Latest Deadline in the State
:43 a t tis
Bill Outlawing Portal Pay Suit
Two Army Planes Set Reeorc
The numbers racket was discov-
ered Monday by sheriff's deputies
,lho trailed an Ypsilanti man,
Walter West, for eight hours
:through the village while, he was
allegedly picking up policy slips.
After shadowing the man, deputies
followed his automobile which
headed toward the Wayne County
line, but halted him before, he left
Washtenaw County. It is reported
that policy slips were found in the
Detroiters Arrested
Two Detroit men, James Clark,
31, and L. C. Cato, 37, were also
picked up later this week by sher-
iff's deputies and state police. Of-
ficers said the two men had been
under surveillance and were al-
legedly observed selling policy
When brought before Washte-
naw County's one-man grand jury,
Judge James R. Breakey, all three
men were held for contempt of
court. Judge Breakey said the
contempt sentence was imposed on
West when he refused to answer
Face Contempt Charges
Cato and Clark were found
guilty of contempt Thursday when
they stood before the court. Both
men were given a 60 day sentence
in the county jail.
West, who was also given a 60-
day sentence for contempt, re-
ceived a similar sentence last May
10 after being jailed a month for
investigation of perjury in a grand
jury testimony.
Regents Revise
Of Dormitories
$45,794 in Gifts
Accepted at Meeting
According 'to changes in the
set-up for governing residence
halls made at the February ,meet-
ing of the Board of Regents yes-
terday, Erich A. Walter, director
of the Office of Student Affairs,
and Alice C. Lloyd, dean of wom-
en, will be administrative officers
for the Board of Governors in
men's and women's dormitories.
The changes were made in rec-
ognition of the establishment of
the Office of Student Affairs. The
Board will consist of the director
of the Office of Student Affairs
as chairman ex-officio, the Dean
of Women, the vice-president in
charge of business. and finance
and five members of the Uni-
versity Senate.
Gifts Accepted
Gifts amounting to $45,794
=were accepted at the meeting.
The largest was $19,000 from the
United States Public Health Ser-
vice for serology and tissue im-
munity studies in normal and
cancerous mice. The study will
be conducted under the direction
of Rueben L. Kahn.
Two gifts of $5,000 each were
received from Parke Davis and
Co., Detroit, to continue a re-
search project on immunization
against tuberculosis and from the
estate of the late Mary Rhoda
Swales, Washington, D.C. The
latter gift is for research by the
birds division of the Museum of
Appointments Approved
The Regents approved appoint-
ments of Gardner Patterson as
assistant professor of economics,
Dr. Donald D. Brand as professor
of geography, Dr. Lawrence B.
Kiddle as assistant professor of
Spanish, Dr. George M. Sutton
as half-time curator of birds in
the Museum of Zoology and as
associate professor of zoology
and Dr. Richard K. Beardsley as
instructor in anthropology.
Leaves of absence were ap-
proved for Prof. Leslie A. White,
Prof. Russell A. Dodge, Prof.
Shirley' W. Allen, Prof. Herbert
F. Ta~mrt Associate Professor
Site Refused
Church Group
Asserting that a Federal Public
Housing Authority official has
blocked plans for the purchase of
an African Methodist Episcopal
church site at Willow Run, the
Rev. David A. Blake, pastor of the
Willow Run congregation, said
yesterday that he plans to carry
the case to court.
Mr. Blake said that in negotia-
tions with John R. Lynch, assist-
ant regional director of the FPHA,
he had failed "even to determine
the purchase price for such a site"
because "Lynch is a real estate
man and in my opinion is trying to
keep the land for local people who
do not want a colored church in
the townsite."
Lynch wrote Mr. Blake this
week that the plot he was interest-
ed in buying has not been listed as
surplus by the FPHA and is not
for sale.
"It would not be in the best in-
terest of the Government," the let-
ter said, "to sell any such parcel
at this time irrespective of the use
contemplated by a prospective pur-
chaser. Nor would it be advan-
tageous from the viewpoint of the
potential purchaser due-to the un-
certainty as to the ultimate Ais-
position of the surrounding area."
Mr. Blake quoted a letter he re-
ceived from Charles A. Lawrence,
regional director of the FPHA,
last spring as saying, "arrange-
ments have been made whereby
religious groups may purchase or
lease land on the project from the
FPHA for the erection of separate
church facilities."
Both Lawrence and Lynch sug-
gested that the congregation might
be able to use community center
facilities, but Mr. Blake said that
he had been unable to arrange a
convenient worship schedule with
the center authorities.
The congregation is meeting in
private homes at the present time.
Bittmans Are
'Sill Lookg'
Thirty dollars is still waiting to
be added to someone's bankroll,
and a "home sweet home" is still
the objective of the Lyman W.
Bittmans who offered the reward
for a tip leading to the rental of
an apartment or small home.
