THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1946 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ , .. Adult Education Program Has Long History Extension Service Came After 1911 By FRANCES PAINE Although the University Extension Service was not formally organized until 1911, the roots of the present University program of adult educa- tion were growing as far back as the administration of Pres. Erastus Hav- en, in 1863-69. At that time Prof. Andrew B. White, who joined te faculty in recorded as haying lectured frequently in the cities of Michigan and surrounding states "It was, after its fashion," he wrote in 1906, "what in these days is called 'university ex- tension'. Indeed, the main purpose of those members of the faculty thus invited to lecture was to spread the influence of the University." Now Complex From such slight beginnings the University extension program has grown to a highly complex organiza- tion, with nine sub-divisions, an en- rollment in extension courses last school year of 13,519, and an esti- mated total of over a n-llon people reached by all activities, including the University Radio. The University's earliest genuine extension work took place, in 1892, when the administration and faculty launched an extension program which consisted mainly of individual lec- tures and lecture series. A Decade's Rest Extension work received no further attention for more than a decade, but in 1911 the question was brought before the Regents by Pres. Harry B. Hutchins, partly at the instigation of the Michigan Anti-Tuberculosis As- sociation, which wanted the Univer- sity to conduct a preventive cam- paign. After several discussions the sum of $10,000 was alloted to exten- sion service in, the regular budget of 1911-12, and an administrative plan for the work was adopted. The first director of University ex- tension work, appointed by the Re- gents in 1912, though only on a part- time basis, was Prof. William D. Hen- derson, previously of the physics de- partment. By 1918 the extension work had grown to such proportions that he left the Department of Phy- sics and began a full-time job as director of the Extensin 4erice. He continued in this post until his re- tirement in 1936. A Growing Concern "Through the medium of adult ed- ucation programs of tthc" extension type", Dr. Henderson wrote in The University of Michigan An Encyclo- pedic Survey, "people in,-practically every county of the state are enabled to meet members of the faulty. So far as the benefits accruing to the University from this type of work are concerned, these personal con- tacts are most important. That this service has been appreciated by the people of the state is attested by the constantly increasing number of re- quests related to adult educational problems. In February of 1926 Dr. Charles A. Fisher, then principal of Kalama- zoo Central High School, was ap- pointed assistant director of the Ex- tension Service and director of class- work programs. When Dr. Hender- PROF. RALPH A. SAWYER, on leave from the Department of Physics, and war-time laboratory director at the Naval Ordnance Proving Grounds at Dahlgren, Va., is the technical director for Operation Crossroads under Rear Admiral W. S. Parsons. A recognized leader in the field of spectro-chemical analysis, Prof. Sawyer has termed the Marshall Islands tests of Joint Army and Navy Task Force One as essentially an ordnance proving grounds trial of "a weapon against a new target under new conditions." son retired, he was appointed director, tension Service from its inception. and it is largely under his direction The joint committee arranged lec- that the Extension Service has un- tures on health questions, prepares dertaken the varied activities which bulletins, provides a daily health- it now includes. and-hygiene column for state news-, Well Attuned papers, and broadcasts a series of That the program of adult edu- health talks. cation activities in the Extension Another phase of Extension Serv- Service is attuned to the needs of the ice work is supervision of the activi- people of the state, is demonstrated ties of the Michigan High School by the list of subdivisions of the Forensic Association. This was be- service. The first activity undertaken, gun in 1917 when Thomas C. True- and indeed the only one at first, was blood, professor of oratory, suggested extension lectures. This work has the organization of a high schocl, gradually grown until at present more debating league. The work is carried than 530 lectures a year are given in on by a manager who devotes part of various towns of the state by Uni- his time to the Extension Service and versity faculty members. part to the Department of Speech. In 1913 a request was made for In 1916 the Extension Service o - the organization of extension classes ginated a visual education program with regular academic credit in De- with the purchase of a small collec- troit. Accordingly, courses were given tion of slides which were sent out on there in philosophy, English and his- request to state organizations. How- tory. Some 1,500 such courses were ever, the Visual Education Bureau given outside Ann Arbor in the period was not formally organized until 1937, from 1913 to 1919, and today about when a special University appropria- 125 extension courses are being giv- tion for educational motion pictures en a year. An increasing number of was made. Today at least 100,000 the courses are non-credit; today people a year see the films sent out three-fourths of the enrollments are by this bureau. in non-credit courses, a figure higher than that of any other school. WPA Work In 1936 the Michigan WPA offer- ed to finance a supervised corres- pondence study center at the Uni- versity, and with the approval of the executive committee of the liter- ary college, the courses were begun in that year. During Pres. Burton's administra- tion the University entered into a joint program with the Michigan State Medical Society for a state-wide program of health education, which has been carried on through the Ex- Business Short Course Program Proves Popular Vet Students Overtax Present 'U' Facilities In the fall of '45 the University's School of Business Administration, in conjunction with the University Extension Service, set up a short course in business management for the benefit of veterans. Designed to meet the needs of vet- erans planning to go into business for themselves, the University course, under the supervision of Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the business administration school, runs four months and covers the knowledge which small businesmen should have, from accounting to worker relations. First in Country "The University's course," Prof. Jamison said, "is the first of its kind in the country, and as such has aroused inquiries from Seattle to