PAGE TWO .~~~4 14 1~ A~ AU A N 1 A RFI INJ SA RDAY. MARCH 23. 1946 , . I d ..A..&I 1RA. A. A DA Y. 1 I1V -,JARE V\ AL NU, A A IT SO HAPPENS... * Archof Semi-Triumph, A4 Mi"OtPoint _ _. £ter to t 6dtor - --- - ~I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN E hope we have an argument on our hands. Says one, Louis R. Williams, "I concur with Miss Levy-take that col- umn "It So Happens" out and put in Samuel Grafton regularly, even if it's week-old sutff." But remarks one, Hill Wanneker, "Iere's a word of encouragement to the ob- servant youngsters (?) who have successfully introduced something new to the editorial page of the Daily. "The primary function of any newspaper is to serve its readers by covering local events; hun- dred§ of items of interest escape the "news" columns and should not be legitimately placed there. "It So Happens" functions to fill this gap. At least, that's the impresion I've gained . ." Whether that question mark after youngsters refers to our receding hair line or a tendency to shave sloppily, we don't know, but let's not quib- ble over minor details. Year of Decision .. . HAVE YOU HEARD? 1946 is "The Year of De- cision". If you haven't heard you're living in a world all your own. Almost everyone is saying that 194 is the "Year of Decision". Among the decisions we think ought to be made as we slug our way through the present Crisis Era are: (1) Write home NOW to Mother. (2) Don't be such a curmudgeon on the Diag. .3). Don't buy Garg. Miss Armor Plate, 1949 . .. T6HEY'VE been playing around with this Miss Armor Plate of 1649 a long time and on the whole it's made interesting looking. But the academnicians have acquired the technique and from here on it's anybody's cheesecake. We quote this item which appeared under a bathing suit in the columns of the Chicago Sun, "Joan Du Pre, 18, of 240 Astor Ct., Villa Park, will be Miss Trailer Coach of 1946 for four final days, begin- ning Wednesday, of the National Trailer Coach Show at the Coliseum. She tied in judges' ballot- ing with Pat Varner, 18, who is queen the first five days". Making our friend Du Pre, Miss Trailer Coach of 1946 unless we're sadly mistaken. Flash That Band, Junior . . . THESE VETERANS aren't all roses and sweet- peas as campus coeds are quickly learning. One of. the genus, sweet young thing, has brought a serious matter to our editorial at- tention. Too many seemingly eligible young men are leaving wedding rings in the bathroom medicine cabinet. Don't Shout, We Hear Ya'... THE MICHIGAN LEAGUE has taken a nasty crack at our morality, and we rather resent it. Coming by that edifice the other day we noted at least four very new and very legibly-let- tered signs reading, "Keep Off The Grass". The signs don't read "Please" or anything as nice and cheery as the signs in front of Couzens Hall. In fact a good translation into Spanish would pro- bably read, "We -know you, Buster. You keep your dirty feet out of here." For the nonce, all right, but come the next new moon .. . NIGHT EDITOR: MILT FREUDENHEIM Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. American Hypocrisy HTE HYPOCRISY of America's claims to be- ing a Christian nation is so evident that it need not be elaborated verbally. The "American tradition," if it ever lived, seems certainly dead. We have reached a new acme of self-interest. Apparently human life and happiness have no more moral value, unless it is directly our life or our happiness. Bitter? No, we're not. We are, however, seri- ously depressed and disillustioned by America's apathy to the critical food shortages in Eu- rope and Asia. Herbert Lehman, in his final report as director-general of UNRRA chatized the administration very mildly for its inaction in alleviating these shortages. Yes, the blame lies directly on the shoulders of President Tru- man and Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Annderson. But the evidence demonstrates that they are giving manifestationis of the senti- ments of the nation. R. L.EHMAN has called for a return to ra- tioning of basic foods. He is branded with the fleur-de-lis of the idealist when he expects the American public to do without delicate past- ries which use sugar and fat and wheat which might help keep millions alive. Canada has continued meat and sugar ra- tioning since the war ended. She even cut do- mestic supplies of fats and oils below war levels to help increase exports.- Britain, whose war diet was certainly lower than that of this nation's undernourished third during the de- presion years, has managed to send about 700,- 000 tons of cereals to the continent during the past 18 months. We have sent our bit too, but only if it did not necessitate pulling in our own belts. At the Hot Springs Food Conference last year Please, Dean, Please .. . THOSE LAW STUDENTS continue to live in a mental Siberia. Cook may never know it, but his beautiful buildings may become a neuro-psychiatric institute if those last semes- ter grades don't appear within the week. it A Violent Age . . LAST WEEK it was a juke box which inventors threatened would raise its volume above the voices of listeners . . . this week it's a triangular desk, designed, we're told, by a public relations official, "for executives." One the face of it, you might well be skeptical about a triangular desk, but it has all sorts of selling points. "A concave cutout permits the executive to sit close with comfort." We're glad of that except it's always the executives . As a practical weapon it might also impale insistent insurance salesmnen. