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March 19, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-19

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Fift)y.Six th Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Margaret Farmer
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron .
Clark Baker ,
Des Howarth
Ann Schutz..
Dona Guimaraes

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
... . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . .. . Sports Editor

. . . . . Associate Sports
. . . . . . . . Women's
. . . . Associate Women's
Business Staff


Dorothy Flint. . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by. car-
rier, $4.5-, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
M ei
eaningless Parties
UST as the terms "fascist" and "communist"
l(small c) have come to be meaningless
epithets, the hallowed party symbols Republi-
can and Democrat (capital d) mean less today
than they ever have. Election platforms have
carried little post-election weight, with a few
exceptions for years. But since the war, we have
lost even the ancient division: administration
and opposition.
The national government as it now stands re-
minds one of nothing so much as those horrible
coalitions by means of which England "muddled
through" a few centuries. Needless to say,
there's little room for muddling in the world
today. Congress seems to consist of an army
of middle-of-the-roaders, running from just
a little too near center to be termed Old Guard
or "right", to those a shade too close to center
on the other side to be called "liberal".
The lack of consistent party leadership is ap-
palling. President Truman sets the pace for the
Congressional middle-of-the-roaders by earnest-
ly defying'the rules of political strategy. In sup-
porting such measures as the Wyatt housing pro-
gram, FEPC, and civilian control for the A-bomb,
Truman has sent thea to Congress en masse
together with a host of other important pieces of
legislation. The Congress the president reportedly
knew so well has been able to side-step the vital
portions of his program time after time, passing
semi-effective compromises. While the liber is
in the Democratic party labor to salvage the Tru-
man legislation, reactionary elements in both
parties simply stand pat-the only action neces-
sary to maintaining the status quo.
And in the so-called opposition, the big presi-
dential candidates and ostensible party leaders
Bricker and Dewey keep their mouths shut.
Dewey's most significant speeches in the past
years have condemned juvenile delinquency,
praised veterans, and asked for peace in labor
relations. Bricker's sterling contributions to
party leadership have included denouncing
the Truman administration for holding an
"alien" philosophy, for being bureaucratic,
and for hiring too many men who are paid just.
to think. He has also vehemently defended pri-
vate charities. Both Bricker and Dewey have
been a fine help to the nation in a time when
leaders are at a premium.
pair of terms used to confuse the public and
create an illusion of national party character.
A Southern Democrat equals nothing so much as
a Republican in the suburbs of one of the north-
ern cities, and nothing so little as one of the De-
mocrats in the industries of these cities. In Con-
gress, the Southern Democrats have been voting
Republican for years now. Yet since neither ma-
jor party will come out with a distinguishing
policy, the public is caught without a choice. In
most cases, votes are cast simply for the tradi-
tional local political figures.
The solution lies in new leaders for new part-
ies. The Republican party very nearly expired in
1936, only to be salvaged by the appearance of
Wendel Wilkie in 1940. The Democrats were
similarly saved in 1932 by FDR. Both parties are
today sinking toward deserved oblivion. Only a
sudden change can prevent their eventual de-
-Milt Freudenheim

OPA Endangered
THIS being a modern, scientific age, of course,
much of the damage to OPA can be done by
remote control, and without leaving marks. For
example, by deplaying renewal of the price con-

