u x GOVERNMENT AND SCIENCE See Page 6 i [IT C f 6F4w A6V 1 407412 a t t]g FAIR, WARMER VOL. LVI, No. 92 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS World State, Civilian Atom Control Urged Resolutions Passed By Atomic Institute Special to The Daily GRAND RAPIDS, March 19-Reso- lutions calling for a world state in the future and civilian control of atomic energy now were passed by the Atomic Institute here today. The Institute was composed of members of the faculty of the Uni- versity of Chicago and the Grand Rapids Council of Social Agencies, educators, editors, radio executives and religious, government and busi- ness leaders. The Institute passed the resolutions after hearing these reports by Chi- cago faculty members: Hill Speaks Dr. David Hill, chain reaction physicist, said: "At Hiroshima we knocked down 100,000 homes with a force 1,000,000 times the power of T.N.T. This is an age of specializa- tion in which the art of destruction is highly specialized. "The only real secret which we held was whether an atomic bomb could be made now. The atomic bomb made us weak in the sense that no country can be strong, because each country can have enough bombs to saturte the defenses of all other countries." Dr. Hill added that "the bomb is cheap and hardly perishable." Dr. K. S. Cole, biophysicist, said: "There are several types of death that occur from radiation alone, and as a result people are still dying around Hirochima. "A great deal of medical knowledge and knowledge of how to guard against radioaction is being held back by the Army." Reports On Tracers Cole reported that "the use of car- bon 14 istotopes and other radioac- tive materials has led to a success- ful traced technique' of sending these particles through the blood stream to teach us about the body processes." Other Chicago faculty members ad- dressing the Institute were: Dr. Warren C, Johnson, chairman of the Department of Chemistry, on "The Industrial Applications of Atomic Energy"; Dr. T. R. Hogess, chemist engaged in atomic research, on "Atomic En- ergy: A Potential Catastrophe"; Dr. Louis Gottschalk, professor of modern history, on "Must Freedom Be Sacrificed?" Dr. Edward Shils. sociologist, acted as moderator for the group when it worked on the resolutions. The 11-hour meeting was marked by frank and open discussion, al- though occasionally a scientist re- fused to divulge information on the ground that it was "classified." Ready To Write Coal Contract, argaiers Say WASHINGTON, March 19 -(/) - After a "war or peace" ultimatum from John L. Lewis, bituminous coal operators and miners got down to ac- tual bargaining on a new contract to- day. Each side professed readinessto ne- gotiate on the other's demands. "We want to make a contract," said Charles O'Neill, the operators' spoke- man. As the week of open meetings gave way to closed sessions, a committee of six operators, two alternates and two technicians and a similar number of miners was appointed to attempt to write a new agreement before the present one is terminated by Lewis at midnight March 31. He has pre- pared the way for a nation-wide coal strike of 400,000 bituminous workers if he finds- it necessary. Shorter Work Week Lewis asked for a shorter work week at higher pay and adjustment of the "controversy over unionization of fore - men which provoked a strike last Oc- tober. But he devoted most of a week of meetings attended by his 250-man policy committee and industry repre- sentatives to emphasizing his demand for safer working conditions and a health and welfare fund. Campus Ballot Will Be Held Student government moved a step closer to realization last night when the Men's Judiciary Council approved an all-campus election to be held April 9 and 10. Literary College To Keep Its Standards --Keniston -0 Iran Asks UNO for Aid in Ousting Russians; Defies Soviet Warning; Truman Backs Ideals of Charter Added Responsibility Will Fall on Student The literary college, under the stress of a faculty shortage and over- crowded facilities, will not relax its academic standards but must place more responsibility for education on the individual student, Dean Hay- ward Keniston declared yesterday. Dean Keniston disclosed these problems faced by the literary col- lege: A 20 per cent increase in student enrollment over last semester, with the faculty still understaffed because of wartime depletion of graduate schools; A student-faculty ratio of 15 to one (the ratio at Harvard is two to one); Abnormally large numbers of stu- dents in certain courses and sections; Faculty members teaching more courses than usual; Some students unable to take cer- tain courses, particularly in chemis- try, because of limited laboratory fa- cilities. Dean Keniston said the literary col- lege was also affected by enrollment increases in the College of Engineer- ing, and the Graduate School, since certain courses in these schools are taught in the literary college. He discounted current rumors that See KENISTON, Page 2 Hershey Asks For Indefinite Draft Extension Military Committees Will Begin Hearings WASHINGTON, March 19-(/P)-- Selective Service appealed today for extension of the draft indefinitely and spurred along a congressional drive for action. On the heels of a letter from Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, draft direc- tor, military committees of Senate and House ordered immediate, closed -door hearings on the law which is due to expire May 15. Hershey, writing the House Com- mittee, was reported by members to have recommended: No Tine Limit 1, No time limit on extension, but provision for termination by presi- dential order or joint Congressional action. 