It, of course, is true that there are a good number of Communists, fellow-travelers, sym- pathizers and Wallace-type liberals in tne ICC. This intelligensia, how- ever, is more than balanced by a larger number of neutral liberals and responsible anti-Stalinists. As long as any one of our mem- bers conducts himself according to cooperative principles no action is contemplated, nor would it be, against him, despite the fact that he may be a member of the Com- munist party. This goes also for fascists, although it is difficult to see how they could clothe their ideas and actions. (B) I have not noticed any un- due amount of publicity afforded the ICC, nor even MYDA-at least not any more than is afforded by that paragon of journalism, the Detroit Free Press. If Armstrong, Jr., thinks that fraternity and dormitory life should be reported more fully, he might describe this life for us. On the basis of the above infor- mation, I believe an apology is due to the, Inter-Cooperative Council. Of course, if Mr. Armstrong, Jr., meant ICC to stand for the now defunct Independent Citizens' Committee or the Interstate Com- merce Commission, we owe -him an apology. One last note-it should be made clear that this letter, while rep- resentative of a good portion of the opinion of the members of ICC, is not official and is the full responsibility of thenundersigned. -Edward Tumin To the Editor: FROM A PERUSAL of this col- umn one gets the impression that to some people the means of preserving freedom lies in abridg- ing the freedom of others. The reasoning follows the line that if MYDA has nothing to hide, then an investigation should be wel- comed. But this is censorship of, thought just as clearly as a police-; man entering one's home, ran- sacking it and seizing property without a warrant, is an instance of the violation of the Constitu- tional right of the people to be; secure in their persons against un- reasonable searches and seizures. In either case the burden of proof rests upon the initiator of the ac- tion. In short, it would behoove Gov. Sigler, an old prosecutor, to show probable cause before pro- ceeding on an investigation based upon allegations that MYDA is Communistic, for belonging to the Communist Party is still legal. Furthermore, in the opinion of the late Justices Holmes and. Brandeis, a man is not guilty of subverting the government unless a clear and present danger results from his activities-an active in- citement to immediate and violent revolution. Manifestly th4en, to agree with Gov. Sigler that MYDA must be investigated for subver- sive activities, one must recognize a clear and present danger arising from them. Btt since even the sleuthing of so tireless a Red- hunter as J. Edgar Hoover has failed to produce evidence of the existence of a party line from Moscow, it is difficult for me to believe that an organization of thirty-odd students (so I am told) without integration from Moscow constitute a clear and present danger to our form of govern- ment. My difficulty is further in- creased by the fact that no overt act of MYDA as a group has fur- thered a proletarian revolution. It must be that Gov. Sigler is aiming ultimately for something big ger', and unless the people of Michigan, particularly its stu- dents, are watchful of the sanc- tity of the freedom of minorities, they eventually will find them- selves free only to conform to a uniform pattern of thought. -Jacob C. Hurwitz, '49 Rleply to 'oodmr an To the Editor: LAST SEMESTER the Famine Committee organized a cloth- ing drive which was quite a suc- cess - and I feel delighted that it was so for two reasons: first that I belong to that Committee and worked for that drive and secondly because I once was one of those to whom these clothes were sent. I left France a year ago and at that time the food and clothes situation was pretty bad. But we hoped quite strongly that the coming year would bring a lot of improvements. From the news I receive from my family I con- clude that such is not the case. Would you like to know what the rations are in France at the pre- sent time: Bread, 300 gi. a day, or .042 ounces. Fat, 150 gin. a month, or .021 ounces. Meat, 100 gm. a week, or .014 ounces. Sugar, 1 pound a month (strict- ly sugar, no question of candies or ice cream or anything of the sort.) Starches, 500. gm. a month, or .07 ounces. Milk, only for children under 13 years old. They also get dried eggs and one can of vegetables per person. As far as clothes are concerned, each person gets a card and is allowed to use 20-"points" of it for a period of six months. But to get a dress you need between 25 and 40 points and to get a coat over 100 of them. Growing children have special cards and are per- mitted to use more, but it is still not sufficient for their needs. These are the limitations the government has to impose on the people because the production is so slow. But if you want to get any kind of clothes you still hlave to pay for them of course, And, we certainly can figure that cloth- ing costs in France about five times as much as in the United States. On the dollar basis it is already more expensive and also French workers are not paid as much as American ones. So you can imagine how glad I was to see clothes, shoes of all sorts piling up in Lane Hall be- cause I knew that they were going to make so many people happy or at least warmer. It was a wonder- ful job that you did,. but unfort- unately all of Europe has suffered the worst winter in many years and the need for clothing is per- haps greater than ever. I hope that with this in mind we will make an all out effort to make our next clothing drive an even greater success. -Madeleine Calingaert 1.Iltirtizrn &if loth sides not -vul. The bidding rTH WEST NORTH EAST S Pass 2 C Pass S Pass 4 S Pass C Pass 5'D Pass S Pass Pass Pass hand was played between bluebooks at Quad during finals week. bidding was bold and imaginative.. South'sslain try of 5 Clubs, North ly cue bid his Ace of Diamonds and went on to 6 Spades, holding one loser and a fit in Diamonds and Clubs. hat the use of the Blackwood con- n would not have revealed the particu- e held by North and would have made s slam bid a questionable gamble. t opened the King 6f Hearts and con- the suit. Cleland Nelson, one of the top players, was declarer on this and could count only 11 winners, with ce to park the losing Diamond. He on a way to make his contract with a Dummy Reversal if the trump suit break badly. He