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In ti
I812 Cents
'There's Room for All'
Will Be Given Today;
First Performance To Honor Senior Women
Wage Boost To Be 'Effective
Upon Formal Ratification
Original Songs,
Lyrics, Dances
To Be Featured
Senior women will be honored at
the first presentation of "There's
Room for All," original 1947 Junior
Girls Play, at 8:30 p.m. today in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, climaxing the
traditional Senior Night program.
Tickets for the public performances
of the musical, scheduled for 9 p.m.
tomorrow and 8:30 p.m. Saturday will
be available between 1:30 and 5:30
p.m. today, and from 1:30 until cur-.
tain time tomorrow and Saturday at
the League Box Office.
Dean Lloyd Enthusiastic
Acclaimed by the approval commit-.
tee as one of the most promising of
the original JGPlays ever produced.
Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women,
said "'There's Room for All' is a fine
play, and burlesques the post-war
campus in a completely amusing
Produced solely by junior women,
directed by Jean Raine, Delta Gam-
ma ad written by a committee of
juniors headed by Carolyn Daley,
Senior women unable to rent
caps and gowns yesterday for the
Junior Girls' Play may pick them
up from 1 to 3 p.m. today in the
Martha Cook, general chairman of
the play, the musical features original
songs, lyrics, and dance routines. The
exact theme of the production is
traditionally kept secret until after
-the initial presentation for senior
women graduating in June.
Senior Supper will open Senior
Night festivities at 6 p.m. today in
the League Ballroom, immediately
followed by the special program .in
the Theatre. Senior Parade, in which
married women light candles, en-
gaged women suck lemons, pinned
coeds wear gilded toothpicks, and un-
attached women throw as many pen-
nies as they are old into the wishing
well, will bring every capped and
gowned senior to the stage.
Excerpts from "Take It From
There," last year's play, will be pre-.
sented by the 1946 cast, under the di-
rection of Peggy Kohr, Delta Delta
Delta, chairman of Senior Night. All
songs, several dance routines, and
some of the individual acts will be in-
cluded in the revue.
All Senior Audience
Only seniors graduating in June
may attend Senior Night, and all will
be seated on the main floor. House
directors are cordially invited to at-
tend today and will be seated in the
balcony with patronesses. The only
Stalin Accuses
Former Ally ofl
W armoiigeri ,
LONDON, March 13 -IA')- Mar-
shal Stalin today charged Winston
Churchill with working for a "war
with the U. S, S. R." and accused his
former associate in the Big Three of
telling "lies" in his recent Fulton,
Mo., address.
Further, Stalin declared in a rare
interview in Pravda, Communist
Party newspaper, that Churchill and
"his friends in England and -the
United States" are promoting a Hit-
lerite "race theory" of world domina-
tion by the English-speaking peo-
ples under the threat of war
"it is obvious that Mr. Churchill
aims for war, with a view to war
NEW YORK, March 13-(/)-
The mutual broadcasting system
said tonight that Winston Church-
ill on Friday night would discuss
"latest developments" in onnectioii
with tihe speech he mad at. Filton,
Mo,, last week.
with the U. S. S. R.." Stalin said.
"He is trying to mislead hi.; listeners
by saying that the perioc' of agree-
ment between England an i the U, S.
S. R. (a 20-year friendsl ip treaty)
can be prolonged up to 50 years.
"But how can one take this state-
ment while at the same time he is
laying the groundwork for war a-
gainst the U. S. S. R.?" the Soviet
Set Llemneii Hailed as Iinioi Vic Louy;
ColtracL (flaiises Surpass I emuand8
By The Associahed Press
DETROIT, March 13-The General Motors strike, costliest and longest
in automobile industry history, was settled today as the CIO United Auto
Workers union accepted a management offer of an 1812 cents an hour wage
increase plus adjustments of inequalities in wage rates in certain plants.
Hailing the settlement as a union victory, UAW-CIO top officials said
"other economic clauses," including improved vacation pay, improved over-
time rates and equal pay for women, "brings the total average hourly in-
crease well above 1912 cents" which --- -- -- -- - - ~~
the union had demanded.
"Well, that's the union's interpreta-
tion, G-M vice-president Harry W
Anderson said to the press yesterday.
"As a matter of fact, no one knows
what the adjustments will amount to.
They're to be dealt with on a local
level and until they are, the amount
yannot be determined."
General Motors said the contract to
be signed would run for two years;
that the flat increase of 18% cents
hourly would apply to all wage classi-
fication rates effective with the date
of ratification by the union and that
all employes who worked between
Nov. 7, 1945, two weeks before the
strike was called and the date of rati-
fication shall receive an increase of
131/2 cents an hour for all hours
worked between those dates.
The union, in its statement, said
the corporation had agreed to grant
the general increase to all miscellane-
ous units of employes, represented by
the UAW-CIO, including office and
clerical workers, technicians, plant
protection employes and other such
Reuther expressed the opinion the
workers could start back to their jobs
within a week following ratification of
the settlement proposal. General Mo-
tors made no comment.
