k'AW wu~T~lEMBIIGANDAIL W. ZiNEisTAY. MARCH 1 T 3; Ir Dr. Gale Deems Foreign Student Admittat-ice Policy Sati fei otrv I'r& , c l Plii Van.ii~Sa~~Iuy1~x 4VIt.im'i Jilvrily sliird~s 'WAR AND THE CONSTFI'xTTIO ,N>: Cu',-,oj-(Nrc I9 '4 Cook lieclures tiroa dway Producer T o Relate iiiisenesOf Theatre Fridtay level generally, too of ten students not properly qualified, especially in Eng- lish, managed to gain admittance. Plan Successful "The University of Michigan," Dr. Gale said, "has with moderate suc- cess admitted foreign students after examining credentials submitted di- rectly by them, and we feel itwni be di fficult to (deviseP a beteter syst('ni now."I Building),. Edward Samnuel Corwxin. McCor- mick professor of jurisprudence a t Princeton University, will 4c thei ' speaker. This is the secondilln Ithe seriesId Wliani 11W. Cook! Lec tileo,; held a, n- iildally1o1 h enpts i's]lhtlelm 1 iz ]Vo fa I ii'Ifll o ' Huliam-;( fh V 4'Ijtl iig. at 4: l,) .Iri nedythrough' Friday in the Rackham Amphithea- tre. 'The subjects for these lectures' wsll be: Tuesday), "The Impact of Tot l fWar; on !;(ve rnmnent Powver"*; Wednesday :C, *'Thlei Impact of Totail Wax oUl (: ,I1 Is l it tO Iljal 1Rig'hts'' ; 'I'Itar ;tlav . '''lot aPctf'eaeeand tOw Coll- xxtar C.oist itlI oll.'' xx ili wasrirted and t 1 'iadoxx i'i 11 tat Un ix ersitycof M in Ag an a liun Until 1his (ilatf in 19"30 Al.%('owk JO t;~x.' li't'I t Iaii1:111ol1tr,xii I 'rida ; in Iliii IAnd itoritittm Aln 051 1 ln'eatre1-bredf.Muiti' iiitereh in the stage began at tHie age of AMgh when lhe was given a toy' playh)ouse. Dspoitdil Otefail - me o tf a reper tory t healti'e he had btnt d Mc-Clintit' 1>ersuadi~ed his 1pal'- enkt K tosend 1M i " to11 teA :t'adey tO'f I )iaiioal it Arts iti New ,York.: ItV t , ou'k .Ittrx il l a I litl e u iijuY t I uIt udl [?ot" d!a:; director, he me1tt hit;futulre wife. Kather ine Cornell. whose dra- mratic successes he has diirected ev'er since. The most recent, "Antigone,"' opened on Broadway thre eesago. 1' Mltiis almo respoibtile for the intoulction Ito the AmerIIic:n stge)of siu'tlt at'ttur aI MuceEa ns II t~ ' I, EmfIIIyn W 1;1iflli t lt1(1 Irian lAlwui'ite ON iOf CA I'l 1-10 1,S ... I1VD., I)\, {1 1 3 U11.0() MiIt (, h t Trio 2:00 News t .,_-_ 1'5_)L-n"Rok fi r 7- n The Veterans Organization will pr'Ceent the "Feather Merchant's Ball," a semi-formal all-campus, (lance, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, March 29, al; the Intramural Build- ing. The music of Ray Anthony, an ex-' Navy band leader who is currently playing an extended engagement in 'St. Louis, will be featured at the dance. Anthony formerly played the trumpet for Al Donahue, Jimmy Dor- sey, and Glen Miller, and appeared 1with the latter in the picture, "Sun SValley Serenade." MUSIW Workers . t An appeal for volunteers for work on the Michigan Union Stu- dent Book Exchange has been is- sued by Nancy Tressel, League per- sonnel chairman who is working on the project. Women are needed especially to addres~s postcards. 'Victlory .IRuatiniwi. 7 Carl Litzenberg will present plans rfor the Victory Reunion to the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Alumni Association Board of Directors at 7:15 p.m. today in the Regents IrRoom of Angell Hall. e Litzenberg is chairman of the general committee in charge of the freunion which will be held June 20 to 22. Mixer Friday.,. r The Graduate Student Council will sponsor a get acquainted mixer Ifor graduate students on campus, at e8 p.m. Friday in the Rackham. I Building, Blanca Alvarez, chairman *for the mixer announced. Movies will be shown in the am- Iphitheater. Three reels, People of iChina, Mexico City, and Back to Normal will be shown. Records will Iprovide music for dancing in the slecture hall and refreshments will fbe served in the conference rooms. Glee Club Today..