What Kind of Christianity?
To the Editor:
THIS concerns Mr. Don Ervin's letter in the
March 15 Daily. Though the discussion has
swung away from the original issue of Youth
for Christ, I should like to parallel Mr. Ervin
and get to the primary considerations of the mat-
ter by discussing the pertinent points of his
letter. The issue in question now is whether "lib-
eral Christianity" or "history Christianity"
(which is a more descriptive and less abused
term than "fundamentalism") best presents the
teachings of Jesus. Taking His teachings as valid,
we must attempt to discover what they are,
Historic Christianity asserts that in the four
gospels and Acts lie the only direct source to
the sayings of Jesus before He left his disciples.
Since these alone contain the direct teachings
of Jesus, if any portion of them is held to be
false, that which is substituted is human opin-
ion. Historic Christianity insists that this hu-
man opinion is an inadequate criterion of truth.
Historic Christianity teaches that true faith
must involve Christ as a personal Saviour and
Lord. The first logical step beyond that is to fol-
low His teachings. Such true faith will natur-
ally result in "discipline, thought, and /action,"
as expressed by Mr. Ervin. Striving to live up to
the ethical teachings of Jesus is not in itself suf-
ficient, for Jesus himself said,
"I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that
abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth
forth much fruit: For without me ye can do
nothing." (John 15:5)
ISTORIC Christianity further asserts that
Christ personally is the only solution to the
need of humanity. Jesus said, "I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Fa-
ther but by me." (John 14:6). The way to become
a Christian involves only faith; living the Chris-
tian life that must follow is that of "bringing
forth much fruit," doing the "works" of which
Mr. Ervin speaks.
The task of the churches is to interpret, in-
struct, and inspire. To this Historic Christian-
ity agrees, but insists that this be done from
the entire teachings of Jesus, and not merely
his humanitarian principles.
Six months ago I would have heartily agreed
with Mr. Ervin that works were most important,
but in the light of these facts presented, I have
seen that works for God must be done as a result
of faith.
Like any organization, "fundamentalism" has
both good and bad men in it. We can no more
condemn this organization for the small group
in it that support the Ku Klux Klan or America
First than we can condemn Catholicism for Fa-
ther Coughlin, or the sport of basketball for the
Brooklyn College bribes. It will be agreed that we
can brand a group as reactionary only when the
overall policy of that group is reactionary.
Religious arguments are like a pendulum. They
swing back and forth with no appreciable end,
and they usually arrive at no conclusion. Suffice
it to say, then, that Historic Christianity includes
in its program both faith and works, and it seeks
to focus attention of the teachings of Jesus.
Carl B. Kaufmann

Appeal For Action
LIBERALISM has often been attacked for its
lack of direct activity. Most of us are willing
to object to racial discrimination, but this is as
much energy as we expend.
It is true that the problems of intolerance can
never be solved by individuals or even by organi-
zations for they are ingrained in the economics
of the competitive system. The Inter-Racial As-
sociation does not pretend to solve the problems
of the world or even of discrimination in this
country. It does attempt, however, to alleviate
it here in Ann Arbor. This organization has found
that by exerting group action and propaganda
presure racial discrimination can be minimized
on a local scale. The casd of one Ann Arbor res-
taurant which changed its practices toward min-
orities bears this out. It has often been a fallacy
in the thinking of liberal groups to assume that
they can solve world questions by verbal formu-
The Inter-Racial Association until last sem-
ester was guilty of such lecture room inactivity.
We heard speakers on every phase of race pre-
judice from the psychological to the biological
and back again. We had, at this time, 100 to
150 paid up members. Finally, action was called
for on discrimination in Ann Arbor. Investi-
gating committees were set up and surveys be-
gan, but now the organization looks around for
its former members and finds 15 to 20 people
ready to act. We know of restaurants, barber
shops, and living quarters that must be sur-
veyed. Where are our world-problem-solving-
liberals now? We find that even members of
the IRA executive comittee have not shown up
at meetings. The nature of the work made it
impossible to publicize these activities; per-
haps people have not been sufI'icicently inforin-
T HE future program of the IRA will be con-
cerned with the immediate control of intol-
erance in Ann Arbor. But, a few other items on
the program are: a Brotherhood Week; joint
meeting with the Wayne Chapter for the Na-
tional Association for the Advancement of Col-
ored People; projects of an educational nature.
The next meeting of the IRA, Thursday even-
ing, will be a crucial one. At this time investi-
gating comittees will be reorganized and the
Reverend Claude Williams will discuss problems
of a similar nature in Detroit. We are now is-
suing a call for the return of those people who
are ready to exert more than auditory energy to
alleviate this bigotry.
Sheldon Selesnick
Inter-Racial Association, Pres.

