THE MICHIGAN DAILY OR TIZATION: JIlon Financial Policies lxplained by Directors EDITOR'S NOTE: The f llowing ar- ticle, the last in a series of four on the Union, is an official statement of the Board of Directprs regard- ing "questions and complaints" re- ceived from students concerning the Onion's services. "For a non-profit organization, he Union certainly seems to be iaking a lot of money," is an un- ounded comment often heard on he campus. Amortization of the Union' uilding is.actually $334,000 in ar- ears as of July 1, 1946. The Un- )n building which was completed a 1920, has a life expectancy of 5 years, according to architec- ural estimates. At the end of hat period, in 1995, the Union il need approximately one and half million dollars to finance he replacement of the present tructure. With more than one hird of that time already past, he amortization fund contains nly $186,000 instead of the need- di half a million. isposition of Income Of the $925,000 gross income om sales and services for the ist fiscal year, more than one hird, or $354,000, was paid out n wages and salaries to 290 stu- ,ent and 135 non-student em- loyees. The final $59,000 outstanding ond issue was paid off last De- ember 31 with funds allocated Voted Attorney Co Talk Here Laurent K.'Varnum, president of he Michigan State Bar and prom- ient Grand Rapids attorney, will peak on the subject of bar or- anization and the obligations of le legal profession at 3 p.m. to- ay in Rm. 150, Hutchins Hall. Organization of Michigan's bar s well as that of other states will e discussed by Varnum. He will lso outline the ethical obligations icurred by bar members both as racticing lawyers and comnmunity by the University from the stu- dent tuitions. Food and supplies cost the Un- ion $358,000 last year and it paid sales and excise taxes of $18,000. The rooms for rent and the caf- eteria are the main revenue pro- ducing sections of the Union which enabled it to put $70,000 into the building amortization' fund during the fiscal year of 1945-46. A Subsidiary of the University Run as a subsidiary of the Uni- versity, the Union pays for all services and utilities with the ex-' ception of its heat and light which it receives from the University's central power and heating plantsa free of charge under the origin-a al 1917 agreement. With a present total of 25,275 life members and a greatly in- creased University enrollment which is expected to continue well above pre-war attendance, the1 Union's Board of Directors is now planning an expansion program to provide more adequate service to its membership. Perhaps the most important single improvement to be made by construction of the proposed million dollar wing, which will add 50 feet along the entire North side of the building, is the re- vamping of the cafeteria and kit- chen facilities which were con- structed in 1917 and have been outdated for at least ten years. Bonds To Finance Addition The addition, to be financed by a new bond issue, will increase the dance floor by more than half its present size, adding a smaller ballroom which can be used eith- er separately for dances or meet- ings or to further enlarge the main dance floor. Music appreciation rooms, more meeting rooms, and an additional space for the student offices and, their activities will occupy the second and third floors of the new wing with additional lobby, kit- chen, and dining room space on the first and additional lodgings on the fourth floor. A sk Volunteers For Michigras Work Groups All-Campus Carnival To Be Hield in April Lists of volunteers for Michi- gras Committees are due tomor- row, and should be turned in to Jean Brown's box in the League Undergraduate Office or to Allan Farnsworth at the Union Student Offices. Men and women students may apply for work with the publicity, booths, programs, parade, tickets, 3rizes, concessions, and decora- tions committees. Michigras will be held April 25 and 26 at Yost Field House as an all-campus carnival preceded by a parade through the city. Co-spon- ored by the Union and the WAA, the '47 Michigras is the postwar ?dition of campus carnivals which were first held in 1901. Each campus residence may compete for booth space, and ten- tative plans and budgets for booths are to be turned in to the League or Union by March 10. Prizes will be awarded to the booth with the best decorations, the booth which has the most fi- nancial success, and to the booth taking in the largest