TUEDAY, JUNE 11, 1946 THE MTIHIN DAILY PAGE FM PAGE FIVE Bluebook Ball Will Feature Layton's Band 'B2' Theme To Be Carried Out By Program, Favors, Prizes Saturday In Union Ballroom The traditional Bluebook Ball, pre- sented annually by the Union Exe- cutive Council, will feature the mu- sic of Bill Layton and his orchestra from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday in the Rainbow Room of the Union. All guests will receive miniature bluebooks with grades ranging from 0 to 100. During intermission brownies will be presented to those receiving grades of 100, while those who receive 0 will be given apples for their tea- chers. "B Square" will be the theme of the dance, and old examination pa- pers, used as decorations, will carry out this theme. A program of inter- mission entertainment has been planned, and a door prize will be awarded. Patti DuPont will furnish the vocals with Layton's orchestra. The Union Taproom will be open during intermission for refresh- ments. Harold Walters, chairman of the Bluebook Ball, has announced, "The only purpose of this dance is to re- lieve the congestion in the library Saturday night. In order to save the library chairs, come to the B Square Dance." Dean Alice Lloyd Announces Closing Hours for Women The Office of the Dean of Women has announced the closing hours for coeds during the week of exams. From Thursday through Tuesday, June 18, closing hours will be 10:30 p.m. on week days, 12:30 Friday and Saturday, and 11 p.m. on Sunday. On Wednesday and Thursday, June 19 and 20, women's residences will close at 11 p.m., and on Friday and Saturday at 12:30 a.m. Because the Judiciary Council will not be functioning for the remainder of the semester, the Dean's Office will handle all cases of violations of house rules. Final Luncheon Will Be Held As the final event Of ther y(' iJY, the Alumnae Council has planned a Michigan Women's Luncheon which will be held Friday, June 21, in the League Ballroom, according to Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, general chairman. The affair will be presented in honor of women who have returned from the service and those who are members of the faculty of the Uni- versity. Highlighting the afternoon's pro- gram, will be a talk on the United Nations to be given by Sigrid Arne. Miss Arne is an Associated Press cor- re:pondent, and author of The Unit- ed Nations Primer. Mrs. Conger is to be assisted by a committee including Mrs. Marion Fead, arrangements; Miss Marion McKinney, programs; Mrs. Lois Nie- huss, invitations; Miss Ethel Mc- Cormick, alumnae exhibits; Mrs. Waterman, printing; and Mrs. Gic- fel, decorations. The committee expects to enter- tain some five hundred guests, among whom will be many out of town women. Special Student &ph Projct Serv Ball To Honor Shortagc of Nursi All Graduates The final dance to be given this SOPh Project. a student ii riVCC (I- semester will be the Student Fare- signed to help alleviate the shortage well Dance from 9 pin. to midnight, of nurses at, the University Hospila,., { was first organized in September, Wednesday, June 19, in the Union 1942. as a part of the League Coun- Ballroom. cil "All out for war" campaign. tCCI ROlNv I 0 The dance will be given primarilyF to honor the graduating seniors but all students desiring to relax after finals will be welcome. Tickets may be purchased before the dance at! the regular price for Union dances.1 Bill Layton and his orchestra will play for the affair and will bid fare- well to the seniors with a program of special Michigan music. There will be a meeting of all freshmen women who are inter- ested in learning to tell fortunes for next year's Soph Cabaret at 5 p.m. today in the ABC Room, of the League. Those unable to at- tend may leave their names in the Soph Cabaret box in the Under- graduate Office. on G +D Gl By LYNNE FORD WITH THE SEIGE of mental duress fast closing in, thoughts of clothes are limited to two major considerations; one, how to find time to keep cottons wearable, and two, how to find time and resourcefulness enough to cram three trunkfuls of clothes into one. But since The Clothesline is hav- ing similar confugalties, don't expect to find any great revelation here. In- stead, we have every intention of blithely rambling on, as far from pertinent topics as possible. As a matter of fact, it's amazing what a lift bogged down exam morale can receive from treating yourself to a new outfit, or even a pair of shoes. Being hard. under the influence