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June 12, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-12

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Fifty-Sixth Year


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker . . . . . . Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . . . Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . ......Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Evelyn Mlis.. .. ....Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24.1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited In this newpaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, AM
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50 by mail, $5.25.
5Iember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Verein Justified
THE RECENT FLURRY of criticism levelled
at the Deutscher Verein in the "Letters to
the Editor" column has an emotional tone which
is rendered much less effective by an objective
look at the facts of the case.
The alleged "impassioned appeal" for relief
for the "starving German children" consisted
of reading aloud a front page editorial on fa-
mine relief, which appeared in The Daily April
25. In no place in the editorial was a specific
plea made for German relief.
A collection of $1.65 was taken in a canister
provided by the American Friends relief pro-
gram, marked particularly for German relief,
and this collection was duly sent to the Qua-
kers. However, this took place at the meeting be-
fore the one at which the "impassioned appeal"
was made, and the canister for German relief
was not even in the room at the latter meeting.
The American Friends Society is carrying on
their relief work in Germany, as well as in the
other countries of Europe, with the express con-
sent of the American government. Our govern-
ment itself is spending $200,000,000 annually
for the reconstruction of Germany.
As for the statements that any veteran who has
seen Germany would find the Verein's action an
"insult to the campus," it may be pointed out
that the Verein includes a good many veterans
who have seen combat service in Germany and
elsewhere. We may also mention that the club
has contributed liberally from its treasury for
the cause of general European relief.
The president of the Deutscher Verein, Jim
Trautwein, says, "The Verein has been un-
willing from the first to make an issue of this
matter. It arose, not from any policy of the
club, but from a mis-statement of that policy
by a girl who, according to the secretary's
records, is not even a member. That subse-
quent critics should have based their comments
on this letter, making no effort on their own
part to verify its contents, is a fact that speaks
for itself."
The Verein's critics might do well to remem-
ber the many Protestant Christians under Pastor
Niemoller who suffered in concentration camps
during the Nazi regime, the millions of Roman
Catholic supporters of such men as the Cardi-
nal Archbishops of Berlin, Cologne and Munich
and the Cardinal Bishop of Munster, who died
a month after his elevation to the cardinalate
due to the-strain undergone during the Nazi rule,
and the milions of Jews still in Germany who
are starving just as badly as the rest. Is it sug-
gested that we should starve these people?

We cannot reconstruct Europe without re-
constructing every part of Europe, Germany
included. If we allow the German children to
starve now, then, and only then, will we be per-
mitting the development of "potential storm-
troopers." If we permit the cycle of hatred to
continue, as it did after the first World War.
with the Americans hating the Germans and
engendering German hatred for Americans in
return, the result will be a third war far more
disastrous- than the last. The cycle of hatred
must be broken, here and only here lies the hope
for peace to come.
-Frances Paine
Possible Bases for Hope
"Difficult as it is to maintain the beliefs that
inspired the best men of the nineteenth cen-
tury, there is, I still think, every ground for

Prerequisite to Progress
To the Editor:
MOST PEOPLE seem unable to consider Russia
and her role in the post-war world in a calm
and rational manner. To fear Russia, even to
hate Russia, seems to be the fashionable attitude
these days. The press and State Department
are doing little to alleviate the general hysteria
and emotionalism, and in many cases succeed
only in aggravating the situation.
In times of semi-crisis, it appears no less than
logical that understanding, not prejudice can
lead us to the safest and wisest solution of our
difficulties. Wild raving, of the kind offered by
the changeable Winston Churchill and unen-
lightened criticism of American foreign policy
as printed in the Hearst journals and other re-
actionary publications must be taken with a
grain of salt if we are to gain an insight to the
real issues behind the headlines.
As soon as we realize that the Russians are
keen enough to know a square deal when they
see one and stubborn enough to fight for a
square deal until they get one, we can expect
to make some progress on the international scene.
-Dorothy E. Kelmenson
Blow to Minorities
To the Editor:
MASS ARRESTS, by the Federal Government,
of conscientious objectors currently on
work strike in their detention camps, provides a
foretaste of what can be expected if the pro-
posed "draft strikers" legislation is approved.
It seems incredible that American citizens,
guilty of no crime, could have been confined for
three or four years in forced labor camps, under
threat of imprisonment. Certainly no strikers
ever made more reasonable demands; pay for
work performed, compensation for disabilities
incurred, and provision for support of their
These men are legally civilians, and the un-
popularity of their views should not keep any-
one from realizing that their imprisonment for
striking against the government will be a blow
to the rights of every labor and minority group
in the country.
-Ann Chapman R. N.
Re Strike-Draft
To the Editor:
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, today, should have
the attention of every American who is in-
terested in achieving and maintaining indus-
trial peace. A temporary solution has been pre-
sented by our Chief Executive, President Tru-
man. This solution is an attempt to meet but
not solve the problem of workers striking against
the government. According to Section 7, of the
Strike-Control Bill placed before Congress on
May 25, the President may induct into the Ar-
my of the United States all workers who are on
strike and disobey his order to return to work.
Such authority is narrowed down to include
drafting of "any person who was employed in the
affected plants, mines or facilities at the date
the United States took possession thereof, in-
cluding oficers and executives of the labor or-
ganizations representing the employes."
Let us examine the significance of such a move.
Merely by placing workers in the armed forces
the President must believe that because of his
position as Commander in Chief, the worker now
converted to a soldier will obey orders handed
down by him. To those of you who have served
in the armed forces such an adherence to military
authority based upon this supposition must
seem folly. According to Training Manuals issued
by the War Department Officers and Non-Com-
missioned officers are expected to instill in their
men a desire to voluntarily subject their will
to the will of the leader. In the achievement of
this objective, it is expected that military orders
will be executed--and without hesitation. Is such
a reaction possible when workers who strike
against government-seized plants are drafted
and made to return to work? I think not. Mass
disobedience of 'military' orders would result
In the end such a proposal would make the
Armed Forces a penal institution.
It is significant that the House of Repre-
sentatives passed this bill on May 25 embodying
such a provision 306 to 13; it is doubly important