Several replies to the postcard
plea sent by the Bittmans to 2,500
seniors and graduate students not
living in dormitories, have been
received but so far the tips have
fallen through. However, they
were unable to contact a few of the
landlords, Mrs. Bittmans said, "so
there's still hope."
The Bittmans' phone is 8708.
BOARDS VISIT THE DAILY - Members of the Board of Regents
and the Board in Control of Student Publications, guests of The
Daily staff at an open house yesterday, are shown "on desk"'
(upper). Seated around the night desk are (left to right) Paul
Sislin, 48L, Prof. Palmer A. Throop, Prof. Carl E. Burklund, Re-
gent Charles S. Kennedy, Regent Harry G. Kipke, Regent Vera
B. Baits, Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel and Prof. Gale E. Densmore.
Standing, John W. Shockley, 47BAd. Taking the feminine angle
(lower) are Regent Baits (right) and Daily Women's Editor Joan
Wilk, 47.
Spike Jones Will Appear for
Panhel's Camp Benefit Show
As part of its program to raise
funds for the University Fresh Air
Camp, Panhellenic Association will
sponsor a "Musical Depreciation
Review" starring Spikte Jones and
his "City Slickers" at 7 and 9:30
p.m. Friday, March 21, at Hill Au-
Spike Jones recently presented
his shows at Illinois and Purdue,
where they were enthusiastically
received by the students. Included
in the program of "160 minutes of
musical madness" will be such fa-
vorites as "Chloe," "Hawaiian War
Chant," "Liebestraum," "Old Black
Magic," and "Cocktails for Two."
Orthodox Instruments Too
The "City Slickers" will play, in
addition to their orthodox instru-
ments, a break-down automobile,
a washboard, cowbells, bottles, flit
guns, nine automobile horns, and
a complete set of tuned door bells.
Helen Greco is song stylist, and
the band features comedy juggling
T ruman Still -for~
Cla pp in TVA Job
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28-(P)-
President Truman, commenting on
a Senate committee's rejection to-
day of his nomination of Gordon
R. Clapp to be director of the Ten-
nessee Valley Authority, said he is
still behind Clapp just as he is
behind the Lilienthal nomination.
by Bill King, acrobatics by Bettyjo
Huston, and a tap routine by the
All seats for the show will be re-
served, and tickets will go on sale
Monday at the Union, League, and
in University Hall. Hours of the
sales will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
See JONES, Page 5
Porter Dies in
Train Wreck
GALLITZIN, Pa., Feb. 28-R)P--
A runaway sleeper on the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad's New York-to-
Texas "Sunshine Special" raced
crazily down mountainside tracks
in the pre-dawn darkness today,
killing a Pullman porter as he
tugged futilely at the emergency
brakes and injuring 11 others.
Its sleepy passengers flattened
themselves in the aisles to avoid
flying glass during the agonizing
three-and-one-half mile backward
run, which started after the car
broke loose from the train at the
crest of the Allegheny Mountains
while one of its two engines were
being cut off.
The wreck occurred a mile and
a quarter from Bennington Curve
where the railroad's "Red Arrow"
plunged over an embankment last
week, killing 24 and injuring more
than 150.
P-82 Betty Jo
Flies Non-Stop
To New York
Top Speed Broken in
Cross-Continent Run
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Feb. 28-Two
Army fighter planes streaked to
new speed records in a non-stop
flight from Honolulu, and a trans-
continental flight from Burbank,
Calif., to New York today.
Betty Jo, the Army's sleek twin-
engined P-82, swooped into La-
Guardia Field non-stop from
Honolulu in 14 hours and 33 min-
utes, speeding nearly 5,000 miles
over land and sea.
A few hours after the Betty
Jo completed its flight, Paul
Mantz sped into La Guardia
Field from Burbank, Calif. in
a P-51 fighter plane, setting a
new non-stop transcontinental
speed record of six hours, sev-
en minutes and five seconds for
single-engine, propeller-driven
Mantz, Bendix Race winner last
year, said he had averaged about
475 miles an hour, and added:
"I lost 40 minutes trying to find
New York. After all I'm only a
coutry boy."
Lt. Col. Robert E. Thacker of
El Centro, Calif., pilot of the
Bebtt Jo, minimized the 1,978-
mile flight, longest distance ever
flown by a fighter plane, but
he said it had proved that
fighters could make long dis-
tance escort trips.
"There was nothing heroic
about it," he told newsmen as he
rubbed his tired eyes. "There was
nothing to it. Please don't make
a hero out of me."
The Betty Jo's flight marked
the first spectacular Army Air
Forces feat since last Oct. 6
when the superfortress Pacusan
Dreamboat landed in Cairo,
Egypt, after a non-stop flight
of approximately 9,000 miles
from Honolulu across the top of
the world.
