ALUMNI SUPPLEMENT Y G SirAob 411ab ALUMNI SUPPLEMENT VOL. LVI, No. 163 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, June 20, 1946 ... ....... Alumni Reunion Is Largest in 'U' History Big Summer Enrollment To Break Record Registration To Be Increased by Vets A record Summer Session enroll- ment of about 11,000 is anticipated this year by Summer Session Direc- tor Louis A. Hopkins. This all-time high is expected, Prof. Hdpkins explained becauseof the large number of veterans, who are eager to complete their college programs quickly, in the University. The previous Summer Session record was attained during 1945, when ap- proximately 7,500 students were en- rolled. Freshmen Accepted Although freshmen will be accepted for the Summer Session, Prof. Hop- kins said that there can be no as- surance that they will be permitted to register for the Fall Semester, un- les they are Michigan veterans. The $25 acceptance fee will not be re- quired from new enrollees in the University this summer. The new tuition schedule will not become effective for the Summer Session. Rates for Michigan and out- state residents will be $35 and $55 respectively. Several hundred new registrants are expected in the Graduate School during the summer. A large number of these will be teachers and other professionals who can do graduate work only during the summer and will not reregister for the fall. Visiting Professors A large number of visiting pro- fessors will be added to the faculty for the session. Prof. Hopkins said that many regular faculty members, who preferred to follow other plans' during the sumier, have arranged to have the visiting profesors take their places. The Medical School hospital stud- ies,, which are still following an ac- celerated program, will be the only work given this summer on a full semester basis. The Medical School schedule will be coordinated with' the rest of the University by next summer. Other schools will offer work on 4, 6, 8, 11, and 12 week bases. Musical Season Will Resume Pre-War Status The University musical season, tra- ditionally climaxed by the May Fes- tival, will open in October this year, reverting to its pre-war schedule. The program lists ten Choral Un- ion series concerts, the annualrCham- ber Music Festival and the Christ- mas performance of Handel's "Mes- siah." James Melton will open the Choral Union series Oct. 10, followed by Egon Petri, pianist Oct. 30. The November2 concerts include the Cleveland Or-1 chestra, conducted by George Szell, Yehudi Menuhin, violinist, and the , Icelandic Singers. Symphony Orchestra The Boston Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Serge Kousse- vitzky will appear here Dec. 9, witht the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, un- der the baton of Karl Krueger, sched- uled for Feb. 17 and the Chicago Symphony with Desire Defauw con- ducting, on March 16. Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, will be heard in recital Jan. 17 and Lotte Lehman, soprano, will appear Feb. 26. The University Choral Union,I special orchestra, and Frieda Op't7 Holt Vogan, organist, will participate in the annual performance of Han- del's "Messiah" Dec. 15. Soloists for the performance will be Lura Stov- er, Ellen Rapp, contralto, Ralph Lear,1 tenor, and Alden Edkins, bass. Chamber Music Festival The Budapest String Quartet will again provide the three concerts of the Chamber Music Festival, to be held Jan. 24 and 25.J The concert season will be climaxed May 8 through 11, with the presenta- tion of the 34th annual May Festival, in which the Philadelphia Orchestra, directed by Eugene Ormandy, will again participate. STANDING ROOM ONLY: Record Fall Enrollment Expectedby'U'Officials By CLAYTON DICKEY Despite the G. I. Bill of Rights, college education is becoming more than ever a privilege. The privilege, however, is no long- er financial. It is based on the pros- pective student's pre-college record - military service to the nation in the case of veterans and outstanding scholastic achievement in the case of non-veterans. This is the inescapable conclu- Literary School Curriculum Change Debated Harvard Proposals Basis for Discussion When a committee of Harvard University professors released a re- vort on "General Education in a Free Society" one year ago this month, the result was' a whole series of changes and proposed changes in the curri- cula of several colleges and univer- sities throughout the country. Several weeks before the Harvard report appeared, the literary college's Joint Committee on the Curriculum had submitted to the faculty a pro- gram of curricular revision. Debate on the program was reopened in the fall and continued throughout the year, but no decision was reached. Although the faculty has not dis- closed publicly the nature of the proposed curriculum changes, many observers are of the opinion that they follow the trend exemplified by the Harvard report and embody the gen- eral education idea. Trend Started in 19'50 The trend started in 1930 when the University of Chicago drastically revised its freshman -sophomore cur - riculum to include four "survey" courses. Before the Harvard report was issued, such universities as Columbia and Minnesota inaugurated limited general education courses. In the aftermath of the Harvard report, general education has been advanced to a prominent