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March 05, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-05

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Fifty.Sixth Year

Hoover Had To Be Coaxed


. ..,..


I 9



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.

Margaret Farmer
Robert Goldman
Hal Champion
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron .

Editorial Staff
Business Staff

Managing Editor
. City Editor
Editorial Director
Associate Editor
Associate Editor

WASHINGTON-Secretary of Agriculture Clin-
ton Anderson had a hard time at first persuad-
ing Herbert Hoover to come to Washington for
the food conference. Anderson caught the ex-
President at Key West, Fla., where he was fishing.
"I've promised my family for seven years to
take them fishing," Hoover told the Secretary of
Agriculture, "and now at last here I am."
Anderson, however, emphasized the urgency of
the food crisis.
"We need your experience and advice, Mr.
President," he said. "You can go back to your
fishing immediately afterward. But this is a time
when your country needs you."
Hoover finally consented to come.
It was Secretary Anderson who also sold Presi-
dent Truman on the idea of having Hoover go
to Europe and study the food problems of the
neediest countries. Hoover had been asked for
advice last fall by the Belgian and Duth govern-
ments, and had told them:
"Estimate your grain needs now and buy
Canadian wheat for the entire year. But insist
on immediate delivery."
The Dutch and Belgian governments followed
his advice, now are relatively well stocked.
Note--Many other European governments, of
course, did not have the money to buy. Or, if
they had, there wouldn't have been enough grain
for all of them.
There was some unique maneuvering behind
the plan to put Supreme Court Justice William
0. Douglas in Harold Ickes' place as Secretary
of the Interior. It began at a cocktail party given
oy Congressman Lyndon Johnson of Texas in
honor of his 'Texas friend Alvin Wirtz.
Toward the end of the party, Speaker Sam
Rayburn, also of Texas, got together with Jus-
tice Douglas, Secretary of the Treasury Vinson,

Tom Corcoran, Johnson and Wirtz. They pro-
ceeded to put the bee on Douglas to take Ickes'
Douglas was not enthusiastic.
Perhaps the factor which finally dissuaded
Douglas from taking the job, however, was de-
lightful, wisecracking George Allen. George had
just been confirmed by the Senate as director of
the RFC. And-lhe and the President jubilated so
much over this event that hard-working, idealis-
tic Justice Douglas wondered how he would be
able to stand that kind of company for three
In the end, he declined the job.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Dorothy Flint .
Joy Altman . . . . . .
Evelyn Mills.....



. . . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
Associate Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

An Invitation At Large

In the dear, dead days happily beyond recall a
between semesters vacation was a little noted,
highly celebrated break in the routine of a none
too extraordinary campus year. To pretend that
an entirely new situation could or would confront
a student upon his mid-winter return from Osh-
kosh or Detroit was presumptuous, even ridic-
Such is, fortunately, or unfortunately, no long-
er the case.
Between February 22nd and March 4th the
University of Michigan has on a large scale
become a different place to go to school, has been
charged with difficult and challenging respon-
sibilities. The nature of this change is best ex-
pounded by a few simple statistics.
During the first semester of the 1945-46
academic year there were 11,200 students
enrolled in the University, some 2,222 of
them veterans. The second semester has the
indicated all time enrollment record of
13,841, the startling total of 5,814 being vet-
erans. The implication of these figures in
terms of University teaching and administra-
tion are obvious, but they gain added sig-
nificance when it is realized that the present
flood tide of tudents into the nation's uni-
versities and colleges will not even reach its
highwater mark until 1947.
As editorial barkers we may well point out that
this is only the beginning, that the problems
which accompany such swollen enrollments are
here for longer than today and tomorrow, that
such problems must be solved on a permanent
basis. Housing, factory education as opposed to
Price Controls
The expert economists of the Committee for
Economic Development have charted a middle
path for price control policies, as pointed out in
last week's Time magazine. It might well be
studied by both "hold-that-line" Chester
Bowles and the "let-er-rip" manufacturers.
The Committee's economists propose, first, that
price ceilings be maintained until production
gets well under way again, and then be removed
as fast as possible, so that by June, 1947, there
would be no ceilings except on rents.
However, the proposed program would stim-
ulate production by liberalizing price ceilings and
raising by about, one-third the 1936-39 profit
level, on which the OPA sets its standards for
price relief.
Thirdly, the Committee proposes that the gov-
ernment's own fiscal policies should be revised,
and the budget balanced immediately at the level
of present tax receipts.
The economists feel that if these policies were
followed, there would be a rapid increase in pro-
duction within the next three years, and the pur-
chasing power of US wages would rise about one-
The CED's plan represents a reasonable com-
promise. Economic Stabilizer Chester Bowles re-
gards price ceilings as nothing short of saced,
and has made "hold that line" his battle cry
against inflation. "The nation's noisiest leftists,"
as Time says, who like to think of price control
as a step toward planned economy, are in agree-
ment with him.
However, Bowles' program fails to recognize
one essential fact; it is PRODUCTION, with its
accompanying increase in wages and living stan-
dards, which will be the real cure for America's
post-war dilemma. Many businessmen feel that
the way to clear the channels for post-war pro-
duction is to liberalize price controls.
At the other' extreme, the NAM (National
Association of Manufacturers) demands a "let-
er-rip" policy-immediate removal of all price
ceilings. Inflation, they say, cannot be licked
without production, so price controls would have