Boston." He has received many let- ters and telegrams not only from veterans interested in taking the course but from other colleges and univer ities interested in setting up like programs of their own. Many interested veterans had to be refused admittance to the "short" course because of crowded facilities and lack of teaching. personnel. The prime tests for admittance, Prof. Jamison said, were whether the ap- plicants had had enough business experience to make the course bene- ficial to them or whether they were really serious in their intentions of going into small business for them- selves. Provides General Training The objectives of the University's short course in business administra- tion are to provide a necessary gen- eral training in the minimum time and to give the student an oppor- tunity to study the problems of the particular type of business, he plans primarily for veterans who plan to go into business for themselves, it also provides a brief survey of busi- ness for the benefit of those who may be seeking employment in business. Four Periods Under the four months program, the courses are divided into units of work, each of which covers a period of four weeks. Since the sub- ject matter of each unit is complete in itself, new students are admitted at any one of the four periods. The demand for the courses was so great that in addition to the pro- gram running here at the University this spring, a new serieshcovering the same material was established April 29 at the University Extension Cen- ter in the Rackham Educational Memorial Building in Detroit and will run through August 16. ALUMNI MEMORIAL HALL - Built in 1910, this building houses a reading room, art galleries, the University Club and is the headquar- ters of the Alumni Association, Sflation Catches Coeds; Alarming Spread is No ted Vets To Have Preference rn Dormitories Michigani Freshien Rank Second in Order Disabled Michigan veterans will be given the first priority ratings for new assignments to men's dormi- tories for the Fall Semester, Dean of Students Joseph Bursley said in an- nouncing policies for the University residence halls system. Under the policy for the fall, Mich- igan freshman will be second in order of preference and other Michigan veterans will rank third. Men now housed in the dormi- twr system will be reassigned to University residences unless their "citizenship" records show that they are "not suitable," he said. Although the University will have three more- houses on campus for 'ivilian students in the fall and'hopes to secure additional space in Willow Village. Bursley said he could not estima te at this time how many men the University will be able to accom- moda e in the dormitory system. Assignments for coeds will be made on the basis of the time that applications for rooms were made, except in the case of incoming freshman, Mrs. Elsie Fuller, ad- ministrative assistant in the Office of the Dean of Women, explained. "Every girl who has filed an ap- plication, regardless of the place of her home residence, has an equal right to housing in the University system, depending on her application date," she said. Independent women will be the first to be considered, while affiliated women, whose houses cannot provide them with quarters, will be eligible for assignment to League houses. Although the women's dormitory system is losing six converted fra- ternities, housing about 200 coeds, in the fall, Mrs. Fuller said that her office will be able to accommodate about 5,400 in all women's housing facilities in Ann Arbor. This is about 70 more than were placed this term. About 90 League houses will provide quarters for 1,100 women. Women will not be assigned to rooms until after the end of the term when their scholastic eligibity has been checked. Notices of dormitory assignments will be sent to both men and women sometime in July. Michigan coeds may have fallen prey to the peculiar post-war inflation that has added two inches to the average hip measurement credited to junior misses all over America by the Associated Press. Several Ann Arbor corsetieres have agreed with the New York fashion stylist who reported that Miss America's hips have bewilder- ed girdle manufacturers by con- siderably out-growing the pre-war model., Wasp waists still are the vogue in campus corset shops, but trim hips may be a disappearing curiosity if this girth-gaining continues, add these local stylists. Michigan coeds, they say, have managed to keep their svelte waist lines, but fitting the buxom modern misses into girdles of pre-war mea- surements is becoming a real tussle. Before this seam-popping ten- dency began, one local fitter called 26-34 the average coed waist-hip proportion. But now, she said, 26- 36 is a more accurate figure. The University Health Service was a little reluctant to accept this growth as a feature of the post-war world, but Dr. Margaret Bell conjectures that if true it may be a good thing. Expanding hips wouldn't necessar- ily be due to a growth of fatty tissue, according to Dr. Bell. It might mean a development of worthwhile muscle or even an increase in bone structure. But Dr. Bell would deplore the gain if it resulted just from an abundance of fat. She warned "the soft little beauties of 18" that this expansion may only be the first sign that their shapes will be a lot different at the age of 40. From the professional standpoint, on the other hand, the doctor would welcome a growth in girth, for she said "it would be fine for child-bear- ing." -- 'i th Sun! rIW TdS1 You'll not only LOOK COOL, but FEEL COOL in our wrinkle-proof sunback dresses with boleros and shorts to match. Also crisp cot- GRADUATION, the per- fect occasion for a strand of our lustrous Heirloom pearls. Single, double or triple strands- $9.95 to $75.00 ton for hot classroom wear. sizes: odds and evens. All A Makeup Foundation that's GOOD for the Skin 11 Choose from our large selec- tion of distinctive rings for both men and women. See our precious diamond, birth- stone, onyx, and'-cocktail rings. $1600 a !l tup > r;. ._ Two years of exhaustive research resulted in the discovery of this formula - modern, scientific laboratory resources perfected it.. NOW, and only now, announces PAT-A-KAKE, the ultimate in a Makeup Foundation ... a development in beauty. PAT-A-KAKE gives a younger, smoother, softer-looking skin AT ONCE ... helps to conceal blemishes, freckles, tiny lines ... has a lasting, beneficial effect. . . no artificial, ready-to-crack, heavily coated look. PAT-A-KAKE is easily applied, easily removed, leaving the skin actually fresher, prettier than before. Six wonderful shades to compliment every complexion. Price 1 .00 (plus tax) Gladden the day with a .g-i tso appropriate for the graduate a WATCH ! cJLKQ2/. VAIL. 4t inn r7 F /A! I --me -mop.ige vJ~vnre --,Yma.~rtu'-ueauj i '...j1