# The Women's Glee Club will hold its first meeting of the term at 7:30 p.m. today in the League and all new and former members are urged to at- tend. Fred Matthaei, president of the Interfraternity Council, has an- nounced that there will be a meet- ing of all fraternity house presi- dents at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the IFC offices in the Union. Talk onflrazil.. Sra. Ambrosina Marie Samnpaio will1 speak on "Some Aspects of Brazilian Literature" at 8 p.m. today in Kellogg Auditorium before La Soeiedad His- 'pa nica. "Tickets for' the lietur'e may be ipro- cured from, R~m. 112 Romnane ,Lan-I guage Bhtildhirlg or tat 1tle door. Lhean Venn . cettoth D a W el I. B n et of t e College of Architectu r'e and D~esigni, c will attend a meeting of' the Na- tional Public Housing' Conference1 in New York City, March 14-16. He will attend the forums and discussions as a 'representative of' the University and the architecture school, at Hlotel New Yorker. OtherE participants at the three-day 'oin-I ference on housing will consist' of representatives ill the fields to1' building'.g'overnmient andl labor. An Interlochen music camp motion picture will be shown at £i p.m. today in the Sarah Caswell AngelHall at Barbour Gymnasium. Presented for the Physical Eduti(a- tion Club, the film will be openl to thelie public.I Talk Ot. Iron Prof. Richard Schneidewind will present a talk on permanent mould iron at a meeting of U.S.M.E., 7:30 p.m. next Wednesday at the Michi- gan Union. This type of work is original with Prof. S('hreidewind. IHis presen - t.Ationa will Ihe the same delivered to ti:e A.8.'l.M. at its recent meeting-. K eeler 1I441 c led ". Prof. Huge E. Heeler' of the Depart- ment of Mechanical Engineering was elected temporary se('ond vice-presi- dent of the Michigan Society of Pro- fessional Engineers at a meeting of that organization March 6. Other temporary officers were elected and committees were appoint - ed at tis meeting. 'I'he firs t, meeting Of the ~Semester of the c('oteication, group of I'a, Soeiediad Hlispanica will be held to- mirwat 4 p.m. in the Michigan Nwstudents especially are in- vit(Adfto jartiejita. Any other stu- dents, not neecessarily ('lul) tnemlbeu's I are also invited. IA meeting for all women interested in 'working on Merit-tutorial commit- tee of the League will be held at 5 p.mn. tc m.orrow in the League. An- onou rt'mnt, of the room to be used f, ill :e, on the builletin board in the lcoy. 7:00--()News 7:.05- Si-e plitd Serenade 8:00 -Ne,(w"s- 1315 "Wake Up fand hivxe 8:25 CasisIni M tisit' 8::0 ;3t) ) wt P(. ] N~'t 'l ii 'I ira 11ce 10:15_--Quiv. 1(0:30-Broadway Melodies 10:40--Community Calendar it0:95-Waitz. Time I11:00--News ist en 11::;0--CIty Charter, Inc. 11 :45 Pferslii Folk lore 11i50 Popu1nlla MuI( 11:55-- llt ll l Mart :l Airsx 12,~0-N( ws 12 :1) J ; C(iwf'ordi 1 '0(1 Newts 1:0S Siloit Mjusic 1:10--Victourious Living 1 :15--Waslitenaw County Health Department 1:25--Flashes From Life 1:30-This Rhythmic Age '1:45-Jerry Sears 2.W) M 1,1y oni ~i a 3:00- New.; 3:05--Jack Connier T7rioi 3:15 - Uivtrsity of :3:30- ft's A liili 340 1 It Actually iHappi tetd 1 .05 -N{ews1I- l;Il'1i 0 :00 Nt,%,s 5:0.',Rainboxw T;,lo t:0--Jntk .Snith Pre.s'iitc 5:15 --Myshtery Meklodi 5 :34-- Ulittie Show 5:45-Salon Mus %Iit 6 :00--News; 6:15"--Along lthe Sportsa Sidelines 6:30--Quiz EDWVARI) 1). CO)RWIN . to discu's'war Give to the ed "tICt*oss A C L ASS, I - I 19 for your rugged outdoor life . .. nothing like slacks to keep chills away and dress you perfectly for any outdoor fun come spring ..warm all wool grey flannel . . . brown or navy paort wool gabardinec. 