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Conservative Bloc By SAMUEL GRAFTON HE POT is boiling now; the fact that a bi- partisan coalition of Southern Democrats and Republicans rules the Congress has finally become an issue, on its own merits; and that is- sue will not down. The administration finds it- self compelled at last to fight the coalition which is fighting it. Last week Mr. Robert Hannegan, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, took advantage of Jackson Day, which is normally a day of party harmony, hugs and kisses, to hammer the dissident Southern Democrats, for joining in what he called a "class compact" with the Republicans. This week Mr. Henry Wallace has proposed that Democrats who vote with the Republicans on major issues should be read out of the party; in a fine, opti- mistic glow he has suggested that leading party officials take it upon themselves to fling dissi- dents beyond the pale, though most of these men are approximately as eager to undertake such a task as they are to try a standing broad jump across the Potomac in their blue serge suits. Mr. Wallace has been answered by an instant outcry in both Houses; he has been denounced as a "fascist" for trying to tell American Con- gressmen hovl they must vote; and several South- ern Democrats have risen to defend their right to make up their minds independently on all issues, even if they always come out with the Re- publicans. It is pointed out that Mr. Wallace himself opposed a regular Democratic candidate at a recent New York City Congressional by-elec- tion. And there is a certain validity in some of these arguments; our major parties are not dis- ciplined organizations, but loose, mushy growths, locally controlled; if this were not so, we might never have had a Norris, a Borah or a Wilkie in Republican ranks, and that might have been a high price to pay for the privilege of never having a Rankin or a Cox. MR. WALLACE has stepped on a philosophical rusty nail; he has tried to make disent an evil, in a culture in which dissent is a sacred right. He has got himself into difficulties by generalizing and idealizing his problem too much; it is not a general question of whether there has been an act of dissent by Southern Democrats, but a specific question of how much dissent, for what purposes, in alliance with whom, and with what effect. The way to treat the Southern dissidents is not to read them out of the party, but to read them into a party; to show that they have joined what is, in effect, a new party, a Con- servative Bloc, a shadow government, which rules without taking responsibility. The way to win this kind of argument is to tell the truth calmly, a thousand times, so that in the end it will percolate down to local levels. r" HERE is nothing unfair, or invidious,. in an effort to pin the name "Conservative Bloc" onto the coalition; it is a bloc, and it is conser- vative; it functions as an institution while deli- ca-tely declining to take an institutional form, and the renedy is enough debate to make the public see the outlines, the nature and size of this strange new governmental entity. It is not necessary to expel, but to reveal; there is little need to throw men out of a party when it can be shown that they have, of their own will, walked out, into an odd new rival or- gamization. And, as I say, the pot boils; this is the year of decision: the administration is pres- suring (lie bloc from above, and the C.I.O. is it arting a great Southern organizing campaign against it from below; under these forces, the dissidents must either return to the party, or else defiantly formalize their union with the Republicans, paying whatever political price is entailed. In any case, we are heading toward clarification; even the members of the Bloc must know that we cannot indefinitely have govern- ment on this cryptic model, government by a weird luncheon club of public enemies and pri- vate friends. (Copyright, .19 16 N. Y. Pos tSyndicate) Journalistic iDepravity To the Editor: I have noted a recent trend in your publica- tion, tending to criticize Mr. Hearst's Youth For Christ Movement. A campaign carried on, for the most part, in the guise of Letters to the Edi- tor. I hesitate to make out and out accusations at any time, but 'your latest attempt has been too flagrant a breach of reader faith to pass un- noticed. I refer to a letter, reportedly sent you by one R. C. Jacobi, in the March 