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March 02, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-02

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ljl r

Latest Deadline in the State





See Page 4



II, No. 103



I___ -~

ang Gains

Replaced as
Crisis Grows

By The Associated Press
[KING, March 1--General-
Chiang Kai-Shek took over
-emiership of China tonight
ppeared to be heading his
toward all out war to settle
)mmunist question once and

Chiang assumed the premiership
eight hours after his brother-in-
law, T. V. Soong, suddenly resigned
in the face of sharp criticism in
the legislative Yuan of his eco-
nomic policies.
Armies Maneuver
With Communist delegates un-
der orders to get out of govern-
ment territory before Wednesday,
and the armies of both factions
maneuvering for decisive battles
on fronts stretching from central
China to the heart of Manchuria,
Chiang this assumed complete
powers in the government at a
time when China's future ap-
peared to be at stake.
Many quarters predicted a
major shakeup in the government,
possibly an anti-Communist coali-
tion including minority parties.
Appointed by Supreme Council
The supreme national defense
council, with Chiang presiding, ap-
pointed him acting premier "until
such time as Soong's successor is
Chiang already is president of
the Republic.
He is expected to announce
shortly the appointment of Gen.
Chang Chun as vice premier.
Chang returned recently from the
United States, where he obtained
medical treatment, visited Presi-
dent Truman and indulged his
fondness for ice cream.
Report Both Declined
Informed sources said that both
Chang and Sun Fo, president of
the legislative Yuan, had declined
the premiership.
Com munists

Student . Vterans Ask
GI Subsist nce Increase
Haydon, Schach Will Testify In Washington
Before House V eran Affairs Committee
Two University student v terans, Bill Haydon and Jane Schacht
will leave Thursday for Wash 'ngton to urge the House Committee on
Veterans Affairs to increase subsistence payments for veterans in
school under the GI Bill.
They will be members of he delegation of ten veterans chosen
yesterday by the. Continuatiins Committee of the Michigan Stu-
dent Veterans Conference t -testify for passage of the Rogers Bill.
Tabulations of the cost->f-living questionnaires which member
groups of the Michigan Stud nt Veterans Conference have circulated
on their respective campuses ,vill be presented to indicate the need for
increased subsistence. f
Results of the survey m de at Flint Junior College which has al-
ready been tabulated indica e that 91.6 per cent of the student veter-
ans there are not able to liv on the present subsistence allotment.
The Rogers Bill, H.R. ,870, __
which the delegates will support,
would increase the present sub- Fate of Local
sistence payments to $1 a
month for single veteras and ] rJIG o
$125 for married veterans, d- . aY~L t 1Ai~L
ing $10 for each dependent T
Action by the veterans cc nfer- To Be Decided
ence which met at the University
yesterday is timed to coiencide Committee Considers
with action by similar org niza- Reinstating Society
tions in other states. Ve -erans
groups in Ohio, Pennsylvan4i New Revival of a Marxian study so-
Jersey, and New York a also ciety here, similar to the group
sending representatives th week permanently banned at Wayne'
to testify before the corgimittee University, will be voted on by the
and bring pressure to bear tn their Student Affairs Committee at their
own Congressmen. next meeting.
The Michigan Student Veterans Petition Presented
Conference is composed o! repre- A petition to reactivate the Karl
sentatives from 35 stude4 organ- Marx Society, active on campus
izations throughout the s ate. Miss from 1940 to 1944, was tabled by
Schacht, treasurer of th Univer- the Student Affairs Committee at
sity of Michigan Women Veterans a meeting Monday pending a more
Organization, James Dalton of complete statement of aims.
AMVETS Post 83 at the Vniversity Tmpetstitesentedbyims. n
of Detroit, and Frank ,)'Donnell The petition, presented by Leon-
of the Western Michigai'i College ard Cohen, '48, spokesman for 24
Veterans Organization are being other students, said that the so-
sent by the conference. Seven ciety would "fill a real gap in the
other members who ai'ebeing sent intellectual life of students on
by their respective or a.izations campus." It listed Prof. John F.
were authorized as offic al spokes- Shepard of the psychology depart-
men for the conference. ment at factulty-sponsor.
This group includep Haydon, Society Suspended at Wayne
president of the U sversity of Meanwhile, Wayne University
Michigan Veterans Organization, president, Dr. David D. Henry,
George Hanna, Commander of ordered permanent suspension of
American Legion Post 402 at Mich- the Marxian Study Society Friday
igan State College, eandy Elden in the first disciplinary action at
and John Rudderi of the Wayne Wayne since Gov. Kim Sigler's de-
University Veterans Organization, mand for an investigation of Com-
John Fields, Wayne AVC, Mtaurice munistic adtivities i' -Michigani
Sumney, Western Michigan Col- colleges.
lege Veterans Organdzation, and Cohen declared last night that
Barth Ford, president of the State the Wayne University action "will
of Michigan Student °eterans As- make no difference whatsoever as
sociation which has $hapters on far as my efforts to reactivate the
15 campuses. Karl Marx Society are concerned.

