See Map, Page 4
V --
U'Acquisition of
Willow Run Field
Seems Assured
Vandenberg Answers 'U'Scientists;
Churchill's Speech Clarifies Stand
Bids for Willow Run Airport weret
to have been closed March 8 and the
University is the only governmental
unit that has petitioned for acquisi-
tion of the giant air field, a Univer-
sity spokesman said yesterday.
So far, however, no reply to the pe-
tition has been received.
No comments were forthcomng?
Vets from State
Campuses Will
Confer Today
Students To Discuss
Common Problems
Representatives of veterans organi-
zations from 45 Michigan colleges will
discuss problems relating to the vet-
eran at the Michigan Student Veter-
ans Conference which will be held at
10:15 a.m. today in Rackham Audi-
These representatives are the offi-
cers of campus veteran organizations
or were chosen to represent the vet-
erans of the 45 colleges by the college
veteran advisor.
The first meeting of the Michigan
Student Veterans Conference was
held in January at Wayne University,
Detroit, when 12 colleges were repre-
sented. The conference today will be-
gin with an address given by Provost
James Adams at 10:15 a.m. Follow-
ing the introductory speeches the
conference will be dismissed and
problems will be discussed in small
committees during the day.
Each representative will partici-
pate in the committee discussion of
most interest to him and the college
he represents. There will be groups
discussing constitutions for newly
formed veteran organizations on col-
lege campuses, the G.I. Bill, housing,
high cost of living, and the Interna-
tional Student Exchange.
Following these small panel discus-
sions the representatives will present
to the entire conference resolutions
drawn up at the committee meetings.
One vote will be given to each colb
lege regardless of the number of vet-
erans enrolled in that college.
Bill Akers, president of the VO on
campus and general chairman of the
Michigan Student Veterans Confer-
ence, will preside at the conference.
Salk Condemn
Poles in Reich
Favors No More Aid
For 'Collaborators'
"The Poles remaining in Germany
should not be given UNRRA aid any
longer," asserted Prof. Jonas Salk of
the School of Public Health in a dis-
cussion at the B'nai B'Rith Hillel
Foundation last night.
Prof. Salk, who recently returned
from a three-month visit to Europe
on a special mission for the War De-
partment, explained that the 350,000
Poles remaining in Germany went
there willingly as collaborators and
now do not want to return to Poland
because they fear reprisals from their
own countrymen. "In Germany."
Prof. Salk said, "these Poles are re--
ceiving special consideration from the
occupation administration."
According to Prof. Salk, the aid
which is being given the fascist Poles
should be directed toward improving
the conditions which exist in the
Jewish camps in Germany, where fa-
cilities are totally inadequate.
Prof. Salk also pointed out that
American occupation troops in Ger-
many are absorbing much subtle Ger-
man propagandizing. The German
people, according to Prof. Salk, blame
their present misfortune on the Al-
lies. "The German people," he said,
"have no sense of guilt."
Prof. Salk attributed the recep-
tiveness of the American soldiers to
the German propaganda to the fact
that most of the soldiers who wit-
nessed the horrors perpetrated in
the war have been discharged and
their places taken by inexperienced
Five Are Named
In Spy Ring
OTTAWA, March 15--(RP)-A Corn-
...,,,.,ns s.....« 4.,r< ~F +, . r~n,-a .a.~- ta .
from University officials concerning
newspaper reports that the eight air-
lines nerving Detroit have refused to
use Wayne County Airport but will
operate through Willow .Run.
The Detroit News reported that the
airlines were basing future plans on
the early availability of Willow Run
The airlines' decision is believed to
have no bearing on the University's
negotiations with the Surplus Prop-
erty Administration for control of the
airport. When the negotiations were
opened, Prof. Emerson W. Conlon, of
the aeronautical engineering depart-
ment, said the University could oper-
ate Willow Run with or without the
The University has agreed to lease
landing rights to the airlines if the
SPA's action on its request for Wil-
low Run is granted.
Inulepe tdelnce
For India Is
A Tight'-",Attle
LONDON, March 15-(i)-Prime
Minister Attlee declared today that
India "has the right" to choose full
independence, and that if she elects
to remain within the British Com-
monwealth "it must be by her own
free will."
He expressed hope that India would
not withdraw from the empire, but
said "the British Commonwealth and
Empire is not bound together by
chains of external compulsion."
The prime minister made his dec-
laration in the House of Commons
during a debate on the mission of
three cabinet members who will leave
Tuesday for India to take up the
problem of self-government again.
The mission plans to confer with
Indian and British leaders in India
and to agree on methods of setting
up an Indian constitution-making
body by which the 'Indians may
choose their own form of government
and decide whether they want to be
fully independent.
Attlee said he thought India would
find "great advantages" within the
commonwealth, and warned that "no
great nation can stand alone today."