to note that the Senate eliminated the draft-
workers provision on May 29 by a vote of 70 to 13.
If 319 Congressmen and Senators agreed on the
drafting of workers who defy a government re-
turn to work order, look for this same proposal-
and beware of it--popping up again the next time
the nation gets excited over strikes affecting the
public interest.
-Joseph M. FitzGerald
Subsistence Rules
To the Editor:
In connection with the article of June 7, en-
titled " 'U' Vets Abide by Job Rules," I like to
call to your attention that IT IS LEGAL FOR
"The campaign literature of one Walter A.
Kelley, Congressional candidate in Ohio's Demo-
cratic primaries, pledges him to an unequivocal
domestic and international platform: "To Keep
Beer Flowing-Stop Appeasing Russia."
-The Nation, June 1

vided he is pursuing a full course of study (twelve
credits at the University of Michigan) at the
same time.
-Fred Benjamin
* * * *
EDIO.SNOTE: Veterans Administrator R. S.
Wadrop told The Daily that vets must sign a state-
ment as to whether or not they will work full time
before they become eligible for subsistence. Those
who work full time are ineligible; those who falsi-
fy the statement are libel to prosecution. Vetssare
responsible for notifying the VA of changes in plans.
30 hours a week is the maximum set up by the Ann
Arbor office, Waldrop said. Except in special in-
stances as determined by the VA, more than 30
hours a week is considered full-time employment.
W HEN T HIS COLUMN last appeared, there
was an attempt to discuss the reasons for
the threatened maritime strike in terms of the
demands of the workers. But no discussion can
claim to be complete if it stops at this point.
Many people differ about the justice of the mari-
time strike, because they have a more basic
disagreement about the role and value of the
labor movement in this country.
The limits of ambition in this column must
be to introduce some information which is not
generally available, concerning the role which
various unions actually play. For instance, there
have been many charges about racial discrimi-
nation by certain unions. Doubtless in some
instances these charges are true, and the condi-
tion should be corrected by the immediate en-
actment of the bill for a permanent FEPC. But
the seven CIO maritime unions which now threa-
ten to strike have an emphatic policy for racial
equality, and few groups in the country follow
a non-discriminatory policy quite so vigorously
as these unions.
For instance, in August of 1945 the American-
Japanese began to return to the West Coast.
They had been excluded from their homes for
nearly four years. They were strangers to the
areas in which they had been born and had lived.
Two of these Japanese obtained a job working
in a warehouse in Southern California. A section
of Local 6 of the Longshoremen was bargaining
agent for that particular warehouse. This sec-
tion of the union refused to accept the two
newly employed Japanese-Americans as mem-
bers, largely on the anti-Japanese charges made
by their local president and business agent.
The International headquarters of the un-
ion conducted a prompt investigation of the
situation, and within a week the two Japan-
ese were working in the warehouse and that
entire section of Local 6 had been suspended
from the union. One month later the section
was re-admitted, having fired the president
and business agent who had caused the trouble.
The union newspaper gave wide publicity to,
this incident, and emphasized that similar
acts of racial discrimination would not be
In March. 1946 a dispatcher at the National
Maritime union hiring hall in Dallas, Texas sent
a Negro to a ship which was due to sail for
Jacksonville, Florida and then to New York. The
other members of the crew would not let the
Negro board the ship, and he was not aboard
when it sailed. The union promptly put him on
a train bound for Jacksonville. When the ship
docked at Jacksonville, the entire crew was
removed and a new crew, INCLUDING THE NE-
GRO, was assigned to the ship,
The NMJ attitude toward discrimination is
clearly expressed in one of their publications
in January, 1946. It says: "The NMU has
pioneered in the fight against discrimination.
It has shown the country that white and Ne-
gro seamen can live together, eat together,
and work together in harmony. NMU mem-
hers have tried it and it works."
Mere words don't mean much. This union
statement doesn't mean much by itself. But
when that statement is translated into action,
so that it becomes a part of the daily lives of
men . . . the words have acquired a new and
living meaning.
Throughout our society today the problem of

