rouR TIlEM I(CAHCAN hAlEY ........... _ ... A.. ,... ,... Fifty-Sixth Year Celt tpvoepjial / e orter 'DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IT'S THE PERFECT CRIME. Any-, Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron.. . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . . . . .... .Sports Editor Des Howarth...........ociate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . .. Business Manager Joy Altman . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn MiUls . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credted in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISoN AVE. - NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON . Los AnGLEs * SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FARMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. U. S. in Germany "E Ecannot reeducate Germans by speeches in Congress and a phantom army of oc- cupation." "Nor can we teach Germans to respect our American ways with the shocking demraiza- tion produced by our black marketeering in Ber- fun," said James Marshall recently in an article entitled The Europe We Are Fleeing From. Mr. Marshall, who has just returned from seven weeks spent in four European countries, brought With him several impressions. The impossibility of reeducation without enough American teachers and soldiers in Germany is the most vital, the most controversial of those impressions. Conradieting those who feel that the sooner their boys get home the better and those who feel that Germany can take care of herself, he points out that "cold and inadequately fed people are digging themselves out of ruined cities and trying to reestablish themselves with- out the proper tools and without reliable means of transportation." A vast change has come over the inhabitants of war-devastated lands Marshall adds. In Belgium, which he considered the most remark- able of the countries, there is adequate food if one has the price to pay for it, but malnutri- tion exists even in the country districts; in Par- is, there is none of the gaiety formerly making it the vacation city of the continent. While in conference with several members of the Minis- try of Education, all wore scarfs and overcoats- "I wished I had had the courage to be rude enough to wear my hat and gloves as well," he added. Then he went to Germany. Ruin in Belgium and France was nothing compared with the de- vastation in German cities. "Mannheim is a city of walls and chimneys and rubble-and at Pots- dam and Giesen you see the astounding sight of track after track covered with burnt and smash- ed cars and roundhouses and battered engines. All the bridges are down, bridges and engines and freight cars here as in the rest of Europe holding back transportation, delaying recovery,"' The food situation in Germany is bad, too, although there are plenty of starches. Few vitamins are obtained from starches, and meat and fats are very scarce. Such conditions can easily lead to epidemics. They have already led to hatred for the military government in Ger- many. Until there is sufficient food, clothing and heat for the German people, there is no use talking of reeducation. ACCORDING TO MR. MARSHALL we have good technicians in Germany. We have good will, and "our boys are rather easy to get along with." That is the positive word about American action in Germany. On the other hand, however, the not-so-good word is that industry has not been started; we have no definite economic plan; we complain of the arbitrary position of the Russians and the obstinacy of the French and the British without admitting our own ob- stinacy at the Emergency Economic Commis- sion for Europe. And always the flight for home of the Army is our great weakness. Enough men are being drafted monthly to send a sufficient number of occupation troops to Ger- many to relieve veterans for release. It is the duty of the U.S. to stay in Germany. It isn't pleasant, but settling things after modern war isn't sup- posed to be pleasant. If we wish to ayoid "new anxieties" leading to new aggression, there is a lot to do-now. Your Red Cross watches over the comforts of hospitalized vet- erans and service people everywhere. Help put its Fund Campaign over.OOP elI rICP to 1/ic &ht0 Fight Franco To The Editor: FIGHT FRANCO ! No, don't let your mind's eye slide over the words . . .Don't pass on to something more satis- fying on another page! Read the words . them ... and let them sink slowly into your con- sciousness. These are no longer remote words connected with the musings of a foreign corres- pondent. That America break all diplomatic and busi- ness relations with Franco is surely a modest request. Indeed we in America owe the people of Spain far more than this, for they were the first fighters against Fascism. Almost with bare hands they held off the world war for three long and bitter years. The veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in 1937 and 1938 took up arms against fascism and in defense of America, for it was in Spain that the issue of fascist aggression was being decided. The failure of the Western powers to under- stand and judge correctly the issues of Spain in '36-'39 was paid for with thousands of lives during World War II. We all know, we. tell ourselves and each other every day, that the victory in this war will mean nothing and a sound and enduring peace will be impossible unless fascism is wiped from the face of the earth. But with our support of Franco we are allowing and encouraging the spread of the germs of a third world war. Free governments and fascist governments cannot exist together in this world. We need most earnestly to ask ourselves whether we can afford to encourage the existing fascism in Spain-this poisonous plague which can and will spread future contagion. FRANCO and his Falange, faced by determined mass resistance, are indeed tottering in Spain. Yet