PAGE TWO THE MITCHIcAN DAILY T SDAY, RCH 14, 1948 u4 t.l a x V 1L' ^1'i 1 L 1 1 i __ -RSD.A.Y._ MA_...H_ It 1_94ft I, Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark, Baker . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Des Howarth . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. .eEPR:+Ce!"E [ UOR NATIONL A VRTafWG BV National Advertising Service, Inc. CollegePublishers Representaive 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * L.os ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITORS: SHINN & BRSH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Why Army Is Hated FAR AND WIDE America has hailed the "free- dom of the press for all peoples" as one of our war aims. Now it seems that part of the American Army, the boys who fought for this freedom, are about to be denied it. Mark Gayn, PM correspondent, reports that the Tokyo edi- tion of Stars and Stripes, the army newspaper, is threatened with dissolution in the near future. Although innocent sounding, the announcement has ominous implications. A previous Daily editorial described the re- moval of columnist Bernard Rubin and his editor, Ken Pettus, which occurred after Ru- bin had stepped on some official toes by print- ing the facts about the black war record of Dr. Kagawa, the well known Japanese Christian leader. Their removal and further efforts on the part of "high brass' to censor and distort the news printed in Stars and Stripes have only resulted in increased agitation among the remainder of the staff. Several members of the editorial staff have resigned after making pub- lie statements that they had been forced to play down and distort news, an action which was not in keeping with their professional ethics. SINCE attempted muzzling has not been able to stop the fight for the continuation of a free news service, various official sources, par- ticularly General Eichelberger's Eighth Army, are trying to persuade General MacArthur that the only way to quell the controversy is to abol- ish Stars and Stripes entirely. This would leave the GI's in Japan with the wide choice of read- ing the "high-command" handouts in the Eighth Army's Octogonian or else depending for their news upon the Nippon Times, a Japanese publi- cation which, until V-J Day, was strongly anti- American. For editorial opinions, they will be at liberty "to read Kazuo Kawaii, the Times writer who last summer was writing bitter denuncitions of America. Such an action will be disgraceful commen- tary on the American Army which will be ac- knowledging, very plainly, that is is afraid of a free press. Let us hope that General Mac- Arthur is more discreet than his assistants. JMPORTANT TO THE COUNTRY as a whole will be the adverse publicity which discontin- uance whill throw on the current re-enlistment program. The passage of Stars and Stripes may go unnoticed in the civilian world but to that greatest source of potential recruits, the veterans who knew and respected "their" paper, the action will have an all too obvious meaning. Fine opportunities in the re-enlistment pro- gram. Tom Walsh Firmness or Distrust? WORLD WAR 11 ended barely seven months ago; already there is talk of the next war, and the object of most of that talk is Russia. For the sake of 'argument, let us say that Rus- sia is the main threa to the peace. If this be true, what is the best way to handle the situa- tion? Be firm, most people say. We heartily agree. The recent United States note to Russia, for ex- *he :1tIii I . loo , o-,,Ve p Los1 Our O-(r MEIRYGO.RIUJND: Sigi it TripDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN rTHE large coiled rope in the corner of Professor Slosson's office on the third floor of Haven Hall is, for your information, Ihe aven Mlal fire escape. This Is No Time .., WE felt fine yesterday. We took a nine o'clock in stride, then sat in the sun for eight hours ignoring the demands of Time, Tide, and Rus-. sian 31. Somebody started talking about war with Russia,. Within 30 miutes we felt iuch less than well, went home, took a bath, a drink-less water than usual, and went to bed. If they must have a war e suggest November as a. more appropriate season. Sociolgy AMaor . IT seems that over in the Alpha Delta Pi house we have an original mind. Rejecting this im- prove-each-shining-hour-business as mass pro- dluction on a speed-up scale, she contents her- self with one fact each New Year. In 1945 she gurgled with glee over the fact that thee were 12 Indians in Delaware. Now the whole house rocks with laughter over this one ...