U. S. Agrees
To Principle
Of Greek Aid
British Request Help
Of American Dollars
By The Associated Press
United States has agreed in prin-
ciple, diplomatic sources said to-
day, to help impoverished Britain
shoulder the load in Greece - a
move which may bring an historic
change in American foreign policy.
The decision was reported made
by the administration after a can-
vass of key congressional figures
notwithstanding opposition voiced
by some congressmen of both
British Note
The American reply to a British
note requesting the action, diplo-
matic informants said, was handed
to Lord Inverchapel, the British
ambassador, at a 25-minute con-
ference at the State Department
this morning with Undersecretary
of -State Dean Acheson, held at
the latter's summons.
The informants described the
U.S. reply as "favorable in prin-
ciple." It is understood to be con-
ditioned upon Britain's retaining
her 10,000 troops in Greece to help
uphold the government, with the
United States - subject to con-
gressional approval - helping to
bear most of the cost.
The undertaking may entail ad-
vancing some $250,000,000 this
year, by authoritative estimate,
with further but smaller outlays
Next Step Up to Truman
A next step apparently would
be for 'President Truman to make
public the program. He would
have an opportunity to do this
next Thursday, when he issched-
uled to deliver an address at Waco,
Tex.~, en route home' from Meico.
Officials have described it as a
"major speech" on both domestic
and foreign affairs. It already
has been drafted.
For the United States to step
directly into the internal affairs
of Greece would constitute a de-
pa rteure from long-standing
American poicy, and apparently
would be designed to bulwark
Britain in a stand against the
spread of R u ssi a n influence
throughout Southern Europe.
The United States has interested
itself in the past in the affairs of
European countries, but this has
been confined largely to relief and
to insistence that some liberated
and ex-enemy countries hold free
The proposal brought outcries
today from Senator Edwin C.
Johnston (D., Co.) and Rep. En-
gel (Rep., Mich.), chairman of the
Appropriations Sub-committee
which, handles military expendi-
Sigler Renews
A ttach on WA YD
LANSING, March 1--(P)-Gov-
ernor Sigler called communism a
"serious menace" in a radio
speech tonight and promised anew
to carry on a fight against it.
The governor, speaking on his
"Your Governor" program, re-
sumed his attack on the American
Youth for Democracy.
He said a "great many" of the
AYD's members would have "noth-
ing to do with it if the organiza-
tion admitted that it is, in reality,

the Young Communist League."
Sigler said about 70 nationwide
organizations were dominated or
influenced by communists.
"Let us bring the communist
out in the open," he said. "He will
not like it because he cannot carry
on his deceit and trickery in the
light of day."

