J,TWO THE MiCHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. MARCH 21, 1949 ._ . . .. .. . .. . - - - - - - Fair4tgat aij Fifty-Sixth Year IT SO HAPPENS... e Van Johnson Should Get Mail Like This A ART DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion............ Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . AssociateI Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . AssociateJ Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . . Sports Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Ann Schutz ............Women's Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Business Staff Editor Editor. Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . .....Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills...... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23.24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTYANN LARSEN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Underprivileged Coed 1%TE are constantly reminded that there was a time when this great co-educational uni- versity was exclusively a school for men. Although Madelon Stockwell, the first woman to enter the university, enrolled February 2, 1870, the tradition of the dominant male was far from shattered when her registration materials were filed. The most striking example of the fact that women students have not yet gained equal rights on one of the oldest of the nation's co- educational campuses is to be found in the or- ganizational differences of the Union and the League. "Here on State Street we have one of the most beautiful and well-equipped buildings on campus, for the exclusive use of the men students," the orientation advisor informs the entering fresh- men. "And over on N. University," the learned up- perclassman continues, "we have the League carrying on the same functions for the women." With this last bit of information, the coed ad- visor is forced to suppress a rather satirical smile. "HE smile is invoked by a flood of memories- memories of the time her parents came up for the week-end and she tried to find them a' room, The Union, because it allows its members to have first claim on its rooms, was completely filled. The League, in which she holds a com- parable membership, was also completely book- ed, but for a different reason. Rooms at the League are reserved for weeks in advance, not for parents and friends of wo- men students, but for relatives of townspeople; traveling salesmen, and casual sightseers. Chances are Mom and Pop stayed at a board- ing house, if they could find one. HE has memories too of the hours spent wait- ing in that endless line leading to the League cafeteria, waiting in line because her house did- n't serve meals and being forced to stand be- hind groups of townspeople who could just as .well eat elsewhere. The stalwart campus male, however is not a part of the motley hungry queue. He is dining at the Union cafeteria which serves meals to him and to him alone. We see no reason why after 76 years the coed should still be treated as a sort of a step-sister to that Man of the Hour, Joe College. We shall happily continue to conform to the anachronism of walking around to the side door of his building if we are given the opportunity to feel that the League is operated for our benefit in the same sense that the Union is operated for his. -Annette Shenker Actioii Thru T . T HERE are over 10,000 students registercd in the University. Out of that large number it seems unbclievable that the Inter-Racial As- sociation can not maintain an active iembership of more than twenty persons who are willing to work to achieve racial equality. Surely there are others who have convictions that are strong enough to lead to a desire to fight for them. The IRA realizes that talk is not synony- mous with action. It has appealed for members who are willing to act to carry out its program of testing various restaurants and entertain- ment centers, organizing educational groups, and planning a campus brotherhood week. The preamble of the Constitution of the IRA clearly states the purpose of the organization: "To help create among the American people the unity and mutual understanding resulting from a common citizenship, a common belief in dcemocracy, and the ideals of liberty . . . the ac- ceetance. in fact as well as in law, of all 0itzens, Our first fan mail has arrived and we treasure the original jealously. Our readers, we feel, are entitled to glance at its contents, however, and we quote it in full. "It is extremely unfortunate that Samuel Grafton's column is no longer found on the editorial page of the Michigan Daily at a time when his piercing analyses of the national and international situation are more important than ever. According to an editorial note, this deletion was necessitated by lack of space. At the same time a new column, "It So Happens," appeared, a column filled with items of dubious news significance. The incidents are related in a style vaguely suggestive of the New Yorker; and like most imitators the columnist (or col- umnists) lacks the verve of the original stylist. Since for the most part this column is neither particularly clever nor humorous, it is rather annoying to find Grafton's "I'd Rather Be Right" replaced by nuggets of nothing. Hopefully, Norma S. Levy. We sympathize, Norma, but we have our rea- sons. 1) Grafton's column almost invariably arrives one day after it has been printed in metropolitan papers. When, as it sometimes does, "I'd Rather Be Right" arrives on the release date, we often use it. 2) We know "It So Happens" does not measure up to New Yorker Standards, but it has two ad- vantages for a student newspaper. It is local and it is written by students (plural, we assure you.) What's more, we think it will improve as those who write develop further understanding of what is to them a new technique. 