ATOMIC TESTS See Page 2 1Mw 43U11 4E]at CONTINUED MILD RAIN VOL. LVI, No. 90 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'U'Is Makin Effort To Aid Willow Vets Queries Answered By Niehuss, Briggs Veterans at Willow Village were advised yesterday that the University is "doing everything within reason" to meet their requests for improve- ment of housing, transportation, food service and other matters. Vice-Presidents Robert. P. Briggs and Marvin L. Niehuss stated the University's reply to veteran queries after a meeting with Veteran's Or- ganization representatives. Briggs said that no commitments are being made this far in advance in answering a veteran's suggestion that the University assign "at least half of the Ann Arbor dormitory space to veterans next fall." The Campus VO had suggested an even larger percentage, equal to the pro- portion of veterans and non-veter- ans. 'Have Faith' But he asked veterans to have faith in the good graces of the University in revealing that of 1,588 places for male students on the campus, Uni- versity residence officers had this term assigned 1,015,places, or almost two-thirds, to veterans. Ex-service- men, he indicated, will continue to receive favorable consideration for a very large portion of the housing fa- cilities. The officials said that when the permanent apartment buildings now under construction on campus are ready for ocupancy - probably in the fall - they will be assigned to married students with war-service as long as they are needed for this pur- pose. In regard to transportation Briggs said the University is making daily studies of individual bus loads, and as far as practicable will make changes in accordance with the results of the studies. Losing Money He revealed the University at pres- ent is losing considerable monef in the bus operations. A 10-cent fare is charged for the 12-mile trip. The University reaffirmed its in- tention to put on special buses for an event which requires the presence in Ann Arbor of the veterans at the Vil- lage. Efforts had been made by the University tb secure the management of an established busline, but such an arrangement could not be made. Chief recommendation of student veterans was that a bus be' started from the campus to Willow Run be- tween 7:30 and 8 p.m., and that an additional run be established in the morning. The veterans also had protested high food costs, and Vice-President Niehuss said the University will check with the cafeteria manager on prices and variety of food. Costs High Niehuss said the University is "against the high cost of living" but is caught in a national situation of rising food costs. Chief problem in cafeteria operation at the veteran's village will be avoiding considerable financial loss, he stated. Estimates were that at the cafeteria veterans could secure adequate and proper food for $1.50 a day when the manager has had time to develop the food service. Willow Village, a FHPA project, is not open to n(on-veterans. For this reason the University cannot require any of its students who have not had war service to live at the village, as some veterans had suggested, the of- ficials explained. Students housed at Willow Run were admitted to the University on condition that they reside at the Vil- lage the term for which they were admitted. This policy, according to the spokesmen, made it possible for the University to admit 1,500 extra veterans. Woilow'Villacre Plans Welcome An official welcome to the 926 mar- ried University students living at Wil- low Village will be extended by Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven at 8 p.m. Monday at an assembly in the Village community building. Michigan songs and band music will be conducted by Prof. William D. Revelli leading the University Con- cert' Band. Community problems of transportation. health and housing will be discussed. Wolff's Movie Scheduled Roundup of World News By The Associatd Press Plan Extended . . . WASHINGTON, March 16-Gen. George C. Marshall disclosed today -hat urgent measures are being taken jointly by American and Chinese of- ficers to extend into Manchuria a peace formula consistently successful o far in other parts of China. The crisis arises, at least partly, Marshall brought out, because there are Communist forces in Manchurian areas from which the Russians are pulling back, who never have gotten the word that the Chinese Commun- ists and the Chinese Nationalist forces are being merged. Red Press Hits Iran . . MOSCOW, March 16-The news- paper Izvestia declared today that northern Iran oil fields were of "primary significance" to Russian security, and charged that Iran four times broke the Soviet-Iranian treaty of 1921 by granting to United States and British firms oil concessions previously held by Rus- sia. The government newspaper ac- cused Iran of discriminating against Russia in oil concessions, of threatening Soviet security, and of seeking to instigate conflicts be- tween the Soviet Union and other great powers. The latter charge was Troops at Karaj . . TEHRAN, March 16 - A reliable source said today 3,000 Russian troops now were concentrated at Karaj, 20 miles northwest of this cap- ital, but the Iranian Director of Propaganda told newsmen: "There is no danger to Tehran. The Russians have been in the country four and one-half years without attacking us. There is absolutely no threat of at- tack here now." War Minister Ahmedi, appearing jointly at a news conference with Firouz, denied the statements at- tributed to him at Thursday's inter- view, given after Ahmedi had con- ferred with the Shah. Settlement Approved.. . DETRIT, March 16-The first CIO United Auto Workers local to vote on the strike settlement agree- ment with General Motors ap- proved it overwhelmingly today, according to the local president. Members of Cadillac Local 22 marked 1,200 favorable ballots to two unfavorable, President David Miller said. 