individual gui
tight spirallin
are our probl

dance, student government, the first
ngs of inflation-all these and more
ems, the foci of our common cause.

And who-beyond the editorial non-entity-
are we? Briefly, the members of the University
community, teachers and students, veterans and
non-veterans alike. All of us, whether or not, we
realize it, have a stake in the proper solution of
our joint problems.
This, then, is an invitation and an appeal to
all members of the University community to
bring to bear their viewpoints, their backgrounds'
of experience, their understandings upon every
local, national, and international problem con-
fronting us; to do so in the columns of The
Michigan Daily. Our community has long needed
a common meeting place of opinion where teach-
ers, administrators and students can make clear
their thoughts and feelings on every subject from
J-Hop to the UNO, skipping no references to im-
portant University questions en route. The edi-
torial page of The Daily hopes to furnish such
a meeting place.
A good newspaper is in the best sense a public
servant. The more contact it has with its read-
ers, the better able it is to perform worthwhile
service. We will endeavor to be of the greatest
possible service; please don't hesitate to recipro-

Worried Men
Notes on the Imbroglio: 1. Mr. Byrnes' speech,
following Mr. Vandenberg's speech, means that
opinion is shaping up in both parties and in the
administration toward calling a halt to expansion
of Russian influence. Both men ask us to be firm,
to be definite, to be moral, to be hard. That they
are worried men is indisputable, and the degree
of concern they show in public is probably a
minor fraction of the amount they reveal to
their mirrors and their friends. Their alarm is
genuine; they fear for the future of the demo-
cratic-capitalist way of life; their concern comes
up from the very soles of their feet; and it is
barren and schematic political comment to de-
scribe them merely as plotters against the Soviet
Union. In the light of present-day facts, the
western world can no more keep from showing
this sort of reaction, than men can avoid blink-
ing under a lightning flash.
2. But both men are more successful in
articulating alarm than in articulating a
pro'grai, n Programs (-.tme hard. Mr. Water
Lippmann has brilliantiy touched off the
difficulties of "defending democracy" on the
Soviet frontiers, where it hardly exists. Is
it defending democracy to defend feudalism
in East Prussia and Hungary, and something
very like it in Iran and in China? We do not
believe in mechanically bowing to that sort
of "independence" and "freedom" in Ger-
many and Japan, and the Russians are pay-
ing it little respect on their own borders.
If the Russians are attacking democracy, they
are attacking it where it isn't, and if we are de-
fending it, we are defending it where it isn't.
If the Russians were to try to impose their system
on a clearly democratic country, the issue would
be solidly joined; but it is the Russians' secret
weapon that they are imposing their system, how-
ever unilaterally, not on democracies but on des-
perately reactionary, even medieval, regimes.
3. The great danger, then, is that a "defense
of democracy" against all Russian moves becomes
an undiscriminating defense of the status quo.
Into that fight there pours a motley crowd of
Johnny-come-lately crusaders, including men
who were not much concerned about defending
democracy, or the status quo, when Hitler was on
the warpath against both. It is among men who
still think the war against Hitler was a mistake
that we find the most active prognosticators of
war against Russia; and some of the most bitter
denunciation of Russia for violating international
law comes from persons who, on other days, utter
sour warnings to the United Nations against dar-
ing to set up offices in America.
The result is not a crusade, but a con-
vulsive tangle, in which men of purity of
outlook, whose complaints against Russia
are based on their desire for world order, find
themselves joined with their own enemies at
home, and with a Grand Hotel assortment of
odd and often suspect characters from the
Balkans abroad.
4. Can there, then, be no affirmative American
action for democracy, in competition with Russian
moves? Of course there can and must be. Our
State Department's current pressure against
Franco's government in Spain is precisely and
specifically competition of this sort; and who
can deny that it has warhed up Mr. Byrnes' case
and our case before the world? American pres-
sure for democratic reorganization in China and
India, where half the people of the world are
gathered, could bring about results far more
decisive than anything that is happening on the
Soviet fringe.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
much of the film is extremely easy to admire.
There is nothing to be construed as "sensa-
tional." While the film's subject is a sordid one,
it treats the story honestly and conscientiously
and, as such, it is certainly as valid a piece of
work as the mine-run of Lana Turner gaucheries.
"Scarlet Street" reunites the quartet of last
year's vivid "Woman In the Window"; actors
Robinson, Miss Bennett, Duryea and Director
Lang. Robinson turns in an excellent portrayal
as the aging cashier who engages in an extra-
marital affair with a mercenary actress, to the
ultimate regret of both. Dan Duryea keeps pace
with Robinson as the actresses' heelish accom-
plice, and there is the usual sterling bit from
Rosalind Ivan, who, when it comes to playing

