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March 23, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-23

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Acts on Model
Village Plan
Sample Willow Run
Land Redesigned
A major move in the plan to trans-
form Willow Village into a perma-
nent model community was made yes-
terday when directors of the Willow
Run Area Planning Commission met
with Federal Surplus Property Ad-
ministration officials from Cleveland
and Detroit.
Working with three sample par-
cels of Pederal land already improved
with roads, sewage and water facili-
ties, the Commission's architects,
Saarinsen and Swanson, interna-
tionally-famous town planners, have
redesigned the land into building
lots with areas alloted to streets,
roads and public buildings.
John Lynch, in charge of real
estate for the SPA office in Cleve-
land, will take these plans to Wash-
ington next week. Federal ap-
praisers are now being appointed
to appraise the land value, and
arrangements are being made to
cut down the length of time re-
quired for advertising before dis-
posing of the Federal surplus
The County Board of Supervisors,
meeting last week, adopted a resolu-
tion whereby they will exercise their
priority to buy the land after the
Federal appraisal. The Planning
Commission is already negotiating
with a private firm (reported author-
itatively to be Henry Kaiser's small
home contracting company) to take
over the land from the county.
Meanwhile, Federal engineers will
start immediately appraising those
water and sewage facilities usable
in the housing development. The
Ypsilanti Township Board has taken
steps to negotiate with the Govern-
ment for the purchase of these litil
Working with maps showing the
original lots purchased by the Gov-
ernment as well as the present use
of the land in streets, dormitories,
and the present utilities, the Com-
mission's architects prepared a
study of these three "surplus" sec-
tions. None of the parcels are now
i use.
Classified according to the type
of temporary building formerly oc-
cupying them, the parcels are: 1)
land south of Holmes Road, formerly
occupied by dormitories; 2) land be-
tween Holmes and ,'Clark Roads,
formerly occupied by trailer houses;
and 3) land east of Midway Blvd,
formerly occupied by private trailers.
The Planning Commission was
made official advisor to the Federal
Government on surplus property last
year. Serving in this capacity at the
meeting were Geer and Schneider
representing the a r c h i t e c t s.
Government was represented by
Lynch and his assistant, Frank Mis-
kell, from Cleveland, and by Harry
Grayson from the local SPA office
in Detroit.
The annual meeting of the Com-
mission to elect new directors was
announced for May 9.
Nega oticions in
Strike Stopped
Early End of Electric
Dispute Is Not In Sight
NEW YORK, March 22-(P)-Wage
negotiations between Westinghouse

Electric Corporation and the strik-
ing United Electrical, Radio and Ma-
chine Workers of America, CIO,
"have been broken off," mediator
William H. Davis said late today.
"The mediators are retiring from
the case," he said, adding that they
would make a report tto the Secre-
tary of Labor, "probably next Mon-
Arthur S. Meyer was the other
mediator in the dispute.
The company has offered what
they called a 15.1 cents hourly in-
crease, but the union claimed it
was no better than 9.7 cents because
of clauses which the union said would
reduce incentive, 'bonus, vacation
and other pay rates.
University Fire
Contract Asked
William A. Lucking requested an
injunction against the Board of Re-
gents making contracts for fire pro-


Police Accused of
I-If i f i SUrk

By The Associated Press
ISHPEMING, Mich., March 22-
Charges that State Police were being
used as strike-breakers were made
today by an official of the CIO Unit-
ed Steel Workers as a back-to-work
movement was reported continuing
among 2,000 striking workers on the
Marquette iron range.
Army Reduces
Claim To Year
Draft Extension
Eisenhower Gives Up
Indefinite Draft Status
WASHINGTON, March 22-()-
The army solidified its position for a
one-year draft extension today as
General Dwight D. Eisenhower with-
drew his request for indefinite con-
The chief of staff's modification
was explained to the House Military
Committee by Secretary of War
Robert P. Patterson.
'Both men had testified before the
advocating an indefinite extension
of the law expiring on May 15 and
Patterson pleading for a one-year
"Since then," Patterson told the
committee as he continued his tes-
timony today, "I have discussed it
with the chief of staff and he also is
in favor of one year."
Eisenhower did not testify today.
Patterson said he and the chief
of staff agreed that the length of
service under continuing legislation
shoul'd not exceed 18 months and
that an extension for a full 12
months would permit the army to
discharge fathers now in service and
to refrain from inducting more par-
They are willing, Patterson added,
to accept a limitation that no men be
inducted over the age of 25 or under
Delin qiuentDriversI
The Dean of Students office
warned yesterday that at least 60
percent of the University driving
permits which expired in March
have not yet been renewed.
Student drivers who have not
reported their 1946 license number
to the Dean of Students office,
Room 2, University Hall, are re-
quested to do so at their earliest
Disposal -of War
Goods Scored
By Committee
WASHINGTON, March 22-()-
The Senate War Investigating Com-
mittee formerly headed by President
Truman today scorchingly criticized
the job the Goverment has done
thus far in disposing of unused war
goods abroad, particularly in Brit-
Senator Mead (D-NY), present
chairman, told the Senate later the
State Department "does not dispute
the facts" set out by the committee
in charging that Britain put on
"onerous" restrictions that forced
down prices and gave this country a
poor bargain in disposing of its left-
over war goods there. Mead told a
reporter however, that the depart-
ment protested some of the commit-
tee's conclusions.
The committee presented figures
indicating that the State Depart-
ment's bulk sale settlement with
Britain last December for uncon-