'Unity' Dinners .,. WASHINGTON, March 16-The Democratic Party scheduled a series of "unity" dinners for Congressmen today in an effort to close a split in their ranks. They told newsmen they hope the sessions will woo back into the fold straying elements, particularly a bloc of southerners, some of whom have lined up frequently in a coalition with Republicans. (See interview with Prof. Kallen- bach, Page 5.) * * * Re-states Treaty Aims .. . LONDON, March 16-Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin said to- night that his offer of a 50-year friendship treaty with Soviet Rus- sia was "seriously proposed and ser- iously meant" and that he would pursue it "notwithstanding all the disappointments." Entry Blocked ... SAVANNAH, March 16 -- Greece succeeded in blocking the entrance of Italy into the world bank and fund until at least next September, and Britain suffered an overwhelming de- feat in seeking to lower salaries for directors of the world organizations at a late meeting of the full boards of governors tonight. THE MORE THE MERRIER State Federation Of College Veteran Groups Organized Delegations from 26 Organizations Draw Up Constitution at Conference The nucleus for a confederation of delegates representing Michigan col- lege veteran organizations was formed at the Michigan Student Veterans Conference held here yesterday. Delegations from 26 Michigan college veteran organizations met in the Rackham Amphitheatre to form the Association and to discuss immediate problems of the student veteran. Provost James Adams addressed the delegates prior to the formation of small committees to discuss specific questions of the veterans. "There is no better way that the people of the United States could re- pay the veterans than by providing the opportunity for higher educa- tion," Provost Adams said in his address. "A great social gain will result from the number who are receiving college training in that it will affect the quality of thinking of the nations in the years to come," Adams said. William Akers, president of VO and chairman of the conference, outlined the agenda for the conference and CROWDED QUARTERS - Pajama-clad coeds squeeze into a narrow dormitory room for a rubber of bridge. They're seeking to prove that women's residence halls are chock-full this term. (Daily Staff Photo) HIGHER ALTITUDES: Prof. Vincent Foresees Flying In Atomic-Powered Airplanes Pilots of tomorrow will probably be flying atomic-powered airplanes at extremely high altitudes, Prof. E. T. Vincent of the Department of Me- chanical Engineering said in an in- terview yesterday. Atomic energy may allow us to reach 60,000 to 70,000 feet of altitude, Prof. Vincent predicted, pointing out TU' Airport Bid Is Supported ByCAA Report The Detroit News gave another in- dication of early approval of the Uni- versity's bid for the Willow Run Air- port by disclosing yesterday that the Civil Aeronautics Authority has fin- ished a favorable report for the War Assets Corporation. How soon the War Assets Corpora- tion will act after receiving the re- port can not now be determined, ac- cording to the News. The survey was required to deter- mine the physical characteristics of the property and whether they were sufficient to meet CAA minimum standards for airline operations, ac- cording to government officials. Representatives of the eight air- lines which serve Detroit have indi- cated they will be ready to move into the field within 30 days after it is made available to them, the Associ- ated Press reports. Local Snows Fear Film Cnraingen.t Abbreviated movie programs in Ann Arbor are in prospect today as a strike of 140 Detroit film handlers and inspectors ends its second day. Local theater managers feared last night their programs all this week will be delayed as a result of the strike which held up deliveries over the week-end. Few short reels will be shown, they indicated. that we are now reaching limits be- yond which the speed of ordinary combustion is too slow. "With the development of adequate control of the atomic process," he continued, "it can probably be used in aircraft propulsion. Until all of the facts about atomic energy are released, however, we cannot predict how soon atomic-powered aircraft will be de- veloped." Gas Better Now Gas is better than explosives in the present type of engine, Prof. Vincent said. Due to the higher heat content of gas an object can travel a greater distance with one pound of gas than with one pound of explosives. Ex- plosives release their energy in a short period of time, while gas releases energy gradually as required. Atomic energy is faster than ordi- nary detonation (combustion process that