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March 16, 1946 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-16

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Fisher To Cut
Squad of 70
Streamlines Group
But Keeps Pitchers
With the second week of indoor
practice drawing to a close, Coach
Ray Fisher today will reduce his
freshmen-swollen baseball squad of
70 to a more readily workable number.
Becau:e there is no freshman team,
this year's Wolverine aggregation
started out as the largest in Coach
Fisher's 26-year reign. Close to 130
men answered the first call for try-
After today's cut, the team will
probably be down to two complete in-
fields and outfields. In keeping with
his long-established policy, Coach
Fisher will not drop any pitchers from
the squad at this time.
Hoping For Good Weather
The Coach is hoping for as good a
break from the weatherman as he
had last year, when the team began
outdoor practice sessions on March
20. "We don't usually move outdoors
until around the first of April," Coach
Fisher said. "Last year we had about
the earliest outdoor practice I can re-
The continuing indoor sessions have
found the pitchers rounding into
shape. Although they have not as
yet been bearing down, they are now
in shape to do so.
Jack Weisenburger, who last year
was converted from outfielder to
shortstop, will be reconverted to make
room for a bumper crop of returning
infielders, which includes Don Robin-
son, a pre-war standout at the short-
stop position.

Bliss Bowman Het
Baseball Pitching

NOT SO DIZZY-Detroit's Dizzy
Trout who pitched four scoreless
innings, struck .out seven and gave
up two hits as Cincinnati beat the
Tigers 1-0, yesterday.

Trout Fan 15;
Tioers Beaten
ByTIhe Associated Press
LAKELAND, Fla., March 15-

Big Ten Ilopes Ride
With Southpaw Aces
Down at Yost Field House these
days, Ray Fisher, Michigan's baseball
coach, is putting his charges'through
the paces of spring training, and says
that one person he is counting on to
pick up where he left off is, "Lefty"
Bliss Bowman, star pitcher for the
past two years on the Wolverine nine.
"Bo," as he is invariably called, has
been one of the main reasons why
the Maize and Blue have chalked up
two consecutive Big Ten champion-
ships, and if Michigan's leading
southpaw can repeat his past per-
formances, Fisher's 1946 edition may
well be on its way to its third straight
Develops Change of Pace
For the past few years Bowman
has been strictly a fast ball pitcher,
but this season he has developed a
change of pace pitch which should
make him an even greater threat to
opposing teams, than he has been in
the past. According to the Wolverine
diamond mentor, Michigan's top
southpaw should be a very much im-
proved pitcher.
Bowman came to Michigan from
DeVilbliss High in Toledo, Ohio
where he gained his early athletic ex-
perience, not only on the school's
nine, but also having four years of
basketball, captaining the cagers in
his senior year. During the summers,
he played ball in the American Le-
gion League, being credited with that
one thing which all pitchers hope to
attain, a no-hitter.
Misses No-Hitter
In Michigan's opener of the 1944
season, the 5 ft. 8 in. hurler's initial
year with the varsity, he just missed
another flawless game. The Wolver-
ines were playing Western Michigan'
at Ferry Field, and Bowman was on
the mound, setting down the Bron-
cos in order until the last half of the
ninth. With two men out, the final
batter stepped up to the ?late and

a'ids Swimniers
AAt #I'NJts
:11n, Sail Trsillm i
Special to '11w Iaily
DETROIT, March 15--Michigan's
swimmers added three more State
AAU titl.( to their string tonight to
headline the meet held at the Detroit
Boy's Club pool.
Matt Mann, III. ion of the Wolvecr-
in coach, led t ictorious avie
and Blue natat ors With a pool record-
smashing triumph in his specialty,
the 440-yard freestyle race. Mann
turned in a fast r-4:59 to lower the
previous Boy's Club pool record.

fx1- .

