RACIAL DISCRIMINATION See Page 4 L ip- i L r Sw0uiyrn 4hp :43 a t t]g CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LVI, No. 161 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Allies Indicted With Chetnik ByYugoslavs Mihailovic Charged With Collaboration By The Associated Press BELGRADE, June 10-The Yugo- slav government's indictment of Gen. Draja Mihailovic charged today that the Chetnik leader was told by a British officer in 1943 to "liquidate the Communists" in Yugoslavia, and that in 1944 an American officer took part in conferences between Mihailo- vic and a German commander. British Message Revealed Referring to another British mes- sage, purportedly sent from the Brit- ish command in Cairo in 1941 and relayed by a British liaison officer, the indictment said Mihailovic was told "that Yugoslavs are to fight for Yugoslavia and not transform the fight into a rebellion of Communists on behalf of Soviet Russia." The indictment was read at the opening of Mihailovic's trial on charges of treason and collaboration, in a floodlighted courtroom packed with more than 1,000 spectators. 'U' Professor Named Drawn up by Marshal Tito's gov- ernment the indictment said that in August, 1944, an American Colonel named McDowell, identified in the document as chief of an American mission to Mihailovic's headquarters, met the Chetnik chief and a German named Neubacher, identified as chief of the administration staff of the Nazi military commander in Serbia. It said a month later McDowell also attended a meeting with Mihailovic and Neubacher's deputy. In Washington the War Depart- ment identified the U.S. officer as Col. Robert H. McDowell and said he was a teacher of Balkan history at the University of Michigan. The War Department did not know his whereabouts, and was unable to say whether he is still in the service. Thirteen Co-Defendants The grizzled Chetnik leader enter- ed the courtroom unaided, despite recent reports that his near-sighted- ness :had grown almqst to blindness. With him in the dock were 13 co- defendants accused of treasonable re- lations with the Germans. Ten others are being tried in absentia. Mihailovic, maintaining a quiet dignity, replied to preliminary ques- tions in a firm voice. When asked his occupation, he said "General of the Army" Arbiters Offer Plan To Avert Shiping Strike WASHINGTON, June 10- ()- Federal conciliators threw a new pro- posal into the boiling maritime labor pot today after a congressional com- mittee, sensing failure, decided to try writing its own recipe for peace. The labor department men, in a do-or-die effort to avert a strike of CIO seamen and dock workers on all coasts at midnight Friday, suggested a cash substitute for the shorter work-week demanded by seagoing un- ions. The proposal: that instead of short- ening the present 56-hour week, some lesser limit be fixed beyond which a bonus payment would be granted. On the basis of repeated union statements - that only an actual shortening of the basic working week can prevent a strike-the proposal seemed foredoomed to failure. But CIO's militant National Mari- time Union, largest of the seven, was preparing to suggest a "new ap- proach" to the problem, a union of- ficial said. Terms of this new pro- posal were not revealed. Chairman A. B. Kelley (Dem., Pa.) of a House labor subcommittee plung- ed into the scene by calling, union leaders and ship operators into pub- lic hearings starting tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. The group may arrive at a "speci- fic proposal" for settlement, he said, since it appears that "there will be nothing coming out of the labor de- partment negotiations." 'U' Chapter of IICE Holds Inaugural Dinner The Michigan Chapter of the In- dian Institute of Chemical Engineers, first chapter to be organized, held its' inaugural dinner last night. Daily Poll Reveals Vets Ideas For 'U-'Changes Veterans Ask for More Praetical Courses, More Social Facilities, and Better Counseling Twenty-four different suggestions regarding teaching and curriculum at the University were offered by the veterans reached through the recent Daily opinion survey of 100 veterans.. The impressions made upon the veterans by nives-ity women were also expressed, as well as recommendations concernhin soial life, counseling needs and veterans' wives. In making suggestions about the acadenije ife of the iUniversity, nine veterans advocated more individual attheii , si pressed a desire for more discussion and less formal lecturing, seven recot nn ded review of courses taken before the war and one a -ref i her course for all freslinen. The complaint that courses are "not practical enough" was made by two veterans. One veteran felt that his maturity was not being recognized while another claimed that there were "too many unimportant subjects." Four veterans suggested higher standards for professors and one said that there should be more younger professors. Too much emphasis is placed on grades, according to one veteran, while another objected to compulsory attendance. Among the suggestions made concerniing examinations were these, made by one veteran each:that the examinations do not measure ability accurately, and that there should be more true-false tests, more quizzes -> and more examinations developed Jackson Bares Supreme Court Feud With Black; COL, ROBERT H. McDOWELL Former University professor named yesterday in Mihailovic in- dictment. * * * Tito Indictment Names Former VU'Professor Col. Robert H. McDowell, named yesterday