2. Length of service, domestic and overseas, of men inducted in the fu- ture be limited to 18 months. The present law permits retention of in- ductees until six months after the war is declared ended. 3. No change in present draft ages, 18 through 45. Under executive order the top age for inductees is 26 at present,. Chairman May of the House Comr- mittee announced hearings will start Thursday morning with Army heads as first witnesses. Hearings Begin Simultaneous] v,. Chairman Elbert Thomas (D-Utah set the stage for Senate Military Committee hearings starting probably tomorrow. He said he expected Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson to be the first witness, followed by General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower. Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, and Sec- retary of State James F. Byrnes. Chairman Thomas had suggested an extension only until July 1, which would permit Selective Service to in- duct thousands of students deferred until the end of the high school year. Chairman May has introduced leg- islation for a six-months extension and has proposed that the maximum age for inductions be lowered to 30 years and the minimum raised to 21, with all fathers exempted. Foresees Trend to More Advanced Work Predicting that the literary college in future years will follow the trend of Harvard and Chicago, Dean Hay- ward Keniston said yesterday that "the University will continue to be the unit where graduate and ad- vanced undergraduate work is carried on in Michigan" and that "the first two years of college work must be dis- tributed as widely as possible throughout the state." "While the University will continue to offer the best undergraduate train- ing possible, it must emphasize ad- vanced undergraduate, graduate and professional work," Dean Keniston said. Dean Keniston said the literary college "probably will be unable to admit everybody who wants to at- tend" and that greater use should be made of junior colleges and other four-year liberal arts colleges throughout the state. "Higher education is a state prob- lem, and all the colleges of the state must formulate a program that will take care of everybody," he said. Citing Detroit's Wayne University, Dean Keniston said that education is also a "city problem" and predicted that such cities as Grand Rapids and Flint may some day have to establish their own colleges. Cork Decries KeepingAtom Bomb 'Secret' Cooperation Is Needed In Scientific Research Trying to keep secrets regarding military equipment, including the atomic bomb, from the Russians is futile, Prof. James M. Cork, of the physics department, said last night in a talk before the Student Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Results The Same "Scientists often think along the same lines and end with the same re- sults," Prof. Cork, who worked on nu- clear energy during the war, said, "It is imperative that we win the friendship of Russia," he commented, pointing out that cooperation is needed for scientific advancement. "It is reasonable that Russia should be suspicious of us because they can remember the time when we had troops in Russia attempting to in- fluence their form of government," lhe said. The big question today is the fu- ture control of atomic energy, Prof. Cork said. He added: "Some say that we must give the secret of atomic energy to other countries, others say that we should keep it to ourselves and arm as fast as we can. There is no one solution that we can be sure of, but we do not want to enter into a competitive race with any country in the production of armaments." Jap Reports Every important country in the world has a source of radio-active material, Prof. Cork pointed out. He told of going over the reports made by Japanese scientists trying to ex- plain to their people what happened when atomic bombs were dropped on their cities. "Although their guess was not too close," he said, "they did guess the general nature of the bombs. Two hours after they went off there was radio-activity equivalent to that from 10 billion grams of radium. Every living thing nearby was bound to be killed, even by radiation alone." Those who say that we will be us- ing atomic energy in small power See CORK, Page 2 (V GIves Account Of UNO Work To Congress Says U.S. Must Help Perfect Organization By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 19-Presi- dent Truman accounted to Congress today on the first work of the United Nations Organization and pledged all-out support to the peace preserv- ing principles of its charter. By doing its utmost to perfect the charter, he said, the United States will "give new and full expression