19 Are Ki11
By Terroris
In Jerusale
British Officer
Club Is Smashk
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, Sunday, Ma'
-Nineteen persons were kille
at least 23 wounded yesterday
bloody eruption of violence i
Holy Land, and declaratio
inartial law appeared only b
away today as the full mig:
the British military fannec
through northern Palestine
search for terrorist gunners
bomb throwers.
The British Brigadier comn
ing the Lydda District told 1\
Israel Rokuch of Tel Aviv thE
army would occupy Tel Aviv, J
Tiqvah and Ramat Gan at 4
(10 p.m. EST, Saturday).
move was interpreted, as
strict curfews decreed in
communities, as the first i
mentation of martial law.
British soldiers, declaring
were on a "martial law foo
searched Palestine in full ml
might for the heavily-arme
rorists who led off theial
with the bombing of a Britil
ficers' club in Jerusalem in
16 persons were killed ap
Curfew Imposed
The Government tonight
posed a curfew in the Jewisi
tions of Jerusalem and rest
all residents of Tel Aviv,
Tiqvah and Ramat Gan to
In the bloodiest day of ter
the Holy Land in almost
months, the terrorists blaste
Jerusalem club, staged an ar'
and machine gun raid on a 3
Army camp in Belt Lid, nea
thanya, in which one soldie
killed and two wuIgIed,
mined a jeep on the eael
near Haifa in which two pi
were killed and two wounds
Army Camp Raided
The raiders also mined a
near Tullarn, 20 miles et
Nathanya, wounding one I
soldier; raided an Army cai
Kfar Iona, near Nathanya,
casualties were not rep
bombed a naval car parkin
near the Haifa waterfront, w
ing several vehicles, and exV
a mortar shell at Hadera, C
coast between Haifa and
Police reported late tonigh
a water pumping station a
,t Em wa u"now under fire.'
Officials Confer
Gen. G. H. A. MacMillan,
ish Army Commander in
tine, went by armored car t
to the home of Sir Alan Cu
ham, the High Commissione
While the meeting was ii
sion, -the public information
announced that 'an importa
ernment announcement" WE

RUSHING PARTIES-The traditional "rush" of prospective pledges ended for fraternities Thursday'
and ends for sororities today. Two coed rushees (at left, upper) and one male rushee (second from'
left, lower) are pictured in the process of getting a pquainted with the actives. Complete .pledge lists
for both fraternities and sororities will be published in The Daily Tuesday.



The War Department reported to-
day that two American Army Of-
ficers had been seized by Chinese
communists in an area of Man-
churia where heavy fighting is
going on between communist and
nationalist troops.
TThe preliminary notification to
the War Department, which said
a full report would follow, reported
the men were captured in the
vicinity of the village of Chialun-
chieh, a few miles northeast of
Changchun. Communist forces
were reported yesterday to be op-
erating in that area, where a
battle was underway.j
Bus. Ad. School
Plans Election
Seniors Will Chioosll
Officers Tis Week
A president and vice-president
of the business administration
senior class will be elected tomor-
row climaxing a week of nomina-
Ballots will be available for
qualified voters in Rm. 108 Tap-
pan Hall, and each student will
vote for only one candidate.
Candidates from the MBA stu-
dents are Arthur E. Leckner, Jr.
and Arthur W. Mack. Represent-
ing BBA group are James P.
Churchill, Howard R. Cottrell,
John Shockley and Sally Trom-
To insure equal representation,
the two officers cannot be work-
ing towards the same degree. The
candidate receiving the largest
number of votes shall be presi-
dent, regardless of whether his
degree objective be BBA or MBA,
and the representative of the oth-
er degree group receiving the
high-est number of votes shall be
The elected officers will repre-
sent the business administration
school on the committee compost d
of the senior officers of all
schools, will be responsible for the
senior class activities and will or-