3) Verbal comment, which is about all we re- ceive, has tended to be favorable. The defense moves for a temporary adjourna- ment, hoping that new evidence will appear with- in the week, admitting that the case is wide open. Musings o Equality The latest directive of the Clothing Produc- ers Association promises that any raise in price in the lower-priced suit fields will be compen- sated for by a decrease in the cost of the most expensive items. Please understand that we're not complain- ing: what could be fairer? ihe Literary Gampis . .. Never you mind what secret archives we've been delving in these past few days, the experi- ence is one we shan't soon forget. Sample 1: A petition for what is dubiously known as an activity. We quote: C INEMA The Art Cinema League presents Dolores Del Rio in "Flor Silvestre." G.ATHER round, children; poise your handker- chieves, and your Uncle will tell you a story. It's all about a simple, although gorgeous, daugh- ter of the soil in old Mexico, who loves-who dares to love, that is-The Son of The Big Land- owner. It's a sad story and many tears were shed over it last night at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All this springs from a screening of "Flor Sil- vestre" (it means "wild-flower" a Puerto Rican friend has whispered to me), a Mexican film that is newest in the series of foreign-language films presented by The Art Cinema League. Although a large part of its interest is admittedly academic, the film may bring nostalgic twinges to some in that it stars Dolores Del Rio, an American screen favorite of some years back. From the stand- point of a language workout, it is a valuable film. Miss Del Rio's diction is unusually clear and pre- cise and she is more understandable for struggling American students than some of her colleagues. From the standpoint of cinema it is a rather naive fable, as sketched above, set against the background of the Mexican Revolution. Its com- ments on the Revolution are mere platitudes and there seems to be no great social significance at- tached to it. Miss Del Rio and the hero, an actor notable in that he wears what must be the largest somnbrero in captivity, play the love story to its moist hilt. There is a scene, in which 'the hero goes before the firing squad in the sight of his wife, that is clearly designed to tear your heart to shreds. r"HE English subtitles do not offer the usual be- guiling fun. They are quite restrained, and avoid American colloquialisms. The only time things show promise is when, after a father has knocked his son down, trampled on him and at- tempted to stab him with a saber, the subtitle puts "you men have no heart" into the mouth of the distraught mother. In addition to a couple of musical interludes and scores of caballeros dashing hither and yon across the Mexican equivalent of the pampas, there is a really fasci- nating glimpse into a Mexican brothel, replete with player piano and all. In the well-known nutshell that is the context of the film. There remains little more t do other than registering a long, low whistle over Miss Del Rio's Latin beauty, which is all it used to be in her Hollywood days. BARNABY ". . . . I have been a member of numerous teams, particularly midget and junior league basketball and baseball teams in my pre high- school days. I served as team captain in both sports and still hold a junior basketball league scoring record of 28 points in one game." "( .... I still have in my possession a 3-year perfect attendance pin as a Sunday School member) . . . "At the end of my first term I was rather surprised on learning that my grades had been high enough to warrant entrance into Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honor society." And a modest sequitur, "July, 1944, found the manpower shortage here quite critical, and I won the intramural tennis tournament in singles." Michiguama, here he comes. Sample 2: A little poem, entitled Assembly As- sociation, to be found in your copy of Women's Activities 1945-46-and they say pulp is scarce: "Listen, my coed and you shall hear About an organization all Independents hold dear. Assembly's its name and its ten years old Growing stronger and better-as you'll be told." Tell somebody else, sister, we ain't stickin' around. -Hale Champion (Ali items appearing in this column are written by members of The Daily staff and edited by the Editorial Director.) I'D RA THER BE RIGHT: Liberals