the retention of his ruthless and savage dom- ination, the maintenance of troops on the French border, and the support of our official approval are surely adding to his existence. De- prived of this last remnant of prestige, Western support, Franco will lose the last remnant of his support in Spain. He and his bloody tyranny will collapse and a democratic Spain, energeti- qaly supporting the U.N.O. will rise successfully. In order to bring the students of this cam- pus face-to-face with the issues of Fascist Spain, Michigan Youth for Democratic Action will present at a meeting on March 27, Yale Stuart, a veteran of the Lincoln Brigade, who risked his life as a premature anti-fascist. "Heart of Spain", a stiring movie portraying the heroic exodus of Spanish Republicans and their treatment in French concentration camps, will also be featured at this meeting. But beyond movies, and songs, and speeches, is the need for the united action of every student on every American campus to make this issue his personal responsibility by pressing our State Department into immediate action on bringing the matter before the U.N.O. Security Council. Mat Chernotsky, President, MYDA Ala (,orp Agit To the Editor: N reply to the letter by Augu. C. Blio on the successes of our air corps, I would, like to add the opinion of an Army ground force man (walking division). He mentions the losses of the Eighth Air Force whose losses exceeded the maximum strength of the group. Has he ever heard of the 3rd Infan- try Division whose losses were triple their num- bers at any one time and- these losses were in combat, not by drunken driving in Englan.. . Ile also says that actually the air corps did wipe out their targets, but security measures prohibited the naming of actual -targets. In some cases this may be true but a perfect ex- ample of the negative is the Abbey at Casino which the air corns obliterated, destroyed and rendered useless. The only thing wrong was the Germans weren't informed so they stayed and showed the strongest displeasure of any Amer- ican trespassing. WHEN the U.S. Army Air Force comes, every- boy heads for cover." "What gross ungrate- fulness on the part of ground troops", says Bo- lino. There were one hundred bombers lost at St. Lo but let it be remembered that Lt. Gen. Mc- Nair was killed by our own bombers and nobody else knows how many "GI's". In northern France 87 troops killed and hundreds wounded by a mis- take of the USAAF at one village. At Cassino, units 12 miles in the rear of our lines were bomb- ed on account of another mistake. In Sicily, Gen. Patton, who commanded the 7th Army, passed an order forbidding ground troops from firing at our planes. Too many American planes were lost while strafing American troops. As to the Luftwaffe, 25 to 30 air raids a day by them on the Anzio Beachhead rather dis- proved their inabilities. Also a steady bom- bardment by our Air Corps didn't prevent the enemy from fighting on two fronts in Italy, until the ground troops, not the air corps, broke their lines. Two hours firing by an artillery battalion will equal the largest load of bombs dropped any- where. Also it will be more accurate. Since ground troops neglected to read air force communiques they were only able to judge by results, that they could see. They agreed that the air corps did get results. But these results were only a fraction of the claims of Public Re- lations Officers. So the saying still goes, "the infantry fights and Air Corps gets the medals." -Arnold Handelman INCEbeing at this great institution of learn-' ing for the express purpose of acquiring know- ledge, a dash of culture, and a well-rounded edu- cation, we have been told (among other things) by our professors to be observing. These pro- fessors know the value of observing life about us and they are trying to indoctrinate this simple but important fact into us. Going up the steps of the main library last Monday afternoon we did observe. We observed (n that rainy afternoon that hundreds of cig- arette butts (some red-ringed with lipstick) littered i he a pproaches to the main door. These cigarette butts had been hastily left by students who must smoke. We are not taking issue with the smoking student body, but we are taking issue with students who carelessly drop their cigarette butts on the steps of a public building. We wonder if these students think the library is a pool hall. We wonder if these students litter their homes with cig- arette butts WE offer, by the way of advice, a system that has proved itself to armies since the days of Hiannibal. This systei is called field stripping. It consists of breaking open the cigarette butt and scattering the left over tobacco to the four winds, then wadding up the paper into an in- finitesimal ball and also throwing it away. For those who think this is unimportant and of no consequence and would denounce it as "for high school kids, not us" (as we have heard so- called University students say about certain campus issues) let us say that it is the small and the inconsequential that lead to big improve-' Slnents everywhere. -Robert L. Warren body who wants to sabotage America's international position can easily achieve his goal by supporting Army control of atomic energy. He could go hog-wild . . . testify before Senate committees, circulate peti- tions, hold mass rallies, and remain completely immune from punish- ment. The Congress of the United States would of necessity be responsible for giving the Army control of atomic energy, and after that only the Army would be responsible. But the Army has proven itself to be completely irresponsible, so that presumably no- body would be responsible. Are you confused? I don't see any way that this scheme could fail. If the Army ever gets its hands on atomic research, within five years the inhabitants of Togoland will have far out- stripped this country's