A few days before that, the
Truculent Turtle, a Lockheed
Neptune bomber, had won the
world's non-stop long distance
flight record for the U.S. Navy
by winging 11,236 miles from
Perth, Australia, to Columbus,
The Betty Jo's long-postponed
flight was followed with intense
interest, particularly in the latter
stages as its New York goal was
jeopardized because of a mechan-
ical failure which made it impos-
sible to drop three of her four
auxiliary gas tanks.
GI Income Not
Taxable, Vet
Bureau States
All educational and rehabilita-
tion benefits received under the
GI Bill and PL 16 are considered
non-taxable income, according to
information given by the Vets'
Service Bureau.
As non-taxable income, veter-
ans' subsistence payments will
not have to be reported as part of
the $500 "gross income" report re-
quired of all citizens, the VSB
Other sources of veterans' non-
taxable income include the fol-
Mustering-out payments; sub-
sistence, quarters, traveling and
uniform allowances; State bonus
payments; National Service Life
Insurance payments, Social Se-
curity payments, and terminal
leave payments.
However, interest received on
terminal leave bonds is considered
taxable income.
Pensions and compensations for
service-incurred disabilities, are
also exempt.
A single person with less than
$500 income should file a return
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28-0P)-
The Senate voted today to take
a one per cent nibble out of the
public debt with part of the money
it figures on saving in trimming
President Truman's $37,500,000,000
Senator Knowland (Rep., Calif.)
said the one per cent payment---
$2,600,000,000-sets up a goal of
paying off the whole $260,000,000,-
000 in 100 years.
Knowland had wanted to set
Greek, Turk
May Go to U.S.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28--t/P-
Congressional leaders were report-
ed inclined. today to back up Presi-
dent Truman if he decides the
United States should take over
hard-pressed Britain's economic
commitments in Greece and Tur-
Diplomatic and Congressional
informants said word has come
from London that the British,
their domestic economy s3trained
to the breaking point, cannot
much longer maintain troops in
Greece and give Turkey economic
and military assistance.
President Truman declined four
times at his news conference to-
day to say anything about the re-
ports of possible American shoul-
dering of Britain's commitments in
However, the President and
Secretary of State Marshall
were said to have told a bipartisan
group of congressional leaders at
the White House yesterday that
the alternative to American action
may be eventual communistic con-
trol of Greece.
It was emphasized in congres-
sional quarters that no definite
decision has been reached on this
government's attitude toward
plugging the gap that would open
if the British pulled out of Greece
completely, and withdrew what-
ever technical and economic aid
they are giving to Turkey.
Last Tickets for
'Jazz' To Be Sold
Remaining tickets for Norman
Granz' "Jazz at the Philharmonic,"
which will be presented at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium, will
be sold over the weekend.
According to members of the
Student Legislature Varsity Ca;olalitenubro-
mitee nlya imied umer o
tickets are left. They will be on
sale in the League and Union, Uni-
versity Hall and local record shops.
Granz' unique concert presents
the whole history of jazz, played
by nine of the top jazz artists in
the country.
aside $3,000,000,000 toward debt
reduction. Senator Taft (Rep.,
Ohio) wanted to hold the figure to
$1,000,000,000 so as to leave more
leeway for translating budget cuts
into come tax cuts.
The compromise on $2,600,000,-
000, advanced by Senator Millikin
(Rep., Coo.), prevailed handsome-
ly, 82 to 0.
A little later the Democrats,
with some Republican help, over-
turned the Republican majority
for the first time in the 80th Con-
gress and the Republican leader-
ship quickly got the Senate ad-
journed. Still pending was final
.action on a proposal to cut Mr.
Truman's budget by $4,500,000,000.
The sequence was this:
Senator Wherry (Rep., Neb.) of-
fered an amendment to require
that any revenue from surplus
property sales be applied on the
Taft proposed to add to the
Wherry amendment a clause mak-
ing it clear that this debt pay-
ment would be counted as part of
the $2,600,000,000.
Senator Tydings (Dem., Md.)
led the Democrats in opposition to
Taftsand stalled announcement of
a 38 to 38 tie vote until Senator
Taylor (Dem., Idaho) rushed into
the chamber-still in his over-
coat-to provide the one-vote
Senate Group
Sets OPA End
For June 30
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28-()-
The Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee today voted 11 to 2 to bury
OPA by June 30 but members said
controls over rent, sugar and rice
will continue under other agencies.
"The committee was informed
that a rent control bill is ready
for early Senate consideration,"
Chairman Bridges (Rep. N.H.)
told reporters.
Also, he said, "there is a move
afoot to transfer sugar and rice
controls to the Department of
Bridges read into the record a
letter from Chairman Taber (Rep.,
N. Y.) of the House Appropria-
tions Committee that OPA had
"failed to keep faith with the Gov-
ernment" in reducing its payroll,
Taber said 1,000 OPA field
workers could handle sugar con-
trols and 3,000, rents. Instead, he
said, OPA still has 12,000 workers
in the field.