the mile is to maintain mental alert-
ness," said Track Coach Ken Doherty
in commenting on the possibility of a
4-minute mile, one of track's "impos-
"When fatigued, there is a deaden-
ing of the senses, a mental relaxation
which makes it difficult for a run-
ner to force himself to become more
fatigued and hold the pace," the Wol-
verine coach continued.
With a greater amount of knowl-
edge about the nature of fatigue prev-
alent among track coaches and a
greater realization that the problem
of distance running is more of a
mental problem than a physical one,
Doherty thinks that the 4:00 mile is
a definite possibility in the not too
distant future.
Hume Twins Sited

Relay Team Wins Easily
The Maize and Blue 300-yard med-
ley relay team of backstroker Bob
Matters, breast stroker Bob Sohl and
freestyler Charley Fries had an easy
time in taking the relay event. The
Wolverine trio splashed the 300-yard
distance in 3:02.
Sohl doubled up in the 220-yard
breast stroke distance to chalk up
Michigan's third win of the evening.
The Maize and Blue breast stroker's
winning time was 2:50.
Wind Up With Wayne
The Wolverines will wind up their
dual meet season next Wednesday
against Wayne University's natators
at the Detroit Northwestern High
School pool. March 28 and 30 Coach
Matt Mann's squad will journey to
New Haven, Conn., to participate in
the NCAA championship meet at Yale



By BOB MOIC in the competition of the greatest of
"The primary problem of running the modern distance runners, Gundar

As an example of how mental fa-
tigue can be overcome, Doherty point-
ed to the technique the Hume twins,
Bob and Ross, employed in setting
some of the fastest records in the an-
nals of Michigan track. They would
deliberately alternate the pace, first
one leading and then the other pass-
ing him to lead for a while; this
would prevent them from getting
deadened by the monotony of run-


Sport Shots

Students commuting from Willow
Village will be interested to know that
intramural sports have branched out
to their neighborhood where nine
dormitories housing 72 men each are
expected to have an all-year program
similar to that of the University resi-
dence halls.
Earl Riskey, director of intramural
activities at the Sports Building," met
with a group of the Willow Village
dormitory managers Tuesday and of-
fered several proposals to get the pro-
gram under way.
The league to be organized
comprise a team from each dormi-
tory to compete in 'the scheduled
events. Individual sports such as ta-
ble tennis and horsehoes will also be
encouraged. All activities will be un-
der the supervision of Dave McDan-
Inaugurating the Annex Arbor
intramural competition is a bas-
ketball tournament which will begin
Monday with four games scheduled.
Plans are being made to start
a faculty volleyball league. Al-
ready two teams have been organ-
ized but intramural officials say
they need at least two more to
start play. Any departments de-
siring to play should advise Earl
Riskey at the Sports Building, tele-
phone 8109.

Newhouser and Dizzy Trout struck
out 15 men today, but the Detroit!
Tigers lost to Cincinnati, 1 to 0 their
fifth consecutive exhibition defeat.
Newhouser fanned eight in five
innings, but was reached for six of
the Reds' eight hits and the only run.
The score came in the first frame, al-
though Newhouser struck out *the
side. In between the second and
third outs, Grady Hatton singled,
Eric Tipton walked and Clyde Voll-
mer hit safely to drive in Hatton.
Nate Andrews, John Vandermeer
and Joe Beggp worked three innings a
piece in blanking the world cham-
pions. Only one Tiger reached third
base. The Bengals had five blows in-
cluding the only extra base hits of the
game-doubles by Skeeter Webb and
Andrews was the winning pitcher.
Attendance was 1401. With an ex-
hibition record of one win and five
losses, the Tigers meet Washington
here Saturday.
The line score:
Cincinnati 100 000 000-1 8 1
Detroit 000 000 000-0 5 0
Andrews, Vandermeer, (4), Beggs
(7) and Mueller. Newhouser, Trout,
(6), Tebbetts and Erautty.
Giants, Yanks Win;
New York (N) 001 000 311-6 9 0
Phila. (A) 040 000 000---4 9 0
Mungo, Fischer (5) and Klutz, Lom-
bardi (5), Fox (8).
Christopher, Vaughan (6) and
Rosar, Pruett (6).
N Y (A) "A" 100 401 000-6 9 3
Boston (A) 300 000 010--4 7 1
Gumpert, Marshall (6) and Niar-
hos; Bagby, Wagner (4) Deutsch (7)
and Pytlak, Conroy (7).
A's Whip Dodgers