position in the curriculum at Harvard, Prince- ton and Yale. Any suggestion that the prevailing curriculum be revised always evokes strong comments. both pro and con. and the Harvard report was no ex- ception. Faculty Reaction Typical of the University faculty's reaction were these statements to The Daily: Prof. William Clark Trow, of the School of Education, praised the Har- vard report as the "best book of the year on problems of secondary and higher education" but warned that the Harvard plan should not be adop- ted anywhere except on an exper- mental basis, as the Harvard com- mittee recommended. Prof. John Arthos, of the English department, called the curriculum~ changes at both Harvard and Chicago a "step in the right direction" and declared that the "usual college cur- riculum is both too specialized and too diffused." Alumni Reorganize UM Club in Korea The University of Michigan Club of Seoul, Korea, has been reorgan- ized, according to a letter received by T. Hawley Tapping, general sec- retary of the Alumni Association, from Capt. G M. Hughes, University alumnis now serving with the AMG department of finance in Korea. Closed by the Japanese in 1935. the club has been reorganized by ten Korean alumni of the University and three American officers sta- tioned in Korea. i- sion when untold thousands of young men and women all over the country try to crowd into this Uni- versity, whose physical facilities and faculty are designed to accom- modate only 11,500' students. Prior to World War II, the Uni- versity considered its facilities hard pressed, but it was totally unprepared for the unprecedented demands which would be made upon it during war's aftermath. This was due, in part, to the con- servative estimates made by govern- ment officials as to the number of veterans who would take advantage of the educational provisions of the G. I. Bill. No only was the door to educa- tion opened to thousands of veter- ans who would otherwise have been unable to afford it, but thousands more who had dropped out of the University or had been called to the service on high school gradua- tion day were determined to com- plete the four-year cycle - with or without government aid. Additional demands have arisen from normal increments in popula- tion and increased popularity of col- lege education. Previous to the spring semester this year, the all-time high for enroll- ment had been in 1939 when 12,132 students were registered. The en- rollment hovered near 12,000 until 1942, then gradually descended to approximately 9,000 - including Ar- my, Navy, and Marine Corps trainees - for most of the war years. By fall, 1945 - the first peace- time semester - the enrollment had climbed to 10,800. Then came the record-smashing spring semester with its resound- ing total of 14,367 - including 6,- 308 veterans comprising 44 per cent of the student body.' For the spring semester, the Uni- versity ranked first in the nation in veteran enrollment and fifth in total enrollment. But 14,367 is a paltry figure when See COLLEGE DEGREE, Page 3 Overcrowding Problem Faced C-Average Ruling Is Adopted in Lit School The literary college, while en- deavoring to accommodate additional thousands of students, has also been fighting to maintain its academic standards. Chief headache to literary college officials is the faculty shortage which has resulted from the wartime deple- tion of graduate schools. Many sections of certain courses are abnormally crowded and some faculty members are teaching extra courses. But there has been no let-up in the quality and quantity of examinations in line with the college's policy of placing more responsibility for learn- ing on the individual student. According to Dean Hayward Kenis- ton, this policy "must' be followed if academic standards are to be pre- served. The battle to hold the line has also extended to the regulations govern- ing probation. Under a new ruling of the college's Administrative Board. non-veteran students whose total records were below a C average at the end of the spring semester will not be permitted to register again. However, veterans who are in their first semester of residence will be given a second semester in which to produce an over-all C average. Although the new policy was forced mainly by enrollment considerations, a slash in the number of below-av- erage students will relieve the col- lege's faculty of a considerable bur- den of special counseling. y^ : W "- ' ' b. '1 c. M ya.'8 ?ea A : j MARRIED STUDENTS' DORMITORY, work on which was begun in November. The project is to be located on Washington Heights off Observatory Road, near the University Hospital. It will consist of 22 apart- ments in eight units, accommodating approximately 350 residents. The estimated cost of the project is $832,900. Pictured above is the architect's' drawing of the apartment house. * * * NEW GROW TH: * * * 'U' Expands Housing Project To Meet Enrollment Demands With enrollment at an all-time record peak and student housing facilities consequently taxed to an 'U' Profesors OutstandingLn War Research By PHYLLIS KAYE University faculty men had a full share in outstanding wartime achieve- ments - both as researchers and as members of the armed forces - ac- cording to Dr. F. Clever Bald, Uni- versity historian. Dr. Bald reported that 52 members of the faculty were in the Army, 