racial discrimination is discussed. But most
groups lack courage in the face of a concrete
problem. Stores say that they would like to hire
Negroes or Jewish people, but their customers
wouldn't like it. Universities teach the equality
of races in their sociology classes, and then
set up discriminatory quota systems against the
members of minority groups.
The CIO unions are one of the few groups in
America which have translated their words into
action. Minorities are inclining more and more
toward cooperation with the unions as a method
of solving their problems. The main source of
strength in the fight for FEPC has been the un-
ion movement. This is one of the reasons why
many Americans are deeply concerned about
the future strength of the union movement.
These people consider the unions to be the ma-
jor force for democracy in this country. To many
unions, as to these seamen, democracy has be-
come more than a slogan. To the seamen, demo-
cracy is a process.
-Ray Ginger

(Continued from Page 3)
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or Sum-
mer Session until payment has been
Herbert G. Watkins, e
School of Business Administration:s
A convocation for students and fac-c
ulty of the3School will be held to-t
day at 11:30 a.m., in the West Gal-t
lery, Alumni Hall.
Library Hours: The General Li-
brary will be open from 8:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. June 19-30 except that
on June 22, Commencement Day, it
will close at 5:00 p.m. The first floor
Study Hall will be open from 9-12
a.m. and 1-5 p.m.
The Basement Study Hall and the
Graduate Reading Rooms will be
closed completely June 20-26 and
will reopen on short schedules June
The Divisional Libraries will be
closed June 20-26, with the exception
of the Dentistry, Physics, and the
two Engineering Libraries. Sched-
ules will be posted on the doors. +
The Automobile Regulation will be
lifted at noon on June 11 for second
year students in Dental Hygiene.
The University Automobile Regula-
tion will be lifted at 12:00 noon on
Wednesday, June 19, for students in
all schools and departments except-
ing the Medical School. Sophomores
in the Medical School are relieved of
driving restrictions as of Saturday
noon, June 8, but all other 'Medical
classes will continue under present
restrictions until their designated va-
cation periods are officially announ-
Seniors: Thursday will be the last
day that orders can be placed with
Moe's Sports Shop for the rental
of caps and gowns for graduation.
The rental fee will be paid at the
time that caps and gowns are re-
ceived, the week of graduation. They
are to be returned to the store June
22, immediately following graduation
Senior Engineers: Announcements
will be distributed in Rm. 218 W.
Eng. today from 11:00-12:00 and
Receipts or identification cards will
be required.

Spring Term Exam Schedule
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
College of Pharmacy
School of Business Administration
School of Education
School of Forestry and Conservation
School of Music
School of Public Health
June 13 to June 19, 1946
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of ex-
ercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having
quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Cer-
tain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular
schedule. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should re-
ceive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his examina-
tion. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examina-
tion may be changed without the consent of the Examination Committee.

Time of Exercise
Monday at 8.....................
9 ......................
" "to 10 ......................
" " 11 ......................
Monday at 1 ......................
" 2...................
" "o 3 ......................
Tuesday at 8 ......................
" " 9......................
"f " 10...................
11 ......................
Tuesday at 1 ......................
2 ....................
to ,t-3.....................

Time of Examination
Thu, June 13, 2:00-4:00
Sat., June 15, 2:00-4:00
Fri., June 14, 10:30-12:30
Tues., June 18, 10:30-12:30
Wed., June 19, 8:00-10:00
Mon., June 17, 10:30-12:30
Thu., June 13, 10:30-12:30
Fri., June 14, 2:00- 4:00
Thu., June 13, 8:00-10:00
Tues, June 18, 2:00- 4:00
Mon., June 17, 8:00-10:00
Sat., June 15, 8:00-10:00
Wed., June 19, 2:00- 4:00
Tues., June 18, 8:00-10:00



College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Sociology 51, 54...................
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 ..................
German 1, 2, 31, 32 ................
Political Science 1, 2, 52 ............
Psychology 42 ......................
Chemistry 55.... ..............
Speech 31, 32 ....................
French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62,
91, 92, 93, 153 ..................
English 1, 2.....................
Economics 51, 52, 53, 54...........
Botany 1 ............................
Zoology 1 ..........................