WE'VE attempted fruitlessly to get
a New Yorker ever since last
Thursday-coincidentally the day
one of our more frequent contribu-
tors was informed that his style was
showing. We didn't really think Har-
old Ross would take it this way.
Keeps Our Eyes Peeled
The implications of a story in
the Detroit morning paper appeal
to us.
"A bad check sent to pay a young
woman's 1943 income tax bounced
Thomas O. Byerle, 55, a former
automotive engineer, behind the
bars of Palmer Park Station," be-
gins the story.
We went on from there. A not
too careful perusal of the item iden-
tifies a Miss who as a protege of
this check artist attended our fair
University for four semesters.
All day our eyes have been wan-
dering speculatively over recitation
sections, and as a matter of fact...
The What? Club
1N San Diego there's a group of fish-
ermen who have formed the "Bot-
tom Scratchers' Club," or thus reads.
a publicity release thrust before our
dimming eyes.
But don't arrive at any hasty con-
It seems "these boys like to be-
come acquain ted personally with
their quarry" which ranges from lob-
ster to shark . . . so they dive into
the Pacific and bring back their game
with their bare hands.
The enthusiastic gentleman who
prepared said handout sees fit to add
that the Bottom Scratchers' Club is
more exclusive than the United
States Senate. We think we under-
stand this quirk of association, but
we'llleave the details to the psychia-
Question Of The Hour
An hlready congenitally worried
bunch is wondering whether to
continue in torts or return to gro-
cery-store clerking.
leeding Hearts Dept.
POCKET of our second best suit
with a grimy hand, we read the fol-
lowing item with emotions not best
described in detail.
"Skimpiest wardrobe in Holly-
wood is owned by Gary Cooper who
doesn't and never did like to spruce
up. The lanky hero .. . manages to
fill all obligations with a mere 15
Our obligations are currently be-
ing filled on one and a reinforced
half-ours is a sedentary occupa-
"I'M Forever . . ."
This isn't philosophic, this is just
an Abbott and Costello dormitory lick.
One Nancy Marshall, resident of
Martha Cook, found herself the vic-
tim of one of those coughing spells.
Reaching for the first handy bottle,
she swallowed the liquid without ex-
amination, probably working on the
theory that action is everything.
No relief appeared fprthcoming
and she peered at the botle, pleasant-
ly and plainly labeled "Tincture of
Green Soap." Horrified she hustled
to what' we shall here refer to as a
"John," where she gulped down suffi-
cient water to wipe out the taste.
Most of you having had high school
chemistry, we see no reason to con-
tinue this narrative, remarking only
that Sally Rand might well take note

of the possibilities contained therein.
Dangerous Radicalism
There's an invidious plan afoot to
sneak a dangerous slogan by us dur-
ing National Foreign Trade Week,
(May 19-25) a pretty shady proposi-
tion itself.
The slogan, "World Trade Puts
Men To Work" (note capitals) is just
the sort of thing that makes us wary
of economics, foreign policies and
National Foreign Trade Week in
This slogan, obviously aimed to
appeal to a misled public is an indi-
cation of anational hysteria, probab-
ly at the root of most American so-
cial evil.
Why put men to work?
Men, at least most men we know,
are tired.

Current Movies
. at the Michigan
Barbara Stanwyck and George Brent in "My
Reputation"; a Warner Brothers production,
directed by Curtis Bernhardt.
"My Reputation" is a study of the minor social
problems of a widow and the pressures, family
and otherwise, she has to fight when she consi-
ders a second romance. It is probably a valid, if
not particularly vital, topic, but the film spends
so much time in a frontal assault on the audi-
ence's tear ducts that there is little space left
for interesting drama.
,. , at the State
George Raft in "Whistle Stop"; an RKO
The gnawing fear that a Hopwood winner
would someday find its way to the nation's
screens, is realized with the advent of "Whistle
Stop" at the State. One for instance has lains
awake nights picturing with perfect ease the
cinema versions of "Family Tree", or an adapta-
tion of the adverbial diarrhea of "Sweep of
Dusk". And what Hollywood could do to "Broken
Now comes "Whistle Stop" Maritta Wolff's
study of a certain brand of American low-life.
It is tedious fare, featuring Hollywood's own
singular idea of the lower depths. With super-
annuated George Raft at the the head of the
cast, it is listless melodrama without an ounce
of interest. Ava Gardner, as a discouraged work-
ing girl, turns up in a mink coat and a series
of $100 frocks. Victor McLaglen. a former Aca-
demy Award winner, has sunk to a surprisingly
inferior artistic level.
Barrie Waters