by the Tito government in a bill of particulars against Gen, Draja Mihailovic at Belgrade, form- erly was research associate in Meso- potamian Archaeology and Assistant History Professor at the University. A native of Alexandria, Syria, he was graduated from Wooster, O., Prep School and Wooster College in 1915. He received his master's and doctor's degree from the University after two years of graduate study at Ohio State University. In 1917, he was field treasurer of the American Relief Committee in Iran and served as a lieutenant in the British Army Intelligence in the Caucuses. Later he was Investiga- tion and Field Director of the Near East Relief in Turkey. Col. McDowell also did field re- search in excavations at Tell Umar, Iraq, and around Saleucia and Tigris. In 1942 he was commissioned in the U.S. Army and in February, 1946, he resigned his University position to work for the government at Wash- ington. Bradfo rd1Urges Adult Education NEA Leader Submits Plan for Education Adults must be educated to cooper- ate in family and community activi- ties, Leland P. Bradford of the Na- tional Education Association said at the Adult Education Workshop which opened here yesterday. Emphasizing that adult education must help groups and communities to solve their problems, Bradford pointed out that two-thirds of the nation's states do not have programs for the education of adults. Responsibility for leadership in adult education belongs to states such as Michigan which have or are developing adult education programs, Bradford said. The scope of adult education should extend beyond night schools which offer academic courses to those who did not finish high school, he said. The subject of the lecture at to- day's general session of the Work- shop will be "How To Conduct a Community Survey To Determine Needs for Adult Education". The Workshop which will continue meeting through Saturday is con- ducting a study of problems con- nected with Michigan's experiment- al program in adult education. The work is being done in seminars or by committees which meet four hours daily. Senate Passes Pay Boost WASHINGTON, June 10-(lP)-The Senate passed today legislation to re- organize the machinery of Congress, provide additional professional aides, and give the members a 50 per cent pay boost, to $15,000 a year., Royalist Clique Urges Umberto To Stay in Italy ROME, June 10 -(IP)- An under- secretary in Premier Alcide De Gas- peri's cabinet declared tonight that a clique around King Umberto "was urging him to stay" in Italy despite the Supreme Court's announcement of the Republic's victory in last week's plebiscite. The spokesman, Giuseppe Spataro, a Christian Democrat and undersec- retary of the interior, said the mon- arch was willing to accept the high court's announcement and leave the country but that people around him were "arguing that it is his historic duty" to remain. Cabinet Awaiting Decision Spataro said the King was meeting at the Quirinale Palace with his counsellors. The cabinet would await word of the King's final decision be- fore taking action itself, the under- secretary continued. Shortly after Spataro's statement Giuseppe Romita, Minister of the In-' terior, emerged from a cabinet ses- sion and told newsmen "everything is up in the air." "Wait an hour," Romita said as he hurried downstairs in the Viminale Palace to confer with police author- ities on the exceptional precautions taken to maintain public order. Court Announces Republican Win Italy's highest court announced to- night a victory for the Republic in last week's plebiscite, but King Um- berto's aide, Gen. Adolfo Infante, said the monarch would postpone his departure into exile because the wording of the decision left the out- come of the vote "indefinite." Almost immediately his statement was contradicted by Vice Premier Pietro Neni. Emerging from a cab- inet meeting called to consider the difficult and potentially dangerous situation engendered by the decision, Neni told a news conference the King would leave tomorrow "for Portugal." Forty Openings In Men's Co-ops Listed Cooperative houses will have open- ings for 40 men for the summer ses- sion, Bill Gamzon of the Inter-Co- operative Council announced last night. Interviews for applicants will be held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday in the Union. ,Interested students unable to attend this interview can call 6284 for further information. The average weekly cost for board and room in the Co-ops ranges from $5.55 to $7.50. The houses are op- erated on the Rochdale principles; under this system each member works four or five hours a week at the house and expenses are shared on a non-profit, cooperative living pro- gram. by the department as a whole. Two veterans each advocated smal- ler classes and elimination of group requirements. Visual aid were suggested as a pos- sible improvement by three veterans, while one veteran each recommended more cultural subjects, an honor sys- t em in the engineering , school, tu- toring for engineering students, a work-study plan, more counselors and advisers and text books which would be brought up to date regularly. University women made good or favorable impressions upon 15 of the 100 veterans, according to the survey. Fourteen veterans found that their impression of coeds was the same as of any other women. Eleven veterans had formed no impressions or said they had made no contact with University women. Coeds were found to be "fairly serious" by nine veterans, while