PAGEli TWO T.H:E<.,I HE MICHIGAN DA I LY . SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1944 Fifty-Sixth Year IMERRYO-ROUND: IT son I'rN~. A rjIh~Je f)I)L I'uji ,y nIoti Ij~ A ._.n_. 1i_1 Edited and ma;nag'.ed by) students of the Unfversity of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker.... ...... ...Sports Editor Des Howarth. . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered a the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESCNTED FOR NATION.L ADVERT13ING BY National Advertisng Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON - LOS AmGELES . SAM FRANCIsco Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: MAL ROEMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staf4 and represent the views of the writers only. The Sap Is Runig .. . That other Ann Arbor daily is with as again, this time with a scoop on spring. "Some people have their robins, others have wild geese, poets like little mountain flowers." We were reading this to foryear-old-fiend John, but he got up and stalked out of the room. Ignoring the intolerance of youth we stayed with it long enough to discover that a Mrs. Grooiies and her French pusy-illow had inspired the above. We .joired John after reading the lum : "The other day, she reports, the "catkins had had poked little silvery ieads jus out of their brown hood. They have lnm their oy vcat- kipsinto the breez a if t , , t Whse. Afraid?" (The spellin ;s not iis;,. rA Lansing Paipers, les Cp AND then there's the profcsso'r who demon- strates his great pride in his home state of Michigan by quoting an eastern business news- paper: "Michigan has the be1 t 1oerment mon- ey can buy." American Genius, Piase Copy We are beginning to hate American inven- tiveness. Latest gadget to show its head on a horizon full of collapsible doorknobs and automatic garters is a juke box "of the new era", or so a newspaper article informs us. The story continues, "Suppose that you are sitting with a group of friends over a quict brew listening to an artistic rendition of 'Shoo Fly Pie"'. "A bunch of musical mavericks comes in, little caring for the nuances of a hot lick, and starts an argument," the story goes. No matter how much table pounling goes on the new juke box "blandly raises its voice to the competing level." Little caring for the nuances of a hot lick, indeed. We sympathize with an innocent readl- ing public subjected to that sort of thing. More important were quite sure that this is a blatant disregard of the right of free speech. In regard to being drownea out by a luke box, Art. 2, Sec. 6, of a certain immortal du-ii- ment says .. . LaFollette Lecture Like Old one Week ATTENDING the Hon. Philip F. La Follette's lecture the other night was just about like sitting in on a meeting of the Gopher Prairie Booster's Club. It was an encouraging speech-encouraging to anyone who has lain awake nights for fear of U. S. sovereignty, paced the floor over Russia's rise to power, or had qualms over Oriental im- perialism. Lay aside your worries, the audience was told. America need not lose her self-confi- dence. "Firm in the righteousness of her cause, she can answer the challenge of tyranny. She's got power. She's got resources. She's got brain capacity. Look what she's been able to do thus far." But to be a bit morose about the merry pros- pects of the United States, let's take a look at what the Hon. Philip H. La Follette says we have done. Philippine Islands: We have followed the Gold- en Rule. By undertaking a progressive policy in the Islands and by not assuming "white supre- macy," we have set an example for the whole Orient. Largely by our influence, the "days of imperial conquest in Asia are over." "Over?" we ask. Then what are British troops doing in Shanghai, in Hong Kong? Why is In- dia not granted her independence? And, even if there are better days to come, will they dawn because of us? Were we such "angels of freedom" when we stood by and allowed Mac- Arthur to support the reactionary elements while suppressing the liberal? How progres- sive will we be if, when we grant the Philip- pines independence, we do not also offer trad- ing privileges to help them gain economic footing? Are we now really concerned as we stand by and see the Islands, politically cha- otic and devastated, yet do little or nothing to materially aid them? And have we set such a shining example of racial tolerance, that we should call ourselves an "influence" in tle Asiatic awakening? Japan: "There's no secret. We are build- ing in Japan a dynamic organization of demo- cratic force," La Follette says. . ALL this by ourselves? This is factually in- correct. True, it's the way we wanted it. Yet here's the way it is. There is a council of four powers; Russia, Great Britain, China and the United States who are supposedly determining policy for Japanese occupation. Even though the linelight falls mostly on