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June 11, 1946 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-11

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PAGE six


ATUESDAY, NE 11, 1946

Cairo Doctor
Reports Upon
Medical Work
Dr. Fawzi Visiting
American Hospitals
Egyptian and American medical
units worked very closely during the
war, Dr. R. M. Fawzi said in an inter-
view yesterday.
IHe explained that personnel of the
United States Medical Corps had
worked in the hospitals in Cairo an(I
other towns and that some had even
finished their medical training there.
Observes Urological Surgery
Dr. Fawzi is a lecturer in surgery
at Fouad University of Cairo and is
traveling for a year in this country
on a scholarship from that Univer-
sity. Before coming to University
Hospital, where he is observing the
work of Dr. Reed M. Nesbit inmuro-
logical surgery, Dr. Fawzi visited the
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, New York
and the University of Iowa.
Comrnenting on Egyptian hospi-
tals, Dr. Fawzi explained that they
vwre very modern in building and
organization and that American do-
tors who had been there during the
war had been impressed with their
high degree of excellence.
Cairo Hospital Large
He said that the University Hos-
pital in Cairo, completely a charity
hospital, was much larger than any
he had visited here, containing about
4,000 beds.
However, this is larger than most,
he explained. The state hospital of
the University in Alexandria is some-
what smaller, and many of the other
hospitals in the country average be-
tween 100 and 200 beds.
The main difference Dr. Fawzi
has seen between the Egyptian and
American medical systems is the
narrowness of fields of specialization
in the United States. For example, he
said, in this country you have a spe-
cial field of urology, while in Egypt
it is part of the general unit of sur-
Seven Year Course
Medical schools of the two coun-
tries compare very favorably, accord-
ing to Dr. Fawzi. He explained that
Egyptians have a seven year course
and that their degrees are recognized
both in England and America.
Dr. Fawzi said that he believed he
had observed the techniques of "some
of the best urologists in the world"
and that when he returns to Egypt
he hopes to put some of these new
techniques into action,
Flower Sale To Aid Fund
Members of the Ann Arbor Emer-
gency Famine Relief Committee will
sell cut flowers from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
tomorrow on the corner of North
University and State Streets, as part
of their campaign to raise funds for
famine relief.
The campaign began last week with
an art exhibit at Lane Hall, which
will continue until Friday.
Back the
Famine Drive



Human Adjustment Institute

Provides Variety of Services


o .,

Any student who remembers the
numerous and assorted group ex-
aminations he was required to take
before starting his University career
nay present his grudge to the Bureau
of Psychological Services.
For it was the Birau that admin-
isteredi Ie tests for the University,
:tnd iitiat a15ily administers all sorts
,f neits to all sorts of people.
Th'i'le Bureau of Psychological
8vrvices is only one unit, however,
of an organization called the In-
stitute for Human Adjustment. Lo-
cated in the Rackham Building, the
Institute provides "service and re-
seatch in the interest of the wel-
fare of human beings." Each year
it helps some 6,500 individuals re-
ferred to it by federal, state, and
various other agencies.
The Tnstitute is composed of four
separate units, the Bureau of Psy-
chological services, the Speech Clin-
ic, the Fresh Air Camp and the new
Social Science Research Project in

LARGE CROWD WATCHES FIREMEN working in the ruins of the Canfield Hotel, Dubuque, Ia.. which burned early Sunday morning. The state
fire marshal's office, the Dubuque county attorney and the coroner have started a three-prenged investigation in an effort to determine the cause
of the blaze, in which the toll has been set at 16 dead and 21 injured. So ree guests escaped by using knotted blankets (left).

Six Dutch Ships
Remain Tied up
By Australians
SYDNEY, June 10-5l,! --ix Dutch
ships held up since las.t September
in Australian ports still arh idle---and
it appears unlikely that they will be
able to put to sea until the political
situation in Java is settled.
The ships were among those de-
clared "black" by the Australian Wa-
terside Workers' Federation at the
beginning of the Nationalist uprising
in Java. Wharf laborers refused to
load Dutch vessels on the grounds
that they were carrying munitions of
war and materials likely to be used
in suppressing the Indonesian Re-
publican government.
Observers say the hold-up in Aus-
tralia is inconvenient, but not crip-
pling to the Dutch. They point out
that big Dutch ships that might have
been coming to Australia are making
voyages elsewhere.
Recently the import-export or-
ganization of the Netherlands Indies
government in Australia cancelled
orders placed with about 250 Aus-
tralian firms for goods totaling 6,-
000,000 pounds ($19,200,000).
A Dutch spokesman in Melbourne,
J. Van Der Noorda, said then that
the ban against loading Dutch ships
made Dutch-Australian commerce
"impossible." e intimated that his
government would look elsewhere for
manufactured goads and shipping
to take them to the Netherlands In-