to the meaning of 'America' to the world." Byrnes' Report Mr. Truman passed along to Con- gress a report by Secretary of State Byrnes on the American delegation's first activities in the United Nations Assembly in London. Asserting that this nation's part in setting up the institutions provid- ed in the UNO charter "is vital to all Americans," the President's message said: "The United States supports the charter. The United States supports the fullest implementation of the charter. The UnitednStates seeks to achieve the purposes of the charter. And the United States seeks to per- fect the charter as experience lights the way. Betrayal Of Trust "To do less than our utmost in this essential effort of peace-loving na- tions, whatever may be the obstacles and difficulties, would be a betrayal of the trust of those who fought to win the opportunity to have a world at peace with security and well-being, for all. To do our utmost will be to give new and ftIl 'expression to the meaning of 'America' to the world." Secretary Byrnes' report covered the first part of the first session of the General Assembly, which was chiefly organizational. "The United Nations is now a going concern," Byrnes declared in his let- ter of transmission, dated March 1.. Russian Troops Withdraw West Of Changehun CHUNGKING, Wednesday, March 20-(P)-Russian troops are with- drawing west of Changchun amid in- dications they soon will quit the Man- churian capital itself, the semi-offi- cial Central News Agency reported today. Another indication of a possible early Russian withdrawal from Changchun, the agency added, was that the Soviets had shipped more than 10,000 puppet Manchurian troops northward from the capital by train. Gen. Thung Yen-Ping, ranking Chinese officer at Changchun, was informed the question of unloading relief supplies at Dairen would have to be referred to Moscow, according to the Changchun account, although Dairen was to become a free port un- der the Chinese-Russian treaty. The pro-government Central Daily News charged that Chinese Commun- ists broke through government de- fenses at Szepingkai with "ferocious attacks" and fought into that city on the Changhun railway 100 miles north of Mukden. Asserting that under the treaty China was to preserve order along the route. the Soviet officer said the Chi- nese government must bear responsi- bility for the present "undesirable conditions." Vets"Will Begin Elections Today Nomination for officers of the Vet- erans Organization will take place in an open meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 319 of the Union. The executive positions of presi- dent, vice-president, recording and corresi'nndina seretaries. treasuirer STUDENTS PICKET CHURCHILL AT COLUMBIA-Protesting stu- dents carry placards as they picket Columbia University in New York where the former British Prime Minister was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree. Glee Club mill Feature AllCmpsSing 9Today Highlighting their program with an all-campus sing, the Varsity Men's Glee Club, directed by Prof. David Mattern, will make their first post- war appearance at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. The group will feature the "Rail- road Chant," a spiritual, depict- ing the Negro chain gangs at work. The number is made particularly in- teresting by the inclusion of drama- tic speaking parts. It is a number fre- quently used by Fred Waring's Penn- sylvanians and was arranged by Scott, a member of that organiza- tion. Rowland McLaughlin and Shel- don Sandweiss will take the solo parts in this number. In addition to the listed program, Prof. Mattern said yesterday that Chandler Pinney, an alumnus and former soloist with the club who has just completed service in the Army, will sing the solo parts in the Michi- gan songs which make up the second half of the program, Religious numbers will make up the opening group of the perform- Book Exchange Wants Fall Texts Students who have first semester books which can be used next fall at the Student Book Exchange should notofy the Exchange by Saturday. Unclaimed books can be called for until Saturday, and after that will become the property of the Exchange. The Exchange will be open from 1:00 until 5:00 p.m. through Saturday. Checks are being sent out rapidly and should be received about the first of next week. Business done by the Student Book Exchange totals $2,300 which is twice that of last semester. ance. Included in them is "Salve Re- gina" by Waddington which has been made famous by Father Finn's Paul- ist Choir in New York City. Eugene Malitz, who is a student of voice un- der Prof. Arthur Hackett, and former soloist with the Navy Glee Club, will appear as soloist in the number. Har- ry McCain, Assistant conductor, will serve as piano accompaist for the entire group and Kenneth Pool, a student of Prof. Palmer Christian, will be at the organ. A newly-formed quartet, composed of Rowland McLaughlin, William Phebus, Robert Rabe and Douglass Wilson, will make its first appearance tonight under the direction of Harry McCain, presenting "Spirit Flower". See VARSITY, Page 2 Stowe To End Lecture Series Leland Stowe, Pulitzer Prize