number of tickets. Various types of booths have been sponsored in past carnivals, including games, side-shows, and food sales. Information on booths and plans may be obtained from Collee Ide, 2-256, or Allan Farns- worth, 2-4431, general co-chair- men of Michigras. en Mnettn-TronAttend PrincetonMeeting Dean Wells I. Bennett, head of the architecture college, will take part in a conference on "Plan- ning Mlan's Environment" Wed- nesday and Thursday at Princeton University. Architecture as well as general planning will be discussed at this conference, which is one of a ser- ies being held by Princeton in con- nection with its bicentennial cele- bration. Headliners of the nine top ar- tists who will appear in Norman Granz' "Jazz at the Philharmonic" Tuesday are Coleumn Hawkins and Buddy Rich. Hawkins, who has won every, tenor sax award for expertness, including the coveted Esquire Gold Award for 1946, started his musi- cal career with Mamie Smith's Jazz Hounds in Kansas City back in 1923. After he left this group, he joined Fletcher Henderson and played with him for a full decade till 1934, then began a tour of England and the Continent as both soloist and leader. ReturningI to this country, he organized his own band. His most famous solo is "Body and Soul." Vaudeville Veteran Buddy Rich was a professional at the tender age of three. During years of touring the vaudeville circuits with his parents, Buddy missed public schools until he was fourteen. After his schooling he spent nine years traveling around the world and picked up five lan- guages. He appeared in the "Greenwich Village Follies of 1922" and later played with Joe Marsala, Artie Shaw and Tommy Dorsey. Rich is one drummer who does not depend on specially written drum arrangements. He impro- vises as he sees fit, keeping rhythm by chewing gum in tempo. Known as the glamour boy of the music field, he 'sports a custom built car with his initials em- blazoned on a crest of two drum- sticks and a crash cymbal. Show Emcee Franz, who acts as emcee for the show, attained national recogni- tion for writing and directing the Academy Award short, "Jammin, the Blues," which was acclaimed the finest pictorial treatment ever accorded jazz on the motion pic- NINE ARTISTS: Hawkins, Rich Will Appear In 'Jazz at the Philbarmon ture screen. He holds a spot Esquire's All-American Board Experts, who annually select best jazzmen in the country. Other members of the group Trummy Young, trombone wir of the 194G Gold New Start ESQ Award, who starred with Be Goodman's band in 1946; W Smith, who plays alto and cl net, and is three time winner of Esquire Silver award for best toist and has played and s with Jimmy Lunceford, ChE Spivak and Harry James. Ticket sales for the concert be given at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Auditorium, are continuing in League, Union. University and local record stores. Prof. Talamoi ToLead (t 'our Resuming pre-war foreign tr tours, Prof. Rend Talamon, of romance lai.gijages depaxtm will conduct a tour for Ameri students in France this summe part of the program of the Bun of Universal Travel. Because only French will spoken during the tour, the stident quota for the trip wil filled by teachers and advan students of Frencmh. Normandy, Brittany, Nim Arles, the French Riviera, French Alps, Versailles and Pi tainebleau are a few of the pla to be visited. Two Paris visits ten days each will be made, F; Talamon said. Five other tours to Europe, by American professors, have b scheduled for this semester by Bureau. REMODELING PLANNED-The Michigan UnionCafeteria has been outdated for ten years, accord- ing to its Board of Directors. It will be revampe d and expanded as part of the million dollar build- ing program the Union is planning to meet the demands of an increased enrollment. AFTER HALF CENTURY: 45 U' Men Will Participate In Fraternity Revival at MSC 2SUFFERI FROM CHAFI SKIVVY-GRAB Why bother with old-f shorts with a sandpaper ce that gives you too muchc port when you crave freed If your skivvies have tha aging habit of creeping re back and sabotaging youe you bend over, switch q a pair of super-comfortab shorts. The seamless crotch is of every pair of Arrow can't grab, can't chafe. We carry Arrow unde State Y Street saNCE I 48. Ne? ian TIS? ITIS? ashioned nter seam close sup- dom? at discour- elentlessly every time quickly to ble Arrow a feature shorts -- rwear. N Forty-five members of Delta Tau Delta fraternity