Har2riman Report
WASHINGTON-Ex-Ambassador W. Avere
Harriman gilded no lilies in his talk on Rus
sian relations at the hushed-up session of th
Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He wa
candid and realistic about the prospects of ano
ther war-so candid, in fact, that he had hi
dignified listeners sitting on the edge of thei
"Let's get one thing straight," Harrimar
told the Committee. "Russia does not wani
war, especially with the United States. How-
ever, that doesn't mean that war can be avert-
The big danger, he declared, lay in Russia'
over-reaching herself in Iran, Turkey and else
where. In other words, Soviet expansion in thes
areas can't be ignored by the United States an
Britain without making a mockery of their pres
tige and the whole concept of the United Nation,
In the present international "poker game,
Stalin controls most of the cards for peace, Har
riman told the closed-door session. He coul
make himself one of the greatest figures in his
tory by asking for another conference of "Bi
Three" leaders and clearly stating his ideas.
It will be necessary for Russia to clarify to
the rest of the world that she doesn't plan to
devour the little nations of Europe, Harrimar
continued. Unless Stalin demonstrates this
brand of statesmanship, however, there car
be but one result:
Destruction of the United Nations Organiza-
tion and, in time, another war.
THE UNITED STATES has a vital responsibilit
in its dealings with the Soviet Union, Harr:
man said, and advised:
"We must be patient, we must be understan
ing, but we must also be firm."
He expressed the opinion that internal prol
lems in Russia are partly dictating Stalin's ac
tions at the present time. Many different tongu(
and about 300 dialects are spoken in the Sovi
Union. Russia lost between 7,000,000 and 8,000
000 people in the war; her territory was deva
tated, much of her manufacturing facilities ruir
ed. The problem of welding the country togeth
and keeping down political unrest has its effe
on Russian foreign policy.
"Stalin knows that the people of the Unite
States do not want another war," the ex-An
bassador told the Senators. Undoubtedly Stalir
intelligence experts have reported this fact1
him and it has contributed to Russian bluffir
and belligerency.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Publication in the Daily Official Bul -
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin shoud be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell hal, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, So. 91
School of Education Faculty: The
March meeting will be held on Mon-
day, March 25, in the University Ele-
mentary School Library. The meet-
ing will convene at 4:15 p.m.
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of Forestry
and Conservation at 11:00 a.m., Wed-
nesday, March 20, in the Amphithea-
ter of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Walter C. Lowdermilk, assistant chief
of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service,
will give an illustrated talk on "Land
Use Studies in the Near and Far
East." All students in the School of
Forestry and Conservation are ex-
pected to attend unless they have
conflicts' in nonforestr'y subjects.
Other interested persons are cordially
Students. College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
Applications for scholarships should
be made before April 1. Application
forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell
Hall and should be filed at, that office.
Notice to Veterans who entered the
Universityon terminal leave and p id
their own tuition: We have now re-
ceived instructions from the Veterans
Administration enabling us to make
tuition refunds.
You are required to present to the
Cashier's Office a copy of the orders
placing you on terminal leave to-
gether with your Student Receipt
and the white Veterans Acceptance
Notice issued by the Veterans Service
Bureau of the University.
The copy of your terminal leave or-
ders will be filed with the Veterans
Administration together with certi-
fied statements of refund and re-
fusal of application. The latter two
forms will be supplied by the Cash-
ier's Office.
Women students wishing League
House accommodations for summer
or fall of 1946 may now file applica-
tion in the Office of the Dean of'
Women students who were not on
campus during the fall semester and
who wish to apply for dormitory
housing for summer or fall should call
immediately at the Office of the Dean
of Women for further particulars.
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pres-
ent holders of these scholarships who
wish to be considered for the year
1946-47 should present applications
for renewal to F. E. Robbins, Assis-
tant to the President, 1021 Angell
Hall, before the end of the term.
Emma M. and Florence L. Abbott
Scholarships, Eugene G. Fassett
Scholarships: For terms of eligibility,
see the Bulletin on Scholarships, Fel-
lowships, Prizes, and Loan Funds.
Applications for the year 1946-47
should be made to the dean or direc-
tor of the college or school in which
the applicant is enrolled. Final date
for accepting applications is April 1.
Students who competed in the Hop-
wood contest for freshmen should call
for their manuscrips by Friday,
March 22. The Hopwood Room is
open week days from 2:00 to 5:30
No petitions will be received by the
Hopwood Committee after April 1.
See Hopwood bulletin, page 9, para-
graph 19.
University Lecture: Dr. Walter

Clay Lowdermilk, assistant chief of
the U. S. Soil Conservation Service,
will give an illustrated lecture on
"Plans for a Jordan Valley Author-
ity" at 8 p.m., Wednesday, March 29,
in Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Building under the auspices of the
College of Engineering and the School
of Forestry and Conservation. Lr.
Lowdermilk is an international au-
thority on soil conservation and land
use who has traveled extensively in
the Near East. He has worked out a
comprehensive power and irrigation
plan for Palestine which he believes
will support a large additional popu-
lation in the region. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Pa ul
Weatherwax, Professor of Botany at
Indiana University, will lecture on
the subject, "The Origin of Maize"
(illustrated), under the auspices of
the Departments of Botany and An-
thropology, at 4:15 p.m., Friday,
March 22, in the Natural Science Au-
ditorium. The public is cordially in-
Leland Stowe, noted foreign cor-
respondent and author, will be pre-
sented by the Oratorical Association
on Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Au-
ditorium as the closing number on the
1945-46 ecure Cuse-"Wat We