shrews, is unsurpassed. Under the stimulus of
the generally interesting script, even the wooden
Miss Bennett seems to. have come partially alive.
In fact, in the scene in which Robinson is about
to stab her to death with an ice pick, I detected
a distinct change of expression on her face.

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-e
etin is constructive notice to all mem-t
hers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,s
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the dayI
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1946 t
VOL. LVI, No. 79F
Notice to Veterans: .
The U. S. Veterans Administration
is trying to speed up the payment of
subsistence allowance. The Adminis-
tration wants the names of all veter-
ans who were enrolled in the Uni-
versity on February 1 but who have
not yet received a check for February
subsistence. If you are in this group,
will you please report to the Veter-
ans Administration Office, Room 100,
Rackham, on Wednesday, March 6,
from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This is
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health. Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by April 4. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should file
a petition addressed to the appropri-
ate official in their school with Room
4, University Hall, where it will be
Women students wish injg League
House accommodations f or summer
or fall of 1946 may now file applica-
tion in the Office of the Dean of
Women students who were not on
campus during the fall semester and
who wish to apply for dormitory
housing for summer or fall should
call immediately at the Office of the
Den of Women for further particu-
State of Michigan Civil Service Ex-
aminatiois closing date is March 20.
Sanatorium Physician III $287.50
to $356.50
Sanatorium Physician IV $373.75
to $442.75
Sanatorium Physician V $460.00 to
Sanatorium Physician VI $603.75 to
We have also received notice of the
following City of Detroit Service An-
Chemistry Aid $2472-$2701
Materials Laboratory Aid $2473-
SanitarydChemist $2857- $3333
Closing date is April 5.
Student Technical Assistant (Male)
Specialties-Engineering & Busi-
ness Administration $1928-2080
Student Technical Assistant (Male &
Specialties-General Science, Phys-
ical8Education, Social Science $1928-
Closing ate is April 9.
Junior Accountant $2625-$3095
Semi-senior Accountant $3413-
Senior Accountant $4365-$5079
Closing date is March 13.
Junior Typist $1752-$1980
Intermediate Typist $2169-$2321
Junior Stenographer $2245-$2397
Closing date is April 8.
Junior Welfare Investigator $2245-
Closing date is March 15.
Electrical Inspector $3492-$3809
Refrigeration Inspector $3492-$3809
Closing date is March 5.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Student, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts:
Applications for scholarships
should be made before April 1. Ap-
plication forms may be obtained at

1220 Angell Hall and should be filed
at that office.
Undergraduates and graduates in-
terested in summer camp or resort
work may still register for summer
placement with the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-'
mation, Room 201, Mason Hall.
Women students interested in paid
employment as baby sitters (taking
care of children) are instructed to
sign up at the Office of the Dean of
Women in order to list free hours.
Those who signed up for the fall term
should do so again for the spring
term because of possible change in
Maurice Hindus, noted author and
authority on Russia, will be present-