belted a single over second base to
mar the mighty mite's perfect tilt.
Last year, Bowman's record was six
victories against one defeat that came
in the first encounter of the season
with Western Michigan. He beat such,
teams as Illinois, Notre Dame, Indi-
ana, Wisconsin, and Purdue. In the
two years that he has been on the
varsity squad, Bowman has never
lost a Conference game.
Contrary to the rule that pitchers
are weak hitters, Michigan's number
one southpaw ended the 1945 season
with a .444 average. For the past two
summers, Bowman has been one of
the top flingers for the American
Federation Baseball League in De-
troit, being a member of champion-
ship clubs both times.


_-. _ ..



both .

I s the1m
A similar situation can be found them.


(Continued from Page 2)
o'clock in the evening in the Amphi-
theatre of tht Rackham Building.
The following papers will be present-
ed: "Comparative Law," by Dr. Ern-
est Rabel, and "Origin and Dispei'sal
of the Fishes of the Great Lakes," by
Professor Karl F. Lagler.
Varsity Men's Glee Club: Special
rehearsal today at 4:00 p.m. We will
go over all the Michigan songs. Sun-
day rehearsal at 3:00 p.m.
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of Forestry
and Conservation at 11:00 a.m., Wed-
nesday, March 20, in the Amphithea-
ter of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Walter C. Lowdermilk, assistant chief
of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service,
will give an illustrated talk on "Land
Use Studies in the Near and Far
East." All students in the School of
Forestry and Conservation are ex-
pected to attend unless they have
conflicts in nonforestry subjects.
Other interested persons are cordially
Wesleyan Guild at First Methodist
Church meets at 6 p.m. Sunday for
the Lenten Discussion series entitled
"Personal Blueprints." There will be

both student discussion leaders and
resource advisers. There will be also
a supper id social hour.
"PA.(C., Its Aims and Methods"-
will be the topic of a discussion by"
Sam Cubeta. state director of the
Michin Pot i cl Action Commit-
ie, and Walter Quillico, international
officer of the UAW-CIO, at 7:30 p.m.
Monday, Pn. 316, in the Union. All
students are invited to attend this
open meeting. Sponsored by Com-
mittee for Liberal Action.
Beer - Wine - Mixers - Keg Beer
10 to 10 Daily
8 A.M. to 11 P.M. Sat.
303 N. 5th Ave. Ph. 8200
Weddin e
717 N. Uiniversity Ave.