travels at the speed of sound). The problem is to control the rate at which atomic energy is released. En- ergy must be produced at such a rate that it can be used as fast as it is produced. May Use Heat With the tremendous air flows used by turbine jet and ram jet en- gines, we may be able to use the high rate of heat release of atomic energy to achieve the desired air tempera- tures, Prof. Vincent said. With the present combustion process it be- comes difficult to distribute heat uni- formly through the large quantity of air used by these engines. If some method could he devised to transmit the electrical energy of the atom directly to an electric current, Prof. Vincent speculated, then a source of power, which 'could be turned on and off, could perhaps be made available for such purposes. "This method would be over 90 per cent efficient," he said. "At the pres- ent time we have to change electrical energy to heat energy and heat en- ergy to work energy. An internal combustion engine gets only 30 per cent efficiency, for there is consid- erable loss in the process due to the limitations of the second law of ther- modynamics." Labor Leaders Will Discuss PAC Methods "PAC-Its Aims and Methods" will be the topic of a discussion by Sam Cubeta, state PAC director, and Wal- ter Quillico, international officer of the UAW-CIO, at 7:30 p.m. tomor- row in Rm. 316 of the Union. The campus meeting, open to all students and townspeople, is being sponsored by the Committee for Lib- eral Action. Quillico, former president of the Willow Run UAW-CIO local, will out- line PAC's union activities, while the PAC's inter-relation with the Na- tional Citizen's PAC will be explained by Cubeta. The NCPAC includes sucl prominent members as Carey McWilliams, Louis Adamic, Orson Welles and Max Lerner. Bernard Butler, PAC chairman of Michigan's second congressional dis- trict (including Washtenaw county), and representatives from local chap- ters of the Michigan Citizen's Com- mittee, a pressure group, will attend the meeting. Salgacdo's Work T'o Be Shown Eduardo A. Salgado, Filipino artist who holds a Rackham Fellowship in Painting, will exhibit approximately thirty oil paintings depicting current American life starting Wednesday in the mezzanine galleries of the Rack- ham Building. Highlights of the exhibit, paintings done on a tour of the United States which ended in California in Decem- ber, are studies of New York City, Pittsburgh, "city of steel," the Grand Canyon and California farm and city life. Mr. Salgado exhibited a series of Philippine scenes in the Rackhaml galleries in 1940, and a series of Mex- ican scenes in 1943. The exhibit will be open to the pub- lic from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. daily through April 10. called upon delegates from other col- leges to present ideas for discussion. The entire conference worked in small committees throughout the morning discussing veteran activities and problems existing in the schools represented. A constitutional committee de- signed a constitution for the gen- eral conference. It establishes the conference as a confederation of delegates, not a membership or- ganization, to exchange ideas on matters most important to student veterans and to present a united front of student veteran opinion. Copies of the proposed constitution for the conference are to be mailed to all Michigan colleges. Another conference has been called for March 30 in Ann Arbor to discuss the pro- posed constitution on the basis of suggestions and criticisms made by all Michigan college veteran organi- zations. The conference in the future will be called the Students Veterans As- sociation and will be an organization composed of representatives from any veteran organization of Michi- gan colleges. All colleges will be en- titled to one vote in the Association regardless of the number of veter- ans enrolled in the college. Reports from other commitees working at the conference were held and discussed by the entire body of delegations. A committee on the cost of living recommended the retention of the OPA and in- vestigations of the distribution of surplus war goods which under present conditions are inaccessible to the average veteran. The housing committee of the con- ference is to organize a committee to investigate financial resources and building materials available. Finan- cial sources include such federal funds as the War Damage Fund which apparently has not been touched. The committee recommends the transfer of such funds into build- ing funds. All investigations and the results should be published, the com- mittee further recommended. The Michigan Student Veterans Organization agreed to support the Truman proposals for a veteran hous- ing program because of the immed- iate need. The entire conference also agreed to send requests to Michigan con- gressmen asking for the support of the Wyatt Bill. Hopwood Prize Winners ,Named Freshman literary talent was re- warded yesterday when 10 prizes were given out to winners of the an- nual fall Hopwood Contest for fresh- men. In the essay division, Helena S. Thomassen of Ann Arbor won the first prize of $50 for her manuscript "Cat V. Dog." Second prize of $30 went to Amy Adams of Sault Ste. Ma- rie for her "Weather Reports." The $20 award was given