Recognized By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE biggest bloc of votes in America, what might be called the liberal vote, is lying a- round, waiting to be picked up; and it makes a curious political situation. Nobody is wooing the liberal vote in the aggressive manner in which Mr. Roosevelt used to woo it; with the result that this orphaned bloc, and it is one of the largest orphans on record, is groping and looking for a father. Mr. Truman occasionally offers it a lolly- pop and goes kitchy-koo, but it has not yet fully decided whether to sit on his lap; it stares at the faces of the strange men who have succeeded Mr. Roosevelt, and waits. The situation is therefore fraught, as they say; and when a situation becomes sufficiently fraught, the professionals of politics will, in time take notice. The first "break," it seems to me, comes with Postmaster General Hanne- gan's little-noticed Jackson Day speech at Wilmington, Delaware. Mr. Hannegan is chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and in theory, the little friend of all Democrats, everywhere; but from his Wilmington podium he took a direct cut at those Southern Democrats who have joined with the Republicans to make a bi-partisan bloc. HE used rough language. He said that the dis- sident Southern Democrats have joined with the Republicans in a "class compact" to defeat the will of "three-fourths of the people of the na- tion" on price control and housing. It is not customary to bring references to the theory of class struggle into American political debate; it is not considered a nice theory at all; and the fact that Mr. Hannegan, has mentioned the fatal word dan only mean that he is through pleading with the Southern dissidents to behave; he is appealing, beyond them, to that dimly-seen sea of faces which used to cheer for Roosevelt and reform. Mr. Hannegan is a practical politician; it is not unnatural that the realization should sud- denly have dawned on him that there must be many Americans around who really liked Mr. Roosevelt, for him to have been elected four times hand running; and that these are real people, not elves and pixies who turn up once in four years to stuff the ballot boxes. There are those in Washington who say that Mr. Hannegan has deliberately furthered the appointments of such men as the Messrs. Porter, Nathan, Pri- Pchard, et al., to start a kind of liberal life going in Washington again; that he prefers for Mr Truman to have a liberal, majority support, even if attended by unpleasant sound effects, rather than have him go down to silent defeat, in an atmosphere of forced geniality, and little cat- smiles, with no rough word ever spoken. And so the story takes a sudden turn. It was perhaps inevitable that the conflict between the Northern and Southern wings of Democra- tic officialdom would come out into the open this year. The bi-partisan bloc, to which so much of the Southern Democrarcy is attached, has become steadily bolder; it even held a kind of organization meeting, fortnight ago, after which it was meekly suggested in these dis- patches that the name "Conservative Bloc" be attached to it, to indicate its emerging charac- ter as a new party. Mr. Hannegan is trying to oppose this poli- tical process. If he fails, tie results are beyond foretelling, and might include a third-party movement. Only if he succeeds can the Demo- cratic party be good for another whirl as the sprawling, brawling, room-enough-for-everybody party, as long as a piece of string, as wide as from right to left; a party within whose screaming in- ternal conferences there were, under Roosevelt, compromises beaten out which were broad enough to appeal to the country, and to keep it on its feet in a perilous time. (Copyright, 1946, N. Y.Post Syndicate) A wide range of honest experimen- tation is evident to those attend-+ ing the Rackham Hall opening of Eduardo Salgado's one-man exhibit of forty-three paintings done on an eight months' tour ranging from New York, Ann Arbor to Los Angeles; therein is found rewarding fruit of the first Rackham traveling fellow- ship in painting. The artist's inclusion of ten paintings done earlier in the Phihi- pines and in Mexico enables one to gauge his growth and stylistic ver- satility. Rather than the coercion of "isms",' it is the rhythmic color and emotion-' a] content he sees in a subject that dictates his style, making for a var- iety that ranges from the "Los Ena- morados"-a purely decorative water color exploiting magically all the tones of purple with a stated sen- suousness so cool he recaptures it in sculpture without disturbing the ef- feet-to the graduated implied clasp of male steel and feminine smoke, in- timating the enamored mesalliance of industry and idealism-in the elo- quent oil painting "Pittsburgh". HIS dry brush of skyscrapers, the Carillon Tower, the altar of a cathedral have a stately dignity. His still-lifes objectify fruit such as it must have existed before the fall of man--in delicate color. Form has a pristine freshn ss. His blithe subju- gation of detail to permit a radiant pattern of motion and color which itself gives