[there are 750 more slot machines in the Ufnited Stat ( than there are people in Springfield, Illinois. x kt Intsuranice Salesiia r., .e Like.. like the sensation of getting mail and more often than not we are flattered that people think we have the energy on the tax tory gardens, read 17 page essays on the tax structure of the State of Michigan, and make vacation trips to 1atagoia. But there is one uniforml. lettered envelope before whic we shrink in horror, it comes from the office of that paragon among cirulation managers, he who does the dirty work for Time, Inc. Having survived two of these ( ), one P.I. Prentice, and his successorF. D. Pratt, we know their methods by heart. Each glad greet- ing to their mailing lst begins, "Knowing that you as a reader of Time are intelligent...... we know you will want to take Time for the ... ........" W.l. , P. I., F. I. and ourselves have been carrying on correspondence on that subject for some three unhappy years. In France, Belgium, Spartansburg, S. C., his mis- sives have pursued us despite our stream of counter-invective. This is our final plea. If any of you know P.1. (now high in the organi- zation as the result of his impertinent insis- tence) or F. D., will you kindly let them under- stand that we find subscription to their maga- It Is To Lau.h A GOOD LAUGH now and then is better tonic than the Russian rejuvenation serum. Senator Robert A.Taft can usually be depend- ed upon to bumble hliaiously once a week and we count on him for the Sunday restorative. Hec wasn't in the lists this week, but fortunately for our disposition John W. Bricker-who is begin- ning to make a professional career of candi- dacy-took over in first class fashion. Said John, and we quote, "The gravest dan- ger that threatens help to the needy and su- fering among us is to inculcate an attitude on .the part of the people to think that Govern-. ment will take vare of its people who need help." We'd certainly hate to think that we could de- pend upon our Government; it would alter our entire concept of the body politic. -Hale Champion App el To All A RECENT REPORT shows that the United States is consumin more food now than in its prosperous pre-war years. The rest of the world is noticeably less fortunate. In typical "charity begins at home" attitude, we have either ignored or been ignorant of the conditions existing beyond our narrow national boundaries. President Truman, on the other hand, has neither ignored nor been ignorant of the facts. He has appointed former president Herbert Hoover as chairman of a Famine Committee consisting of 12 other prominent Americans to formulate a program through which the people-- the American people-car contribute to alleviate the situation;-that situation being that thous- ands of people all over tihe world are starving to death. To say that a large contribution from us is a noble gesture is hardly sufficient. It is the opportunity to prove that our comments about the brotherhood of man are sincere, that we believe in the ability of nations to unite for a common cause, that we act not only in the cause of victory, but in the cause of humanity. THE FACTS show this country to be the prin- cipal hope for salvation," said the committee after its first meeting," and we urge our people to reduce their consumption of bread and wheat products. Conservation of food oils and fats now going on should be increased in every possible way." This is a plea, a request to the people of this country to assist the people of the world, and our assistance must be immediate. -Bettyann Larsen BARNAR1Y rifne something less than a sign of acute intelli- "enee. that we want no more of their soft soap. P.S. The latest attestation to our intelligence submitted a copy of the October 29th overseas edition for scrutiny by our up-to-date mind. Loa.i Naural 4 IishthIy . E Texpect an official denial from the Office of the- ean of Women in the next 24 hours, but 1 na three wittlesscs wio will swear up to th eLast and eru al momellt that the sole sur- Slyi snow in Ann Ai bor 'Tuday was to be found direthy under tie wiroo of said office. Pulp S'horitg , Our K ' , , r"41 PAMPLLETEERS are still at it, but they've lost their stse of humor. WN read a pamphilet last night which open- ed, "J profess that I am most disturbed over the economic situation in this country." That sort of thiig is enough to make you wr ap y our little brother Jlulian across the knuckles, but we continued. According to the writer, just about every- thing was going airight during the war, but then came peace and reconversion. "And then our toubles began', says the wit ier. he pamphlet then swings into a snappy dis- eussion of the Missouri Compromise (1821) and its relation to the Civil ar. This event is then related to the president, who, happens to be from Missori. Whore will this sort of thinking lead us? ]tight back to war-this te against Missouii Or still better aginst the panphleteers. If-e'li Never G's) Ther e Any . JEER emporia are well known for their eccen- tiicities, they are after all dealers in trivia and east-offs. But there is a feeling around the office that they've gone too far this time. Under a glass---the pitchers have gone the way of Lucky Strike green--we found what was un.