trumped the second in his hand, laid down the Ace of and led a small Club to the Jack. en ruffed a Heart with the Queen of and led a small Spade to the Jack. ist Heart from dummy was led, and ed with the ten of Spades. A low Ind was led to the Ace, the last trump and the King of Clubs was played. ueen of Clubs was now played, over- by the Ace in the closed hand, and ing Diamond in dummy discarded on ng Club. Well played. Nelson. tions on bidding and play are wel- ,and will be answered in this column. s CROSS RNFFS c/o Michigan Daily. the campaign of 1944, Puerto Rican ss men were unwilling to advance and erable funds to the leaders of the on cause at home; but they contri- may disagree on it is marvelous to speed and facility many issues, observe the with which BOOKS John Steinbeck, THE WAYWARD BUS, Viking Press, New York, 1947, $2.75. JOHN STEINBECK has dipped into his literary bag and come up with a smooth, if not epoch-making, tale, in his first full- length novel in eight years, The Wayward Bus. It is hard to compare this book to any of Steinbeck's previous works as it is a unique thing in that respect. As usual he is concerned with qharacter rather than event. The account of what happens on the bus ride, though interesting enough to sustain the reader, is not of primary importance. What matters is the characters and their reactions and influences upon each other. In this respect, Juan Chicoy, the half Irish, half UVexican bus driver comes through to the reader with amazing force. He is a man, and, ". .. there aren't very many of them, as Alice Chicoy (his wife) had found out." There is in the characters a good deal of symbolism which is readily discernable and simple to interpret. For involved in the story are a successful business man, reminiscent of Babbit, a traveling salesman with a suitcase full of gadgets and novelties, a painfully adolescent youth called Pimples, a waitress infatuated with Clark Gable, the daughter and nagging wife of the business man, and Camille, who is naturally and without in- tention, one of those women that, because she is an irresistable lure for men, creates 1 Norman Granz, whose traveling jam ses-f sion will appear here on Tuesday, has madet sure that local record shops are overflowingt with Jazz At The Philharmonic albums. If you are a collector of contemporary jazz,1 it might be a good idea to buy them now. So far, Granz has released four albums, but more will probably follow. These 'recordings1 are interesting because they were all re-1 corded at actual jazz concerts, often without the musicians' knowledge. As Granz puts it, "the spontaneous jam-session effect is cap-E tured." In recording the jam-session effect, Granz has also captured many technical1 mistakes which would have been ironed out at a regular studio recording session. But these defects should not discourage the listener. There is enough good raw jazz on all the records to compensate for their rough production, Album One is the best of the four. It con-' sists of six sides of improvisations on "How High The Moon," which has superceded "Honeysuckle Rose" as the number one jam tune, and "Oh Lady Be Good." Personnel includes Willie Smith, alto, Illinois Jacquet, tenor, Joe Guy, trumpet, Howard McGhee, crumpet, Garland Finney, Ulysses Living- ston and Red Calendar, rhythm. Joe Guy's trumpet solo on the opening side of "Moon"' is one of the most sensitive and melodic bits of jazz that I have heard in years. -Malcolm Raphael they have handled the proposed amendment to limit the power of the people to elect their presi- dent. Curious that they seem so slow in handling such things as the Child Labor Amendment, or the Anti-Poll Tax Bill. On the state scene we observe the Republican Party launching a drive to squelch third parties and to eliminate the Secret Primary Ballot. In the words of Senator Vandenburg: "If a voter hasn't the courage to name his party, then that voter shouldn't -have the right to vote." We wonder how soon it will be before they oblige us to name our candidates before granting us the "privilege" of voting. Perhaps the conscien- tious citizenry will wake up be- forehand. Perhaps they will wait until their heads roll in the streets. -Corneluis Loeser, Grad. Misunderstanding c To The Editor: THERE SEEMS to be some mis- understanding on the part of Mr. Kenneth Arm~strong, Jr., in his letter of the 27th. In his lumping together of MYDA, AYD and the ICC, I'm afraid he was a bit in- discriminate; in his accusation that the above groups were receiv- ing undue publicity in the columns of The Daily, Mr. Armstrong was being slightly ridiculous. For Mr. Armstrong's informa- tion, the Inter-Cooperative Coun- Resolved by ILMVAPUT To the Editor: AT THE national convention of the Lower Mississippi Valley Association for the Promulgation of Ultimate Truth, our delegate made his report on local problems, so that the aggregate wisdom of the group be put to best use. The impending investigation of communist activities in Michigan aroused interest; and the decision To the Editor: [N REPLY to Betty Goodman's , letter to The Daily, I would like torask her a few questions. She is typical of the many people whose minds are blinded by the doctrines of Marx and Engels. Among the first to colonize America were people who were in quest of freedom. They were look- ing for a place to live where they would be free of unjust taxes im- posed by their kings, where they could worship their God in the manner that they believed was right. They, in a sense were revo- lutionists. They crossed an ocean to be out from under the heel of tyranny. Later when the British army tried to suppress their lib- erties by enforcing British laws on this side of the ocean they banded together and threw them out. One of many reasons that be- lievers in the democratic form of government cannot accept Com- Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Paul Harsha..........Managing Editor Clayton Dickey............City Editor Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director MaryBrush ..........Associate Editor Ann Kutz..........Associate Editor Clyde Recht.........Associate Editor Jack Martin..........Sports Editor Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor Joan wilk............ Women's Editor Lynne Ford ..Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter . . General Manager Janet Cork .........Business Manager Nancy Helmick .. .Advertising Manager Ile, hn d Tho 4c~a. Pr BARNABY