Gen. MacArthur, there is no reason to assume that is is entirely a U. S. project. And while we're on the subject of Japan, are we certain that we are building such a "dy- namie force?" Are the Zaibatsu as such dead? Is the Emperor as such dead, or are we white- washing the venerable old gentleman as just a family mar, at heart as Life recently did? Germany: We are co-governors with the Eur- opean "Big Four", and no action may be taken without unanimous consent. As a result the "European situation is deteriorating every day." B ECAUSE of the other three? We admit that the German occupation has proven ineffi- and political ideas. The United State p- lary of one, the Soviet union of the other. ihe conflict can be solved in an open market of competition of ideas. And in such a market 'we may be self-confident that we will win" And to this are we to say "Oh, fine. lHooray for La Follette and a pat on thek for his grammirar?" No, we disaree h learrtly i .th s-ch flagrant expression of chauvinism. We are not especially elated at hearing thit the United States is the greatest nation on earth, that she is always right and that she will always wi out. Such talk is nothing but good cover-up for sheer isolationism. There are those who say the United States should mind her own business and there are those who say she should save the world alone. Both amount to the same thing-that we are great and so let the rest of the world come to us. To the true internationalist the problems of the Tahitians and the Moravians are the problems of the world. But also, to the true internationalist, the problems of the world are reconciled by the world, not by the dictum of one. -Anita Franz e,/2eltepjto ihee o7d~i-or Gentlemen: The ridicule the roofers of the University have been subjected to, owing to a recent inquiry both by your paper and Profesor Dean McLaughlin, has prompted me to write this explanation; as no one else connected with the University seems to feel the necessity of an answer. The tarring of the dome on the observatory on Angell Hall was not done by employees of the University, that have been doing the roofing work. Instead it was done by a local roofing company, of which the writer knows the name, who upon contact would be in a better position to explain how the dome became sealed shut with asphalt to the extent that it was rendered unuse-- able. Yours truly, (ha res A. Briggs "One For hooter" To the Editor: IT is suggested that the "Daily" through its columns encourage managers of cafeterias catering to University students to display on their food lines where the bread is kept, captions bearing the words, "Leave one slice for Hoover, please". -Fidolf .Jolnison BARNABY Not hurtim'boy. Just disappointed. However, your Fairy Godfather is a reclist . IF the i cyi srot;oferdtoflwod is i- n tn he flashT his Ote, CidsI.. . XIJORTIFYING MOMENT in the life of a worn and distracted rushee: Upon leaving her fif- teenth open house this poor girl advanced to say good-bye to thliehousemot her and house presi- dent of th e soroity. She hdout her hand, opened her mouth.but the words t hat came out were "How do youdo? "1 Alen At Work ..* lE)DATL doesn't cary many comic strips rid we have to get our kicks in strange plact. Highlight of today's mildly successful search was the page six ad of the Michigan Union. Urgin' one and allt o "find our place on a Union Counitee the ad satisfied an an- cient cui osity of ours nw we know what the Uion stall' does, and ow' quoe. "(a) CAMPUS AFFAIRS: Work pertaining to the Union in relation to the entire campus. (b) SOCIAL: In complete charge of social events at the Union., () ADMMINSTRATION: Supervises and handles the management of the Union stud- eni offices. td) OUSE: Responsible for aetiities cen- tered within the Union. (e) PU:LICITYV: Cntrol of keeping the I U n before the sudent body". After a long staff conerence we've decided that it means everybody is on the Union dance door-list. We've seen a lot of double-talk in our tune, bitt we're sending the cake over to the Un- ion Oil the next deliver. L'tiiv flaaty Goes .-1. Log4Way PROBABLY the best story to come out of the post-GI strike situation was overlooked by most newspapers. "When asked what he was going to do after being on the picket line for more than 100 days, a striker said." I'm ired, Im gomn g on vacation' For mmdialC Release " D startling coineidences-The California mystery murder of Mrs. Diane Sparks, once known as one of Hollwwood's ten most beautiful women, and the novel "They Won't Believe Me," by Gordon McDonell in the March issue of- Magazine. In both the novel and in reality the corpse was discovered through the exposure of a shallow grave." That, ladies and gentlemen, is a typical public relations approach, the firm in question on this splendid occasion using the term "Associates" to hide their nefarious activities. Be you warned of the tremendous