Brooklyn (N)
Phila. (A)
Gregg, Van
Knott, Harris

120 000 011-5 12 1
000 001 41X-7 10 1
Cuyk (5) and Howell;
(5), Coleman (8) and


(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan (24-24-5)
F. E. Zendt, Minister
Mrs. Howard B. Farrar, Director of Music
Congregational-Disciples Guild House
438 Maynard Street (5838)
H. L. Pickerill, Director of Student Work
Patricia Kelly. Associate Director
10:50 a.m. Morning Worship
10:50 a.m. Nursery for children ages 2-8 years
6:00 p.m. Guild Sunday Evening Hour. The
Congregational-Disciples Student Guild will
meet in the social hall of the Congregational
Church, State and Williams. A cost supper
will be served and followed by a speech by Dr.
Edward Blakeman, Religious Councilor of the
University of Michigan, "Religion Recon-
verts Nationally". This will be followed by a
worship service lead by Bruce Edwards.
7:30 p.m. Christian Youth Fellowship. A pro-
gram of worship, study, recreation and sing-
ing for high school students.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor
(Missouri Synod)
11:00 A.M.: Worship Service, with sermon by the
pastor, "The Changing World and the
5:15 P.M.: Supper meeting of Gamma Delta,
Lutheran Student Club.
Wednesday at 7:30: Midweek Lenten Service.
Sermon, "Peter - Presumptive, Eccentric,
Talkative, Errant, Restored."
For National Lutheran Council Students
1304 Hill Street
Henry O. Yoder, Pastor
Zion Lutheran Church-
E. Washington and S. Fifth Ave.
The Rev. E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 a.m. German Service
10:30 a.m. English Worship Service
Trinity Lutheran Church-
E . William and S. Fifth Ave.
The Rev. Walter Brandt, Pastor
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Lutheran Student Association-
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall
9:00 a.m. Bible Hour in the Michigan League
5:30 p.m. Association Meeting-fellowship hour
6:00 p.m. Supper and program following. Dr. C,
P. Hary, Executive Secretary of the Board
of Education of the United Lutheran Church,
will be the speaker.
Note: Ohio Valley Regional Conference at the
League Saturday at 9:30 a.m. and Sunday
Bible Hour at 9:00 a.m. also in the League.
Lane Hall, State at Washington
Rev. Edward H. Redman, Minister
Mr. Ernest Larson, Choir Director
Mrs. Claude Winder, Church School Supt.
10:00 A.M.: Unitarian-Friends' Church School.
Nursery through second grade classes at par-
sonage, 110 N. State Street.
Third grade through high school at Lane Hall
10:00 A.M.: Adult Study Group. Lane Hall up-
per room. Mr. Parish speaking on "Political
Situation in India."
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship. Sermon by Rev.
Edward H. Redman on: "Dictatorship with
Atomic Power."
6:30 P.M.: Unitarian students invited to par-
sonage at 110 N. State for buffet supper and
discussion with Prof. William Frankena of
the philosophy department. Reservations for
supper may be made by calling 3085.
218 N. Division at Catherine
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Pastor
10:30 A.M.: Morning Service
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service
li Wiliam and Thomnson Steets

7:05-Sleepyhead Serenade
8:15-Wake Up and Live
8:25-Morning Novelties
8:30-Musical Reveille
9:00-Music Box.
9:30-Popular Music.
9:45-Moments of Melodies.
10:05--Women Today
10:30-Broadway Melodies.
10:40--Community Calendar.
10:45-Waltz Time.

11:05-Kiddies Party.,
11:30-Verse with Music
11:45-Across the Footlights
11:55-Hit Tunes.
12:15-Jesse Crawford.
12:20-Spike Jones & His
City Slickers
12:30-Farm and Home Hour
12:45--Man on the Street.
1:05-Salon Music.
1:10-Organ Music
1:15-Ray Bloch Presents
1:25-Flashes from Life
1:30-Tin Pan Alley
Goes to Town
1:45-Front Page Drama

2:05--Melody on Parade
2:15-Melody on Parade.
3:05-Jesse Crawford
3:15-Les Brown
3:30-Latin American Music
3:40-It Actually-Happened.
3:45-Trade Winds Tavern
4:00-Campus Ballroom
5:05__Rainbow Trio
5:10-Jack Smith Presents
5:15-Mystery Melodies
5:30-Little Show
5:45-Salon Music
6:15-Along the Sports


for a Healthy Start . ...
f rom

12:30this noon
F Are you interested in being part of the most popular
and effective student organization on campus?
F Sign up NOW for the Union Staff
at the Union Student Offices
The Union Staff has positions for INDUSTRIOUS,
Find your place on a
"Union Committee"
(a) CAMPUS AFFAIRS: Work pertaining to the Union
in relation to the entire campus.
(b) SOCIAL: In complete charge of social events
involving the Union.
(c) Administration: Supervises and handles the man-
agement of the Union student offices.
(d) HOUSE: Responsible for activities centered within
+k- I I ;i-


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