Lab Facilities To Be Shared;
Full Physics Classes Expected

By having students double up on
the use of laboratory equipment, the
chemistry department hopes to be
able to accommodate more students
in the beginning general courses next
fall, Prof. Chester S. Schoepfle, chair-
man of the Department of Chemistry,
said yesterday.
Prof. Schoepfle said that he thought
the department would be able to take
care of the demand for advanced
courses, but suggested that as many
students as possible take the general
courses during the summer semester.
It was necessary to turn 150 students
away this spring, he said.
Although general chemistry is the
most severely limited with about 50
per cent of the students in the de-
partment enrolled, both qualitative
and quantitative analysis are quite
crowded and according to school re-
cords, enrollment in some graduate
courses has doubled.
Paying Jobs Are Offered
All students interested in paying
jobs on the Summer Directory are
asked to call editor Tom Walsh at
5989 this week. Students will receive
60 cents an hour for spare time work
during the first two or three weeks
of school.

There is no definite way to esti-
mate what our enrollment will be
next fall, Prof. Ernest F. Barker,
chairman of the Department of Phy-
sics, said yesterday, but we have re-
ceived notice from the engineering
school that they expect to enroll 1,000
students in the elementary course.
This figure is as great as the total
present undergraduate enrollment,
he explained and terrifically over-
crowded class and laboratory condi-
tions can be expected if the literary
school enrollment even approaches
this figure.
Ex- T's 1 ToDonate ex s
For Vets' Lending Library
In answer to requests that a service
be set up permitting veterans to do-
nate textbooks for the use of other
veterans who are unable to procure
the texts at bookstores, the Textbook
Lending Library, 1223 Angell Hall,
will accept books to be set aside for
this purpose.
If any of the books are not required
by veterans, they will be made avail-
able to students who are in need of
help and who have been recommend-
ed by an academic counselor or
Order Your Subscription
for the Michigan Alumnus
Now - $2.00 for one year!

Director Cohten
To Leave Hillel
For One Year
Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director
of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
for the past six years, has announced
that he will leave thge campus founda-
tion July 15 for a year's leave of ab-
sence from activities in the national
foundation system.
Under Rabbi Cohen's direction the
foundation has expanded its mem-
bership to the present record of 1,000
and purchased and renovated the
present foundation. It has also been
announced that the foundation will
be permitted to occupy its present
building until 1948 because of a de-
cision by the Board of Regents to
hold up completion of its condem-
iiaion proceedings to acquire the


Clark Tibbitts is director of the
Institute, and has four subordinate
directors, one at the head of each
unit, working with him. Each unit
serves a different function but each
has the main objective of aiding
human adjustment.
The Bureau of Psychological Ser-
vices, with offices on East Huron
St., serves as a vocational counsel-
ing center. Directed by Dr. Wilma
Donahue, the Bureau employs psy-
chologists who give vocational guid-
ance tests and offer assistance in
helping the individual find what he is
best suited for and where his partic-
ular abilities can best be exploited.
Only part -of the Bureau of Psy-
chologicalServices works for the
University. The Bureau handles
cases of every variety--voational,
emotional, and personal. The in-
dividuals who come to the Bureau
for aid are of all ages and from
many parts of the country. Many of
the Bureau's cases concern child-
ren and involve placement in prop-
er homes.
The Speech Clinic, directed by Dr.
Henry H. Bloomer, handles persons
who have a speech impediment or a
hearing loss. The cases range from
children who have congenital audi-
tory or speech difficulties to older
persons who have developed them.
The Clinic uses many methods in
attempting to alleviate the impedi-

ments. With children, for example,
music and games are used as a medi-
um of instruction.
The Fresh Air Camp is purely a
summer project. It combines the
two objectives of giving a vacation
to underprivileged children and af-
fording a teaching unit to teli ni-
versity. Children who lack t he mon-
etary resources for a summer vaaion
are sent to the amnp free.
The counlselors are sociology :a:-
education students al ocial wo lk
ers who, by working in the camp, gt
actual experience handling children.
The Fresh Air Caip is directed
by W. C. Morse.
The new Social Science Research
Project in Flint is a study of all
the fields of social science in the
Flint metropolitan area. The re-
sults will be added to the general
knowledge of community life anl
will also be used by the city to iw-
prove whatever bad conditions the
study reveals.
The Institute for Human Adiust-
ment is financed by funds from an
endowment of Horace P. Rackham,
plus the revenue netted from some
cases. Cases are charged purely on
the ability-to-pay principle, Prof. Tib-
bitts disclosed.
The Institute has a contract with
the Veterans Administration to pro-
vide vocational guidance to veterans,
Some 3,000 veterans have been given
vocational guidance in the past two
The Institute has about 75 em-
ployes, about one-third of whom are
students who get first hand experi-
ence in diagnosing human problems
and in the management of cases.
According to Tibbitts, the In-
stitute does not feel that it is help-
ing only the maladjusted. It also
helps many people who still require
assistance of various sorts.
Concerning veterans who seek oc-
cupational guidance, Tibbitta pointed
out that "confusion doesn't mean
maladjustment." The veteran who
needs assistance in discovering his
special abilities or disabilities is per-
fectly normal, Tibbitts said.
Bought, Rented -
314 S. State St. Phone 7177