variety of their disguises. The other day we got a letter which began like this: city planners mxanagers man iltives mayors businessmen etc. (us) For 30 whole seconds we thought E. E. Cum- mings was paying us an undue honor, but it was just another bright young public relations stunt. We hate 'em all, * * * * Seasonal Lighti g (ONSPICUOUS by their presence are the col- ored light bulbs on the pine tree in front of the General Library. We wonder whether this represents University policy-or lack of policy. Anyway, on the hump. Only 235 shopping days to Christmas. * * *: * Wines and Beers N case you've ever had any doubts about it, the Student Directory furnishes conclusive proof that the University is cosmopolitan. Michi- gan students include a Comb and a Brush, the Sun and the Moon, Wines and Beers, a House and a Garden, High and Low, Black and Blue, Long and Short, Gold and Silver. We also have an Apple, Bacon, Ham, an Oyster, a Bean, Fish, Quail, a Berry, Honey, Pepper, Sugar, and Pick- les. And, oh yes, we forgot, Ernest Woodman is President of the Forestry Club. (All itnms appearing in this column are written by members of The Daily staff and edited by the Editorial Director) As Others . . . We have in this country the peculiar idea that in all the world only the Russians find our for- eign policy and out stubborn control of the atom- ic bomb in any way suspect. We have somehow come to think of ourselves as the ultimate in highinded and benevolent purpose. It must, therefore, have cone as a shock to e fw w read the following Reuter's dispatch buried deep in last Thursday's news- aper's: "The liiled States has always been predatory in its development," said Sir Thomas Blaney, former 'oniander-in-chief of Aus- traian military forces. "War with her is un- tinkable at the moment, but we should make sure that we are building up a strong defense." We may seem to ourselves Galahad in more or less shining armor; foreign observers sometimes noie a still more striking resemblance to the hleaCked Kiahmt --Hale Champion ke.Angry By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON- It's no secret that there's been considerable talk among the brass hats in the Penta- gon Building about war with Rus- sia. Some of this comes from men who honestly feel war is inevitable and favor getting it over with right now. Others chiefly favor a little war talk because of its help in passing military conscription. However, there can be no doubt about the views of the top military man in the War Department-Gen. Dwight Eisenhower. Two or three weeks ago Eisenhow- er was attending a Washington din- ner party when people began to talk about war with Russia. Irked by the oanvrsation, he remarked that he{ was "amazed that so many people l should suddenly be seriously consid- ering the idea of war with Russia" Then the Chief of Staff proceeded to give a pointed lecture on the fool- ishness of this war talk, which can be briefly summarized as follows: "People whTlo want war should only think a few minutes about the sac- rifice Russia has made in the past five years--a toss of life and property so large we cannot conceive of it. A people who have suffered such a loss will not turn tail before any military force in the world today. But at the same time they will not go out and look for another war. "And neither will we. This country is no more anxious to go to war than Russia. Our losses are great, and we want no more. Certainly the Ameri- can people do not want to get in- volved in a war in which there can be no end but the destruction of the greater part of the world. "Atom bombs or no atom bombs," the Chief of Staff continued, "war still means knocking out the oppos- ing armies and establishing control over civilian populations. We saw what happened to the finest armies the world has ever seen. If we tried to conquer Russia there's no telling when we'd be able to establish our- selves on Russian soil-but once we did we'd be faced with years of slog- ging through Siberia. "We have nothing to gain to start with," concluded Eisenhower, "and would have nothing left when it is over~" A nti-IoiislIng Lobby Most powerful lobby since the war threw itself into the battle to defeat the Wyatt housing program for vet- erans. Every Congressman received wires, phone calls, letters from build- ers, lumber dealers, eal-estate men. Many telegrams were phony, as several Congressmen discovered when they tried to answer them. Others were signed with the names of people who later assured members of Con- gress that they had not seen or sent the wires. Those tactics, of course, have been used before. The prize telegram, however, was- one sent to all Congressmen from the St. Paul-Minneapolis area by the Northwes ter-n Flooing and Lumber Company, of which V. H. Alberts is President After urging that the veterans' housing program be defeated, the Lumber Company had the gall to add: "Please also exert your efforts to oppose a standing vote on these is- sues." In other words, the Northwestern Flooring and Lumber Company not only urged its Congressmen to vote against the veterans but also opposed a vote which would let the public know how each Congressman voted. NOTE--The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars did not go to bat for the veterans' housing bill. Some veterans charge that this was because of real-estate interest in the hierarchy of the two organiza- tions. The AMVETS, on the other hand, went to bat vigorously. Churchill On Greece U. S. Officials just returned from Greece told the following story on Winston Churchill while the ex-Prime Minister was in Washington. About a year ago when Churchill visited Athens, he said to British Am- bassador Leeper: "Tell me about this man Damaskinos. Would you describe him as a scheming, medieval pre- late?" Churchill was referring to Arch- bishop Damaskinos of Greece. Af- ter a moment's thought, Leeper re- plied: "I would never thought of it in exactly those terms, but I suppose you would." "Fine, fine," answered Churchill. "That's just the sort of man we want." Shortly afterward, Archbishop Da- maskinos was appointed Regent of Greece. (Copyright, 1946, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) By Crockett Johnson Publication in the Daly official lul- 'etin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. M. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1946 a VOL. LV. No. 89 Notices Students Cllege of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Today is the last day on which new elections may be approved. The will- ingness of an instructor to admit a student later will not affect the oper- ation of this rule. E. A. Walter Students, School of Education: No course may be elected for credit after today. Students must report all changes of elections at the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall. Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes are thus officially registered. Arrangements made with the instructor are not official changes. Students. College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Applications fbr scholarships should be made before April 1. Application forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed at that office. Women students wishing League House accommodations for summer or fall of 1946 may now file applica- tion in the Office of the Dean of Women. Women students who were not on campus during the fall semester and who wish to apply for dormitory housing for summer or fall should call immediately at the Office of the Dean of Women for further particu- lar's. Victory Gardens: Members of the faculty and other employees of the University who desire space for a vegetable garden at the Botanical Garden this spring should send a written request for it to Mr. O. E. Roszel, Storehouse Section of the Plant Department. Requests must be made by the end of March. Anyone who has not before had a gar-den here must send one dollar with his request as a contribution to- ward the expense of plowing the land. It may become necessary later to ask for a small contribution from those who have previously gardened here. When the garden plots are ready for use, the fact will be announced in this bulletin. At that time the gar- deners may learn their plot numbers by phoning to Mr. Roszel. Each plot will be assigned with the understanding that it will be used to full capacity for raising vegetables, that it will be kept free from weeds, and that waste matter will be cleared away in the fall. Water may be used on the gardens if carried from the faucets in cans or pails, but the use of hose is prohibited. No tools will be furnished by the Uni- versity. Particular care must be taken that no property of the Botanical Garden be molested. Dogs are not allowed in the garden. Religious Counseling: The Coun- telor in Religious Education is avail- able to confer with students upon re- ligious and personal affairs daily, 11 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. (Other hours by appointment) at 215 Angell Hall. Issues relating to values, ideals, personal or group conduct, and ad- justments to University life are ger- mane. Courses of religious signifi- cance, professional ethics in given Colleges, a Degree program in Re- ligion and Ethics, a Master's degree in Religious Education, as well as a long list of positions available may be con- sidered. Civil Service Announcements for the City of Detroit: Playleader (male and female) Sal- ary: $7.70-9:45 per day Life Guard (male and female) Sal- ary: $1.00-1.25 per hour Junior Recreation Instructor (Male and Female) Salary: $2321 to $2473 per year, Swimming Instructor (Male and Female) Salary: $2549 to $3016 pei year. Further information may be ob- tained at 201 Mason Hall. Lectures University Lecture: Dean Benja- min 0. Wist will lecture