Thu., June 13,
Fri., June 14,
Fri., June 14,
Sat., June 15,
Sat., June 15;.
Mon., June 17,
Mon., June 17,
Mon., June 17,
Tues., June 18,
Tues., June 18,
Wed., June 19,
Wed., June 19,

8:00-10 :00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00

School of Business Administration
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated or the School bulletin board.
School of Forestry and Conservation
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
School of Music: Individual Insti'uction in*Applied Music
Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied
music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit in any unit of the
University. For time and place of examinations, see bulletin board at the
School of Music.
School of Public Health
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
June 13 to June 19, 1946
NOTE: For the courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time
of exercise is the time of :the first lecture period of the week; for
courses having quizzes only, the time -of exercise is the time of the first
quiz period.
Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the exam-
ination period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work
during one week.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below
the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned examina-
tion periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board out-
side of Room 3209 East Engineering Building between May 29 and June
5, for instruction. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each stu-
dent should receive notification from his instructor of the time and
place of his appearance in each course during the period June 13 to
June 19.
No date of examination may be changed without the consent of
the Classification Committee.

Closing Hours for Women



13, Thurs., 10:30.
14, Fri., 12:30.
15, Sat., 12:30.
16, Sun., 11:00.
17, Mon., 10:30.
18, Tues., 10:30.
19, Wed., 11:00.
20-, Thurs.. 11:00.
21, Fri., 12:30.
22, Sat., 12:30.

Recommendations for Department-
al Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to recommend tentative June
graduates from the College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts, and
the School of Education for depart-
mental honors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office, Room
4 University Hall, by noon of June
Presidents of Women's Houses:
All sign-out sheets for the spring
semester must be in the League Un-
dergraduate Office by Wednesday,
June 19. The functions of the
Women's Judiciary Council will be
transferred to the Office of the Dean
of Women from June 12 through
June 19. Housemothers and house
presidents are responsible for re-
porting violations of house rules to
the Dean of Women in that interim.
Veterans' Books: The Textbook
Lending Library, 1223 Angell Hall,
will be very happy to receive any
textbooks which the veterans do not
care to hold. The books contributed
by veterans will be loaned to veterans
who in future terms are unable to
procure assigned texts at bookstores.
In case they are not required by vet-
erans, the books will be made avail-
able to future students who are in
need of help and are recommended
by an academic counselor or mentor.
Student Veterans: Because of the
acute housing situation, and the pos-
sibility that no quarters will be avail-.
able at a later date at Willow Village,
the University strongly recommends
that student veterans occupying
apartments for married students at
Willow Village retain their quarters
during the summer.
Women students planning to reside
in League Houses beginning with the
fall semester of 1946 are notified that
contracts are to be signed and de-
posits paid before they leave campus.

Time of Exercise'

Time of Examination







10 :30-12 :30


Chem-Met 1; E.E. 2a
Draw. 1;°M.E. 1; Span.;
E.M. 1; C.E. 2
Draw. 3; Surv. 1, 2, 4
Draw. 2; M.E. 3; French
Econ. 53, 54; English 11
M.P. 2, 3, 4

h *Monday


*This may also be used as an irregular period, provided there is no
conflict with the regular printed schedule above.
Prescribed V-12 courses will also follow the above schedule.

Because of the housing shortage con-
tracts are considered binding and
cancellations will not be approved ex-
cept in unusual cases which are taken
up with the office of the Dean of
Women. Students whose plans change
for some unexpected reason are in-
structed to communicate with the
office of the Dean of Women immedi-
All Students: Colleges of LS&A,
Arch. & Design, Schools of Education,
Music, For. & Cons., and Public
Health mailed blueprints will not be
mailed before July 15. Grades will
be mailed, the last week in June on
the election card stubs as is done in
the Fall terms.
Notice to Students in the Summer
Session Regarding Library sooks:

in compliance with regulations es-
tablished by the Regents.
Warner G. Rice, Director
All Students, Registration for Sum-
mer Session. Each student should
plan to register for himself accord-
ing to the alphabetical schedule.
Registration by proxy will not be ac-
cepted. Attention is specifically call-
ed to the closing time for registration
on Saturday, June 29, which is 10:30
a.m. Late registration will not be
permitted. Any diviation from the
alphabetical registration schedule
must have permission of the Dean or
Director of the school in which en-
rollment is sought.
Registration Materi l, College of
LS&A, Schools of Education, and
Music: Summer Session registration
material will be available in Room 4.


By Crockett Johnson

it's the fIfth inning,
And the score is tied
10 to 10, Barnaby , . , 'g

Dever i'mnd ebnijf that fettle PiX'e>
1l ok, dar, T here's your father.
1 I1)

if was a mighty clout, m'boy. Sailing majestically
over the fence ... Then the sun came from behind a
cloud. Blinding your Fairy Godfather. Just as he
was about to make a sensational, one-handed catch.



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