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March 01, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-01

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Early Abolitionist Paper,
Is Featured in Display

Degrees Given
28 Graduates
Of Law School,

Cam, Hignughts

Campus on the Air . . . Swimming Club

The Michigan Historical Col-
lections in the Rackham Build-
ing has, with recently-made mi-
crofilm facsimiles, the only com-
plete file in the country of the
"Signal of Liberty," an early anti-
Satire, Bhooks
Are Included
In Exhibition
A student-written satire on stu-
dent writing in 1848 is one of the
items included in an exhibit on
the history of printing in Michigan
before 1850, now on display in the
Rackham Building.
The satire is a pamphlet pub-
lished by the Junior class of 1848
as a take-off on a scholarly publi-
cation put out annually by the
Junior class at that time to dis-
play student talents.
Also included in the exhibit is
one of six known copies of a
French book, "The Penitent Soul,"
published in 1809. The book was
printed on the press of Father
Gabriel Richard, one of the Uni-
versity's founders. It was the third
book published in the state.
The first issue of the Democratic
Free Press, forerunner of the pres-
ent Detroit Free Press, dated May
5, 1831, may be seen.
Another item in the Michigan
Historical Collections exhibit is a
report on Ann Arbor's exclusive
schools, written by a Miss Clark
and printed in 1850. An auction
poster printed in 1837 which ad-
vertises 1,000 village lots for sale
is also included.
Architects Will
Attend Meetinge
Architecture school faculty per-
sonnel will be in Grand Rapids
Friday to attend the annual meet-
ing of the Michigan Society of
Work done by University stu-
denw will ue asplayed in an ex-
hibition of practicing architects'
plans at Grand Rapids' Conven-
tion Hall. Prof. Jean Hebrard is
a member of the exhibition com-
A session on housing will be di-
rected by Prof. Ralph W. Ham-
mett, with Prof. John W. Hyde
.acting as moderator and Prof.
George B. Brigham participating
on the panel.
Also attending the two-day con-
ference will be Prof. Walter V.

By Board

of Regents

. . .

slavery newspaper printed in Ann
The file includes original copi s
of all but the last editions, whic j
were done on microfilm from cop -
ies borrowed from Johns Hopkiln
First Published in 1841.
Volume one, number one of the-
"Signal" appeared April 28, 1841.k1
It was published by the then sixa
year-old Michigan State Anti-\
Slavery Society, an organization
which drew membership from a
dozen towns in southeastern Mich-
Carrying the slogan "The in-
violability of human rights is the
only security to public liberty,"
- plus an apology for "any want
of varied or recent news due to the
hurry and bustle attendant on
commencing operations" - the
paper served a twofold function
while the national abolitionist
movement was getting under way:
it concentrated anti-slave voting
and expressed the intense, diverse
feelings of the country's growing
anti-slave numbers.
Sarsaparilla and Court' Plaster
The first edition's four tabloid-
sized pages (the paper' later grew
to seven columns) are all printed
in the manner of the classified
section of a large paper of today-
with no variations in type and no
headlines. Important news stories,
including speeches on slavery by
Henry Clay and Daniel Webster,
are intimately close to sarsaparilla,
pill and court plaster ads. Under
"general intelligence" is an ad-
dress by President Tyler, who,
with the death of Harrison, had
just become the first vice-presi-
dent to become president under
the constitutional provision.
An "extraordinary temperance
meeting," where an "intoxicated
young man," pledging abstinence,
is followed by "more than a hun-
dred people, a large number of
whom were- intemperate persons,"
is described on page three. The
."unaffected tears that were flow-
ing" added to the occasion.
Elsewhere in this first paper
are a number of inspired, emo-
tion-ridden letters from subscrib-
Wants Constitution
Co iesDis tributed
LANSING, Feb. 2-(T)--A bill
which would require distribution
of copies of the U. S. Constitution
to all eighth grade pupils was in-*
troduced in the Senate by Sena-
tor Clarence F. Reid, Detroit Re-
publican. Distribution of the hand-
books would cost the State $15,000

MUSICAL MADNESS-Spike Jones and his "City Slickers," who
will star in a "Musical Depreciation Review" March 21 at Hill
Auditorium, play a wash board, cow bells, flit guns, automobile
horns and a set of tuned door bells in addition to orthodox equip-
spike Jones Will Appear for
Panhel's Camp Be nef it Show