Du ing his residence in Ann Ar-
bor, Rabbi Cohen has been active in
community organizations in addi-
tion to his work at the foundation.
He is president of the Ann Arbor
Community Fund and has served
)s president of the Ann Arbor Coun-
cil of Social Agencies.
Rabbi Cohen's successor has not
yet been named. In addition to a
director, an assistant director will
be appointed to the foundation in
the fall. The assistant director will
also serve as rabbi for the local ortho-
dox congregation.
V Diamonds
o ~ Wedding
717 North University Ave.
X -o<==o<==o<=o<==o<=>4


for your Use
WANTED: 50 students to work during
our school opening rush, starting
June 28th.



(Continued from Page 4)

2003 Angell Hall
Pott ............ Ger.
Pott ............ Ger.
Pott .............Ger.
2225 Angel Hall
Philippson .......Ger.
Philippson ........ Ge




1, Sec. 1
1, Sec. 2
r. 32, Sec.4

3017 Angell Hall
Reichart ........ Ger. 2, Sec.
Reichart ........ Ger. 31, Sec.
205 Mason, Hall
Gaiss ...........Ger. 1, Sec.
Gaiss ...........Ger. 2, Sec.
Gaiss ...........Ger; 31, Sec.
101 Economics
Beerbaum .......Ger. 1, Sec.
Beerbaum .......Ger. 1, Sec.
Beerbaum .......Ger. 2, Sec.
Beerbaum .......Ger. 32 Sec.
2054 Natural Science
Kahan ..........Ger. 1, Sec.
Wahr ...........Ger. 32, Sec.
2082 Natural Science


discussion sections 7 and 8 (Slosson)
in Room 231 Angell Hall.
History 50, final examination
Tuesday, June 18, 2-4; Adams to
Lunden, Room 1025 Angell Hall;
Luttmann to Zeeb, Room B Haven
Political Science I and II:
The following rooms will be used
for the final examination (Saturday,
June 15. 10:30-12:30) for Political
Science I:
Norton's sections, 1025 Angell Hall.
Steuei wald's and MacLoed's sec-
tions, Natural Science Aud.
Scheips' sections, Room C, Haven
Political Science II: Final exam-
ination (Sat., June 15, 10:30-12:30)
Silva's sections, 231 Angell Hall.
Lederle's and Bromage's sections,
35 Angell Hall.
Phillips' sections, 25 Angell Hall.
Kallenbach's sections, 1035 Angell
Rossiter's sections, Room B, Haven
Concentration <Students in Psychol-
ogy: Students attending the Summer
Session are asked to make appoint-
ments immediately with the Advisor
through the Secretary's office for the
following days:
Tuesday, June 11, 2-3 p.m.
Wednesday, June 12, 9-11 a.m.
Sociology 196: Final examination
today from 7:00-9:00 p.m., Room D,
Haven Hall.

at 4065 Natural Science.
A. J. Eardley.

Courses in General Chemistry:
Students who must take general
chemistry should elect this work in
the Summer Session, since there is
every prospect that it will be neces-
sary to turn away a large number of
students in the Fall Term, as was the
case at the beginning of the present
Student Recital: Virginia Ruth
Smith, soprano, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music at 8:30 this evening in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Miss Smith is
a student of voice under Thelma
Lewis. The program is open to the
Better fishing? Rotunda, Museum
Building. Through June 30. 8:00-9:00
week days; 2:00-5:00, Sundays and
Michigan Historical Collections.
"Public Schools in Michigan." Hours:
8:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 4:30 Monday
through Friday, 8:00 to 12:00 Satur-
Events Today
The Christian Science Organization
will hold its regular Tuesday evening
meeting tonight at 8:15 in the Chapel
of the Michigan League.







. :

o y u



Eaton. ...........Ger.
"D" Haven Hall
Kahan ..........Ger.
Kahan ..........Ger.
"E" Haven Hall
Reiss ...........Ger.
"+G" Haven Hall

2, Sec.
32, Sec.


2, Sec. 6
2, Sec. 13
1, Sec. 6

A Square Deal for the Student Always

Krueger.........Ger. 1, Sec. 11
West Lecture Room - Physics
Braun..........Ger. 1, Sec. 9
Braun ..........Ger. 2, Sec. 4
Braun...........Ger. 2, Sec. 10
German 1 and 2 makeup examina-
tions will be given in Room 203 Uni-
versity Hall Friday, June 14, from


DflflII CTflDE

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