of philosophy and Neitzsche at present, we must admit that a sartorial splurge is merely a means of escape -but at least, it's a good one. NEWEST UNDER THE SUN, are the short skirted playdresses, vaguely reminiscent of Trojan war- ----- I ---____.._e®_____________ ®___________------ ail for Graduadioiu1 rior costumes. A definitely covered- up look is kept in front, some even have hints of sleeves, but backs are as completely bare as custom allows. Brief skirts slashed to the length of verra-short shorts are usually pleated widely in unpressed pleats. Wide leather belts cinch in the sun gal's waist and complete the outfit. One of the most striking of these newest ideas in playclothes is of gray butcherdrayon, finished off with a wide red polished leather belt. Designers this season seem to dis- dain the common in playclothes, and another new idea adapts the versa- tile leotard as a basic form. Sleek fitting and slim, these suits are strik- ingly plain. The covered-up look pre- dominates again, with simple round necklines holding the spotlight. Short sleeves complete the modest illusion, which a downward glance contradicts emphatically. Skin tight and brief shorts are either diaper wrapped or sarong style. Others feature legs cut up almost to the waist on the out- sidt. Again, the wide belt provides the finishing touch. FOR THE GAL with less sleek as- pirations, fashion has provided the exact opposite of these sophisticated playsuits in femininely frilled styles. Bloomers are unmistakably back in all their pert glory and have readily been adapted in playclothes. The round look, decreed by Paris, is em- phasized even more by the use of ruffles, row on row, on the bottom of shorts and bloomers. One particularly attractive outfit is of old fashioned checked gingham and consists of shorts ruffled from the hips down and a bra made com- pletely of narrow ruffles. The brief sun suit is topped by a short coat will full push-up sleeves and cut to flair in back. MORE PROSAIC, but still practi- cal, are the one piece short suits with matching skirts. Designed to defy discovery, many of these may be worn as dresses, with nary a thought of propriety. Definitely "this year" are the smooth wraparound semi- draped skirts which tie at the side. Playshoes are as varied as ingenu- ity can make them and finish off new playclothes in a dash of glory. Probably the most daring are thong sandals. Their claim to fame is their cool comfort, consisting of only a sole, an instep strap, and a single strip of leather from the instep which fastens between the first and second toes. Because the ountry was at wiar, the Council decidedtl to replace Soph Cabaret, a traditional social event since 1929, with Soph Project to pro- vide particular service work for sophomore women. Due to the ur- gent need of aides by the hospitals, the plan was later expan(led to in- clude all eligible coed. a Coeds were requested tosign for at least 4 hours ofat'l..sp ial work per week. A training period of sev- eral weeks initiated the volunteers to hospital ethics and routines. af- ter Wlich each person waS assignied to a definite station to be covered each week. The specific duties of these volun- teers were varied and included: car- ing of patients' flowers; passing nourishments, food trays, and ice water; putting away clean linen; cleaning instruments; taking patients to clinics; passing mail; and directing afternoon visitors. The true value of the volunteers was that she could relieve the nurses of so many small tasks that prevented them from attending to their more urgent technical duties. The coed, too, could make life more pleasant for the patients by doing little services that the nurses and ward helpers had no time to do. During the war the program met with considerable enthusiasm on the part of the students. More than 200 women signed up for work during the first semester that it was in opera- tion, and contributed approximately 50 hours per person. Although Soph Project was orig- inally developed as a war measure, its services merited perpetuation of the program. During the past year, the enrollment of women was not as high as that of the war years, but the demand has not been as great. According to Mrs. Elizabeth Mc- Coy, supervisor of the Volunteer Ser- vice at University Hospital, "The past year has been successful because of the marked enthusiasm shown by the students, who, no longer bur- dened by the war effort, came to work by their own volition." Yolunteer work in Soph