Auto Workers
Still Picketing-
DETROIT, March 13-(P)-Despite
agreement between General Motors
and the CIO United Auto Workers
leaders on strike settlement terms,
union pickets at GM's idle Detroit
plants today still trod their weary
beats-expressing determination to
stay out of the factories until local
grievances are adjudicated and a
national contract ratified.
Local leaders generally expressed
the opinion that their demands could
be negotiated quickly with individual
plant management, but hastened to
add that there would be no letup in
Predicts Peace
WASHINGTON, March 13-(P)-
Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach to-
day described the General Motors
strike settlement as the "most signi-
ficant" of any reached during current
labor disputes and said it pointed
the way toward industrial peace.
"The issues have been resolved by
true collective bargaining," he said.
"With many thousand workers in-
volved, and with numerous plants in
many localities, some of the questions
at issue did not lend themselves to
real solutions."
Truman Withdraws
Pauley Nomination
WASHINGTON, March 13-(/P)-
President Truman withdrew Edwin
W. Pauley's nomination for Under-.
secretary of the Navy today with a
final vigorous defense of Pauley's
"integrity and ability."
His "Dear Ed" Pauley thus went
the way of President Roosevelt's
"Dear Ed" Flynn.
Sweeping Vicjry . . -
Commenting on the General Mo-
tors strike settlement as a "sweep-
ing victory for labor," Prof. Clarl
Dickinson of the economics de-
partment said the agreement "will
involve a limited inflation, which
we hope will be held by the gov-
ernment price policy."
"It will no doubt bring an in-
crease in prices," he said.
Electric trike
Settled by 11 /2
cet Inre ase
Wage Raise Pendinig
Formal Acceptance
NEW YORK, March 13 --/P)- The
General Electric Company and the
United Electrical Radio and Machine
Workers of America, CIO, tonight
announced the end of a 57-day strike
by agreeing to a wage increase of
18.5 cents an hour.
Formal acceptance by the Union
membership and approval of the Na-
tional Wage Stabilization Board must
be obtained before the wage increase
becomes effective, said a joint union-
management statement.
The Union struck for a general
wage increase of $2 a day, claiming
its members received an average of
$35.50 for a 40-hour week, with some
women receiving $18 and some men
The settlement provided there
would be no discrimination against
any employe by either company or
VO To Present
A114aiip us Ball
'ecatLIer M erchant s'
TIo Hear Ray Anthonuy
"Ibhe Veterans Organization wlI
present the Feather Merchants Ball,
a semi-formal all-campus dance,
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, March
29, at the intramural Buiding.
The music of Ray Anthony, ex-
Navy band leader, will be featured at
the dance. Before entering the ser-
vice, Anthony played the trumpet
for Al Donahue, Jimmy Dorsey, and
Glenn Miller. With his Navy band he
toured the Pacific for 18 months and
played for servicemen overseas.
His civilian orchestra consists of
19 pieces; Dee Keating, who former-
ly sang with Al Donahue, is the vo-
calist. He is currently playing an ex-
tended engagement at the Chase Ho-
tel in St. Louis.
This dance is the first to be spon
sored by the Veterans Organization,
which hopes to establish the Feather
Merchants Ball as one of the tradi-
tional annual campus dances. Tick-
ets will go on sale Monday at the
Union, League and on the diagonal.
Bill Short is general chairman of
the dance, assisted by six central
committees headed by veterans and
University women.
Future Status
Is Announced
Future status of V-12 and NROTC
students here following the close of
the NROTC program July 1, 1946,
was revealed yesterday by Capt.
Woodson Michaux, commandant of
tihe University unit.
V-12 students will be commissioned'
if they desire to transfer to the reg-
ular Navy and are qualified. Those
not wishing to transfer may apply
for active duty. Members of the
NROTC, who have completed seven
or eight semesters of college train-
ing, may be recommended for com-
missioning provided they have the
necessary requirements for a degree
and provided they have at least 120
hours of academic work including
24 hours of Naval Science.
Those NROTC's who request trans-
fer to the Regular Navy will be as-
signed to duty if the Navy has use-
ful billet for them.
Students with seven semesters de-
siring to continue in NROTC before
commissioning will be discharged or
placed on inactive duty in order to
complete their training on a peace-
time basis.
Measures concerning Naval per-
sonnel with less than seven semes-
ters in the NROTC program are as
follows: continue in the new peace-
time program; assignment to gene-
ral duty: discharge if eligible before
Sept. 1, 1946 when the Navy will be
completely demobilized, or transfer
to V-5 for flight training on active
Marine trainees, who have com-
pleted seven or eight semesters and
who wish to transfer to the regular
Marine Corps will be assigned to duty
pending assignment to the Basic
School. Those completing less than
seven semesters have the following
options: assignment to inactive en-
listed status as members of an
NROTC unit to which they are
eligible or discharge if eligible.