16 in the Navy, 28 in government ser- vice and 24 doing research and speci- fic tasks by the mid-war time year of 143. s n Sample Activities Activities reported here offer a fair sample of the kind of work the faculty undertook to help us win the war. Among the chemistry professors who participated inwartime research was Prof. Hobart H. Willard whose work on the atomic bomb cannot yet be disclosed. Prof. Kasimir Fajana did research on radioactive substan- ces in connection with the atomic bomb project. Prof. Floyd E. Bartell of the chem- istry department perfected a water- proof, temperature - resistant cloth called Aerobond which was first used for Army uniforms both in the trop- ics and in Alaska. A method for mass production of RDX, the, most power- ful explosive known except for the atom bomb, was developed by Prof. Werner E. Bachmann of the chem- istry department. Physicists At Work Physicists who were active in ex- perimental work were Profs. H. R. Crane and David M. Dennison, who workedton the VT radio proximity fuse at Dixboro field and were also concerned with atomic research. Prof. Franklin L. Everett of the engineer- in, mathematics department also worked on the fuse. Prof. Samuel A. Goudsmit and Prof. George E. Uhlenbeck of the University physics department, as well as Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin of the astronomy department, worked on radar at the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. Technical direc- tor for the task force to conduct the Bikini Atoll experiment is Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer, who has been on leave during the yez r. Mathematics, "oo Mathematics professor Ruel V. Churchill did research on jet pro- pulsion during 1945, and Prof. Harry C. Carver, also of the mathematics department, was cited by the Army Air Force for his work with the Eighth Air Force. He aided the ef- fectiveness and efficiency of bomb- ing operations. Prof. William G. Dow of the elec- trical engineering department direc- See 'U' PROFS, Page 3 unprecedented degree, the University has undertaken an extensive program to extend its dormitory system. Present housing construction pro- jects include an addition to the East Quadrangle, a new women's dormi- tory, and eight structures of apart- ments for married veterans. Work on these projects is proceeding so that it is expected that the units for married veterans will be ready for occupancy in the fall and that the two dormitories will be completed about a year from now. Vet Apartments The apartments for married veter- ans are being built on a site east of the University Hospital, the East Quadrangle extention south of the present quadrangle, and the new women's residence on Observatory north of Mosher-Jordan Hall. - Meanwhile, in order to facilitate the enrollment of a maximum number of qualified veterans who applied for, admission to the University, tempor- ary housing arrangements have been made. Dormitory rooms are now oc- cupied by one man more than under normal conditions. In addition, the University has ac- quired the use of 1,000 family units for veterans' usetin Willow Village. Vet Village, a settlement of 75 tem- porary units south-west of campus, is also occupied by veterans and their families. Eight dormitory units to house 700 single veterans were also acquired for temporary use in Willow Village. More Acute Besides the large influx of stu- dents during the past year, the hous- ing situation was made more acute because rooming accomodations for approximately 2,650 students were "lost" to war workers during the war. Although military units which oc- cupied most of the rooms in men's dormitories during the war have de- pleted their ranks, several houses in the West Quadrangle are still oc- cupied by trainees in the campus naval program. New Build'ing Loans Approved TU' Building Is Expanded by Vet Enrollment Municipalities Oppose Request to Legislature "Don't tell me it's still standing!" This no doubt is the reaction of many misty-eyed alumni who are today viewing certain campus baild- ;ngs for the first time in many years. Economics Building, Tappan Hall, East Hall, Romance Languages Build- ing -- these are landmarks that echo back to the University's younger days and which are indicative of a deplor- able plant situation. Symbols Of Building Lag They are symbolic of certain sta- tistics which reveal that appropria- tions for additions to the University's physical facilities have lagged far he- hind those of other state universities in this section of the country. Between 1925 and 1945 the Univer-. sity received $4,465,000 for new cQ-I struction. In the same years the state universities of Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Minnesota and Wisconsin each re- ceived an average of $13,831,084. Improvement Sighted But something - at long last -- is being done about it, under stress of the program to educate thousands of World War II veterans - as wit- ness the rising new structures in every corner of the campus. When the first trickle of veterans to the campus turned into a flood during the fall semester last year, officials began to view with alarm the University's wholly inadequate classroom and laboratory facilities. Needs Outlined With a record-shattering enroll- ment anticipated for the spring se- mester, various schools and depart- ments