sumed lend-lease goods and left-over
American property represented a re-
covery of only 10.7 per cent of the
original cost.

Thomas Shane of Detroit Diectr
of District 29, USW-CIO, made the
charge in a telegram to Governor
Kelly, declaring:
'Authoritatively Informed'
"I am authoritatively informed by
representatives of the United Steel
Workers of America CIO in the up-
per peninsula that Michigan State
Police are being used to aid in the
breaking of the strike of iron ore
miners at the properties of the Cleve-
land Cliffs iron Company, Inland
Steel Con pany and North Range
Mining Company.
"Police activities on the scene far
overstep their proper role of main-
taining peace and are an encourage-
ment to strikebreakers. Request you
take steps to end these actions and
to guarantee the right of striking ore
miners to peacefully picket these
Shane said information from un-
ion officials in the strike area indi-
cated "the State Police pressure was
being used to intimidate pickets."
'Eight Carloads Of Police'
"Officials of the Union tll me
there were eight carloads of State
Police up there today and that the
police were being very busy about
It," Shane declared.
A spokesman a Governor Kelly's
office said Shane's telegram had.
been received but that preliminary
investigation showed only two State
Police were at the mines today as
some of the strikers returned to their
Clerk Names
Russian Aceuts
Its Spy 1Probe'
MONTREAL, March 22 - (' -
Fred Rose, Communist and member
of Canada's Parliament, and Sam
Carr, national organizer of the La-
bor-Progressive Party, were "recruit-
ing agents" in a Russian organization
of agents in Canada, a lorner code
clerk in the Soviet eilx-cosy at O-
tawa asserted today.
The clerk, 26-year-old Igo' Go-
zenko, testified in police court that
he exposed the Moscow-directed es-
pionage ring because lie had become
convinced that Canadian democracy
was better than the Russian way of
He charged that Russia used the
Communist Party in Canada as a
pivotal part of the Soviet spy net-
work and had the NKVD, Soviet se-
cret police-formerly known as the
OGPU-in the Soviet embassy in
Ottawa "and everywhere." He named
more than 40 Canadians and Russians
in connection with the network.
Eleven were Russians, most of them
connected with the embassy.
Gouzenko, mystery man of the spy
probe, testified at a preliminary
hearing for Rose, accused of sending
secret scientific information to Soviet
agents. Rose joined the Labor-Pro-
gressive Paty after the Communist
Party was outlawed during the war,
and was first Communist elected to
the Canadian Parliament.
MSC Consriidion
Programi Expanded
EAST LANSING, March 22-(')--
The State Board of Agriculture, gov-
erning body of Michigan State Col-
lege, today authorized the construc-
tion of a new science building and
an addition to the present power
plant at the college.
In addition to the two new build-
ings, construction work is now in
progress on two men's dormitories,
three women's dormitories, a new
classroom building, a home manage-
ment laboratory, an addition to the

administration building, six apart-
ment buildings for married couples
and 52 Quonset huts to house veter-