March 20, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., in
2054 Natural Science Building.
Final Make-up Exams In Geology
65 and Geology 12 will be held Wed-
nesday, March 20, in Rm. 2054, Nat-
ural Science Building, from -4:00 to
6:00 p.m.
Makeup examination for Dr.
Maier's Lecture Section in Psychology
31 will be Thursday, March 21, at 2:00
p.m. Report to Room 2128 N. S.
Veterans' Tutorial Program:
The following changes have been
made in the schedule:
Chemistry 3-Monday-Thursday
7:30-8:30 p.m.; Saturday 9-10 a.m.
Chemistry 4-Monday-Thursday
7:00-8:00 p.m. Saturday 11-12 a~m.
Veterans' Tutorial Work in Physics
26 and 46. Two sections for tutorial
work in Physics 26 and 46 have beer
organized. Section 1-Monday, Wed-
nesday, 7:30 to 8:30, Saturday, 11
o'clock, 1035 Randali Laboratory-
A. W. Ewald. Instructor. Section 2-
Monday, Wednesday. 7:30 to 8:30,
and Saturday 11 o'clock, 1036 Randall
Laboratory-H. Levenstein, Instru
tor. Only veterans enroled in Physics
26 or 46 should attend.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics
and Special Functions: The first
meeting will take place today at 3:00
p.m. in Room 312 West Engr. Bldg.
Mr. D. L. Falkoft will speak on "Con-
formal Mapping and Invariance of
Impedence Transformations." The
hou's of the future Meetings will be
All int'erested are welcome.
The Botanical Seminar will meet
in Room 1139, Natural Science Build-
ing, at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 20. Dr. W. C. Steere will give
a paper entitled "John, Macoun, the
Pioneer Canadian Botanist," All in-
terested are invited.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet on
Wednesday, March 20, at 4:15 p.m.
in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Dr.
R. K. McAlpine will speak on "The
Anomalous Behavior of Some Oxidiz-
ing Agents."
Botany 1 Make-up final examin-
ation for students with excused ab-
sences from the fall term examin-
ation will be given on Thursday, Mar.
21, at 4:00 p.m. in room 1139 Natural
Mathematics Concentration Exami-
nation will be held Thursday, March
21, 3 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall,
German Departmental Library
Hours, Spring Term 1945-46: 8:00-
12:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday
and 1:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 204
University Hall.
German 1 and 2 Make-up Final Ex-
aminations will be given from 2 to 4
p.m., Wednesday, March 20, in Room
201 University Hall. Students who
missed the final examination should
see their instructors immediately to
get permission to take the make-up.
Faculty Recital: Nadine Linquist
Flinders, contralto, will present a re-
cital at 8:30 tonight in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. Her program
wil include songs by Handel, Dow-
land, Purcell, Brahms, Ravel, Rach-
,maninoff, and will be open to the
general public. Mrs. Flinders will be
accompanied by Marian Owen, pian-
ist, and Milton Weber, violinist.
Glee Club 'Concert: The University
of Michigan Men's Glee Club, David
Mattern, conductor, will be heard at
8:30 Wednesday evening, March 20,
in Hill Auditorium. Half of the pro-
gram will consist of songs by the
Glee Club. Following intermission
the audience will be asked to join in
singing Michigan songs. The program

is open to the public without charge.
Michigan Historical Collections:
"Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham.
Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays
An exhibition of paintings by Eu-
uardo Salgado will be shown begin-
ning Wednesday, March 20, in the
mezzanine galleries of the Rackham
building. The exhibit is sponsored
by the All Nations Club which is hold-
ing a reception Wednesday, March 20,
from 7-9 p.m. in the galleries, at the
opening of the exhibition. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Events oda
League House Presidents will have
a meeting today at 5:00 p.m. in the
League. Please see bulletin board for
Varsity Glee Club: Final rehearsal
for concert, 7:15 tonight at Hill Au-
ditorium. Come to rear entrance.
Modern Dance Club will meet to-
night at 7:15 in Barbour Gymnasium,
All those interested in joining the
club are welcome.



Positively incredible. Er, your
pater actually intimated that I
am an imaginary character? He

Flouting scientific knowledge is a pretty
dangerous pastime, you know. And can lead
to dire consequences. t, er, take it he


By Crockett Johnson
But enough. Such misconceptions cannot be
tolerated. Not in the atomic age-Your
Fairy Godfather will conduct a seminar.

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