of the University issued these dire predictions: Chemistry - some students may be denied the opportunity to take chemistry courses in the immediate future unless additional space is made available; Business administration -- if pro- vision is not made immediately for new building construction, the max- imum demands for the education of veterans in business cannot be met; Engineering - the pressing need for trained engineers is far greater than can be met with present facili- ties; Medicine - adequate facilities for clinical teaching in obstetrics do not exist. Buildings Unsafe The situation was viewed even 'more critically with the knowledge that certain sections of older buildings would soon be condemned for further use. The fourth floor of University Hall had been ruled "out of bounds" for classroom use for several years, and the quarters used by many depart- ments declared "grossly inadequate and hazardous to the health and safety of the occupants." In 1941 the Director of Plant Ex- tension recommended removal of the See 'U' BUILDING, Page 3 41 Graduates of 120 Classes Are Expected Program Will Open With Victory Dinner For the largest alumni reunion in history, between six and eight thou- sand graduates will convene in Ann Arbor June 20 through 22. Decking itself out in full regalia to greet its former sonssand daugh- ter's, the University has spent the last few weeks in preparation, making ready the entire campus from the Burt on Carillon to rooms for the ex- pected record crowd. Topping the 1937 all-time high of 104 participating classes, the Vic- tory Reunion will attract members of at least 120 classes for & fully booked three day program of lun- cheons, dinners, meetings and dances. Setting the week-end's festivities in motion, a Victory Reunion Dinner will be held Thursday with guest speakers, dinner music and other entertainment. Highlighting the second day's ac- tivities are a memorial service for University war-dead, the alumnae luncheon and a Victory Reunion Dance to be punctuated with class meetings and an alumni song. Individual school and college breakfasts, the annual Varsity "M" golf tournament and alumni lun- cheons on the third day will be cli- maxed by early evening graduation exercises in Ferry Field. University alumni William Hl Stoneman, Col. Joseph Darnall, Margaret Ann Ayres and Walter G. Kirkbridge will be guest speakers at the opening dinner. A foreign correspondent of the Chicago Daily Press, Stoneman is now working with the secretary-general of the United Nations. Col. Darnall of the Medical Corps is commnding officer of the Fort Belvoir, Va. Sta- tion hospital. A native of Detroit, Miss Ayres served 15 months overseas with the American Red Cress, and Kirkbridge, a resident of Toledo, Ohio, is presi- dent of the national Alumpi Associa- tion. With representation from all military services, the memorial rites . will be held at 11 a.m. Friday. Posthumous'degrees will be award- See LARGEST REUNION, Page 3 Pre-War Scale Readopted For Reunion Plans Thi Spring's alumni reunion will break away from the simple pattern established during the war and re- turn to the full-scale plan of pre- Pearl Harbor get-togethers. Michigan's first alumni reunion oc- curred in 1845, when the 11 members of the University's first graduating class immediately organized the Soci- ety of the Alumni and held a meet- ing. Early Reunions Every year since then, alumni have gathered here at commencement time and held their annual meeting. One of the earliest reunions on record in the Michigan Alumnus is that of 1898. Wednesday, June 29, was Alum- ni Day and visiting graduates were requested to register at University Hall. During the day, members of seven different literary classes held meet- ings at various places on campus. Oldest of these were five members of the class of '48, who graduated a half century before. 332 alumni from all over the country registered. The June, 1900 reunion program included a Senior Promenade, "a somewhat recent feature, but by no means the least popular." The Law Department had a general reunion of all classes to celebrate its 40th anniversary. A banquet was held at noon to commemorate the occasion. Great Attendance According to the, Alumnus, the "greatest attendance of alumni was expected." As an added inducement the railroads gave a reduced round trip rate to all those alumni from Michigan or Chicago who wished to return for the commencement 'exer- cises. C Something new was added to the The Board of Regents has au-I thorized the University to borrow $8,500,000 to retire all outstanding revenue bonds and to finance con- struction and furnishing of the new married students' apartments, the East Quadrange addition, the new women's dormitory and the Food Service Building. The action was taken by the Re- gents at their June meeting follow- ing several months of negotiations. University Vice-President Robert P. Briggs said that $3,500,000 will be obtained from a term loan agree- ment with the National Bank of De- troit. A dormitory revenue bond is- sue of $5,000,000 will be floated to raise the rest of the funds. FUTURE OF AIRPORT IS UNLIMITED: Research To Be Conducted at Willow Run Aeronautical research, large scale Capital Airlines (formerly PCA) of Engineering and several other Willow Run will be used as a field airline operation will be initiated