knowledge of the newest toy of mankind. All of our animal friends will snub us and bully us, supremely confident that they "got the atom bomb, but we ain't". W HEN the Army discovered five cyclotrons in Japan, they promptly smashed them. This is an ample indication of the Army's idea of atomic energy. The cyclotron is important only in a purely research stage, and has no possible value in the actual production of atomic bombs. But the order to smash them was sent out by someone in the War Department, and they were smashed. Exactly who had sent the order was for some time a mystery, but finally Secretary Patterson admitted that he was the culprit. He claimed, how- ever, that he didn't know what the order had said. These men who can sign their names but can't read are often amusing when they get their own big bureau. The reaction of American scientist to this cyclotron-smashing is shown by the fact that they have already collected nearly $100,000 to REPLACE THE CYCLOTRONS. Scientists are so unwilling to work for the Army that they. are now scrambling back to their former jobs in universities, in spite of the larger number of lolli- pops per week that they can earn working for the Army. The Army, at least partially realizing its own inadequacy, is holding out fat salaries in an effort to keep some scientists in its em- ploy. But they don't want just any scientist ... for instance they did- n't want one of the world's great- est physicists admitted to the Unit- ed States. Nils Bohr, a native of Denmark who was responsible for one of the major developments in atomic research, wanted a pass- port to return to the United States, but the Army shook its head. They didn't want our clean-cut Ameri- can boys talking to these foreigners. THIS SITUATION is encouraging some very healthy reactions from once-passive circles. The scientists are emerging from their laboratories to condemn Army control of atomic energy, and general public is gett- ing a chance to observe that they are not ogres, and that only a small minority actually have two heads. For instance, the Science Research Club at Michigan has passed a resolution in favor of international control. The Association of University of Michi- gan Scientists has favored the Mac- Mahon Bill, which would leave con- trol in the hands of a civilian com- mission. Ihe Army, seemingly failing ii its frontal assault, has now launch-1 ed a flank attack. Senator Vanden- berg has obliged them by intro- ducing an amendment which would give the Army veto powers over any decisions of the civilian commis- sion, and the added power of ap- peal to the President. The fight in the Senate is now centering around this amendment of Senator Van- denberg's, which Henry Wallace declared would leave the door open for a "military fascist dictatorship" in our country. Senator Pepper of Florida declared that Vandenberg was the most dangerous proponent of a "new form of isolationism" which advocates keeping the atom bomb to ourselves and giving the Army control of all atomic ener y. This Army threat is more wide- spread than simply the desire to' monopolize the atom bomb . . . the brass-hats are also trying to secure a peace-time conscription bill which would maintain a peace-time Army of one and a half million men. These other activities of the Army will be considered in this column next week. -Ray Ginger Pubncation in the Daily Official Bul Letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hal, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1946 VOL. LVIL No. 94 Notices Detroit Armenian Women's Club Award: The Detroit Armenian Wom- en's Club is making available, for 1946-47. two $100 scholarships for young men and women of Armenian parentage from the metropolitan dis- trict of Detroit. For further details consult Dr. Frank E. Robbins at 1021 Angell Hall. The !United States mail clerk who delivers to all canpus offices earnest- ly requests that all students, espe- cially graduate students, arrange that their first-class mail be ad- dressed to their Ann Arbor addresses instead of to a department in the University. The same request is made with re- spect to second-class mail-Life, Time, Newsreel, etc.-addressed to students and faculty. The increase in the bulk of mail now being received prompts this ap- peal. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Senior Class, School of Education: An organizational meeting is planned for Tuesday, March 26, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 2436 University Elementary School. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for June: Please call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 University Elementary School, this afternoon between 1:30 and 4:30 to take the Teacher's Oath. This is a requirement for the certificate. Senior and Graduate Students in Mathematics Programs, Employ- ment after Graduation: University graduates who have completed substantial programs in Mathematics are needed in the Bal- listic Research Laboratories, Aber- deen Proving Ground, and in the Army Security Agency in Washing- ton, D. C. If you are interested in being inter- viewed this spring by representatives from those agencies, please leave your name and telephone number in the office of Professor Hildebrandt, 3012 Angell Hall, or Professor Churchill, 315 West Engineering Building. City of Detroit Civil Service An- nouncement has been received in this office for: 1) Junior Clerk (Male) Salary $1752 to $1980 2) Intermediate Clerk Salary $2169 to $2321 Closing date is April 1. 3) Junior Accountant Salary $2625 to $3095 4) Semi-senior Accountant Salary $3413 to $4127 5) Senior Accountant Salary $4365 to $5079 Closing date is April 11. 