He added, however, that if India
chose independence "it will be for us
to help make the transition as free
and easy as possible."
Attlee said the government in-
tended to give the mission "as free a
hand as possible," and added that the
three ministers are going to India "in
a positive mood" and "resolved to
succeed.," ,
Earlier, the house advanced to
third reading an India bill, repealing
the emergency powers of the British
Central Government in India and
providing for an all-Indian advisory
council to the viceroy, Lord Wavell.
The bill, already passed by the
House of Lords, also gives wider leg-
islative powers to the Indian legisla-
ture which can modify laws passed
by proclamation during the war
w ist, Will Discs s
Iw aiia(n Educatoii<
Dr.I Benjaimin O. Wist, dean of
Teacher's College of the Un'iversity
of Hawaii, will speak on "Education
in Hawaii" 4:15 p.m. Monday in
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Dr. Wist, an authority on the prob-
lems of educating the peoples of the
Pacific isles, has spent thirty-five
years in Hawaii. He was president of
the Territorial Normal School in Hon-
olulu for ten years. He is author of
the book, "A Century of Public Edu-
cation in Hawaii."
Denies Asking
Military Pact
Asks UNO Solution
In Iran, Dardanelles
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, March 15-Winston
Churchill tonight called on the Unit-
ed Nations Security Council to thrash
out the failure of the Soviet Union
to evacuate their troops from Iran
and to take up the Dardanelles ques-
tion "if Russia persists in putting
pressure on Turkey."
"Thus, early will come a very great
test for the world organization on
which so many hopes are founded,"
he said in an address prepared for a
city dinner in his honor.
Discussing relations between the
United States and Great Britain, the
wartime leader said:
Never Asked Treaty
"I have never asked for an Anglo-
American military alliance or a
treaty. I asked for fraternal associa-
tion. I have no doubt that it will come
to pass, as surely as the sun will rise
"But you do not need a treaty to
express the natural affinities and
friendships which arise in a frater-
nal association. On the other hand,
it would be wrong that the fact
should be concealed or ignored.
Churchill said at the outset of his
talk that when he made his Missouri
speech urging an "increasing associ-
ation" of the United States and Brit-
ain he felt it was necessary for "some-
one in an unofficial position to speak
in arresting terms about the present
plight of the world."
He departed from his prepared ad-
dress to say that "I do not wish to
withdraw or modify a single word."
Denies Inevitability of War
"I do not believe that war is inevit-
able or imminent. I do not believe
that the rulers of Russia wish for
war at the present time."
Speaking of the "widespread sym-
pathy throughout the English-speak-
ing world for the people of Russia,"
Churchill said:
"If the Soviet government does not
take advantage of this sentiment,
if on the contrary they discourage it,
the responsibility will be entirely
He added:
'There is no reason why Soviet
Russia should feel ill-rewarded for
her efforts in the war. If her losses
Sees Creation
GENERAL SERVICE BUILDING-Part of the eight million dollar emergency building program, contracts
for this building and an addition to the Chemistry Building were authorized yesterday by the Board of
* * *
Building Contract Authorized
A general. contract for the con-
struction of four educational build-
ings was authorized by the Board of
Regents at a special session yester-
Preliminary work for an addition
to the Chemistry Building and for
the General Service Building has al-
ready been started. An addition to
the East Engineering Building and a
new School of Business Administra-
tion structure will be begun within a
few weeks.
No Completion Date
No definite dates have been set for
the completion of the buildings, but
For details of work begun on the
University building program be-
fore the Regents' action, see yester-
day's Daily.
University officials believe it may be
the fall of 1947 before they will be
ready for occupancy,
The action by the Regents offi-
cially launches the University on its
largest building program of educa-
tional structures in two decades. To-
tal costs of the four structures could
not be announced because contracts
are the "costs, plus fixed-fee man-
agerial type."
Vets To Present
AlPCampus Ball
Ray Anthony's Band To
Play at Semi-Formal
Tickets for the Feather Merchants
Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Friday, March 29, will go on sale
Monday at the Union and League,
and on the diagonal.
The dance will be semi-formal, and
everyone on campus is invited. It is
sponsored by the Veterans Organiza-
All feather merchants at Willow
Run are especially asked to attend.
The Veterans Organization is plan-
ning to sponsor a mixer at Willow
Run before the dance in order to
give veterans an opportunity to meet
University women.
Ray Anthony's 19 piece band will
furnish the music for the dancers,
and the vocals will be supplied by Dee
Keating. Anthony is an ex-Navy
man who toured the Pacific playing
for servicemen.
This dance is the first all-campus
affair to be presented by the Veterans
Organization, which hopes to make
the Feather Merchants Ball a tra-
ditional annual campus event.