The House, in a recent vote,
aimed a much harder blow at OPA.
It voted to cut $9,000,000 from its
current yerir's appropriation, a
move which OPA officials said
would put the agency out of busi-
ness immediately.
Senate Votes To Pare
Debt by One Per Cent
Will Use Money Saved with Budget Cut;
Sets 100-Year Debt Retirement Goal
Expect Senat
To Pigeonhol
Labor Meas
Settlement of Pres
Claims Is Predicte(
By The Associated Press
lation virtually outlawing po
to-portal pay suits received o
whelming House approval t
in the first formal test -of se
ment on labor measures since
Republicans seized control of C
By a rollcall vote of 345 t
the House sent the bill to the 9
ate after first crushing atter
to modify clauses giving emp'
ers new defensive weapons In
suits brought under minin
wage and hours laws.
Senate sentiment apparer
is strong for enactment of so
kind of anti-portal pay meas
However, leaders tentativ
planned to pigeonhole the Ho
measure temporarily, and t
up instead-perhaps next w
-a bill which they say is 101
moderate but has the same g
eral aim: termination of po
pa~r suits now amounting
The main features of the H
measure would:
1. Close the courts to suits
portal pay unless the claim
based on worker activities
which the employer by past
tom or agreement usually paU
(This would bar, for insta
suits for time spent changing
work clothes unless it was the
dustry custom to pay for
2. Give employers the ri
to -lam "good faith" as a
fense against suits broughtI
der the minimum wage stat
-the Fair Labor Standards A
and the Bacon-Davis Act. "o
faith" is in effect a claim
compliance with the law as
employer understood it.
(The fair labor standards a
the law establishing a 40-)
week and a minimum 40-cents
hour wage in industries affec
interstate comnerce. The o
two laws establish working st
ards on government contract
3. Allow employers to cite
custom, court ordes and adi
istrative rulings to back up
claim of acting in good fall
4. Set one year as the A
limit, after the work was d
during which a suit could
brought for any pay allege
due under the three mni
wage statutes.
5. Give the courts the rig-
fix the size of the penalty m
such suits are successful. U
the present statute, when a w
er proves a claim for back '
the courts must award him
damages equal to the amour
back wages.
Britain, Fran
ToD Sign Trea
LONDON, Feb. 28-(P)-
foreign ministers of Britain
France announced to their
proving parliaments today th
50-year treaty of alliance bet,
the two countries would be si
on Tuesday at the historic Fr
Channel port of Dunkerque.
France and Britain an
have treaties of mutual assist
with Russia. Both document
aimed especially at Germany
express agreement also on coo
ation for the security and e
omic betterment of Europe.
Announcement of a third
completing a ring around
many was greeted with cheer
both the House of Commons
the French National Assemb
Siger Overrules
Black's News Ba
LANSING, Feb. 28 -(AP)-
the wake of a news ban by
Union Handbook Explains
Side Door Rule for Womnen
. 9
Withholding Form Adequate for Most
March may come in "roaring
like a lion," but it's almost certain
not to leave you "gentle as a lamb,"
for March means income tax re-
turns are due again.
Most wage-earners are permit-
ted to make their income tax re-
turns on their withholding state-
ments, however, and according to
an Associated Press article this is
the easy way to do it.
interest, did you have any other
If you can't answer "No" to all
three questions, then you must use
Form 1040 as a return.
If you can, yo will probably
want to use the simple withhold-
ing statement unless your allow-
able deductions-taxes, interest
contributions and medical ex-
penses-are more than 10 per cent
back page of the statement, filling
in the information requested on
the page headed "Employes Op-
tional Income Tax Return." Read
carefully the instructions on the
back of the page headed "Em-
ployes' Copy."
One very important thing to re-
member in filling out this form
is to answer question B, under the
line numbered 4. That question is:
Those women on campus who
have been nurturing a small-sized
inferiority complex because of be-
ing relegated to the side door of
the Union, may take comfort in
the disclosure that no slight or
discrimination was intended by
the authors of the Union rules.
A terse explanation of the policy
may be found in the Union's Hand-
book of Rules and Regulations,
which states that the Union is a
men's club, and privileges of wom-
en are to be the same as in other
vantage of a drive going right to
the door, allowing women to enter
in style, and those flowers at the
center of the drive are a comple-
ment to the beauty of our women
guests," he explained.
Jerry Comer, member of the Un-
ion executive council, maintained
that every university has a set of
traditions, and pointed to the side
door policy as one of the few re-
maining ones on the campus. An-
other councilman, Art DerDerian,
backed Comer's opinion, declar-
ing that traditions are the things