Requirements for Marine students
will be the same as those for NROTC
students because the Marine program
is being absorbed by the NROTC pro-
Students who wish to continue
their studies as members of the
peacetime NROTC program in 52
colleges and universities throughout
the country may attend the school
of their choice if they are accepted
after personally seeking admission.
Congress Plans
Naval Reserve
Peacetime Units
.Details of a new peacetime NROTC
program, which are now being dis-
cussed on the floor of Congress were
explained yesterday by Capt. Wood-
son Michaux, commandant of the
NROTC-V-12 Unit inthe University.
Under the Holloway bill, provisions
are included for tuition payment, $50
per month and uniform for students
who have fulfilled academic and
physical requirements for entrance
to the program. Present traihees
who retain their enrollment under
this plan will be appointed Reserve
They will be responsible for their
own room and board, and will have
the privileges of civilians, including
attendance at the university or col-
lege of their choice provided they are
admitted by the school itself. Uni-
forms will be worn only at Navy drills
and on summer cruises. On success-
ful completion of training they will
receive an Ensign's commission in the
Regular Navy and will be required to
serve at least 15 months of active
n e this new plan is not ac-
cepted by Congress, the old NROTC
program will permit current trainees
to complete their college education on
a pre-war civilian basis if they wish.
Enrollment in this NROTC program
will entitle them to uniforms, and
commutedration of sixty-five cents
"THERE'S ROOM FOR ALL" - Pictured here are Connie Essig, Marion Riegal and Barbara Cross, starring
in the Junior Girls' Play.
juniors in attendance will be those on
the central committe , of. the produc-
tion, according to Miss. Kohr.
Tassels denoting various colleges
are available now and may be worn to
Senior Night. All senior women Any women planning to receive
graduating in June must procure more than a Bachelor's degree should
their gowns at this time, according to place a special order for her gown.
Liz Knapp, Delta Delta Delta, cap and Caps and gowns may be kept until
gown chairman. graduation in June.
Maddy Advocates Stroniger
Leg islation To Curb Petrillo'
Terinng "too mild" the Senate bill The House-approved bill was intro-
(563) aimed at preventing interfer- duced a year ago by Congressman
ence with noncommercial educational Clarence F. Lea of California, chair-
radio broadcasts, Dr. Joseph E. man of the Committee on Interstate
Maddy, director of the National and Foreign Commerce. It would
Music camp, said he believes that the penalize anyone who attempted to
more powerful House bill, to be sub- compel a broadcaster to hire more
mitted by a conference committee employees than he needed, to employ
next week, will have a better chance a "stand-by" orchestra in cultural
of passing, broadcasts or to refrain from broad-
The House voted overwhlcningly casting musical recordings. Viola-
(309 to 39) on Tuesday to permit tion would be punishable by $1,000
Senate-House conferees to work out fine and a year in prison.
a compromise bill restricting James -- ~~~~
CaearPetrillo, president of theic WeoM a
(A. F. of L.), in his dcialings with the
radio indi stry. rfa lk
Pointing out that the conference ak of I eatre
group couldn't trim the bill down to
less than the present Senate legisla- Actor Perforted for
Qion which would merely protect the I
music education field (particularly s( mp in r'ope
Intcrlochen), Dr. Maddy said that
this bill would not, however, curb Pe= Guthl'ie McClintic, recently return=
trillo s numerous other ih-roads on edfom Europe where le toured
bradasin - - - - cAmp1with vihis production '"The Bar-
Sd n ret ts of Wilmpole Street", will speak
at 8:30 m. tomorrow in Hill Audit-
StadeatsM iist t~orii'm ton "The Theatre: Re 1nwulla
>renec' and Predictions."
Speaking o' the prou'tion, which
McClintic recalls playing for thous-
Books left unclaimed at the Michi- ands of GI's, 60% of whom had never
gan Union Student Book Exchange been in a theatre before. Describing
Aircraft Seen
B E. T. Vincent
"Atomic energy can probably be
used in aircraft propulsion as soon as
adequate control of the atomic proc-
ess is developed," Prof. E. T. Vincent
of the Department of Mechanical En-
gineering predicted in his talk be-
fore the members of the Institute of
Aeronautical Sciences last night.
Until all of the facts about atomic
energy are released, Prof. Vincent
said, we cannot predict how soon
atomic-powered aircraft will be de-
veloped. He pointed out that such
aircraft are still some distance in the
future. How far in the future de-
pends on who works on the problem,
how and when they begin to work,
and how much money is spent on the
At the present time we are probably
reaching the limits of the speed of
ordinary combustion, Prof. Vincent
Gardenias Blossom on Library Steps
"The flowers that bloom in the
spring, tra-la." have made their ap-
pearance early this year.
Dozen of gardenias made their ini-
Bibo is widely renowned for his odd
habit of giving away things. Before
coming to Michigan yesterday, he
visited the Northwestern University
only last Friday. His home is in De
troit, where he attended Wayne Uni-
versity before the war,
Before he went into service, Shw