Reich Port
Food Riots
In lens ified
By The Associated Press
HAMBURG, March 22-Looting of
food stores by hungry Germans in-
creased in Hamburg today and a
British medical officer declared that
the first definite signs of starvation
were apparent among many residents
of Germany's second largest city.
The police ordered food dealers to
board up their shop windows as an
emergency measure against bands of
men, women and children who have
stormed nearly 60 bread stores in the
last four days. Guards were placed at
the larger shops.
20) shops Looted
In the last 24 hours, 20 bread shops
have been broken into by groups of
men, women and children. Most of
them demand bread without ration
cards. When refused they break win-
dows and leap over counters, seize
loaves of bread and escape before the
police can arrive.
The British medical officer de-
clared that yellow faces, extreme
thinness and dejection-the first
signs of starvation-were discernible
among many Hamburg civilians.
Speaking from his experience in
Holland where he had been during
the widespread starvation there last
year, he said:
Just Like Dutch
"They (the Germans) are just like
the Dutch when the famine swept
Holland. People then were collap-
sing in the streets. I think it will be
worse than that here."
Factory foremen in the Hamburg
area reported a sharp increase in ab-
senteeism among the workers since
the slash of the food ration in the
British zone from 1,500 to approxi-
mately 1,000 calories .daily. (The
average in the United States is about
2,500 calories daily, with the con-
sumption higher for actitve workers.)
Reports increased of Germans col-
lapsing at their work. One German
hospital doctor said at least five per-
sons were admitted in the last two
days after falling on the streets be-
cause of undernourishment.
* ' *
Out FoodCris
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., March 22
-(LP-UNRRA's Director General,
Herbert Lehman, told a council meet-
ing today that former President
Herbert Hoover and Secretary of
Agriculture Clinton Anderson "do not
recognize the full size of the food
emergency which faces the world."
He referred to a statement by An-
derson that the emergency would be
short, and by Hoover that it will be
over when the new harvest is in.
"We have no right to plan here on
the basis that the emergency will be
over next winter" Lehman said.
Navy AmBomb
Test Postponed
Heavy Congressional
Work Causes Delay
WASHINGTON, March 22 -()--
President Truman tonight announced
a 6-week postponement of the atom
bomb test scheduled to start May 15
at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific.
He attributed the delay to a heavy
run of congressional business which
would prevent many congressmen
who desire to witness the experiments
from being there.

The announcement was issued
through Charles G. Ross, White
House press secretary, who said the
statement, giving no other reason for
the postponement, covered the
Asked specifically if the interna-
tional situation had any bearing,,
Ross replied that he could not go be-
yond the statement but he added that
he had no reason to believe there
were any international implications,

Stalin Affirms Faith in
UNO; Says Fear of War
Caused by Propaganda,
____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ __A

FRENCH OFFICIALS VISIT TRUMAN ... Leon Blum, (left), former
French premier and envoy extraordinary and French ambassador Henri
Bonnet (right) walk arm-in-arm with President Harry S. Truman on
the White House lawn. Blum is here for French-American economic
Prof. Alberty Advocates Practical
Chan"es in High School Program

A curriculum which deals with the
broad problem of human living must
replace the traditional subjects now
taught in the secondary schools, Prof.
Harold Alberty of Ohio State Uni-
all Chairmen
Date Extended
The deadline for applications for
Senior Ball committee chairmanships
has been extended to April 1.
Two co-chairmen in charge of all
committees, and chairmen of the
patrons, decorations, publicity, music,
refreshments, programs and building
committees will be chosen equally
from the literary school and engi-
neering school senior classes, which
are sponsoring the dance.
Applications may be turned in to
Pat Barrett, president of the literary
school senior class, Don Snider, presi-
dent of the engineering school senior
class, Jean Athay, Betty Vaughn,
Paul John, Frank Ruzicka, and Ar-
thur Renner. They may also be
placed in the Judiciary Council peti-
tion box in the undergraduate office
in the League.
Kelly Appoints
Veteran Board
LANSING, March 22-(AP)--Gover-
nor Kelly today appointed the six-
man board which will administer the
state's $50,000,000 Veterans' Trust
Fund set up by the 1946 special leg-
islative session.
The six, all veterans of World War
II, are:
David J. Gothold, of Detroit, and
Dunlap C. Clark, of Kalamazoo, Am-
erican Legion representatives; Otto
Beaudoin of Detroit, and W. Emmer-
son Scott, of Caro, Veterans of For-
eign Wars; Bonif ace Maile of De-
troit, Disabled American Veterans;
and John R. Worden of Detroit, Am-
erican Veterans of World War II
CLA To 'Elect New
P1-AQ; 0 t. T ilnd,1 ,V

versity told 200 secondary school1
teachers and administrators lasti
Speaking here before a confer-1
ence of the Michigan Curriculum
Planning Committee of the State De-I
partment of Public Instruction, Prof.
Alberty said that this reorganization
is necessary if the schools are to meet
the needs of young people.
He anticipated opposition to such
a program from teachers and the
public unless a program is devised to
help teachers develop new types of
materials and to secure participation
in its planning. For this reason, he
said, the Michigan Department of
Public Instruction is proceeding
properly in encouraging curriculum
planning by local schools and com-
The conference, which was called
at the University by the Michigan
Curriculum Planning Committee, will
end this afternoon.
B-29 Bombers'
To Fly to Pole
Air Forces Cooperate
On Canadian Project
WASHINGTON, March 22-(R)-
The Army Air Force disclosed tonight
preparations for flights by three long
range B-29 bombers to the region of
the magnetic North Pole to obtain
technical data for Arctic flying.
A carefully worded announcement
linked the undertaking with the Ca-
nadian Army's current "musk ox"
expedition to the strategic far north
area into which the Navy also has
sent the aircraft carrier Midway for
The Army Air Forces, at Canada's
invitation, are cooperating with the
musk ox expedition which sarted on
a 3,130-mile, 81-day swing around
northwest Canada this month to ob-
tain data for military operations un-
der extreme cold weather conditions.
Starting from Edmonton, Alberta,
the B-29 flights "will be the closest
approximation to actual military
transport airborne operation under
Arctic conditions ever attempted,"
the War Department said.