win- ning journalist, will present the final Oratorical Association lecture at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium on the topic "What We May Expect in the Future." With one of the profession's high- est records for war reporting, Stowe is especially remembered for his "scoop" on the German invasion of Norway, a ;tory on which he man- aged to "beat" other correspondents by hiking through mud and snow over a Norwegian mountain range to reach the Swedish border, He covered the Ethiopian conquest, the Italian intrigues in Albania, the Spanish uprisings, the Reichstag fire trial and the Panr-American confer- ences. Since 1941 he has been in the Far East, visiting, such points as Burma, China, India and Russia. Requests 'Just Determination' Of Difficulties Claims Interference In Internal Affairs By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 19-Oil- rich Iran defied a Russian warning today and appealed to the United Nations Security Council for help in getting Soviet troops out of its ter- ritory. It asked UNO for a "just deter- mination" of the case, emphasizing that Russia was violating a written agreement, and that Moscow agents were interfering in Iran affairs. The action, taken here by Ambas- sador Hussein Ala on orders from Premier Qavam Es Sultaneh, shoved Iran's dispute with her big neighbor toward a climax at the council's meeting in New York next week. The appeal threw into doubt the continued existence of Qavam's go- vernment since the Soviet charge d'affaires in Moscow had warned him last week that any such move to take the case before the Security Council would be considered as an unfriendly act." Appeals to Council The Russian warning was reported in oficial dispatches toWashington. However, some diplomats believe that the full publicity given Iran's action may be a strong protection to Qavam. In his appeal to the Council which was actually filed last night but cir- culated to council members only to- day, Ala made these two charges: 1. Russia has been keeping troops in Iran beyond last March 2, con- trary to the Soviet-British-Iranian treaty of January, 1942, which pro- vided that foreign troops should be withdrawn in six months after the end of the war. The war ended with the Japanese surrender last Sept. 2. 2. Russia is "continuing to inter- fere in the internal affairs of Iran through the medium of Soviet agents, officals and armed forces." Charter Violated Ala argued that such things violate the charter of the United Nations and the Roosevelt-Churchill-Stalin declaration at Teheran in the au- tumn of 1943 pledging support of Iranian sovereignty. Meanwhile,, -reports continued to arrive from Iran telling of Soviet troop movements and the long- range Russian objective remained as obscure as before. Evidently few top officials here believe that all the Russians want or intend to accom- plish by the current maneuvers is a slice of control over Iran's rich oil deposits. Prosecutor Rae Makes Cout Innocence Plea- Formally charged with disorderly conduct in a warrant recommended by Asst. Atty. Gen. Harry W. Jackson, Prosecutor John W. Rae pleaded not, guilty when arraigned yesterday in municipal court. His trial was set for March 29 by municipal Judge Jay H. Payne who released the prosecutor without bond on his own recognizance. The warrant, based on a complaint signed by Parker O. Pennington, Jr., local teacher, specifically charged Rae with being drunk and Intoxicated in a public place on Jan. 12. According to his testimony, Pennington and his son saw Rae in an intoxicated condi- tion after he had run his car into a ditch north of Ann Arbor. Several witnesses also charged that Rae pulled a gun on a deputy sheriff who was taking him to the sheriff's office following the accident. Arraigned before Judge Payne, Rae waived a reading of the information as he will be represented by counsel at the trial, Parking Meters Wil lie Installed In City PRESIDENTIAL POWERS: FDR Threatened To Suspend 9 CorwinDeclares NEAR EASTERN TVA: Dr. Lowdermilk Will Lecture On Jordan Valley Authority The late President Franklin Roose- velt threatened to suspend the Con- stitution by eliminating the division of powers basic to our national gov- ernment, Prof. Edward S. Corwin, of Princeton University, declared yes- terday in the second of the William W. Cook Foundation Lectures. According to Prof. Corwin, Presi- dent Roosevelt was indebted to his predecessor during World War I for techniques of expanding his powers during World War II on an "unpre- cedented scale." The precedents cited Dr. Walter Clay Lowdermilk, assis- tant chief of the U.S. Soil Conserva- tion Service, will speak on the subject "Plans for a Jordan Valley Authority" at 8 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. The lecture, given under the aus- pices of the College of Engineering and the School of Forestry and Con- servation, will be preceded by one at 11 a.m. today, when Dr: Lowder- milk will address an asembly of the forestry school on the subject "Land Use Studies in the Near and Far East." Dr. Lowdermilk has studied land use in 25 countries and on three con- tinents. extepndine' from Chine. Korea~ f 5 l