PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ __ a GM Awaits Word On Strike's Close Production Stalled Local Unions DETROIT, March 19-(P)-Gen- eral Motors Corporation today told the CIO United Auto Workers that "until we receive notification from the International Union that the strike is ended in all our plants, we will have to assume that the strike continues." The corporation, acting shortly af- ter the UAW notified it that the rank and file of GM workers had approved the national strike settlement, de- clared in a telegram to Walter P. Reuther, UAW Vice-president: -'We are in receipt of your telegram of March 19 in which you state the settlement of March 13 has been rat- ified by a majority vote of local un- ions but that in certain unions the membership has voted to remain on strike until a satisfactory settlement F. P. Jordan Dies at Home Funeral services for Frederick Parker Jordan, associate librarian. emeritus, at the University, who died Monday night at his home after a long illness, will be held at 11 a.m. to- morrow in St. Andrew's Episcopal church. A graduate of Ann Arbor High school and the University, Mr. Jor- dan studied at the University of Leip- zig and later taught in Marshall high school. He is survived by Mrs. Jordan. The Rev. Henry Lewis will officiate. Burial will be in Forest Hill Ceme- tery. Keniston... (Continued from Page 1) an unusually high percentage of lit- erary college students was being "flunked out" but said that the col- lege was compelled to be "more strict in borderline cases." Predicting that the peak veteran enrollment will not be reached until next year, Dean Keniston said the University will continue to be crowd- ed in later years because of normal in- cdements in population, increased popularity of college education and demands of nonveterans who are now being denied admission under the policy of veteran-priority. Dean Keniston said he hoped the University would not have to discon- tinte entirely admission of new out- of-state students because "the reason for the University's greatness is its national character." He said the college was unable to resume its University Honors Pro- gram, which was discontinued in 1942, because of the present problem of finding sufficient faculty members to teach regular courses. occurs with respect to their local de- mands. "In keeping with the agreement which we entered into with your un- ion officers, your telegram should officially end the strike in all GM plants." "Until we receive notification from the international union that the strike is ended in all our plants, we will have to assume that the strike continues and that the resumption of production will be delayed until that time. "You are aware that our manufac- turing is so geared that we cannot start production in a part of our plants with others still out on strike." The corporation's statement was signed by Harry W. Anderson, GM vice president. . "Local unions which have satis- factorily settled their local demands now stand ready to return to work upon call by their local manage- ments," Reuther said. In "certain other local unions," Reuther added, the memberships voted to remain on strike "until a satisfactory settlement occurs with respect to their local demands." He did not identify these locals. Dr. Y. P. Mci To Be U Guest Dr. Y. P. Mei, president of Yenching University of Peiping, China, and one of modern China's foremost scholars and educators, will be a University guest over the coming weekend. Arriving Sunday from Colorado College, Dr. Mei will be the guest of the Chinese Students' Club at the regular Sunday evening gathering at the International Center. He will speak at 7:30 p.m. in Rooms 316-320 of the Michigan Union on "Chinese- American Cultural Relations." After this meeting a reception will be held in the social rooms of the Interna- tional Center. Dr. Mei will give a University lec- ture at 4:15 p.m. Monday in Kellogg Auditorium on "Confucius and Con- fucianism," under the sponsorship of the Department of Philosophy and the International Center. Dr. Mei has been in the United States during the past year by invi- tation of the Department of State. lled ml Crash f Army Plaite Similar Fate Feared 1or lissi ig Bomber TlUCKEE. Calif., March 19-(!iP)- T nty-ix service personnel probab- lyperised today in the explosive iash of an Army C-47 plane in snow- clad mountain country north of Lake T hoe and a missing B-29 bomber roused fears of a similar tragedy in Nor! hei xinCalifornia. Some witnesses peering through Sow from a distance thought they awx the C-47 blow up in the air, with th^ fuselage landing near Hobart Mills, seven miles north of Truckee. Wreckage of a plane, believed to b the missing B-29, was reported at Merced, Calif., late today by a pri- ',ute airplane pilot. He reported to i he Castle Field Army Air Base that the wreckage was in the hills above SLivermore. The B-29, flying from Honolulu with seven persons reported aboard. was traced last by radio communica- tion as possibly over the Sacramento Valley at a point roughly 100 miles west of the C-47 crash scene. The big flying fortress, of the type which bombed Japan in the war, haden