to Robert J. Miller of Ann Arbor for "Madrid: 1937." Winner of the first prize in fiction, Bruce D. Callander of Malone. N.Y., received $50 for his story, "Freddy Runs for President." Second prize was awarded to Polly E. Hanson of Birmingham for "Of Such Stuff Are Dreams." Judith Laikin of Detroit won third prize for her "One and Three." Four awards were made in the poetry division of thedcontest. Win- ner of the $50 award, Carol Marie Will Deliver Cooky Lectures American Institutions Topic of New Series Professor Edward Samuel Corwin, McCormick Professor of Jurispru- dence at Princeton University, will open the second series of William W. Cook Lectures on American In- stitutions, at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Building when he will discuss "The War Before The War." Prof. Corwin has had a long ca- reer as a teacher, scholar, and writer. His lectures and published works re- veal a lifetime of study of American government, constiutional theory, and public administration. In 1925, Professor Corwin was awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws by the Uni- versity. Under the general heading of "To- tal War and The Constitution", titles for the other four lectures to be given by Dr. Corwin are Tuesday, "The Structure and Powers of the Nation- al Government"; Wednesday, "The Impact of Total War on Constitu- tional Rights"; Thursday, "Total Peace and the Constitution"; and Friday, "The Postwar Constitution". Except for the first, Dr. Corwin's talks wil be given at 4:15 p.m. The lectures wil be made available in pub- lished form as soon as possible after delivery. Prof. Corwin will be introduced by Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School, chairman of the committee in charge of the lectureship. Follow, ing the tomorrow's lecture, he will be honored by a reception in the Rackham Building. The lectures are sponsored by the University and are open to the pub- lic. There is no admission charge. VO To'Open Club in April The Veterans Organization, in an- swer to requests from veterans on campus for more and cheaper recre- ational facilities, has planned to open the League grill every weekend begin- ning in April as a Veteran Night Club, Bill Akers, president of the VO an- nounced yesterday. The VO will conduct the Night Club as a separate project with the help of Betty Vaughn of the League Coun- cil. There will be dancing to orches- tra music as well as a floor show each weekend and refreshments. The price will be 75 cents per couple. The VO is auditioning orchestras for the Veterans Night Club and also is, planning auditions for the posi- tion of a permanent emcee for the Club. Men and women who are inter- ested in trying out for any of the fipor show acts should contact Betty Vaughn, 2-2547. Veterans are espe- cially urged to audition for the acts. Veteran To Receive A ward Wednesday Victor E. Sundquist, 24, a junior in the literary college and a veteran of two years overseas with the Fifth Air Force, will receive the Bronze Star with Cluster at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the State St. Army headquarters. Col. Philip Roll, attached to Rom- ulus Air Base will make the presen- tation. Sundquist, a native of Dearborn who attended Fordson Junior College Before the war, will receive the award Prof. Corwin r M'LLE. GOMMES VISITS 'U':, France Studies School Activities of U. S. School sports, extracurricular activities and the social life of the stu- dent are important features of the American educational system, said Madamoiselle Antoinette Gommes, consultant of the French Ministry of Education, which France hopes to incorporate into a more progressive post- war school system. Mlle. Gommes, who has been in the United States for three months conducting a survey of American education, visited the Michigan League, the Student Publications Building and several dormitories here this week before leaving for New York, where she will wait for the ship scheduled to take her back to France. "Here at the University," she declared, "I was especially interested in the way the student lives, and in the way many of them earn all or part of their own expenses. We will need something like that. We will also attempt to inaugurate methods of health education, adult education "But we must be careful to maintain our high intellectual standards," she stated, "or the program won't be acceptable to the people. Where it is now in operation the parents are delighted with it, and though it means more work for them, the teachers seem to enjoy it very much." Mornings in the new secondary schools, Mile. Gommes explained, will be devoted to purely intellectual work as before; but the afternoons will be given over to sports and club activities. Two hours a week, she said, will be set aside for study at the school so that the student will have "very little" homework. "Because students have found the diversity of subjects and teachers un- satisfactory and confusing," she said, "we have conceived the idea of group- ing the work into projects and reducing to three the number of teachers ,- - nr hic nnh n QQ zhil, Vander Kloot of Homewood,7 ceived the first prize for her' Poems." Third prizes of $20v Judith Laikin, winner of a prize also, for her "Tn the Ill., re- "Seven went to fiction Begin-