Degrees were conferred on 28
graduates of the Law School at
the February meeting of the
Board of Regents yesterday.
The list includes 17 graduates
who received Bachelor of Laws
degree, eight who received the
Juris Doctor degree and three who
earned the Master of Laws degree.
Those receiving the Master of
Laws degree are: William Nelson
Greene, Thomas Pierce Patterson
and Arthur Cummings Jones.
Juris Doctor degrees w e r e
granted to Dewitte C. Chatter-
ton, Howard Alan Jacobs, John
Wilks Riehm, Richard Carl Scat-
terday, Ted Michael Kubiniec,
Donald A. Jones, Forrest Arthur
Hainline, Jr. and Lee Bernard
Those who received the Bache-
lor of Laws degree are: John
Frances Sullivan, Finn George Ol-
sen, Robert Alexander Palmer,
John Nicolas Canavan, Willard I.
Bowerman, Peter Lawrence La-
Duke, Thomas Clark Tilley, Ray-
mond Desson Munde, Harry Cal-
cutt, Samuel Bernard Bass, John
Julian Yelvington, J. Earle Roose,
Edward Ross Williams, Robert
Gray Bayley, Richard Worthing-
ton Smith, Hidehiko Uyenoyama,
and Leslie Wa Sung Lum.
Officers Elected
Newly elected officers of Flet-
cher Hall for the spring semester
are: Milt Higgs, vice-president;
Walt Livingston, secretary; and
Al Miller, social chairman.

"Michigan Maize" will be pre-
sented by the League and Union
at 1:45 p.m. today over station
Under the direction of William
Streggeth, the program will pre-
sent news of this week's current
events on campus. Past traditions
and customs will also be explain-
Leonard Rosenson is to repre-
sent the spirit of Michigan. He
will tell the stories behind many
campus customs and give the news
for the following week.
Skating Party . . .
A Midwinter Ice Skating Fro-
lic will be held by the School of
Public Health students and staff
at the Coliseum Monday, Com-
petitive races featuring teams
representing the various pro-
fessions in the schools, games
on ice, skating, and refresh-
ments are included in the pro-
Research Talk . .
Ruth Stine, research assistant
in the biological chemistry de-
partment, will speak on "Laphy-
rism in Humans and Animals" at
a meeting of the Women's Re-
search Club at 8 p.m. Monday in
the West Lecture Room of the
Rackham Building.
For the last two years Miss Stine
has been engaged in research with
Dr. Howard B. Lewis of the bio-
logical chemistry department on
the toxic effects of different spe-
cies of Lathyrus peas.

The WAA Swimming Club will
hold its organizational meeting
at 10 a.m. today at the Union
All women interested in speed
swimming are urged to come
out, according to Louise Mark-
has, club manager. Plans for
the year include participation
in the national telegraphic
swimming meet.
St. Mary's Chapel . . .
The first in a series of talks
on subjects relating to the Cath-
olic faith will be given by Rev.
Fr. Raymond Clancy, the Cardi-
nal's representative of the Arch-
diocese of Detroit for the Cath-
olic Trade Unionists, at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the clubrooms of St.
Mary's Chapel.
Father Clancy's topic will be
"The Catholic Church and La-
bor." 'The talk, which will be fol-
lowed by a social hour, is open to
Catholic students and anyone else
* * *

Sosptal Dal
Honoring V
Will Be Hel
National Hospital Day v
observed May 12 with the
"Visit a Vet in a Hospital o
tional Hospital Day-and Re
ber Him Every Day", Jo)
Hayes, president of the Na
Hospital Association, which
sors the observance, anno
The theme has the endors
and support of Dr. Paul R.
ley, chief director of Veteran
ministration, and will be st
by both veteran and civilian
pitals throughout the couni
Veterans are receiving ca
service-connected disabiliti
more than 450 civilian ho
under the Veterans Admii
Lion program, Hayes pointe
In addition, many veteran
receiving care for non-si
connected disabilities on a p
basis and through many hi
insurance plans.
National Hospital Day, ti
niversary of the birth of Fl
Nightingale, will be celebra
special community programs
houses, hospital tours, ex
and other events througho
United States, Canada and
parts of the world. It was
lished in 1921 and has been
sored nationally by the A
can Hospital Association

(Continued from Page 1)

Mpnday through Friday, and from
9.m. to noon Saturday.-
Fresh Air Camp Benefit
'All proceeds from the review will
be4 donated by Panhellenic Asso-
cittion to the University Fresh Air
C jm. The camp oztzrs unaer-
pr rileged boys an opportunity to
enjoy a few days' vacation in the
country with good food, fresh air
and sunshine, under the leader-
ship of volunteer University stu-
E'he University provides the
cajnp director's salary, office and
educational expenditures. Costs of
food, campus' supplies, equipment,

maintenance and improvements
must come from private contribu-
tions. It is hoped that enough do-
nations will be received to make it
possible to build up the camp so
that it may also be used by Uni-
versity students for weekend and
winter sports parties.
Louise Patrick, Alpha Phi, is
general chairman for the "Musi-
cal Depreciation Review," and
committee heads are Pat Pontius,
Kappa Alpha Theta, tickets; Betty
Pritchard, Pi Beta Phi, publicity;
and Mona Lee Clark, Alpha Omi-
cron Pi, ushers. All committee
members are members of the Pan-
hellenic Board.