se- ven veterans said they are "imma- ture," six said they were "average" of "all right" and two found them "difficult to become acquainted with," "Pseudo-sophistication" of Uni- versity women was remarked upon by three of the veterans, while three others found them "frivo- lous." That coeds are "well-man- nered" was noted by five veterans and two of them thought that the women are "of high caliber." The "modesty" and "prudishness' of the coeds was noted by two veterans. Seventeen of the 100 veterans ad- vocated more social facilities. More get-togethers were recommended by eight of them while two veterans sug- gested more open dances. Hours for women are too early complained four veterans. Five felt that the driving regulations are too stringent and two said that they thought the liquor regulations are too strict. Three declared there were too many regulations altogether and See VETS, Page 2 Dre Reaches TotalOf $2,d431 The University's Famine Relief Drive collection was brought up to a total of $2431.74 yesterday with the submission of $207.76. League house contributions up to date include 900 Oakland, $7.75; 72 Haven, $6.60; 802 Oakland, $6.15; 433 Maynard, $5.50: 1014 Vaughn, $532; 1036 Oakland, $3.60; 503 Monroe, $3.36; 820 Hill, $300; 407 Hamilton Place, $2.95; 703 Church, $2.85; 1011 Vaughn, $2.50; 726 Oakland, $1.68; 703 Haven, $1.03; and 953 Green- wood, $1.00. Total sorority contributions are Kappa Kappa Gamma, $30.65; Al- pha Epsilon Phi, $21.28; Pi Beta Phi, $16.85; Sigma Delta Tau, $12.48; Del- ta Delta Delta, $6.52; Alpha Phi, $600; and Kappa Delta, $2.09. Contributing Residence Halls in- clude Martha Cook Bldg., $77.74; Betsy Barbour, $46.35; Helen New- berry, $39.10; Jordan Hall, $34.76; Mosher Hall, $25,000; and Vaughn House, $2.67. The Michigan Christian Fellow- ship has contributed $88.36 and the Graduate Student Council $25.00. Charges Hoo se Ju dii ry Group Expected To Investigate Black Declines To Make Comment on Statement By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, June 10-The ex- plosion within the United States Su- preme Court rocked the Capitol to- night, and it was expected that Con- gress would conduct an investigation of the angry charges levelled by Jus- tice Jackson against Justice Black, Most Congressmen were loath to comment pending a study of the documents in the case, but it was predicted privately that the House Judiciary Committee would look into the case. No Comment Obviously taken aback by the nature of Jackson's comments, Sena- tor Hatch (Dem., N.M.) a member of the Judiciary Committee, told a reporter that "the charges are so grave that I cannot comment on them." Justice Black, through his office, declined comment on Jackson's as- sertions, made at Nuernberg, Ger- many, where he was presiding at the war crimes trials. White House Press Secretary Char- les G. Ross said that there would be no comment there on the situation. Vinson Quiet Fred M. Vinson, now Secretary of the Treasury, who had been nomina- ted by President Truman to be chief' Justice, also had no comment to make. Senator Kilgore (Dem., W.Va.) said he saw no reason why the Senate should take any recognition of the Jackson - Black controversy unless Vinson's nomination should become involved in some manner. , Under the Constitution, the House initiates impeachment. In that event, the Senate becomes the bar of justice. 'Ensian To Be Late This Year June 21 Is Date Set or Yearbook DistributionI The 'Ensian will be late again this year. Norma Johnson, 'Ensian business manager, announced yesterday that the 1946 album of Michigan life has been delayed at the printers and will not arrive until June 21. They will be distributed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. that day. Seniors who will not remain for commencement and other students who do not plan to return to the cam- pus in the fall can leave their mail- ing addresses at the 'Ensian office in the Student Publications Building. There will be no mail distribution of 'Ensians to students who will be on campus for the summer session or the fall semester, Miss Johnson said. Summer distribution dates will be announced in The Daily. '45 'Ensians on Sale Due to the failure of the stu- dents notified to pick up their copies, approximately 30 copies of the- 1945 Michiganensian are available for campus sale. 'Ensians may be purchased from Mrs. James in the Student Pub- lications Office today, tomorrow, or Thursday. ROBERT . . . Supreme disclosed feud Black. Stun Congress * * C. JACKSON Court Justice who with Justice Hugo Ohio State Dean: To Speak Today1 At Presentati~on Dean Harlan Hatcher, of the lib- eral arts college of Ohio State Uni-, versity, will give the annual Hop- wood Awards Presentation Lecture, at 4 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall, after which winners of the spring contest will be announced. Approximately $6,000 will be divided among the winners in the major and minor divisions in fiction, essay, dra- ma and poetry from the fund set up by the will of the late Avery Hop- wood, member of the class of 1905 and prominent American dramatist. Dean Hatcher, who will deliver a speech entitled "Towards American Cultural Maturity," is the author of numerous books, ireluding "Creating the Modern American Novel," "The Versification of Robert Browning" and "Lake Erie," which is one of the five volumes in the "American Lake Series." Dean Hatcher received his edu- cation at Ohio State University and the University of Chicago, doing his