ed Thursday evening at Hill Audi-
torium by the Oratorical Association
Lecture Course. The subject of his
speech will be "How We Can Get
Along With Russia." Mr. Hindus will
replaceEdmund Stevens, originally
scheduled for March 5, and season
ticket holders are requested to use
the Stevens ticket for admission
Thursday. Tickets may be purchased
at the Auditorium box office tomor-
row 10-1, 2-5 and Thursday 10-1, 2-
8:30. Other speakers appearing on
the current course will be Col. Philip
LaFollette, March 12; Guthrie M-
Clintic, March 15; Leland Stowe,
March 21.
University Lecture:
Mr. John Coolidge will lecture on
"Architecture in the First American
Industrial Towns" in the Rackham
Amphitheater on March 7 at 4:15
p.m. The public is cordially invited.
The lecture will be presented under
the Auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts.
Mathematics Lecture:
Dr. R. J. Duffin of the Carnegie In-
stitution of Washington will give a
lecture on Non-Linear Mechanics to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in 3011 Angell Hall.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
Jay, March 8, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. Dictionaries may be used.
Individual audiometric examina-
ions for students will be given at the
(iniversity Speech Clinic, 1007 East
hiuron Street today. Appointments
from 8:00 to 4:30 may be made by
;alling the Speech Clinic, Extension
i8E. iuch an examination is a pre-
lminary requisite to enrollment in
the University lip reading class, which
wi-1 be held at the Speech Clinic at
1:93 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdy
i ld Thursday of the second seme.-
Anthropology 32 will meet in Room
348, West Engineering instead of An-
ell Hali.
Leslie A. White
English 298 students. in my section
will meet today at 4 p.m., in Roon
.216 Angell Hall to arrange confer-
ynce periods.
Erich A. Walter
Assembly: All students, School of
eorestry and Conservation will as-
semole indRackham Amphitheater,
rhird Flood, Rackham Building, 4:30]
today. Important announcements te
be made. Attendance required unless
you have conflict in non-forestry sub
ject. Be in seats promptly.
S. T. Dana
Freshmen Health Lectures For Men:
It is a University requirement tha
all entering freshmen are required tc
take, without credit, a series of lec-
tures in personal and community
health and to pass an examination
on the content of these lectures
Transfer students with freshman
standing are also required to take the
course unless they have had a simila
course elsewhere.
Upper classmen who were here a
freshmen and who did not fulfill the
requirements are requested to do sc
this term.
These lectures are not required of
The lectures will be given in Room
25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p.m. and re-
peated at 7:30 p.m. as per the follow-
ing schedule.
1. Monday, March 4
2. Tuesday, March 5
3. Wednesday, March 6
4. Thursday, March 7
5. Monday, March 11

6. Tuesday, March 12
7. Wednesday, March 13
8. Thursday, March 14
Please note that attendance is re-
quired and roll will be taken.
History 11, Lecture Group IV
TuTh, 11:00, will meet in Room 348
Engineering Building, instead of in
Room C, Haven Hall.
History 12. New sections. Note
room changes.
Section 3a, TuTh, 11:00, 1018 A H,
changed from 231 A H.
Section 4a, MF, 1:00, 229 A H.
Section 5a, TuTh, 3:00, Rm. E, H H,
Section 10a, TuTh, 1:00, 229 A H
Section 11a, MF, 1:00 Rm. E, H H.
Section 12a, TuTh, 10:00, 2003 N S.
Section 17, MF, 1:00, 2003 N S.
History 12, Section 13, MF, 9:00
changed from Room 101, Econ. Bldg.,
to Room 4082 N S.
History 50, Lecture, TuTh, 10:00
will meet in Room 1025 A H. instead
of in Room B, Haven Hall.
History 50, Section 8, Th, 2:00,
Room 229 A H.
Psychology 42, will meet in the
West Lecture Room, West Physics
Psychology 63, will meet in 348
West Engineering Bldg.