on "Educa- tion in Hawaii," at 4:15 p.m. on Mon- day, March 18, in the Rackham Amphitheater. University Lecture: Dr. Walter Clay Lowdermilk, assistant chief of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service, will give an illustrated lecture on "Plans for a Jordan Valley' Author- ity" at 8 p.m., Wednesday, March 29, ii Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building under the auspices of the College of Engineering and the School of Forestry and Conservation. Dr. Lowdermilk is an international au- thority on soil conservation and land use who has traveled extensively in the wNcar Est .He has workedouri a Pseulo--Euclidean Space," Monday, March 18, East Council Room, Rack- ham, at 3:15 p.m. Chairman, G. Y. Rainich. Veterans' Tutorial Program: The following changes have been made in the schedule: Chemistry 3-Monday-Thursday 7:30-8:30 p.m.; Saturday 9-10 a.m. Chemistry 4-Monday-Thursday 7:00-8:00 p.m.; Saturday 11-12 a.m. Chemistry 21-A tutorial section for veteians will be offered by Profes- sor Byron A. Soule once a week, be- ginning March 13, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry. Only veterans who have elected Chemistry 21 should attend. Veterans' Tutorial Work in Physics 26 and 46. Two sections for tutorial work in Physics 26 and 46 have been organized. Section -Monday,Wed- nesday, 7:30 to 8:30. Saturday, 11 o'clock. 1035 Randall Laboratory-- A. W. Ewald, Instructor. Section 2- Monday, Wednesday, i:30 to 8:30, and Saturday 11 o'clock,.1036 Randall Laboratory-H. Levenstein, Instru- tor. Only veterans enrolled in Physics 26 or 46 should attend, English 150 (Playwriting) will meet in Room 303 Library on Monday at 7:30. Assignment, Deep Are the Roots. German Departmental Library Hours, Spring Term 1945-46: 8:00- 12:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 1:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 204 University Hall. German 1 and 2 Make-up Final Ex- aminations will be given from 2 to 4 p.m., Wednesday, March 20, in Room 201 University Hall. Students who missed the final examination should see their instructors immediately to get permission to take the make-up. Mathematics Concentration Exami- nation will be held Thursday, March 21, 3 pm. in 3011 Angell Hall. Mathematics 328: The STATIS- rICS SEMINAR meets Monday M~arch 18 at 3 prn. in~ 3201 Angell H. all. Professor Craig will speak. All male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in r'sidence in this College must elect Physical Educa- Lion for Men. Veterans are premanently excused from fulfilling the P.E.M. require- ment, provided they have completed their basic training or have served at least six months in one of the branches of the armed forces Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) the Dean of the College or by his representatives, (3) the Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemptions by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen and sophomores to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counsel- ors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Associate Dean E. A. Wal- ter (1220 Angell Halal). Except under very extraordInary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the sec- ond week of the Spring Term. The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Concerts Facult Recital: Gilbert Ross, violin- ist, will appear in the first faculty program of the spring term at 8:30 Sunday evening, March 17, in Lydia. Mendelssohn Theatre. He will be as- sisted by Helen Titus, pianist, also of the School of Music, in Beethoven's Sonata in G major, Op. 96, for violin and piano, Adagiorby Caporale, Son- ata in D major by Handel, Poeme, Op. 25 by Chausson, and Ross Lee Fin- ney's Fiddle-Doodle-Ad. The public is cordially invited. Faculty Recital: Nadine Linquist Flinders, contralto, will present a re- cital at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Her program will include songs by Handel, Dowland, Purcell, Brahms, Ravel, Rachmaninoff, and will be open to the general public. Mrs. Flin- ders will be accompanied by Marian Owen, pianist, and Milton Weber, vio- linist. Glee Club Concert: The University of Michigan Men's Glee Club, David Mattern, conductor, will be heard at 8:30 Wednesday evening, March 20, in Hill Auditorium. Half of the pro- gram will consist of songs by the Glee Club. Following intermission the audience will be asked to join in singing Michigan songs. The program is open to the public without charge. Exhibitions Michigan Historical Collections: "Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham. Open daily 8-12, 1:30-:430, Satur- days 8-12. Events'T'oday Committee for Liberal Action: All gtntifnL-, ara+vtEr .c + n -i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN t olude soth eno s And if so.. .Wynngold W ynngoldFilms announces it will make the Gibbon classic.. . The Decline and Fall of the Roman