host doctoral work abroad. He has lectured on American literature at Ohio State where he was chairman' of the English department, and has spoken on English literature at the University of Iowa. "He is a worthy Hopwood Lectur- er," said Prof. Bennett Weaver, of the English department and friend of Dean Hatcher, "because of his knowledge of social situations here' and abroad. He has breadth and depth of culture and a great interest in human affairs," Contestants, who have submitted 41 manuscripts, have been invited to meet Dean Hatcher at 8 p.m. in the Hopwoodl Room of Angell Hall, Cheninault To Head Chinese Air Lines GRAND RAPIDS, June 10-(A)- Claire L. Chennault, leader of China's "Flying Tigers" during the war, an- nounced here today he plans to re- turn to China next month to organ- ize an air line for hauling food to stricken areas there. Chennault said his air line would function under a contract with CNRRA, the Chinese counterpart of UNRRA. CNRRA means Chinese Na- tional Rehabilitation and Relief Ad- ministration. Former Law Partner Figures In Accusations Practice Will Lead to Disrepute, justice Says By The Associated Press NEURNBERG, Germany, June 10 -In an unprecedented attack on a colleague of the United States Su- preme Court, Justice Robert H. Jack- son charged tonight that Justice Hu- o Black had participated in decis- ions affecting a former law partner, and that the practice, if continued, would bring America's highest court into "disrepute." Jackson, now on leave from the Supreme Court to serve as Chief American Prosecutor at the War Crimes Trial here, said in a written statement issued at a news confer- ence that a "feud" of longstanding existed between Black and him. Feud Long-Publicized The feud, he said in the statement, which was cabled to the House and Senate Judicial Committees, "has been so long publicized that Congress has a right to know the facts- and issues involved." Declaring that Black had threat- ened him with "war" unless he "cov- ered up facts" in a case in which Black's law partner was involved, Jackson said: "There may be those who think it quite harmless to encourage employ- ment of justices' ex-law partners to argue close cases by smothering ob- jections which the bar makes to this practice. "But in my view such an attitude soon would bring the court into dis- repute. However innocent a coinci- lence these two victories at succes- sive terms by Justice Black's former law partner, I wanted that practice stopped. If it is ever repeated while I am on the bench, I will make my Jewel Ridge opinion look like a letter of recommendation by comparison." Jackson Declines To Elaborate Jackson declined to elaborate on his "feud" with Black except to tell reporters that the feuding existed among justices appointed by Presi- dent Roosevelt. "And they called us rubber stamps," he added bitterly. His cable to the two Congressional committees, Jackson asserted, was in answer to what he termed unjusti- fied attacks in the press, and inti- mated Black was behind those at- tacks. W He referred to a Washington Star column by Doris Fleeson, on May 16, 1946, which, he said, quoted Black as complaining against a decision by Jackson in the Jewel Ridge coal case as an "open and gratuitous insult" and a "slur upon his (Black's) per- sonal and judicial honor. Column Given to President The column purportedly related to the "inside story" of the case as laid before President Truman The Supreme Court decision in the Jewel Ridge coal case held that soft coal miners were entitled to portal- to-portal pay. In the 5-to-4 decision handed down on May 7, 1945, Justice Murphy wrote the majority opinion and Jackson a dissenting opinion. Need for More Pay Boosts Cited DETROIT, June 10-(JP)--Labor must demand another round of pay increases by Labor Day if Congress scuttles price control, John W. Gib- son, Assistant Secretary of Labor, told Michigan CIO delegates at open- ing sessions of their state conven- tion today. Gibson, former President of the Michigan Council, described the pre- sent industrial strife as "the most terrible period in the memory of unionists." He said the general public does not understand the underlying problem- that of reopening every labor con- tract in the country since the end of the war. "There are at least N000 labor contracts in the nation and that is a. PRESIDENT RUT H V EN PRAISED: Far-Sighted_'U' The present administration of the - -- Administration Cited by Editor University shows "anhexceptionally' courageous and far-sighted facing up to the educational problems which are emerging in the post-war period," according to William G. Avirett, edu- cation editor of the New York Her- dance this University can plan more intelligently for the future than is usually the case. In his conference with University officials, Avirett found that Michi- gan has "a good picture" of the GI all the pressures are toward locali- zation of educational facilities." Speaking of the number of foreign students here, Avirett praised the University for recognizing the two- way value of their presence, and said Avirett, who has investigated the post-war situation in most of the universities in the East and Middle West, pointed out that next fall will not see the peak of the GI boom, but that it will continue until Septem- The crux of the whole matter, ac- cording to Avirett, lies in the short- age of trained teachers. The prob- lem at Michigan, as at all other edu- cational institutions, is to continue to do work of high quality as the