gine trouble. Ground searching parties, reaching the scene of the C-47 crash, found the bodies of 20 persons, all service personnel. PROF. MATTERN .. . directs Glee Club BLAST WRECKS BERi N POLICE STATiON--Pol'ic and civilians view remains of midtown headquarters of German civ',can ad Russian military police in Berlin, Germany, where explosions wrecked the head- quarters and spread debris over an area of several blocks. Legislators Oppose Wallace Plan SE ieln Part or 1ij-OC61 qParv Diss"ident-s (Continued from Page 1) WASHINGTON, March 10-(A)-- Charges that Henry A. Wallace favors a political "purge" sy:tem akin to Hitler's or Stalin's were hurled in Congress today as legislators hotly opposed his proposal to expel dissi- dents from the Rvpublican and De- mocratic parties. The commerce secretary, in a speech before the Women's Demo-, ment to prevent 'boom, busts and xvais. "I will not follow one man," Johns- ton continued, "whether it be Hen- 1 EI 171 1c1 ry Wallace or any other, blindly will make up my own nd. [ b icvc 1l that is wha 1hw people wat!; us to P doI Will Be Given ~~1 - The soloists appearing in the con- cert tonight will be Eugene Malitz, baritone, accompanied by Sheldon Sandweiss, singing "Mon e Ver" and Kenneth Pool, organist, playing Franck's "Chorale in A minor". Other numbers appearing on the program are "How Jovial is My Laughter" Bach; "Thine is My Heart," Schubert; "Veni Jesu," Cher- ubini; and "Nottingham Hunt," Rhodes. The concert is part of a broad and -ried spring program planned by the glee club. At present negotia- tions are reported underway for the use of the Raekham Building in De- troit for a concert later in the spring. The club also plans to appear in Chel- sea, Grosse Pointe and to sing for the Ann Arbor Rotary Club in the near future. According to Prof. Mattern, the club intends to revive next year the extended concert tours that had al- ways climaxed the season before the war made such trips impossible. cratic Club yesterday declared sena- orK . . Anne Sugar '48, Ann Lewin '48, tors and representatives who opposen r Dick Defendini, teaching fellow in their own parties on fundamental is- (Continued from Page i) the Romance language department sues should be barred from seeking and Carlos Soares '47, will play the ie-election on their party tickets, plants such as automobiles are over- ima jor roles in the two one-act plays. Sen. Johnston Objects looking the tremendous amount of I "Las Cordonices" and "Rosina es Senator Johnston (Dem. S.C.) radioactivity associated with its use, fragil" to be presented under the aus- started a discusssion in the Senate Prof. Cork explained. He pointed out p es of La Sociedad Hispanica and by reading a newspaper account of that hospitals are begging for stur- April 17th lad 18th in the Lydia the address in which Wallace called plus radio-active materials now be- Mendelssohn Theater. for party discipline on such major ing wasted and expressed the hope Her performance as Clara in "Las questions as British loan, foreign re- that they will ultimately get the sur- Cordonices" will be the first role in a lations, full employment, and atomic plus from the military. Spaniswproduction fors Suga energs~ Spanish production for Miss Sugar gy. In 1938 scientists discovered that who won a. scholarship to the Univer- Wallace hac said that Stalin is- the uranium atom would undergo sity of Mexico last summer. Defen- sued a "challenge to democrarcy in fission and that a single atom gave dini as Andres and Blanca Alvarez his speech of March 6 when he said 200 billion electronic volts, Prof. Cork as Dona Tomasa, both Latin Ameri- democrarcy has booms, busts and said. He explained that the War De- cans, have appeared in Spanish plays war'. It is interesting to note that partment successfully carried on four of the last two years. during the 30's Russia had neither. I processes for procuring fissionable Miss Lewin, as Rosina the young suggest that we accept this challenge material; atomic diffusion, thermo lady of "Rosina es fragil" who can't in the most peaceful way possible diffusion, mass spectrograps, and make up her mind, is a newcomer on and see if we can't have full employ- the pile method. campus who has had leading dra- _imatic roles in productions at New 1 k, UVn i-k it So rh I sy.rP.O the h es.. 7 r 1 r (Continued from Page 1) changed. Whereas the old theory was that war power was delegated by the Constitution, the theory now preval- ent is that this power is "inherent" and rises from the sovereignty of the American people under the law of nations. He noted that besides being bol- stered by Supreme Court rulings, the national power has been expanded by the "hermeneutic" arts of President Roosevelt. The change in theories, he said, has converted the absence of any specific restrictions in the Constitution into an affirmation of the nation's war power. Today Prof. Corwin will discuss "The Impact of War on Constitu- tional Rights." The lecture, the third in a series of five on "Total War and the Constitution," will begin at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. I. CLASSIFI ______________________ CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional five words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional five words.) Contract Rates on Request FOR SALE FOR SALE: Columbia Table Model electric phonograph, excellent con- dition, recently overhauled. Call 2-2320, ask for Bill. FOR SALE: 24 Vol. Brittannica en- cyclopedia 14th Edition. New. Also 12 Vol. 20th Century Encyclopedia. Call 4117 before 6 p.m., after 6 p. in. 3596. FOR SALE: Stop watch. 