Because of the need for additional
classrooms brought on by expanded
enrollment, space equivalent to one
floor of the General Service Build-
ing will probably be used temporarily
for classes, University Vice-President
Robert P. Briggs announced. In addi-
tion to this, administration offices in
Angell Hall will be made available for
class use.
Demolition of a filling station and
a restaurant on the State Street site
opposite Angell Hall, where the Gen- .
eral Service Building will be erected,
has started and is expected to be com-
pleted by April 15. Ground to the
east of the Chemistry Building is also
being cleared in preparation for con-
struction work.
Dormitories Included
In addition to the educational
buildings, two new dormitory units
are included in the present construc-
tion program. Each will house 500
Dance Petitions
For Assembly,
Pan hel Ball Due
Petitioning for Assembly-Panhl
Ball central committee positions will
end at noon today for Panhel candi-
dates and at 5 p.m. Wednesday for
independents, according to Marian
Johnson and Helen Alpert, Panhel
and Assembly presidents,
The positions open, to all eligi-
ble coeds are those of general chair-
man, publicity, tickets, programs
and music, finance, patrons and
decorations chairmen. There will be
co-chairmen for each committee,
a member of Panhel and an inde-
pendent. Second-semester fresh-
men may petition for positions.
Petitions should include specific
plans for the desired positions and a
general dance theme should be pre-
sented. Candidates are advised to
consult the President's Report in the
League Social Director's Office for
general dance organization plans.
Interviewing for Panhel positions
will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Mon-
day and Wednesday in the League.
Assembly interviewing will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednes-
day, Thursday and Friday in the
Assembly Office, Rm. D, on the
third floor of the League.
Women should sign for interviewing
when petitions are turned in. Eligi-
bility cards must be brought to the
have been grevious, her gains
been magnificent.
Spare Flash
Bulbs Needd
Shortage May Delay
'46 'Ensian Publication
Publication of the 1946 'Ensian may
be long-delayed by the shortage of
flash bulbs, Editor Flo Kingsbury re-
ported this week.
She urged students with spare bulbs
to turn them in at the 'Ensian office
in order that the yearbook may make
its scheduled appearance on June 6.
Bulbs of all descriptions-from
peanut to the King-size, No. 50-will
be purchased by the 'Ensian at stand-
ard prices, according to Miss Kings-
"The few bulbs we have don't begin
to fill our needs," she said. There still
remain almost 100 pictures to take
before the 'Ensian is ready for print-
students. One unit will be for menj
and one for women.l
The women's dormitory will be ont
Observatory Street. Ground-work wasv
started this week. Settlements haveo
been made with all property owners
to clear the way for building the
men's unit, which will be on a sitet
south of the East Quadrangle. c
University officials now predictt
that the apartment dormitory build-z
ings for married students will bet
ready for occupancy in the fall. f
MeClintic Tells
Of Theatre Life
"I walk a good lecture," GuthrieC
McClintic, Broadway producer and
director of wife Katherine Cornell's
plays, told his audience last night in
Hill Auditorium,
Presented by the University of,
Michigan Oratorical Association, Mr.
MClintic strode up and down, ig-
noring the microphone as he remi-
nisced about his years in the theatre.
He kept his audience .laughing witht
the story of his early experiences with
the great producer, Winthrop Ames,
for whom he worked as stage man-1
ager, and anecdotes about such stage
luminaries as Tallulah Bankhead,
George Arliss, George Bernard Shaw l
and Ethel Barrymore.
In an interview after the lecture,
Mr. McClintic spoke briefly of his'
production of "Antigone and the,
Tyrant," modern version of Sophocles'
classic which is currently appearing
on Broadway and stars Miss Cornell.
"It's been a good play for 3,000
years and I've always wanted to do
it," he said when asked why he was
producing it. The play was presented
in France during the German occu-
pation as a symbol of the revolt of in-
dividualists against tyranny, but Mr.
McClintic stated that he was merely
reproducing the potent drama of the
Greek classicist, "which might be ac-
cepted, in this country, which has
never known the horrors of an occu-
pation, with a different sort of aware-
After the lecture Mr. McClintic was
guest at a reception given by Zeta Phi
Eta, speech fraternity, in the League.
Union To Hold
Staff Banquet
Men Wishing To Join
Councill May Attend
University men wishing to join the
administrative staff of the Union Ex-
ecutive Council are invited-to attend
the semi-annual Staff Banquet at
12:30 p.m. today in the Union.
Any man who can satisfy the Uni-
versity eligibility rules may attend
the banquet. Reservations should be
made this morning at the Union stu-
dent offices.
Veterans who have had experience
in special service units while in the
armed forces are especially needed.
Opportunity for the returning vet-
eran to fit himself into campus af-
fairs and University life is one of the
objectives of the Union Staff.