Project has not been merely a one-sided sacrifice on the part of the workers. Many women Have gained valu- able experience in the fields in which they plan to concentrate. Volunteering has provided the op- portunity for future nurses to familiarize themselves with the general '7nditions seen in the htospita1. Many have lmid ira inn iu child care because hoffhrle services in the children's vwordi.. Experience in the chemistry laboratories has also aided some coeds in preparin- for their future jobs as laborat ory assistants, technicians, anci technologists. The Hospitol has written recommenda- tions to place some of the students in volunteer work ii other hospitals during the summer. Volunteer h il work, as an- nounced by cynth ia )C o ter present general chairman of Soph Project, will continue nex year as part of the League activil i-s. "It is h'oped that coeds will show the same interest in aiding at University hospital as they have in the past Miss Cotes said. Will e Given The Michiami Dames will hold their annual banquet at 6:30, today in the League. The prog ram will open with two songs by the Clef Club, accompanied by Marjorie Fox. Installation of offi- cers will follow. The officers for the next year are: president, Mrs. Gordon C. Wirick, vice-president, Mrs. Aus- tin H. Beebe, recording secretary,, Mrs. Ralph Luebke, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ernest W. Robinson, and treasurer, Mrs. Willard Nelson. After the installation, a piano selec- tion, "Papillons" by Schumann will be given. The Sylvia Studio will then present a tap dance and an adagio given by Eristerie Power and Cliff Hartmen. Two contralto solos sung by Adelaide I. Stevens will conclude the program. Her selections will be "Pale Moon" by Logan and "My Message" by D. Hardlot. Recital To Be Given By Rhythm Classes Pupils in the Dance and Rhythm classes of the kindergarten through the fourth grades in the University Elementary School will present a dance recital at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in the auditorium of the school. The recital will be given for pupils of the school, their parents and guests. Anyone else desiring to at- tend may arrange to do so by call- ing the University Elementary school. Ten dance numbers and various solos will be given under the direction of Miss Julie Wilson. The accompan- ist will be Mrs. Irma Hayden who composed the music for all the dances. Movies of the recital will be taken by Reg Eggleston. DON'T BE A DUNCE C a N~ be w( C ar ea pt HIS DAY Can be happier one with a gift from EIBLER'S. We have practi- cally anything to make pop happy, including cigarette lighters, cuff buttons, tie clips, billfolds, key chains, belt buckles, and pocket knives. 7 4 , \ 1\ YOU, YES, YOU! Come straight to the VAN Al KEREN SHOP, 725 North Unive sity. We have a large supply yarns in colors and texture ju right for argyle socks. 0 O 3 07 SOUTH Sr 4 ome to the CAMPUS SHOP for graduation gift. If you haven't een able to find the right thing, e can show you an excellent line jewelry which will make the effect present. Our suggestions re a strand of pearls, or a pair of arrings. Another possibility in he way of graduation gifts is a urse. w# TOILETRIES: Bendel and by Henri . Prince Matchabelli. ko ACCESSORIES: Bags, belts, and gloves by Lederer. z-l JEWELRY: Pins, brace- lets and earrings to match. COMPACTS: Silver and gold. f " SUMMER SONG Vhat is so rare as "that" day in une? For the perfect gift, make t an album from the RADIO & ZECORD SHOP, 715 North Uni- ersity. Phone 3542. f* THEY MADE 'HEIR GRADES o reward them with something rom the QUARRY. She'll love a ift of perfume or cologne in Eliz- beth Arden's Blue Grass. We also ave sachets and dusting powder a this and many other makes. 1> 5 a Y, .ti , } F ,. )UISII S TArE STREET - IN THE SUMMER SHADE Or even in the sun, you will feel cool and comfortable in a peasant blouse and dirndl skirt from the MADEMOISELLE SHOP. The blouses are cut low with a draw- string neckline, while the skirts are in bright colors, trimmed with eyelet and attractive bands. Sell All Your TEXTBOKS for b Highest Prices lucky choice for glamour! Very oo-la-la in thebare manner . . . just a few straps, a rivulet of, golden najiheads, and c orgeous suede in vivid or "postel shades !Nbew Ropester soles, I SOMETHING DIFFERENT In a gift, are the novelty belts at DILLON'S. We also have white purses and gloves which are ap- propriate for summer presents. IS at I Addoolkh, CONGRATULATION - - - m