ion Concert Series, Monday night,
March 11, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Krueger has arranged the follow-
ing program:
Symphony in C major, No. 31
(Jupiter) ...............Mozart
"La Mer................Debussy
Overture, "Fingal's CaveM . lsohn
Excerpts from "The Tempest"
... ... Sibelius
"Death and Transfiguration"..
- ...............Strauss
Student Recital: Doris Virginia
Lawton, soprano, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music at 8:30 Wdnesday evening,
March 6, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. A student of voice under Arthur
Hackett, Mrs. Lawton's program will
include groups of Italian, German,
French. and English songs, and will
be open to the general public with-
out charge.
"Ancient Man in the Great Lakes
Region." Rotunaa, University Muse-
um Building, March 5 through April
Events Today
The Lutheran Student Association
-Continuation of the "Study of the
Denominations of the Christian
Church" tonight at 7:15 at the Luth-
eran Student Association Center, 1304
Hill St. Holy Communion Services in
Zion Lutheran Church (East Wash-
ington at S. Fifth Ave.) and Trinity
Lutheran Church (East William at S.
Fifth Ave.) on Ash Wednesday at :30
Science Research Club Members
will meet in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building on Tuesday,
March 5, at 7:30 p.m.
Program: War-time Research in
Anti-malarial Drugs. R. J. Porter,
School of Public Health. Some
Physiological Problems of High Alti-
tude Flying. Emmet T. Hooper, Mu-
seum of Zoology.
Central Dance Committee of the
Feather Merchant's Ball will meet
this afternoon at 4 p.m. in the Pan
Hellenic office in the League.
Coming Events
The Faculty Women's Club will be
guests of Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven
for tea on Wednesday, March 6 from
3:30 to 5:30.
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action will hold an organizational
meeting on Wednesday, March 6 in
the Union at 3:30 p.m. to discuss
plans for the semester.nEveryone is
cordially invited to attend.
The Women's Glee Club will hold
tryouts Wednesday, March 6 and Fri-
day, March 8 at 4:00 p.m. in the
Women's League. Girls must be eli-
gible to participate in extra-curricu-
lar activities.
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action will sponsor a meeting to dis-
cuss "fascism in Franco Spain and
how to fight it." The meeting will be
held Wednesday, March 6, at 7:30
p.m. in the Union. Everyone is ur-
gently requested to attend.
Association of University of Michi-
gan Scientists will hold a business
meeting Wednesday, Mar. 6 at 7:30
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Election of officers will take place at
this time.
All members of the Russian play
cast will meet in Room 2215 Angell
Hall at 7:30 on Wednesday. Do not
fail to attend.
Alpha Phi Omega will hold the first
meeting of the new semester on Wed.,
March 6 at 7:30 at the Michigan Un-

ion. All members are urgently re-
quested to be present.
The English Journal Club will
meet Thursday, March 7, at 8:00 in
the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Mr. Robert Hay-
den will discuss the poetry of Garcia
Lorca. Refreshments will be tolowed
by a general discussion.
Present condition in Poland, a pub-
lic meeting sponsored by the Ameri-
can friends of Poland: Motion pic-
tures and addresses by four recent
visitors to Poland, Honorable Stan-
ley Novak, member of the Michigan
State Senate, Honorable Vincent
Kline, member of the Michigan State
House of Representatives, Henry Po-
dolski, Editor of the Voice of the Peo-
ple, Detroit, and Anthony Kar, of
the Hamtramck School System; Pro-
fessor Arthur E. Wood, chairman.
The public is cordially invited.
Thursday, March 7, 8:00 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Le Cercle Francais will hold its
first meeting of the Spring Term
Thursday, March 7, at 8:00 p.m. at
the Michigan League. Professor

Margaret Farmer
Robert Goldman
Hale Champion
Pat Cameron
Liz Knapp
Current Movies
... at the Michigan
Ray Milland and Jane Wyman in "The
Lost Weekend;" a Paramount production,
directed by Billy Wilder.
To start off the semester's entertainment in
the best possible fashion, the Michigan presents
the much-discussed film version of Charles Jack-
son's novel "The Lost Weekend," the story of
five days in the life of a dipsomaniac. To many
readers the book must have seemed unfilmable,
but it nevertheless been filmed and carried to
inordinate success.
The real news about the film is that it suggests
that someone in Hollywood has finally discovered
that, of all things, the motion picture is not a
photographed stage play, but a separate art form
that, when it uses its materials properly, can
equal anything the stage offers. In the delinea-
tion of the subject's monumental drunk, per-
formances, direction and camera work all bear
the mark of a superior cinematic genius, that
accepts the motion picture as a separate medium
of fascinating, and quite respectable, poten-
, , (at the State
Edward G. Robinson and Joan Bennett in
Scarlet Street," with Dan Duryea; a Uni-
versal production, directed by Fritz Lang.
The State also offers unusual fare this week.
Since, in New York and points west, "Scarlet
Street" has been the victim of this nation's ab-
surd motion picture censorship code, I was pre-.
pared to find something to like in the opus or
die in the attempt. The truth of the matter is,


By Crockett Johnson

Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy
Godfather, isn't going to
make a movie, Pop.

Because he sold his story
to a man in Hollywood ...

A story is worth a fortune if
it's good. But I'm not paying
a red cent until the O'Malley

CM::r::Wynngold .


rr e _.





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