Chemistry Forum .


Phi Lambda Upsilon, national.
chemical honorary society, will
sponsor an occupational forum at
8 p.m. Wednesday in the Rack-
ham amphitheatre.

Play Production in conjunction with the School of Music
and the University Orchestra in
Mozart's Noted Comie Opera (In English)
MARCH 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 -8:30 P.M.
Tickets 1.20 - 90c - 60c (tax inc.)
Box Office Opens March 7 --Mail Orders Now



(Continued from Page 4)


- 511

will be open from 10-12 a.m., 2-5
p.m. ,nd 7 to 10 p.m.
Will w Run Village Art Show
Uiv rsity Community Center
1045 Midway
Willo ' Run Village
Crafts and paintings by Village
residents on exhibit at the Univer-
sity tenter, Assembly Room
through March 30. The public is
cordia y invited.
Conservation of Michigan Wild-
flowers, an exhibit of 46 colored
plates with emphasis on those pro-
tected Iby law. Rotunda Museum
Building. 8-5 Monday through Sat-
urday. 2-5 Sunday. Current
througl March.
Michigan Takes Shape-a dis-
play ofimaps, Michigan Historical
Collectin, 160 Rackham. Hours:
8-12, lj:30-4:30 Monday through
Friday. 8-12 Saturday.
Events Today
Univeriity Radio Programs:
2:30'p.m. ,Station WJR, 760 Kc.
"Stump the Professor."
10:45 p.m., Station WJR, 760
Kc. The Medical Series-"Com-
mon Diseases of Virus Origin," Dr.
Carl E. Duffy.
Pi Lambda Theta Guest Tea:
3-5 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg.
The Congregational-Disciples
Guild Fireside Discussion: GuifI

House, 438 Maynard Street, 7:30-
9 p.m. Miss Dorcas Crawford,
former Captain in the Marine
Corps, National Vice President of
Sigma Eta Chi and authority on
Barsodie's theory of Decentrali-
zation will be the discussion lead-
Coming Events
Science Research Club: March
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tues., March 4.
Program: "The Giant Kidney
Worm of Man and Other Ani-
mals," A. E. Woodhead, Depart-.
ment of Zoology. "New Guinea to'
Nagasaki" (motion picture), A. J.
French, Department of Pathology.
The Women's Research Club, 8
p.m., Mon., March 3, West Lecture
Room, Rackham Building. "La-
thyrism in Humans and Animals-
a Disease Produced by Flowering
Sweet Peas and Others," by Ruth
Women's Veterans Association:
Mon., March 3, Grand Rapids
Room, League. Members and all
women veterans are invited to at-
Phi Sigma: Dr. Charles W. Cot-
terman, of the Heredity Clinic, will
speak on "Some Problems in Hu-
man Heredity," Mon., March 3,
Rackham Amphitheatre; business
meeting at 7:30 p.m., public in-
vited at 8:15 p.m.
Conversation Group of the So-
ciedad Hispanica: 3:30-5 p.m.,

Mon., March;

The U. of M. Hot Record Socie-
ty: Jam Session, 8 p.m., Sun.,
March 2, Hussey Room, League.
Musicians from Michigan State
College will be present as well as
local talent.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
record concert: 8p.m., Sun.,Lounge,
Program: George Gershwin"Rhap-
sody in Blue," Ernest Bloch's
"Schelomo," and Max Bruch's
"Kol Nidrei." Public is invited.
Dancing . Classes registration,
League Ballroom, 7 p.m., Tues.,
March 4, for Beginners, and at 7
p.m., Wed., March 5 for Interme-
diates. A fee will be charged for

3, International Cen-

the eight lessons. Students are ad-
vised to be prompt as the classes
are limited in size, and admission
will be by order of application
only. Coeds desiring to serve as
assistant teachers may call 2-3639,
or sign up at the time of registra-
Russian Circle, Russky Kruz-
hok: 8 p.m., Mon., International
Center. Three short films will be
shown. Refreshments. Members
and friends are invited.
Dr. Harry F. Ward, of the Union
Theological Seminary will speak
on the subject, "Some Common
Mistakes About Russia," at 4:15
p.m., Wed., Rackham Amphithea-
tre; auspices of the Russian Circle.
The public is cordially invited.



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