- doubtedly intended for a doilie. Written in vary- ingsued letters on this innocently-purposed piece of paper was vital information directed at ihe average American beer-drinker; to wit, you, myself, and the guy in the (cner who can't handle the stuff. We have come away knowing, but little caring, that the writings of Dr. Sigis- mund Schultz Goldw ater (1873-1942) form the backbone of hospital administrative literatpre, that the hospital which Sam uBard started in 1769 was not completed until 1791, that Dr. William Beaumont might have been a great guy but doen't look it. (All items appearing in this column are written by incniubis of The Daily staff and edcite by the Editorial 1''D RATHER 1B RIHT: Aternat eRoads By SAMUEL GRAFTON T IS HARD to believe there will be war with Russia, for three reasons: the United States is demobilized, the British don't have a dime, and the Russians do not want to fight. The excitables who are predicting war will have to get around all three reasons, and to dispose of any one would make a fair day's work. Of the three great powers, Britain is the world's largest question-mark, because her future is the most uncertain. Her very uncertainties galvanize her toward fantasy, such as the Churchill day-dream of a British-American mili- tary alliance. As for the United States, we are hardly likely to start a war; first because we are not geared for an offensive move, either by gov- ernmental setup or tradition, and second, be- cause we have demobilized. Nor are the Russians likely to launch a major war; first, because they have nothing to win; second, because they be- lieve that world opinion is heading left, especially in colonial and backward countries, and that time is on their side; and, third, because by taking offensive action they would give up their major propaganda weapon, which is the argu- ment that capitalism makes wars. THERE are several alternate roads which events may take in the next few months or years, besides that of war, and some of these may perhaps be listed: 1. Vhe British may decide to use democratic so(i'alismi as a weapon on the world scene. 2. The British may resolve on moderate socialism at home, imperialism abroad; but such a development is not any more likely than th it s lo birig a out a complee Amer'ican- " The Russians might k-ave the United Na- tions, plunging the world Minto a kind of twi- light period. Those who see the future as black or white, wax' or peace, miss the point of the whole show, which is that we are going into a future of intri- cate and many-sided struggle, which will be neither peace or war. It is a future in which we can maintain the democratic way of life, not by empty belligerence, but by putting on our best bib and tucker, and making ourselves present- able, and entering our own valid promise to hu- manity, in the complex of bids and offers that is about to be made to it. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) ?vIphnio ATsi;,ilant back-stage body of the late Turkish Ambassador, Mehmet Mir EL-egun. would be sC nt bek1 to Turtikey on 11 a baittle- ri p Missouri. Real fact is that the return of the Ambasador's body wras met'ely in- cidental, ie had been dead two eas. had been in a sealed vault in Arhng- Ion, ani thm e was nio reasonl his re- there lou'er Rea iea.a I oi'iiI the l wiii' of his m'eain atthi I m"was that some of Presidt Truman's close dikI- nalit advi-erA ha proposed siend- iug a flotilla of bat lesips, cruisers and destroyes to um kish waters, officially on a goodwill trip, though .ntually for the purpose of having American shps l the Eastern Med- iterranean w hewl Russia isexpct~c:d to cac kdown on Turkey. At the rate Russian troops have been na s:Ain; on the Turkish nor- der, this cracknown may come at any moent. T he British have sec- retly pronaed the Turks to give them iwhatever assitance possible, and Ti;mman wi:s urted to have a healthy force of American naval vsesni a r-Tn: key as an indica- lion of this country's interest in p reven jting aggression1)1. Th' State Depatment, however ru lePd a~' aims :;endingit any large force of American vessels into the Eastern Mediteranean. So a compromise w as finally araged whereby the mighty Missouri will sail to Turkey with tie body of the lat Ambassador aboard, as a token of American-Turkish triendship. Ie b ttleslip will be ac- companied by one destroyer, the U.S.S. Power. How much of a deterrent this is on the Russians iemains to be seen. NOTE-T'heRussians are now in positIion to prat t.a three-wa y squezef on Turkey. They have over a quar- ter of a million men on the eastern Turkish brder' i gran, with over 300,00 men in Bulgaria on the other side of Turkey. The third Russian attack can come from the Black Sea, IBy'ines Safe? ']here wa s considherable fire behnd the smoke that James F. Byrnes nmight resign as Secrtary of State and be replae d by Gen. George Mar- shall. Real fact is that such a change was definitely m the works, though now it may not happen. Reaction to the trial balloon sent up in the newspa- per was not good. Behind the smoke is the fact that several high-up insiders have been gunning for Byrnes. Also he and the President have not always seen eye- to-eye--especially on Russia. Truman was especially irked when his Secre- tary of State, coming back from the Moscow Conference, released the fin- al communique before the White House received