20th edition. I suppose that such a person may exist, and that the one who answers to that name may even "admit" to endorsing the letter (there is no li- mit which journalistic depravity may not reach when a newspaper is mothering a cause). The intelligent reader, however, is not to be hoodwinked by such an obvious fraud. A bit of mathematical computation alone will show, easily enough, what you were about when you printed the "protest" (which purports to be a letter denouncing Mr. Don Ervin's note of an earlier date). Allowing seven words to the line ... and then counting a round total of 75 lines, we find that the whole "letter" contains a total of 525 words. And the purpose of the epistle is, ostensibly, to refute Mr. Ervin's re- port? Oh yes, we find that 147 of the words are direct quotes from Mr. Ervin's "psycho- pathic" (I quote "Mr. Jacobi") letter. Fur- thermore, 258 more words are wasted in in- troduction and such unnecessary padding as "Our Boys says" . . . "Mr. Ervin continues," etc. This leaves exactly 120 words of criticism on "Mr. Jacobi's" part. " And of what does this "criticism" consist? (Really, you might have had more respect for reader credulity than this) . ,. merely, in nearly all cases, in restating Mr. Ervin's previously not- ed remarks.. . with the obvious device of adding question marks to the precis. Did you really be- lieve the mental calibre of the University stud- ent to be so low as to swallow this cheat as com- ing from an actual critic? In trying to make your critics appear to be cretins, my dear fellows, you merely expose yourselves. You might have been more clever about it. And when you do not stoop to this device ... in all other cases, you turn to mere name call- ing. Intimating, of course, that "Mr. Jacobi" (and, by analogy, all Mr. Ervin's critics) has no real basis for his arguments, and must sling mud in defense of his ideas. It is significant, in this regard, that in no place does this "Mr. Jacobi" ever answer the questions lie raises ... that he never offers one singl strong argu- ment rebuking Your Boy as you made the mis- take of calling him in the "protest"). This thing goes deeper than the YFC move- ment . . . it goes far further than the mere con- sideration of whether Mr. Ervin may be right (indeed, I was prone to think his letter a serious, intelligent commentary). What I wish to state is that Mr. Ervin's letter ought to be allowed to stand or fall by its own right, and not by means of such a weak journalistic prop as you tried to use in this "letter of protest". As a University newspaper, you must realize the responsibility that student trust puts on your shoulders; with- out taking advantage of that faith by such a trick as this. Play fair with the students! Admit that this fantastically impossible Jacobi person has no real existence; that he was merely a de- vice for reprinting Your Boy's letter in another issue. Believe me, you will be respected the more for it. Sincerely, R. Fine (Eds Note: The charges contained i the above letter are too preposterous to be consid- ered in detail. Suffice it to say that4the mythi- cal Mr. Jacobi lives in oom 42, Vaughan Iouse, and may be reached at telephone 25558 To our knowledge he has never been inside the Michigan Daily. UJnderstanding v. Wit U PON reading R. C. Jacobi's letter in Wednes- day's Daily, I felt moved to inquire as to the purpose of the author in writing it. Even with careful study it is difficult to find anything but caustic criticism of Mr. Ervin's literary talent, which after all is of slightly secondary import- ance to the matter under discussion. I venture to guess that a wider acquaintance on Mr. Jacobi's part with both historic and pre- sent day Christianity might answer some of his questions for him. For example, a look at the Inquisition may shed some light on the query, "Is it likely that, one who really accepts and be- lives will be led to un-Christian actions?" It might also be suggested that an attempt on Mr. Jacobi's part to meet the church all the way might aid him in obtaining a more sympa- thetic understanding of the difficulties en- countered by those who are now so attempting. If there "ought to be a law", perhaps it would better be aimed at encouraging a more construc- tive and useful outlet for literary ability than the mere display of the possessor's wit. -Rachel Shields Pubilcation in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 AngelI sall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 95 Notices School of Education Faculty: The March meeting will be held on Mon- day, March 25, in the University Ele- mentary School Library. The meet- ing will convene at 4:15 p.m. Detroit Armenian Women's Club Award: The Detroit Armenian Wom- en's Club is making available, for 1946-47, two $100 scholarships for young men and women of Armenian parentage from the metropolitan dis- trict of Detroit. For further details consult Dr. Frank E. Robbins at 1021 Angell Hall. All students possessing driving