pleasure, is achieved so consistently that in this one feels Salgado's signature. But his contri- bution is the exploration he is re- wardingly making of the stipple tech- nique-dots that Seurat used with one-dimensional results and which Salgado, without losing delicacy or flux, is more communicatively em- ploying by curving his thousands of dots and dashes to give a solidity and three -dimensional effect. The result is a Morse Code technique with a message-to coin a name for his ex- periment. Paintings done in this technique are "Autumn Rhapsody"- the arboretum depicted with the moodiness of a Van Gogh, "Califor- nia Hills", "Kids from Brooklyn", "Winter Studio" (a nude), "The Meeting of Minds", "Bataan", and the full-blown height of this inter- esting experiment-"V-J Day". In "The Strikers", the simplicity of his human figures gives a rhy- thm to a pattern of violence that could be rendered in ballet. Har- mony purifies even the terror of his baleful "Twentieth Century Dilemma": beside the church of David tinniness is Goliath with the atomic brain, constructed out of armaments, who can understand science but not mercy-today's tower of Babel. Equally powerful, showing the invention of the artist in dealing with large terms with telling impact, is his "The Meeting of Minds"-the races concocting the Four Freedoms. FOR his people back in the Islands, he has suffused with charm taw- dry New York-showing like a poet the astor loveliness of tenements, the controlled glorified flesh of Coney Island, the beauty even in the sub- way-which is a feat both of art and of singular good will. -Naomi Gilpatrick Ma Criticizes Men To The Editor: What's wrong with the men at the dances so graciously given by various girls' dormitories and sororities on the campus? It's customary for a fel- low to dance with his host when in- vited to her house to a party. At the recent dances around the campus the men either group-up to watch or gang-up to cut in on two or three glamour girls and rudely overlook the many other attractive girls that one should want to dance with but, if not, which simple politeness demands. The quickest way to bring this shortcoming to the attention of male students would be to revise the rules at a few dances and have the girls do all the tagging. This would be an unpleasant experience for most of usj men. We all aren't glamour-boys, you j know. -David Young Now's The Time A true mark of intelligence is to know when to do the proper thing. Now is the time to give your share plus to the American Red Cross. Pubication in the Daily Official sul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angeil Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 93 Notices School of Education Facult.v: The March meeting will be held on Mon- day, March 25, in the University Ele- mentary School Library. The meet- ing will convene at 4:15 p.m. Students who competed in the Iop- wood contest for freshmen should call for their manuscripts by Friday March 22. The Hopwood Room is open week days from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. No petitions will be received by the Hopwood Committee after April 1. See Hopwood bulletin, page 9, para- graph 19. Students. College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: be made before April 1. Application bmaebfrApi1.Applications o coasissol forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed at that office. City of Detroit Civil Service An- nouncement has been received in this office for: 1) Junior Clerk (Male) Salary $1752 to $1980 2) Intermediate Clerk Salary $2169 to $2321 Closing date is April 1. 3) Junior Accountant Salary $2625 to $3095 4) Semi-senior Accountant Salary $3413 to $4127 5) Senior Accountant Salary $4365 to $5079 Closing date is April 11. 6) City Plan Effectuator Salary $4761 to $5476 7) Senior City Plan Effectuator Salary $6613 to $7165 Closing date is May 9. Senior Purchases Agent Salary $4127 to $4682 Principal Purchases Agent Salary $4894 to $5529 Closing date is April 17. For information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Michigan Dailies Wanted: There are still Michigan men in service who want clippings from the Michigan Dailies. Also there are men in hospitals to whom I am sending the papers. Thanks heaps. Ruth B. Buchanan University Museums Lectures University Lecture: Dr. P a u Weatherwax, Professor of Botany a Indiana University, will lecture on the subject, "The Origin of Maize' (illustrated), under the auspices o the Departments of Botany and An thropology, at 4:15 p.m., Friday March 22, in the Natural Science Au ditorium. The public is cordially in vited. University Lecture: Dr. Y. P. Me (Mei Yi-pao), President of Wench ing University (Peiping) will lectur' on "Confucius and Confucianism" a 4:15 p.m., Monday, March 25, in th Auditorium of the Kellogg Buildin under the auspices of the Depart ment of Philosophy and the Interna tional Center. Educated at Oberlin (B.A.), the University of Chicag (Ph.D.) and at Cologne Universit (1927-28), Dr. Mei is widely known through his English publications on the early Chinese philosophica schools. Dr. Mei is on a special mis sion in