will travel to East Lansing today to take part in the installation ceremon- ies of the fraternity, which is be- ing reactivated at Michigan State after an absence of 50 years. Originally established at State in 1872 as the first fraternity on campus, Delta Tau Delta became inactive in 1897, when all fratern- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Contintied from Page 4) through March 2, and Painting by George Grosz, through March 14. Alumni Memorial Hall, week- days, except Mondays, 10-12 and 2-4; Sundays 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Events Today University Radio Program: 2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Kc. Tales from Poe, "The Oblong Box." 2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870 Kc. The Botany Series-"What is Coal?", Prof. C. A. Arnold. 3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050 Kc. George Cox, Baritone. ISC Tea Dance: 4:30 p.m., In- ternational Center. Foreign Stu- dents and interested persons are caordially invited to attend. Student Religious Association Coffee Hour: 4-6 p.m., Lane Hall Library. Dr. Hollister, of the Speech Department, will be a guest. German Coffee Hour: 3-5 p.m., League Coke Car. Coming Events The Graduate Outing Club: Winter Sports, 2:30 p.m., Sun., March 2, Northeast entrance, Rackham Bldg. Sign up before noon on Saturday at the check desk in the Rackham Building. The Women's Research Club, 8 p.m., Mon., March 3, West Lecture Room, Rackham Building. "La- thyrism in Humans and Animals- a Disease Produced by Flowering Sweet Peas and Others," by Ruth Stine. A.S.C.E. Mr. J. F. Swenson, Di- vision Engineer-Special Duty, Pennsylvania Railroad, Chicago, will speak on the subject, "Engi- neering Employment on the Penn- sylvania Railroad," at 7:30 p.m., Tues., March 4, Union. He will dis- cuss particularly the opportuni- ties for civil engineers in railroad work. Pi Lambda Theta Guest Tea: 3-5 p.m., Sat., March 1, East Con- ference Room, Rackham Bldg. Dr. Harry F. Ward, of the Union Theological Semiary will speak on the subject, "Some Common Mistakes About Russia," at 4:15 p.m.. Wed., Rackham Amphithea- ities were temporarily suspended. The installation ceremonies will be attended by alumni from several midwestern states. Seven members of the University chap- ter, in addition to Albion and Hillsdale College representatives of the fraternity will assist in the initiation of the reactivated group, Speakers at the ceremony will include Dr. Herbert L. Spencer, president of Bucknell University; Thomas J. Herbert, Governor of Ohio; and Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes, of the Methodist Church, former president of DePauw Uni- versity. Many Michigan State alumni who were members of the former chapter of the fraternity will be present. Plans for the weekend include a dinner and dance Fri- day, a house party Saturday, and an open house for the entire campus Sunday. Read and Use Daily Classified Ads Students Will Tour Library About 250 engineering students and 350 literary students in fresh- man English classes are expected to make a tour of the General Li- brary which will be conducted for new students Monday and Tues- day. An illustrated lecture in Rni. 110 of the Library to familiarize stu- dents with the library system will be given at the beginning of each tour. Following this the students will be shown the numerous li- brary facilities at their disposal. The hours at which the various groups will go through the library will be announced QUICK DELIVERY can Hamburgers... Milk... Soft Drinks Phone 2-6606.. . 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. Except Sat. r I DON'T COUNT SHEEP A ALL NIGHT!- HAVE DINNER ATTHE nF GRAN AbA CA Ac 01BSERVE OUR NEW HOURS Weekdays . . . 7:30 A.M.-1 1:30 P.M. Tuesdays . . . . 7:30 A.M.- 8:00 P.M. Sundays . . . . 11 :30 A.M.- 1 :30 P.M. V + f / / , , ,, re.,w , + --- ICHI sou, E I RS at Liberty FELT GOODS PENNANTS -BANNERS - ANIMALS NO HAI 44 (with/ lit-'f f NDS! SCRAP BOOKS and PHOTO ALBUMS fI 1rrow shorts) with the MICHIGAN SEAL MICH1GAN SEAL STATIONERY ?tea..,.;,. ,.;if:.. Question: How can a man go through a full day without using his hands to yank down creeping shorts? Answer: Wear Arrow shorts. They CAN'T crawl up because they are made with Arrow's patented seam- less crotch which eliminates chaf- ing. * e%#~x r ar~rar a lr :i . f 1j;: 8:.} y, :,'} f '"' . :t:..: f , : '' 3 . > r ) } . .. ti $1.00 and up I I TA T17P' Q I i