it. Since then, Byrnes has been scru- pulously careful to show everything to Truman, Every speech, every statement is taken over to the White House well in advance. Byrnes has leaned over backward in this respect. However, Byrnes' enemies also were gunning for him because of his Russian policy-which they considered too soft. That may have been one reason for his recent tough speech indirectly warning Russia that it was going too far. Byrnes also was not enthusiastic about Winston Churchill's speech at Fulton. Missouri and the fact that President Truman's presence on the same platform appeared to give it his blessing. Another point of difference, may be Truman's Army Day speech sched- uled for April 6 in Chicago. This promises to be one of the most im- portant the President has made on foreign poliy. The speech is now in the process of being written, and if it rattles the sabre too much, Byrnes might step out. However, it now looks as if both men were in closer aree- ment and that the Secretary of State would continue. NOTE--Many insiders feel that Byrnes is now in a strong position re- garding Russia. Having shown his goodwill by going to Moscow and hav- done his best to work things out with the Soviet, he can now get tough without being accused of Red-b'ait- ing. French political leaders now ex- pect General DeGaulle to make his come-back on or about July 14. De- Gaulle is waiting for the present French government to get into real hot water before making his counter- putsch . The federal grand jury called by anti-trust head Wendell Ber'e to investigate why shirts and suits are kep off the market may not bring anw indictments, but it has forced huge inventories of these gar- ments into the counters. (Copyright, 1946, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I } [ s iii 'Publication In the Daily Official bu- letn is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell hall, by 3:30 p. m.on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- utdays). THIIURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 VOL. LVI No. 87 Notices Faculty, College of Engineering: Faculty meeting Friday, March 15, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West En- gineering Building. Students College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Courses may not be elected for credit after the end of the second wek of the term. Saturday, March 16, is therefore the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an instructor to admit a ,t student latecr' will not affect the op- erat ion of thnis rule. E. A. Walter College of Literature, Science and the Arts Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health. Stu- dents who received marks I or X at the (cose of then' last semester or summner session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or cour'es unless tis work is made up by Apr il 4. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this -date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the appropri- ate official in their sc'hool with Room 4, University Ball, where it will be tnimmitted. Student, College of Literature, Sci- enee and the Arts: Applications for scholarships should be made before April 1. Application forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell lall and should be filed at that office. Students interested in permanent or summer positions with the Ameri- can Friends Service Committee may obtain full information at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational nfo'matio , Room 201 Mason Hall. Women who will graduate in June aid are planning to attend the ban- quet and play being given on Thurs- day by the women of the Junior class should rent their caps and gowns to- day or Thursday at Moe's Sport Shop. Religious Counseling: The Coun- selor in Religious Education is avail- able to confer with students upon re- ligious- and personal affairs daily, 11 to 12 a.m. and'2 to 4 p.m. (Other hours by appointment) at 215 Angell Hall. Issues relating to values, ideals, personal or group conduct, and ad- justments to University life are ger- inane. Courses of religious signifi- cance, professional ethics in given Colleges, a Degree program in Re- ligion and Ethics, a Master's degree in Religious Education, as well as a long list of positions available may be con- sidered. Photoelasticity: Applicants f a r work in a research project will be in- terviewed. See Professor F. L. Everett, 411-A West Engineering Building. Victory Gardens: Members of the faculty and other employees of the University who desire space for a vegetable garden at the Botanical Garden this spring should send a written request for it to Mr. O. E. Roszel, Storehouse Section of the Plant Department. Requests must be made by the end of March. Anyone who has not before had a garden here must send one dollar with his request as a contribution to- ward the expense of plowing the land. It may become necessary later to ask for a small contribution from those who have previously gardened here. When the garden plots are ready for use, the fact will be announced