6) City Plan Effectuator Salary $4761 to $5476 7) Senior City Plan Effectuator Salary $6613 to $7165 Closing date is May 9 Senior Purchases Agent Salary $4127 to $4682 Principal Purchases Agent Salary $4894 to $5529 Closing date is April 17, For information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Lec tres University Lecture: Dr. P a u I Wea therwax, Professor of Botany at Indiana University, will lecture on Ithe subject, "The Origin of Maize" t illustratcd , under the auspices of the Departments of Botany and An- thropology, at 4:15 p.m. today, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Gregor Wentzel, Professor of Physics at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, will lecture on "The Theory of the Mason" at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26,1 in the Kellogg Auditorium, under the auspices of the Department of Physics. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: JDr. Y. P . Meci r'1ei Yi-pao), President of Yench- ing University (Pciping) will lecture on "Confucius and Confucianism" at 4:15 p.m., Monday, March 25, in the Auditorium of the Kellogg Building under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Philosophy and the Interna- tional Center. Educated at Oberlin (B.A.), the University of Chicago (Ph.D.) and at Cologne University (1927-28), Dr. Mci is widely known through his English publications on the early Chinese philosophical schools. Dr. Mei is on a special mis- sion in America to promote Chinese- American cultural relations at the in- vitation of the U. S. State Depart- mient. French Lecture: Dr. Alphonse Fav- reau. of the Romane eLanguag eDe- West Medical Building. "Glyoxalase- Activity and Distribution: The Re- lation of Glutathione to Glyoxalase." All interested are invited. Remedial Reading: A non-credit course in the improvement of reading is again being offered this semester. The first meeting of the class will be on Thursday., March 28, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 4009 University High School. Interested students are invited to this first meeting. Veterans' Tutorial Work in Physics Z6 and 46. Two sections for tutorial work in Physics 26 and 46 have been organized. Section 1-Monday, Wed- nesday, 7:30 to 8:30, Saturday, 11 o'clock. 1035 Randall Laboratory- A. W. Ewald, Instructor. Section 2- Monday, Wednesday, 1.30 to 8:30, and Saturday 11 o'clock. 1036 Randall Laboratory-H. Levenstein, Instruc- toi. Only veterans enroPed in Physics 26 or 46 should attend. Economics 51, 52, 53 and 54: Make- up final examination for students with excused absences from the fall term examination will be given Thurs- day, March 28 at 3:15 p.m., in Room 207, Economics Bldg. Concerts Student Recital: Mary Katherine Harris, violinist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, March 24, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Her program will include composi- tions by Tartini, Mozart, Debussy, and 'Beethoven, and will be open to the general public. Miss Harris is a stu- dent under Gilbert Ross. Student Recital: Virginia Long Lowry, a student of piano under Ava Comin Case, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 Monday evening, March 25, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Miss Lowry will play compositions by Bach, Schumann, Franck, Mingone, Fer- nandez and Khatchaturian. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions "Ancient Man in the Great Lakes Region." Rotunda, University Muse- um Building, through April 30. Michigan Historical Collections: "Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham. Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays 8-12. Paintings by Eduardo Salgado of current American Life. Daily from 2-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m, in the mezza- nine galleries of Rackham until April 10. Events Today Westminster Guild: A Bible Class will be conducted by Dr. Lemon to- night at 7:30 on the theme, "The Life and Teachings of Jesus." Following the class, open house will be held for the students. The Geological Journal Club will meet in Rm. 4065, N. S. Bldg, at 12:15 p.m. today. Program: Various phases of the geology of Camp Davis, Wyo. area, by Ruth Bachrach, Alice Gray and Henry Gray. All interested are cordially invited. The Acolytes will meet at 7:30 tonight in the West Confer- ence Room, Rackham building, to hear an address by Professor Burke Shartel entitled: "Proof And Pre- sumption In The Legal System." In- terested non-members are welcome. The Educational Committee of the inter-Cooperative Council will pre- sent a talk by Dr. Redman of the Uni- tarian Church: "The Role of the Church in Modern Society," tonight at 8:00 at Robert Owen Cooperative, 1017 Oakland Ave. Everyone is in- vited. There will be community sing- ing and refreshments, The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to visitors tonight from 7:30 to 9:30 to view Saturn and Mars. If the sky is cloudy, the Observatory will not be open. Children must be accompanied by adults. . Hindustan Association: Meeting to- night at 7:30 at Lane Hall. The pro- gram includes discussion of activities and vocal and instrumental Indian music. All are cordially invited. Weslcvan Guild will have an "April Fool's" party in the Guild Lounge tonight from 8:30 to 12:00 All Methodist students and their friends are invited. Refreshments. B'nai B'rith Hl Foundation will hold Sabbath Eve Services tonight at 7:45. Followingthe Services, Mr. Franklin H. Littell will discuss "A Christian Views Reconstructionism." Student Religious Association will hold its weekly Coffee Hour at Lane Hall today from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Everyone is invited. The Women of the Faculty will - I BUARNABYl Pop says it's all right to use our living room for your class, Mr. O'Malley, To gain and hold the attention of any class, 'if's frequently necessary to implement the discourse with animated pictures. After all, 'y Crockett Joihnson Your Fairy Godfather can reveal sylphs and nymphs at work and play-Hmm. We're faced l with two vexing problems. To secure a magic |