States .Nations,
Armies 'Want
To Keep Peace
Accuses Warmongers
Of Fostering Discord
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, March 22-Prime Min-
ster Generalissimo Stalin today ex-
ressed conviction that neither the
ations of the world nor their armies
re seeking another war, and af-
firmed his confidence in the United
Tations Organization as "a serious
Instrument" for preserving peace.
The Russian leader made his as-
ertions in a written reply to three
uestions put to him by the Associ-
ted Press last Tuesday. His reply
was dated today.
(Stalin's forthright statements
immediately produced world-wide
reaction, and were hailed generally
with gratification and hope. U. S.
congressmen quoted it as indicat-
ing greater success for the United
Nations Organization, and as a re-
nunciation of any militaristic am-
bitions by Russia. Observers in
London said the interview had
eased tension.)
The letter to Stalin began:
"In view of the many questions be-
ing asked in various parts of the
world and the anxiety being ex-
pressed over keeping the peace, may
I respectfully address several ques-
tions to you?"
This introduction was followed by
three questions which are quoted be-
low together with Stalin's answers.
Question: "What importance do
you attach to the United Nations
Organization as a means of pre-
serving world peace?"
Answer: "I attach great Impor-
tance to the 'United Nations Orgai-
zation as it is a serious instrument
for the preservation of peace and in-
ternational security. The strength of
this organization consists in. that it
is based on the principle of equality
of states and not on the principle of
the domination of one state over oth-
ers. If the United Nlations Organiza-
tion succeeds in preserving in the
future this principle of equality it
will unquestionably play a great and
positive role in guaranteeing uni-
versal peace and security."
Question: "What in your opin-
ion is responsible for the current
fear of war. felt by many peoples
in many lands?"
Answer: "I am convinced that
neither the nations nor their armies
are seeking another war. They de-
sire peace and are endeavoring to
secure peace. This means that the
current fear of war' is not being
caused by this side. I think that the
'present fear of war' is being brought
about by the actions of certain politi-
cal groups engaged in the propa-
ganda of a new war and by these
means sowing seed of discordand
Question: "What should the gov-
ernments of the freedom loving
countries do at the, present time to
preserve the peace and tranquility
of the world?"
Answer: "It is necessary for public
opinion and the ruling circles of all
states to organize a wide counter-
propaganda against these advocates
of a new war and to secure the peace
so that not a single action on the
part of the advocates of new wars
pass Without due rebuff on the part
of the public and press: to expose
the warmongers without loss of time
and give them no opportunity of
abusing the freedom of speech
against the interests of peace."
u I1 rVk
a *
Truman Favors
Stalin's Views

WASHINGTON, March 22-(R)--
President Truman's reaction to Stal-
in's statement to AP correspondent
Eddy Gilmore was that he had al-
ways known that was exactly theway
Stalin felt, a White House spokes-
man said tonight.
Chairman Connally (D-Tex) of
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee pretty well summed up the
Capitol Hill reaction to Stalin's pro-
nouncement for peace and the Unit-
PH Toirxan.


Wartime Constitution Retained

"The 'New Deal' Revolution has
produced substantially the same Con-
stitution for peacetime as exists in
war," PrOf. Edward S. Corwin said
in' the last of the 1946 William W.
Cook Lectures yesterday on "The
Postwar Constitution".
"The problem," he pointed out, "is
+ ,.+n1-,hn a r1aMtinnshin hoetween

Prof. Corwin also listed five chan-
ges in the interpretation of the Con-
stitution which the war has acceler-
ated and intensified:
1. Congress has been given legis-
lative power of indefinite scope.
2. The President has received the
power and duty to constantly stim-
ulateC ongresn touse this indefinite

bomb will have its effect on the
Constitution since it will increase the
already strong disposition of the peo-
ple to look to the government to
save them and at the same time to
undermine further the fading be-
lief in social improvement through
private effort.
"The Constitution of our nresent

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