Last Jazz Concert Tickets
To Go on Sale Tomorrow

Lend-Lame Is
On Agenda for
Moscow dalhs
WASHINGTON, rV4rch 1-(/P)-
Secretary of State llarshall takes
off for Moscow Wednesday pre-
pared, if circumstances permit, for
face to face taiks with Russion
leaders on a lend-lease settlement
and other touchy issues aside
from those involved in the Ger-
man and Austrian peace treaties.:
The United States delegation of
84 includes more than a score of
top advisers fully informed on
such points of controversy as:
1. Settlement of Russia's $11,-
298,000,000 lend-lease account.
2. The 95 ships turned over to
the Russians in wartime which
the United States wants the So-
viets to return or pay for.
3. Execution of the Potsdam
agreement to destroy damaged
German warships, including the
uncompleted aircraft carrier Graf
Zeppelin which the Russians seiz-
ed at Stettin. Moscow has ac-
knowledged delay in carrying out
the agreement to destroy the ves-
4. Distribution of Italy's. seized

I am sure that other people inter-
ested in the society feel the same
"The suspension at Wayne
makes it more important than
ever to understand the widely dis-
cussedxphilosophy and teaching
of Marx," he said.
A student committee at Wayne
had suspended the Marxian Study
society for the remainder of the
semester, stating that a Thursday
meeting was "in the opinion of
many present, a thinly-veiled po-
litical activity discourse."
Partisan Politics Prohibited
This was a direct violation, the
committee said, of a specific pro-
hibition of partisan political activ-
ity among campus student organi-
zations, by the Student Activities
In ordering permanent suspen-
sion of the society, Dr. Henry said:
"We are not interested in being
made use of for political action by
anybody, and will take steps im-
mediately to see that it is not done
at any time."
Michigan Veterans
DETROIT, March 1-VP)-The
Veterans Administration said to-
day that one out of every three of
Michigan's World War II veterans.
has applied for education or job-
training under the G.I. Bill of

The best of jazz at its west will
be heard on campus when Nor-
man Granz' "Jazz at the Philhar-
monic" is presented at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets will be sold, as long as
they last, on the Diagonal in
front of the library, in the League
and Union, University Hall and
local record shops. The Student
Legislature Varsity Committee,
sponsors of the non-profit concert,
pointed out that the ticket price,
$1.20 is the lowest for which
Granz has ever appeared.
The group of nine outstanding
jazz artists presents a program
taking in the whole history of
jazz, from its street-corner begin-
nings in Dixie to its present day
form. Much of the concert is
pure jazz with nine individual
stars playing together in straight
On their fourth national tour,
the group to play here includes
Coleman Hawkins, playing tenor
sax; Buddy Rich, drums; Joe
"Flip" Phillips, tenor sax; Willie
Smith, alto Sax; Helen Humes,
Byrumm N1amed
As Candidate
Nominated for Regent
Race by Democrats
Prof. John L. Brumm, of the
journalism department, who will
retire at the end of the semester,
was nominated as a candidate for
Regent of the University .at the
Democratic Party spring conven-
tion at Grand Rapids yesterday,
the Associated Press reported.
George D. Schermerhorn, Read-
ing, was also nominated as candi-
date for Regent at the convention.
Defeating David M. Martin, rep-
resentative of the so-called old-
line organization, John R. Franco,
Oakland County chairman, was
olnfr obnimnnof ip cf3!+.

vocals; Trummy Young, trom-
bone; Kenneth Kersey, piano;
Benny Fonville, bass; and Buck
Clayton, trumpet.
In previous tours, which have
included benefit performances for
hospitals, the group has packed
o u t s t a n d i n g concert halls
throughout the country and turn-
ed away thousands of ardent fans.
To mention only a few, they
have appeared at Carnegie Hall
in New York, Philharmonic Audi-
torium in Los Angeles, Civic
Opera House in Chicago, Taft
Theater in Cincinnati, Academy
of Music in Philadelphia and
Symphony Hall in Boston. -
Thomas Backs
Allis Dispute'
WASHINGTON, March 1-(.'-
R. J. Thomas, vice president of
the CIO United Auto Workers,
told the House Labor Committee
today he has been in charge of
the Allis-Chalmers strike since
November and "Believe me, the
issue is not communism."
Earlier, Robert Buse, president
of UAW local 248 which has been
on strike against Allis Chalmers
at Milwaukee for ten months, tes-
tified that he signed a communist
nominating petition last year but
denied that he is a communist
or that the local is "communisti-