America to promote Chinese American cultural relations at the in vitation of the U. S. State Depart ment. Leland Stowe, noted foreign cor respondent and author, will be pre sented by the Oratorical Association tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Au ditorium as the closing number on the 1945-46 Lecture Course. "What We May Expect in the Future" will be the subject of Mr. Stowe's lecture. Tic kets may be purchased today from 10-1, 2-8:30 at the Auditorium box office. French Lecture: Dr. Alphonse Fav- reau, of the Romance Language De- partment, will offer the fourth French lecture on the series spon- sored by the Cercle Francais, or Tuesday, March 26, at 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Th title of his lecture is: "Les vins de France." Academic Notices Botany 1 Make-up final examin- ation for students with excused ab- sences from the fall term examina tion will be given today at 4:00 p.m., in Room 1139 Natural Science. Rainich will speak on "Unifying Ideas in Mathematics." Remedial Reading: A non-credit course in the improvement of reading is again being offered this semester. The fi'st meeting of the class will be on Thursday, March 28, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 4009 University High School, Interested students are invited to this first meeting. Veterans' Tutorial Work in Physs 26 and 46. Two sections for tutorial work in Physics 26 and 46 have been organized. Section I-Monday, Wed- nesday,7:30 to 8:30, Saturday, 11 o'clock, 1035 Randali Laboratory- A. W. Ewald, Instructor. Section 2- Monday, Wednesday, ;:30 to 8:30, and Saturday 11 o'clock. 136 Randall Laboratory H. Levenstein, Instru tor. Only veterans enroled in Physics 26 or 46 should attend. Exhibitions Paintings by Eduardo Salgado of current American Life. Daily from 2-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. in the mezza- nine galleries of Rackham until April 10. Michigan Historical Collections: "Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham. Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays 8-12. Events Today La Sociedad IHispanica and Art Cinema League present Flor Silves- tre tthe Wild Flower) with Dolores Del Rio, Spanish Dialogue, English Sub-titles, in tie Lydia Mendelssohn Theater tonight at 8:30 p.m. Tea at the International Center: The weekly informal teas at the In- ternational Center on Thursdays, fmrom 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to all foreign students and their Ameri- can friends. Forestry Club: There will be a brief business meeting in Room 2039, Nat- umalScience Building, at 7:30 this evening. Phi Sigma, honorary biological fra- ternity, will hold a closed meeting tonight at 7:30 in West Conference Room, Rackham. The following per- sons are particularly requested to at- tend: William Hovanitz, Van Harris, Cheng Tsui, Alby Sharknas, Morton Livingston, Dorothy M. Sherman, and Helene Freed. Phi Delta Kappa Coffee flour will be held this afternoon at 4:15 in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. Professor Irving An- derson will report on his educational work with the Services. 1 t The Coordination Committee of the 1 Veterans Organization will meet at the West Lodge Community Center f tonight at 7:30. The Ann Arbor Chapter of the - American Veterans will meet in the Union tonight at 7:30. Topics for dis- cussion include arguments on both sides of the Atomic Energy Control i Commission issue. All veterans are - cordially invited. e t The Modern Poetry Club will meet e tonight at 7:30 in Room 3231 Angell g Hall. Mr. Jack Sessions will lead a - discussion on Walt Whitman and T. - S. Elliot. D The -B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Y Inter Faith Committee will meet to- n day at 4:15 at the Foundation. Plans n will be made for coming Inter Faith l discussions. Coming Events The Gcological Journal Club will meet in Rm. 4065, N. S. Bldg, at 12:15 - p.m. on Friday, March 22. Program: Various phases of the - geology of Camp Davis, Wyo. area, by n Ruth Bachrach, Alice Gray and Henry Gray. e All interested are cordially invited. e_ e The Acolytes will meet at 7:30 p.m. - Friday, March 22, in the West Confer- ence Room, Rackham building, to hear an address by Professor Burke Shartel entitled: "Proof And Pre- s umption In The Legal System." In- I terested non-members are welcome. Attention Sphinx members: There will be an important meeting Sunday, March 24, at 7:15 p.m. Meet in lobby of the Union. Election of officers will be held and new members voted on. The Graduate Outing Club is plan- ning a bicycle hike on Sunday, March 24. Members who do not own a bi- cycle can rent one at the Campus Bike Shop, 510 E. William St. if they reserve it in advance. The supper fee should be paid at the checkroom desk in the Rackham Building before noon Saturday. Bikers, complete with bi- cycle, will meet at the northwest en- trance of the Rackham Building at 2:45 Sunday. Wesleyan Guild will have an "April Fool's" party in the Guild I m L min_( rclvniah,: ta Raf t e - um . mm- -mwir rlod I We must set a date. Convenient for your parents and their friends. But we'll disnsen' with ren