in this bulletin. At that time the gar- deners may learn their plot numbers by phoning to Mr. Roszel. Each plot will be assigned with the understanding that it will be used to full capacity for raising vegetables, that it will be kept free from weeds, and that waste matter will be cleared away in the fall. Water may be used on the gardens if carried from the faucets in cans or pads, but the use of hose is prohibited. No tools will be furnished by the Uni- versity. Particular care must be taken that no property of the Botanical Garden be molested. Dogs are not allowed in the garden. Lectures Guthrie MeClintic, distinguished director and producer of Broadway plays, will be presented tomorrow night, 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium as the ninth number on the Oratorical Association Lecture Course. Mr. Mc- Clintic's subject will be "The Theatre; Reminiscences a n d Predictions." Tickets may be purchased today and tomorrow at the Auditoroum box o- lice which will be open today from 10-1. 2-5 and tomorrow from 10-1, :.-3:30. Lures sponsored by the Cercle Fran- cais today at 4:10 pm. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. His lecture, which will be illustrated with slides, is entitled: "Caen, ville d'art, ville martyre." Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Lan- guages (Room 112. R. L. Bldg.) or at the door at the time of the lecture for a small sum. These lectures are open to the general public. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Friday, March 15, at 4 p.m. in Room 319 West Medical Building. "Vitamin E and Tocopherols." All interested are invited. German Departmental Library Hours. Spring Term 1945-46: 8:00- 12:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 1:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 204 University Hall. German 1 and 2 Make-up Final Ex- aminations will be given from 2 to 4 p.m., Wednesday, March 20, in Room 201 University Hall. Students who missed the final examination should see their instructors immediately to et permission to take the make-up. English 298: The next meeting of my section of English 298 will be on I'hursday, March 21, at 7:30 p.m. in loom 3227 Angell Hall. R. W. Cowden Mathematics 328: The STATIS- TICS SEMINAR meets Monday, March 18 at 3 p.m. in 3201 Angell Hall. Professor Craig will speak. Mathematics Concentration Exami- nation will be held Thursday, March 21, 3 p.m. in 3011 Angell Hall. Extension Course: Spanish lb--2 hrs. credit-del Toro. Class will meet on Tuesdays, from 7 ?o 9 p.m., Room 108 Romance Lan- guage Building. (Considerable prac- tice in conversation). Course begins with Lesson X, Basic Spanish Grammar-(Barlow). Re- view lessons for those who need them will be given on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., Room 108, R.L. Extension Course: Spanish 82-2 hrs. credit-del Toro Latin-American Life. An intermedi- ate course conducted in Spanish, and designed to give a maximum of oral practice and general information re- garding the Spanish speaking coun- tries. Meetings on Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m., Room 108, Romance Lan- guage Building. Veterans' Tutorial Program: The following changes have been made in the schedule: Chemistry 3-Monday-Thursday 7:30-8:30 p.m.; Saturday 9-10 a.m. Chemistry 4--Monday-Thursday 7:00-8:00 p.m.; Saturday 11-12 a.m. Chemistry 21--A tutorial section for veterans will be offered by Profes- son Byron A. Soule once a week, be- ;inning March 13, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry. Only veterans who have elected Chemistry 21 should attend. All male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. Veterans are premanently excused from fulfilling the P.E.M. require- ment, provided they have completed their basic training or have served at least six months in one of the branches of the, armed forces. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) the Dean of the College or by his representatives, (3) the Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemptions by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen and sophomores to . Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counsel- ors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Associate Dean E. A. Wal- ter (1220 Angell Hall). Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the sec- ond week of the Spring Term. The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Concerts Faculty Recital: Gilbert Ross, Pro- fessor of Violin in the School of Music, will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Sun- day, March 17, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in the first faculty program of the current term. The program will include compositions by Caporale, Handel, Beethoven, Chausson and Finney, and will be open to the gen- eral public. Helen Titus, Assistant Professor of piano, will appear with Professor Ross, Exhibitions Mi;h igi anitnrical Cnlln*nr, r~umean hies a plagiarst? Tear up O'Malley's j 1 It's a great story, Mr. Wyn old. I1 hat came later. About a hundred end