Functions of the Union committee
including campus affairs, social,
1-,nf in 0 A ,,1h m, - s v -m ril h
Of All-Civilian
0 0
Army Okay Needed
On Atomic Problems
Predicting that the final draft of
the McMahon Bill will create an all-
civilian commission to control atomic
energy, Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg
(Rep., Mich.) told the Association of
University of Michigan Scientists
yesterday that the Army and Navy
must have the power of appeal to
the President "if in their judgment
the decisions of the civilian commis-
sion threaten national security in any
In a letter replying to the Asocia-
tions telegrams requesting that he
back the original draft of the Mc-
Miahon Bill, Sen. Vandenberg said:
Outlaw Bomb First
"I do not think we dare ignore
this emphasis upon national security
up to the time when-through the
United Nations Organization -we
have developed adequate interna-
tional inspections and controls which
will make it possible to outlaw use
of atomic energy for military pur-
poses anywhere on earth.
"In other words, it seems to me
that our prime and paramount ne-
cessity at the moment is to secure
through the United Nations Organi-
zation effective and dependable ac-
tion which will outlaw atomic bombs
for keeps.
Peacetime Development
"When this is done we can then
shift our total emphasis to the amaz-
ing possibilities which await devel-
opment in these areas of science."
Sen. Vandenberg said he favored a
civilian control commission, but he
contended that the Army and Navy
must always be kept "fully advised"
regarding the policies and decisions
of such a commission.
. Q
Cotinuous UNO .
Sess ions Asked
WASHINGTON, March 15-(P)-
Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.)
today advocated continuous meetings
of the United Nations Security Coun-
cil so the big powers could deal hour-
ly with trouble afoot.
"I think it is infinitely le8s probable
that little frictions will grow into
big ones if the members of the Se-
curity Council, particularly the five
great powers, are facing each other
eye to eye each morning," he told the
Vandenberg, a delegate to the re-
cent United. Nations meeting in Lon-
don, noted that the UNO charter
calls for such continuous meetings.
He said he supposed the council could
scarcely be expected to settle into
such a regular schedule so soon af-
ter its formation.
"I feel very deeply," Vandenberg
said, "that the Security Council's
greatest advantage and its greatest
potential for peace is in constant con-
tinuity of contacts day by day and
even hour
by hour when trouble is
Iranian Pe op leLook to U. S. for HelpRay Says
CLA Will Hear
PAC Explained
Quillico, Cubeta To
State Methods, Aims
Emphasizing the union activities
of the Political Action Committee,
Walter Quillico, former president of
the Willow Run UAW-CIO local, and
Sam Cubeta, state PAC director, will
discuss "PAC-Its Aims and Meth-
ods" at .7:30 p.m. Monday in Rm.
316, the Union.
Sponsored by the Committee for
Liberal Action, the meeting is open
to the public. The CIO-Political Ac-
tion Committee, established in July,
1943, was designed according, to CIO
President Philip Murray, "to educate
and unite the people of America and
to present to them the tremendous
issues at stake in the 1944 election."
During the 1944 presidential cam-
paign, PAC, which backed Roosevelt,
urged citizens to register and to vote
on election day.
The organization's relation to the
National Citizen's PAC, which in-
us -e h mpmbprs a. Ors an lls
In a period of stress in Iran such
as the one now existing, "her people
look to the United States as the na-
tion most capable of settling her dis-
turbed international irelations and
of insuring their sovereignty," A. S.
Ray of the economics department,
who has lived in Iran most of his life,.
stated in an interview.
"The United States is the great
wnrld nnwr in which all small coun-
major power. The policy that Russia
has adopted for these countries, how-
ever, does not seem to achieve the
hoped-for ends", lie said.
"Russia has always imposed her
imperialistic policies ons Iran. The
present instance of Russian troops
in Iran," Mr. Ray asserted, "is pro-
bably due to the fact that the Rus-
sians, intoxicated with the magni-
tude of their own strength, are using
it indiscrimately and are overstep-
lack of faith in the United Nations
Organization, he added. Russia may
tend to justify such an attitude on.
the basis of the Russian belief that
the capitalistic countries could have
been better disposed toward its re-
gimue since 1918.
"Obviously, if other large nations
shared the extreme nationalistic
viewpoint adopted by Russia, there
woul be little faith in a world tribun-
al dedicated to insuring peace, and
marily on the problems of her em-
Russia's attitude is puzzling, for
Mr. Ray points out that she has suf-
fered greatly from the war, and, al-
though she is strong militarily, Rus-
sia's internal economic organization
could be greatly improved. Thus,
one might expect her to be more in-
clined to devote her efforts and re-
sources to raising the standard of
living in Russia.
Mr. av exnpessed h hehne that