V ets Must Get.
Forms From
Own College
Other Requirements
Listed by Waldrop
Student veterans must pick up
their absence report forms from
the station designated by the
school or college in which they are
enrolled, Robert S. Waldrop, di-
rector of the Veterans Service Bu-
reau stated yesterday.
The reason for this requirement
is that each school and college
has only enough forms for veter-
ans enrolled in that particular
part of the University, Waldrop
said. However,acompleted forms
may he filed at any convenient
Many veterans re sfiling incor-
rect or incomplete reports - which
are not acceptable, Waldrop said.
Cards filed by veterans who
have C-numbers but don't record
it on the form are thrown out, ac-
cording to Waldrop, since the
cards are sorted, tabulated, and
recorded according to C-number.
However, a separate list is kept of
the names of veterans who do not
have C-numbers.


A clandestine radio broad
said Irgun would "welcome t'
which is bound to come bef
can gain our freedom."
PC A To Hol
First MeetM

Ann Arbor P
Will Talk on

Reports must be made on the of-
ficial absence report form, Wal-.
drop emphasized. Also, the report
requires that the hours, not days,
a veteran has missed class k e re-
corded. Further, reports are to be
made only for the current week,
not future weeks as some veterans
have done, Waldrop stated.

Engineers Initiated Grading ,of Faculty

Student grading of the literary
college faculty, recently approved
and now being worked out by a
special committee, has a success-
ful precedent in the engineering:
The Committee on Coordination
in Teaching initiated a faculty
grading system for the engineering
college in May 1940. At that time

ture when conditions become more
"No purpose would be served by
a faculty evaluation at this time,"
he said, "because a considerable
number of our instructors are new.
The results of grading now would
not be useful or representative in
the future."
Possibility Discussed
Representatives of the Engineer-
a Ol,nr _rI nf 4- n, a rn ,n r

er is important in obtaining the
full value from the text.
The committee found no corre-
lation between the quality ' of
teaching and the time spent by the
student studying, or between the
difficulty of the course and the
quality of teaching. Interest in a
course was found, however, to be
directly proportional to the quali-
ty of teaching.
In the system of grading used

Aunt' Ruth Buchanan Seeks
Campus Aid in Serving Vets

A talk on FEPC by Rev. Ec
H. Redman of the Unit
Church will highlight the
meeting of the local chapter
Progressive Citizens of An
which will be held at 8 p.m.
in the Union.
The organization was forme
the end of December by a t
of the Independent Citizens
mittee of the Arts, Sciences
Professions and the Nationa
litical Action Committee, in
to form a stronger and moi
fective group which would ins
all progressives.
Officers .of the Local PCA
Prof. Theodore Newcomb o
sociology department, Prof. F
L. Huntly of the English de
ment, Dr. Paul K. Stumpf, ins
tor in epidemiology, and Dr.
man, vice-chairmen; Alice
secretary; and Carol Siedel, 1
urer, William Brownson, e
and Ralph McFee, publishi
the Washtenaw Post Tribun
members of the executive boa

Aunt" Ruth Buchanan, campusKlMuseum. Mrs.



wartime friend to scores of serv-
icemen, issued a plea yesterday to
University students and faculty to
assist in her latest ventv're of
hrncrncr r ppr ana enmfort to

them and sends out a week's copies
at a time. She cautioned that
clipped editions should not be in-
Tazinei rn where her wartime

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