10-second sweep. 5-minute, black face. 17 jewel Elgin. $30.00. Box D36. West Lodge. Willow Run. FOR SALE: Four-burner gas stove. Left side oven. Good condition. Reasonably priced. 2022 Hill. Call 7369. FOR THAT COLD two-room apart- ment a small wood heating stove or a pre-war pot type oil heater, small size. Fifteen and twenty-five dollars. 4950 North Maple Road. 25-7471. HELP WANTED WANTED: Students for staff of pri- vate Club in Northern Michigan for about ten weeks during summer. Girls for dining room and boys as bell hops. Excellent working con- ditions, comfortable living quarters, good salary with maintenance, uni- forms, and transportation equiva- lent to that from Detroit or Chi- cago. Ample time for recreation. References required. Please address, Manager, 2541 Ewing Ave., Evans- ton, Illinois. FOLLOWING men for small combo.: tenor, sax, quitar, bass, or trumpet. Call 2-4551. Ask for Hugh Hanson or Bob Yturria. EELP WANTED: Part or full time, excellent hrs., top pay. Witham Drug Store, corner Forest and S. University. WANTED: Waiter and kitchen man to work for board in fraternity near Rackham. Call 4379 at noon or night. WANTED: Part time stenographer for work mornings Monday through Friday inclusive; if necessary re- adjustment of hours can be ar- ranged. Apply B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Hill and Haven or phone Miss Goldberg 26585. WANTED MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib- erty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. WANTED: "Art in the Western World" by Robb and Garrison. Call 8671. Ask for Lois. AM DESIROUS of purchasing late model automobile. Kindly call Wil- liam Fulton, 9-30 Forest TE. 8996. ROOM AND BOARD HAVE few places left for 6 o'clock dinner. Home cooking. 714 East University. MEALS: For girls. Splendid home cooked meals at League House, 604 E. Madison. Phone 4489. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black leather wallet in or near Swift's Drug Store, containing needed papers and keys. Finder please call Francis Baker, Ext. 397, University Hospital, daytime, or 4815 evenings. LOST: One gold bell-shaped earring engraved "Capri" between Forest and Baldwin. Call Betty, 4526. LOST: Brown leather purse belong- ing to Edith Kohn, Lost Saturday. Finder may keep money as reward. Call: Jack at 6320. LOST: Black and gold Eversharp pen in East Hall lavatory, noon hour Friday. Reward. Phone 3139. J. K. Peterson. SILVER BRACELET lost - within each silver flower is a stone. Re- ward. Call 2-1936. LOST: A pair of shell-rimmed glass- es in a green case. Probably on Cambridge. Call Dolores Earl, 7498. MISCELLANEOUS WHENI HY -TMIE hrnc mloin Yorl ntivers ty. Oar6 e pjl~i uncle, will be remembered as the impoverished student of last year's "Zaragueta". Angela Pons '47, who plays Teresita, was the heroine Ros- ario of "Sueno de una noche de a- gosto." Pensions Are To BeDiscussed The Ann Arbor City Council has voted to hold a special meeting on a proposed retirement and pension plan for city employes, which may be voted on June 18. Prof. Harry C. Carver of the mathe- matics department, who has been ad- vising the committee which drew up the plan, will attend the special meet- ing for which the date is not yet set. The plan would add 84 cents per thousand dollars valuation to the city's tax assessments. Retirement pensions would be determined by ac- cumulated contributions to an em- ploye's credit, number of years of service and annual pay. Salvage Collection To Bie Tomorrow The Washtenaw County Salvage Committee will make a curb pick up of all kinds of paper, bags, rags and cotton mattresses at 8 a.m. tomorrow in city trucks. The committee requests that all contributions be neatly stacked and tied together. A collection of tin cans, needed by the government, will be made Thursday, March 28. Persons living outside Ann Arbor limits are asked to bring cartons of tin cans to 721 N. Main St. Jolanthe' Scheduled rF-r-,- I~I Continuous from 1 P.M. Last Day I i MICHIGAN Euding Today >f Y Starts Thursday I w YrI r Y VLP;comnes marc n hoe march hjimL4 up toJthe Featl y The Gilbert and Sullivan operetta home m ar h up to the Feath- "Iolanthe" will be presented by the Vocal Music Department of Ann Ar- TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, rented bor High School at 8:15 p.m. Friday, repaired. Work guaranteed. Two and Saturday in Pattengill Audi- days service. Office Equipment Co., torium. 111 S. 4th St., Phone 2-1213._"_ __ _ CAMPUS dance orchestra has open 1 dates. Student-veterans. Campus references. Phone Ypsilanti 1220-W. AVAILABLE:- Modern accordionist; no ricke-ticke-ticke; double piano; play dinner imusic, swing; call K. Wide, room 309 Wenley House. Ph. 2-4401. I Al I G I I 1 4 I