5.95 to 10.95. I C.AS1'S I H El)D $ .40 per 15-word nsei'tion for one or two days t. (In- crease of 10c for each adlditionlal five words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or moire days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional five words.) Contract Rates on Request MIDWAY Bficycle Shop, 322 E. Lb cib ty. We have rrebuilt used biker for al. Dou ike can be expertly re p:aired lsoc. 'POSITION WVANTED: Capable see- reta ry available for evening work. Marf'aret McKay, 2-5268. LOST' AND FOUND IT,r Parker 51, dark green barrel silver cap.. Name on barrel. Re- waid. Contact S. H3. Gross, Law1 S Club. IOST: Parker 51 pen. Gold top, blue" ROOM ND B}AR barrel, Saturday A.M., campus vi- ROOM AN BORciiy 8891. Mr. Reese. Rewar'd. MEALS: For girls. Splendid homej LOST: Black and gray striped Sheaf- cooked meals at League House, 604 fer pen. Lost Mar. 6. Call Annette E. Madison. Phone 4489. I Anderson 2-2591. HOME COOKED MEALS: Reason- LOST: Yester-day, dark brown wal- able weekly ratses. Private r'esidence close to camels. Call 7595. let. Finder may keep money but returnvv wal1let.("Conl 'tct;: Donald- Sheldon. 1811 Washtenaw, phone: HELP WANTED 1 2-6313. 1HE LP WANTED: Part or full time. ^ MISCELLANEOUS excellent hirs., top pay. Withiam 11 - ___________ Drug Store, corner Forest and S. HILDEGARDE SHOP University.-.: ld DRESSMAKING, Tailoring, Altera- ----- -_-----_-____ -_ .-. _ ___- I ions, Drapes and Slipcovers; expertI HELP WANTED: Youngld to work workmanship. Telephone 2-4669.1 at soda fountain. Part or full time. 116 East Huron. Swift's Drug Store. 340 S. State. Phone 3534. THETA XI's: All Theta Xi's on camn- oil, k z; r s Y fv - t s^ ;s; cam; y 3 ... Qa : " l . r. ' k . . , ,,,.,t. , h: " s , i ; '( yw 1 ' X51 5 '. f'4;, ,, 'y. ikl : ,, ° .w .. plaidce. every lassie loves a .especially gay plbid wool shirts to team with slacks . perfect for not-quite-warm-enough days ... assorted colorful plaids and checks . .. misses sizes . . . J 1 TON IGHT of 8:30 r - The Messrs,. Shubert present -' ~ SIUNP RCRERQ'S OPErRETTA )KASERPIECE ~ .~. .' uiA te faous .1,0 z1k~ hou Main Floor Seats Still Available at Box Office IWANTED: Three waiters to work for board at fraternit y house. Prefer- Iably without 11 o'clock classes. Call; _2-6313. WANTED WANTED: Men students to work f or board in fraternity. Call 43 79 at pus are inivited to a meeting at the jUnion in Room 321, Wednesday, iiMarch 13, at 7:30 P.M. WANT A ROOM, BUDDY? Opening for summer and fall terms in pro- gressive co-op house. Get acquaint- ed by boarding with us now. Ask for Zip Kiski. 912 Monroe St. 2-2218. N"J noon or in the evening. --- - - --- -- - _______.__- _ -_.'r1FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, rented, -_--------- ________ repaired. Work guaranteed. Two FOR SALE: Practically set of Har- days service. Office Equipment Co. yard Classics. Half price. Call 111 S. 4th St., Phone 2-1213. 2 -6468. Continuous from 3 P.M. A~. t,®I r14'Y'r~s& f~j Arrivitng flaily NEW SUPPLIES OF BOOKS at present out of stock are coming in every day. So don't stop looking for Textbooks white leather flates byconnie . .. for that crisp clean springtime look . .. comfy lo-to-the-ground "sabot" strap sandals on scooped wedge leather soles.. smart with dresses, slacks, play clothes ... 55 Now ~CRAZE OF f . v THE AIRWAYS 2ON THE SCREEN!. M(UfOOD- SBREnEmAN i / GRAnVILLEI I s 4 1 f %R. t ^,_ . Ili I I I 1