per- mits, who have not reported their 1946 license number to the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, Uni- versity Hall, are requested to do so at their earliest opportunity. The registration of the new license num- ber is necessary to the continuance of such driving privileges during the remainder of the current term. Stu- dents who are entitled to exemption privileges on the basis of age or part- time enrollment are likewise re- quested to register their 1946 license numbers. Students. College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Applications for scholarships should be made before April 1. Application forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed at that office. Each sorority, dormitory, and lgeaue house must turn into the Ju- diciary Box in the Undergraduate Office of the League by Friday March 29, the name of their house president for the spring semester. Men interested in outdoor work with the Department of Agriculture in Calif ornia during the summer months may obtain further informa- tion at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information,m201 Mason Hall. The work is primarily concerned with plant disease con- trol. Announcements from Washington State Personnel Board have been re- ceived in this office for: 1)Field Auditor Salary $265 to $325 plus a,$20 bonus 2) Statistical Clerk Salary $170 to $210 plus a $20 bonus 3) Also various clerical positions Salary $200 to $240 plus a $20 bonus 5) Claims Taker Salary $160 to $200 plus a $20 bonus 6) Appeal Examiner Salary $295 to $360 plus a.$20 bonus 7) Various Social Service positions, including Children's workers, super- visors, visitors, and psychiatric work- ers. 8) Various Department of Health positions, including graduate nurses, Public Health Nurses, Bacteriologists, Health Officers, Psychologists, Medi- cal Social Work Consultants, Roent- ONE OF THE more unusual pro- gi'ams of the year was given last night at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by John Jacob Niles, who sang songs of the Kentucky mountains to his own dulcimer accompaniment. Mr. Niles began with a few prefa- tory remnarks about ballads, and about dulcimers, of which he used three in the course of his program, and which, it seems, he whips up himself in his spare time. After a moderate amount of hu- morous comment, Mr. Niles, dramati- cally clad all in black, sat down upon a pink plush chair at a table and be- gan to sing such songs as "Black Is The Color," "Oh, He Was A Lord of High Degree," and "Go Away From My Window," followed by a group of carols including "The Seven Bless- ings of Mary" and "I Wonder As I Wander." Mr. Niles' extraordinarily high singing voice that lends a great air of authenticity to his perform- an ce, espqcially when heard against the gentle, subtly keyed strumming of the dulcimer. It is a remarkably true voice as far as pitch is con- cerned, and has amazing variations in tone which are employed. with equally amazing control. One of the most striking things about Mr. Niles' performance is his flawless diction. The program conluded with fa- miliar songs such as "Mary Hamilt- on," "Barb'ry Allen," and "The Hangman," among others. It was good entertainment and fine artistry. -Paula Brower By Crockell Johnson genographer, Medical Social Work- ers, and Institutional Workers. Closing date for all of these is April 4, 1946. Announcement for Milwaukee County Service Commission for posi- tion of Personnel Technician I, Sal- ary beginning at $264.44 has also been received. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Y. P. Mei (Mei Yi-pa), President of Yench- ing University (Peiping) will lecture on "Confucius and Confucianism" at 4:15 p.m., Monday, March 25, in the Auditorium of the Kellogg Building under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Philosophy and the Interna- tional Center. Educated at Oberlin (B.A.), the University of Chicago (Ph.D.) and at Cologne University (1927-28). Dr. Mei is widely known through his English publications on the early Chinese philosophical schools. Dr. Mei is on a special mis- sion in America to promote Chinese- American cultural relations at the in- vitation of the U. S. State Depart- ment. University Lecture: Dr. Gregor Wentzel, Piofessor of Physics at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, will lecture on "The Theory of the Mason" at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26, in the Kellogg Auditorium, under the auspices of the Department of Physics. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices College of Literature, Science and the Arts Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health. Stu- dents who received marks I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by April 4. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work hsould file a petition addressed to the appropri- ate official in their school with Room 4, University Hall, where it will be transmitted. Economics 51, 52, 53 and 54:tMake- up final examination for -students with excused absences from the fall term examination will be given Thurs- day, March 28 at 3:15 p.m., in Room 207, Economics Bldg. Concerts Student Recital: Mary Katherine Harris, violinist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, March 24, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Her program will include composi- tions by Tartini, Mozart, Debussy, and Beethoven, and will be open to .the general public. Miss Harris is a stu- dent under Gilbert Ross. Student Recital: Virginia Long Lowry, a student of piano under Ava Comin Case, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of -Music at 8:30 Monday evening, March 25, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Miss Lowry will play compositions by Bach, Schumann, Franck, Mingone, Fer- nandez and Khatchaturian. The public is cordially invited. Faculty Recital: Robert Maas, dis- tinguished Belgian cellist, will pre- sent two programs of compositions for cello alone, by J. S. Bach, at 4:15 Monday and Tuesday afternoons, March 25 and 26, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham building. Mr. Maas appears through the courtesy of the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation in the Library of Con- gress, Washington, D. C. Monday's program will include Suite No. 1 in G major, Suite No. 5 in C minor, and Suite No. 4 in E-fiat major. Exhibitions Paintings by Eduardo Salgado of current American Life. Daily from 2-5 p.m. and .7-9 p.m. in the 'mezza- nine galleries of Rackham until April 10. Events Today Saturday Luncheon Discassion.: Lane Hall invites all students to at- tend a luncheon at 12:15 p.m. today. A current book will be reviewed after the luncheon. Reservations must be in by 10:00 on Saturday morning. Congregational-Disciples Guild will have a Fireside Discussion to- night at 7:30 at the Guild House, 438 Maynard. Bipin Chrandra Meh- da, from Bombay, India, will discuss "Christianity and Hinduism." Coming Events Senior Class, School of Education: An organizational meeting is planned for Tuesday, March 26, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 2436 University Elementary School. Sigma Xi, Special Meeting, jointly with the Association of University of Michigan Scientists, the Research Club, the Science Research Club, the Women's Research. Club, the Ameri- can Association of University Profes- sors, and faculty members'In the So- cial Sciences, will hold a symposium on Pending National Legislation Re- lating to Governmental Support for Research in the Rackham Auditorium on Monday evening, March 25, be- ginning at 8 o'clock. President Ruth- ven will preside, and the discussions will be opened with addresses by Pro- fessors Robley C. Williams, Lawrence 0. Brockway, Thomas Francis, Jr, and Robert B. Hall. The meeting will be open to the public. Michigan Chapter AAU.P: In place of the regular March meeting there will be a joint session with Sig- ma Xi and other campus organiza- tions Monday, March 25, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Auditorium for a symposium on pending legislation re- lating to governmental support for research. Radio Proximity V.T. Fuze: The official sound film and slides released by the Navy will be shown in Room 348 West Engr. Bldg. on Mon- day, March 25, at 4:00 p.m. The room is limited to 200 people. The pictures are open to the. University and the public. The Chinese Students' Club will have as their guest Dr. Y. P. Mei, President of Yenching University, on Sunday evening, March 24, at 7:30 at the International Center. Colored slides depicting scenes at Chuigking and in West China will first be shown in Room 316-320 of the Michigan Union, followed by a social hour in the International Center. All mem- bers and also friends of China are welcome. The Congregational-Disciples Guild will meet Sunday evening at 6:00 at the Congregational Church, for a cost supper, followed by a talk on "Christianity as it is related to the Community" given by Mrs. Doro- thy Pugsley Landon, a former Uni- versity of Michigan Student and member of Guild who has been work- ing for the Red Cross in the Chicago Slums this past year. The evening will close with a worship service. Hillel Social Committee will meet on Monday night at 7:00 at the Foundation. All members are urged to be present. Avukah, student Zionist organiza- tion, will have a business organiza- tion Sunday, March 24, at 7:30 p.m. at Hillel Foundation. All students are invited. '4 _ Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications, Editorial Staff BARNABY Margaret Farmer Hale Champion Robert Goldman Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron Clark Baker'. Des Howarth Ann Schutz .. .. . . . . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor .. .. Women's Editor r- ° _ . I Can;'t Gs,, the Ghost, ope rate r ic , m r~ru ~,fe~rn Mr, ( 'MrIh, _2 I fAlso, we hae your parents, They'l. So... The person who works the iagic EItelnftrn mus't ha~ve a sr, dv hnndI',_r,4A.A,., I i